Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 24, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Presenting Welby a Pearl Raycroft &
Griflin, Fogg & Alger, Cresent City
Blooom, Caluette, Lansingh Briggs,
on tuna
Gorton's Celebrated CONCtRT
Noon and Evening.
PRICES. 75c, 50c, 35c.
the Ahimtuh
Entered at the post office, Albany, Or
j qftcond clans mail mutter
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, $4.60.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
end of year $3.50.
The Weekly Advance peryear$1.25.
At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at
LOST. A watch charm, an'elks head,
and n Knight of Columbia button, to
goather. Leave with J. R. Flynn of
the Democrat office.
FOUND. In the street, near the post
ollice, an umbrella. Can be had at
the Democrat ollice.
FOR SALE. Choice eggs for setting.
Black Minorcas, P. B. Rocka, White
Leghorns, Fuloose Geese pure bred.
Phono 136 Farmers. J. C. Porter,
R. F. D. Z. ,
FOR SALE. -I have been offered $1000
for the line home place at 413 East
5th street. Ihat is just about forty
cents on the dollar of its real value,
I am going to let it go soon, but it
surely will bring more. Make a bid.
Address 426 Alber St., Portland, Or.
.W. R. Blain.
ROOMS FOR RENT and board at 518
W. 2nd St. Mils. G. W. Rurkhart.
WANTED. Girl, competent, to do
general housework in small familv.
Call at Democrat ollice.
PLANTS. Choice Magoon strawber
ries from new beds, $1.50 a thousand;
Logan blackberry plants 2 12 cents
each. B. C. Wyatt, R. F. D. 4,
Homo phone 4055. St
TAKEN UP. A sow and five shotes,
on my place on the Lebanon road R.
F. D. 1. R. Volkman.
tinnnm i i?ntirnxTP a.i ri iu
vr 1 1 1 i Lj liIjuiiwivino. tw i iviiiuuui
Rocks, Barred all from prize win-!
ning stock. At Frank Kitchen's.
Phono 1x3 farmers.
WOOD.-Old growth fir. C. Logsdon.
Homo Phonb 1145. 3t
TO LOAN.-$40,000, in sums of $500
to $5000 on real property. Call on J.
C. Christy, Atty, at Law, ollice over
1st Nutional Bank, Albany, Or. ,12-2t ,
WANTED. Atthe Albany second hand
store all kinds of second hand goodss
Street No. 1 12 E First. Phone Black
311. H. L. CoorKR &E. L. Umi'hrhy,
FURNISHED. Housekeeping Room
for rent ut 306 East 4th St. H. Barns
WOOD SAWING.-Ilnvc purchased a
gasolino wood saw and am prepared
to guaranty work.- Phono Honu1274
John Bkuckman
A PIANO BARGAIN. -One about as
f;ood as new, Kimball make, can be
md cheap. Call at the Democrat
office for pointer.
FIRE 1NSURANCE.-Dwellings, their
contents. McMinnville mutual, over
Cusick's Bank.
experienced compounder of Chinese
medicines, successor of the late Hong
Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish
Chinese medicines to all. The under
signed recommends him and guaran
tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him
at No. HU West Second St., Altmnv,
Or .1 1M Westfau.. 5-lt
KEEl an EY r. on the Vienna Hnkery
or good things to HAT. Secondstreet
between Ellsworth und 1 von streets.
Promptly and efficiently at
tended to by Ben Itozello. Order per
sonally or phone Red 131.
WHKN YOU COME to Albany take
your team to
Pete Anderson's
At the
the place for
aud I'oan
at reasonable ratra.
Coi.ic'&nd get R
Hot Tarnalie
Oystr Stow, Fry, oi Cocktail
at the
Horn. PhoneJllS. Siqvr. 2nd St,
fiMntU y Ih Hind Yi Htit jllwm ItxiH
Lynch, Cameron & Toledo, Vouder &
Quartet, Sam Lee, Jake Welby, Eddie
W. Schcrtzinger, Tommy Lynch and
BAND, Soios and Selections,
Grand Street Parade.
