PACV Painting? is not so hard if you tret the right paint. The varnish you put on a floor is not good for other woodwork : paint for the porch is not always right for a chair. All this has been made easy by the ACME QUALITY mark which directs you to the purpose. 1 hat is why we sell perfect paint for every 'Acme Quality" paint. enamel, stain, varnish. It enables us to give you exactly the right paint for your needs. "The Selection and Use of Paints and Finishes" is a book that makes the work easier by ? plaining how to paint anything, ours irM whan you purchase. Ohling & Taylor if ACME All the trAW Get Into Your Class and Become a subscriber of the Home Telephone Co. Best telephone service Al bany has ever had. UesirieiM'O Hates M .0' $1.25, $1.50 Tlusiiiess Hates $2.00 Long distance service to Portland and other points. G. E, SANDERS, Assistant Manager. J. C LOWE, Local Manager. A. L. TETU, General Manager, Portland, Oregon A GATES OUTRAGE The little town of Gates this week had another live case. It is reported about like this. Victor Martin, in charge of what is known as a blind pig there, got a yonng girl of about fourteen, a niece ot Henry Carmodv, of Portland, who was visiting thoplace.and attempted to commit an outrage. The girl screamed, and several men rushed to the place. Martin fled out of the rear door, locking it, and thus getting a start, flying to the bushes, where he remained hid for a night and a day. A posse was formed and with a rope hunted for the fellow, and it is said something would have been done if found at the time. He was finally se cured after the posse had cooled down soma and given five minutes to skip from the town. He skipped at long jumps cross lots towards the whiskey town of Salem. HOME ANk ABKOAD. Holley will have a fair October 9, an annual and well managed fair. The Catholic church at Brownsville will be dedicated tomorrow by Arch bishop Christy. Father Lane will assist and others will be present. J. H. Hearde, who had charge of an amatuer theatrical performance in this city last year, is now in the valley with a theatrical troupe, which is well spoken of. VOU can be happy by keeping the digest ion perfect, the liver active, and the bowels fiee by using the Bit ters. A 55 years'" record backs it. Start today. Our private Stamp is over neck. BE SURE THAT YOU GET HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS SHINGLES Use our No. 1 Edge Grain. They are the best in the market. Our No. 2'a are the equal to those usually sold as a first-class article. We make three grades. We pack them closely, you pay for no vacant spaces. We use no Dry Kiln. Come and inspect them, see them made and be convinced that they are the BEST. Remember the place. Thejold Wool en Mill Warehouse. THOMPSONS: CRAMER MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts Mr. Worry makes many a wrinkle. We build our characters along. as we go It takes a genius to tell who his friends are. real All the mud-geysers are not in the Yellowstone Park. Nothing builds up a city like harmony in the work of boosting. Taft may come to the coast, be a big event if he does. It will How many people are all things to all men for their own good or bad. The popcorn man does a crashing good business in a pleasant way. One hardly kaows how much to iieve; but it is always well to sift. be lt doesn't take long for the average person to see a point. But some peo ple don't want to. The word Webfoot is said' to hav cost Oregon millions of dcllars. It should be made a crime to use it ac cording to Tom Richardson. Linn county is larger than several!1 eastern states combined biggw than: Massachusetts, and if Albany, Scio, Holley and any of the other towr.if want) fairs t is their affair. Jonathan Bourne retained last night from the east, after an absence of! two years, Instead of comiag .back id. the interest of Oregon he is simply, here a campaigning, which is about all he has done since bis election. RESENTED. CIRCUIT COURT Enffn Democrat: 1 Because certain assertions hive been published in a paper as true conditions in Hamilton's store, we the following employees, Voluntarily, without the