New Moire Ribbons in 5 1-2 inch'Oriental net laces in French blue, widths 50c. New patterns in Silk for waists. Beautiful values in serges and fancv strioe dress goods. ThP ejections we offer is worth' examination. No better! coods made, no better values can be offered, see tnem. brown and black, Bands to match. Real Cluny lace. Variety of pat terns. CITY COUNCIL THIS MORNING C. H. NEWS Paving to Begin Within Thirty ' News from Albany's Six Early Days. I " Trains. . Bills affowed: H. C. Harkness $58.65; E. J. Knapp, S2.0O; Guy Fox, $3.00; F. M Polfilr). Sii Si)- Wntson Bros.. 75c; Albany Democrat, $39.50; C. G. Raw lines. $5.00; Glass Prudhomne, $16.00; Rev. Townsend of Roseburg, went up to Mill City, to see his friend of many Rv. (JillesDie. who is lying dangerously ill. Rev. Townsend is fathor of the Dresident of the student Combination Muslin Underwear suitable especially for thehip less form. Corset cover, cants and petti i , j4 mm (1 r coat m one garment 5i.d, o.uui uiuss r ruuiiuiuuo, ipiv.wi - --. v- J. A. Nimmo, $150; Albany Lumber body ot tne u. oi u. (Jo., flbs.&i; Aioany now. iu , ouu, Senders & (Jo., $3.30; fort. riour io., $14.00; B. M. Payne, $51.00; J. A. Whitesides, $22.00; W. A. McClain, 93 An Tar Rtftinhnrt. $'225n. Continued: fashion Liverv stables, $12.50. The committee on fire and water rec-1 TRIMMED MILLlNERYReadytowear Hats for Ladies First display of newest arrivals. SHOES FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR Mens', Ladies and School Shoes. The same reliable qual ities you have always found here. A good quality of Outing Flannel 5c per yard. Butterick Fashion Magazine 25c with coupon rebate for 15c on any pattern purchased. Ex-County Commissioner Peter Bither came down from Brownsville on his way to Portland. . TV. C. W. Lowe went to Scio to look alter the eyes of the people of the roriis. , Dr. J. L. Hill went to roruana on a knt txir. H hHA resitrned as a mem ber of the faculty of the medical de partment of Willamette and will not lecture this year. I Mr. Frank Hardman, of Portland, re turned home after a visit near Lebanon and a trip to Eugene. Mr. Hardman is conductor on the Woodstock line. He : f..Aniinii i-oentvlpr nnrenromi ilent in Linn county politics, being chair man of the republican central com mittee for several years. ommended that the cisterns at 1st and Washington be cemented ana De con nected with the mains; at 1st and Mont gomery be connected witn main, cost $1.00; at 4th and Washington, 4th and Ellsworth and 2nd and Baker with 8rd Street main. Adopted. UnH nf mnm hvrlrfmta nn First street was referred to council and con tinued In the matter of teamster sleeping in engine houses, same was recommended, I carried and supplies ordered. Petition of J. H. Coin et al tor grade on 1st, Harrison to Denver and Cleve land, Denver and Geary, granted. Cfraof .3imrint.pnrlnt Pavne renorted wooden sidewalk along lot 5 block 14 H s ad by W. A. Mcuiain properly con structed at a cost of $30.40. Lien or dered secured. Resignation of G. M. Payne to take effect Oct. 13 was read and accepted. the council in reference to water in the was to be joined basement OI tne riws Dunning uuu to Drotner uumcr. - ... defective sewer and too much water another brother left on the same train from the Chinese hydrants. Keterred on a trip to nis tornier nome ui to the committee on streets and public nor. There are seven brothers scatter- 1 i-Un nnwlliiiiaaf property. cu uva k-.o iiuiiunv Millar nnid his resDects . rkinarnurn nnrl the block lUSt east aS ro.;n Mranffohnrrv Inft Gil & Port eye sores and disgraces to the commu- ianj trjp mty. Resolutions were passed ' Pvmmg tor Mrg stone wag taken thr0Ugh on a cement siaewa.Ka .u.,s rZ stretcher from Plainview to Newberg Probate: .-' iBsued for sale of real property. l ..... rr:, mill flltwl 111 VSUllO Ul lllliutllj iwijr .... ..v. nnt.H .Tnn. 22. 1908. Provisions: To Johannah Hutson, of Atcheson. Kans., $50; to Mary Ann Donahue, of Munk- era, $50; to Maggie Moore, ot Lioraine, $50; all the residue to Michael Kelly. Estimated value of estate $io,uuu. ni. Kelly executor. Marriage licenses: Wilbur B. Ache- son, aged 30, born in Or., and mary Dunlap. born in Mo., aged la, ootn oi Shedd. Richard W. Williams, aged 30, f D..tlnn.l ami EVancM 1.. French, of Albany, aged 26, both born in Oregon. 818 hunters licenses granted. Deeds recorded: L. H. Briggs to J. M. Farrier 20 n Lee Bilyeu to G. M. Bilyeu 250. 