r . Ne wly Opened EMPIRE THEATER AT Former Store of G. E. Sanders. Moving pictures and illustrated songs by Geo. Kolfe, M88 Nellie Kenney Pi"uSt' .,r,rmanre8 dailv. 7:30, 8.30, 9:?0. Matinees Saturdays at 2:30, wSreXys a :So andl Sunday continuous from 2 to 6. Sunday evening 7:30 to 10:30. Change of program every Sunday matinee and Wednesday evening. Admission 10 cents; to matinees children 5 cents, adulU 10 cents. EXAMINATION NEXT STATE , FAIR Hie nuunxt (Minted Hie post office, Albany, Or Kind n'H mail E1 P NUTTING- The Democrat. The Daily-Delivered """StV week; in auvance i j i- . By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end oi year .i.ou. The. WonltlV A At end of year $1.50 2.; The Weekly-Advance pel year OUll WANTS WALNUT TREES.-Sccond generation lino condition,;two yoors old. M. L.. Jenks, Tangent. Phone Farmers 6x7. FOUND. Some money, owner can have same by stating where lost. Call at 313 Washington street. LOST. A Waterman fountain pen, black. Leave a'. uemuciai. u... FOUND. A peculiar Some Free Parliament. To Be Held Sept. 14-19. Premiums. The Rhaned pnntnininir 30 cents. Can tt.a ncMdr.KAT office. NOTICE is hereby given that after Fob. 1, no sand, loam or gravel will ),o sold from the Cloverdalo bank. F. W. HOLMES. TO EXCHANGE a good residence well situated in Portland to trade for some good property in Albany What have vn Jntt Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 Editor Democrat: For a silent obseryer to stand aBide nnrl wfltch thA trend of human affairs. he will see many laughable and strange inconsistences that he ctn hardly find Avnlnnntinnn fnr. Pnr innt.Anpa that A pitizen of Salem. and a newspaper man too, should come into Linn count, and talk of extrava gant appropriations by the Legislature is more than amusing when we under stand more of the man himself. Mr. E. Hofer, editor of a small coun try newspaper called the "Capitol Journal'" and who, at one time, was a member of the Oregon legislature and who voted for every appropriation upon its final passage, and lobbied for those in the committee that were never re ported, but nevertheless, had some thing to Bay in Albany regarding the appropriation for the University of Oregon. It is amusing from the fact that purse ' Salem is always in for all the appro- had at ; nriations that come in or near Salem, and never finds fault with them no matter how unjust or unreasonable they may be. Especially is it interest ing for this man Hofer to talk about extravagance for he most always was found buttonholing members of the legislature to vote for this and that annronriation. For example when For Teachers' Certificates for Linn County. The following are being examined for koapWs certificates before Supt. Jack son and assistants, with No. months taught: , Sept. 14-19 for the fair next fall, which Alhanv. w innie r arsons, 3: Bessie . . . j t oi,. u.trar than ever. Florence Parsons, 3; Olive E. Adams, I " ' ' ' , 16- Gladys M. Andrews, 14; usieira i Gannon, 0; Margaret Ev Stewart 8; , follows:- Mnhel Schu tz. 4H Winnie niiintu, " . KKIHI Lebanon. El nest M. Arehart, 3. Dollie Booth, 14; Arthur Chapel, 0; A. Arehart, a.; teua nawMio, o. Brownsville. Carrie Liinn, io or more: C e la M. uoiy, u; luiiuui '- moth, 8; Nannie L. Dougherty, 8. Turner. waae yrus, u. Gates. Kenneth McClary, 3. Harrisburg. Lettie A. McLaughlin, 20 years. .... Salem. Grace Hiva Lick, l. Sodaville.-Ada M. Surrell, 3. c,nf Hnma Mark Ezekial Rollins, 0; Lewis Keiffer Geil, 0. Scio. MarK a. arnoiu, u. Halsey. Edna M. Rebhan, 5. Sheridan. Rose M. Sheridan, 18. Miss Elizaeeth Burkhart will join the clasB tomorrow, four or five are taking the examination ior staie uiuunuao. The average age of the above is zl years. 5 are 18, tour l, six oi, six one zz, one iM, one zt, uho - and one 48. The state fair board yesterday set T.Ioaow 9-!n nape SR0O: 2:16 trot $1,000 ; 2 year pace $400. weanesoay. z year irui. u jog trot $500 ; 2:08 pace $5,000. i Thnrnrlnv -.S vp.ir oldlDace $500. 