knowledge of our employer, wish to make the following statement. The treatment aceorded ushas always been respectful and' most considerate. The following business wao transac ted ny Judge Galloway today: Wm. Cullums vs. E. L. Wheeler et al. purveyor W. H. Herring, of Yamhi 1 county, appointed viewer. Henry W. Beard et al agt 3. Spicey Cottrell et al, Report of referee con firmed. Supplemental petitions filed in regis tration cases of Robert E. Houston aid Our store closes promptly at 6 p. m. on q vv. Huston every day except Saturday, on which Effie Al. Biggs agt Earl E. Brigg. uajr l wuacs ml u p. in,-, wiic ueuiK inn's Motion tor new trial aemea working houo on ea;h day except saturaay, when there have been eleven only, not twelve or thirteen as stated. We are not dissatisfied, as the publish ed article has asserted. We do not complain, for there is no cause. The statement that our store ia a "typical sweat box", is a deliberate falsehood on the part of designing newspaper men, whom alone we believe to be re sponsible for this affair. Nor will the public believe that 16 liberty loving American women' have allowed their sights to be trampled' up on, and "dared, not say anything about the place, eisetney lose their positions We resent tfcto servile submiesi attitude, which' She Herald would have us assume. It'itt a reflection on our in telligence and ta cur independent spirit. Erma Livingston Pearl M. Smith Elda Sprenger Mrs. M. F. Looirai Lir.nie Kimsey Mrs. E. G Kistiie Sina French Mrs. E. Hunter Jennie B. Gaff S'elle Holstein Maggie Cameron Barbara Riesen Eva Patterson Maud Shaw Ruth Bryant Jl.icie Matthew s In application of W. J. findings to register title. G. W. Wright was ap pointed examiner. Lora A. VanCT-et al agt. J. R. Wyatt et al. Judgmi .it against all1 defend ants but J. R. and Lydia Wyatt. In application of Emeline E,- Has rouck to registe title, W. W. Bailey was appointed examiner. Also- in ap plication of Wm. McHargue et ak R. E. Morris agt John Weger et al. W. S. Riley appointed guargiart for minors. Judgment. Agnes McNabb agt L, E. McNabb. Divorce granted. Firat- Mntinnal Rinkf A 1. submissive rington. Judgment fcr plaintiff.' Margaret A. Gil ett agt J. W G 11c: t. Divorce granted. In application of Freitig Ohling to register title, S. M. Garland appointor examimer. Josie Gray agt John Vf. Gray. De rrmrrer overruled and defendant giver.. 30 days to answer. In application of Emily E. Sloan ti register title S. M. Garland appointed examiner. F. S. Van Buskirk agt; A. Bond. tecree on mandate. Poor old1 Lim. County, the best agrl cultural and all-round county in' Ott'l gon, canned muster enough energy to provide a suitable exhibit for the State Fair. What is the use of even talking about boosting? Brownsville Timesi, Why kick Linn. There are 25 other counties in Oregon that will not exhibits. Tomatoes and bartlett Pears. I have only a few mere of the pears, but an abandonee of1' the most choice tomtvoes now tor canning, both at 50c per busivel delivered in city limits, ifame pfcune, 130. Call' up at 32:30 p. m. and from. 7:30 p. m. till 9:30 p. m. B. C. WrATT. ; I ' The Oliver Typewriter. The new No. 5 OLIVER, with tubu latory attachment is just out See;one cf the 6&IVER Agency, 338 W. 5th St. Rtones-,. Black and 218. Efitr cut e Toilet Soap:- at the Ore gore MJartcec. WM Open Sept 21 Sent. 14-19, Salem, Oregon. Oregon State Fair and EXPO SITl ON FOR 1908 The Largest and Best Pacific Coast Fair ! Children FRtE Monday, 14th, and Saturday 19th. ,'. ...,..( i.