Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 25, 1908, Page 5, Image 5

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    DR. ill. U. KLLIS,
Physician and Surgeon
Albany, Oregon
Calls made in city and country. Phone
Main 38.
In the Circuit Court or
be S.Hlo
Oregon (or L,in Joimty-.
In lb Dim er ul the application i i
Emily E. Sloan to reniwur ibw to
the tulluwiog de-crioed pitjuiieea, tu- it:
Beuiuumtf at tba N. W. coroer of Lt
2 in B:ock 15 10 toe city of lLu&"v, in
Linn C uutv, Oreiini, aod running
t bonce finmerly oq ib" Norm tmodan
lino of eaid Block 62 inn " a poi'
which is 6 ftt Westerly from vhu N. E.
corner 'of eaid Lni iheuw Southerly
parallel with the A rat huuodar; Hue ot
eaid block 1C3 fvet- and 2 n ebes to tbe
alley, tbence Westerly parallel with tbe
Nortb boundary line of t-aid Block 62
feet to tries. W.coruer of eid Lot 2
thence Northerly parallel with itae Wen
boundary hue of emd Block 103fer aod
2 tocnee to rue plac of beninuiog,
against all whom it may concern, De
Tu ail wuum it may concern :
Tiike tioiice, (hat ou tl e ninlb dav of
September, A. D. 19u8, hu applicatl l
wt file t oy taid Emily E. dlu an in the ,
Oircuil Court of tbe State of refcou for
Linu County lor iowial regie-ralioa of
tne title to tbe land above described.
Now, anlees vou appear ou or before ib j
12tb day of October,. D., 1905 ano show
cause wby euun applictttioi Btit.ll u it ie
graiiteil, tbn vame will be taken as con
fessed, and a Ueciee will be eute'ed c-cordin-i
to the raer o tbe application,
aod ynu will be lo ever barred iroiu dis
puting the eian1.
vviiteBS my hard aud (be
( ) seal ot eaid Circuit Court
SfiAL f -9th day of Sf piuih-r, A. D.
llli8. J. W.YllLLUk.
Couuty Cierk and x f .fi'eio C.etfe of
tbe Circuit Court ol Uou (Jountv. Ure
gon. HEAirr&SOX.
Applicant's Attorneys.
Notice in bere'oy iiiveo that tbe under
signed, execuior ot me last will an 1
testament of B. V. Cooper, decease!,
baa filed bis nal acc unt as such exe
cutor in tbe County Court of tbe State
ol Oregon for Liun Oouny, and that
Monday the 510 day o( Oj'ober, 1908,
at one oVorr" in tue after nojn hae been
fixed by BBid i-ourt as tbe lime and place
for bearing objuctioaB to eaid final ac
count and he pettlement thereof.
Da e of firnt publication i Sept. 4,
1908, laet Oc, 2, 1908.
T. B. CO )PE R,
Executor of the laat wi'l aod testa
ment of B. W. Cooper, deceaeed.
JsoticH ie herebv g-ven tbat tbe under
signed baa filed his final account in tbe
matter nf i ,e estate of E. Httcklman
decea -I aod that the County Court
of Linn C uutv, Orvyou, hfa net Mod
aayl(Ktii'ier 6th, 1908, at 9 o'clock a.
m. as th: time (or n,e hearing of any
objection? thereto and for the Battle
ment of eaid estate.
Administrator of tbe estate ol E. B.
HaofaL'raan, deceased, with tbe will an-next-d.
Notire i her"''-- itiv-n, that Ui un
derHined hu b-eu duU a 'ton-, eii a I
miaistratjt f iv ivai of L.
Kosecrane, ii i'-tMPd, b? hp iit)tinty
Coort of L" ii Cn'itiiy, O ' kn. All
peiBone hat i iiiu. ntwitnt eaid
estate Hre hef n itlH.I ti v-atsn- the
BaiiiH duly Ye itie.j, hp ' v itr requ'rt-d,
to thp undersignt-'l t hi- ottittH in the
Dcno r' olKc-i t I'a-iv, ft-nf n,
withto Ax minttii) fioiu tbe dateot this
uot ief..
