Albany D emocrat VOL Hill ALBANY. OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 31' 1908 NO Z A Big Change in R. R. Working Hours. SCIO. J. P. Galbraith's New Office. Washington, Jan. 24. Joseph F, Galbraith of Portland, now of the gov Young Receives Letter W. J. Sryan. from Omaho. Jan. 25, The announcement of President Mchler of a reduction of hours of the working force in the me- ! Hpnnrt.ment- and five instead of t i tha Rramnetnn navu . . . . . j ' eruiuetii. uiiiwoi m. u,..v.... six days or me wees was maae louay. i yard on the ruget souna, nas oeen ap- He declares Roosevelts : 'Reform man la resaonsiDie ior mucn iryuoie. pointed immigration inspector at Blaine, Washington. Galbraith en tered the immigration service at Port land in December, 1905, and was later transferred to Bremerton. Blaine is a small place on the boundary line be tween Canady and the state of Wash ington. ' ' ; For iale. 40 acres best of garden land 25 acres in cultivation, all bottom land. Good improvements. All stock and farm tools go with the place. Price $2600. Look this up, nothing better or cheap er in the county. C. G. Burkhabt. 102 E. First Street. . A Conductor Robbed. News: Joseph Kalston, the Albany electric ian, came over Thursday morning, A young boy named Dobverkofsky, was taken to Albanv. Thursday even ing by J. A. Bilyeu, on his way to the ! reform school. The action which has caused the inceration, was the taking of a watch from Wesely & Cain's store, E. J. Daley was taken sick suddenly ! Thursday. His trouble is caused from an old rupture. Dr. Prill, assisted by Dr. Hill and Dr. Kavanaugn.ot Aioany, operated on him Thursday night, com pleting it successfully about 8 p. m. Some one of Wm. !. Bryan's many friends sent him a clipping from the Dyspepsia is our national ailment. Burdock Bood Bitters is the national cure for it. It strenethens stomach membranes, promotes flow of digestive juices, purifies the blood, builds you up. Roseburg, Jan. 25, The dining car conductor on train 15 discovered after leavingRoseburg this morning his pocket pocKed OI iau. . a negro pmw column 9 of the New 3 plaining to Mr. ??lelli eJra'f ' Ert Zl N. Young's viaitto Mr. Bryan's Lincoln " rV .,. j v,oi,or) ,i ihome- Wednesday Mr. Xoung received weighs 160 pounds wore checked coat, f tnankfrom Mr. BRryan for light vest and derby hat. j the write up , Wm. Brenner informs the News that he has received notice tbat patents Hlwoll Mau nio i would be issued for his timber claims cnweii may uik. at once These claim3 haye been under contest for the past two or three years. Woodbukn, Jan. 25. Charles Elwell They were taken as homesteads and ,o n.n flnoinir from Mar- sold by the Iwaters to a timber syndi- shal Riddell last night will probably die. A NEW IDEA In Reference to Oregon's Normal Schools. An Albany man who has been over the entire state in the line of his work has been studying the normal school situation and has evolved the following interesting thing: There is a good deal of dissatis faction with the present arrangement. None of the schools are properly equip ped or situated. The Monmouth build, ings need replacing, Ashland is too far south, Drain is not a proper town and Weston's square building is not a suit able one or the town the best located. According to him there uhould be an intirely new deal, with new buildings of modern structure equipped for the important work, one of which should be located at Albany, the most centrally situated in western Oregon for such a school, and the other at Pendleton, the best located across the mountains for the work. He savs there is consider able of a sentiment being developed for a new deal. DIAMOND The cream of all. Start the New Year right. Get the habit and use only the "Diamond A brand of coffees, teas, spices, baking Powder and Flavoring Extracts, etc. because they are the best. For sale only at the COMMERCIAL COFFEE & CROCKERY CO. Both Phones Main 53. O posite First National Bank. awemissKasiSXS Square M Baking Powder is absolutely pure Cream Tartar. Soda and Starch, thorougly mixed by maanm erv in proper proportions and by exper ienced men. NO home experiments which are often unsatisfactory, jno acids--NO burning of the powder. 40c a pound and' a 3c rebate Coupon with ever y25c worth MEISERS' Coffee & China Store cate. Brenner and others hied contests to to the claims. The matter was fought through every branch of the land office to a decision by the secretary of the interior, the contestants winnine out in every instance. Basket Ball. At Eugene last night Roseburg de feated the Eugene U. S. 27 to 14. The Regiter says there has been fairer ref ereeing than by theRoseburg man. The Eugene girl's team has been disbanded, hence no game. Tonizht there will be a double header between the boys and girls teams of Roseburg and Albany. With Dooley and Stalnaker in tne game a good showing ought to be made. The Albany high school basket ball team played at the Corvallis rink Thursday night, being defeated by a public