ALBANY OPERA HOUSE NEW YEAR'S NIGHT, JAN. 1ST E. J. CARPENTER'S Great Comedy Drama. Why Girls Leave Clean' Wholesome, Interesting, Instructive. Greatest Problems Our Country Has to Strictly Moral and Uplifting. PRICES. 75c, 50c, 25c. Seats on sale at Woodworth's. KntarwU u tue post office, Altmoy, Ot i 4 iw.nvd cluae mail matter. F P NUTTING The Democrat. The Daily-Delivered. 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, $4.50. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $.60. The Weekly-Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2- UUli WAJYIO FOUND. Knit glovo for. left hand. At Democrat ollice. WANTED. Middle aged lady for storel girl. German lady preferred. Good1 wages. Royal Bakery. WANTED. Position to do general housework. Call or phone Anderson's J roominhouse. WANTED. -A furnished house or housekeeping rooms. Leave word at the Democrat office. FOR RENT. - Houbo keeping rooms over store of W B Stovens & Co. Call on or phone G W Wright. WANTED. Threo experienced oyster openers at the Metropolitan Market. FOR SALE A. Sull calf, Jersey eligible to registration, solid color a a reasonable price if taken soon. H M. Palmer. 21t FOUND. A broach, with aged man's picture. At UJilMUUUAl uuu;u. WANTED. -Commercial Graduate of Albany College desires a position in Albany. Can begin any time. Ad dress Albany College. DRESS MAKING. Mrs. Ficklin is pre pared to do dressmaking, at her rooms, No. 2, over W. B. Stevens & Co.'s store. Home Phone 221, FOR RENT. 7 room cottage, at 1085 W 7th st. Small family of husband and wife preferred. 10t. WOOD FOR SALE. -Oak grub. Ap ply to C. Logsdon, Homophone 1145, Albany. lit TO LOAN.-S40.000. in sums of $500 to 'SROOO on real Dronertv. call on J.. C. Christy, Atty. at Law, office over 1st National Bank, Albany, Or. ;l2-2t WANTED:-Manager for Branch office ' wowishtolocatohero in Albany. Ad dress with reference, The a Morris Wholesale House Cincinnati, Ohio. FOR SALE. An Oldamobilo automo bile, sheap. Call at C. B. Davis shop WANTED. At tho Albany Second Hand Store, First St., near Baker, nil kinds of second hand furniture. Give us a trial. FURNISHED. Housekeeping Room for rent at 300 Eust 4th st. H. Barns WOOD SAWING. Havo purchased a gnsolino wood saw and am prepared to guaranty work. Phono Home;i274 John Uhuckman A PIANO BARviAIN. One about as good as new, Kimball make, can be hnd cheap. Call at the Democrat ollice for pointer. FIRE INSURANCE.-Dwcllings, their contents. McMinnville Mutual, over 8i?!;, , m r ' CHINESE DOCTOR-J. Mon t oo, an experienced compounder of Chinese meiliciiu-s, successor of the late Hong Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chinese medicines to nil. The under signed recommends him and guaran tees satisfaction, t'a.l or write him at No. 110 West Srcrnd st., Albany, Or Jim Westfa ll. 5-H KEEP an EYbun tne viennn Bakery or good things to EAT. Second street between Ellsworth and ' -von streets. WOOD SAWING. Promptly and efficiently at tended to by Ben Rozolle. Order per sonally or phone Red 131. Coincand get a Hot Tamalie Oyster Stow, Fry, ot Cocktail at the CREST Home Phone 113. 316 W. 2nd;st, Geo. II, McGreer Violin Teacher j I ; Phone Orchestra fer aft engagement. Black VAX, Albany, Oregon, Scenic Home" The:Best;Educator of One of the Deal With. The Year 1907. The last day of another year, 1907. has come, and the events of the year are being revised. Standing out con- spicuously will be the panic which be gan the 30th of October, like a thunder cloud out of a clear sky. The year had been a remarkably prosperous one. Along all lines a big business was re ported, particularly along the line of extravagancies, showing plenty of money for all manner of things. This 1 has all been cnanged. Anew era has b0un- There have been the customary num- ber of wrecks and disasters. These1 always occur. This northwest country has been par-: licularly favored, and it is doubtful if any section of the United States at this time feels the financial disturbance 1 ns little I D , . -i ,u.i. Perhaps of the northwest no place has handled the situation better than