2:16 . pace $800, 2:14 trot $5,000. I rnuay.-- v.onsomnon pato f i,vuv, ..w pace $1,500, 2:20 trot $800. I Saturday..-2:00 trot $1,000, consola tion trot $1,000. , S. S. Bailey, of this city has offered to duplicate the money for trotting and pacing in the 2 vear old trots and paces. r . .. III! 4- fUa ii.nflrl All races Will UB upeu fcu i-ww irui.w except the two year olds. AneW"pO,UUU giaUU DU is to be erected. Will Stop Panics. A circular received by the Democrat from Iver Johnson, of New York, sug gests the absolute prevention of panics, by the government insuring depositors in natio.ial banks, tor which the banks shall pay 15-100 of 1 per cent of the deposits. That is, a bank with $1,000, 000 deposits would pay $1500 a year, certainly cheap insurance. The total fees from all over the country would make Uncle Sam safe.and panics would be a thing of the past. Fine Musical Attraction. Rhuby Bros. Quintet, in the regular college course Saturday night. This musical attraction introduces the greatest novelty ever presented to the Lyceum platform, giving quinteis, cornet solos and duets; chamber music with the violin, 'cello and piano; intro ducing vocal quartets with their instru mental music and an unusual number in duet between clarinet and cornet. For a novelty, they give descriptive num bers, such as "The Mechanical Orches tra" and impersonations of Sousa, Creatoie and others. This splendid company or young mu sicians is assisted by Miss Gertrude Canfield, a new comer to the Lyceum platform, a reader of exceptional abil ity and promise. The Metropolitan Market. Letter List. 1 1- nnri rvin-iA in onnenn West Second St. ZIT .,in Mf Wh to ' . Fresh oysters always on nana, uniTap RENT A seven room .""" - or - i from tne snen HOUoli.u uit n i.;... , flZn Eist saddle the enormous expense of a man- If vou want ninn fni- the ahnde nf the Governor. this man Ston at the Metropolitan, Second and j ThB f0iiowinff letters remain in the and Broadalbin streets, for the best and : a ihnv Ore., nostoffice uncalled for freshest line of fish in the city, also Feb 12, 1908. Persons .desiring any of j these letters should call tor aavernsea The American Cigar Store For your favorite brands ,fo Smoking tobacco. 48 brands in all sizes. JACKSON & SOMMERS Special Prices on Petticoats this Week. A very good Petticoat in black Mercerized Sateen, well ggc ga made and finished at Our regular $1.65 quality finest Mercerized Satoen, double $1,25 ruffled with extra dust ruffle at $1.75 Moreen petticoat, splendid wearing material. A good $1,35 sightly skirt. Special $2.50 genuine Hydagrade Heatherbloom, one of the new Spring gl.Qg makeS,at ThU'is'awinn'eV. . $2.75 Heatherbloom peiticoat, 3 rufflles, extra wide, with lots $2.25 of style. Speuaiat at FLOOD'S Agents for Standard patterns. ousoingoodconditition at 620 E,st o S ,.,lv tn H. Barnes, 30b lllll OLieut" 'I'f'J 0(. pure bred. C. Porter, 8t Logsdon rum vno oiiu.i. if n., want to be sure and get I you go for this is the place. just what I........... n.i..inr the rlnte W B. Bradley, G. W. Brown, Miss Merle Hamitt, J. M. Hindman, Mrs. J. Johnson. Dan Mahoney, N. O. Mant, 0" 5XZ'-?", iTRocks. White Leghorns, TUlooso uorao Phr.ni. i:ui Farmers. J. R. F. D. 2. PLANTS. Choice Magoon strawber ries from new beds SY Logan blackberry plants 2 1-2 cents K M I: WVULL. XV. " ' -J ' Home phono 4055. Ail fir C. WUU1J. "I" B'"""' .it Homo Phone nio. TO LOAN.-$40 000, in sums of $500 to $5000 on real property.' Call i on J. C. Christy, Atty. at Law, oflice over 1st National Bank, Albany, Or. . 12-2t WANTED. At the Albany second hand p.nre all kinds of second hand goods Street No. 142 E First Phono 1 ome 206. H. L. Cooi'HH &E. L. UMiMinhY, Props. FURNISHED. Housekeeping Room for rent at 306 East 4th st. H. Barns WOOD SAWING.