Albany Demo , v... f ' m xliv ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 'I IH08 NO ;i Carpet Cleaning By M. L. Sanders FOOT BROADALBIN ST. Again ready for business. Home Phone 210. Dreamland LEBANON The New Moving Picture Play House. The latest and best pictures in the program. Popular and pleasing songs. Continuous performance every night and at Saturday and Sunday matinees. Change of program Sunday after noon, Tuesday and Friday evenings.- Two fans going all the time, making it cool and pleasant. Admission 10c, matinee children 5c. F. P. Stewart, proprietor and mana ger. 4i Wej First 3troat,op nosite Stev n's store. Lots of tires nt Baltimore's, opno site the Democrat office. The E. A. i Senator M. A. Miller left this after noon for Cottage Grove and Roseburg, where he will make addresses in the in terest of Brytn and Kern, after which he will return to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. James Winner cele brated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home in this city last Wednes day evening, Sept. 23, 1908. Hon. J. R. Smith has purchased a small tract of land from his son, N. W. Smith, southeast of town aud will have a home built on the same. He has sold his home on Bridge Avenue and will live with his son until his new home is completed. Mrs. A. E. Zeising and son Roy, rural carrier from W aterloo, returned Tues day from a month's visit in the east and south. They first went to Kansas, then down through Oklahoma, Texas and home by way of California. They were in a railroad wreck near San Antonio, Texas, where Mrs. Zeising was badly bruised up. Mrs. R. Kyle underwent a dangerous surgical operation at St. Mary's hospit al in Albany yesterday. The operation was performed by Dr. Coffey, of Port land, assisted by the Drs. Booth, of Lebanon. The patient is resting easy and is expected to get along all right. The same surgeons also performed a dangeious operation upon Mrs. Wm. Smiddy, of Brownsville, at the ssme place yesterday. She, too, is getting along nicely. HASKELL I BROWNSVILLE.' Conferred with Bryan. Chicago, Sept. 26. Gov. Haskell en routelhome today after a 45 minute conference with Bryan here this morn-1 ing. He says he asked to have his res ignation take immediate effect. New York Won. New York, Sept. 26. The pennant race is still neck and neck. There were double headers all around today New York won both games from Cin cinnati. 5 CENTS Beginning Monday at 2 p. m. Won derland will be run as a 5 cent show, open afternoons and evenings every day, with good programs full of snap and interest. Dreamland will continue to be run as a 10 cent show, up to the high standard it has reached, with full programs and t he Dooular Diano orchestron, the best instrument in the valley. Rally WeeK at the Presbyterian Lhurch. Thursday, Oct. 1 Members Kennion Prayer-Meeting. Topic: "God Will Provide." Every member expected to be present or send a response. Friday, Oct. 2. Hard Times Social at the parsonage. The entire congre cation and friends are expected to be present. Prizes to those clad most in keeping with the occasion. Sunday, Oct. 4. Church Rally, Morn ing Worship 10:30a. m. Sermon: "Ten acity Essential in Purpose." Sabbath School Rally 11:45 a. m. Vesper Ser vices at 4:00 p. m. 15 minute sermon: Our Creed: Its Formulation. Christian Endeavor Rally 5:00p.m. Special topic: Faithfulness in God's Service. Speak ers: Pre. Birtchett, the minister.Pres. Crooks, Mr. A. C. Schmitt. Be sure and come. Have You Got Your Teapot? This is the LAST Week of tree Teapots at MEISER'S Mr. O'Brien Promised. Toledo Leader: Manager O'Brien of the Harriman railroads while in this county last week, after hearing the complaints of our people about the poor train schedule on - v. c. n.nn;BIjT:iiaWnHfi .Tudcre Swope, Captain Bensell and others that as soon as he returned he would arrange to have a Detter service. C. & E. Time Card. No 2 lv Albany 7:35 a. m., ar Yaquina 1:15. No. I lv Yaqnina 2 p. m. ar. Al bany 7:15. No. 5 lv. Corvallis 6:30 a. m., ar. Albany 7:10. No. 6 lv. Albany 8:30, ar. Philomath 10:30. Nj. 7 lv. Philomath 10:45, ar. Albany 11:68. No. 8 lv. Albany 12:35, ar. rhilomath 1:53. No. 9 lv. Philomath 2 p. m., lv. Cor vallis 6 p. m., ar. Albany 6:40 p. m. No 10 W. Albany 7:50, ar. Corvallis 8:30 No. 3 lv. Albany 7:30, ar. De troit 12:30. No. 4 lv. Detroit 1 p. m, ar. Albany 5:65 Times: The first story of the Woodmen build ing owned by Ed. Holloway and occu pied by White & Knapp, was sold this ! week to D. B. Cooper, of Sherwood, ; Oregon, for $2,600. In the name of Friendsnip, Love and j Truth, :he cornerstone of the new Odd ; Fellows Temple in tnis city was laid last evening by the members of the I Calapooia Lodge No. 43, I. o. O. F., assisted by Grand Master Edward Hos letler of The Dalles, Past Grand Mas- . T F ltr--.l B 1 . nr n icii u . a., n euuienoru anu w . j. i Tweedale. of Albanv. and Contractor E. J. Emmons, of Springfield. Mrs. Dovid Templeton, of Prineville, I aged 78 and 73 years, crossed the moun-; tains alone, with buggy and team, last ! week, are visiting relatives and renew-' ing old acquaintances heoe. James A. Blackburn was born on a! farm near Dowdridge, Jefferson County, I East Tennessee, March 12, 1841, and I died a his home in Brownsville, Ore- i gon, Septemoer 18, 1908, aged 67 years, 6 months and 6 days. David Sterling and family who went to the Alberta, Canada, country to seek a location a couple of weeks