40 a 900 ' 900CT' Mortgages $2000, $850, Satisfaction for $400. $6000, $1400. Miss Dorothy Cheadle, of Lebanon : . ..fait mth Mr. Flnmnnd ttrnveu Ull " ....... - M. Senders returned from a business trip to Harrisburg. C. J. Shedd came down irom oneuu on a business trip. Ex-Sheriff Worth Huston left for Rochester, Wash., where his brother iir:li: onitnMlialv ill. Hfi Ill ruinnHU MJ- Mr. John Huston, S. E. Young & Son. AlUnv. - - - Oregon. Location Secured. Bruce & Anderson have rented the east half of the front of the store of Simpson & Clodfelter, opposite the Re vere Hotel, running 28 feet back, which they will fit up into a modern bar ber shop. A partition wm uo iuu n. uiith ii Apniirate entrance. They have ordered some fine fixtures from rortiana ana propose ubvuib of the neatest shops in the valley. They expect to be in the new place about me luin or wwuci. (00,000 100,000 ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PRESCRIPTIONS We point with ptide to this great number of prescriptions that has been . filled in our store without one single mistdke just think how money differ ent kinds of medicines used in filling that money. Prescriptions and with out an error. Our drugs are right. Our prices are right. We treat you Tight. The store oi quality. 100,000 BtTRKfl ART & LEE BUSINESS. Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. 6c. For painting and paper hanging see Eicker, 332 E 3rd st. Home phone 255. If you want to buy or rent a type rtr XJa konlnD. u 1 writer. Bee n.ttwiiiiKo. uo . OI UllO. U. H1UM.1HIJMI --. Nellie 0. Baker, cement curbing along ... A n W Wilvnrt-nn nn T.vnn street, and a cement walk along prop erty or K. veai. A wooden sidewalk having been con structed along lot 5 bl 15 H's 4th ad, a hen was ordered levied upon the prop erty, all to be neara on un. 10. An orrtinance was passed providing for an sidewalks on Maple street along block 44. Four ordinances were passed author izing the city council to enter into a contract wilh the Warren Construction Co., for paving First, Ferry, Broadal- u:n nrl ori0ora wnrk t.n he- gin within 30 days and be completed betore July i, witn iuuv uuuua. White Riverflour (old wheat) at Oregon Market and grocery. the IT PAYS TO BUY ma ins makes' and keeps supplies for any n rhinp. See hits window of Remingto Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set if desire'' . ' - . . DtlCWIlUl X1VI11 IIBIII..." - ' o O ... lrn nnA aha mnt uilMl nn HIV OuVeiBl WCCRD Uli" "IS i.u " , pifient at a hridee. resulting in the breaking of a leg. Mr. Stone sold his farm at Plainview, and desiring to be at Newberg, where they will reside, did not wait until Mrs. Stone was able to walk. The Delta Pi's The Delta Pi's yesterday afternoon ' met with Miss Christine Pipes, fifteen ' strong, a demonstration of the fact i that they continue to be. A fine time ' Unti cnnlalltr A Hnlimnlis lunch was served and the young ladies de- your ef ore July 1, 1909, with $4000 bonds. 1 cidcd that Albany must pave. They The proposed franchise in place of all Bre also anxious for another initiation, e old franchises was presented on be- This was the first meeting of the sea- J.11W (Jl rfpUQCU X.OUVU.wu ... iL. U fnMnKiona in., nfaattntrtn nn hp tile U1U liailullloa naej .u..v - half nf a Wnlfh who has bouzhtUD all the-ightsof H. Hersberg.&nd was co.i sidered by sections. A fifty years period was desired, which was objected to by the council, otherwise all the term3 were satisfactory, and the council ad journed until tonight, wnen mere win be an agreement upon this part, and work will begin pn the Washington- PIC niou UIIA1UUO . ----- This was the first meeting of the son, and there will ne some more. Will Go to the Siletz. SCHOOL SUPPLIES at Charles Knecht's 100,000 The BEST in Jew elry is none too good. F. G. WILL Oysters at the Metropolitan. The oyster season has opened, and f mm now on the. Metrowolitan Market Broadalbin street,- will have the best to be secureu, the lat article, gooa meas ure. Just from the. beds. Also all the fish delicacies of the sea son. Call when you . wane tne Dest, neat and clean. Depot line next week. Ui Has it. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY I Minute Coal Oil stove. ' At the Albany Hardware Co'a. No wick, no odor, perfectly ' safe. Best thing out for summer use . See it work IT'S WORTH KNOWING When you start out to purchase a nazor or Pocket Knife where to go to get the best the kind that bears a personal guarantee you get just this from us prices are right. See our window. Buruhart & Lee. Mr. Geo. M. Payne, who has resigned as street superintendent, has rented his residence to Mr. Jos. H. Riilston and : mill an fn fhn Silptz for a fourteen nder the terms of the franchise the i m.ntn. ,;,),,.,,. He has boucrht the system will begin at 1st and Main reinquiahment of a fine homestead streets, - - running thence to wgnth, ; there and wi, 8tricty comply with the thence to) Montgomery, across block b , ,aw in teferenC() to it. Mr. Payne has to Baker, thence out Ninth. Also at !made a spien,iij street superintendent. Calapooia and Sixth to western limits; i . cit ,e on Willamette out Lyon to deDot, and, " J ..... oh First street. Work is to be begun . yVANTED.-By an experienced woman, on the First and Lyon street line within i po9ifion to do any kin(1 o work, Ad . thirty days.. . : . v - . dress Mrs. L. A. Wiles, box 264. ! .HTho!?lvtDnrelr aet iZanPb7 n TAKEN UP.-A yeaning red bull, de ?L ,"Ly ,"L ifV JtSS?JfSr nfht horned. Can be had at Roner Bros. " j .... .un ifi .(nJino. Thn Box factory. t i. tn rci-BivB 100 a vear after five 1 FOR SALE. One new disc plow. Ap tu. ffonn .fa, tan nlv ne the l.entral beed hhed. Jfuttl'D I.UC11 tp.VV Hl v... OYSTERS, served in all styles, and by the pint or quart, at Hoflich's. THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. n4- a11 anA Irnon topII hv llfltnCT EHMANN'S OLIVE OIL. Strength and vieror in every ounce. Try itlfor a ... . ..r, ... j n1clIrfi in show month. OWEN BEAM.Co. Now have a good list oi r- AKM ainli iii x (iruijcii.j .-u i tag yot i any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. Nc 'expense to you. - I Minced razor c)a 2cansli fcr 25c Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. Regular price 20c a the Metro We are here to stay. Ask the bankers , about -us ; politan. Our offices are temporarily over tue -- , ply at the Central Feed Shed. tlO FOR SALE. A great Dane dog a year old enqbire at MeUer& Meiser. OYSTERS Any time Ary style Try our Special Cocktails ' -AT THE - ELITE Chocolate Shop. Try a Patrick Uordan Cigar. 6 cent Wa am hnvino- anrne of the latest de signs in "Egyptian Matrix" Jewelry. . Fresh Chinook salmon from Yaquina i Bay at the Metropolitan. McKinstry's Studio Photos and Enlarged Portraits. Next to the P. O. Home Phone 318 Plumbing and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, ! 126 ELLSWORTH ST. ' Bell Red 2401. Home 246. First - class -work , guaranteed. nr I t i 1 W II I jl It I ilfl Osteopathic Physician, 226 BroadalbinCStreet, Albany. Phone Black 482. HENRY BRQDERS, Second an! EllwortMStreets.;A lbary Brute & Andei son's Barber Shop In temporary quarters at the office j of Anderson Rooming House, corner of F'rst and Wasnington s'reets, wnere they will be glad to attend to old and . new customers. LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, j ; when cleaned by our methods of dry , ' cleaning, ar made to lock just as good ' as made to .onk just as new. Waists i nml (irpsses nf i.eiicate colors and ma- j tei ml we rwmvate to tne nenkim. vi.u , owner. WV alo dye any guriinnt ne-' sired in beautiful shodes and colorings. ' THE CLEANER, C. E. SHELlEY. Prop. tJO W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 196 Said the OldMan to The Bo " The Only Watch that has given perma nent satisfaction to YOUB, father, to MY father, YOU and ME, is THE HOWARD The Watch De Luxe." Why not be able to say the 6ame to Yout ijranasonr ' Let Us Tell Yon About HOWARDS ! F. M. FRENCH. Meals Only 15 c at the Royal Bakery and Restaurant Trime Roasted Beef, Roast goin of Pork, Veal, all kinds of fish in their season; also Fruit Cakes, salads and the best ofCoffeo. CornerJ2nd.and Ellsworth. B.A.LEININGER !J. W. KE.MLEV Dentist Crawford Block. Aluani Democrat Building. Albany, ' Is prepared to make and repair boots and shoes for men, women and chil drn in a workman like mannet. ?TZZ- 5CE Wholesale an' retail. Delivered eryvhere. ev Keep cool thl- Order at All any Ice Workt GLEN JUNKINS. HE reconstruction of our store, is nearing comple tion, and when so completed, will more than fill our anticipa tions and promises. Watch for our opening an nouncement, which will appear in a few days. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO.