OCTOBER LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS THE EAS EST PATTERN TO USE. With the coming of cooler weather comes the need of heavier underwear. We have tried to anticipate the needs of our cus tomers in this line and are now ready with an extensive line of union suits and separate garments in all styles and weight--Carments of quality, fit and service. SEPARATE GARMENTS A splendid value in cream, white or grey, at per garment 25c Cream or white, pants and vests, soft cotton, perfect fltting at per garment 40c, 60c or 60c Woolen garments in giay and white, at ,. . 75c White wool pants and vests, well shaped soft and comfortable, at per garment , $1.00 White wool and Bilk an elegant garment, perfect fitting-durabl-at $1.25 and $1.50 A MOST COMPLETE LINE OF INFANTS AND INFANTS AND CHIL DRENS UNDERWEAR ALL SHADES. flic iJciuwrrtt .,'iLdfuu 41. toe pusl oitluu, Albnuy, a jhcoikI cIhsb mail matter FP NUTTING" or I l The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, 4.0C By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $tt.50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2.; OUR WANTS FIRE INSURANCE. Beaver State Merchant's Mutual. Inquire atlipera House Bldg. TAKEN UP. A yearling red bull, de horned. Can be had at Roner Bros. Box factory. FOR RENT. Two rooms, partly furn ished if desired. Call at' residence 630 W. 5th street. J). Parker. t5. LOST. A young fox tcriler pup. Please rerort to Hamilton's Bazaar. SHOEMAKER WANTED. Good trade tools, six cords of wood cut and put in shed, about $50 worth of stock. Price S125. 142 E First. McConrt & Pretty man. FOR SALE. One new disc plow. Ap ply at the Central Feed Shed. tlO White Rivorflour (old wheat) at the Oregon Market and grocery. FOR SALE. 5-room cottage with mod ern conveniences, on half block in West end for sale for cash. Apply 729 Baker street in afternoon. NOTICE. Those fine Clargo pears are now ready. They are red where canned, and none bettor. 75c per bu. Plenty tomatoes, very choice 60c bu. Sea mo and get your ordors in before all gone. Home phone 821 or 130. t5 B. C. Waytt. THOSE WISHING any of the old Pro fessors celebrated hand loads had bottur get in their orders pretty soon . One party who got 100 loads of us last year ordered 300 this year. He said thoy done the work. Baltimore Gun & Bicycle Works. nwlftMC pnoQAT.P W 1. MTfoAvAr ha thorn, to bo delivered anvwhero in Albany. Phone Farmers 2x1. Bell. DRESSMAKING. -At house or work done at your home by the day. work guaranteed to please. Mrs. Lcdbct ter, 90U S. Ualapooia. BUILDER. Lately from the east would like to talk business with own ers about to build. Address "Build, er" Democrat ollice. SODA WATER. Cascodia water from the Geiscndorfer springB, may be had at Toinlinson & Holnian's ana at the Peacock stables, at $1.50 a dozen. 2t WE HAVE several parties who are looking for homestead locations or re. linquishmentB also some : good "niber . claims. If you know ot any good homestead or tinibpr claims, it will pay you to write us. Address: Aetna Realty Co., 225 Failing Bldg. Portland. Ore. WANTED. To buy 10 to 40 acres of good cheap land, within five miles of Albany, some timber preferred. Must bo a bargain, vv. r . L.ayton, cr Democrat. FOR RENT. -Furnished housekeeping rOOniS. II. IJUma, imumvii ni.. WOOD SAWING.-Uy C. M. West- 1 I. tl..n.n r.),nn 7)1111 M tl uiuuix. . AEUMOTER gasoline pump, air coated willi minin iiick. riMiilv to hitch to "onuv to Mitch to muni) for only $45. Crawford tho Arrmotor man will be glad to -show i you. WASHING-SEWING.-Mons washing and plain scvvinirl wanted by Mrs. Odell,8'2G East Second street. n l. TK. (?1IIJ A XI II. l F I? A n ' McMinnville T Oregon's greatest m i tuni company. C.C. Brvant, Albany, Cusick Bank Bldg. Both phones. , lubiv.ii urn " " v ! WUUU SAY1NU. ore me uciure you engage your woou hiiwiiilt- uasonne . used. Geo. F. Brown, Homo phone I W2. rOR SALE. Corner two lots at'Wash ington and 11th, on proposed electric lins a Luilding site, only ifldOO. 