Early Oregon Schools. Cyrus 1H. Walker in the Oregon Teacher's, Monthly: Go with me no further back than the days of '49 and pearly 50's in Oregon, when as a youth I attended school at Forest Grove in the old log church, built from ;unpealed fir logs, cracks filled in with chinning and daubed with mud, rou&'hboardsifor Ja .floor, rough ,3oor with wooden hinges, a large lock i mostly of wood and no door knobs, roof , of clapboardsheld down by poles pio tnee; stylo, a huge .fire place in one end of the mum, benches of rough lumber, four small windows of about 9x10 glass, for writing dusks boards nailed to the wall horizontally and slanting toward the beaches, for pens quills were used shapened now and then by our teacher Rev. Gushing Ells, pioneer missionary of 1838 and the founder of Whitman College HiB.sehool apparatus was a ferrule; the equipment a hand-bell and a rude tuble and ruder chair, The foregoing description is perhaps typical of all the schools then in Ore .gon, except those at Salem and Oregon City; for Portland was then but a small hamlet, in the midst of a dark wilder ness of stately lirs. The Salem institute I visited In the fall of 1843. The school in Oregon Lity, at lirst taught in the Methodis church, I attended during the latter ,part of 1848, and up to the summer of 3849, our teacher being Mrs. J. Quinn Thornton, who in latter years resided in Albany. She it was who gave the name of forest Grove to the Oregon town. Thornton lake over in Benton county, near Albany, was named after Mr. Thornton. There wero no public funds, so our schooling in those early years was all paid for at from $6 to $8 -for each quarter's tuition, hence we first Orcgonians owe our Oregon nothi ng for our limited education. Why, i the gills and boys of today know more . at 15 years than wo did at 21. in a gen . eral knowledge of the arts and scien ces, and in some things more than we now know practically. Tho wonder is that, in view of modern text books and .equipment, we children of the pion eers got an educat on sufficient to per mit us to even bo near the rear column of the procession marching on to a .glorious destiny, ' There is one thing, however, that we can crow over; wo learned to apyl. .Spelling schools were the rule and there was thorough drilling. Grand pioneer days! ;Vhat thrilling -memories crowd within our mind's vision as wo rocall them, but wo are glad wo are living in a grander age, sweeping on to higher standards of i knowledge ami achievement. What is j yet to im along educational lines we. .cannot ..(nil. iredict. (Special Correspondence.) n..m, .,r. On, Snnf. 9. Mv ! but i u. fw I. rrowimr! The same irUd ! uun .-D - noteof progress-now buildings, new people comos from miny seclions. Great interest Ls m..i.ifested in the Oregon Irrigation Associ ci tionatGrants , Pass this wee!;, The Orejon Jl-'.v l''al.' at Salem gives assurance of being the Lest ever held. There is a disoositeon here to make Portland Day". Sept. -19th, a greater mccess from the standpoint of attend- j success ance than evor betoro Secretary Taft's reception by the Orceon Development League broko all , . ,1., Munv nnnnln U7f.nf. tn the ' ... . n,u ' Armory as cany as six o c,ocK. " down into the South Sea Islaads, entiro state was represented. llltoKet,er having encircled the globe. The noted Kikujiro Ishii, Chief of the jn fact Mr. Keaney is a veritable en Japaneso Bureau of Foreign Commerce, cyclopedia of information in reference .was recently entertained here and took L2& TlV!lL pains to say thut war between his thoURn not going in the way of the country and the United States was professional trotter, .impossible. I -- A Tillamook cheese is on display