emocrat ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25 1908 VOL XL1V NO Albany Carpet Cleaning fcv M. L. Sanders FOOT BROADALBIN ST. Again ready for business. Home Phone 210. Dreamland THESE WON. The New Moving Picture Play House. The latest and best pictures in the program. Popular and pleasing songs. Continuous performance every night and at Saturday and Sunday matinees. Change of program Sunday after noon, (Tuesday and Friday evenings. Two 'fans going all the time, making it cool and pleasant. Admission 10c, matinee children 5c. F. P. Stewart, proprietor and mana ger. i! V ei First strict, op nosice Stev n' s store. The awards are being announced. Some reported received by Linn county people. Percherons J. W. Inman took first on one year old, Chief, and on colt under one year. ' Clydesdale W. T. Cochran's Blanch was third on mares and fillies four years and over.' Red Polled-F. H; Porter had the second best herd in a fine display, and was nrst on young, second on can, nrst on the best four animals from one sire, i Galloways J. C. Sabin was 2nd on bull, 1st on junior yearling; 2nd on junior calf. Cows: 2nd on junior heifer; I 2nd on aged herd; 1st on group, product I of one cow; senior champion cow, junior champion; grand champion. 1 j vjeo. u. wnneim was ist on a years . I old and over; 1st on junior calf. Cows: 1 2nd on 3 years old aid over; 1st on 2 years old; 1st cn junior calf; senior, champion bull, junior champion, 1st on ! aged herd ; 2nd on group, product of one cow. I v. r. nizer iu narnsDurg nan a nne I displa Oxford sheep, being second on ram, two years old or over, iind and 3rd on ram, one year old an'i under two, 1st on ram, lamb, 1st, 2nd and 3rd on ewe, two years and over, 1st, 2nd and 3rd on ewe, one year and under two, 1st and 2nd on ewe, lamb, 1st on best lambs get of one sire, 1st on best two lambs from one ewe, 1st on Lesf. flock. Miss Emma Hulburt was first on pio neer peas, first on prodigious peas, and first on manila tree beans. F. H. Hugh son, of across the river was first on dis play of farm products. Granted Mrs. Stevens of Portland Fame. I A DIVORCE HARRISBURQ I WE REMOVE THE CHAFF. Use Diamond Blend cof fee because it is the best. Just received 1,000 lbs. new crop tea. Bulletin: Mrs. Geo. Wilhelm and baby left yes terday for a two months' visit at Los ' Angeles. Oregon City, Sept. 19. -In less than , J- C. Ingram died in this city yester twenty minutes Miss Louise Powell JSLI? Stevens was granted a divorce from I. tion. M. Stevens the 'Portland clubman and Bernard Senders ia quite m at his exporter by Judge McBride this morn- . . L,ntlnj . .'.,hoirf Hn is in.. She produced her marriage cer- home m Portland o tjphoid He j present indications will have a very buurt run oi tile uiseuse. Until disputed Harrisburg will lay claim to possessing the oldest woman resident of Linn county. Mrs. Ann Curtis is 94 years old. The ton nrice for earlv hops was paid here the latter part of last week when tificate and was granted a decree on the grouuds of desertion. Foraker's Doings. Cincinnatti, Sept. 19. jenator For aker made a statement again today today relative to the $50,000 draft al-1 J. R. Cartwright, Robert Stroda, leered by Hearst to have been received from the Standard Oil Co. Foraker says it was intended as a part payment to purchase a newspaper,but the deal fell through atd the money .was returned. W. for COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. 223 First Street Opposite First National Bank. Lots of tires at, Baltimore's, oppo site the Democrat office. ATTHEHOTELS'SSs? Did you know that a table spoon full of EHMANN'S OLIVE OIL taken three times a day will render you abso lutely immune from Appendicitis? Fact out get pure oil of known and proven worth. Try EHMANN'S for best re. suits. Owen Beam Co. L. Tyler and May & Kelsey sold v.'ic. County Fruit Inspector Roberts was in town last Friday in the interests of the Apple Fair to be held at Albany in November. He is asking the donation from each of tlie towns in the county When he left Harris- I ourg ne saia me iunas raisea nere would buy a finer cup than any of the 1 other towns had yet contributed. Prof. E. K. Barnes, of the Cottage j chag M staiford of Ardocn N. D Grove schools, getting ready to move js the man who is responsible for the from Lebanon to Cottage Grove. small boy's presence on the street, in- Mrs. A. L. Spink and daughter, Klam-1 ?ea.d o ' his desk in our public school, ath Falls He is undoubtedly a good instructor but E J Abbey Newport I ratner a poor excuse for a man. Still Mrs.' R. J. Hunter and Mrs. J. E. I & wil1 j us ? K0d ' ,e .h,ard 011 Henkle Philomath 'him. More than likely he will never W. Whitle. Pendleton and J. Whitle. iasl? fo.r the 3b aEaiP' The letter came Fell Iowa only three or tour "ays cctorc ocnooi 'A. C. Caldwell, Ashland. Pened- It simply stated that he had I. J. Pepin Chitwood. been off f.red a much more lucrative W A Wnrwor nnrl ,ifo nf tho Hnnv. ' position Dy a real estate nrm in rori.. OUR NEW Wellington Pattern of Dinerware is decidedly different from ordinary' decoration a pleasing green gray combination o"f sprays and scrolls. The were is a high grade Eng lish semi porcelain every piece guaranteed. 