(" An. Albany emocra VOL XLUI ALBANY. OREGON. I'UIDAY. Jt.NL' 19(8 XO 4C D IN ALBANY. Jas. McKenzie, Pitner, Gr. 0. W. Bishop, Seattle. F. B. Dayton, Sulem. F. M. Neffe, Eugene. F. Art. Burnett, junction. F. A. Precher, Harris. W. A. Carpenter, Tacoma. B. A. Washburn, Springfield. S. L. Jones. Portland. Marion Vanatta. Ashland. J. T. Albert, the Rose City. Hugh Freeland, Salem. E. T. Judi, Hazelwood. C. H. NEWS. BIDS WANTED FOR ALBANY'S POST OFFICE. I Patent U. S. to Lewis Long and Sarah A. L,ong, lbu acres, U-6 w Washington, June 6. The super- AT THE EMPIRE. GOBLE TRAGEDY Saturday matinee and Saturday night. THE HOLY CITY Better than the Passion Play, Sunday matinee, Sunday night and Monday night. The two greatest features of modern times. Admission 10c. Entire change Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Chatel mortgage on thresher for $S15 I The county court adjourned to the . The bills of the judges and clerks of visor architect announces that bids will election were allowed at $9.00 each, be opened on July 16 for public build $1674 for 186 officials and mileage for ing sites 130 by 135 feet at Albany and brinirine the boxes to the city. V.aranae a 14u y "u ,eec ren- dleton. Marriage license issued for 0. L. Turner, aged 31, born in Oregon, horse dealer, and Edith L. Kisor, aged 22, ! born in Oregon The Montana Floods. Butte. June 6 The worst Hood the history of the atate is still raging, I A new school district was ordered off though better conditions are expected No. 10, Price, Cowan and Tallinan, soon. The railroads are tied up and j provided all rights to this years appor- there is much damage to crops, tionment is waived, the nevv building I -w to be in the center of the district. Here's Some Good Sense. Lots of tires nt Baltimore's, oppo site the Democrat office. New 10c a dozen Post cards at Meiser's. A nice line of Bon Bon boxes at The Crest. ALBANY SUPPLY CO., Wholesale dtaler in fruit, pro duce, paper bags.'.wrapping paper " and twine. I 442 WEST FIRST STREET. The Eugene Register is a paper of different calbre. It favors boosting for everything in Oregon regardless of how the vote was on the U. of O. bill, for Albany, Salem and Corvallis the same as for others, and favors an excur ; sion to this city in a spirit of good will 1 and harmony. Say, that's sense, and i is the spirit that counts. Regardless j of how Linn county voted w'ell bet Al , bany and Linn county prove as good : friends to the U. of O. as it has in the j state, particularly if this kind of policy is followed. HOME AND ABROAD. j Umatilla went dry by 6U4. j An explosion on the Tennessee result-' ed in the death of four men. j J. Percy Wells, a former Scio teach er, was elected school superintendent ! of Jackson county. i Hon. F. J. Miller will deliver the i fourth of July oration at Junction, the j first Albany man secured to make the eagle scream. 1 The O. A. C. bovs cot even with the I Eugene paper that called them names by beating U. of 0. 16 to 2 yesterday afternoon at base ball. Prof. L. R. Alderman has been elect ed superintendent of the Eugene public schools. An able and clean young man, he is doing a splendid work. The celebrated W. F. Herrin, the S. P. attorney and boss, is in Portland. Mr. Herrin is an old-time 0. A. C. stud ent, a fellow student of Hon. J. K. I Weatharford. In Salem the boys of five churches are having a base ball tournament. The Methodists are ahead, followed by the Baptists, Congregationists, Evan gelicals and Presbyterians. Raging rivers in Montana have block ed traffic In places the people have been driven to the hills. At Butte the wires are all down, no lights or power, a dark, gloomy city. Besides there are eight inches of snow on the level. Hugh M. Mclsaacs, of California, is in Oregon to start a new party, to be known as the Independence party, al ready going in Calif. It is a Hearst affair, and like all new things will prob ably find some followers. THE ENTIRE CROCKERY STOCK OFTHE- COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. Located at 223 First St., Albany, Ore., is to bo sold out regardless of cost and former prices. Sale begins, SATURDAY, JUNE 13, at 9 a. m. Heckman & Abrams, of Salem, Oregon in charge, JUNE SALE OF CHINA Ev-ry piece of China is reduced for this sale. Here are few on Haviland China, Ransom Pattern Large Dinner P!ates9 1-2 inches across, sale ffijl QC) price per set Regular Size Plates 8 1-2 inches across, sale jj I Kf) price per set Wl"" Pie Plates 7 12-inches across, sale price Bread and Butter Plates -6 1-2 inches across, 1 It) sale price J A J. .w 60c Creamer Pitchers 48c Meiser's Coilee and China Store A Fine Increase The post office business for May shows a $14,000 gait, and so do those for the five months of this year. They were: $1217.07. The receipts for post age stamps alone were $1162.45. For May, laui tney were is.oi, an increase of about 25 per cent. This is a good showing and speaks for the business of the city. DREAMLAND The New Moving Picture Play House. The latest and best pictures in the program. Popular and pieasing son gs. Continuous performance every night and at Saturday and Sunday matinees. Admission 10c, matinee children 5c. Change of program Sunday after noon, Tuesday and Friday evenings. 