It's EASY jj PaihtSntr ii not to hard if yoii A get the right paint. The varnish you -gggao 1(3 P"t on a floor is not good for other woodwork ; "i 1 paint for the porch ii not always right for a chair. All this I has been made easy by the ACME QUALITY mark which directs you to the perfect paint for every purpose. That is why we sell Acme Quality" paint, enamel, stain, varnish. It enables us to give you exactly the right paint for your needs. "The Selection and Use of Paints and Finishes" it a book that makes the work easier bv explaining how to paint anything. Youn fraa when you purchase. .(w ESI Tot,.. mil ....vrVI Ohling & Get Into Your Class Become i a subscriber of the Home Telephone Co. rtGME AND ABKOAD. The fleet left Albany yesterday for! Manila. j A republican club waa organized at Dallas with seven present. The Emeries are getting back to Cor- vallis. James Emory, who lias been living at Klamath Falls for a number of years has bought property on College Hill and will be a citizen of Corvallis a gain. His father was once a professor in the 0. A. C. G. G. Morris, a West Side news agent on the Portland-Corvallis train, was arrested, charged with selling in decent literature, taken before Justice Holman at Dallas, plead guilty and was fined $150, which served him right. A woman detective of Portland worked up the case agairst him. Lebanon. The E. A. Mrs. J. L. Coney and two children will arrive here this evening from Al- Derca, .anaua. Mr- uouey will come later, and they will probably again make their home here. They have many friends here who will be glad to welcome them back.. T. C. Turner is preparing to make a change in his business. Me will dis continue serving ice eream and soda water, and will carry books, stationary, musical goods, Japanese and China ware, confectionery, cigars, etc. Best telephone service bany has ever had. Al- Residence Hates $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Business Rates $2.00 service J-ong distance to Portland and other points. G. E. SANDERS, Assistant Manager. J. C LOWE, Local Manager. 'Chic" Perkins in A New Play. "Chic" Perkins is Btarring this sea son in "The Little Prospector," a sparkling four art comedy-drama, which is admirably adapted to the style and methods of this fascinating little actress, and in which she is fast mak ing an enduring reputation. The play has the merit of being absolutely new and it has positively never been seen on any stage until presented bv this company. "The Little Prospector" was secured by Manager Frank G. King, for "Chic" Perkins on heavy loyalty from the American Amusement Association of New York City, which is a guarantee in itself ot its Buperior dramatic qualities. This play, goige ously equipped with scenery and a com plete acting company, will be presented at Albany on Wednesday next, MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts Benton is crowing. It has reason for ! Look long faced when ihe knocker is around. i Oregon has the stock as well as the climate. Oregon's state fair is a case of dev" J opment until it is on the top rung. Next year Linn county will have the goods at the fair. Start it going now. A state fair is a good place to study human nature; but, then, any place is. j No liquor soH, no pool sellers, on the fair grounds, and yet it was the great est success yet. j The starter at the grand stand of the state fair besides starting has numer- ! ous other duties, and he does them well, j Yesterday a crying boy was at his feet. I He stopped the noise, and cried: "Who i has lost a boy. Johnny wants his pa." , A man clear oft in a corner raised his hand and got his boy. He ought to have been spanked the father. VOTJ can be happy by keeping the digest ion perfect, the liver active, and the bowels fiee by using the Bit ters. A 55 years record backs it. Start today. Our private Stamo is over neck. Registration at College. j Monday 1.30 to 5 p. m. particularly j for students from eity of Albany. j Tuesday 9:30 to 12. 130 to 4:30. I Wednesday 1 :30 to 4:30. The opening exercise will occur at 10 . a. jtv Wednesday morning. The pre - i gram or tneopeningexerciseis unusual ly elaborate this year. The public is invited. The Kind You Have Always Bouglit, and which lias been in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signatures of and has been made under his per -frfl'-j1-, sonal supervision since its infancy, C6(cAiC4a, Allow no one to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good"are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare--gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor' other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys WorniS' and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Whose Horsel Brownsville Times: Sheriff Frank Elkins and' Deputy Sheriff John