school team 20 to 3. The first half ended 3 to 2 in favor of Albany, but in the second half Corvallis more than made up fir it. Humphrey and Banders played forward, onnng e,rmc Pherson and Huston guards. PERFUME PLEASURE. Perfume pleasure is attained only when you buy perfume that will not only satisfy in its oder but will last. Good perfumes are not cheap. Cheap perfumes are not good. We have a fine line of the very best. Hundreds of fancy packages 25c to $0.00. Burkhart & Lee, HOME AND ABROAD, 94 conversions are reported at Dr. Martin's meeting in Eugene. E. E. Brodie, a former Albany print er, has bought the Oregon City Enter prise, This week at Newport attachments were served on the Bon Ton, O. C. Graves store, for $900 owed Lease & Scarth, Edward Moore and Chas. Loomis. An engine has heen nurchased for the Corvallis and Alsea R. R. and will be put to work on the construction of the road. Rails wili be laid at the rate of a quarter of a mile a day. W. F. Schuller, who was burned out this week at Moro, is the owner of Al bany property, the store building occu pied by T. J. Anderson, and formerly re sided at Jefferson. His loss is $28,000 on merchandise, with $18,000 insurance, on the building of $16,000, with $7,CO0 insurance. AT GILBERT BROS. You will find some.ehigh grade goois at prices in reach of all, both the rich and pocr. For a leader we are offering you the follow ing goods at prices mentioned below: Prices Cut Deeper, for Friday and Saturday Selling TAe followiiig prices will certainly make renewed interest and active buying at the BIG CHALLENGE S4LE 50c 50c 30c 50c 30c 15c 15c 50c Batters Mapline for. ' Chow Chow " . ii ,i ii " Chilian Sauce " . ' 3oc 25o 15o 25o 15o Horse radish 3 " 25c Extracts Preserves 50c Jars Strained Honey 7 5c packages of Tobacco 4 10c " " Starch 8 5c bars Laundry Soap 25o 25c 25c 85o 25q 85c A Woodburn Tragedy. Woodburn had a small tragedy last night. Charles Elwell was said to have tried to rob a Mr. Jordan of Hub bard three weeks ago. Marshall Zach Kiddle of Woodburn had been looking for him. He found him last night and attempted to arrest him when Elwell jumped upon him . Riddle used his club. Two shots were fired by some one near. Elwell started to run, when the marshal fired, hitting him in the leg, bringing him down. At the Sign of the "Big Pad Lock' 310 W. First St., Albany, Or. To Fruit CUT IT OUT if you are wise. IfCut out all the Ifuss and trouble of running around to find choice meats, poultry, game or fish;by coming direct to the store. You will always get satisfaction in choice cuts of prime beef, mutton, lamb, and your meat is cut and trimmed for tho tables of Jhe fastidious by an expert in this ;'ne. We guarantee qiulity, satisfact ion and fair prices. Albany Dressed Beef Co. 7c yd For plain colored Daisy Cloth and Tiesel Down Outing Flamnels, sold every place for for 12 l-2c a yard. 5c yd For beautiful wash goods in Lawn Batiste and Fancy Ginghams. Real value up to 25c yd. 8cyd For the very best brands and grades of 12 1-lc blenched Muslin. $5.95 For choice of 25 Ladies 50 inch, plain colored Broadcloth Coats in red, brown and black. Every coat worth $12.50 and $14.50. Goods reduced in every department at Loth stores, big price tickets toll the story. Chambers & McCune Men We are interested in your fruit crop. , W e have . carefully looked over the best goods in the market, fur you to use in i . spraying your fruit trees. We have on hand the famous STAR BAKERY, C. Meyer, Prop., First-class baked goods, groceries, produce , fruits, etc. Both Phones 57 1 1 Bean Spray, S3 n l tr:..i FRONK & GARRETT I , c Props. , Myers bpray T-r . n.. .i c:..i new 1 amaionum F iaiuim. Plants tor Sale. Loganberries 25c pr. doz.; $2 pr. 100. Red Raspberries 25c pr doz.; $2 pr. 10 ). Red and White Currants 50c pr. doz.j $4 pr. 100. Rhubarb 50c pr. doz.; $4 pr. 100. Dewberries 50c pr. doz. $4 pr. 100. Sage 10c each; $1 pr doz. I. C. DUEDALL. R. F. D. No. 5. Albany, Or. At Stents Cash Stor.5 ..SlT r Suit!!' onH 8 week caed for and delivered. $1 per month. I Ladies silk waists and all kinds of silk, cleaned and pressed. I Dairy Notice. I f, untl further notir will be- M.lkpr. qt,rermo., $1. . per pint Fv h Pr; qVn pint deliv' S2 00 -lrk?pSergCanSn'- 4C- InCanS .- . P' no, Pacific Main 54, Home 14 , A. P. M LLE1 & o.i i Proprieto Hue line spr.-jy liosc liest your i'.spc!Ci join Ohling&Tay The Haidware Men. f the for I HyJwant a PHONOGRAPH get , the COLUMBIA or VICTOR, and you have the best money can buy. They cannot be sold for HALF PRICE becauao thay are wokth all they, cost. I have a fine stock of both, also the very choicest of records. j ' Come and hear them before you buy. IT WILL PAY YOU. j A. SCHMIDT, Albany, Or CARPETS SATISFACTORILY CLEANED AND RELAYED. FERRINGTON'S RUG FACTORY. Both Phones. ii8 una mil nre nwajs -mp I RALSTON INSURANCE, LOANS AND : CiLLtaiONS. 1 have rrcney t-i loan in small and larire an cunti. Noles and mort(? ijrL'S bouifbt. 1 bond you.jj Property handled fcr o i-residents