Dated th s the 2l-t iiv of Anoint,
' Admim-trator.
C. C. BRYAN T and T. J. 6TITE6,
Attorneys lor Adminiatra'or.
Not ice ie hereby given to all whom it
roay concern that the undereigoed has
bis filed final account as administrator of
tbeea'tite of FredH. Hugliea,deceaeei,ln
th office ol the County Cierk for Linn
Connty, Oregon, and the Judge of tbe
Cjuntv Court has fixed September tbe
8 li, 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
fur the hear nic of oojecton to eaid ac
count, if aoy, and for the tettleinent of
paid estate.
Tbia August 4 h. 1908.
Adimuietrator ol aaid eatate.
Notice is hereby iven that the norler
eigaed executor nf tbe last will nnd tpt
ameot ol A. tx. Marshall, dtfcertPfd. 1iqp
fi ed in rhn Countv Court of luo Ci'in
ty, Oregon, his final account as rtich
pxerutnr and tout aid conrt ha t
loint'it the 21"' dayof September,
at the horr of 9 o'clock in the 'rtrpnuon
ot the said day a lime of an fur ob
j ci n 8 to eaid final account and fur the
et-ulemenf thereof.
Firet publication Anvut 21.
pres. b. Marshall,
HEWITT & fcsCX. Executor.
Attorneys lor ExeTiior.
The Riverside Farm
Kit. SCHUI L. Hrnprietoi
Breeder and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs,
S. C. White and Buff Leghorns, W.
P. Rocks, Light Brahmas, R. C.
Rhode Island Reds, White
Cochin Bantams, M. B,
Turkeys, Whit. ml
den Geese, l';h.n
Ducks, I'c 1 1
Winner of 17 prizes and 22 on Poultry
at the Lewis &;Clark Fair.
Ef g in Season Stock for Sale
PfKDe, farmers. sa - it u jfo-a j
M K Yoakim, the site selecter, lett
n the California express lust night for
Alameda. To the Democrat man he
expressed his appreciation of the courte
ous treatment here. He had an easy
time in this city, with which he was
well impressed, and liked the business
men of the town. Albany was the
seventh city visited by hitn and he has
about eight others, fifteen in all to go
to before reaching Washington, which
he thought would be in about a month,
Albany people may expect to know the
site -selected about the first of Novemb
er. He does not make his report until
he gets bk to the capital city. He
saw as many busineas people as possible,
and in order to draw them out, talked
freely about the different sites, but it is
doubtful if any one knows what it is,
though one might possibly do some
pretty dose guessing.
At the present time there are fifteen
men out from the treasury department
selecting sites ordered by the last con
gress, covering the country. Mr. Yoa
ktrci has been in the department eight
years, seven in Porto Rico, but this was
ha first site inspecting trip.
News from Six of Albany's 26
Passenger Trains.
The biggest crowd yet went to the
state fair, train loads coming in on the
Springfield, Lebanon and Corvallis
trains, joining the Albany aggregation.
Mr. and Mrs, Everyboy and their child
ren were there, so don't look for your
name in a state fair list.
325 ticketn was the record this morn
ing for the fair from this city, 77 more
than yesterday morning. With those
from other places thero were at least
700 people to leave from Albany for the
tair grounds.
Notwithstanding this large crowd,
fifty to seventy people were on the Cor-1
vallis and Eastern platform leaving for
different points east and west. j
R. F. Shier, of the Black Eagle mines,
returned to Gates with a load of sup.
phesand also some men he had se-
cured in Portland. There is about
month s more work to do on the road'
into the mines. When completed there
will be something doing. Work wall be
begun on the smelter and other im
provements made. A plit of the new
townsite, on the Black Eagle property
is being prepared.
R. B. Montague left for points north.
S. M. Garland, of Lebanon, went to
Salem after cornice for the new hanW.
Couldn't get the work done in Albany
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wire retnrnprl to
Portland. Mrs. Wire has been spend
ing the summer at the Bay.