boosters. l.tl. ,..;l,a 'ir-.a itnnnrla nml n... n,n f,,rno,k nf inn resents the product for one lay of lJOj b ..... - for Thanksgiving, Travel is enormous. Many families are coming to the state and for many hours during the day tho Union Station shows :.n activity similar to that wit nessed at a great national convention. They are ticketed for all points throughout the State and this trave1 will continue until the close of tho colo nist rates. October lilst. Portland artists are to bo congratu lated upon securing better photographs of Secretary Taft than have ever been taken before. None of h's pictures in the Eastern papers coirparo with those printed here. l-i-cn.icu I hiMiglus. Of course, very little, if any. "tremi ine Morocco leather" comes from Mo rocco these d i.vs, but that will not ope rate as a bar in raising tho price and blaming it on the present trouble ovt-r . there. A Chicago judge has ruled tlmt "la . dies without escort must not loiter in saloons," Chicago Is getting very particular. Tho King of Siam is reported to have pui chased a $75,001) thimble for one of his wives while vifiting Loi don recent i A hi. has sonv'thini; 'ike ii.000 wive at home, it is eviiiert that his total cxnenditure for knickknacks is going to "bo real. intonating It's Easy. Did you ever count the words in a column of ordinary newspaper print? asks an exchange. There are about two thousand words in a column. Sup pose you sit down and write u thousand words on some subject and then another until you have written twelve thousand Try it and see if it is right easy. Keep the gait up for a month. Then chase a local item all over town and after you have gotten all the facts, condense them into a few lines an hour's work that can be read in a few seconds, D: this for a dozen Items that seem insig- niheent after they are printed, but which you know are important, then have the items criticised -and inucura cies pointed out when it is too late to correct them. Oh, yes, its easy. One of King Edward's palaces is ad vertiaed for rent. Evidently times are not as flush with the royal family as they might be. C. H. NEWS. Deeds recorded: Sam Graham to W. H. Hogan 212 acres 10-3 W $ Nellie 0. Baker to E. T Merrill 3800 10 48 ft Ferry St. bl 9 B. F. Darby, Sr., to B. F Darby, 150 Acres D. M. McKnight to L W. Pom- roy 3 lots Scio , . Ed Halloway to A. L Osborn 99 feet front Brownsville A. B. Cavonder to Ed Halloway same 2000 240 1 Order cily council of Brownsville va- cat,n Main St., ilausman's ad. to Brownsville. Mortages $G00, $400 and $000, Satisfaction for $400. Circuit Court: In Merchants Katr ine's & Trust Co. ae-t J. B. Tillor.snn.. et al, answer of Honeyman Hardware Co. filed by A. C. Emmons. r)i.t. ' In estate of Rleh.rd M. fln. 1 ing set for Oct. 14. ! In estate of Aumsnauph order of nale : set aside and decree of sale entered. COO hunters licenses issued in all. A Recent Wedding. . Thursday, Sept. 5, '07, at the resi- 1 dence of the brides parents Mr. and i Mrs. G. L. Workinger, near Oakville, ; Ira G. Soule and Miss Tilda Workinger took upon themselves the vows that unite them as partners for life. Rev. M. M. Gilchiist officiating. , The bride is the eldest daughter of I .ir. and Mrs. Workinger, and well MIU1V1I U11U llllllj- co.vcillcu wjf u Ulgo circle of friends and associates the community. The groom is a young man of sterline worth, from Lacomb, where ho is engaged in farming. The ceremony was witnessed by the imir.e liate relatives and a few intimate friemu uf the bride, and the wedding fnasl .t followed was enjoyed by all the co.. -any in a way that spoke very stron' y ot tne aointy oi mrs. YYore- "or" 1 After a few days spent