Edwards, of Prinercfle, were in Brownsville Friday, and Sat urday, near Harrisburg, srrested Cries, and Oliver Erickson, father and'sonv&t Crook couut.y formerly residents of r ostpr, on at charge of horse stealing. He KM You Hare Always Bouglit In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUrf COMPANY, TT HUH RAT THCCT, HEW VOHK CITY. I Wi Open Sept. 21 ,5 BACK The Academy of Our Lady of Per-! petual Help, Albany, Or., under the direction of the Benedictine Sisters. Th.e Aches and PatnS Will will reopen te commence us regular school work September j The new addition in course of erec-1 tion which will jontain all the rsodern BE SURE THAI YOU GET HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Notice to hunters. A. L. TETU, General Manager, Portland, Oregon. Graduates We, the undersigned, will positively prosecute each and every one found- hunting or tresspassing on our individ al farms without special permissions. from the parties living thereon. This means everybody. G. A. Asche: J. F. Aschb George Chambers Ed. Chambers Arthur Rider Georgb Aixphin Jacob Dietel Chas. Drew R. H. Crooks Frank Zimubrmak Milt Richardson W. H. Martin Chas. Wetzel SHINGLES Use our No. 1 Edge Grain. They are the best in the market. Our No. 2'a are the equal to those usually sold as a first-class article. We make three grades. We pack them closely, you pay for no vacant spaces. We use no Dry Kiln. Come and inspect them, see them mudo and bo convinced that they arc the BEST. Remember the place. The!old Wool en Mill Warehouse. THOMPSONS CRAMER f,, lil.J I SJIIOOLS and DISTRICT SCHOOLS m Linn cou nd clscwhtw . Make up your minds to secure complete preparation. AXHANY COLLEGE . (VT,.r. ,-ou Inrire advantages: can carry you forward from any point above the eighth" grade to a , Commercial Course or A Musical Course or A Teachers Course or A four-Year College Course Albany College Oregon Pres Beware ol L.lcetive Titles Have an Abstract of Title 1'repared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. II. RUnn. iManajrer Of the rem property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for tr.oney loaned. Established in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. Office corner of 3rd ar i Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. The theft was committed ira Crook' i improvements, will be completed at an 1 wuut.j uuu wtc oireiui auu n.a uvi)ui.j i eariy ciace. 1 followed th' Emksons across- th'. For information amnlv tn Bene iletine ! jiivuciiauis w ine valley, iiiiany uvei i Jjjgters, Albany, KJT. hauling them es- stated above. Che of j the animals stolen was the property of i j , . Marion Biggs,, of Priroville, he of re-LOdgC .WetingS. cent fend f raud fame,, who swore' out ' rhe- warrant upon' which the officers' The K. O. M. erory Saturday awn made' the arrest. The Ericksons drove jj otg Chas. Schoeii commander, seveiail head of horses to the Valley iandi The Woodmen of the World iwery were- attempting to sell! them whecar- Friday evening. E. L, Swan (tierk. rested! I Wanaanita Circle 1st and 3rd MontaySj. . . i Hilka Warford G. 3T. C. & C Tim Card. A. O. U. W. eveay Monday evecingi ' W. M. Farker hnanciet. Uk No2!lvAlbuny7.:85a. im., ar Yaquihail Modem " Woodmen. 2nd an 4thi 1:15. No. 1 lv Yaqnina 8 p. m. ar. M I Wednesdays. F. M. Powell V.. C Disap pear if the Advice of This Al bany Citizen Followed. A woman's back h many aches and ptKS. I Most times 'tis the kidneys' fault. j Saclrodne is really kidney ache; i DheA's why Doan's Sidney Pills cure it. Many Albany women, know this. Eead' what one has to. say about it: bany TilS. No. 5 lv. Crarvallis 6:30 ai m., ar. Albany 7:!D. No. 6 lv. Albanv 8:30i ar. Philomath. IO-JOt Nj. 7 Iw Philomath 10:45, ar. Albany 11:58. No. 8 lv. Albany 12:35 ar: Philomath No. Sir. Philomath. 2: p ra.. lv vallis So. m., arc Albany 6:40 p. m, No. 10 lv. Albany.- Ti:50, ar. Corvallis 8:30 Wo. 3 lv. ibany T30, ar. De troit 121:30 No. 41 lv.. Detroit 1 p. ra. ar. Albany 6:55 Hivesi eczema, licru or salt rneumii sets you crazy. Can't bear the touch: at your clothing: Ooaa's Ointmersfc; cures the most obstinate case"- Whgv suff er. All Druggists set! it. Htah E. V. Flagg, of 231 Main St., P . 