Albany. Things have been made to run with great Bmoothness, due to careful and reliable business methods ..ju,..j....f and the good sense of our people. Albany has made good progress this year. Several improvements have beed made of importance. Three new , . . , - .. , . bricks have gone up,a furniture factory and flour mill are being established and some good residences have been built. This city is not making any blow or bluster, but with its splendid railroad and business advantages it is bound to be a prosperaus inland city. The outlook for 1908 is certainly good, and without any hired boosters, de- pending upon the resources of the city and Us well established advantages the city is bound to progress, and some day it will have its DAY. Over Five Cjnts. A man was killed in San Francisco ,, t, m. mf. f ,. matter of fivo cents. t-reny amau auair to causti ine deal 11 of a human being, and, yet, most of tho troubles of the world eminate from .. . . . . 8ma anairs that with only average . r forbearance, could be settled. This is ! true in all departments of the world's ' dJings. Families are broken up over mice disputes, business men go to law over 22 calibre differences and friend ships are shattered over misunderstand-' ings of little concern. Peonle should I be able to swell themselves up into big ' enough men and women to rise above tha smull disputes of life ' i . I i You havo tho best wishes ol the Democrat for a happy new year and ono for twelve months. There ate very many things in tho world so bad but some one is willing to givo them a testimony, Every city does will to remember t(mt dmnicter roprosentg just as t J Klcl"' wu"111' as money. The dny of rate cutting between rail-' rouls seems to bo a thing of the past. ' A great question? feed the hobo. Who is going to I $50.00 Reward. The Home Telephone Co. of Albany, , will pay Fifty Dollars reward f ir in formation leading to the arret and con- vistion ot tne person or person who will . fully made the holes in their lead cable ;on 2nd St. between Raiiroad and Jack son Sis. or whj may bo afterwards de tected in the act. J. C. Lowe, Manager. Notice, To stimulate travel in Southern Ore gon a passenger coach uatil further notice will be carried from Rotcburir la Glrndale on freight train No. 221, and from Grants Pass to Ashland in train No. 225. C. K. Fkonk, Agent PERSONAL. E. F. Toeves iB in town. Mrs. N. Rose, of Portland, returned home this mornidg. Mrs. J. Harvey Roberts and son re turned to Portland this morning. Mrs. C. A. Curran and daughter Ima returned this noon from a Salem vis it. Miss Aurelia Madden, of Portland . is visiting at the home of Mrs. Jos. H, Ralston. L. B. Luper, of Tangent, was taken home from Philomath this afternoon quite ill with erysipelas. Mr. Carlos Masters, a. former Al bany College student, came down from Brownsville this morning. Miss Lena Marshall, of Portlard, came up this noon on a visit with her sister, Mrs. D. 0. Woodworth, - .,,, . Dudley Clark, of foot ball fame, went to Portland this morning to see the big Multnomah-bt. Louis game tomorrow. Miss Bradford has arrivsd and as- i ii... ci i:u j I. ,..u.. gBhoo, A pricipal wlu be secured in a week or two. . Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moses, were iy to in the citv this noon on their way Eugene from Corvallis, where they were recently married. J. W. Pixley, district deputy of the Modern Woodmen, has moved to Eu gene, and will work out from that city for several months. njf! A iir:i -e . Una hldtv Wt titoTrSSit of her Yellowstone park companion, Miss cue BrecKenricige. Will Crawford, Francis Ward and one or two others went up to the Little Willamette today to establish their I winter quarters, and hunt. I Wayne Stanard, of Brownsville was in the city this forenoon on his way to McMinnville on a New Year's visit that city or special attractions, Mrs. L. W. Deyou returned last Sat- aSKS-1 iM" - " Pint Enterprise. A former , AiLny lady. Roseburg Review: Rev. and Mrs. &. A. jUouglas arrived here baturday m T annualbusiness Tmelung of the which will be held tomorrow night. Miss