C. H. NEWS. THE D. OF H. iTHE W. C. T. IL; MARRIED. SHOES 190T Spring styles in Men's $5.00 Shoe" and Oxford com plete and ready for your inspection. DRESS GOODS The new things in Silk Shirt Waist Suitings. ReadytoWear A new line of Plaid Silk Waists- 8. E YODNG a Albany, i THE BAZAAR Inspiring News Concerning The New Dress Goods and SilKs This Store is in complete readiness for the new season's sell'ing of dress goods and silks. The best markets of the world have contributed to make this a most representative showing. Color lines are complete, style range comprehensive and prices as usual right. The Fancy Gown Stuffs We'll quote you a few prices on Fancy Dress Goods that should interest you: SiU and Wool Eolleunc 46 inch $1 (K) yd Wool Crepi.,38 inch $1 00 yd Fancy li-..i.to.v Chec ; Hatists ..." 40 inch $1.50 yd Plain Ccloied Oress Fabrics You'll take pleasure in making your selections from these, (in every way) representative lines: English Mohair and Siuillian, 50e to $1.25 Pannanias, in mediums and chiffon wright GOc to 1.45 yd Wool lafU a, 41 inch $1.25 yd Ssi-kms, plain and fancy, from 00; to $1.45 French Batist, in all colors. . .(10c yd L. E. & J. IL Hamilton. Solid Gold Bargains SON Oregon News from the Black Goods Section, The most popular wears are and the following values speak for themselves: Wool i iiffeias, 41 inch $1 25 yd Import. cl 'laffcti, 40 inch..$l 50 yd Panamas GOc to $1 75 yd Plain ana Siwduw Check Voiles $1.15 to $1.75 AH About the iNew Silks Silks for waists, silks for gowns, plain silks, fancy silks, all that is newest and best in silkdom is here and awaits your approval: Black Taffe ta for suits, 1 yd. wide, $l.oo,$l.i!o: $1.50, 1.7S Rlac; and Creum Alessaline, A soft satin finish, especially for waists and suits $1.00 yd Fai'cy Silk for waists and : Jumper suits in small checks, black or white and colors $1.00 yd Foulard Silks, a soft clinging fab ric in checks or scroll designs $1.25 yd Fancy Silks for Waists: checks, blks and stripes $1.00to$1.75 yd Wall Paper! 12,500 Rol!s to Select From We are showing at present the largest and most artistic line of Wail Paper ever shown in Albany. 10c to $2.00 per roll. Burkhart & Lee IN J-iwelery, Watches decks Silverware. Cut U-lass Hand Painted Ware and a fine assort ment of Novelties to select from. AT F. 6. WILL'S Circuit Court: New cases Application Wm. M. Brown to regis ter title to 2.25 acres Lebanon -N. M. Newport, attorney. Application Mary Belle Elkins to reg ister title to 8 acres Lebanon, N. M. Newport, attorne . Mrs. C. A. Cummins agt W. W. Craft and wife. Suit to recover $230 on note, for foreclosure of mortgage, for $35 attorney's fees and for the sale of land. J. C. Christy attorney. Probate: Final account approved in estate of J. E. Cox et al. Deeds recorded: Joseph Elkins to Mary Bell Elkins 8 acres 12-2 W $ 1 A O Boss to Christina Bowen 10 acres on Santian Canal 350 W S Mayberry to Lucy A Simp son lot 4 bl 1 Cowan's ad Lebanon 75 Hattie Wallers to Lucy A Simpson 79 teet front Isabella ad Lebanon 1350 Claude A ScttlemSer to Anna L Curl 250 acre3 11-3 W 1 0 & C R R Co to M J Cameron 960 acres 11-3 W 960 Lease Santiam Academy to School Dist 16, Academy property 99 years at $100 per annum. Lease Effie Monroe to Sarah L Ram sey, 1 lot Lyon at 1 cent per year until death of lessee. Mortgages for $300 and $1500. Relei see for $252.65. IN AND AkOUND ALBANY. If you want the best get it at The Oregon Market. Billiards ! See how the "Kiss Shot" is made in Rawligg's window. Miss Kathryn Macneill, Trained Nurse, Phone t anners lit. Ham and Cheese Sandwiches pared at the Oregon Market. pre- Miss Mattie Sutton, nurse, 916 1 A IWi Pknno Worl 9971 Order vour .Vegetables at The Oregon Market. The largest assortment i 1 Albany. I Kawhnes has received his calendar samples for 1908, drop in and look them over betore placing your order. 