visiting, Mr. and Mrs. Soule will make their home on "e Kru... ''" " A Globe Trotter. C. Keaney, of the American Press Association, who has been with the Chicago American, ,s the city toaay getting data. Mr. Kea tiey has had a thing delarinfi. tnat 1 wide experience in i he newspaper busi- . " N . . the t .h ,oi. hni Among other things declaring in i he newspaper busi- f azain b in Asiaj uuring tnt , ouv- ? Up.i ho hrt b lfore 1 j5iB?Jl 2 aneso war. beim nnmn time. Be in ihn Phillinnines. and besides took .. ... r. i i Howard & Cooper have just gotten out a neat pneu nst luiuur, win. u iuw boomlcts along with it such as: All eyes are turned toward the beau tiful willaniutto Vallev. Your ticket should read to Aioany, Or. .... Allianv is one ot the leading cities ot tho far-famed Willamette Valley. The county seat of Linn county, pop ulation about 5,000. Distance from Portland SO miles. The best railroad center in the Vt ill umotto Valley. Mrs. Brush's funeral. The funeral of Mrs. John Brush, of Portland, was held at the Congrega tional church this noon, Rev. G. W. Nelson, of St John's, preaching the set num. The remains were nccom panied hero hv Mr. Brush and his two daughters, Mrs. Wilkinson, of Oregon Citv, mid Mrs. Huell of Portland and Mr. Huell. .Mrs. Brush was 77 years and 9 months of ago. A native of New Yorn state, she resided in Michigan for a good many years before coming to Oregon, and was a worthy resident of Albany for h number nf years fined $25. The case of Oregon agt. Robert Thurston, of tho Crawf.irdsville saw mill, was tried at Brownsville this morning and was warmly contested. The evidence indicated an assault, ami the defendant vvs found guilty, and the justice put the size of the tine at i. The case excited considerable in terns t. MR. PALMER Who Engineered the U. Referendum. of O. Eugene Palmer, of referendum fame, whom the Eugene Guard called a cross roads grocer, the well known farmer, was in the city this morning on his way to Independence. Mr. -Palmer was greatly pleased with the result of the lecision of the supreme court, Oregon's highest tribunal, rejoicing in Oregon's having a body of judues who can rise above personal sentiment in rendering a decision of such vital importance to the interests of the people. With Mr. Palmer and others who have sought to have the U. of O. bill referred to the people it is not a fight against the Uni versity at all, but one for the referend um, in giving the people the say where they ask for it, without government by technicality. As chairman of the com mittee Mr. Punier was a moving spirit in the U. of O, reference, and hence has had to stand the brunt of criticism and name calling, but he looked health ier than ever this morning, and evi dently isn't disturbed by any of the thrusts at him. A WET TOWN Gne Day in the Capital City. Statesman: Eight guests are registered at Hotel do Gibson, all being landed at the city' hostelry through the excessive use of intoxicating liquors. The names of the citv'B guests and their alloted time i are as follows B. F. Gee, five- days;! Edward A. McGettigan, two and a half days; Tom Wilson, two and a half days; h.d Lang, two and a halt days; iom foUmi has been thinking this for ten yeaes in Wilson, two days; Tom Barnable, , ... . . . , . i Qrenoin three days; John Costello, twent days; 1 . The 9aw, "" at Porva ,'9 shut ; resm Louis Gets was the name given by a down until next spring. I he' mill has; drunk who was also up before City Re- i d larffe supply of lumber on hand, cars , Hop contracts are being made lr.