MONDAY. There will be an examination at the post office in May for clerk-carrier. The salaries in this office will run from $600 for the first grade, to $1000 for the fourth grade, the limit of promotion here, and promotions of clerks and car riers are interchangeaole. Dlt. M. 11. KLLIS. Physician ani Surgeon Albany, Oregon GOT WET beven Girls and Boys and a Boat House. SUICIDE Of Tom Daniels by the Carbolic Route. Calls made in city and country. Main 38. Phone SUMMONS In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, lor ttia County of Linn. De partment No. 2. . . Ida E. Ewing. Plaintiff vs. H. C. Ewing, aud F. L. Ewing and Ruth Ew- : ...tfu TWrtnilnntH. To H C. King, and F. L, Swing nd R.ith Ewiuir. rie!endani6 above named: la the uame ot the Siaie of "re goo, you a-e hereby roquirpd to appear and auewer tue -jouip.a.nt of the above .,.,.,. ,ff in ihH stove entiiled court, now ou hie wuh ibe ulerk of said court, six weens Irom the date ol ll-e first luoncatiou oi mis summouB; ana yon are notified mat ii you fail to appear ana answer Baid complaint as bereby required, the plainliff will apply . hu n,t. .hi the relief demanded 1" Bald complaint, to wil : lr decree of the court declaring fiaudnleot aud vuid setae aside and holdin for naught Thomas Daniels, an old resident of Albany, committed suicide this morning at his home on Geary Street, by taking carbolic acid. He is night watch at Veal & Sen's chair factory, going home as usual this to one morning, splitting some wood anu go- ireaktasu wmcn ne ate. aire. finished first and went out Yesterday afternoon Vera Burnett Merle Cornett, Beulah Kauffman, Pearl Baker and Isabel Vernon, and Roy KptiT-v.-m.r-H !.-- -'' "'"' ' t-n V. .. I.. ...... . .. . in. iiur..., .liu ul Uali Street. Three went inside and fcur on the plnttorm, wnen a imii lauVch0mVide,1nto wWci. rls got j ESiZlLto 'SS and, breaking a note in u .v t bofl14.down rom tire clock nettnandPisabel Vernon fe in the river, ! shelf, poured some of the content into Xn Tom Barnes who was on the bank,; it, went into the.-adjoining room lay when im carries w nu w t d ood.bye and be. jumped in and took then, to tne . u . . D'aniel8 a ten A PHONE In Church With a Preacher Be hind It. John Anderson aim "i ,:.,u a. .11 rhia huh Aid not boat in the river ana rwum ' - -- tk. nil hnu fi-nm the toD of the house and took them to land. They were a frightened lot of young people. M. J. Cameron went to Salem this morning. I. Beam, of Portland, has been in the city on a business trip. Sanford Lasselle went to Portland this morning on a business trip. Editor Kirkpatrick, of Lebanon, was n thp city today, accompanied by his realize what was being done. It was thought from the amount of acid,, somewhat diluted, in the bottle, that he took three or four ounces. Tha bottle had been on the shelf for a long time, having been used as a disinfect ant during a. long illnesi of Mr. Dan iels. He lived several hours before ex piring. Dr. Stark was called but noth ing could be done. Mr. Daniels had been in very poor health for several years, and it is. said had threatened to end his troubles some time. I ho.rlwpnspH was a nioneer resident For a good many years he run the old Albany's Chiistophone has given it a reputation all'over the coast. The fol lowing is from Friday's Examiner: Beginning next Sunday morning Alb any people may hear their sermons lying abed, at the breakfast table or in tne parlor , if they are connected with tho town telephone exchange and don't want to go to church. Albany is the firsts city on the Pacific const to install this apparatus. It is being placed in the United Presbyterian church by the Home Telephone Comp any, and tne nev. w. r. White, tne pastor is preparing one of his finest ones for inauguration of the service. The Chuiatophone was given the first practical trial Sunday morning. Sixty people wore given connection with the Christophone and by actual count over ninety were turned away, such was the interest in the instrument. An able sermca was distinctly heard, as well as the music, though the latter fails to bring out the force of song and oratory yet. Some notes do not harmonize with the- instrument, this will be remedied.and two- extra instrument's installed for as sistance. It is a great invention with TUESDAY. to Portland to officiate as man. G. F. Hockensmith and family re- i fi,;n mnrnintr from Harrisburg. . "'" .'"'