Seats on Bale at Woodworth's.
California's Solicitude.
Editor Democrat:
In your issue of the loth I note an
article purporting to have been ta
ken from a California paper and pub-
Ji8hed by request of a Eugene Lady.
Is it not a little singular that our kind
inteBrhebs?Tn0n 7 T
interest m our welfare. Supposing for
sake of argument, that this article
really eminated in the fertile brain of
the Editor ofThe Oxnard, Cal. Courier
would it not be dramatic indeed for our
boss ridden boodle loving Herrin Shield
ing, Rcuf-Schmitz-Calhoun forgiving
neighbors to so concern themselves in
our referring the $125,000 continual ap
propriation for the U. of O. to the vo
ters of the state. He says, Oregon
spends about $47,500 for higher educa
tion, while in fact the U. of O. alone
nas Deen spending over $80,000 accord
ing to affidavits of one of the friends
of the appropriation, now on file in the
secretary of states ofliee for the last
two years while the pay roll of the in
stitution for salarys &c, are $57,500,
and the four Normals aggregate $113,
000 bienniully to wit: Drain $21,000.
Weston $25,000, Ashland $31,000, Mon
mouth $36,000, this does not include the
appropriation for the O. A. C, he then
refers to California appropriation of
"nearly $136,000", he does not tell us
that the State University and agricul
tural college are together as ours
should bo and thus curtail expenses.
Then again he refers to Washington as
appropriating $600,000 for new build.
, ings. Why didn't he tell it straight,
that these buildings were to be con
.' structed for the Seattle-Yucon Exposi
i tion and then will be turned over to
, 11. 11.1. XT .1 . .
I uiu oiuiu. inuw uuu mis article emi-
, nated from poor Harriman Robbed down-
uuuuh nBiu in mo iace ana eyes I
oi corruption, gratt ana extorton 1
would think perhaps that thev were so
.,,0nmnj .- u . u 11
ftomed to being held
up by their
legislature that familiarity has begot
indifference and I would be compelled
to verify and exclaim.
Our Southern neighbors have no re JAPANESE GOODS. -We are siiow
morso . , this season a splendid line of Japanese
And they are not worth ashes, ' brass and bronze vases, just the thing
They've not the pluck of
Bi,.. a.
To speak while taking lushes.
(Seo Numbers 22 ch-28-30 v.)
But dear friends I recognize' the EAR
marks and I am not inclined to be hard
on you as we understand just how it
happened and can bo accounted for.
Very truly
Euuene Palmer.
Where Are You Going.
How about that tr!p you were
to make this winter?
Have you decided whtther to go
Los Angeles nnd the South-land, or
take a run to Bermuda; a short tour in
Florida; a trip through the West Indies;
a voyage to C uba or Mexico?
If you have more time, there is the
grand tour of the world, Hawaii, Ja
pan. China, the Straits Settlements,
Ceylon, lturmah, India, Egypt, etc,
etc., or you may muko a shorter trip to
China and Japan.
Wherever your fancy leads and trains
and steamers go, we can ticket you.
C. K. Fronk. Agent,
A Big Cut v
In Syrups at tho Oregon Market &
For the next ten days wo will sell all
Syrups absolutely at cost:
Pure Maple Sap, nta 50c
" 1-2 gal 95c
Preferred Stock Sugar Syrup, qts..35c
, gal 65c
Genuine Missouri Sorgum, ts 30c
Pure New Orleans Molasses, l-2gal. .60c
Cooking Molasses, 2 cans 25c
This is the biggest bargain ever of
fered in this city on high grade Syrup.
Now is the time to lay in your supply.