-Sial-corder Moores vesterclav. Gets Daid a are scarc. freight rates high and' the em for EJ0S crop at 10 cents. Unless line or and went his way rejoicing. Two Sample Tourists. ' Pint' N' Y"' and 0W. ! ar"v'ed last evering under a Pullman, "ll-er wrapecuiiB jrntn. ucei, 13m .awi.we niBBLiug sevBiar duraness . .ntn n t T h m! i k ST Uicl , rnona, wno gave them tn Best rooms i ... uU&.& ..uuuu j nearly opposite the Democrat office,, where thev will remain bv direction of. Kecoreer Redfield for a couple of days, -The gentlmen reported that since 'eavinK B" tt they ld done their best hnt ,ithnnt nvnii Annoi.r-ni.o inrlil cated i his fact didn't disturb them. Three Games in a Day. l C. L. Monaon. of tho Pacific Varjer vmihv uumi uw.iu .uaub.v... ing. Mr, Monson, besides- being a hustler in bis business is a first-class i a", k" L i.,l S,rT,.S three games. He 1 .nelped J!,ugne Deal Coburg6 to2. then Bugene defeated ht ?Jf L .ItZt H?i VW best victory this season, toe- Frakes- leadinsr in the Portland tournament, and late in the afternoon played! with Springfield against the Prakes the Frakes winning 12 tu 5. H- and P. Always Draw. Richard and Pringle last night showed to a large crod at the opera house, giving their best perlo. mance. About the best number was that o again gave " of Frank genius. : . -b . th sa,-ona back , thit it will never! electrify itshorse line. Jim Jackson's Trip Abro.d and i car j has I been improved and is full of black I ginger. Gibbon Miking Good. M. H. Gibbon, of tho Portland Tele- gram, was in the city today on his way to Lane county, where he has been sent for special work for thf Telegram. He has been in eastern uregon ior sev ' eral months, covering that field. Mr. Gibbon is a former clerk in the Hotel Rovorei whie there takirnt the Albany agency oi tne leiegram, uunig ins wu. so iveil he was sent for at the head of- nee. tie is mamng gouu us a bouii and circulation man Letter List. The following letters remain in the Albany, Ore., postollice uncalled for Sept. 11, 1907. Persons desiring any of these letters should call for advertised letters, giving the date: I Mrs. Geo. Allinghnm. George T. i Barnum, Mrs. Milly Eckerman, H. P. i Gardner, M. L. McPherren, M. D. ; Powell, Mrs. F. E Smith. J. s. Van Winkle, P.M. Prospecting at Anidem. F. H. Colpitts, the mining expert and asayist, nnd his two cousins from the east, have gone to the Santiam mines, on an inspecting trip. Mrs. Colpitts, who has boon visiting Portland friends, this morning went to Gates on a visit with her folks. Mr. and Mrs. Colpitts have decided to remain in Oregon, and will locate in the valley, pe.haps in Albany. Will Make Candy. 11. Hotlich, of the Broadalbin street confectionary store, has secured theser- vices of J. N. Newton, an experiened candv maker, who will be here this week, and will manufacture confect ionary of all kinds for the Hotlich store. Mr. Hotlich proposes to be up with the tunes in nis uusiiu-ss. C. H. NEWS. Deeds recorded : Commercial Creamery Co to T Sf Townsend Creamery Co, , 150 by 165 feet between Lyons and Jor dan $11X J. W. Cusick & Co. to Alvin J. Carothers. 2 lots. bl. 44 H's 2nd ad Mary E. Terhune to Hannah L. Bruckman. lot 4 bl 38 H's 2nd 350 ad 1200 Mortgage for $1400. Petition of O. J. Mealey et al asks for bridge over the South Santiam near Cascadia. Hunters licenses: Roy Froman, Perry R. Conn, Albany; Ralph W. Nolan, La comb; D. J. Hayes, D. S. McWilliams, Halsey, Hattie A. Cruson, W. S. Elliott, Lebanon; Frank Lightfoot, Mill City. Total 616. In estate of Mary Junkin sale of real property was ordered, License issued for marriage of C. A. Peacock and Ruth Hutchins. HOME AND ABROAD, n :tnn L-. r. n: i ,1 t R. have been graded. I limes ui LUC KAJl VB1U8 auu Auea II. Secretary Taft will leave tomorrow' morning on the Minnesota for the Ori- ent