3n- strratly with pain in my back, through tne loinaand down into one limbs. There hu3 been times when ft was. unable to get aboutt to attend to my housework. Wciires-, founii1 lietle rest day or night, because ot ttie-peffsiHtent acnin and soreness. Boval Neighbors 1st and 3rd days. Carrie Bussard Oracle. The-Ladies of the-Grand Armv of the-: Repoblie meet every Is and 3rd "SCies- and though I keot trjihg. different rem day afternoons in the 6. A. R. ball. adie9 Ti semed to eet worsenonstantlv. Cow i Strangers belonging' to- this orderwilli a neighbor induced me-toi toy Doan's M. Brjwn, Secretary. aOFUCH'S for your-oysters properly served, according: to taste. CUSTOM SAWING We are now ready to do custom sasi inc. Good! road to. mill pond. Bring your logs, while the roads aj good. 92!l ALBANY LUMBER Co. Fakdale Plant harm. I have for sale- a choice lot of plants for fall planting' at reasonable prices. vJooseberriea, red and white currants,, loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb, hedge plant and sage. TVER C. DUEDALL. Home Phone 7102. R. F. D. No. 5. : Kidney 's. Pills and mv husband got a ' bo: for me at Foskay. & Mason's drng Can't look well eal well or with lmoure blood feeding Keeo the blood cure with mood mtters. cat sunp'y, taice ax-ert cise. keep clean andiyou will have long: B'e. " l.have been somewnat costive-,-, but: loan'3Regulets gave- just the rasultsi desired. They act mildly and regulate Hbe bowels perieetiy. ueorgee ts Wa fooi noi. stare.. After using them' about three reel fc u .. : : ..,1 t Kransev ! ValnukAre.. Altoona,.Pa. nHNra. mui an n.-na nr-ni nniummainnn i your V. UAp.kAn Ararttr mvnron mitrfe ninpp uujaooK, ; TU:.hni ,c"- -Bi... T T (reartily recommend! boao'a Kidney Jills," r?0r sale by all dealera. Price 50 tents. Foster Miiburn. Oh. Buffalo, New York, sole agents-, for the United States Remiaber the came- Doan"s and take nootb47. CONTAINS HO MERCURY NO EXCESSIVfc LOANS, NOT A D0LLAR.1N STOCKS, NO SPECULATION WITH DEPOSITORS MONEY, OR OUR OWN, NO OTllE.1 BUSINESS TO KEEP UP. JUS r STRAIGHT.OLD FASH IONED SANKlNG. J. W. CUSICK&C0. BANKERS. Albany, - - Oregon THE WHITCOMB STAGE. To the famous deer trails on the South Santiam river during September nu forcp.n l oi October. Stace leaves Lebanon Tuesdays, Thuisdays. and Saturdays at 7 a. in Leaves Whitcomb Mondays, Wednes days anil Fridays at 7 a. m, arrives in Lebanon in time for the afternoon train to Albany. Board at Whitcomb $7 per week. J. M. RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AND COLLECTIONS. have money to loan in smalt and large amounts. Notes and mortgage bought. 1 will bond you. Properly handled for non-residents COLIXS & JlEVlYE Real Estate and Insuran Buy and sell realty. Insure prop erty and transact loans, large or small timber tracts. 132 W. FIRSTS'". Al.ltANY. OR "J ALBANY OR1CON U - Medicines cvnfcuuiing MeBcutty fMie-oflEtni ffiven to :rsuis suffiering with' Contagious BlooilPoison, aistiso powerjrtll is the actiomufi' this drng that its iiMjuemiy removes tne symptoms, m a sxc-ct wiiue, anm ailuts tthe diseas.e tip in the systeomto do gre iter dbamage to the delLxitc UnternaJ members When, however, the treatmenhis lteft off. ttte disease -iit ways returns, and the patient rinds tliat ltis healtlu h)as.lieen iajwrvd by th iipoxttrful mineral, and he is often left with weak stnmactk, disaixfied digestion-,, tiercuiial rheuma tism, etc. Tlai-action of aiSi. S. is, esttirely dMTerenfc. It contains ino Nercwry, nor any other kcxiufint drny,. but is i-jde eatirely of healing, cleansing rootand herbs. It cures Csutagious Blood: Toison by removing the virus frormthe blood... It searcies out cvssk particle of the poison and does not teave the itast trace for future: outbireaks. S. S. 5?.;, in I addition to curing the disasei. builds, up and stiangtb'ens every parb.a the ' body. Its diatonic effeccs-lBiae up tfi. stomach; and. digestion, improve the appetite and regulate therMrtire system. Hoiiic-treatoieiit book containing valuable information about the different stages, of. the disease aod any medical advice. desired sent.frre to all who write. THE SWIFT SPCSmc CO., ATLABXA, GAi. A.. STARK, M. D PUYWOIAN AND SbBGEON k 'ltd. Albany " JR. J. I. HILu PhyHiclan mmd artroii 'it Hloch Aibmiy. e. FIST N4TI0NAL BAK BAL ATSr-g OKEGON !fl'li--KRS lrtm-T()R8 E W LASUilON S & Ymmr Prswlilelit 1 A, iloiwlwrn SiTtOfso o..i sciiiniu iVL-e-Hrp-idenl &W'Laifrlo& AfiSCllJirr AOP-hmiu Cwhier Transacts a general banking business. ' Accounts Keptsubject-to check. I Kirht exchange aud teieirraphic trans I fer sold on New Yor', 5an Fraacisco. I Chicago and Portland 1 Collection ninJe on f avoraMo term3 Want's Your Patronage Telephone Red 671 "HIMESE DOCTOR-J. Mon Foo, ai experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. U0 West Second St., Albany, Or Jim Westfau. 5-H DR. A. J. HODGES DENTIST Odd Fellows Temple, Albany. Oregco W. F. JONES. Veterinarian. flffise Albany Stables. tJoth Phones !4 Scott'sjantal-Pepsm Sapsuies 1 5 fMsInflanniAatloa or Catarrh ol tin Blad icr ad rteti Kid- iH'Kiy anil vcrnmiifntir ton wortt rnnvA of UnnorrhMii and tilrrt, no oiattvr if how attuidir.c. AltolHte!? barnilwa. Sold by druggists. Price $1.00, or bj mail, post paid. 51 .00, 1 boZN. 2.7. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN GL. Bdltloaulne, Obi. For tale b Borkhrt A Lei 3 -.ja TDjr!lA. Aantu f Tfr t:nJ Vm Han Aw fagj