Superintendent Fields was here in
his special car.
Five Hindus came down on the
Brownsville train, as homelv nsahedo-e
Taft will make three tours, none to
Gearge Clark, of Clark's Mill was in
town today. i
Foreman Lot inir of the denot. left nn
a rorcianu trip.
Merrill Online, has returned 'from a
visit with his aunt at Sodaville.
Miss Waive Streitel left for Celilo to
spend sometime with her folks.
Mrs. J- W. Gordon, of Spokane, left
home after a v-iit with Mrs, T. J. But- . the crowd, but the judges recommend- the Barr hotel at the time of its de-ler-
I ed that the prizes of $20 and $10 be struction in the north end re. The
Mrs. Will Merrill, of Portland, is divided equally between the two teams, father received word from his son two
visitirg at ner iatner s.
nkr. HOOert
f.. ,.'
Mrs. Anna Farrell is home on a visit
at the home of her father, Mr. Frank
Lonner Ralston jr., of Portland, left
for home after a visit with his uncle J .
H. Ralston.
Mrs. D. R. N. Blackburn went to
Brownsville this afternoon to spend a
mumu or two.
shmoo f rvi, !.. .u:'
noon for Ashland, to join Mrs. Schmeer
and return home
Pmf r LZ LI'a -i , t
Prof. Glenn and family, of Eutrene.
were in the city this inoon on their way
uuiiie iiuui uie neat oiue.
A trunk at the depot this noon was
labeled Mrs. f. D. Armstrong, 1734
Ashland ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
S. S. Train and family have returned
from their summer's outing at New
port. ' Mr. Train, though, will go back
to look after things for a few days.
F. S. Rie3er, of the Lebanon wagon
road, returned last night from a trip
over the road to Fish Lake, and went
to Portland this afternoon.
T: J. Seeley. of Coos Bay, is making
arrangement to plant a lot ot Austral-
lan blue gum tre.v,. He has expert i
mented ana say3 they will do well.
,ii i
u...lnnc ... u mi
Budge Stewart, the well known bridge
builder, came dovi n from the
Joidan ,
country, last nnrlit. and next vwe; will
span the distance hetween here and Eu
gene, for a regular course in th.; U. of
Father Moron, who ha3 jmt com
puted his studies, coming to mis coun
try recently from Europe. Iris been in
the city on a visit whh I''.ic;i;r Lane.
He doesn't know yet where lit will be
Mr. Sam Dilan, returned from the
Bsv. where he officiated as a jolicem in
during the outing season, and left for
NoTt- Dame, where he will resume his
studiej. Ho will be a junior this year.
Manager J. P. O'Brien's car passed
through the city this morning westward
on the C. & E., but according to the
T legram Mr. O'Brien himself was
east of the mountains. No one saw
him here.
That grip of stolen clothes was taken
back to Eugene during the night. Fred
Moullen. one of the owners, famous in
foot ball fights, non a coach, was up
the VicKenzie, and had to be sent for
to make the complaint. It isn't every
thief who dares tackle such a noted feot
ball fighter.
Warmly Endorsed by the Com
mercial Club.
At the meeting of the Albany Com
mercial Club the report of the commit
tee on the milk condenser, Messrs. D.
O. Woodworth. E. W. Lanedon. M. H.
Ellis, J. P. Wallace and H. H. Hewitt
was made and the report adopted. It
was as follows:
We find ubon investigation thnt thp
facts set forth in a prospectus issued
bv Messrs. J. A. Howard and C W.
Tebault fully explains and covers the
We also find that a condensed milk
plant is warranted in Albany, and
worthy of support by our citiens; that
the promotion fee of 8 per cent, or
$4,000, of the capital stock of the pro
posed o.-ganization is not excessive,
nor more than will be fully earned, for
labor and expense to thoroughly execute
the project. That as evidence of faith,
the members of the Commercial Club
have already subscribtd $5,000 to the
capital stock.