17 see r. u- uuuvri. FOR SALE. Model N Ford runabout with top, only run one season in nne erudition. Apply to W. W. Craw- ford. agt. Ford Motor tars. STREET SPRINKLING. The whole city should be sprinkled. See W. M. Kidder about it. Two ihifli", plenty f water. Keep the dut out of your boo. FALL and WINTER UNDERWEAR UNION SUITS White cotton union suits, good values, at 25c Grey or white cotton union suits, medium weight, . Bt 66c and 75c Part wool suits, soft and perfect fitting in white or peeler, at JI-25 A splendid suit in white cotton and silk, at $1-75 Grey union suits in wool at $2.00 White silk and wool at ; $2.25 Women and Men's suits, very Boft and durable, at... $3.00 Hamilton's Bazaar L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON Two Kinds or Girls. A correspondent in an exchange speaks out as follows: Recently the editor touched upon a most timely eubject, that nf the girl who works and the girl who gads. Every community has a type of each. The girl who gads and loafs around the business places, not only loies her self respect, but the respect of others. The reason for her not having fitted herself for any special work in life, is not al ways due to her lack of interest in ac quiring an education, but perhaps to ignorant parents who through lack of the proper kind of training and disci- ! pline, have let their girls grow up without any correct idea Is of life and living. Some parents presume to know more about training of children than the Almighty, himself. Instead of "training of their children in the way they should go," thoy turn them loose to follow their own inclinations; as a gentleman said about a mother who had reared a bad set of children "She was never a mother to those children, because she never made them obey; she turned them loose for the devil to raise, and he raised them, bringing dishonor and disgrace to the home." Girls, get an education; be self-reliant, Fitlyourselves for teachers, sten ographers, bookkecprs, or some other honorable position. Don't gad. Such conduct shows a lack of good training in the home. Let every home be a kingdom, and every mother a queen who"rules hor children right royally, and bring them up to be first-class men and women, who are blessings to the home and to the world. Getting an Education. A boy at school learns to read in nbout three weeks. After that, he never learns a thing. Take a boy out of school after he learns to read, and he will know about as much as a man ns the boy who graduated at a college. Coos Bay Timos. Thisjcertainly must be a funny item, ono of the worst kind, for, of course, thcro is nothing in it. The uneducated boydoes not know asmuch as a man as the educated man, nor anywhere near as much. The right kind of an education better fits a man for any kind of busi ness, no matter what it is. There is nothing in such theories as the above Tho republicans are boasting of what Taft accomplished in the Philippines. "A returned exile" writing to the New Ynrlc WnrM tlnm rnnnliiflpH! "Nnw. ono word f urther about the Phili ine Assembly. Mr. Taft publicly announ ced that the Philippine Assembly has succeeded. Well, this is how they succeeded: First, thoy voted to raise their own saluries from 20 to SO pesos per diem, second, they passed a law to reduce the salaries of all Americans by ! nnn. third. thirH. in nrdpr tn lpnr nh- utacloa to insurrection they voted to cut' down the number of constabulary sol- ' diers from 5,000 to 3,000 enlisted men. ; .,,. ,L. ,l, . I,,.) J.. "'"-f . UIU" 1M1' mK,uj b"11 - fled.1 Notice. To my many friends and customers: Although I have lost much in the fire I am again ready for business. New goods hcr fast as I can get them. Call and see me, 1 need your trade now moro tnan evor Ai SUHM1DT. 12S Ferry St. The Oliver Typewriter. Tho new No. 5 OLIVER, with tubu atory attachment is just out. Seejone .0f tno ouvek agency, s;j w. &tn at. j Phones, Black 2IV.2 and 21S. Try a Patrick Gordon cigar 5 cenU FOR RENT. - Furnished or unfurni 'ti ed rooms, with or without board, 723 E 4th street. R. and G. HENDERSON AND LA PRINCESSE CORSETS. HOSIER? TO MSiET ALL ALL STYLES, ALL WEIGHTS, IN WOOL OR COTTON OR SILK. A STORY In Pacific Monthly, in Which Former Albany Man Figures, The leading article in the October ' number of the Pacific Monthly, just out is "Soapy Smith, a Bad Man and Bluffer." Smith was a nortorious character in Alaska. With a gang he had been painting Skagway red, when it was proposed to stop him. Frank Reid, a former Albany man, in the ef fort came in contact with Smith, and the bullets began flying. Reid was hit, living several days. Smith received a bullet in his heart. He was in such dis repute that his body was buried in the woods. Everybody turned out to Reid's funeral. The story is well told, with il lustrations, including pictures of both Smith and .Reid after the shtoting. Reid himself had figured in a shooting case in early days, at Sweet Home once killing a man named Simons, for which he was tried and acquitted. Letter List. i The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postoffice uncalled for Sept. 30, 1908. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: j Wm. Branch, Mrs. W. M. Eddy, Mrs. Chas. Morris, Mrs. D. E. Patty, Hu- j bert Smith, John M. Spurgeon. J. a. Van Winkle, P. M. Johnson's Best t lour at all the stores $1,30 a sack. ' Milk Notice. - " Beginning Oct. 1st our charges for milk will be as follows: Bottled per qt. 7 cents, pen month $2.10 " pt. 4 ' $1.20 In can lots 20 cents per gallon. Cream per gallon $1.00, quart 25 cents, pint 15 cents, pt. 10 cents. H. M. Palmer, Prop. Golden RuleJDairy. V Milk Notice. After Oct. 1st the rates for milk and cream will be as follows: 1 qt. per month $2.10. lpt. " " $1.20 u' gal. per month $4.00. In cans per gal. 20 cts. Cream J2 pt. 5 cts. Cream per pt. 25 cts. G. W. Kuthe, Prop. Jersey Dairy, successor to A. B. Miller. J. H. RUITER, WOODSAWING BLACK 2033BELL. GET AN ELECTRIC FLAT NOW Three sizes-5 lb.. 6 lb., 7 lb., They make vour work easy. Try one for your next ironing. THE RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., 306 WestFecond St. Albany, Oregon. List your CITY and COUNTY PROPERTY with c. w. te;bault, Have cimtonier now for house'nnd A Siletz Homestead relinquishment for sale. Will cruise over 7 million feet. Ask WM. RICHIE LAND CO. about it. PERSONAL. Editor Dugger, a leading Scio boost er, haB been in the city today. Mr. Oscar Zeyss is here from Port land ready for the open season. Mrs. C. O. Lee returned this noon from a visit with Independence rela tives. Dr. Fred Thompson, a medical stu dent at Willamette, returned Irom a Mrs. Edna Stewart and children this morning for Lebanon to join Stewart and reside. .'?''. jr. P. W. Soink returned thia nor . tu ' p t-l A irOTO a iijuiii.1i 9 "oimi ivtuauu, jAHMHnnn. led Dv his granddaughter, J xI, kJllin I W. J. Ribelan, a wi''rfmf.,i tT0iaA.. noultry raiser, was ir. . todav at- tending the meeting y,e demoi -.;; ducing Miss Jacque Casad, the famous central committer, : baton twhirler, followed bv a musical H. A. Hins1 -ia... n i u 'comedy. A show for ladies, gentlemen iu town ;&tft P;" children, strictiy moral, llean and or three -.hV V:,, h. thf.pid officer ' ; , kts. 3. vV. Kirkland went to Cottage , ,jrovethis afternoon on a visit with friends. Mr. .Kirkland is in North) iuMiim una wcck wii.ii me mnug 01 Bailey horses, entered in the big races there. At the home of G. C. Moon last even ', ing a farewell reception was tendered Rev. S. H. Dewart and family previous to meir leaving ior tneir new nome at bt. Johns. 3. They will take with them the heat wishes of rnnnv worm frionrta they have made in Albany. e made in Allianv. Mr. Graham, superintendent of the O. R. & N. shons. Robert Menefee. n I prominent councilman, and Dr. Davis, ! a son of L. M. Davis, who had the fun ; n.:.u Tn..Mni iu: a ; mtii kilts duuLimi, utmie up una uuuii lu " ; hunt pheasants, by invitation out on the big Parker farm. The Open Season, A good many Portland men are in the city waiting for the open season ot Chinese pheasants tomorrow morning, when they will hike for the fields around Albany. Those having friends in the country, have places spoken for. Those without friends will hunt any way, and some of them if necessary use a little silvsr bait. The report is general that there are not as many birds as usual, that they have been slaughtered. One man says the problem can be settled by doing away with dogs en tirirely; but dogs are part of the sport. Perhaps a stricter law will be neces sary, and more respect for the laws that operate. FOR RENT. Unfurnished rooms. 710 Walnut St., Mrs. Gingrich. WANTjED. Men's washing, ironing and mending 10c a garment; ladies shirtwaists 15c to 25c; skirts 15c to 25c, aprons 5c to 15; underwear 5c to 25c; nightgowns 10c to 20c; other garments in proportion. All work neatly done. Last painted house on W. Seventh St. Home phone 1259. FOR SALE. A bread and cake case, nearly new. Call at the Mission, First St. FARM FOR SALE, Sealed Bids will oe received dv tne unaersignea. 