When You Buy
Oys'era at the Oregon
Market you
et what you arc paying for,
air and Santiam
Not hot
The new formi of mileage or scrip
looks are now on sale it S. P. oTice. i
C. K. Fkokk, Agt. :
Mrs. Mary Harris, of Portland, was
in the city today on a short trip.
Dr. Mark Skiff, of Salem, went to
Newport this afternoon to join his wife,
who is there, ill.
Mr. George Finley, of Crawfords
ville, was in the city this morning on
nis way to f ortiand
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Fish last evening
entertained several
of their friends in
an enjoyable 500 party,
A. Welch, of the Willamette Co.,
spent last night in the city the guest of
hiu brother Chas. Welch.
Mrs. H. W. Locke and son of Port
land, were in the city today on their
way home from Corvallis.
Judge C. H. Stewart and J. A. How
ard went to Amity today to investigate
the condensed milk proposition.
Mr. Thomas Lynch, the Portland
newspaper hustler, has been in the citv
today. Mr. Lynch was a Washington
Looav. rar. ljvncn was a wasninpton
city man for eight years and knows
American politics thoroughly. I
Mrs. Francis went to Portland this
morning to see her daughter Mrs. Elsie
Brooks of Colfax, who is visiting there
I called there by the death of a sister of"
I Mr. Brooks.
D. S. McLardy and family have rer
turned to Albany from Roseburg, Mr.
McLardy having been assigned to the
second trick in the S. P. office. They
' will reside in the Blodget cottage just '
west of Mr. Blodgett's residence.
Their many Albany friends are glad to '
have them here again.
I Mr. and Mrs. Mel Dawson returned '
kme yesterday, v,r. Dawson from!
W-M "of "S?
gate, of which he has had a good Bale; 1
Mrs. Dawson from Gresham. where;
she visited for three weeks at the beau-
tiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Ves
non, former Linn county people.
Death of Mrs. Troutman.
Mr. J. F. Troutman cf Portland, was
in the city this forenoon while on his ,
way home from Shedd, where he had
been called by the illness and death of
his mother. Mrs. Troutman died on
at the age of 74 years, and the
funeral was held vesterdav afternoon.
She was born in Kentucky, coming with
her family to Oregon in 1872, locating
near Snedd, where they resided con
tinaily, Mr. Troutman dying five years
ago. She was a worthy wife, mother
and neighbor, and her death will be re
gretted by many jriends. i
She leaves nine children, J. F. and
D. B. Troutman of Portland, Mr Nlrt FYfFCCIVF (HAN'S "
Sophialsom, of Halsey; Mrs, Elsie i 11,11 LUAI' J,
and Chas. Troutman, of Shedd.
is the only native of Oregon.
M. E Churuh South.
Rev. Geo. M. Gardner, pas tor M. E.
Church, South, Tangent, Ore, will
preach at 10:30 a. m. next Sunday, Jan.
26th. A cordial invitation is extended
to any and every one
anil atrartr nno tirhrt luioa nut
worship elsewhere.
For Sale.
40 acre3 best of
: garden land 25 acres
in cultivation, all bottom . land. Good
improvements. All
stock- and farm
J00'? K "
place. Price $2600.
Look this up, nothing better or cheap
er in the county.
C. G. Burkhart.
. 102 E. First Street.
lor a Holiday gut. Tver lasting ana
pleasing to the eye. 25c to $12 00
each. Call and see our line of holiday
goods. I
Burkhart Lee.
Howard & Cooper's Bargains
in Real Estate.
S room house, 1 1-2 lots, close in
One ten ncr- and one five arce tract,
well improved, close in.
7 room house, 2 lots, plenty of fruit,
New 0 roomhonse. basement, modern
improvemets. $2,750.
Call at onr ollice before buying.
Howard & Cooper.
Sale On Flashlights
Flashlights. Just the thing for the
dark nights. TJ need l.K
And, by the way, when you are in need
sure that what you buy will stand a
a good test.
We test ours for you free ot charge.
Are Joe Gorton' Minstrels.
