Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 07, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, February 5th
The Only Successor to W. J. Scanlan in a Mammoth Production of
Joseph Murphy'a FamousPlay,
"Kerry Gow"
The Great Forge and Race Scenes, Most Realistic Scenes Ever Produced on
the Stage Thoroughbred Horses and a Flock of Wonderful Trained Car
rier P'g. daly giNG Hig popuLAR jRISH BALLADS.
PRICES Orchestra, 75c; Dress Circle, $1.00; Balcony, 50c; Gallery, 25c.
Newly Opened.
AT Former Store
Moving pictures and illustrated songs by Geo. Kolfe, Miss Nellie Kenney
Three performances daily, 7:30, 8.30, 9 :.0. Matinees Saturdays at 2:3,
Wednesdays at 2:30 and Sunday at 2:30, Sunday evening 7:30 to 10:30.
Change of program every Monday and Thursday.
Admission 10 cents; to matinees children 5 cents, adults 10 cents.
Soared t the post ofllce, Albany, Or ,
t r e,i"l i'Ibsh mil nutter.
The Democrat.
a'u nn;h,nolivprerl. 10 cents a
week; in advanco for one year, $4.60.
Bv mail, n advance tor one year $o, aw ,
At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at
Inn W P.RK IV Ul VaiH-v I-"-" j " t ,
state ot Oregon. Large commission.
Article necessity in every business
house, Btore, shop and factory.
Splendid opportunity for wideawake,
vaiinMn mirtina with good address.
Write or call at once to secure choice .
territory. mvv8ii.i
,, I
TrlfeftnsT StK
H. D. Mitchell, Caabtree, Or. t5
LOST. Near the depot, an Elgin gold
watch full ieweled. Please return ,
watcn, luii jew Thurston ,
stroets. ' i a'llnciard. It is a pleasing and inter-
FOUND. A bracelet with name Vera ; esting fact that tho message of Presi
and a pin, left in the grocery depart- dent Roosevelt is directly along the
ment of S. E. Young & Son. ine3jMr. Bryan has been hammering at
- thero for it. . ' for years, national honesty in business
BARN FOR SALE. A small one 14 ' . , ,. ,
by 16 feet, good condition, easily , " politics. This has been his slogan,
moved. Cheap, want tho ground. ' and it has been backed up by a clem
Call ut residence G. C. Moon. t4 if0, With two such men as Mr. Roose-'
LOST.-On tho Btrects of Albany a j Velt;and Mr. Bryan demanding better
cross and chain. Finder please return , . . , f . , d .
sumo to Da sy Savage at Sisters .. , . . , p . . , . r ,
School I tlc3 there ought to be a stride forward
WANTED. A girl to take care of ' in this country,
children, easy hours. Call at 326 W . ,
Seventh bt.
LADIES PURSE LOST. Ladies purse i
or bag, gray leather, brass chain,
small amount of monev.handkerchiers
cards etc in Bamo, lost on streets;
Tuesday, plenso return to oince oi
Wells Fargo b Company.
WANTED A young man, 10, or over,
years of age, for messenger boy at .
the I'acilic ollice. Seo W. K. Mer-
FOUND. In tho street, near the post
nllii-H. an umbrella. Can bo had at
tho Dumocuat cilice.
FOIt SALE. Choice eggs for setting.
Black Minorcas, P. B. Rocks, While
Leghorns, Tulooso (jeese pure bred.
Phono lHfi Kuriners. J. C. Porter,
R. F. D. 2.
ROOMS FOR RENT and board at 518
t7;0 r. m iZ.'i,. ' '"'"s n'tcr all uncovered the 500
LANTS. Choico Magoon slruwber- ....... .
P ries from now beds, $1.50 a thousand; style of society, the upper crust con
Logan blackberry plants 2 1-2 cents ditions of tho big cities. It will have
each. B.C. Wyutt, u. i' . u. 1,
Homo Dhone 4055. bt
TAKEN UP. A sow and live shotos,
on my place on the Lebanon road R
F. D. 1. R. Voj.kman.
Rocks, Barred nil from prize win
ning stock. At Frank Kitchen's.