TW p oH!n- s,mt w h TnK"f 1 JS&i&P? 9th, Dr. Fred G. Thayer and Miss Etha Lennra Will, ama on the mth. p-of m ff Ht..a nr i.h,.., 0a,ij h' -,,-' ,u ' ,,.anuai training at Hill's. AeaHemv. price of timber is increasing. Lebanoa E. J. J. Lingren has sold his residence property in themorth ern part of town to G. A. Soule,. who eration. slow. mr. uncrren ana ram- V may mov to- Oregon City. Two younjf men fter rorkinp in junction aoou a wee mrea two saeaie norees oi ivompa jsros., last bunuy, i v. v. . J namsDur,. but have not returned. Thev were I traced to nera- LobucB. and it mm -uuu.i. c ui. wish rr j ovtusa mountains, i Lee Wiilard n a Txas Ranger. I At the Al'oany Spera House on Sept, ! Iiith, Mr. Lee W"ilard will present A. Texas Ranger, Mr. Wiilard will be-rembered by his Abearance last SMson i Monte Crisito !3 ..fi t-j ami: his rmastt mund Dantes, The- Count of Monte Cnsto stamps humi as an actor of f. T,,Z T. T The company is a. very strong one. comprising buih well. knoW neopl e as : Georeie t WonHhh. MU tnill hjnnnr Si. i'"";"" ' r'p "a ; tperaidothers,id.wS.Mr. Wiilard : . . . , : .. cacaole. , The play, "A T5as- Kaager" is a I, comedy drama in four acts from the pe& of Ernest Stons. The plot is re- ;i pVete with humor, romance and sensa tisoal dimaoces. IN ALBANY. People Who Come and Go J C Morss. Cottag Grove Mrs G K Hetdeke, Detroit A A Reardon, Portland Wm H Brock, H DeBoest, A G Atwood, Eugorte Henry Harlan, Portland H B Hall, Portland G J Farley, The Dalles L M Reeder, Salem W R Hoover & wf , Detroit State op Ohio, vjty of Toledo,) uuyjfko uvui.i i, j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that Cheney uo. . doing Dusiness in tne city of Toledo, tjounty and State afcoe-! safl, and that said firm will pay the, sum of OJN1! HUINLiriCiU liull.ajv&' f,. ttn(.ii and pvprv rase of Catarrh tHafc cannot be cured Dy tne use oi riani- s! Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHEN EST. ; Sworn to before me and subsceib d j in my presence, this 6th day of Desem-I ber, A. D. 1886. ' A. W. GLEASON, i (Seal) Notary Pmiue. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- . ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the systent Send ! for testimonials free. ' F. J. CHENEY K. CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c, Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. Rheumatism. Whan noma nr irrilfltinn pvist. on nnv nnrt rf the hndv the annliciltion of part ot tne OOCiy. me application oi Ballard s Snow Liniment gives promt 1 relief. E. W. Suliivan H-iuse, El Reno, O. T., writes, Juno 6, 1902: "1 take pleasure in recommending Bal lard's Snow Liniment to all who are , afflicted with rheumatism. It is the only remedy I have founnd that gives , immediate relief."- 2oc, 50c am' $1.00. I Sold by Foshay & Mason. Works ot Art. Have you seen thoss elegant por traits in Crawford's window, large wa ter color, Sepia and Crayon. Ohe of the mrst beautiful lsdv in Orceon. one of Louise Collins, one of Mrs. Scluneer, and one of Rev. C. C. Sperry. Don't fail to see them. MISFITS, Albany's appfer show will be an eye opener. Some one says keen' vour troubles to I yourself if you would kep yourfriendsl Heney slipped into Portland- before any one knew anything about it. Sly ducis. Sonve" one enthusiastically wants the Willamette to be one vast orchard The idea' is a rij e oi e. Those w& get a souvenir copy of the' Journal will want to keep it. It is an Oregon booster from lid to lid. IF Dan Kelly had run as he has right along in practice he would have woo of course, but-etc. Eugene has some boosters1 in East; era Oregon and the Chronicle' savs the man at The Dalles ii distributing Linn county