Will Have Condenser. Howard & Tebault returned Saturday evening from Stayton, where they com pleted arrangements for a milk con denser, and uti Wednesday the contract will be signed for the machinery. Btayton is right on the hustle, going ahead in good shape, the center of a splendid dairying country. In the Circuit Court of tl.e stale ul Oregon for tht Ccuuty ol Line. De psiimeDt No. 2. H . F. Merrill as arimioi-trator of the estate of Jacssou L. Roaecrans de caeed, ye. Jay K'jaecmns and Maud BosecrauB. bis wile, uuleudaut?. To Jay Rosecraua ami Maud Kose- crana, bis wile, the delendcotB above named: la tbe namo of the state of Oregon : You, and each of yon are hereby re quired to appetr and answer the com piuiot of the above named piaint'ff in the above entitled Court now on file with the Clerk of said Court on or be fore the 0 u duy of October, 1908; and you are hereby notified thai if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as hereby notified that if you fail to appear and auawer eaid couiplaiut as hereby required the plaintiff wi 1 apply to eaid court for a decree mat the deed eze u ted ae alleged in ihe coiuplaiut bereiu by ire eaid Jacknoa L. Roaecrans on ihe Uth day oi January, 1908, wherem the eaid Jackson L. Risecrana conveyed to Jay Kosecrans, one of the defendants h-reio, tb- Northwest quarierol Seciion 35 in Township 12 South o. Rduue 3 East of the Willamette Meridian in Lintt County, Oregoa, containing 16Q aces, be declared fraudulpa-. and void and set aaide and held for naught, aud hat plaic tiff have judgment agamst the defend ants for his cost and iliaburseuientB herein and for su h other and iurtber order as to Ike court eeauis proper. This Butumona is pubiiBhed once a weea for tbe period ot six weeks In the Albany Democrat, hy order "I the Hoc. J. N. Duncan, the Couuty Judge of Liun County, O euou, made on the 22nd day of AuguBt, 1908. Toe first day of publication ol eaid summons is Angust 28th, 1908. 0. C. BRYAN X and T. J. STITES, Attorneys for Plaint-ff. EXECUTORY NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the under signed executor of the last will and test ament ol Jason Wheeler deceased, pur suant to an order of tbe Oounty Court of L'on County, Oregon made and enteed in tbe matter ot tbe state of auid , deceased, on the 8th day of September, ; 1908, will, from and after the 20th day i of Ociober, 1908, p oceed to Bell, at pri- ' vate eale, for caab in hand, tbe following described real prooerty belonging to tbe estate of ea d'deceased, to-wit: Lots 2, 4, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of wbeel- i er's Home F rm, in 8r. 17, Townebip , 11 South, Range 3 West of tne Willam ette Meridian, in L on Ouuntv, Oregon ; AIbo, beginning at, ilia S..uui Eaat corn- ' erofLot 6 in fca.ri wnel r'e Home. Farm, and running thence Njrtb 13 de- grees 5 minutes Etstll.86 cuaine. thence North tG degrees WeBt 1.06 cuaine, thnnftA Rrtmh 15t Haorrn.a a mtniila. 13.26 chain, tc the Smth linn nf o-iH lot, thence Easterly on said line 4.06, chains, to tbe pIslh of beginning: Alan ttiau, all of lot 1 1 in aaid Home Farm, "xct-p log 2.02 ores (It ol tbe East bUh tln-re-fo sold to M. J. Kitchen, containing in all 80.70 scree. Also, Lot 4 in Block 18 in tht City of AlhAiiB. in I. inn rintintv ("li-atynn cepting a atrip 8 feet wide uff of me west aide tnereoi, as the eame appears caneu nome ny tne illness ot his father, from the recorded pi.