Ihat: when the stock has hppn unffip-
iently subscribed to insure sucess, the
subscribers are to elect whom thpv
deem proper as directors and officers of
the association, who will have nnwnr
and authority as such officers and di-
rectors te select grounds, purchase ma- cheese. Alex Raven, Salem received
chinery, enter into contracts necessary award for best creamery butter exhibit,
for the establishment of a plant, and to Mrs. John Girardin of Turner for the
nave entire control of the plant, regu- best dairy butter, Mrs. C. N. Elhaney
lated by bylaws sanctioned by the as- for the best cheese other than American,
sociation. Coos Bay Condensing Company for the
We therefore recommend that hearty best condensed milk, Leslie Salt Refill
support bo given by our citizens and ing Company, San Mateo, for the best
the project be encouraged and pushed butter salt and salt licks for stock,
to early completion. Without doubt the greatest attraction
Hop Picking Done.
Hop picking was finished last night
at tne Neis & Schlosser yard at Spring
Hill, with a record of about 5, 000 boxes
e f ?.aBt checka bein.e numbered
nnn L, ,I1S me.ansaPPratly 65.-
000 pounds of the dried product, hops
Zetl Kl8'0 th8
' One of the biggest picks was Vy Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Govfo, of this city,
who picked 32 boxes the last two days
lachVerage ght boxes a day for
There was a fine crowd cf nickers
iresent and a good time was hadsocial-
Home Irom a Hunt.
I Postmaster Van Winkle, Dr. H. A.
Lenninger and Vice President P. A.
Young returned this morning from their
hunting expedition to Southern Oregon.
They were in the mountains near West
x v.iv, mm iimi a giuuuus nine uuiiLiiig
and fishing. The deer was scarce and
hence the killing was small, by actual
count, on first-class authority, .two, di-
vided as follows, the Naseby one, the
merchant one. A few shotwere gotten
hi, some uear, anu cougars were saia to
be in the vicinity. There were no hair
breadth escapes and the men reached
home whole.
Our Maccabees.
The official fair daily says of the Mac
cabeee drill:
The Maccabee drill yesterday after-
' noon between the Ladies teams from
Portland and Albany resulted in a vie-
tory for Portland. The latter team put
up a snappy drill; and made a hit with
I.nnn..nn tUn AIUnn.. ....... 1...
""w i-i niuaiij team wtia iiilci-
rupted in the midst of the drill by the
norses tor the next heat, thus having
no opportunity to compete.
Just Pegging Away.
Mr. Hartog is sensational in his
methods. He sent the following to Mr. i
McMurry: "Would it be possible to
cut Eugene off your schedule and not
"'"P. tra,iPs f?' 6 fl,.day3 fU1 We
catch up with the influx of new
comers." That is good. Albany might
i j n ? e u.:.i ?5
rooming houses have been packed full.
a ; iut :nfki j .
and it is almost impossible to find a
house to rent, bat sensational methods
in advertising are not bine used here.
We are pegging away and getting there.
A Pop Corn Item.
Register: H. Brawner the pop-corn
man who has his wagon at the corner
of Eighth and Willamette streets, says
ne win pay tne license ot per quar
ter aaked of him and pay a whole vear
in advance. He says he' will have to
ru Sundav., nnwariava nnd ..II M
.,,;, nm-
1 HP M-iirl hp JYrir.itw1 tn oa hm Ws.k
-. ------ . ,, V . . .
I. i . J'" "asii-
ington property and mvest $2000 in a
reiidencc here, but is not feehns- so
much like it now. ,
A Small Wreck. i
' i
A small wreck of a freight at Turner
ast evening held the Cottage Grove
local there for two or more hours,
much to the discomforture of Ex-Coun-cilman
Parker, who was not riding
lilinn n-igttage thid year, and several
liundieu others, being hungry the pas
sengers madp a raid on the grocery
stores oi Turner, buying uu nil the
tired out crackers in the city giving
nic e soon l"""" ul Iresn
a l ncie boon
5.000 Miles in an,.
Miss Delta Watson, of Portland,
prominent in musical circles, was in the
city on a visit with Mrs. P. A. Young.