literature. Not enough to v boost. Just Lane connty literature. Portland, Sept 9. The explosion If the merchant shoultf give away as j of ai(jas0jne stove in the cold storage much as the local newspaper does in roor.1 of the Ilazelwuod creamery comp free advertising for the community and I any i new building at Third and Hoyt, those in it he would soon-be bankrupt, 'gutted the puPding. Damage $50,000 done too with almost no a-joeciation of practically uninsured. The loss will the service. I . ... .l - ...... . - , s snu' nM. e necessaa5 " i valley, that with the proper under- j drainage and attention to the wil nat- orul ir"t.on is ail that is necessary. I i Mr. Carver and his Corvallis-Jrienris find limes eooA enouch to bu-181 a road Into the Alsea. but nonr Mr. Hnimman thinks- they are not good enoughi He .4vance- contracts- are made there won't be any hops- r.ext year to piek. Many arc getting disgusted with tire l-uniness alter the exp:riences of this year. Banks-are- almost universally asked fca heatO subscriptions for public enteir- pi-isesk everywuere This is probably ppp.r. The income of banks is madte up f j,m, the money of the uri. .,t 7 ..u scribmg liberally they are in a measure- doing jomething for the people in turn Sale at Sodavil! . Dr. Janes will stll about 70 head cf 1 (cattle ranging rrom veal, neet cattle,.: dairy cows, etc, also other valu- i ufo! ?s on. his farm at Sodaville, begin- ' .!"". L?Y'' " "' i! lerms ofsalereasonable. Free lunch at llr30 a. Jok M. Flabeiuy, Auctioneer. s tb- Th9 Kind Von Hava A.ways BcmgH OREGON i STATE FAIR! j "New Bcfldings for Live Stock." ; Beautiful Camp Grounds. Excellent ' ? water. Taur Friends will be There. $25,000 Premium and Speed Funds. Various Special Premiums. ! Encourage and Aid Agriculture j by Attending I OPEN DAT AND NIGHT ' SPECIAL RAILROAD RATES Salem; Sept. 1621, '07 W. H. DOWNING, Pres. A.WELCH, SeevJ Specialround trip ucketsfor this oc ' oawon will be sold Sept. 9th, 10th and The Publisher's Claims Sustained; United States Court of Claims", The-Publishers of Webster International;1 Dlcttanaryalletothatit''iMnfHetahepopu-. lur UnahriilRea thoroughly resulted in every- detail, and tl-eiirlehed In e-ery part, with- the purpose of adapting- It to meet the lamer- ana severer requirements oi uuotner geuera-- We fire of the oninlon thnt this alloiration.' tn8t clearly and accurately deseri bee -t he wer k timt wis neeii accompii?neu ana'tue I 1 5 ,?u rSte2- 'SJSil" I Jltcd la ciwy detail, has been corrected 1n i 8verypart,aiiuisaumtraoiyuuaiueua)nieei : Uie lartior and Beverer requirements Qf a generation which demands more of popular tjint the wnrltl hiutei-er einittiiiipil. pnuuiKiu buuwrvko viiiui nil gi'iicimiuii: H la perhaps needless to add that, we rotop tn ,ue Slctlonnry In our Judieinl work asor the holiest authority lu aeeurnej of. deilut uou ; ami mac in tne tiuure as in t ne past tc will bo-the source of constant reference. CHARLES C. NOTT,.Chlf Justliw. . LAWRENCE WELDOS JOHN PAV1S. STANTON J. rEEI.I.E. " '.i rt CHAKLES Ik llOWUY, The alxm rt.fcr (o WEDSTBHS INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY THE GRAND PRIZE Hhohlirhest awartll was inven tot-he Interna, tioual at tho World's Fair, St. Louis, GET THE LATEST AND BEST Tou trill be intereMtit in our upectmen ptitji, tet free 0 Q.&C. MERRtAM CO, , . ruausjuia, 1 SPRiNOFteuD, MU. I WEB4TCR5 1 TELEGRAPHIC. 5 WOUNDED In San Francisco Over the'Strike, San Francisco, Sept. 11. As a're sult of an attack made upon non union carmen by a crowd of strike sympathiz ers early this morning five men were shot and are now in the hospital. The Union claims the company organ' ized the attack to create prejudice. What Heney Will Do. PorTL.VND, Sept. 11.5 Heney an nounces he will return to Portland this fall and with Bristol will wipe the state dean of land frauds, including Her- j raann, tho bigaost to the smallest. probably' fall ore the contractors being r . - . . . PortSHnb. "smfc.' .'