f, Albany emocra VOL SUM ALBANY. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY Ji 190ft NO 29 D A. M. CANNON About to Gei an Important Office. Salem, Feb. 10. -There has been a eood deal of speculation over the state as to who would succeed Mr. MeKee as clerk of the United States District r..f ..nrlao .Tn.ltro WnWrtnn. W hile VUUi v uimw u - there has been no official announcement, ! it may be semi-otticially announced that j the lucky man is A. M. Cannon, a member of the law firm of Cannon & Carson, who is now engaged in closing out his business here. Mr. Cannon formerly lived in Albany and studied in Judge Wolverton's office. Any skin itching is a temper-tester. The more you scratch the worse it itches. Doan's Ointment cures piies, eczema any skin itching. At all drug stores. VALENTINE NOW Tinsled Name Cards Over 200 names in WANTED send in Leather Post Cards WITH RAISED VELVET DESIGNS. I New Goods Best work ever brought Centers. 1V1EISER & Coffee & China Store ! The MEN'S ItSteJWs Guilty. a r i r t i u j A Great Victory for neney and i me reupie. Portland, Or., Feb. 8.-The jury in the case of the U. S. agt. Jo.m H. Hall, former U. S. district attorney, charged with conspiring with Butte Creek Land Livestock and Lumber Co.. to maintain an illegal fence in Eastern Oregon, this morning Drougnt in a verdict ot guilty. Judee Hunt gave his eharae to the jury last night and they began its con sideration, resulting in the verdict, one of attorney Heney's greatest victories. A sealed verdict was riled at 1:30 a. m. Sixty days waj given to make an ap peal. Binder Hermann and Booth are to be tried next, the date not yet being fixed. Regulates the bowe's, promotes easy natural movements, cures constipation Doan's Regulets. Ask your druggist for them. 25 cents a box. POST CAEDS ! IN- stock; WE MAKE ANY NAME your order we'll mail them to you 6 for 25c to Albany. Also New Pillow MEISER TO YOUR MEASURE SPRING SAMPLES ON DISPLAY Tog ger QUALITY STORE Gash Store BIG PACKING HOUSE To be Established by Swift & Co. , , i at Portlard. Portland, Feb. 8.-L. F. Swift, president of the Swift Packing Comp-1 any is in Portland today. The magnate and executive staff that accompan ed him are prepuriiu to build a vast plant on the Deninsula and make it the center of the coast packing business, costing $3,500,000. ; Tip Humphrey Hits the Nail. j Jefferson Review: The Albany Herald wants the Linn county court indicted because it did not have the county bridges built by con tract. The court has had the work ! done by the day, under direction of ' Commissioner Butler, one of the best ' bridge builders on the coast and in each case first class work has been done and many thousand dollars has been saved the tax payers. Indict nothing! The members of the court should be pre- ' apntpH with anlfl mpilitla hv thp tflV nnv- ers. Marion county would be much tne I gainer it ner county court would iohow the example of that ot Linn. "p- Stop at the Metropolitan, Second and and Broadalbin streets, for the best and freshest line of fish in the city, also poultry and game in season. Fresh oysters always on hand, just from the shell. If you want to be sure and get what you go tor tms is the place. Fancy Dressed Chickens At The Oregon Market for Saturday. All farmer dressed, ready for the pan at prices cheaper than any place in Al bany. JAPANESEIGOODS.-We aresdow this season a splendid line of Japanese brass and bronze vases, just the thing 1 i-i:j tt , i lura nuuuuy mil., rver juaung aim pleasing to the eye. 25c to $12.00 each. (Jail and see our line ot holiday goods. Burkhart & Lee. T : I. I J4L. , Ihe Mild You Han Always Baujy $gnataro MADE FRONK & GARRETT Props. New Pantatorium Gents suits, one a week, called for and delivered. $1 per month. Ladies silk waists nnri nil lr;,li r silk, cleaned and pressed. Dairy Notice. Prices until further notif - will be: ' Milk nr. at. rer mo.. SI. V nor . In '"i pr. Mi-, in pint aeiui nes S2.00 Extra qts. 6c, pU. 4c. In cans flat. rate zuc per gallon Cr am per pa'. 90c, perqt. 2oc. pt. 15:. 1-4 pt 10c. Pnune, pcific Main 54. Home 14 A B. MILLER Proprietor HOME AND ABROAD ThprA mill Ka n..,u a it r . school fair next fall. A turn table is being put inoby the S. i P at Eugene. It has lead to the re-1 port that the Cottoge Grove local is to become the Eugene local. I From fniii inn.a r1 r o I . ... a oweurengen, or Krnumamlla 1 n j January, a sample of the way dairying j R. F Mullrm. .1, 4.1.. j t,.a,Uv..v u, ihb rtsniana normal school, is a candidate for district attor ney in his district. That's pretty soon. A SontHo man ,.,. i, .s . ....... vnwuiK a iyu ucre tun- ber farm over on the Alsea is asked to ? P?Li19,1 .taxes on valuation of ) $4,720. He is jumping hot. Benton County sales: Frank crush to C. Koss. 160 acres near Albany. $5,00& fN; ,Va,n w,nk'e to Lora A. Vance, 4 1 lota block 9, near Albany, $250. ,' Mr. Frnnlr W LV.n. ci j Mr. Alex Power, of Halsey, are mak ing arrangements to open a bank, hav ing disposed of their other interests. The Eiler Piano House at Eugene will be closed cy Eiler, Mr. Comte be ing there now for the purpose. Messrs. Stevens and Hulin, though, will con tinue the business on their own account. Harry M. Stewart, a leading Spring field merchant, has failed, said to be quite a surprise there. The shutting down of the saw mill and other things o.o iiju.i.eu io oe me cause. He had bought heavy, having a big stock on band. The recent 0. A. C. short course was a great success. 