-Havo purchased a gasi ino wood saw and urn prepared toTuaranty work. Phono Home.1274 to guaran Joim Bbuokman FIRE 1NSURANCE.-Dwcllings, their contents. McMinnville Mutual, over Cusick's Bank. upon the people of this state tms man T7 . ., HPofer "bLIhe great burden and heat JJ of the day" laboring for its passage ! P'e3?,e thnt. will not onlv satisfy in its when he knew the price was unreason- rri but W!M ia9t. Good perfumes are able and unnecessary. not cheap. Cheap perfumes are not This is only one instance among gooa. "HaViy packages 25c many that this double dealer has j Desc. 0()nu"u worked for. This one of Gods poor i Burkhart & Lee. mortals gets his bread and patronage : from the people of the State of Oregon, Any Bkln jtcning is a temper-tester, but when his masculine offspring has The more you scratch the worse it reached the maturer years of life and 0" wishes to farther develop his useful- jjj:. 3 ness or ratner, nis capacity ior ness, Mr. Hofer selects Stanford Uni versity in California, giving as his rea sons that it is better equipped and up , to date, more nearly than are the schools of Oregon, yet this same crea ture opposes improvements in the Oregon College. It. snnms onlv consistent that it TI t d minnan!r.l .1 K Mahnne. uari c Middleton, R. Pierson, Mios Winnie Rodgers, W. B. Russell, Alton shawl, Mrs. Emma Shumate, Charles Smith (2). Miss Johana Williams, Llewellyn Williams, Thos. Willsie, G. N. W. Wilson. W. J. Wilson. Mrs. Dave wy man, Mrs. Frank Young. J. S. Van Winkle, P. M. ADMIN! STRATB IXN0JI CE. The Seaet of a RpAiitiful Face lies in keeping the skin pro tcctcilaswellascleamcd. Just washing a not enough lliai only leaves the delinitcnirlar.c more exposed to tne lniuuinn of just anil Rcrins j to merci less attacks oi sun u weather. After washing, ai' nly Kohertine and exerience its deliglitiul refreshment. You will admire the line-less softness it imparts to face, neck and arms. It not only stimulates a radiant glow, but ..m.ruilip sLin frombecom- L.r ronrse. Prevents burn inf. tan and freckles AtijW Vmllltt fir t flit Mmf. dn.l lr.1 1 . : E1 Howard & Cooper's Bargains in Real Estate. house. 1 1-2 lots, closo i 8 room J1.S00. One ten acre and one five nrce tract well improved, close in. 7 room house, 2 lots, plenty of fruit. 51,700. New 0 roomhonsp. basement, modern itnprovcmcts. f-,750. Call at onr ofiico buforo buying. , HOWAHU & C'OOl'KU. T.t- : un-nhn nvan that, theunder- eiened has oeon. "y mo w Y" i . ... r Jul. annmntnil I tidininiBtraliri. of the esuie or vyui. McOiilioiieti late otL:nh Oonn!y,Oreoo, ..j ah nd,o.n hnvinir claims tua 1 siiHinet Slid Bat.ftt are barbf required the "" ,u n,',in iinriereiiiued' money of Oregon people is goou a,-AibBny, O.-enon, properly vermeu enough to buy Mr. Holer's paper, then by law r.quired.witbiu six miuthi lrotn . . ... . . I Ihia HatA. the schools ot tms scar.eougnt.coimm.jr '" ;d tli, tlie n,h day of January, to be good enough to meet the intellec- oj tuiil demands of his children. ' NELLIE VcCOLl.ODGH. But this pitiable editor chooses to M1,m Y,; ' patronise a school that is thoroughly ; WE J JS,. aristocratic, equipped with parapherna-1 ; lia and apparatus co meet any i thought, then lays back and tains oi extravagance of our legislature. But tho Dlace of his choice is one where Plutocracy has its sway and the sons and daughters of the wealthy come io have a good time and "finish their ed ucation?" He chooses it rather than a demo cratic school where 05 per cent of the liov nnil rirls make their own way, and where simplicity; economy and fru- j gality are tho dominating laetors wnero our boys are taught that virtue is I man's true nobility and mind consti- j tutus his Greatest majesty: the girls j too are taught that economy and gen- ; I tlencss, meekness nnd sellrelianco that; renders the American girls the useful ' ,1,1.1 lw.loful mothers and wives for which they have long been envied, all these considerations tiro