426 West First street, opposite Stev en's store. F. P. Stewart, proprietor and manager. Fancy Dressed Chickens. At the Oregon Market on Saturday of each week, dressed ready for the p an, and at prices lower than elsewhere New Tan Oxfords and Pomps all widths and sizes. New Tub Suits Chambers & McCune ALBANVS LEADING CLOAK AND STUIT STORE. SHINGLES BIG FLEET AGAIN. DREAMLAND will again present the big battleship pictures and the splendid pictures of the parade in San Francisco Friday and Saturday ot this week, with a matinee Saturday after noon, among the finest moving pictures ever shown on the coast, marvels of art. See the battle of the roses. Evening performances begin at 7:30. Matinee 2:30 to 6 p. m. Admission, children 10c, adults 15c. There will also be shown some fine slides ot the torpedo boats and of the Niagara Falls. GILBERT BROS. HEADQUARTERSiFOR Lawn Mowers, Paints and Oils, Electric Light Bulbs, Oil Stoves, Ice Cream Freezers, Tin and Graniteware, Builders and Heavy HardwareT Groceries and Provisions.' 310 W. First St., Albany Oregon, ALBANY REAL ESTATE AS AN INVESTMENT. Dy you know that there is no better investment in the world than in real estate, Albany has advantages not to be had by any other city in the valley, investments made here in real property at the present prices will pay a good rate of interest on the interest on the investment. The person is blind indeed who cannot see a population of not less than fifteen thousand for Albany ten years hence. The increase in population will in crease the value of your property pro portionately, which means dividends if you collect rents, and profits if you de sire to sell. The host independent man is the ONE WHO OWNS HIS OWN HOME, you can never get one cheaper than at the present time. Nothing better or surer than Albany real estate. There is no better way to save money than to in vest it in Albany property. If you are looking for a safe invest ment, or a home for yourself thereby stnpning that rent leak, then call at my office and look over the bargains which I have to offer. If you bave a piece of city property you desire to sell, you should list it with this office for a quick sale. C. G. BURKHAKT. 102 East First St.. Albany, Or. RUBBER GOODS. WE have at last found what wo have been looking years to find; a com plete line of Rubber Goods that the manufacturers have confidence enough in to absolutely guarantee for 2 years to the consumer. We honestly believe every one ot tnemwiiK last 5 years. They Stetter's Gash Store Use our No. 1 El,re '.Grain, are the best in the market. Our No. 2's are the iual to those usually sold' as a first-class' article. We make three grades. We pack them closely, you pay for no vacant spaces. We use no Dry Kiln. Come' and inspect them. in thin made and be convinced thatj'they arc! the BEST! Remember the place. The old Wool' en Mill Warehouse.- I of the ordi-1 Wtfx can not be- Wl 'V 8'n to de- 5fr raS' A scribe th! BrV,- v- APR between ffl ' VjM "THE EVER. WtV3&i4ii f RITE LINE" r " J and the Sra.:ipi-ff5 drop in at fajySTft.ff'ia and see for fl8S"' t-"-t yourself. Jjjgftj I wjwjffr'-ii'') J Tho price Hfog7B'$1.f'fr--J are right too. in fnct OUR DIM IS TO FULFILL THE WISHES OF OUR CUSTOMERS. Don't think we want only your money wo need your good will quite as much. We keep constantly on hand the very best of meats, and we are onlv too well pleased to furnish our patrens the choicest cuts of beef, mut ton' lamb, veal, pork and poultry. We also carry a full line of hams, bacon, sausage, lard, fish and provisions gen erally. Holt's Market STAR BAKERY, C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce , fruits, etc. Both Phones 57 Walter Parker, Grocer and; Baker Z16 WK8T FIBBT 8TKEET,, ALBANY OREGON," First class goods in their season Phone Maln56. THO. & CRAMER cheaper than the other kind, considering the quality. See our window display this wee4c and" then come in and let us explain the WHY1 of it. Remember wo are the exclusive agents in this town for "THE EVERRITEi LINE. Manufactured by Tub Ideal Kuiibb Mi'o Co:, of Chicago Wocdworth'Drug Co. WlJLil.wl O j Real Estate and In ftirsnc FEED STORE, 435 West First St., Albany, Or. Headquarters for "Alsen and Pvrarmcl" Portland Cement, '"Roadie Harbor" Lime, Ruberoid Koofintr. Wood Fibre Plaster, Sulphur, Spray. Poultry supplies. Dalles Diamoml and Liberty Hell hard wheat flour, Hay. Gra n, Mill Feed and Salt. 3 .e-.es 1" - .-. 1 jti. . i:ia km 1011 mia mm nop Buy 11 ml foil ronhy. Insure prop erty and triincitct iuuns. Laru or small limber traeU. iaa w. Mrs 1 sr. akiiany, or. J. M. RALSTON INbl'RAUCE, I0ANS AM) COLLECT 1 OiNS, have money to loan in smnll nn) large amounts. Notes and mcrtgac:o bouKM. 1 wili bonu yu. l iuM-iiy h -'tied for non-residents "T 4