Joe Gorton's Famous Minstrel Comp
any is said to be the most meritorious
organization of its kind traveling, pre
senting a long and varied program,
'. WK" ",sp w'c'8m!-
'"" ', " Tu uwiraeuc leat-
every demand, and up to every expect
ation, providing a most pleasant diver
sion for everybody. Prominent among
high class specialists are the "Premiers
of Laughland," Jake Welby and Sam
Lee, the "Cresent City Sextette,"
"Raymond and Bloom." the "Minstrel
Boys," "Cameron and Toledo,'' "The
Marvelous Callouette," "Fogg and
Alger," "Griffin and Vonder.'F "The
Dancing Sailors and many others,
1 his large company of fun makers will
People Who Come and Go
A. T. Cockeline and wf., Eugene.
Phil Flood, Portland.
P. C. Munnice, Monmouth.
C. D. Frazier. Portland.
Ivan Humuson, Portland.
M. Cummings, Halsey.
M. M. Ellis, Dallas.
W. F. Marsh and wf., Walla Walla.
L. P. Hubbs, Lebanon.
J. M. Beil, Portland.
Mrs. John Ross, Scappoose.
Thos. Neal, Scio.
Wm. Flaugher, Lacomb.
John Wesely, Scio.
J. N. Coshow, Brownsville.
Thousands of
letters have
been sent us
during the past
54 years proving
that the Bitters
can cure
Poor Appetite
and Malaria
Try it today.
' .,,
a k rr r t i i r
Albany, Oregon
Orders taken for Chicago Clothing
Suits, made to your measure $10.00
and upwards.
Cleaning and pressing Laies and
gents suits. Satisfaction guaran
teed. ! 238 W. 2nd St.
Phone 222
A Fine Stock of Domestic
Imported Woolens for
Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing of all
kinds a speciality. J
Merchant Tailor
Bell Phone Red 3070.
1 he next then days we offer
trreat red notion in Pocket
For Saturday Only, January 25.
10 for 25c
The American Cigar Store.
Special Prices
On all winter goods.. Get our
prices before you buy Hosiery,
Underwear, Outing Flannels,
Cloaks, etc. Special prices on
new spring muslin underwear.
Niagara Lime
and Sulphur
Having installed a spray factory here
in Albany we wish to call the attention
of fruit growers that our brand of spray,
the "Niagara," is one of the most ef
ficient spravs for the San Jose Scale
made, and is also regarded by all the
Experiment Stations to be a splendid
fungis spray.
We do not claim the "Niagara" lime
and sulphur solution to be simply lime1 recommend it very highly and think it
and sulphur, but we do claim that these ' much better than any spray that can be
ingredients by being thoroughly mixed ' made by the grower. We expect to use
and boiled and cooled by our method your spray altogether the coming seas
producei a spray far superior to the on. Yours truly, J.. A. Perry. See.
home made mixture and better results Rogue Riyer Fr.lit Growers' Union,
will be obtained by using the"Niagara" i Contracts taken to spray orchards,
brand. Work guaranteed.
Kindly read the following testimonial
from the secretary of the Rogue River
Fruit Growers Union, a person well
known by a number of Albany people.
Walter Parker,
Baker '
First class goods In their season;
Fhont Main SC.
Medford. Oregon, July 23, 1907.
Oregon Spray & Gas Co. ,
: Portland, Oregon
We used, during the last season, over
two car loads of your Lime and Sulphur
solution, and we find that it has been
effective and has given better satis
faction than any scale spray ever used
in this part of the countrv. We can
. Albany Spray Factory.
Oregon Gas & Spray Co. Props.
Office and factory
Packing House.
at the Prune
Go to
for fresh Fruits andVegetablte. Our
Grocery stock is as fresh and complete
as any in the city.
Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock
canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS
in Crockery and Glastwarc as we in
tend to close out that department.
Come and get out prices and see our
clean up-to-date store
Both Phones Main 58.