. "-",! "".""" c" A, ,.,lfh frionds. that certain deed fxecuiea Marco u. wnere tnoy speni. ou..u.j -- I90S, wherein H. O Ewiutt is named ast sheriff Ross of Toledo, was in the grantor and b L. Eiog as grantee to ' city todav on his way home after a visit the ioll.)wit.g a -Bribed real pnpr-rty, wjth his daughters at Harrisburg. to-wit: the jn 'A " . The flag was at halt mast yesterday on- . . l AeVihu Pcinrpp nrnnftftv HcrosA the river. W. F. Moist, of Leranon today wens - - . - st-ep.sist8r o Mr. : as a u. o. jui.y- , . a ., j.,,L, a.Jio nnw at Independence with her uncle George Snell and a son, Louis. He was a Maccabee, about 70 years of age. A SAW MILL Will Soon Be Running in Albany. The Democrat sometime ago men tioned the proposed removal of the Lyons saw mill to this city. After ex tended negotiations with the Corvallis nnH Rnsrjrn the railroad comDanv has given the Lyons Saw Mill Co. satisfact ory log rates, which will be presented nrnvnl. whpn thft work of moving the ...' . ... . ; . . .."ii i mill here win taKe place, it wm uo located east of Hackleman's grove.iust across the county road, on the Corvallis and Eastern. Mr. N. H. Wheeler, manager of the mill ia n firsr.-nlnsa saw mill man. thoroughly, and the mill has a good reputation. The caDacitv of the mill will be grad ually increased, becoming an important factor in the business and a good thing for Albany from the start. H. A. St. Earl was a Portland visitor this forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Blaser went to Port land this morning. Manager Guy Talbot of the C. & E. came up from Portland this noon. VUs Hnnl PfoifTHr this forenoon re- Hall, rortiano, BABY WASTED TO ME E . J i. Ot. Unlnna wonderful possibilities, but there is no - t j 8 vacation a't home. fhuMrthrW ! Mrs. Florence HafPnJ, nality of the service, for expression and ! canie up this noon to attend the Parktr- tor real worshin. b or those who can- utnow.. - to not attend friend. it will certainly prove a Elocutionary Contest, tneN. w . J4 ol see. oi, ip. iii on account of it being the anniversary .. .. . . , , m ' W. of the Will. Mer. containing 0 acres the deatn 0f President Linciln. I An elocutionary contest between i In Lion Conrtv, Oregon; lor a inr.ber Crooks returned this noon pupils of the Albany public schools will decree aia rea. PJPfy 2 f" Dallas, where he spoke in the he held at the opera house, Friday, H .. hf rrHSllV LCllall Viiuivii J J A CLEAN UP The First Since Last Fall. wX'ie u " , ol t.,; Buit "ITQ . The Home Co. is using some : of the Let otbe and fnrther relief as may oe Pacific Co's poles in the alley between nVeetineqni.v. . . First and Second streets. Tnia "uiuijoub is pu 'iipiiwu m Eugene raimer weui. i-u "-j Albany Dsmoceat once a weett lor six coni.euii'ive week by .irdar of the Hon. IJ. H. tvert. Couuty Jmlge of L:un CouDti;, C'eon, mde t'ie20ihday of Februarv, 1D97. aud ihi date of tne first publication herereol is the 22nd day ol February, 1807. H. BRYAKT& SON, At'orneyn lor P aintiff. eveniner. April 19. The winner in each of four divisions, the primary, the intermediate, the grammer, and the high school, will re ceive a beautiful gold medal. Each school room will be represented by a speaker chosen in a preliminary try-out. A highly interesting program is being Miss finite Trvon has returned from St. Johns, where she has boen on a , visit with her sister. I Dtnnis Merrill, W. A. Boggs and W. M. Van Ennory were in Eugene yestei- day cn a timber