ago, nave returned to Brownsville and will retrain here for the present at least. Mr. Sterling says there is much sick ness in the Alberta country and it was on this account that he returned so soon. Charles Erickson and son, Oliver, were in Brownsville yesterday, having just arrived from Prineville, where they were taken as prisoners last week by Sheriff Elkins. As noted elsewhere in The Times, the Ericksons were dis charged when they were arraigned fcr examination at Prineville on the charcre of horse stealing, the evidence not be ing sutticient to hold them. Mr. Erick son called on Ihe Times and stated that it was his turn now to try and send some one to the penitentiary. EVERY "AFTERNOON. Hereafter the Empire theater will run afternoons as well as evenings .vith a good program ou. Children only 5 cents at the matinees. Always some thing good, and it is right oa First street convenient for everybody. A fine orchestra furnishes the music, and the songs are always the best going. The Village Goss opera, which will be seen tonight, is something extra, a side splitter, and there are others, btep in, aid see what in going on. WE REMOVE THE CHAFF. Use Diamond Blend cof fee because it is the best. Just received 1,000 lbs. new crop tea. COMMERCIAL COFFFF & f. Pnf.KFRV rn 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers and the prices are right this year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs 25c but taste like 40 cts. GILBERT BROS. At the sign of the Padlock. I EX C 11 S I V E ST YLF S I MA TWO A I WE It is needless to say we do the Cloak and Suit business of this city, why not? We show more Suits and Ooats than all other stores together.. It is a wonderful di play presenting a wide range of new ideaj and novelty effects. It's quite themost interesting and most ambitious gathering of merchandise this or any other store in this locality has ever brought together. The new garments direct from the Fashion Center, representing the best ideas of leading designers and manu facturers. The new classy Footwear is here, the New Maniah Tail ored Waists, all the Famous "Geisha" braid for which we are sole agents. Beautiful silk and lace waists, fancy collars, belts, etc, all thu latest Fads and Fancies bought from the most representative ht nses of America. ;ST ALTERING DEPARTMENT IN THE CITY. CHA.MBERRS' & AlcCUNE Albny's- Leading Cloak and Suit House. AT THEGREST you will find Swetland's Ice Cream, Aldon Ghocolates, Cigars, Fruit and Nuts. L. L. jPOTT'S SIR W. 2nd St. A specific for pain Ur. Thomas's Eclectric, strongest, cheapest lin ment ever devised. A household) rem America for 25 years.. ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale dialer in fruit, pro duce, paper bags.jwrapping paper and twine. 412 WEST FIRST STREET. Oft for the Philippines. Newberg Graphic: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKillop, who have been in town for several weeks visiting with Mrs. McKillop's father, J. F. Taylor, left here on Thursday for San Francisco where they expect to take passage on a government trans port for the Philnppines where they will take up teaching in the schools again for a term of thiee years. In reBoonse to the call by the government for teachers they entered the service soon after their marriage three years ago, and this will be their second trip to the islands alter a summer's vacation. On the transport they will not be charged for passage but will pay a dollar per day for board and will be on the way a, little more than thirty days, HOW'STHb. We oifer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Cataarh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made , Dy nis nrm. I Waldino, Kinnan & Mahvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. I Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon theboodund mucuous surfaces of the system. Tes timonials sent free. Price, 75c per buttle. Sold bv all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. OASTOItlja.. Brtl Th8 Kind You Have Always Bought Music Lessons. Piano and Orgair j Phone Black 971. HELEN' ltlNS. ! OUR DU Y IS TO FULFILL THE WISHES OF OUR CUSTOMERS. Don't think we want only your money we need your good will quite as much. We keep constantly on hand the very best of meats, and we are onlv too well pleased to furnish our patr.ns the choicest cuts of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. We also curry a full line of hams, bacon, j sausage, lard, fish and provisions gen erally. Holt's Market STAR BAKERY. C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce , fruits, etC. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer and; Baker , gift WRHT KIRHT 8TKEET..ALBANY UKKGON," First class goods in their season. Phone Maln'SB- M. B, CRAFT, 242 West Second St., . Albany First-class- meats of- allj kinds from elected stock. enders 1 SEED The Highest Market Price paid for FEED SXORE, 435 West First 5 1.,-Albany, 'V i Headquarters ;for "Alsen and ; Pyramid" fortland Cement, "Roachej Harbor" Lime; Ruberoid Roofing, Wood Fibre Pla-itor. Sulphur, Spray, Poultry supplies; Dalles Diamond and Li''TtV Hell hnrrl flr,,,- tl Grain, 'Mill Feed and Salt. KEEP an KIT ri im tnn Vienna Bake I fir go. mJ things to EAT. Seeondstr., batweea Ellsworth add trtmatreetj Of all kinds, at BROS. Fti D Ferry and Water Streets, Albany. Seeds domed withuut waste for l-2c per pound. Sacks ' furnished free. Home fti me 307, uvz Stent's C isli Store