31 were in the class of general agriculture, 27 dairying, 12 horticulture, 10 mechanics and 27 house hold economy. The 0. A. 0. is doing a practical work. Thn TT of n hod. u-n . i-ii. uaii ivum leii, this afternoon on a tour of the North west. Thpv will nlot. nu Ida Monday and Tuesday nights,, . uuicm uacK io i-ortianu, where they will play the final game. Thev nre Hno fp lrta ... - v iwuoc mure games than they win judging from their ir P'ayersare wacson, Moore. Van bcoy, Loosely, Stevenson, Farrington, Charman and Strong. Advance sheets of the official Catho. lie fllrpnfnl'v mihlioKn U. Ln r tt Wiltzius Co., Milwaukee, Wis., give the following statistics regarding the Oregon City archdiocese: Population (Catholic), about 42,00i; archbishop, 1; clergy, 83; churches, 86; colleges and academies. 15; parishes with schools, 2U: philrlrAn iilunrl;nn. yirtr,n. , " -..iiuiiit;, iuui, uruumi assylums, 3; orphans, 225; charitable institutions, 11. Oysters houglit at the metropolitan Market, Broadalbin street, are not opened by .Chinamen and Dagoes. We are interested in your fruit crop. AVehave carefully ! looked over the best ; goods in the market, ;fur you to use in spraying your fruit j trees, j We have on hand the famous Bean Spray, j Pump and F!x!ures, Myers' Spray Pump and Fixtures. A fine line of tlie lest spray hose for your inspet tions. Ohling&Taylor The Haidware Men. To.? "' ' rruit Men Haviland China at Half Price. Commencing Monday, Feb. 10th we will sell Haviland China in four patterns at half price. tall early to get first first choice. COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. Both Phones Main 53. Oposite First National Bank. AT GILBERT BROS. You will find some high grade goods at prices inlreach of all, r or a leaaerwe are onermg you the follow ing goods at prices mentioned below: 50c Batters Mapline for... ' jjnc 50c ' Chow Chow " , 25c 30c $1 60c " Chilian Sauce " 25c 30c " " ; 1Bo 15c " Horse radish S " 25c 15c " Extracts S " 25c 50c " Preserves " .' 25c 50c Jars Strained Honey " , 25c 7 5c packages of Tobacco " 25o 4 10c " " Starch " 25c 8 5c bars Laundry Soap " 25c ' At the Sign of the "Big Pad Lock" 310 W. First St., Albany, Or. . gegO STAR BAKERY, C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce , fruits, etC. Both Phones 57 JAS. COON, TAILOR Orders taken for Chicago Clothing Suits, made to your measure $10.00 and upwards. Cleaning andjpressing Ladies and gents suits. Satisfaction guaran teed. 238 W. 2nd St. Phone 222 7 0 17 Ten w'e fire the dirt out r 1I.JJ of yur clothes. Let m do your washing grea' or small. Price the same to one .nd all. Washing and ironing 45c per dozen. I livery and snfe return. louumucuun guaranteed) prompt do. urop us card and we will call MILLS & BISHOP. Box 485, City. ' CHlNtSli DUCTOK-J. iVlon 'oo, an experiencou compounder of Chinese medicines, successor of the lute Hung Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to all. The under signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him al No. 110 Weal Second St., Albany, Or Jim Westfali.. fi-it VV,OD SAW1M,. i J H Dfll QTfllU Prompilyand efficiently at- BlnLV UH :onano0r&K?dzm!- 0rdcr perMNvUR,CE, LO WS AND cA8TorilA:-: CdLECTlONS. 4nti l: hind tu Hdyii timn Smq . .hv-' mc ney to Man in small and 1 both the rich and pocr. CUT IT OUT if you are wise. Cut out all the fuss and trouble of running around to find ' choice meats, poultry, game or fish by coming direct to the store. You will always get satisfaction in choice cuts of .prime beef, mutton, lamJ, and your meat is cut and trimmed for tho tables of the fastidious by an expert in this ne. We guarantee qiulity, satfafact ipn apd fajr prices, Albany Dressed Beef Co Plants tor Sale. Loganberries 25c pr. doz. j $2 pr. 100. Red Raspberries 25c pr doz.; $2 pr. 100. Red and White Currants 50c pr. doz.j $4 nr. loo. Rhubarb 50c pr. doz.; $4 pr. 100. Dewberries EOc pr. doz. $4 pr. 100. Sage 10c each; $1 pr doz. AcldresH. I. C. DUEDALL. R. F. D. No. 5. Albnnv. Or. CARPETS SATISFACTORILY CLEANED AND RELAYED. FERRINGTON'S RUG FACTORY. Both Phones. mrn " uiiib. iuies and mort? .g38 bought. I will bond yi.u. ndUd (or non-r ;sidenu Property 1