trip. ; I W. B. Glass, of Brownsville, was in the city this morning on his way to Portland to officiate as a U. S. jury- j man. ' Hugh Cummings, who recently sold ' his feed sheds, left this morning for the Alberta country on a prospecting , trip. A Portland divorce case is waa In Torments a Year and a Half with " Terrible Sores on Face and Body .Hands Tied to Stop Scratching ,and Tearing at Flesh But CURE BY CUTICURA -! . COMPLETE AND SPEEDY "My little son, when about a year and a half old began to have sores come out on his face. I had a phy sician treat him, but tho sores grew worse. Then they began to como on his arma, then on othor parts of his body, and then one came on his chest, worse than the others. Thon I called another physi cian. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands in clotliB at night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. Ho got to be a mere skeleton, and was hardly able to walk. My aunt advised me to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. So great was her faith in it that she gavo mo a small piece of Cuticura Soap to try and a little Cuticura Ointmont. I took It home without anv faith, but to pleaso her I tried it, and it seemed to dry up the sores a littlo. I sent to the drug store and got a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment and followed the directions, and at tho end of about two months the sores were all well. He has nover had any sores of any kind Binco. Ho is now strong and healthy, and I can sincerely any that only for your most wonderful remedies my pre oious child would have died from those terrible sores. I used only one cake of Soap and about three boxes of Ointment. Mrs: F,gbcrt Sheldon, R. F. D., Tso. 1. Woodvillo, Conn., April 22, 1905. this morning to look after the starting of the U. of O. referendum in. Clack amas county. n n n i.,. l.,Mnnrl laof niarVlf. d;wi onrl has since been re- prepared, and much interest is being from Portland and has s ince been re v y , ceiving tne congrauiiauwa - ,, - infMl. in friends. test is to arouse increased interest in be continued. the SUMMONS. In tbo Circuit Court of the SUte ot Oregou lur cue Oountv of Linn. De partment No. 1. Ida E. Ewiog, Plaintiff, va. H. C. EwiDg, Defendant. To H. 0. Ewiog, delendant above named: ' In the name of the S'ale of Oiegon, you are bnreuv ieq'iired to appear and answer the aiueml l i-omplaint of the above named plaintiff in the above en titled onnrt, within six weeks from the date of the first publication of ihia summons; ard son are hereby no ifi'-d tbutifyou tail t apnoar hurt auewer eairt complaint hereby rcq.iired the plaimiS will tak judgnidiil a ainat yon for the Bum of $2733 03. lor the further sum of $B6 24aod interest theteon at the rate of 6 per cent from Aouust 15, 1900, arid for the costs and disburse meDie of this action. This "unnnons is pnhHebwl 'u lbs Albany Democrat one a wee for six successive waeke hy order o. the Hon. O. H. Btewart, County Jndge ol Linn County, Oregon, ma eon the 20 h ifnv of Frebruary. 1907, and Ue date or 'he first publication hereof is the 22nd clay ol February, 1907. H. BllYaNr&SON, Attorneis lor Plaintiff. Northwestern Inventors. tidying up of our streets and the beau tifying ana cleaning our Darns anu dbck var..s. ! In order to permit all children of the The following patents were issued last city to take part in the good work, I week to Northwestern inventors: would suggest a holiday for the 3tudents Washinp-tnn-W. Ril!incr.W Oni. , Ot our public schools. FINAL SETTLEMENT iena3, . Enclish and rhetoricals. The m-esence ' V A f mier na & s, h ee i ml of a larSe number of patrons and others n.uiKB t alio; yiuw". i, "a interested m tne improvement; oi ne saiu ne got ina win&ivcy m wi""ui where he had been. 1 ' Among the investors in Portland property is Miss Lora Vance, whose name appears as the grantee in dea's amounting to $11,000 or $12,000. , Chas. Shupp, of the W. F. messenger