Miss Watson was on her wav home
from a California trip, in which she
had quite an experience, traveling
about 6,000 miles by auto, with friends,
covering considerable of the state, in
nl.Iflir.rv ha famm.a VnanR.I,n
wwuiue mm. mm ,ioiuu
Albany Makes a Fine Showing in
the (faces.
There was a record attendance at the
state fair yesterday, about 25.000, with
prospects of to-day equalling if not beat
ing it.
The racing event of thp dnc wna fh
2:08 pace for a purse of $5,000, which
was won by Charley D, a fast California
horse, with Tidal Wave, owned by S. S.
caiiey, oi tnis city, a close second and
Maglidi third. This meant S1500for Mr
In the two vear old tmt nnnthpf A I.
bany horse made a good record, Maurice
Winter's Flora Dora taking second
place, with Zombell first with Sr. Jones
and Jemima King tied for third place.
UC9b ;4L Ji(
Katalina won the three vpar old trnr
111 U,i.J
To-day is Portland's at the fair, and
tomorrow O. A. C.
Ezra Meeker, with his odd oxen out
fit, that made him famous on his trip a
cross the continent, is at the fair.
Blue ribbons are now being placed.
Ju igss of exhibits, have awarded to
Benton County the prize for the best
exhibit. Lane county is second. Yam
hill third, Multnomah, fourth: Polk.
fifth: Columbia, sivth-
Tillamook County takes off the award in
at the rase track is College Maid, the
Guideless pacer, with a guidless record
of 2:09. Her exhibition is wonderful.
Absolutely without impetus of any
nature College Maid paces a mile, alone
and without hobbles. On Monday at
SUSjf 235l! tTwhh difficulty
that two men hold her before she starts
and when she does she leaps like deer
until just before going over the startine
K to.a beautifuYg'a"!
Smithson Gilandldlv OSn'.
chaSpton Athletes wUI alVo ehibitKtheir
nrawi thi nfini f.
other Oregon products.'
At the Motels.
J. B. Riddle, one of the famous fam
ily of Riddle of Riddle.
. C. Lorensen, who is helping to do
things at Gold Creek.
A. J. Layton, of Monahan, Wash.
Winifred Scott Smith. Seattle.
F. S. Rieder of the Cascade and Wtll-
amette Wagon Road Co. looking after
tne uusiness oi tne uompany.
F. H. Colpitts and wife, of Gates af-
ter a trip into the mines. '
Baker, Brewer and Leonard, three
prominent drummers.and others
W. W. Davis and wife, Portland
T. W. Andrews, Lebanon.
H, V. Compton and wife, Coos Bay.
Harry Thompson, Seattle.
Guy H. Smith, Lebanon.
J. N. Griffin, Astoria.
K. L. Wells, Portland.
John P. Van Orsdel, Portland.
A Lost Son.
Journal: S. W. Gaines of Thomas.
Or., is searchine? for his son. Thendnrn
Gaines, who has been missing since the
middle of July. Gaines was working at I
Ho im a . U n I A , ,n n , ........ H ll
buei ma. umauuua i:uiiiittgruwun,
but has received no word since, nor has
ne oeen successtul in learning of his
whereabouts. The boy has been m the
naoic or corresponding regularly and
his long silence has convinced his par
ents that some iil fortune has befallen
Will It Be the C & E.
I. P. lO'ftripn nH ntho
ficials ve been in Crook county on a
., , '
Prospecting trip.going on south through
the countrv. hv autnmnh n into If ion,.
?.th county. The general sentiment
SPere t0 De that the Corvallis & !
mere seems to De that the ( orva Ilia X
Eastern is the road that will be built,
and it is the road Crook county people
generally want. Piineville people ex
pect to be left by about twelve miles,
not a pleasant feature to them of pro
ceedings. Coach Norcross.
F. S. Norcross. the coach, who has
brought the O. A. C. team to the front
place in the North West, was in the
..7 .u . c "7" " IT . A""'?