Evah French, of Mills college, "aa oeen spending the vacation season in i.os Angeies ac tnenome oi nor uu- c)eJ fi Recent,y 8n8 mct Mr. Ed Barrett, of this city on the streets of that big city. Mr. Barrett is expected home almost any time, '.Preden' W.J. Kerr and Prof, and ; Mrs. Herman Tarter, of the O. A. C, I were in the city this morning on their way to points north. President Kerr reported an enrollment of 973, a great 'npre,a3e in the attendance of the school, ' which expects soon to pass the 1000 maI F . , -- I State of Ohio, city op Toledo, Lucas County. i Frank J. Cheney makes ohthat he is senior partner of the . " . J the ! Cheney & Co., doing . City ot Toledo, UcnuAy ar uore said, and that said firm t H;iy the sum of ONE HUNDREi JOLLAKS for each and every case oi Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's catarrn cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Gth day of Decem ber, A. D. 1886. A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken intern-1 allv' and acta d'rectly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the syscem. Send f. onmi0io f F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. I Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- nation. i,tfi (;ravn!,fin nniOK ss hnv at Ellis & Sons. AOMINSTRAIGA'S NOTICE Notice ie hereby eiven'thnt the umlor- eiuued, the admiBtrator uf the me iatu Mllnda Djduoo, deceased, bveol Linn County, Oreg'n baa filed witb the clerk of the Couniy Court for Lion County, Oregon, his final account, and tl,e Juilue of Bind court has Bet ihe S'd dny of Feb ruary, 1908, ac tte hour of 1 o'clock p. m. lor hearing objection, if any, tosnid account, And for tne eettlcmeot of Bald estate. R. D. SNELL, Adminittritnr ot the estate otMetinda dou, deceased. Electric Irons Electric Chafing Dishes Electric Heating Plates Electric Warming Pads New shipment Pocket Flash Lights just received. Come and see us abo Wiring and Fixtures. RALSTON ELECTRIC SUPPLY 00. 306 Wt Secoad Street. LEAP YEAR The First for Four Years. The Girls' Chance. 1908 is the first leap year for some time, and it behooves the young ladies of Albny to go shopping early and make their selections before some one gets in ahead of them. There are some good bargains among the young men of Albany, some of whom ought to have been captured before this. Here are a few that occur on the spur of the mom ent, and there are others: Elvin Crutchfied. Bank clerk of good character, bright smile and has the enterprise to run a canoe with two at least. Elbert Robe. Another affable bank clerk of splendid character, fully able I LU oufipuifc a nuc. iuu 11 nave LU hurry. John r- rencn. -f irst class jeweler and engraver, a genial fellow who would Btand by his better half through thick and thin. V. G. Will. Jeweler, one of the best fellows in the world. He has seen a Koou y leap years, out is wortn a dozen of some younger fellows. n,ma Burnett. a muscular young man, faithful and good natured, just a little too young. Ralph Knott. An accomplished bank clerk who attends to business, Albany College graduate of clean character. Erve Schultz. Clothing clerk, fine foot ball player, steady, genial, with success assured. Allen Stellmacher. Drug clerk, cap able and reliable, a fine fellow. Better see him Jan. 1. Capt. V. C. Stellmacher. Deputy sheriff, an expertenced young man who has seen some of the battles of life of good character and excellent culture. Try him. Henry Vollstedt. Delivery clerk at tho P. 0. Will make an Al husband who can be depended upon. No frills, out solid to me core Geo; Prichard.-Albany college grad- aAsolid Hri, in ?ZjnlX R ' wait. M, H. Gibbon. Newspaper solicitor BnSAu"leJ !sla toJlbaJLk!!oc.?.3V 1.3" gobbled up. Hi. Torbet. Learning the P. O. bus- iness, worthy of an early capture. John Kruse. In the Democrat's list twenty-four years ago, but still in the swim. Dr. M. H. Ellis. Successful cian, accomplished gentleman and Al bany booster. Roy Ellis. Grocery clerk, tall in stature, with corresponding character. Hugh Isom. A young .plumber who may be depended upon. Oliver Rowell.