service, is just out or the Hospital, where he has been under the care of a physician, with a bad neck. J. A. Couey and family, after a resi dence of seven yars at Aiax, Eastern Oregon, have returned to Linn County, on the Couey farm near Shedd, where they will reside. M. L. Delancy, who have been with the Postal for sometime, has accepted a position with the C. & E , and Will Cook, the messenger boy has succeeded him as operator. H. A. Stearns, of Silverlon, returned home this morning after a Sunday visit in Albany On one of his trips he will take a popular Albany young lady with him for good. The great and only Dan Kelley, 9 8-5 seconds, passed through the city this noon on his way to Eugene from Port land, where he was a star performer in the field meet won by U. of 0. A Portland paper tells of a half dollar of the date of 1306. F. M. Frenc i has i,ne dated 1803, beating it three years, a well preserved piece of money, evi dently not having circulated very much. a. i a nr:il in....;il ..F land.'came up Sat urclnv evening on an day afternoon It waj a good natured . v . "r .. :i, t i nnH verv friennlv contest.. Thft Rnrpra Albany visit. mr. ivierrui retumeu thU mm-nino-. while Mrs Merrill re' mained for a visit with her mother, First street was cleaned up this morning, the first since the rainy sea son set in last fall, and it present ed a busy sceiie for an hour. The Revere hotel clerk was the first man &S5S5 p4"e Pickel. ffi trash that had accumlated at the edo y of the cement walks was scraped un Dr. M. M. Davis, of Corvallis, j Ar.Hi-nr4 o,o k tv itw tnnm It this wpnk for California. was a good job and deserves a black Harry is lying dapgernugly ill, head. Every Monday morning wnen uavis uu'vmy wivu ". the weathor permits this will probably . Bm.n ; gt Johns, on March 8 to Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Shelion, a boy, Mei- vine Trvon Shelton, weight 12 1-2 Clean Up Proclamation. Bounds. Mrs. Shelton was formerly r, 4. . , Miss Lou Tryon of this city. For the purpose of cleaning up our procIamation yMloi. city, 1 will desiginate L noav, April la, day MaYor Wallace was made to s&V as cleaning-up day. I trust that all our barns instead of lawns. But the part left where his son Mrs. ITCHING PIMPLES Cured by Cuticura in Nebraska. "I had sulTered with itching pimples for yonrs. At last a friend told mo to got Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I did so nnd in three weeks my face was entirely cured. I am so pleased with Cuticura Remedies that I will recom mend them to other sufferers. Mrs. Florence Dolavcrgne, R. F. p. No. i. Auburn, Nob., Aug. 28, 1000." rtomnlpto Extcrnnl nnd Internal Trejtmmt Jor Every Humor o( IntonWiChlldren, nd AJ "ft" BI.5-1 AS-l Ihrol&ul the woria. MUM brug jt. i"i,..m fnrii Sole I'rops.. Boston, Haw. WiiTr HM to euro Every Bumor. schools will help much, to bring about the desired result. , To meet the necessarv exnenes a small admission will be charged. 25c citizens will devote as much of the day ;s al! right and needs to be included, lor aouits and iuc ior pupils. as their private affairs will permit to particulary where on the street, where they snouiu oe cieaneu out euuiciv. Russell Everett Butler, a former Al bany college student and foot t all play er, passed through the city this noon fnr i;ieni.i e to work in the office of A FACTORY Coming to Oregon. A Chance for Albany. fastening device; E, L. Charroin, Seat- ' tie, weather guard; E. S. Clough, , Seattle, anchor projectile; I. A. Flem ing, Union City, door fastener; J. A. Herbein, Seattle, artificial fuel and making same; O. P. Knudsen. Seattle, i boat lowering and detaching apparatus ; ! F. 3. Overacker, Stella, stanchion. . Oregon E. E. Brown, Carico, cus- ' pidor. Idaho W. A. Carson, Weiser, water regulator. Copies of any of the above patents will be furnished to our readers at ten cents each, by D Swift & Co., Wash ington, D. C, our special patent