,i, ,, ,,,,,,,, uirai-
: m
i,a Lu resume Limning, ins nome is
meiiumiiiii'. irui:i. ir. iNurcross IS a
mining engineer gradnate and exnects
tn mi ii.-.r hie ,.,.in. ti,!. ..
wj be his lust as a f..ot b ill coach, at
which he is undoubtedly the best in the
North West, and as well a fine fellow
College Luck.
O. H. Luck the new foot ball coach
arrived last night, a welrome addition
to the force.
Walter Creech, of Portland, a former
Drake Rto l?nt and a graduate of the
li'.'i::ies I'j.inss College, will have
chirje of the short hand department,
Prof. C II. Palmer arrived home last
. , , , . . , ,
nuo ,. il i stu lied und ir Arthur Beres
forJ. a reoratel teacher m Chicago,
and nt S.Ier Lake, N. Y., Chau
la ju i, an I is w,inted there a0'ain next
year tj tea':h
W. H. Singer, a Pittsburg steel king,
made so by Uncle Sam's high tariff,
yesterday placed $I.O0O,OJ0 under e.ich
of the four platei of his children. Ho
nis iuit about as much left, and it is
oaid by scrimping may be abl to live
The E. A.:
Prof. E. K. Barnes went to Cottage
Grove Sunday to enter upon his duties
yesterday morning as superintendent of
the public schools in that place.
Prof. C. F. Bicbee will have charze
of the Shedd school this fall and winter.
His family will live in Albany so the
boys can attend school in that place.
J. R. Smith has sold his residence
property on Bridge avenue to Lee Bil-
yeu. Consideration, $3,000. Mr. Bil
yeu, who has been living near Scio.will
soon occupy the property. It is a fine
M.iry H. Aldrich was born in Morris-
town, Minn., Feb 20, 1865: died near
Lebanon. Or.. SeDt. 11. 19i)S. after an
illness of over a vear. aced 43 vears. 6
months and 21 days.
F. E. Carll. of the firm of Miin-nev
Carll, who make a business of boring
for oil, is in Lebanon conferring with
the leading memb -rs of the Lebanon
Oil . Mining Co. in regard to takine a
contract to boro for oil in tin city. Mr.
iarn says nis nrm is well equipped with
machinery for boring to any depth, he
is favorably impressed with theoi uros-
pects in this vicinity, and will probably
taxe a large diock ox stocit in the new
company. ,
following is the complete faculty of
Albany College:
H. M. Crooks, president; Rev. Frank
lin H. Geselbracht, philosophy; Divid
Torbit, Mathematics; Rev. Frr.ik R.
Zugg, history and Greek; Laura E
Anderson, Go, man and Latin; Eliza
beth Irvine, English; Hans Flo. prin
cipal commercial department; Wm. E.
xiimuaii, science; waiter i.reecn, as
sistant in commercial department;
Emile C. Hansen, principal Conserva
tory of Music; Carroll H. Palmer, voice
culture and singing, Lena V. Tawney,
piano; Louise Blackwell elocution and
physical culture; Margaret Fallenius,
violin; William J. Steele, assistant in
science; O. H. Luck, football coach.
Miss Laura E. Anderson will be ma
tron of Tremont Hull, the ladies dorm
itory, and Miss Roma Jean McKniirht.
of Portland, will organize classes in
art in connection with the college.
The following are new to the college
this year:
Rev. Franklin H. Geselbracht, Ph.
D. Leipsic; Wm. S. Kimball, A. B.,
Amhurst: Emile C. Hansen B. M.. Chi
cago Musical Conservatory; Lena V.
Tawney, B. M., University of the Pa
cific; Margaret Fallenius, of Portland;
Walter Creech, of Portland: O. H.
Luck, who is a pupil in football of
"Hurry-Up-Yost" of Michigan.
Prof. Luck had his first sauad out to
Miss Milly Renwick, of Lane county,
is visiting Albuny relatives.
Miss Adele Goff.of Hood River, pass
ed through the city this noon for the U.
of O.