1 Fresh soda water, from Cascadia, at 1 Frank Skipton's 416 E 4th St. Phone black 92i. ! Boiled Ham, Saratoga Chips, Pickles, Olives. Swiss Limberger, Cream and RcTquoford cheese at The Oregon Mark- et. ' : When you want a first-class shave or I haircut go to the Star Baths Barber bet First and pet. r irst ana i Shop, Broadalbin St, second, two cnairs, no waiting. , ' Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at , the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than ' anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully set , if desired. ' The Foresters held a live meeting : last night with an initiation of hfteea memoers. I A game of base ball will be played on Friday afternoon beginning at 3 (O'clock between the college team and the commercials. . The skating rink will be closed Thurs- I day evening on account ot the special B wiin oio irienos He is a torm excursion to Corvallis to the ODeniner of er Linn county man, then a Crook the new rink, which will leave Albany at 7:30 p. m.' ! Members of G. Co. last evening had the regular bi-weekly drill, followed by target practice. The boys are taking a good deal of interest in military affairs. While working on the nsw awning at the Bussard Block yesterday afternoon Frank Chance fell and broke a bone at the wrist on his right arm. Dr. Davis set the bone. Mr. Chance will take a rest for a few weeks. The deed tor seven acres ot land just least oi nacKieman s vjrove, lor tne - i , ... new saw mill of the Lyons Lumber Co., i for the stock of Sooda of ths bankrupt ' has been made out and will be delivered j estate of O. M. Leeper, at the gun as soon as signed by all the grantors. store, First street, up to 1 o'clock Sat j AILany people generally are pleased at, urday, April 20, also separate bids for the neivs of a saw mill for the city. Senator Robert Lafollette in Albany April 24, one of the best lecture treats in the history of Albany. Everybody should hear this famous man, a power in the U. S. Senator, a man who stands for something in the country. Rev. D. H. J. Z. Swackhanner will lecture at tne central onrisuan cnurcn. near Sandersons bridge, twice next Sunday, in the mornrnl at 11 o'clock on missionary work in South America and in the evening on the Philippine Islands. He will be pleased to have tverbody in that part of the county go. Lebanon. E. A.: Jos. H. Ralston wan over from Albar.y yesterday and sold six acres of land in the routhern part of Lebanon to Jus. McDaniel. Harry Stryker was In Portland Sat urday to attend the funeral of his father, W. H. Stryker, who nassed away at his home in that city on Friday, ; after a long illness. Deceas d was til years of age, and was an old resident of Portland Miss Ora Harkness returned to Alb any yesterday, after a shor visit with friends in Lebanon. She took a prom inent part in the program at the teacher's intitute Fiiday evening, giv ing some readings in a ve-y able manner. Rev. Chas. K. Short is going to Lnke county for h:s health. Mrs. Short has resigned her pastorate wi'h the Baptist church at Lebanon, and will join hei husband in the gospel work in Lake county as soon as he is located. A Corvaliis Anniversary. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Knights of Pythias lodge of Corvallis was celebrated Monday evening. Jesse Sptncer, the barber, is a charter mem ber, and during the twenty five years has missed but seven meetingB. That's going some. He was presented a veteran's badge. Jack Hammel, of t) is city was present and reports a pln lid time. The rnrvallif lodge wes the first one after the grand lodge. Hold Some Interesting Sessions. The district convention of the Degree ?Itt'!I'n,lan 'T6!" '"?,,ri u e .u o vened in this city this forenoon, the, Chief of HonoPrTf ?he lJ S Pmr program being somewhat changed on !