1 i will one" my 47 acre tarm with stock, for sale, to the highest bidder, over bids wilt be allowed, bidders must de posit $50 in bank to be responsible, the right is reserved to reject any or all bids, visitors are welcomed on Lebanon road. R. F. D. 1, box 27. albert Schultz, Albany, Ore. 26t FOR SALE. A $25 Columbia talking machine foronly $10 and thirty records thrown in. See G. T. Hockensmith, at S. E. Young's. CUSTOM SAWING We are now ready to do custom sa.u ing. Good road to mill pond. ' Bring your logs while the roads are ! good. i 9-24 ALBANY LUMBER Co. ! WANTED. By an experienced womin, position to do any kind of work. Ad dress Mrs. L. A. Wilts, box 264. OASTOHIA. Beantlw Ili8 Kind Vuti Haw Mways Bought Signature of 'RN 125 BROADALBIN ST., ALBANV, OREGON Price must he right. lot in Albany, FULL OF CH'jCKLES. When the fci Maid appear at the Opera theaterg0ers will have. t0 8ee tne cleverest girlar Aafainn th Amairan at-narA The z ' wmpanv is under The, Famous juvenile Bostonian management which 'alone is guarantee that it is something out of the ordinary. The company is i - " uaui;c nuu ttiiiuaa i uu tail iuib uci tarmnnpe f i r the Rniil vpnmn fnr nnvf tv 1 - with th UBCnMn.a if,Qt tua m.,(.Maa We . . : r . : ' I ,uui viiuvmuig iijaciimv win get Kuuu i exercise. The performance opens up w'tn a grand. minstrel first part, intro- j UPJ tne nute. Seats on sale at Woodworth's. Central Committee Met. A meeting of the democratic central committee was held this forenoon, with thirteen present, which ought to mean good luck for Linn ccunty. Chairman W. R. Bilyeu presided, and Hon. T. J. ! Stites officiated as secretary. The meetinir wan in thA nntnrA nf n mnfnr. "Za ,1 . 1 h,iri,f nm.t. ih. ,L.t I bright prospects for the ticket, and as ' well for a splendid vote for Bryan and i Kern in Linn countv. I Attention. Th T.inn Pmint-v riniini.il Pafrmo ftf i,-j ,:n . t ox.jl with Western Star Grange and not with Grand Prairie Grange as first ar- ranged ' j HOFLICH'S for your oysters properly served, according to taste. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE I. R. SHULTZ, Manager. Thursday, October 1st Mr. Ernest Wolff Presents the big Musical Comedy- "The Bostonian Minstrel Maids" Under the Juvenile Bostonian Management With a Bevy ot Girls, Gor geous Costumes, Special Scenery, Electrical Effects. Everything New. PRICES-25, 50 and 75 cents. Seat Sale atJWoodworth's. ! SELECTING -4 I A range is not bought every day. A ! not determine whether a range is chap j .v... .rAr firat-. pnnsideration. The lasting quality is the main thing. Other points to be considered are: How much fuel does it require? Is any part of it likely to give out, to crack, break on warp7 Does it heat up the ki.chen, or is all the heat put to use in cooking and baking?, Will it wear well? , .... The "Quick Meal Factory is st well equipped with latest and most improved machiney that "Quick Meal" Steel Ranges are made more perfect and eco nomical than any other Range, and in selecting a "Quick Meal" you get the best for no more money than what you would have .o pay for the ordinary, cheaply constructed range. For sale by STEWART & SOX H'DW GO. ALBANY, - ' OREGON AT THE HOTELS Kola Neis. the Sslem hop man. W. D. Mixter, after mixing up in Portland for several days. C. M. Skeels, of Corvallis. G. H. Cash, of Portland, whose name always sounds good. F. E. Toeves again. A. Deeke, Grand Rapids, Mich. Geo. E. Adams, Minneapolis. H. T. Cntter and wife. Claudcraft, New Mexico. Ada P. Thomas, Turner. Helen New, Portland. Edith Oglesbee, Stayton. G M. Eba, Williston, N. Dak. A. C. Abbott. Portland. M. P. Ryecraft, Corvallis. C. F. Reid, McMinnville. W. J. Kneeshaw, Pembina, N. Dak. Fresh Chinook salmon from Yaquina Bay at the Metropolitan. We have a few pieces of hand painted china that we are closing out VELY cheap. F. M. French, the Jeweler. SKATING RINK Will be open for skaters Tuesday, ' Thursday and Saturday nights. Go and enjoy the sport. t21 nn.nn., j Maria, now reauy. 1 cuanei iota i, aiau u have small quant ities on wagon. These grapes are choice. Apples, potatoes and some tomatoes for retailing. Plenty of those fine Clargo pears. Phone 130 Home. B. C. WYATT. Fairdale Plant Farm. I have for sale a choice lot of plants ' fall planting at reasonable prices. Gooseberries, red and white currants, ' loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb, I hedge plant and sage. IVER C. DUEDALL. Home Phone 7102. R. F. D. No. 5. NEW RANGE. few dollars more or less in price does or dear. You want the best; that is Go to EASTBDRH'S GROCERY for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our Grocery stock is as fresh and complete as any in the city. Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS n Crockery and f lasswarp as we in tend to close out that department. Come and get our prices and see our ean up-to-date store. Both Pbonef Umw I?. Ill III IHI I I