Rev. W. P. White has returned from
the U. P. synod and Presbytery at Port
land. Francis L. Coats, of this city, is now
at Shaniko, doing telephone construc
tion work.
John Allphin returned to Marcola,
Lane county, t reume work at the
logging camp.
Eugene's near-beer ordinance is to be
tested, the brewers taking the case up
to the supreme court.
H. G. Colton, the insurance man, re
turned this morning from a trip to Cal-
I... .' "
iting here,
Mrs. Horner and daughter, Prof.
Kent and other O. A. C. instructors
went to Eugene this afternoon.
Prof. Alderman, of the U. of O. and
family, were in the city this noon on
their way home from Yamhill county.
W. E. Baker, of this city, made a
good sweep on Black Minorcas at the
state fair, getting four firsts, two sec
onds and one third.
The household goods of Mr. Stanley I
oiewart were taKen to Lienanon yester
day afternoon by the Archibald boys
and Mr. Bob Stewart.
Durinff the state fair t.hprp in a train
evcrv torty minutes between Portland
and Salem, giving a wonderful service
for fair goers, a big thing for the fair.
Yesterday afternoon Constance Nich
olls entertained a number of her friends
in a pleasant children's party, greatly
enjoyed. A fine time was had and a
delicious lunch was served.
A big lot of Oregon turkeys are be
ing bought up in tbe state, to be de
livered by the 23 of this month. They
are wanted by Portland dealers to fill
on nir hi,y,oi. t ,u du:i::.
Islands for Thanksgiving, fjr the U. S.
" V: "u.: " ,.'?ff'!7,,'K; ",0 "
o,uier. ueing Kept in com storage.
Tt,n ..i i i- u
The Democrat acknowledges the
ceipt of a Dunch of erapes from Mr. P.
F. Altermatt, sent him by his son, A.
P. Altermatt, of Eastern Oregon. It
weighs nearly five pounds, and is a
wonder, both in the size of the bunch
and the grapes.
It was bound to come. Wright's '
aeroplane took a tumble yesterday. Mr.
Wright had a leg broken and Lieut.
Clr:.i n i.:1i.i mi r 1
eniiute wan miied. vvnen to ieet
high a propeller blade snapped, the
machine was overturned and something
h d to happen.
Elenor Brassfield. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. T. H. C. Brassfield, of Shedd,
died in this city yesterday at the age of
4 years and a few months, ot heart
disease. A bright and lovable girl.
The remains were taken to shedd where
the funeral was held this afternoon,
Mr. J. H. Goldman, of Tangent was
in the city last evening. Speaking of
the suits by Mr. Danforth against him
mentioned in thj Court House News
yesterday, he stated that his defense
will be a three years lease not yet ex
pired and the payment of the lease price
in improvements according to agree
ment. Negotiatious are pending for the
sale of the frmand it is desired to irive
Mrs. Sarah J. Irvine, wife of the late
Robert A. Irvine, a prominent pioneer
resident, died at the home of herdaugh-
er. in Portland, rlnrinor loaf nirrht D.
thp atrp nf 7J vun.o wka nl..a .. '.,.,:
lt- nag a icoi-
dent of Linn county for ever fifty years.
..-j -e. ..v. jjhiv cu iii iuo aiiuits Hi
Ifp. OF u H..,nat;.. trn .kn A t-.l
her life faithfully and well to her home.
Kul..i.n.l t... t. . e :t.. -i. .
viu.ti, Liy uvi luimiy uiiu an otners
fortunate in having her friendship. She
was a member of the Cumberland Pres
hvlf.rii.n iliiinh a raI.u rl..;..;.n
J ... ..utv,,, uuuic MIIOllUll wu-
man, with a heart full of love for Im
munity. Slip Ipnvpu nna am T 1 IT in,;nn
of Tullman, and three daughters, Mrs'.
L,urK nuyeu, ot Kugene. Mrs. A. B.
Slauson and Mrs. E. L. Thompson, of
Portlund. One son. Tip. F. I. TrvinA
died a couple yeurs ago.
