if" H -ft t r.v' V S 4 All attractively displayed and moderately priced for all next week at our store. Our line is complete and we will be pleased to see you in the store for this event. EMBROIDERY Edging Flouncing Ruffles and Corset Cover Embroidery. UNDER MUSLIN Ladies and Childrens Muslin Underwear Just in see it. SOUTH and EAST SOUTHERN" PACIFIC Shasta Route. Iriileave Albany for Portland and av stations at 4:30 am, 7:28am and 1 :47 p. m i auum fti iitmii rJ:8uaui :30 o Uomij- r2:M0 p m 10:57 -u I mve Anhlund 12:66 n m 12:36a u " Sacramento .. 5:1(1 p m 5:011 an ' Ban Francisco. 7:46p m 8:4rin ArrlvcOniieii 45 7:00a m Denver 0:80 a ra 9 :lt n in ' ' K iinwiB City ... 7 :2B a n 7 :W a u. ' Chioauo 7:42 am :- Arriv bo Anuolm ..2j00pm 8:06am RIPttBO B:00pm 6:00 m tort Worth.. . 6:80a m 6:Wam " OHyof Mexiooll:0a m ll'.tOa in ' I I oiiaion 7 :00 a m 7 ;00 a m Now Orloaim. . 6:30 p ai BiilOpro " Wwhinuton , . 6:42 a m 3:42m " New York... .12:10p m 12:10p m "uUruim and Tounsti cars on bote trains. Chair oars Sacramento toOfe'ilnn and Kl Paso, anil tourist cars to Chicago 6t LoiiiB, Now Orleans anil Washington . Connecthin at San trunciBco with iuv eralBtoaiuslnp lines for Honolulu, Japan China, Philippines, Central and South America . See O. K. KUONK, acenl at Altany. tioi-or nddre-f WM. McM-UKKAY, Q. P. . Port! nd, Or. The Modern Woodmen meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. The Koynl Neighbors on the ti"l mid third Wednesdays. 'HE K. O. T. M. very Saturday evenlnn at K. O, Ti'tl oall Visiting Knicthtsinvitod. U. W . ttOKK, Commander 0 a QaiilV)K-:PKN J.). - Meets lour Monduyf liionth, in W. O. W. hull J. L, Hil l,, Councilor. Elma A. Turnkr, Sec. I - ). U. Siifety i,.ntun N . 13 .mi vtrv Moinlay 0"oointf it (heir hull in "i.O.U.W. ulc on Kri street, Albany. Htrav i in tlif elty and tihii'Viil brtitirL inhally leviicd lo -Mend. ft OOPMKN OF T VOKbll. Ul any Cnnn No. ltHl . W. mMi in Hull Foster llloo i ir: v Friday evfuinn . Mitnziinita CMrcli' muisth Ihi and 3rd n outlays Vlsitinx nuiglibors wnlcomod J. K. Davis, C. C. L. L. 8wa, CUrk. DISPLAY AT SANDERS lines of white goods will be LINEN SUITINGS White Voiles All new weaves and Designs. NATIONAL BANK A.r,u-&-3sr-sr obegon Omnium K W I.ANOUON, l'r!Hi(lout s : vnusu Yiuo-rrcHlloiit AO SOU MITT CtuilUur DlRKCTOKS 8 E Yowijr ' 1' A Goodwin O .1 Sclumlt E W l.iuilou A O Schmitt Transacts a genoral banking business. Accounts kept subject to check. Sight exchange aud telegraphic trans fer sold on Now York, San Francisco, Chicago and Portland, Collections made on favorable terms. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE I..ft.n.intlnn nr I'ntnrrlt nf K 1 tlio HlftiMiTMul 1Mmft8uil Kid V?;& ME"- fktn'yn. wo cure ho pay. euros ri&i fl"l'kly ftiHl iwrmnniMitty the raiul 4JH4I, no matter at lujw hiwnilosri. tSohl by ilningieU). Priro iM, or ly mall, post paid, 1.00,3 boxes, f2.7&. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN CC. BcllefonMlM, Ohio. For slo'bv3Burlthrt A Li e A BEAUTIFUL FACE Send Blamp lor I'arlictilart and Teillmonlaliol th remedy thai clears the Complexion, Removea Skin Impftleclluns, Nakea Now Blood and Improve! lbs Health. II you lake BEAUTYSKIN beneficial results ire (utrsnleed or money refunded. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., Madison Place, PMIailclphla. Pa. Drs. Adanrs, Dentists, Rooms 11 to 17 Lewis Bid., 350 1-2 Morrison St., Portland, Or. Our specialty, "The Painless Filling or Kxtrncting of the Teeth." Our Motto: A ploasod pationt our best advertiser. SANDERS 3t A I'lKHM'O.r ol.l,itii..l. ..r FEE RETURNED, f.f SO VKARS'SXPSRICNCK. Our CHAHC.ta Al 1 B THI LOWEST. Si'iul inmli'l, plmtn nr ..k.'U'li fur U eiTi m.nn'h iml fnv tvi-orl on iHttt'iilitlillltT. W N INr-RINOf MINT miltx rmuliH'tMl U'foi nil M m tiirt. fnh'ntn otitiiHHl thrxiih ic, AOVIR- B B TISCD iuhI BOLD, fiiiv