Phone lxll farmers.
WOOD. Old growth fir. C. Logsilon.
Homo Phono 1145. Ut
TO LOAN.-$40,000, in sums of $500
to $5000 on real property. Call on J.
C. Christy, Atty. nt Law, ollice over
1st National Bank, Albany, Or. 12-21
WANTED At the Albany second hand
store nil kinds of areola! hand goods.
Street No. 142 E First. Phono Homo
206. H. L. Cooi'KR &E. L. Umi'HIIKY,
FURNISHED. Housekeeping Room
for rent at 800 East 4th st. II. Barns
WOOD SAWING. Havo purchased n
gasoline wood saw and ntn prepared
to guaranty work. Phono Homn;i274
John Biuickman
A PIANO BARdAlN.-One about bs
good sa new, Kimball make, can be
had cheap. Call at the Democrat
ofhco for pointer.
FIRE lNSURANCE.-Dwellinrs, their
content.. McMinnville Mutual, over
Cusick'i Bank..
of G. E. Sanders,
Suits ill-- People.
The President's message has been
approveu by nign minoeu men generally
icuiuieau ui puny, xb upeaKS ill a
Btriking manner for the people. It
makes plain tho relationship of monop
oly and the government. It shows
what a menace capital wrongly used
really is to the countrr. Peonle need
.,,in,.in,i i-Uni- nfnnlr n.ui.' :
. , . . ,
- - . -
thrown down the gauntlet to them. !
.ai.u uuiinwuiio, a iiu ih-oiuwiu iic3
Even the judiciary with some leason
comes in for a hauling up before the j
highest of all courts the public. The I
gist of the message is to secure nation-,
al honesty in business and politics. This '
is its consumption. Whether a grand
stand play or not it is timely. Whether
the President has actually ever done
much or not to curb the Tiust greed I
tho suggentions are timely, and are
It is pleasing to have men in
iwi,,iti !, f tha
side of questions. Who has a right to
of the motive beyond the words '
Thn nnlilip iq sottintr n liiirh qfnndnrrl. :
am the .'expressions of the President,
, ' . . . .
o'.to the point in the interest of this
The I haw i.essou.
The greatest larco of the present
century was the recent verdict of not
KuMtv in the case o Harry ThnWi on
h n(ig o insunit () cour3(J he
. " . J
13 not re1ly '"ne any more than most
other men. That was an excuse made
because of his wealth. If he had been
n p00r man he would have hanged.
and yet he hardly deserves to hang for
he killed an infamous rake, a despoiler
of virtue, one who had interfered with
his family alTaiis. But Thaw's per
sonal record was also unsavory. How
it tangles one up as one tries to unweave
tho aUlr
served a good purpose if a lesson is
taught the world;
Public Opinion.
A samplo of what public opinion will
do is being seen in the case of the con
tinuation of Mr. Scheubel for U. S.
district attorney. The expression was
so strong from tho people lhat there
Wis nothing else to do but drop him,
and this is going to be dons. He was
not of the right calibre for the office,
tho people know, and thuy said so.
The voice reached to Washington. Tho
people sometimes make mistakes, but
they aro not as Wrockless ns Mr. Law
s m implies, and ns a rule may be de
pended upon. It may be true that
sometimes they act the fool, but it is
only part of the time.
KEEP an EY c on the Vienna Baker;
r good things to EAT. Second street
between Ellsworth and '.von streets.
the Royal Baker for a hot
Miller Bussard.
Mr. Ray Miller and Miss Gertrude
Bussard, of near this city, this morning
went to Portland, where at 2:30 o'clock
this afternoon, at the residence of Rev.
G. W. Nelson, by Rev. Nelson, of the
St. Johns Congregational church, they
were united in marriage.
