CLEAN UP SALE OF Men's, Womens and Childrehs Oxfords. Prices that will make every pair a bargain. For ten days a deep cut on all Oxford stock and there's lots of Oxford weather yet. A thousand yards of superior Gingham 7 l2c Standard Prints . , 5c Best American Prints ..... 5 l-2c NEW ARRIVALS IN SILK WAISTINQS Taffetas, Messalines and satin finished silks. NEW ARRIVALS IN DRESS GOODS PanamasCIothsChiffonsSuitings. Are you perfectly satisfied with your figure? Have yon been fitted with one of the late models in Gossard corsets? The models give absolute perfection of lineFive dollars. S. E. Albany, 100,000 100,000 ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PRESCRIPTIONS We point with pride to this great number of prescriptions that has been filled in our store without one single mistake just think how money differ ent kinds of medicines used in filling that money. Proscriptions and with out an error. Our drugs are right. Our prices are right. We treat you right, The store of quali ty. BURKHART & LEE 100,000 FARM AND CITY PROPERTY THE LINN & BENTON REAL ESTATE CO. Now have a good list of FARM AND CITY property and take pleasure in show ing you any place you wish to see. No trouble to us. No expense to you. Before buying see us. See it all. Take your choice. Get the best. We are here to stay. Ask the bankers about us. Our offices are temporarily over the Post Office. 333 West First St Plumbing I and Tinning. W. E. FRANCIS, i 126 ELLSWORTH ST. Bell Red 2401. Home 246. First class work ; guaranteed. DR. MARY MARSHALL! Osteopathic PCyslcian, 226 BroadalbinJStreet, Albany. Phone Black 482. HENRY BRODEP.S DEALER IN:CH1ICE MEATS OF ALL K.UNJJ3, Second an! EUsworthlStreets.IAlbany fl. A. LEIN1NGER. Dentist Crawford Block, - - - - Albanj, Young & Son. - - - Oregon. 100,000! If It Is Time " To Get a Clock . or Watch see F. G. WILL LIGHT SUMMER FABRICS, j when cleaned by our methods of dry ! cleaning, are made to lock just as good as mde to ,ook jot as new. Waists - nn-f ir-sde of r,eiicate colore and ma , in! we M;'tv tie to the licit 'ht of the i owner. vW jito dye any grrnnnt .e- I sired in beautiful shades and colorings. j THE CLEANER, C E. SHELLEY. Prop. 4J0 W 1st St. Beli Phone black 273 Home phone 196 j. w. m;vnj; Democrat Building, Albany, Is'pVepared to make and repair boots and ahoas for men, women and chil dren in a workman Ue manoet. BUSINESS. Try a Patrick Gordon Cigar. 5c. For painting and paper hanging see Eicker, 332 E 3rd st. Home phone 255. If you want to buy or rent a type writer, see Rawlings. He handles a 1 makes and keeps supplies for any m a chine.' See his window of Remingtons Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than anywhere else in Albany. ; Skilfully set if desire'1- Oysters at the Metropolitan. I The oyster season has opened, and from now on the Metrowolitan Market Broadalbin street, will have tho best to be secured, the fat article, good meas- I ure. Just from the beds. Also all the fish delicacies of the sea son. Call when you want the best, i neat and clean. I Minute Coal stove. At the" Albany Hardware Co's. No wick, no odor, perfectly safe. Best thing out for summer use. Sen it work IT'S WORTH KNOWING When you start out to purchase a Kazor or Pocket Knife where to go to get the best the kind that Bears a personal guarantee you get just this from us prices are right. See our window. BURKHART & Lee. Your husband makes his money in the U. S. Then why not patronize home industry by buying an oil made in the U. S. like EHMANN'S. Same price as imported too. OWLN BEAM Co., Albany, Or. Said the OidMc to The Eo " The Only Watch that has given perma nent satisfaction to YOUR father, to J1Y father, YOU and ME, is THE HOWARD The Watch De Luxe." Why not be able to say the same to Your Grandioo? i Let Vm Tell You About HOWARDS ! F. M. FRENCfl. IGE Wholesale and retail. Delivered ev erywhere. Keep cool thir ummer, Order at Al an; y Ice Works. GLEN JUNKINB, THIS MORNING News from Six of Altcny's 26 Passenger Trains. One of the biggest crowds that ever left Albany for the state fair grounds went this morning, perhaps the biggest, The platform and yard were covered, and it took hustling to meet the call for tickets. Besides Albany people crowds came on the Springfield, Lebanon and Corvallis trains. Too many to mention names. 