Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 08, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    A PfelZ PUZZLE
Find the Hidden Lady and you'll Be Well Rewa ded.
DIRECTIONS Find the other lady in this picture and secure
a prize. Trace outlines with a heavy lead pencil, cut this out,
place in envelope, enclose stamp for reply, and mail to address
To every person sending correct solution of this puizle we will give,
absolutely free, a music book, nicely bound, containing 50 of the
good old favorite National songi, only one copy to each person
with the words and music; also many other valuable prizes, FREE..
Winners will be promptly notified by mail,
Eilers Piano House.
'The House of Highest Quality."
Lending l'iano, Organ and Talking Machine Dealers.
A. D.
Site JcMfljcat
Kutered at the post ofHoe, Albany, Or
i j Bflcoud clans mail matter.
the Matter of
the Money
A Rosy Cheeked Success.
A Mixture of Things and Thoughts
Stop knocking and do some boosting, j
These holidays, once started, are hard j
to let go.
The kicker .shouldn't squeal when it
strikes back.
The Linn County Apple Fair opened
today, but the display will not be com
plete until this evening, as all the
placing of fruit has had to be done dur
ing the day.
It is one of the finest displays of
aotiles ever gathered together anv-
wnere, a credit to this fruit valley, and , Some knockers left who shouldn't
snows wnai can. oe uone wnen we truit j,e knockers,
ruiotB ui mo vmicjr latio iue ptuim mat
are necessary to the proper develop
ment of the business.
Until after the awards the names of
the producers will not be mentioned
The display of Baldwins lead. Then . . ....
there are Spitzenbergs, Northern Spies. 1 street corner agitations never make
Newtons, Red Cheeked Pippins, Kings, '. the cream of prosperity rise.
Urimes uoiuen, jonatnans and Ben
Davises in the regular displays, pre
sented on plates and in boxes.
A plate of the famous Winter Banan
nas recently brought by Harold Rum
baugh rrom Hood River, which are said
to have sold in Portland for $12 a box,
attract attention. Also some from Hal-
Wonder if some men have any con-
What's the matter of Linn
for a big red apple country.
An Ashland squash weighs
pounds. That's the limit.
A great many people keep poor all
tneir uyes Dy trying to ape otner peo
Mr. Rumbaugh also shows some Van-1
derDools. taken from a tree planter! bv
.the head of the Vanderpool family in pie
apVSrin'intYnVunfyL0-! There are different W
it to that section One is Dot to support a worthy enter
Besides apples some big vegetables prise,
are shown and the Albany ladies have
a uispiay oi cnrysamnemums ana otner w !,,,,.;.,,. ,i. i
fW,.r. that :.nb fnr nnr flnral ti u m m
- i - "'s :
A stand of home products collected
by Owen Beam shows some as fine Eng
lish walnuts, peppers, strawberries.
etc., as can be found.
President JNewell, ot uaston. Wash
ington county, head of the State Horti
cultural Society, is among those here,
also several prominent 0. A. C, pro
fessors, some of whom will officiate as
judges. "
H. C. Powell has a U. pound white ' An Albany society girl is reported to
egg turnip and six potatoes weighing have written a poem, with a dream
id.1 .j pounds. . , for the subiect. in which she was in a
ftiex oumpier, ill a apieuuiu oispiay land wnere
Ladies Cloaks
Lots of new arrivals in the
Cloak department.
We have the best assort
ment of the season on hand
right now.
Wony toulook over them?
run by schemes. Straight, sauare deal-
, ing counts in tne ena.
The following sign is posted up in the
Albany depot:
Lifeisagood deal like a see-saw.
And it pays to he decent to the man
who is down, for he may be up tomorrow.
li Santiam apples, besides those in con
test has some beautiful Dutch Mignons,
R. I. Greenians, Starks and other
varieties are also shown.
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week: in advance for one year, $4.50.
By mail, in advance for one year $3, at
Ami nf vnnV S.I KO. .