The groom is a native of Linn county,
a young man of excellent character,
the bride, a daughter of Mr, M. Bus
sard, is a bright and accomplished
young lady. She was a member of the
famous Albany College basket ball
team, which won the state champion
ship, probably the best lady player the
state nas ever had, besides being a
young lady of pleasing personal char
acter. They have the best wishes of many
Linn county friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froman, Mr. and
Mrs. M. F. Dawson and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs.
Z. H. Rudd. Mr. and M-o. Grant Fro
man and Mr and Mrs. Olin Stalnaker
were among a crowd of Albany people
who went to Halsev today to attend
the marriage of Mr. David Froman
and Miss Belle Ward, to take place at
4 o'clock this afternoon, Rev. W. P.
White performing the ceremony. The
home of the bride's father was the
scene of the happy event. I
Mr. Froman is a young man of splen-
did character, and the bride is an ac- The coming of "Kerry Gow" to Al
tZt$e?&?f'sl banyrecaHs the paydays of Joseph
has been a clerk in S. E Young's store MurPhy, some thirty years rgo, when
for several years, aud has been a mem-i this famous actor played the part of
Der ot the choir ot the U. r. church,
one of the long list of alto singers to
be married within a few years.
They will return to Albany this even
ing and begin housekeeping at once.
The home of Mr. and Mrs
F. C.
is the
Volsted near Lebanon w
scene of a happy occasion
when their eldest daughter, Emma, was
united in marriage to D. K. Faulkner,
ine ceremonj took place at noon in the
presence of the two immediate families,
the bride and groom standing beneath
a canopy of ivy and unique portiers
of pendant paper hearts. The bride
was gowned in white silk and carried a
cluster of white chrysanthemums.
Rev. T. B. Griswold performed the
After co 'gratulations had been
offered, a bounteous repast was served,
twenty being seated at the tables.
The bridal couple left on the evening
train to spend a few days in Portland,
and upon their return will begin house'
bejping in their newly fitted home
Hires miles west of Lebanon.
Mr. Faulkner is a prosperous young
farmer, the son of a native Oregonian,
and is well known and highly respect
ed among a larg circle of friends.
The bride is a younn' woman of many
charming qualities, a former student of
Albany College, and is highly esteemed
in Albany and among all her friends and
On Tuasday evening, Feb. 4,
at the
court house by Judge Stewart,
Mr. J.
H. Fitzgerald, of Medford. and Mrs.
M. Dardy, of Albany.
The groom is a leading business man
of Medlord. a member of the Rogue
River Electric Construction Co., the
great senior bagamore of the Kedmen
of Oregon, and the bride a lady highly
spoken of.
Week End Kates to Portland,
Effective Feb. 15th, round trip tick-
ets will be sold for early morning trains
as well as afternoon trains Saturday's
and Sunday. C. K. Fkonk. ,
The Same Price
prevails for Oysters at The Oregon
Market, whnh is 50c per quirt f r
fresh opened Oysters. Full J measure
and no Santiam.
Notice Is hereby given that the final
account in tue estate ol A. J. Blevin',
dea.appd, Ins boon filed with the eoun
(V o-ertc of Liau county, O'.. and by
order ol tliecoii'ii.- pi 1tra of Linn county.
Monday, Maro'i 19i'8, Ins Deen set for
the hHarim; thereat and ihe settlement
of 8Md OFtHtl.
Dated Jan. 2!) IOCS.
Asa Lkvvkllisq, Administrator .
Sale On Flashlights
Flashlights. Just the thing for the
dark nights. U need 1.
And, b the way, when you are in need
sure that what you buy will stand a
good test.
We test ours for you free ot charge.
Revival ol "Kerry Gow" With
Brilliant Celt in Title Role.