-.i.;i.;t ..t .mi. c i.iut fc'niiv New hudlinis all convnleted. Walk and grounds the finest. Free camping gronnds for thousands. Agricultural College to bold mowings. Knees six cinys; commence Monday. Fiee evenine cnLertamments. Mrtilroy's Hand nnd Orchcsrta. I'romnent men will speuk. Fancy stock shown daily. NO EXCESSIVf; LOANS, NOT A DOLLARilN STOCKS, NO SPECULATION WITH DEPOSITORS MONEY, OR OUR OWN, NO 0THEK BUSINESS TO KEEP UP, JUST STRA1GHT.0LD FASH- 10NED BANKING. J. w. BANKERS. Albany, - Oregon THE WHITCOMB STAGL To the famous deer trails on the South Santiam river during September and forepart of October. stage leaves L.etianon luesaays, Thuisdays. and Saturdays at 7 a. m. Leaves wnitcomo Mondays, Wednes days and Fridays at 7 a. m., arrives in Lebanon in lime tor tne atternoon train to Albany. Hoard at wnitcomo per ween. T5m7 Tlre-Acadwoy of Our Lady of Per petuus Help-, Albany, Or., under the direction of the BenedicShe Sbters. will reopen to commence ks regular school) work September fourteenth. The-new aAlicion in course of erec- hoVw tion which witt contain all the modern nave; . . -.. . n xa. t ) early date. I For information apply to Benedictine ! Sisters, Albany, Or. Lodge Meetings.. The-E. Ot M. every Saturday even- 1 ihg Chae. Schoel commander-. I The VSoodnaen of the World every ! Friday evening. L. L. Sfrea clerk. ; Mnnzanita Circle 1st and 3rd Mondays, ! Hilka Warford G. N. i A . Ou 3F. W. every Monday evening. I W. M. Parker financier. Oi' P. Dun- . nels. M. W. I Modem; Woodmen Wednesdays. F. M. Bern-toe f " im)s """E A WOMAN'S BACK. The Aches and Pains Will Dbap pecrif the Advice of This Al bany Citizen is Followed. A woman's hack has many aohes and pains. Most times 'tis the kidneys' fault Backache is really kidney ache;. That's-why Eban's Kidney Pills- rare it. Many- Albany women know this. ReadHwhat oca- has to say about it : Mrs. 3l V. Flngg, of 231 Main St., Albany;. Ore., says: "I have suffered greatly with peers in my back, through the loina-and downinto the limbs. There 2nd acd 4th has beeni times when I was unable to Poweili V. C. orot about to attend to mv housework. Uncle Sam Would Like to Which Sill's Policies .Make Things Go. : Royal Neighbors 1st and 3rd; Wednes- If found.little rest day or night, because days. CarrSe Bussard Oracle: lof the persisteni aching and soreness. K nni ne dle9 the "rand Auray ot the jThe kidney secretions were disordered InOWj Republic-meet every 1st and: 3rd Tues- an(j though I ket trying different rem Will 'day afternoons in the G. A. K. hall, ladies I. seemed to get worse constantly. ; Strangers' belonging to this order will a neighbor induced me to try Boon's i receive a. royal welceme. Mis. Jennie j Kidney's-Pills and my husband' got a i M. Brown. Secretary. hox foi, me. at Fo3hav & Masons drner vui uuiiij ui iiiauuLaui.uiiiiK a sutler- . . factory flour and selling at a satisfacH Can't look well eat well or feel wel ory price- has won for us an enviable! with impure blood feeding your body, reputation. You are always, safe in. Keep the Wood pure witra Burdock buying Johnson's Best Flour. It never Blood. Bitters. Eat simply take exer varys. in. quality. The contents- of one-! cise. Keepdean and you will.Save long bag are exactly like the contents-of'! life-. every other bag, a I ways up to. the stand ard'. KOFLICHS-fbr vour ovaters. Drone fcr CUSICK & CO served' accordinK t0 ta3te- J CUSTOM SAWING We are row ready to do-custom saM ing. Good road to mill pond. Bring your logs while tlie roads ane I good. ! 19-24 ALBANY LUMBER Co. ". "l"hae been somewhat costive, but Uoan's Rtegutets gave just the results desire. They act mildly andi regulate the bowels perfectly." George B. Xrause. 306 Walnut Ave.. Altoooa, Pa store. After umug them about three weeks not an ache or a pain remained. 1 have been doiag my own work since without the least inconvenience. I heartily recommend Doan's- Kidney fills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fosteip-Milburn Crv.. Buffalo, New York, scie agents for the United States,. Remember the name Doaxl&aod take no other. ! O Fl Complete Program Pay and Night for Six Days-Two Great Shows Somethinir Doiwr Every Ilouri Excursion trains and spe. ial rates on the railroad. Beware ot Leicctive Titles Huve an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. II. RUSH), Manager Of the real pr..prty you intend to purchase, or accept as security for oxnoy loaned. Ktablishclin 1892, our patrons receiving the oeneht of our experience. Office oorncr of 3rd ar i Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. Fairdale Plant harm. I have for sale a choice- lot of plants for fall planting at reasonable prices. Gooseberries, red and white currants, loganberries, dewberries, rhubarb, hedge plant and sage. I v"ER C. MJEDALL. Home Phone 7102. . F. D. 5. RUBBER GOODS. W E have t last found what we have been looking years to find; a com ulele lino of Rubber Goods that the manufacturers have confidence enough in to absolutely guarantee for I years to tne consumer. Ve honestly believe every one oi mem win KaxHOllMHHn If i SsSv. " - la O years. ".. 3;.it-V The lino is iiSl'-w ''ifSfesSi so much ou l-ifSi.i'.; oftheouii I XtDsVf; nary that we I.VMifv-!: can not bo f'MWt 8i to de ft A"9Kit'-""l seribs the WJ'k&iSi'vIM d.tferencs JbiwX';'C-'i 'Vl't between f&U&& "THE EVER- drop in 'afc' I 'I ?r-,"'ii"?J our store CuS(dSt&ttKK!l and sec foe psniajfj I The 'rriceii i T i 1. 1 i are too kind, coi J, (VI, RALSTON INSURANCE, L04NS AND! COLLATIONS. have money ta loan in small and large amounts. Notes and mortgage ; bought. I will bonH you. Properly , h ami led for noa-residenU BAD BLOOD TSThen bad blood is eantsed from an hfectioui o the circ-i.atibn: by the Tinasof Contagious Bloci Poison, it usually sIumts. in the forouof: ulcerated : mon6a and throat, coppeacolorea splotcts oit ttKt bony, swui lem gsanas in ' the groin, falling hair, sores and ulceva;. etc. Trtese genural'. symptoms, j affettimg all parts of the body, show how steeply poisr.i'. ttSse blood ; becoir-es, and emphasizes- the dangerous. iiharacter of the troiiBi.. If allowed j to remain in the systetrethe disease will! finally rreck the health: and break I down the strongest constitution. No medicine can cure Contagwms Blood ! Poiisoa which does net rid the circulation, of evtrj' partvln- of 4he virus ! S. S. S. is the one realmnd certain cutiy,; it gttes down to tie-very bottom O' I the trouble, and by removing every tiwee of t!ie poison, and aiding rich j healthful qualities to. rhe blood. foreverrcuresth:s;owerftil(!isordlir. S. S. S i is the most reliable J. all blood purifier's, ant! its conceutra i itTedients o heaithtnl vegetable-extracts and juiaes especially anaytc. ic to. curing ini insidious trouble. vVrite for our home treatment book, which is a valuabl aid in the treatment of the different; stages, of the disuaai. and aslc for an. special medical aiive you wish. :Nto charge for either. THE SyVIFT. SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA Couxs & DEVIXE Real Estate and Insuranc Huy and sell realty. Insure prop erty and transact loans. Large or small timber tracts. 132 W. FIRSTS l A. STARK, M. D PI! Y8I01AN AND STjRGEOH k Bldg, - - Alben) A I. HA XV, OR. cheaper than the other the quality. See our window display this weeV ami then come in and let us explain the WHY of it. Remember wo are the exclusive) agents in this town for "THE EVERRITC LINE. Manufactured by The Idsal Ki-uau Mko. Co.. of Cfhicago. W..od worth Drua Co Want's Your Patronage XI idewng ?wss. slophono Red 671 JR. J. Li. HILL, Physician and Sareeo 'fill Block - - Albany, Oi DR. A. J. HODUES DENTIST Odd FellowsTemple, Albany, Oregon FIRST NATIONAL BAK Tl A T. A TJ'V OREGON OKFICKRS DIRFCTOK8 E W LAXGiOy . S F. Youoir Preskk-nt P A o.-lwia S E YOfXO O .1 Sohmitt VU-e-PriBldent EWUnplcr. A0SC11M11T- ACf-'unltt Cashier Transacts a general banking business- ' Accounts kept subject to check. i Sight exhange aud teleirrapliic trans- ! fer sold on New York. San I-'tancisco, Chicago- and Portland, Collections maue on favorable terms. I CHINESE DOCTOR J. Mon Foo, an exnerienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong, is now prepured to furnish Chinese medicines to all. Theunder- signed recommends him and "guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him at No. Ill) West Seci nd St., Albany. Or Jim Westfau., 6-H WF. JONES, Veterinarian. Oflioe Albany Stables. tiotblPbones S4 ScDifsJantal-Pepsio Capsules A POSITIVE CURL For Inflammation orCatarrfcol the Ularf.l,r.ini pUfad Kid' My. HO jure HO FAT. CcrPB Illicitly ga irmnnentlr tl wort rrveo oi C;oBtM-rltoA nnd fcuert. do nutter ot bow iooe stiniliiic A tiolstel? nftrnilMs. bold by drugflift. Price 11.00, or by ml), poat Pld.l.fj0.8 boxes, 2,7&. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CL Far ule br Borihart & lee Imlki I! Kind Von Ham lwri Bcafe f