The Weekly Advance per year $1.25. a norse.
At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at The present situation is proving that
$2, ! there is not enough money and that
I gold alone doesn't cover the field.
It would take a genius to hgure out The opening literary program of the
the money question at the present fair was given this afternoon at the
time. Attempts will be made, but men a. wlln a Bouu .""enounce ot iruit
will differ so widely as to indicate that m?e a(1(Iressea were by Hon. H. M.
none of them is on certain ground. Williamson, editor of the Oregon Agri
A few years aeo it was interesting culturalist, and secretary of the state
to hear the cry go up on the rostrum board of horticulture, a thorough stud-
that there was plenty of gold, .
aence was all tnat was necessary. Mow ient remarks on fruit raising and the
the demand for gold is about like the importance of care and attention in the
erv nf Kii-hnrH TIT- "Mir kinir.lom fnr i DUSinesS.
Prof. Cordlev. an able representative
from the O. A. 0., spoke on the fruit
inspector and his relation to the horti
culluralist, giving sonfe valuable in
formation in connection with the duties
For Sale.
The quarter block with house, situ
ated on tho corner of 3rd and Wuthing
ton streots. A beautiful site for ares
idence. Move quick if you want a bar
gain. Call on J. V. Pipe, 203 West
2nd street.
..I m . n .
nfV.nH u:. - . i unlets unu 11.0 inipui ktuite ill uuuu-
Other things are being resorted to, but jng up a hetter condition oE aniTa in
there is evidently something the matter fruit raising.
with the money question when things Tonight Gov. Chamberlain will speak
got upset because of a lack of cash in 'and there music by the.' Albany
, . , . , . . . . Orchestra and a quartet. Tomorrow
days when 95 per cent: of the business afternoon at 2 o'clock President Kerr
ot the country is dore with checks. will speak and Prof. Geo. Coote wii
Congress has a big job on its hands to conduct a flower school. In the even
nb, .,,, f, 4, ,i, f n, ing President Kerr will deliver an ad-
. - F i dress on industrial education, and be-
v 1LW Kala- i sides other music there will be a trom
bone solo by Prof. Arthur Wood, of
Los Angeles.
"High balls galore rolled about on
the ground,
And ware chased by a thirsty crowd,
Champagne flowed from fire plugs,
In bubbling streams with a hiss,
And mint julep in puddles filled the
Exchange: Every year every local
fiaper gives from 5,000 to 50,000 free
ines for the benefit of the community
in which he is located. At fair adver
tising rates 10 cents a line this
means $500 to $1000. No other agency
can or will do this. The editor, in pro
portion to his means, docs more for his
home town than any other man. He
ought to be supported, not because you
happen to like him or admire his writ
ing, but becaus ea local paper is the
best investment a community can
Agent for Standard Patterns.
Malleable and Steel Ranges
Air Tight Heating Stoves,
Kitchen Furniture,
New Home Sewing Machines and
Sewing Machine supplies.
FOR SAT.E. A nnan of mules, iilinnt.
800 pounds each. Price $150, or will Rulslng Apples.
trade fora good mare. II. D. Mitch
ell, orautroe. til The development of the fruit inter-
urAKirri?ii 1 :tn .... . . ...
"want poVit.ons to &K mVuot 0,6 be3t! Tomlinson & Holman have received
' work Call at 513 E 1st, or Phono the people of this county can engage another shipment of that pure maple
Pacific black 401. in. Whatever the cost it is the proper syrup direct from the grower at Cly-
wnnn SAWTMd lTnn nnrM.naoH n i thing to push the improvement of mer, new ioik. ir you want some-
gasolino wood saw and am prepared raising of apples and other fruits here.
to guaranty wortc. mono noma iz4 juat now apples may well bo the issue.
n Beeuun cun nave no ueitcr reputa- umitTmiJc wnPTii havi o,:
Hon than that of being the best apple A good Pocket Knife with the rieht
raiser in the country. Tins has been kind ot steel, a Kuzor that will shave
Pure Maple Syrup.