Dan O'Hara for over six months, at thn
old Park theatre on Broadway near
Twenty-third street, New York. The
theatre-going public of those days hail
ed the shoeing of a horse on the dra
matic stage as the acme of spectacular
realism, and the blacksmith scene was
the talk of New York for many years
The lasting qualitiesof "Kerry Gow"
which has been produced cnnti'minnslv
for over thirty-one years are remark-
aD'e and are due almost solely
to the
braao human interest which pervades
story ana carries tneaucuence along
with the trials of Honest Dan O'Hara
wn0 finally triumphs over the grasping
landlord who plots to win Nora by foul
ana unaernana means, me tale is a
hoir ely one, but close to the hearts and
feelings of the people.
of any distress after eacing if you will
only begin the meal by takihg a dose of
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It will
prepare the stomach to receive the
food, aid in its proper digestion and as
similation and keep the bowels open.
can thus prevent and cure Sick Head
ache, Flatulency, Heartburn, Bloating,
Vomiting,Indige3tion, Dyspepsia, Colds,
ana pemale ins. Try it toaay.
Howard & Cooper's Bargains
in Real Estate.
8 room house, 1 1-2 lots, close in
One ten acre and one five arce tract,
well improved, close in.
7 room house, 2 lots, plenty of fruit.
New G roomhonse, basement, modern
improvemets. $2,750.
Call at onr office before buying.
Howard & Cooper.
FOUND. A peculiar shaped purse
containing 30 cents. Can be had at
the Democrat office.
NOTICE is hereby given that after
Feb. 1, no sand, loam or 'gravel will
he sold from the Cloverdale bank.
TO EXCHANGE a good residence well
situated in Portland to trade for some
! good property in Albany. What have
you got? Call on J. V. Pipe, 203
West Second St.
HOUSE FOR RENT. A seven room
house in good conditition at 620 East
Cth Street. Apply to H. Barnes, 306
East 4th St. 2t
FOR RENT, Nicely furnished front
room with bath close in. reasonable,
332 Baker St.. Phone Black ill.
ihc next ten days we offer
ereat reduction in Pocket
PIPES . . . .
The American Cigar Store.
Muslin and Sheeting Sale
For three days
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Bleached and unbleached
muslins, and wide sheetings
&t 1-4 to 1-3 less price lor
these 3 days.
Buy all you need now.
Niagara Lime
and Sulphur
Having installed a spray factory here
in Albany we,wish to call the attention
of fruit growers that our brand of spray,
the "Niagara," is one of the most ef
ficient sprays for the San Jose Scale
made, and is also regarded by all the
Experiment Stations to be a splendid
fungis spray.
We do not claim the "Niagara" lime
and sulphur solution to be simply lime
and sulphur, but we do claim that these
ingreaients Dy Deing tnorougniy mixed
and boiled and cooled by our method
producer a spray far superior to the
home made mixture and better results
will be obtained by using the"Niagara"
Kindly read the following testimonial
from the secretary of the Rogue River
Fruit Growers Union, a person well
known by a number of Albany people.
Walter Parker,
First class groods in their season.
Phnn Main S6.
Medford, Oregon, July 23, 1907.
Oregon Spray & Gas Co. ,
Portland, Oregon
We used, during the last season, over
two car loads of your Lime and Sulphur
solution, and we find that it has been
effective and has given better satis
faction than any scale spray ever used
in this part of the country. We can
recommend it very highly and think it
much better than any spray that can be
made by the grower. We expect to use
your spray altogether the coming seas
on. Yours truly, J. A. Perry. Sec.
Rogue Riyer Fr lit Growers' Union,
Contracts taken to spray orchards.
Work guaranteed.
Alban" SDray Factory.
Oregon Gas & Spray Co. Props.
Office and factory
Packing House.
at the Prune
Qo to
for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our
Grocery stock is as fresh and complete
as any in the city. .
Allen and Lewis Fref erred Stock
canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS
in Crockery and Glasswarp as we in
tend to close out that department.
Come and get our prices and see our
clean up-to-date store.
Both Phones Main 58.