TRAOE-MARKa, PCN. B B SIONa RiHl COPVRIQHTa iul.'kly t.blHliuM. B B Oppoalto U. 8. Potent OfTlcOt I ONE WEEK i WHITE SEE our colored and figured Spring Wash Goods, WAISTS SKIRTS lioisery, Underwear, Shoes-Oxfords Oreg on. HIDDEN DANGERS. Nature Gives Timely Warnings That No Albany Citizen Can Afford to Ignore.. Danger Signal No. 1 cornea from thei kidney secretions. Ihey will' warn you.; when the kidneys are sick. Well kid-:-neys excrete a clear, amber fluid. Sick ! kidneys send out a thin, paleand foamy, ', or a thick, red, illsmelling urine, full of 1 I sediment and irregular of Dassaffe. ! Danger Signal No. 2 comes from the back. Back pains, dull and heavy, or sharp und acute, tell you of sick kid- neys and warn vou of the approach ot dropsy, diabetes and Bright s disease. I Doan's Kidney fills cure sick Kidneys' and cure them permanently. Here's Aiouny nrooi:. t Mrs. A. R. Hill, of 331 East Fifth , St., Albany, ( regon, says: I "Not a word too much is said in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills and it ought to1 be proof enough of their merits when people living right here in Albany pub licly recommend them instead of some unknown persons in Texas or some other faraway place. I have used Doan's Kidney fills myself and know of many more who have used them. In my case they cured backachj and troublesome symptoms of kidney complaint. Every one else who has used them to my knowledge have had the same satis faction, and that is why I lend my name in endorsing the remedy.'1 For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster Milburn Co., uffalo. New York, sole agents for the United states. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Cheap Portland Rates. EITective February 23 we will sed week end round trio tickets to Portland un- uii irains oaiuroay ana Sunday. Ciood to return on any train Saturday, Sunday or Mondiiv. C. K. Fuonk, Agl, "SulTcred day and night the torment of iti hing piles. Nothing helped me until I used Doan's Ointment. It cured me permanently. "Hon. John It. Gar rett, Mayor, t'.irard, Alii. A healthy man is a king in his own right, an unhealthy slave. Burd ick Mood Hitters builds up sound health keeps you well. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated families keep Dr. Thomas's Eclectic Oil for such emergencies. It subdues the pain and hems the hurts. Corn that will pop. Nebraska Kice pop corn in packages tosuit ; thorough1!' .clean, at Stewart & Soxlldw. Co. TO SUBSCRIBERS- Those not receiv ing the Daily by 6 o'clock evening j will please ca'l uo Red 202 if residing j west of Broadalbin street. Red 2292 : between cruauaiuui and Montgomery streets, and Black 482 eastof,Mont , gomery street, FOR STOMACH SUFFERCRS.j j Don't Use Any Remedy That j Keeps Its Formula a Secret. I People who are troubled with stom ach weakness cannot afford to use any remedy unless they know what it con tains, Mi-o-na is not a mere digestive giv ing only temporary relief, but a specific tor all disorders of the digestive or gans, and so effects a permanent cure for stomach troubles. Your physician will tell you that nothing is better than a combination of chemically pure bismuth subgalate to allay any inflammation of the stomach and bowels; certain oxalate, to strengthen the stomach nerves: sodium m-carbonate, which neutralizes the poisonous acids that are present in the stomach troubles; and rux vomica, which will restore vigor to the digest ive organs and tone the whole nervous system. This combination is found only in Mi-o-na stomach tablets, and it so rare ly fails to strengthen the digestive sys tem and cure all forms of stomach dis order, that Foshay & Mason sell the remedy under a guarantee to refund the monej unless it cures. . If you suffer from indigestion dis tress after eating, specks before the eyes, headaches, pains in the back and side, emaciation, bloating