56 piece dinnerset, 6 each plates, pie plates, soop plates, frui dishes, cup and saucers, butter chips, 1 each covered dish, sugar bowl, creamer, butter dish, fiaiei ouu ueep uisucg vamerent sizes;, only .50 MEISER & JV1EISER Also you get a Teapot Free s er saw mill Roy McCauley, Clearfield: J. C. Mayo, of Spokane, i si hi. passenger agent. Rev. M. M. Gilchrist, Oakville. Pa. former C. 1 have only a few more of the pears, but an abundance of the most choice tomatoes now tor canning, both at '50c Ser bushel delivered in city limits, ome phone, 130. Call up at 12:30 p. m. and from 7:30 p. m. till 9:30 p. m. B. C. Wyatt. land. Died. Vernita, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Fred Glaze, of Benton county, died this afternoon cf cholera infantum, at the age of nearly a year, a bright and love able little girl, whose death is greatly regretted by all knowing her and the many friends of the family. 1 1 ...TO- JUST RECEIVED A new lot of Rifles, Shot Guns and Revolvers and the prices are rightjthis year. Also Table and Pocket cutlery just in at right prices. Magnolia coffee costs 25c but taste like 40 cts. GILBERT BROS. At the sign of the Padlock. Oct. 3M and 4th At the very low rate af $25.00 for thf round trip. Tickets good for 29 days. Rate open for everybody. Account Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress. C. K. FRONK, Agt. Tone, Individuality ana Quality Ladies, Misses and Junior Suits, Coats and Skirts Complete showmg or new Fall Models, no two alike PTf A ill 'RP'PSi. , TriTT VfT? AT THE CREST you will find Swetland's Ice Cream, Aldon Chocolates, Cigars, Fruit and Nuts. L. L. POTT'S 31B W. 2nd St. A specific fur ram Dr. Thomas's Eclectric Lil, strongest, cheapest hn ment ever devied. A household rem dyio America for 25 years. Albany's Leading Cloak and Suit House. 14 ' New Crop Tea. Just arrived at the Oregon Market and grocery. We have abut 250 pounds of the best tea grown, and to move it quickly have put a price of 55c the pound. This tea is the regular 75c grade and none better comes to this country. You will save money by lay ing in a supply now as it is the new crop put up in air tight cartons. We will cneeriuuy reiuna money u it is not an or better than we claim. Ask for Pre ferred Stock Tea and get the genuine. We have a few pieces of hand painted china that we are closing out VELY cheap. F. M. French, the Jeweler. White Riverflour (old wheat) at the Oregon Maiket and grocery. We are having some of ihe latest de signs in '(Egyptian Matrix" Jewelry. French, the Jewelry. Music Lessons. Piano and Organ 52 ' Phone Black 971. HELEN ELKINS. VETCH. A few tons of clean vetch wanted at the Magnolia Mill. A. W. BOWERSOX. OUR DU Y IS TO FULFILL THE WISHES OF OUR . CUSTOMERS.'. Don't thjnk we want only your. money we need your good will quite as much. We keep constantly on hand the very best of meats, and we are onlv too well pleased to furnish our patrons the choicest cuts of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. We also curry a full line of hamB, bacon, sausage, lard, fish and provisions gen erally. Holt's Market SECOND ANNUAL SALE BLOODED STOCK. OF STAR BAKERY, C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce , fruits, etC. Both Phones 57 The undersigned will offer for sale, at Public Auction on the old Williams : place 3 miles south of Tangent, near Kendall Bridge, the following described property on Monday, September 21, commencing at 10 o'clock: 18 head of young Jersey cows, fresh and coming fresh. These are No. 1 dairy cattle from 2 to 5 years old, of long improved breeding, out of the herds of S. li. Pow ers and W. H. Allingham. 1 registered Jersey bull No. 73391: 5 vears old Jan-: iuary 27, 1909; sired by Oregon's Gold Boy, dam Kosaline M. 1 Brood mare 8 years old 11200 Ihs. 1 Brood mare 12 years old &0 head Angora Coats. Free lunch at noon Terms of sale: Six months time, note bearing 8 per cent interest with approved security. A discount of 2 per cent will be given for cash. J. H. GOLD.VI N, Owner. P. A Ki.INE, Auctionnr. The Highest Market Price paid for Walter Parker, Grocer and'. Baker iH WRIT KIRST 8TKlRT,.ALBAN Y OREOON," First class goods in their season Phone .Maln',56. ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale dialer in fruit, pro duce, paper bags.jwrapping paper and twine. 42 WEST FIRST STREET. M. B. GRAFT, 242 WesfStcond St., Albany First-class meat, selected stock. ef all kinds, from ! Senders' FEED STORE,! 435 West First 5 1., Albany, 1r. Headquarters for "Alsen and Pyramid" Portland Cement. 'Roachn 1 Harbor" Li ne. Ruberoid Itooflne. ' Wood Bibre Plaster, Sulphur, Spray, Poultry supplies. Dalles Diamond and Liberty Bei hard wheat flour, Hav, 1 Grain, Mill r'eeuand Salt. ' KEEP in Kt c u ine Vienna Bakery ' f r gooo? things to GAT. Second stree between1 EUttrorth awl t-vob itreet. Of all kinds, at i0i?if.OB S)-. F: ! 0 tNj CROP WAKLHJ-J tl Ferry and Water Streets, Albany. 5ed cleaned without waste 'or l-2c per pound Sacks furnished free. V. .e 1'h tie 107. Stetter's Cish Store