-t ol said City on 1 Mrs. R. B. Vunk today was paid the file to the office nf tbe Ceuuty Record, insurance on the beneficiary certificate of said Liou County; of Mr. Vuuk in the A. O. U. W., $1840. Also, tne South West quirter ol Block I Miss Pearl Lannrte ia visitino- hoi 25. in Hacaiemao'. Second Additiun to J? Mr3 Welch iri ltiLne She ha'a SVtb dAvi o7n Unne,t?0een in an office in Los Angeles for run parallel with the opposite boundary lines af said block. Said sales to be made sat ji;t to con .hramtion by eaid Conntv O'inr'. ' CYROS H. WALKER, Ere :nt jr. REGISTRATION OF LAID HUE, . In the Circuit Court of the State of "Oregon for Liuo County. In ibi matter of the application of ' Teetje Obliuic to register the title to tbe folio ffing described premises, to-wit: The East haif nf the North Weai quar ter of Block No. 45 in tnityul Albany, iu Linn County, Oregon, the htundary . lines thereof to run paml el vi b opposite 'oun.l.rv liuea of a il li cet, the same Ouing rouiuimtly buowu as Lot No. 2 n aiu Bloi k N.i. 4. aunin t ..j .mes m. mariR, and all whom r. uiiv .concern, d-famUm. To all whom it may concern: T-.fcu noiiee, that on the I2tt d y of S-cchiii-4er, A. D. 1908 n nnplicatio .waa filed by aaul Ta-ji Ojli ii; m the Circuit Conn n the s a.o ol Ore gon for Linn C umy for mitul reif tm .lion of tbe ti'le to ihe iaud above de scribed. N w, unleea you Mptiear o- " before tn- 19tn iluy n Ocioiwr.A. O. I SOS, Hod show mu wny bi 0 , pnlut "tin,, .bhatl not h iti-anted, the e me win be laseo Me cuulrnputl. nud n J cleB Wld be eiitrred uc ortiimr'o h p aver of iIip .apLilira inu, dn i you wnl oe (oiever Oarreii triMii u p tinir te anp. kV'i i e. niv IihiiiI snd th" pbi of 8nl O' aalil Circuii Con- . this 12b day ol e-piemotr, A. I. 190S. s J. . MIL Ei, I u I Conntv OUrii hui! ex officio " AlA )' clan fine C-rcnu C nrt of ' IjIdu Co.iniv. Oreoo. HKWHT&OX. Applican 'a At ori,yg, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice i he eby given that the under e'.noed naa bder. hy the Couuty Court of Lio Conniv, Oregon, duly appointed execaor of th -BBt witi and testament and ema'e ol Titno hr Kelly, deceased, late of nearScio, i.inn County, Oregon. Ail pTBO ia iiir.Dn claims againit eid eatAte are berebr required to ptestflt the eame to tbe uuderiigned at 8;io, Or., du y veriBmi aa br law reqnired witbiu aix mon'tia from (hi dtite. Dated thi tbe 23-d rt of September, 1908. MICHAEL KELLY. Executor of 'tm ins' iil and tajta ment of TiuiO'iiv Kvliv, recessed. WEAXHERKciBOA WYATT, Atiu ni tor Kxorutor. MONDAY. TWO BURGLARIES. Someone attempted to rob the safe of the Albany Soda Works during last ninht. It was a very poor job, evident ly done by some green hand. Nothing was secured, but considerable trouble was caused. Entering by way of a rear window the left hand knob of the safe was knocked off, putting the in side machinery out of commission. The combination knob was left untouched. The draw of the desk was opened and some bills mussed up, and that was all. it will take a good deal of drilling- to get into the safe. On a former occa sion the soda works were entered through the rear door and nothing se cured. The Missourian was also entered and $2 in pennies secured. Seven Prizes with Five Birds. Dr. F. F. Seavers, of Sunrise, made a remarkable record with his White Plymouth Rocks, at the Portland show last week, with only five birds getting seven prizes, including threi firsts. He was first on pen. first on cock and first, second and third on pullet, and snmp anpoinla Thn hirHa nlon ntrl woll ' at Salem. The Dr. has a fine lot of fowls, with the points to show for their Dreeding. A Runaway. Judge Duncan's horse took a live run last evening. The Judge and Mrs. Duncan had gone to the Baptist church, when the horse become frightened at something and jumped around against a poie, oreaKing tne tnius trom tne wagon, then skipping west at a Tidal Wave speed toward the cemetery, finally stopping and oeing secured. Grange Notice. i Owing to unforeseen circumstances the meeting of the Linn County Coun- cil for Saturday Oct. 3 have been east ,on 8 ?lait at the home of her sis changed from No. 10 grange to West-, ter Mf8- -J- J-Evans, left on a Seattl e n Krnr rjrnTorn Tl H Rnrlino Proo ' Visit Of a few days. ..... o - . Born. To Mr. and Mrs. R. J3. Mason, on Sunday night, Sept. 27, 1908, a boy, their second child and first son ing well. All do- Dave Craig went to Shedd this after noon. Mr. Dick Rogers, of Kings Valley, Benton county, was in town today. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Launer have re. turned from the hop fields of old Polk. Hon. E. E. Upmeyer, of Harrisburg e v. in r.. ' 1. "- r P 'rw a tnrm v .,.. t ' farmer, came Un this nnnn frnm Pm-K. , i .7. r . -w.- land on an Albany visit. - Mrs. Claire Baker and son Loris, last evening returned from a visit with Mrs. oaKer s ioiks in rortiand. Mr. Walter Govro and family spent Sunday at Independence, having been some time Mr. William Obermeyer wishes -to extend thanks for many acts of kind ness during the illness and after the death of his beloved wife. T. Z. Draisand family, -former Al- bhny people, have returned to Portland from KelloKe, Idaho.' where thev have I been rrirllS5r Ml . " - - 17 names were added to the registra- tioti of the i Albany high school . today, making 155 in all, and a good many have been added to the grades. j a. car loan oi cement uiocxs lett over 'llraullB' after the completion of the depot wall9 I A. L. Clarke, who hujtles for Wad have been returned to Eugene byT. H. ihams & Co. Ellis, the contractor. E. E. Smith, Canby. The Chehalhy Wash., base ball team f- W- m"n- !?alm. claims a record, havinewon 27 straitrht tewllz!mbrae.k: Onent. games, without a defeat, beatine manv strong teams, including Aberdeen and i some of the tri-city teams. . . . ... rar. ueo. r.yan a nephew of yr. Henry Lyons and Mr. J. H. Curran, after a visit here of three mnn ntha, left i for his home el Haverhill. Mass Wftile here he made many 1'i icnos. F. C. Stellrrueher !rft Saturday for Iajs Angeles, where he expects to as sume a poain ft ir tne .National Phar macy Co's whnli.'sale house-, first mak ing a sturly of the- business. Times. A few yeats ago Halsey pre- cinct, iiite ail orners in thi3 part of the i Willamette Valley, was the home of ! many uug-iictntu pneasantS. 1 OdSy tucj, ore auarce, annual, umo extinction.- A Seattle paper has been showing up a iormer Ainany young man. who un- snoss and to dress neatly and gentile--der the cloak of religion is said to have manly for Christ's sake; to be men, cleaned up $5,000 from his friends by j first-class human beings, but not' to be borrowing from them, including $700 errand boys for church fairs, from his- own brother. Bishop Hughes has captured Che' Con- Only councilmen will be elected at ferePce- a bright, earnest spealrer' and the city election in December. The 8er"a'nian. councilmen whose terms of office wiil . " 13 said tne appointments Will not expire are J L. Tomlinson, first ward, bo aI"nced until late this evening. S. A Daxson second and Wm. Hand j third. There promises to be- consider-- A Miraculous Cllfe.- nviv iiucica, 111 mc tjiei; Lion. I W. O. Nisley, after spending a few I years in juvenile work in Portland 1 " ureBunnn wia morning in a bos i """ next two weens ano tne vallis, registered and preparing to reg--this coon returned to Albany on piano Angeles dispatch gives an account of i 'o'1'1 en'olmfnt for the year will reach ister. With the 100 of the farmer's business, which he will attend to; one Lieutenant Colonel J. M. Williams, a prominent Eugene Lawyer, was in town today on legal business. Twenty vearsago this summerMr. Williams run for county school superintendent on the republican ticket, being defeated by Mr. L. M. Curl. He then went to hugene, where he has been- successful BOOSTERS. Things Done and that Will 6e Done. One of the best wood working estab lishments in the valley is that of Roner Bros., on the Willamette, splendidly equipped tfith all the latest machinery for doing things. Boxes are their spec ialty, but thei1 do everything in a first class manner. Recently they made thirty-six tables for use at the V. A. C, and have also built several for Al bany college. In the new residence of Geo. W. Simpson there will be a kitchen a little different from anything else. Mr. Simpson for a number of years lived in the kuchen of an ocean steamer and he is DUttiner into etTar-t some of the ideas of hjs oid-time!salt waierfriend.Another thine in the handsome residence will be a den for Uncle Bob, with a porch, bed etc. on the ground floor, convenient for him. The total receiDts of library dav. kept growing until late at evening when they footed up $225. They ranged all the way from 10 cents to $5. Most of them were 50 cent pieces. Altogether it was a very successful affair and greatly en joyed by everybody, for no one was stung enough to be hurt, and that is a good way to hold up people, for then everybody can help. The campaign was conducted by the Modern Travell ers, of which Mrs. J. C. Irvine is pres ident. Misses Maud Laughead and Evelyn Marshall made the largest haul, working together, getting about $65. All the work is being done in Albany carpenters can te secured for, and the planing mills are all busy all the time. The improvements on the sister's academy, it is said will amount to at least $7,000. giving the school room for extending the work according to.the growing demand, and makint, it.; the best sister's school in the valley. News from Albany's Six Early Trains. Mrs. Cassidy who is here from the , d t r T?u;nt. ....i iii-ii il to see his son. whn has a farm thorn , r Rev. W. P. Elmore, of Brownsville, left for Pendleton, to attend the dis trict fair. This is Eastern Oregon's biggest fair, drawing large crowds. Wednesday will be political day, when there will be a joint discussion. Rev. Elmore will represent the Prohibition party, and the jther parties will have good men on tho stand. The Misses Cowan, of the public schools, returned from a Sunday visit with relatives at Lebanon, their former home. Leland Gilbert returned to Portland to resume work in Wadham's Co's with ,e wholesale house, sixth Hoor, pieiivy iaj uu an tne time. . M.. D i .i i. l . . uito. jjmucf, wnu nas oeen visiting I at S. Shupp's, lef t for her home in Pennsylvania, F. P. DeVaney returned from a visit at Leoanon. ' . ?ev. Dewart, after spending Sunday j? A'Dany. returned to Salem, where the appointments of the conference will be announced this eveninp- nnri nn nno knows what they will be. Rev. C. T. Hurd, now located in a Portland suburb, returned from a Cor vallis trip, his final move. At the Hotels. Two Bennetts at the Revere, F. A. and D. W. and both frnm PnrrlnnH Wayne Stuart, the comedian drum mer, was nere over Sunday. , F. J. Johnson, Oakland i-f Jf0.08"- a"a wlIe- Portland. j. j. t,ate. uorvallis. Minnie M. Rice, Oakland, J. M. Mummery, jr.. Independence John W. Pueh. a nonular Shorin tleman, who isn't afraid tospeak out in ..V: l- ar?' aTa'. Jhn Walling, F. A. p wi . . a - Ul?s Wesely, a prominent Scio merchant. Lee Wade, a comnetent Lmr-nln .nn. tv officio). At the Conference One of the candidates before the M. E. conference Was Colonel W. Pogue, a former Albany man and student. Bishop Hutches asked if his name was really Colonel, and the "Colonel Poiru'e ia from answer was the south." which settled it. He advised the young ministers to keen clean, harhp frpmionr. 