- A fine young man owning a $10,000 timber claim. Harry Wiikins. A popular drug clerk, good horseman and attentive to business. Carl Huston. Skillful barber and genial gentleman and good dresser. Will Garrett and Kenneth Fronk. Will keep things pressed and clean, a uig ining in any nousenoiu. Stanley Hammel. A hustling hotel man, always good natured and a good provider. Leone Faust. Fine appearance, steady habits, polite clerk Hans Hockenyos. Efficient clerk, good mnsician, genial company. Geo. Boom. - As steady as a clock, furniture clerk. Win Royce. Reliable operator, ex cellent character. Ed. Barrett. Fine fellow, traveled extensive!? and seen things Gale S. Hill. Deputy district attor ney, good business and always good natured. Fred Anderson. Expert Barber, pleasant ways, knows how to rough it. Profs. Peacock and Zoe. Bright, clean young men, worth the effort. Dr. Londa Gray. --Expert dentist and splendid housekeeper. Fred Weatherford.-Financier and genial gentleman. Claire Dawson.-Efficient clerk and good fellow. Inspection and Muster. All members of Separate Company "G" Oregon National Guard are re quired to assembl-j in their Armory, Albany Oregon at eight o'oclock, p. m. Tuesday evening Dec. 31 in dress uni form for inspection and muster. C. B. Winn, Commanding. rwrt t " ' Mi'' nare iways M'l ton Hats tlways ( NEW YEARS , NIGHT.' "Why Girls Leave Home" at the I Opera House. j "Why Girls Leave Home" in an im portant question. At the opera house New Year's night will be presented for the first time in the West, a drama in . domestic life dealing with the question . and setting forth from one standpoint at least, the answer. The play is a dramatization by Fred Summerfield of ; a story dealing with the friction of domestic environment, characteristic of ' so many homes, and the effect upon the 'sensitive nature of the sister and , daughter of the household. The scenes are naturaily drawn avoiding melo drama s et leaving nothing wanting to the pathos, incident to all suffering, mental or phjsical. The presenting company is claimed to be one of the - best that is touring the country, and the scenic investiture is very elaborate. Notice to Stockholders. Notice is hereby given that there will be held on Thursday, the 9th day of January. 19G8, at the hour of One ! o'clock in the afternoon of 'said day at the Creamery of the Albany Creamery Association, in Albany, Oregon, a meet , ing of the stockholders of said associa I tionfor the purpose of electing five directors and the transaction of such 1 other business as may come before the meeting. Dated December 9, 1907. I C. L. Shaw, ' Ed. Logsdon, President. Secretary. We're Showing A great assortment of Ladies Hand Bags, Hdkfs, Collars, Belts, Belt Buckles, Fancy Slippers, Burnt Leather novel ties, Fancy Combs, FancySup porters, for Christmas. -AT- FLOO HEADQUARTERS FOR Malleable and Steel Ranges Air Tight Heating Stoves, Kitchen Furniture, New Home Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine supplies. Walter Parker, Grocer aud: Baker III WX8T FIBBT 8TKiET,.ALBA3T OREGON" j First class goods in their season. Phom Mala N. JAS. COON, TAILOR Orders taken for Chicago Clothing Suits, made to your measure $10.00 and upwards. Cleaning and pressing Laies and gents suits. Satisfaction guaran teed. 238 W. 2nd St. Phone 222 Miss Til?ie Marie Dewart Will take a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano. May be seen at the M. E. parsonage for terms and days. PLUMBING AND TINNING J D, ISOM, Proprietor. Up-to-date Plumbing and Tin shop, 125 Ellsworth St., between 1st and 2nd, Pfeiffer block. All work guaranteed. WHEN YOU COME your team to to Albany take Pete Anderson's At the Wigwam, the place formfeed aud board at reasonable rates. D'S STEWART a SOX H'DW CO. Go to EASTBORH'S GROCERY for fresh Fruits andgVegetables. Our Grocery stock is as fresh and complete as any in the city. Allen andLewis preferred Stock canned goods a specialty. B ARGAINS in Crockery and Glassware as we in tend to close out that department. Come and get our prices and see our clean up-to-date store. Both Phones Main 58. .