&W",'T,,la"Trk,,t HaJscy- rendered. Mrs. S t Worre 1 was venting Mrs. Additon and several address of welcome with a response bv Mrs. Looney of Jefferson. Wilma Junkins was heard on the piano. Mrs. . nw'i mis. teii in me fuamiu onggs aenverea the address of the evening, interesting and to the point. The-e was music by Edmond Andeison and Wilma Junkins, a read ing by Mrs. Dale of Harrisburg, a, piano solo by Mrs. Worrell and an al phabetical poem on Greenleaf by Mrs. J. J. Collins. j This forenoon's session was devoted to a live question box conducted by the goou many tilings 10 consider. This afternoon Mrs. Mason read a 1 SPKl(iiPaperiT chi,rity' covering the subject in an able manner. At noon a line dinner was seaved. ha.er9 Wh u"juyfd ' .beinK, the " i V r , slices ui ureau on encn side. Meals are Deing served at noon and evenings, Dountuui ano tasty, witn added inter est on account of the splendid fellow ship and good spirit prevailing. The closing session will be held to night. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. A. Nelson, Cadet, S. A. of America, has been in the city. I J. L. Howard left this morning for Amity on a visit at his former home place. Father Datin and Miss Cortois, of Monaean tonight. uiuunti, bumc uu bills 11UUII 1U I1CUI H1L. E!TaF"rlgnl: . . . J. e. Ken ey, the astute detective of for",a.n?.' no kee.P3., ?f affairs ir 'ne 5-was m tne city tms noon. Layton bteele left this afternoon for "' V ,: :'T, : . tomorrow morning. Dr. Londa Grey left yesterday for Mosier to attend the wedding of Dr. Harry Davis, a former fellow dental student. Miss Jennie Freerksen arrived yes terday from Portland to spend the summer. She recently returned from San Francisco. Lawyer N. M. Newnort. of Lebanon. was !n the city. Iast evening, filing a llr,i n(. ra Di-a. nn : : making a success of both his paper and legal business at Lebanon. The new residence of Chas. Medin, on Sixth street, has been purchased by i J. W. Swank, consideration $2100. Mr. Swank will soon occupy it. Mr. Medin Jiw resides m Valdez, Alaska. , Mrs. Fay A. Sherwin, grand worthy ' matron oi tne eastern atar, oturegon, , a resident ot Ashland, was in the city yesterday, last evening meeting with .'"e LieDanon eastern titar people, Mr. John oommerville, of the Al j ea country, has been in the city on county stock man and now an Alberta j hardware merchant. . M'- J. P. O'Brien, who has recently , een elected president of the O. H. & j N- stopped off at Albany todfy on his opcwiii i;r, xie is une ot cne most competent officia s in the Harriman road system, a man who has risen by his ability. Bankrupt Sale. The undersigned will receive bHs a gasoline launch and boat house, with right to reject all bids. Property may be inspected. R. K. OH LING, Trustee. O. M. LEEPER, Bankrupt. liot Stuff. Uncle Billy Wright is in town with ...,. , .. . , , , . h's horseradish, a particularly good lot ! of it raised by him and prepared for : peorle who want the finest relish going. ; w"en he calla order. " Institute Being This City., held in TneLinn County W. C. T. U. con- nfKpro from heintr here at the morninir seision but several were here and a department conference was had. Mrs Henrietta Brown, of this city, uc n'liKvy ureamt'ML, is hi me cuuir, with Mrs. Rev. Richmond, of Scio, of ficiating as secretary. County mis anernoon a session openeu wuu.Qregon grape and ferns, a praise service, followed by a sympos- A wedding repast was served by ium in charge of the President. I Misses Belle Ward, Letha Patten and Mrs. Richmond led the discussion on Daisv Swarm, and Mrs.W. A. A ndnrann the best methods of work for local unions to be followed by Mrs. Jennie Gaff on narcotics, n question box by ecuuve uuiniiiiLiee. Mra. L. H. Additon, state president, w:., i,.ture this evening Mrs. Addi- f - u-ihf j !,,.; ,m f lame experience, well posted on all the moral issues ot tne day, including bo Clon... Qlia will mroof and strnct her hearers. Good music has