'y. t0 brush their clothes, black their ... . j the miraculouB cure of Miss Lois Hoer- the spine and had given up entirely quitting the use of medicine. Yester- d. y she suddenly declared that she waa veil, got up, ate and went about all right,- She and her mother declare it to be a iracle. Miss Hoerner ia a former schorl mateof Mrs. Anna Strom of thiB city, in Kansas, and wa in Al- ia Hab. byott;, NO. 10. wrand Prairio Grange No. 10 last Saturday held its first meeting in the new hall, as yet unfinished and it will take considerable more work to com plete it. Owing to an unexpected dela in the carpenter work it was .found that it nuuiu ue out or tne question to enter tain the Linn Countv Council nnxr Sat-. urday. so arrangements have been made With Western Star Grann-n nonr nlr ville, to hold the meeting in its hall. The members of that Grange very gen erously took it upon themselves to pro vide entertainment, all the mnra an. preciated as they did so on very short notice. Grand Prairie grange had brought be fore it the matter of a county high school. The petition asking the County Court to submit the proposition to the legal voters of Linn county at the gen eral election, Nov. 3, was read and the subject considerably discussed. It was suggested that the matter be brought before the Linn County Council. This movement being new and not well understood some members were ' fearful the cities or towns who have ! high schools would iret the best of this. plan. It was explained that city and country districts would all share alike in the county high school fund, wherever mere were a sufficient number of scholars, of high sthool grade, to es tablish a high school. Grand Prairie decided to enter the literary contest as pmnulgated by the wnrrhv l n.hivai.nf Li mnd nn- The new hall is 32 by 44, with dining room and kitchen 22 by82. The school rooms below are 25 by 32. Full size of building inside measure is 32 by 66. -It was the wish to have the school rooms ready so as to begin, school next Monday, but it is doubtful on account of difficulty in getting workmen, so much building in Albany. Grange Correspondent. College Doings. Ihe present enrollment is 61 in the regular class, not including a large en- rollment in the conservatory of muair. At a meeting of the student bodv this morning Mr. Will Steele was reelected president, Miss Rhoda Stalnaker vice president and Carlos Cushman treasur er. Committees were annotated rn pan. vas the town for foot ball funds and arrange a social function as a foot ball benefit. RenresentnfivpA will hr nnnninfari hv the different classes to make a selection of an editor for the college paper. J TI 1 f-.cn A V 1 UCJUrt Y' Miss Evah French returned last even,- ing from Portland, ' " " Ml88 Helen P.rflrtrfnrrl fiamn mme fv.nr Corvallis thU nonn -w... ino Brownsville train was twenty. , M, n 7v V u minutes late, a rare thing for Conduct-! .... . Mr. Bert Veal was a business visitor or Sellers, who is generally in exactly1 At the meeting of the Albany Coin in Eugene yesterday, on time. mercial Club tomorrow night commit- ir. d. inompson, a - prominent tim- hoi man C 17.,.. Unn I vx Luatvif tiaa ucm ill Uleciiy. J. S. Cooper, owner of the Albany hop yard, came up this noon from In - dependence. There will be a difference of 17 per cent in the amount of taxes paid by to- morrow night and afterwards. Mrs. Kathrine Olive McCoy and hus- band arrived this noon and are tho guests ot Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Young. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Powell were in the city today on their way from Tan-o-enr. rn Krnwnnviln tn moirln Ex-Secretarv of Stf lfinn.M ..e Eugene and Portland, returned to Eu. eene this afternoon frnm P,n.) n trip. F. M. Redfield returned from the Bay last night, without any salmon. The flab are not running yet, hence the failure to get any. Clel Hayden, a son of the famous Ben Hayden. of Polk, hnq nm,. irom a trip mtougn tne county as dep. uty game warden, getting no one. Messrs. Hart and Miller of the Royal Restaurant and hotel have sold their inieresr. to meir partner Dad Williams, wno win ner .