248 tickets were sold for the Cottage Grove local, Albany to the fair, being those only who went from this city, those coming in on the Springfield, Lebanon nd Corvallis trains alreadv having their tickets. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. SimDSon and Cecil Cathey and family went to Portland to attend the funeral of Mrs. Margaret L.yie, an aunt or nr. Simpson. Mrs. Albro Dickinson and daughter left for their home at Raymond. Wash.. after a summer's visit at Albany. They were accompanied as far as Portland by miss oaran namDors. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Range who have h".en running moving picture shows at Eugene left for Portland, where they will reside. Mr. Range will engage in the wholesale film business, furnishing films for the show houses. Mr. Charles O. Lee left for his home at Culver, Crook county, to reside, ituiiiig wiiu mm me uest wisaes ui tne many Alhanv friends he has made duringhis long residence here. Mr. Lee was chief of Douce for several years, afterwards engineer, serving the city efficiently. Mrs. Lee will go later Al Dav and Dartv. after an outing ud in the Cascades, left for their homes at Portland. Arlo Armstrong, uf Eddvvilie. iorm- erly of this city, came over from Cor vallis, where he made arrangements to enter the 0. A. C. Lawyer Tussing and Editor Brown and Minister Sperry came down from Brownsville. WHERE WILL IT BE. Mr. Yoakim, the post office site in-1 spector, has been a busy man. Last night he met with several at the Alco j Club parlors and discussed sites, and ! particularl the block in front of the i court house, which some would like to , have cleared and the whole block used. '1 he site selected is speculation except' with Mr. Yoakim. A new site being considered is the v right corner, at Broadalbin and Second, for which a bid is said to have been offered. I Mr. Yoakim was in the government , service in Porto Rico, seven years, an i experienced man, one who evidently in tends to do the square thing. ! - " I -Foot Sail. ' j Albany College is to have the best ' foot bail team for several years accord- ing to the Albany correspondent of the I Oregonian, with some splendid material for toach Luck to work on, among the men being Capt. Rogoway, Yates, Wil- : bur, Patterson, Hodge, the two Birch etts, Byers.Noian, Gibbons and Schultz. Manager Fortmiller will go to U. of j O. and Dune. .Monteith, one of the best I players Albany has ever had to Cornell. FOUND A, blue feather, marked "do-1.00. can be had at this office. GIRL WANTED. To do general' . housework. Apply to Mrs. W. Mon teith 536 W 5th. . . t22 FOR SALE. I have baled wheat straw for sale. For further particulars see me at my home on Sixth and Lafay ette sts., east Albany. , , Alvin J, Carothers. WAITRESS WANTED. At the at. Charles Hotel, now. Call at the of fice. FOR SALE. Some fine top dirt for filling. Call at the office of the Al bany Supply Co. ONIONS FOR SALE. E. L. McKeever, has them, to be delivered anywhere in Albany. Phone Farmers 2x1. Bell. tDl FOR RENT. 25 acres in Benton coun ty, three miles from Albany. Also some rooms. Call 620 W 4th street, or address Myrtle Lawrenson. 14t FOR RENT, r- Unfurnished rooms. Call at 710 Walnut St. PRIZES FOR APPLE FAIR Following is the list of prizes to be offered at the apple fair in this city Nov. 10, 11 and 12: the cups ranging in value from $15 to $100, the latter for the grand prize: Grand prize, best county exhibit, $100 cup, by Linn county. Second a $75 cup by the Brownsville Commercial Club. The best box Kings $50cup by Harris burg Development Club. Best box of Northern Spies $40 cud by the Linn County Fair Association of : Scio. Best five boxes, 3 or more varieties, j cup by Ohling & Taylor. Second set, silver knives and forks, by Tomlinson & , Holman. Best Lox Spitzenbergs, cup Blain Clothing Co. I Best box Baldwins, $10 pair blankets by Hamilton's Bazaar. I Best box Yellow Newton pippins, cup oy Liinn ana Benton Keaity uo. Best box Ben Davis, cup by P. M. Scroggin. Best box Red Cheeked pippins, cup Collins & Devine. Best box Grimes Golden, cup First National Bank. i Best box Jonathans, cup by Bach & Buhl. Best box Wagner cup by Everett Kyle & Epperly. I Best box Yellow Bell Flower, cup W. B. Stevens. Best display on plates, 10 or more varieties, cup H. Bryant. Best commercially packed box cup by J. A. Howard. Best disp.ay chrysanthemums, cup F. M. French. Best display house plants, premium F. G. Will. Best floral display cup S. E. Young & Son. Best single specimen chrysanthemums cup Holt Again. The finest lot ever ottered in the val ley. JN AND ABOUND ALBANY. The weather prediction is a good one: fair tonight and Thursday. Muir peaches have arrived. 