been provided for the occasion. The exercises will begin at 7:30. A cordial invitation is extended to the public generally to be present. A collection will be taken. MR. MONAGHAN r H no Upera nOUSe Will Lecture in the To-Night. On the subject t-. . . . JDro5ram will be I tmPlre ana its rossiDinties. A music nl , U-tura and a reception to the distin - ; guiahed visitor will be given at the : Alc0 Cub. J Mr. Monaghan is chief of the Bureau , "'"" B""." . .. C. He is a friend of the West and full ; of the Western spirit. We predict one of the best addresses of the year for j tonight. . A Small Wreck. Fre:ght train 221, in charge of Con ductor Long ahd Engineer Allison, was I nnnrnnphino. TTnlapv rliia ranrninir rrn o j fa - ing south, when a journal broke, and a car went off the track, stopping the train. It was necessary to get a wreck- Ing train from Portland in order to sot tnings going. Ail tne norm pound trains were thus delayed several hours. delaved several hours, The accident happened at b:30. dABTtjrilA. Raw tbe Wad Vou Hate Always Boujj! signature Kara ' Drink ORCHERADE ,A DELICIOUS BLENDING OF FRUIT JUICES Vji Pure.Rsfreshing, aMaiiiifeW Summer Wash Goods A SUPERIOR LINE OF THE NEW Ginghams, Batistes, Silk Mulls, Spider Silks, Dimities, etc. at Suits for Young Fellows jjrom the collar of the shapely Cont to the bottom of the well-fitting Trousers, there's an air of smartness in our swagger Suits that shows evi dence of clever designing and (superior tailoring The graceful lines of the Cont, tho suug-fitting wide, collar nnd wide, soft hipcl and shapely shoulders can't be improved upon. Single or Double Breasted styles, with center vents or plain backs. Handsomcjgrays, blues, blacks and the new olives and browns. PRICE RANGE $5.00, $7 50, $10.00, $12 50. We put our Young Men patrons in line with the best dressed Fellows seen anywhere. THE BLAIN CLOTHING CO. Parker-Ellison. Mr. D. L. Parker and Miss Grace Ellison wore united in marriage at 6 o'clock last evening at the home of the bride's father J. V. Ellison, in the presence of sixty or seventy relatives n impressive manner. The bride was inccomniinied hv hir fnthpiv ThAnnnl f.'?.ou u,K)r a pretty canopy of calla tsTeoZ i bride's bou.met. which was nfteiwnrds thrown and caught by Miss Mabel Cockercll. Thp rnnma w.rp tnalitv dnonmloil in and irs. Dell Burkhart. The display of we ding gifts was large and choice, a splendid collection The groom is a clerk in the store of L. E. & H. J. Hamilton, a young man of exemplary character, the bride for a numDer ot years assistant bookkeeper in tha store of S. E. Young and Son, a splendid young lady. iney lett on tne delayed Portland ex press for Portland. Upon their return they will reside for awhile with Mrs. Virgil Parker, until they move into the property recently bought by Mr. Park er, one of the Hackleman cottages. Roller Skating Special. Corvallis and Eastern R. R. To accomodate those who desire to attend tne opening of the new rink at Corvallis on the evening of Thursday, April 18, 1807, and return to Albany the same night, the following train schedule will be in effect: Leave Al of The Pacific j bany 7:35 p. m., returning, leave Cor- ; vauis, special train, at close oi evening . on sale at depot ticket omce. G. F. Nevins. G. F. P. A. H. H. Cuonise, ticket agent. The Weather. Range of temperature 60-45. Rainfall .02 inch. The river 8 feet. Prediction: fair tonight, Thursday cooler and warmer. EGGS FOR SALE. Barred Plymouth Rock. Thoroughbred for setting. Stock best from penn. Setting 13 60c. A. Crooks, 6th & Maple. HlnMf 1SS9 Pnnifin Toln.ihnno l . ft WANTED. -Man to nut in ten to rhirtu i e i i uuia ui uuiuiues uil yimrtt in good Santiam land. Inquire Democrat. WANTED. -A girl to do genera) house work. Call at residence of J. R. Gentry, 430 West third. Invigoratingr.Wholesome Manufactured by CityBottling Co. FLOOD'S M