; thing genuine and at the same time
. delicious have them send you a can.
rsu ikrcx
John Bhuckman
FOR SALE' Entire hord of Jersoy,
fresh, cows, tost from 6 to 6.8. Cali
at Bod Acheson's, It. F. D. IShedd.
FOR SALE. Milch cow, 105 First and
Sherman Sts.
FOR SALE. A chicken house and
some chicken yard fence. J. H.
Kaukpman, 306 E 3rd. 2t
CABBAGES. All sizes, lino assort
ment, at E. B. Davidson's, 739 E.
First. Just tho kind forsauorkraut.
FOR SALE. Good residence, well sit
uated, at a burguin. Call at Demo
crat ollice. 2-1 1
r.HTNRSR I.It.IES. Imported for unlo
at Scndera Feed Storo for only 10 I"""8
cents each. tl
A PIANO BARGAIN. One about as I
tho making of the Hood River country. , an? a g0. 9rop t0 kee,p ?azor in
nrHnr. Wp hnvp n sn pnHiil linn .n
backed by our personal
If you'll
kuiiiy tali ts a
the b i 1 1 ers
at the first sym
tom of
Sick Headache,
feor Appetite
Chills. Colds
and Female Ills
promy tr relie f
is assured.
Try it.
Go to
for fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our
Grocery stock is as fresh and complete
as any in the city,
Allen and Lewis Preferred Stock
canned goods a specialty. BARGAINS
in Crockery and Glasswarp as we in
tend to close out that department.
Come and get our prices and see our
clean up-to-date store.
Both Phones Main 53.
Linn county can have just as good
reputation if it will pay the price. All
that is needed is development through
the proper methods, continual spraying
and attention to business. Slipshod
methods will never put money in the
bank. It is to be hoped the apple fair
this week proves a greater incentive to
! better things. It is certainly showing
! what can be done by thoso who take
they are all
Burkhart & Leg.
good as new, Kimbull make, can bo
had cheap. Call at the DEMOCRAT
ollice for pointer.
FOR SALE. OR TRADE. at Tangent
a nino room house littou up new.
Men nf linractei Wanted.
One of the best qualities of an olfi is the practice of enforcing tho
UP new. I,iu-a w Itnuo uilthnnt :: j-..
with good barn and garden, lot 50. ,., , t ', ,, B ' i
100 feet, near good scnool and church ?t,,c,r PPlo to do the prodding. That ,
ia wnat uiui-itiis are eiecieu tor, and
unless a man is willing to face tho '
music he should never run for ollice. j
Every city needs men who do their
daty, reliable men who are not bossed !
by any one, men fearless in doing what
they are paid to do. Voting for men is I
not a matter of friendship. It is not '
simply getting some friend a job, as
somo people seem to think, but it is
the securing of a competent official to ;
run the machinery of the government, j
whatever it is. The fact (hat a man
needs the job never has anything to do
with it. Albany, like every other city,
needs men of character in the different
positions. Let that be the issue.
STOCK SALE. At the Wigwam Feed
Stables, Saturday, Nov. 16, at 2
o'clock, some good work, driving and
saddle horses, and some milch cows
and stock cattle. If you have any to
sell bring them and have them listed.
These sales will be held monthly, all
stock being sold on commission. P.
C. Andkrson, sale manager, J. M.
Flahkrty, auctioneer.
will sell reasonable or trade for land.
L. J. Houck,
Tangent, Ore.
WANTED To buy J1.000 worth of
second baud furniture. Curl Tand
rup, 112 E 1st street. Albany. Ue'l
black MI, Homo 206. 15t
SHEEP to let on shares. M. Skndkhs.
ONIONS. For salo by E. L. McKecv
or, Phono Funnel's 2X1, Albany.