put aside by ii, tl,,.,rhtl,wj inconsistent editor in ll.nf urixtneriicv mav bn taught j his son instead of the principles of the j YOU CAN LAUGH AT THE THOUGHT i offal onrinff if VOU will only begin the meal by takihg a dose of Hostetter s ocomacu uiia. prepare the stomach to receive the food, aid in its proper digestion and as similation and keep the b- vels o.ien. HQSTETTEsvS STOMACH 31TTE8S can thus prevent and cure Sick Head ache, Flatulency, Heartburn, Bloating, Vomiting, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Colds and Female Ills. Try it today. Niagara Lime and Sulphur Sprays Having installed a spray factory here : n,o., Wroiah to call the attention ill mmn.'j .. of fruit growers that our brand of spray, the "Niagara, is one oi me muai c -ficient spravs for the San Jose Scale . i i -1 .nrvn.rlarl hT nil t.hfi maue, ana is unsu j - ---- Experiment Stations to be a splendid lungis spiny. j i. nin;m tha "Minorflra" lime and sulphur solution to be simply lime . t.t x .in DA D,i ATM Onp nhout as A riftWU J n.-'. ---- , good as new, Kimball make, can be Sad cheap. Call at the Democrat office for pointer. Moilfmvl OpBirnn. Julv 23. 1907. Oregon Spray & Gas Co., Portland, Oregon Gentlemen: We used, during the last season, over i irtnriQ nf urtiif T.imi and Sumhur solution, and we find that it has oeen effective ana nas given ummi s. faction than any scale Bpray ever used inthispartof the country. We can recommend it very highly and think it solution to be simply ime reco " "'J i"B:UiTthr n be and sulphur, but we do claim that these : mucn ' pect to use ingredients by bel"K.th?"u'y "hod ' your spray altogether the coming seas and boiled and cooled by our "et" i Ju yours trulv J. A. Perry. Sec. m.i.,Bi a sDrav far superior to the ; on. lours i "uiy, TTn;nn. nome" made mfxture and better rajjlt. , ,rS aken' to spray orchards. win oe uum UJ w . ual.anteed. brand. Kindly read the following testimonial from the secretary of the Rogue River Fruit Growers Union, a person well known by a numoer oi mumj Albany Mill and Elevator C,o., MANUFACTURER OF JOHNSON'S BEST PLANSIFTER FLOUR. Will Feeds of all kinds. Worli guaranteed. Alban" SDray Factory. Oregon Gas & Spray Co. Props. Office and factory at the Prime Packing House . L ASSELLE BROS, Agts. declaration of independence anu me j constitution of tho United States. O! ' ponaistencv thou art a jewel! Linn. YOUR TF FPH Nt j VwM B B B " Go to EASTBURN'3 GROCERY t (..,, piiiro onH Vetretables. Our Grocery stock is as fresh and complete as any in the city. ii -j t.; P.frred Stock Alien HUU ucia - l" rnnned eoods a snecialty. BARGAINS in Crockery and Glassware as we in that department. v - Come and r?et out Drices and see oi-r clean up-to-date store. Both.Phones MainI58. Senders' FEED STORE, 435 West First St., Albany, Or. Headquarters for "Alson and Pyramid" Portland Cement, u..cnt Harbor" Limo. Ruberoid Koolmg. Wood Fibre Plaster, Sulphur. vSprny. j Poultry supplier Dalle Diamond and , Liberty Bell hard wheat flour, Hay, Grain, Mill Feed and Salt. ' The Same Price prevails for Oysters at The Oregon Market, whicli is ooc per quwi iui fresh opened Oysters, tull measure and no Suntiam. n..ut..ra hmifht at tho metropolitan Market. Ittvndalbin sttoet, are not opened by Chinamen and Dagoes. i KEEP an r. oil tne Vienna Bakery r irood things to KAT. Second street . botwoen Ellswortli and '-von streets. ! Baby won't .'tittfr live minutes w ih ' cr. up "if vou apply Dr. Thom.is' Electric . Oil at once. It acts lika magic. j Hruasels sprouts, fn ah, goo I freen, 1 Ed Dayidson, us n. rinui. . Is in need of new batteries A FRESH SUPPLY is just in from the east and are TESTED TO STAND ARD. . When vou buy from us you et guaranteed foods. RALST6N ELECTRIC SUPPLY GO. 306 SECOND STREET. Walter Parker, Grocer and! Baker , it o n cut i-t)uf iiriffvr i r n i w nDonnn. First class goods in their season. Hlionc Main 56. V