-alter lun the business. Bishop Barklev. of Woodburn. wo. in the city this noon. There are two U. B. churches un thik v h hOD look after, one at Plainvfew, another at Philomath. i Rev. and Mrs. McDougall. of Mt ' Tabor, where they have nfade a good business trip before beginning theh second year'? work there g ti,. .htij l. (-i , r. . Ihe Child Of hi. Glen, of Rpntnn .nun. ty, died this morning at the "age of 6 ing Ihem byK the hunt S r8'8 months, of SDinal men no- tia l'of . . . . coming here they lost some children. ai uin wit; same uiseuBc. I '. R. Cottage, Of North Mhanv cmn' over this morning with a wagon of win-1 ici iMjuaanes, ine nnesc yet presented here, big, s lid fellows, raised in just the right soil for growth: Walter Worrell and W. W P,uii have returned from the Bier Bottom country, where they hid a fine hunt, but it was all hunt, nodoerbeintrfnnn,! The hills are very dry, and the deer are huv uiuunu, nigner up wnere there is ater. At1. lliP mppfinfr nf t u i i.. of Albany college yesterday afternoon ??n?hu'unyjL ElCi. manaKeI to push the organization and build up a team which will be a credit to the schonl. ...w . uu.. vu.... o IJK,UU3UII irst two days registration at the lity of Oregon has been the t in the history of the institu- The first Universi greatest ion. Already nearly 47o students have enrolled which is greater than the total enrollment for the whole of last year, A large numher of old students will re- lastyear. i f Th. Uni'.el Spates Navy Deparmont has j'Ht ordered 1,275,000 pounds of canned meats from the Schwarzschild & Sulzberger Company. This is the largeatingle contract for meat ever made by the government in time of me Kuvi-iiimciii. in iirne oi It will require the slaughter of end of cattle . nd 6,000 hogs to peio-e. it .8,000 hea fill the order; the meat when packed A - APPOINTMENTS Of the M. E. Conference. Gordon for Albany. Rev The appointmauts of the M. E. con ference, made by Bishop Hughes were announced last night. Rev. W. S. Gordon is to come to Al bany. Dr. Ford, who has been in Portland. will go to Pendleton. Melville P. Wire was transferred from the Patton Church to The Dalle?. Rev. J. W. McDougall will remain at rat. laoor. D. W. Waters takes the Patton church. Rev. t. H. Dewart. recently of the. Albany church, will go to St. John's which will bring; Mr. Dewart close to his children residing at Portland and Vancouver. Rev. J. T. Abbect was nnnoinrml R S. field superintendent. H. Gould remains at Forest Grove. L. P. Beliknap, Hillsboro. A. C. Breckenburg, McMinnville. F. M. Jasper, Mehama and Lyons. W. H. Selleck. a man who sneaks out, remains at the First church Salem. nev. vvire continues as f. Hi. now :??lled district suDerinl endent of the Eugene district T. L. Jones remains at Brownsville. D. H. Leach, Corvallis. S. M. Nickle, Cottage Grove. J. L. Beatty, goes from Lebanon to Creswell and. A. F. Lacy takes the Leb- Ti 5 V j , L. Stratford, Halsey, Jas. E. Debord, Monroe. N. J. Harbit, Springfield. W. F. Rodgers, Toledo. G. L. Burkank remains at Shedd. G. F. Round. Jefferson. A. J. Hollingsworth, Silverton. News from Six of Albany's 26 j Passenger Trains. I No sand vet fnr t.hp npmonf flnnr nF the new depot, which has been Keeping the men waiting for several days. But tne terra cotta Paint is going on the roo r'Snt alonK- F. M. Pomeroy went to Salem. Henry Lyons went up to Lyons on the C. & E. S. Shupp and his son-in-law O. J. David went up to Detroit and thence a hard in? tho hills after some deer, thine to find this vear, W. R. Hoover, of Portland, went tn Hoover to look after the mill. Mr. Hoover runs the business end of the big saw mill, looking after the sales de- partment. W. D. Prettyrrwn, of McCourt & Prettyman, real ente dealers, vqtt tQ Salem, I " "" ",' , m. -' ouiington returned to su- varlnn aflni. .m AIK..n.. . niuaiij uuniucH Lrip. 1 L8wver c- E- Sox went to Portland. 