WANTLD.-To borrow $S00 for a
year on good Albany real estate se
curity. Address to Dkmocpat of
. The Secret of a
Beautiful "Face
lies in keeping the skin pro
tcctedaswellasclcanscil. Just
washing is not enough that
more exposed to the irritation
of dust and germs; to merci
less attacks of- sun and
weather. After washing, ap
ply Robertine and experience
its delightful refreshment.
You will admire the line-less
softness it imparts to face,
neck and arms. It not only
stimulates a radiant glow, but
protects the skin from becom
ing coarse. Prevents burn
ing, tan and freckles.
jfi jiut Dntfiit fir
f"i tamflt and TRY"
WANTED. Boy to carry Oregonians
on the west end route. Good pay
Home phone
H. C. Jordan & Son
WANTED. A cottage or furnished
rooms for housekeeping. Report to
Democrat office.
FIRE 1NSURANCE.-Dwellings, their
tontents. McMinnville Mutual, over
Cusick's Bank.
experienced compoundei c' Chinese
medicines, successor of the late Hong
Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish
Chinese medicines to all. Tho under
signed recommends him and gtiaran
tws satisfaction. Ca.l or write him
at No. 11 Wett Seecnd ., Albany,
Or Jim Wwi i.u 6-lt
WANTED Bright, energotic young
men, Mcnofabili:y and push, to
sell Bel (irnwii Mir aery CTtock
on the Pacific coast. A fine oppor
tunity for college studenU during va
cation. Money for expenses advanced
weekly. Write us, or call at our of
fice, 310 Weal 2nd St, full particulars.
Albany NiiRSKKirta, (Incorporated)
FURNISHED. Houaekcepin
lor rent at wu bast un
st. 11.
FOR SALE 4 full blood Silver Wyan
dotto cockerels. $1.25 each. Phone
Farmers 2X5. t7
LOST. A large black, ladies pursp,
with chain, containing between to
and S10 tied in a white handkerchief
and wrapped in paper, all silver, also ',
an extru white handkerchief. Please I
return to Democrat office and re-1
ceive libaral reward. '
Turns up and down like gas.
Saves EIGHTY PERCENT current when down.
Three Styles
Pull string Turn bulb
Long cord
306 West Second Street.
Walter Parker,
f Grocer
First class goods in their season.
Phone Main 56.
Albany School
of Dancing
Opens at Bussard's Hall
Thurs. Eve Nov. 7, '07
Class 8 to 9, Assembly 9 to 11, p. m.
Special parties announced later.
Note: This school is in charge of a
competent instructor and will be held
for ladies and gentlemen. Mothers and
chaperones admitted free. For further
particulars call it hall 7:30 p. m. open
ing night.
your team to
Osteopathic Prys.'cian,
226 Broadalbin Street, Albany.
Phcne black 4S2.
to Albn tiks
Pete Anderson's
At 'jeu wiFwam the place for feed
and board at reasonable rates.
Democrat Building, Albany,
Is prepared to make and repairctB
and shoes for men, women and ich.l
dren.m a workman like manner.
Office Albany Stables. Both, Pho nee 34
Dairy Notice.
Beginning Oct. 1st the Golden! Ru'e
Dairy will charge the following LP"ces
for milk and cream:
Ml'k !' quart per month $ 1.80
Mik plnt 116
Milk per quart in pint deliveries
morning and evening. . . 2 CO
flat rate 20c per gallon.
15cJtP10e6allOn 9C' qU"rt 25c P'-
H- M. Palmer, Proprietor
ProaiDtlr and
tended to by Ben Roxalle.
omUr or pbm Kd 131.
efficiently' at-
Urder per-
Dairy Notice.
Prices until further notice will be:
Milk pr. qt. rer mo., $1.80, per pint
1.15, pr. qt. in pint deliveries $2.00.
ptciWpfiic90c' perqt per
Phone, Pacific Main 54. Home 144.