nervousness, sleeplessness, or any of the other symptoms of stomach troubles, begin the use of Mi-o-na stomach tablets at once. Foshay & Mason sell them in 50c boxes with a guarantee to refund niLMiey uiuess biiey cure. i Acute Rheumatism. weep tearing or wrenching pains, oc-, .aaiuneu uyyeLung wet enrougn; worse when at rest, . or on first moving the limb3 and in cold or damp weather, is cured quickly by Ballard's Liniment. Oscar Oleson, Gibson City, 111., writes, teb. 16, 1902: "A year ago I was troubled with a pain in my back. It socn got SO' bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's Snow Linimesit cured me;" Sold by Foshay & Mason. Don't Put Off i for tomorrow what you can do today, j If you put off Luying a bottle of Bal . lard's Snow Iiiniment, when that pain : comes you won't have any, buy a bottle j today. A bositive cure for Rheumatism, j Burns, Cuts Sprains-, Contracted, ' Mucles, etc. T. S. Graham, Prairie Grove, Ark., writes: "I wish to thank you for the good results I received from Snow Liniment. It positively cured me I f Rhematism after otheo had failed. Sold by Foshay & Mason. Harsh physio- react, weaken the bowels, cause chronic sonstipation. Doan's Regulets- operate easily, tone the stomach, cure eonstipatio!25c. Ask your druggist for them. BEFORE VOU BOY Read the list of real estats for sale, oorner First and: Baker. MONEY TO LOAN. James McCouri.', Agent. C0ATE&& JEWEL Successors to, Henry Brodrs, Second and'Ellsworth StsAlbaiiy, Dealers in choicomeats of aUikiurtfa. GflrvaD.il! & Eastern BaM 1IMEGA1U) So. 35 Trains From audi to Jaqulna So. 1- LeaveB lfaqnin.,M. 6:40 . m. Arrives Albany 12 :I0. a. m No.!! Leaves Albany 12:50 p, m. Leaves Oorvallia 1:33 B, m. Arrives Yaquina 6 :15 p. m. Trains to and Frota Detroit. No. 3 Leave Albany 7.20 a. m. Arrivnn at Detroit 12:30 a' m No. 4 Leaves Detroit 1:00 . u,.. Arrives at Albany 6:55 p. a,'. Trains tor Gorvallia. No. 8 Leaves Albany 7:55 a. ". Arrives at Corvallis- 8:35 a. m No. 10 Leaves Albany 2:25p, ni. Arrives at Oorvallia 3 :06 p. m No. 6- Leaves Albany 7 :35 p. rn. Arrives at Corvallie 8:15 p. a Trams tor Albany. No. 5- Leaves Coivallls 6:30 a. m. Arrive at Albany 7; 10 a. m. No. 9 Leaves Corvallis 12:45 p. m. Ar'iyi-s at Albany l:3Up. m. No. 7 Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p.m. Arrives at Albany 6 :4U p. n. No. 11 Leaves Oorvallia 11:30 a. m, arrives at A baoy 12:15 o. m. No. 12- Leaves Albany 12:50u, m. Arrives atOorvallis 1:33 p.m. A II of the above connect with South ern I'RCtfic company trains, both at Al bany and Corvailin, an well as train lot lleioit, Hiving direct service lo New poii and adjacent beachest as well as Kieiienbusb Hot Springs, bor lurther infonuation apply to OKO F. NKVINs, Gen. Pass. Agt, U 11. CRONISK, Agei t AH-any. g As every paiS of the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and strength, it is necessary that this vital fluid be kept free from germs, impurities ami poisons. As long as it remains uucontamiuated we are for- tuieuagauist disease and health is assured ; but any humor or impurity acfc injuriously on the system and affects the general health, or culminates i: some special blood disease. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and t! different sldn affections show that the !:l jod is in a feverish and disease condition as a result of too much acii, or the presence of some irritatitii. humor. Suics and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy matter in th blood, and Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc. are aljjdeep-seated blood diseases that continue to glow worse as long as tlv impurity or poison remains in the circulation. Cine persons are born wic! 6U hereditary taint in the blood and we ste the effect manifested in varioo ways. The s!:in has a pallid, waxy appearance, the eyes are weak, glaudi in the neck often enlarged and usually the bodv is not fully developed oi strong, because it has always been fed on weak, impure blood. In all blood troubles S. S. S, has proved itself a perfect remedy. It goes down into tht circulation and removes all poisons, humors, waste or foreign matter, and makes this stream of life p;::e and health-sustaining. Nothing reaches inherited blood troubles like S. S. S.; it removes every particle of taint, purifies and strengthens the weak, deteriorated blood, supplies it with the healthful oroiierties it needs and establishes the foundation for good health. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers, Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison and ail blood diseases and disorders are cured permanently by S. S. S. It is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is the King of all blood purifiers. Book on the blood and an v medical advice desired lent free. THS SWSST 8PEG3FSS CO., ATLANTA, GA, EI j I ectric 1 IX A N Y L A D I B S prefer to iron 1 r A their own shirt waist, and dainty Lingerie, but to very recently ironing has been a most arduous task, for there ar a hundred and one nettv annovanco with an ironine board. In the first nlacn the atmosphere gets to be'stifling by r-ne lime ine irons are not enough to be D3ed and then what happens to the ap pearance and feelings of the little housewife? It is no wonder she feels her desire to work knocked out in one blow even before she has commenced her task. Their when she endeavors to overcome her early fatigue and nu'tsr snrrle 7cst tn hov 0Un i confronted by smoky irons which mail ArcBiintjsa oi ner aamcy gar inents. Time wasted in waiting for irons anj money- wasted in Snying'tO' u.auuo nuiw jmiivjw. wvuvwuo aiiui ana ei&swnere : Willamette in a Make tap your minds to secure complete preparation, ALBANY COLLEGE fa , j i uuersvuu large aavaniajres; can carry eightitv grade tea Commercial Cepurse or A Musical Cowrse or A Teachers Course or A Four-Year Co Uegd Coarse Albany College u -Adires Albany, M. M, CrOOKS Oregon P.'i-.id A, STARK, M. D MiYMaiAM AND SURGEON Oregon Bank Bldg, AHwej DR. J. L. HILL, Physician and Burgeon Hill Block - - Albany, Of. DR. A. J. HODOES DENTIST Odd Fellows Temple, Alfcany, Oregon. a. A. LEININGER. Dentist Crawford Block, - - - - Albany, Ot' DAIRY NOTICE. For Jersey milk or cream call t-p Mishlec Bros., Pacific Ked 412,. Ho.-ne 1144, PURIFIES' HE BLOOD ironers. keep irons atr just the right heat.are two things whichimust woiry and fret any sane person. Perhaps then the ex pression of delight over the Electric uttu iron in me launury may oe easily accounted for. All that is ne' ded is to attach the iron to a socket and turn on the current, then'the iron is kept at an even heat, no smoke, no wasted heat, , U .... C. - . nn . 1. mg of the clothes and better still the temperature or tne' room remains as before the heatine of the iron. There- is no need to ask if'' the Electric flat iron is popular with discerning, up-to-date American women; and if those dis carded irons might have a say they wou!d tell you that they are litei ally on the shelf, to remain there, too. for the tdectric heated iron is there to stav. and is quee n of the laundry. r or i urtner narticmarrs- Dhone Mam 40. Ialley Bo. Liuiiuvji OuilUU Ijij m Linn coun . . - ... you terrward irom any aoint above thes Clubbinsr Terms aioany Democratand Examiner $3.56 tioany Democrat and;oregonian2J5 iinany Democrat and KeDUblio 11.50 iviuuvrei una jo in in oner Dumocratand Homestead, $2.00. Want's Your Patronaae I Telephone Red 671 11 - The Riverside Farm ED. SCIIOEL, Pronrietor tT't, a"a mm Legnorns, W. P. Rocks, Light Brahmas, R. C. Rhode Island Reds, White Cochin Bantnms, M. B, Turkeys, WhiteEmb den Geese, Pekin Ducks, Pearl y inner oik prizes and 22 on Poultry Eggs in Season - Stock for Soi Phone, Farmers 95 R. F. D. No. : It