A frequent visitor at her home for
many years the editor of the Democrat
fppls a nprennnl naa anA wtlk mnr.
others in Albany sympathises sincerely
with her daughters and son in their
great loss.
e uneral services will be held in Port
land tomorrow afternoon, and in Al
bany Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock,
at the C. P. church on Main street, to
be conducted by Rpv. J. C. Elliot.
News from Albany's Six
Charles Duncan Monteith anil Han-v
P. Merrill left for the east, the former
for Cornell University at Ithaca, N. Y.,
the latter for Rush Medical College,
Chicago University. An interesting
fact in connection with the trip is that
their grandparents in 1847 first came
across the plains to Oregon in the same
ox train.
! Another large crowd went to the fair,
but not like the crowds of Wednesday
and Thursday. This morning only
about 150 tickets were sold. A crowd
came over from Corvallis, as it is O. A.
C. day, and remained in their cars,
which were transferred.
Superintendent Fields did a neat thing
yesterday when the big crowd went
down. The train being short of room
he threw open his private car and it
was soon filled, those in it haviiiir the
privilege of riding in one of the finest
coaches in the country.
Bob Johnson, one of Corvallis' old
time newspaper men, postmaster, etc,
was among the Corvallis crowd on the
way to Salem. Bob is getting pretty
well along towards a hundred, but be
cause he has managed to keep his hair
colored was boasting about how much'
younger he looked then the Democrat
man. Twenty five years ago he was
one of the fastest sprinters in the val
ley and jumps around as if he could go
some yet.
I Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Woodcock, who
had been in Portland attending the fun
eral of M u-garet Lyle, returned home.
Robert Shaw nnd B. G. McCloud, two
Curtis Lumber celebrities, went up to
t Mill City.
A Hors: Hair Item
A manager of a Looster's club can
certainly got plenty to do, not only in
boosting, but in other things. Mr.
Dasent is facing an interesting propo
sition, that from an inmate of the peni
tentiary at Deer Lodge, Mon.. asking
him to sell a horse hair bridle for $25 or
a crazv nuilt for S7fi. nt nt lojot o lnnAn
little horse hair necklaces ot 60 cents '
each, inclosed being a sample, a very '
pietty neatly made affair. The man
states that he made the proposition to
many others, but has not even received
an answer. The hand writing is beauti
ful, showing culture. Of course he
asserts his innocence of the crime of
manslaughter, which sent him there for
twelve years. Such cas-js may sxcite
one's sympathy, but commercial clubs
cannot mix up in such things.
Boosting the Apple Fair.
Fruit Inspector Roberts, chairman of
the apple fair committee, carries arour.H
a card which reads:
Albany Apple Fair November 10, 11
and 12. 1908. Twenty one beautiful
silver cups, ranging in value from $16
to $100 each, offered as prizes for ex
hibits of standard varieties of apples.
f;ompetitioi open to all Willamette
Valley growers.
The Willamette Valley grows the best
apples in the world. Many people do
not know it. Come and assist us in
demonstrating this fact.
Oregon Dirt.
Henry Ruiter came to Benton county
some seven years ago and bought a
farm on Soap Creek, and, like many
others from the EaBt, sold his posses
sions for almost double the purchase
price, and went back east. Two years
ago he came back to Oregon nnd bought
a farm five miljs east of Corvallis, pay
ing $32 an acre for it. A few days ago
he solo out attain, at Xr,R fhna vaai;n;nn
- -n --. -ouo .ciiciljj
$ii per acre, as a net profit in the in.
eienae. oi vuiue as wen as the profits
irom me larm. inese are the facts as
given us by Mr. Robinson, who auction
ed olf Ruiter's personal property.
Not in Albany's Class.
The Oregonian gives the picture of
Herbert S. Slocum, a Douglas county
boy, who killed three deer, but it took
him two months in which to do it. Al
bany has a fourteen year old boy
Marshall Woodworth, who this summer,
within twenty minutes, up on the Mc
Kenzie shot thre deer, and he cer
tainly is entitled lo a bigger picture
than young Slocum.
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