76c per box. Owen Beam's Co. A girl at A Schulze in the country, died yesterday at birth. ! Attend the millinery Opening at the Bazaar next Fiiday and Saturday, j Those ink pencils are just the thing for copying your letters. F. M. French, 1 sells them. See the latest effects in Millinery at the oDening at the Bazaar next Friday and Saturday. Two boys were jailed during the night by Policeman Catliu. runaways, claim ing to be from Kansas City. Stylish, Unique, Handsome are the hats this season. Attend the Millinery Opening next Friday and Saturday at The Bazaar. The Millinery Opening at The Bazaar wil. be grander and more extensive than ever this year. Next Friday and Saturday. Don't forget it. On next Friday and Saturday The Bazaar will.'hold its regular FallMillinery Opening. It will be a grand exposiiion of the latest, most stylish creation in Hats. Don't miss it. Special Convocation Bayley Chapter No. 8 R. A. M. th s Wednesday even ing Sept. It,, 1908 Work in M. M. and P. M. degrees. Members requested to be present. Visiting companions cor dially welcomed. By order of the H. P. E. vVashburn, sec. Huck Jones was brought down from Lebanon last evening and placed in the county jail, charged with the theft of a bicycle. Young Jones, rented the bicycle for a day, but kept it three weeks, bringing it to Albany and pawning it at a second hand store for $1.60. He was up once before charged with stealing a pair of shoes. McKinstry's Studio Photos and Enlarged Portraits. Next to the P. O. Home Phone 318 Meals Only 15 c at the Royal Bakery and Restaurant Prime Roasted Beef, Roast goin of Pork, Veal, all kinds of fish in their I season; also Fruit Cakes, salads and the best of .Coffee. Corner2nd and Ellsworth. THE reconstruction of our store, is nearing comple tion, and when so completed, will more than fill our anticipa tions and promises. Watch for our opening an nouncement, which will appear in a few days. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. STREET CARS Amicable Settlement. Work to- Go Ahead Under New Franchise. A special session of the city council was held last evening, with the Mayor, Recorder.and all thecouncilmen present. The object was a conference with Mr. Welch and his counccl, Mr. C. E. Sox, in reference to the street car franchise, the ccuncil objecting to the -perpetual franchise. The matter was -satisfactorily adjusted in a manner de cidedly creditable to Mr. Welch and the council. Mr. Welch, who has bought all tne interests ot Mr. Hershberg cnJ others in the Albany Street railway Co. voluntarily offered to give up the old franchise, and a new one will be granted, with an entirely new system arranged, a part of the valley line. It will ex clude freight cars on the down town tracks, except for delivery of freight to merchants. The routes selected will depend uon the location of the new post office, which -will be passed if possi ble, the First and Lyon street tracks remaining as reconstructed. This part of it will be attended to as soon as possible, to be completed in 90 days. Mr. Welch has already signed a con tract with the Warren Co. for paving, and the contract with the city will be signed in a few days. The outlook is bright. Good Fishing at Newport. Advice has just been received that Silverside and Chinook salmon are be ing caught on trolls at Yaquina Bay. Bruxe & Andeison's Barber Shop In temporary quarters at the office of Anderson Rooming House, corner of F'rst and Washington s'reets, where they will be glad to attend, to old and new customers'. BUY Your Steins -AT Charles Knecht's CANDIES and ICE CREAM o'e livered by our wagon to any part of the city. Both Phones THE ELITE