1 j S. A. Lasselle, manager of the North- west Fruit Association went to Salem, He reports prospects of sixty to seven ty car loads of dried prunes this vear, B Bood liusinesa tor the season. Prunes uciiiv uiicu tx i uu ine orcnarus. Packing will begin in about two weeks at the packer. I Ex-Mayor Burtenshaw and wife of .1 . ti..... . . Lebanon, went to Portland on a few ?!y3-.v'?lt-.Mr-,b?rten8naw..18 8 P'.n eer resioenr. or Leoanon. His son is .fiue.ii. oi ieoanon. tils son justice of the prace, and recently placed the big fine of $500 on Bro n oansard Uaus Vehrs of stock and oal oil fame, Lebanon, went down the road. W. B. Chance, mill inspector went to I Salem to look after its shops. At iunrise. i . . . . Sannie 13 bucoinini 3 plsca of high towera an'-1 windmills, f jur of ihetn be- "B "P already, at Jewell's, Ross isom s and Haker s, line servation cars to them, painted and one.i w ui on- neat looking. ,. ' John Smith and fum I- th a V r moving into their nerf h-me, a nice looking place w in a b it v-rannr. m, th A n veranaa on the c..:i WSTZuX poultry best B Inck Mi- Hf ?wL".thl,Valley.V Sr , Sievers the best White Plymouth Rocks, and also 5.ume Booa white leghorns and Judd PnQo c.m I u..n? i , uuu Rev W. S. Gordon. Rev. W. S. Gordon, who has been as- signed to the pastorate of the Albany M. E. church, is now to the Deonle of the citv. and the rnmrrwinnn n : a young man of about thirtv-three. and has a wife and two children. They have been at Coos Bav. where Hnv. Gordon, has made good. He is report- u tu oe an energetic man and a gqod mixer, iney win be unable to bo in Al- banv in time for next Sundv service::, i but wi" be '' tne following Sunday. The Colu"mbiamrwllnow fish. 1 ... , "irs. uscnen Miller, of bugene, will leav Thursday for Europe, Phil Metschan and son have rcleaed fhil Metschan and son have releaeed the ImPeal at pr"a"l a' over $2,000 - mum-. George tester Paul, a former editor ' of the Corvallis Gazette, is now trav- elling with the Alcazer Stock Co full fledged actor and a good one. There are about 900 students at Cor- ou,,h wuiav, ii. iq cApuuktju tu imve a total registration this year of 1200 to law. Prof. E L. Ashby, of the Prineville .ichools. it is claimed is the youngest school superintendent in the country, being -3. He is a graduate of Western viaryiano college, inere are seven teachers under him, among them being Mi,s Alwida Wilson, formerly of the ,lhr y schools, and Miss Cora Streitel, i'.:l&n, ,1 a i high sthool with four teachers. THREE CURES OF i SEVEREKZEMA Michigan Woman Tellsof Her Broth er's Terrible Suffering with the Disease Grandchild and Another Baby also Permanently Curedi CUTICURA REMEDIES PROVED JNVALUABLE "My brother had eczema throe dif-' ferent summers. About the same time each summer it came out between hie shoulders and down his back, and he said his suffering was terrible. He used dif ferent kinds of medicines that were said to be good for that disease, but nothing seemed to do him much good. When it came on the third summer, he bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and gave it a faithful trial. Soon he began to feel bettor and he cured himself entirely with Cutioura and has never been bothered with eczema since. He also used Cuticura to cure a bunch over his eye and a terrible corn which was so bad that he could not wear his shoe. A lady in Indiana heard of how my daugh ter. Mrs. Miller, had cured her little son of terrible eczema by the Cuticura Remedies. This lady's little one had the eczema so badly that they thought they would lose it. She used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment and it cured her child entirely, and the disease never came back. Mrs. Sarah E. Lusk, ' 67 Peckham St., Coldwator, Mioh., Aua;. 