-Hiim r.rl Bria- npar u ffnmn ot-,.,1 u.i i. . j -j m " arB " couno ana wm return tomorrow. Heney says the land traud trials will positively be resumed , g00n as possible ! San Frujcisco, Sept, Britt and Gans m-n nVht-inc inr tiarht.wniirhr. chamDionshiD before- thousands this afternoon. Both asserted before thev commenced tfiey west sure- to win. Norfolk, Sept. 10. Mrs. Rorschach, wife of Lieutenant of the iavy was murdered last night at tier on home by burglar who escaped. The women fired twice at the robber in the kitchan. He twisted the gun from; from her, and shot her thrombi the heart. Portland, Sept. .10; Heney and Bristol will-arrive tonight and it is ex- -pected will announce the plans re lating to the land fraud Srials. Sam Francisco,-Sept. 10. -There is an underlying tone of disappointment dt luc xcauifa Ui. LUC llJIV, JllbL WUUI. ramove plaster from- adnged broken hand. The fight fans - are not aure whether it is broken. Tokio Sept. 10 Advices received state that Canada expresses regrets at the Vancouver riots, probably will pay : damages. People Who Come ard Go G W McLane & wf, Klamath Falls J Bryant, Ranier E C Kiger, Pomroy Fred W Simpson, Indianapolis H E Swan, Wallhatrij Mass A E Wright & sister, Salem Dr W H Booth, Lebanon J C Lowe, Corvallis D A McLean, Portland J R Pratt'& son, Eugene G M Rudolph, Salerno I Price, G Price, OregoirCity F A Graham, Portland Mrs Geo Waton, Ashland Bess, Ray & Ethel Smith, Salem Geo H Richardson. Portland. E T Price, Portland. H M Myer, Scio. A E Bilyeu, " H A Craft, Portland. W E Frazier, " Mrs. Lucy McHargue, Portland. W B Dillard & wf, Eugene. V B Ridgeway, Portland. H T Bunker, Tacoma. Oliver Giles, Portland. L A Crinksbank, Portland. M E Arnold & wf, Kibkman, la. Chas M Stahl, Philomath: Chas M Walker, Portduad. T H Davis, Corvallis. C Carmody, Salem. J J Hanley, Portland;. T L Darling, Gates. G P Gove, Corvallis. R M Russell, Shelburn.- L H Simmons, WD Bevfer, Gates. Oregon Irrigation Convention & i .Sogue River Valley Industrial Fair ' Grants Pass Sent. lOtW. lTtVi nrl i9v, jinn witn nnai return limit Sept. 13th atrate of $8.70 for the round trio. C. 5:.FSionk, Agent ADMINSTBAfOft'S NOTIC: j T all whom it ma.y concern : No '.ice -1 tiflre ov ttiven to aU wh mn it may c fa v.ern, that tne uuub bi;iw1 had ti.ief bis ccoint In th matter of tbe eitte of Richard Mavo, d ceane i in the nonim P. mrt nf T n ...... r UJ?fv yn,V 01 LD ""H?. Oregon, ana Mint hhI1 crart b.a fixwl VIjO'Uv, toe j'Hn oy ot Cfecuonr, 1907, at the. hoorol Una o'cloc d. m. of id da n i dm lime tor the hear id if an- pat'hn fif all nhii'tinna hr.ttji.4 Lumnnn, . tore. ll ptrsona qawdk hoi oMwrio-i. to eiiil nconunt are hnr-hv noinl Hi'. rwju roa to appear and file the same n i nr a,T 1D . , or ei"re '! last Ulul .in. a, iana 1, -imrmstracor ot said estate. W. R. BILYiEO; At'oroaofor AHminsfrs'er Daied thpI3th day ol Sout. 1907. AOMIHISTRATOS'SNOSICE. In Ihtf 0.ov lrtiir' rtf .1. , (i.igon. iir Morrow Oouut?: Ii., ihe 1 m'teroi the egtntu oi Lurin n '.i.... ue.6ed. ; Notics-is hereby liven thai th undei-. tuned has been ann-iiutH adin-nistrn torot Ihe estate oI L.irio D. Baknr. tie ieite.1, and thai all oi-rean bav n t-uiois against said iu,,tf i-e req-iircit ir, n nt tba same d,il verified t ir pmn-i to me at the offi -e ul W. Dooyus, Iim, Oeioo, within i "tni Ironi th oaie nf ibis uo'ice '.Wfciaept. Sid, 19-J. i .i H ES M BAKER.