15 and Sept. 2, 1907." WORLD FAMOUS Cure for Torturing, Disfiguring Skin and Scalp Humors. The agonizing itching and burning of the skin, as in eczema; the frightful scal ing, as m psoriasis; the loss of hair and crusting of scalp, aa in scalled-head ; the facial dls t igu re ment, as in acne and ringworm, find instant relief and speedy ouro, in the majority of oases, in wnrrn hAt.hnwith uuticura soap and gentle anointings with Cuticura Ointment. I Complete External and Internal Treatment for , Every Humor ot InfanU, Children, and Adult cons lata ot Cuticura So&i 2Sc.) to Clcania the Skin, Cuticura Ointment (50c.) to Ileal the HKln, and Cuticura Rcsnlvent (60c.),(orintho(orinotChoco1aMi I Coated tMlla 26c. per vlnf ot 60) to Purity the. Uluod. Sold throughout the world, rotter Drug A Cbem, Corp., Hole Props., Boston, Mass. osrMailed Free, Cuticura Book on 6kln OIhum, PORTLAND DAY nov, am tees will bo anDointed to ' . ' iu-.an?e the program for the celebration incident to the formal opening of the n;w South ern Pacific Passenger S;iiim in this city. Manager Uasent of tho Commercial Club hns urrangud with General Pas senger Agent Wm. McMurray, of trie Southern Pacific Co., for'1 the formal opening on Wednesday- Nov; 11th.- ine contrac'ors who have. tho work cnarge nave notified the S. P. C.n. that they will have the denot renrlv hv rhnr lat-Th's will also be known as "Port- Isnn rinir' fn ,l.n Ilk.... a , t: , . , J... V,,D "oiij nppie rair, which will be open Nov. 10-11-12. "L unu a tniru rare .V, ,e runa. trlP for the Apple Fair will be effective in the terrirnrv frnm Eugene.to Oregon City inclusive, and on the West side, from McMinnville to Corvallis inclusive. A special rate of one faro for the round trip will be ef fective during these dates on tho C. & E. R. R. Tickets will be on sale Nov. 10th, Uth and J2th, final return limit 13th. Fair a raw of one arid a third fate has been made, nd if, as it is expected a largo crowd can ho induced to make the .u. n . :r. ,ua i' ,1!' i"l a.Yi '"l'd."y, wf.V ma? 8 onefare 1"? Zh 'ZZ , n h P'.im- JeBUlar 1 "al" schedul? W1" be. maintained, and on No 11 leavSnr PnrtlanH it R tfHce' 2," " "..i leav n.K ?rtla.n.d at 8:16 on Nov. 11th. nnrl ini aiu" sectior...tUrntr,ponNo-M 8t8:8P- m- At the Hotels. J. K. Pratt, Allen St Lewis' best man. Re.y. Van Marter, the evangelist and wife, who had been to the conference, F. B. Sackett, Sheridan. C. B. Peterson, Aberdeen. Billy Frazicr, after grocery orders. C. H, Gilbert, Portland. n. l,. wells, fortland. F. J. Lonegran, Oregon-City. Estella Pavne. Cnrvallio C. h. Cunningham, Julesburg, Colo. S. E. Russell. Jefferson. Alf Johnson, Jefferson. I. W.facott. C. F. Lanalnrr rioll Hayden, Salem. lhrp. Hn,... fc-:it iiiicb nurses IMliea. Three bnTse3 weru killod "V the cary S. f. train this morning, just south of the fair grounds. Two of them belong to I' t link Haekliminn onn a ;i tn ' a n . !' , 8 ,htAf f- he other , ote bl m,', trotting stock The Haeklim John A Crawford, the other a Proir-H.a and ttid linunro nf trotting stock. The Hacklemati i-o'rses were appraised at $500 and the Munk-ors-horse at $200. They are suppose 1 to have gotten through a gate evidently left open by some one late in the overl ing, for the gate t s closed at 6 o'clo:k. Had a Birthday Party. rw,.fi, r Uor-thy Lee was eight years of age yerterduy. and the other girls and boys around the neighborhood celebrated thi htin srt aiik l. i . . home f her (. w" par. y at 11,0 had ItL lZhr,,,tt2me,aB hard to eet awav thorn ... 1 u f?n. Vdelicrou. & w?.Vr '5 all manner of games played.