correspondents. Saturday Base Ball. The Tri Mu's of the Albany Christian church defeated the Bearers of the Corvallis Christian church 18 to 5 Satur- P. WALLACE, Mayor. COURT HOUSE NEWS. Another Great Northern Suit Begun. Circuit Court. New case: H. C. Mahon agt. W. B. Glass et al, trustees Great Northern Development Co. A suit to restrain the defendants from sellinir their stock, which it is claimed had been contrated to W. T. The Myers Pump & Mfg. Co., tempo rarily located at Kansas City, Mo., has written this paper seeking information in regard to the facilities our city has, and the inducemeuts we are willing to the opening of McFarlands new skating olfer o secure their factory, rink. The floor is 100 by 60, a gocd This C ompany will have, to start on. Thnro. was a bio- crowd Dresent a naid ui capital stock of S50.000, and Kirkland Mmmg Co. Ho has been floor walker for Meier & Frank for sev eral months. Ten or twelve AlbaYiy young people went to Corvallis last night to attend Shurtliff, who had assigned his con- county In the County Ooort of the State of Oregon for Linn County. In the matter of the last will and test ament and estate ol Hans Wodtli, de-ceftpt-d. Notice is hereby given that the nnder Binnvd executrix oi the Is6t will and teettment aud ptte of Hans Wodtli, morn; f0 acceDt a pr.siti-n as skate deceiised. has BUd her finul Account lu n m ti.e new rlni( t0 ,e started this and very friendly contest. The Bearers were entertained by the Tri Mus at their homes, and next Saturday the Mrs Robert Murphy, and many Albany i n wiu go to l.orva.lis the guests friends tract to the plaintiffs giving the privi lege of buying said stock at 5 cents. Shurtliff is now operating the news un der the contract. Temporary injunct ion by Judge Stewart. Dorris & Skip worth and P. R. Kelley, attorneys. Probate: Mrs. Martha Wells ap pointed administratrix in estate of Dr. G. D. Wells. Value of property, per sonal $250. proposes to manufacture, among other things in the water supply and fire pro tection line, nn Automatic Pumping Machine, which is a great innovation in this class of machinery. The ma chine which they claim they have on exhibition at their Kansas City ofTc3 r-t- nr. ... i .. lit ho, a mnv ne wound un and tnen it. win ui- of the burial, which will be in tnmnticnlly furnish fresh water when- ever u iiuai in a uuukii m mnn " caies that it is needed. They do not asu any bonus whUver, but ihey will give our citizens on opportunity to sub scribe for some of their stock, if after a thorough investigation, they ere sat isfied it will oe a paying investment. Those fieling interested in this pro position should take the matter up with the Ccmpany at once. nnH much interest in the aew sport, Miss Ada Rhodes, of this city, was the star performer. The funeral of Thomas DinH3 will be heir1 tomorrow ufternon ne 1 o'clock at lh.i funnily residence on Geary Street, and will on connucted ny tvev. jume' son. etuiriTi the ' f'iiloatine cemetery in Benton The Harriiihursr Epworth League has elected ihe following officers: Pimi. L. B. tii'isnn president, May Itiggs, Iniz Thomas. E ther Gilber.w . ami Mrs. lo. K. Upmeyer vice presidenvs, Frmu--n Phelps secretary, Loyd Slnsler treasurer, Estel Hill organist. Farewell Raceptioc Robin Conn went to Corvallis this tha nnirl mR'tei- ill the above entitled cou t and an order has hsen made and week. Bert Stevens, ot this city, will ha floor manatrer of tho rink. A first- entered of record ili ecdiu this notice cias3 floor ja beint; put in, and it prom and namimi Kriay, March 1. 1907, t Ibe honr of one o'clock in tne aiie'noo" the, eof for the hemin ot o je.-tu.. f tn said final account and f..r ibe .1 tnereo:. Dted January 30 1P07. ANNA WODTLI, Executrix of Ihe l8t ill, te mn t and estate of Ha- e Wndlli, ilecenavd. CHAS. J.SCHNABEL, Attorney for Executrix. of the Corvallis bova Ihe high school club defeated the col lege club 21 to 12 in rather of a loose game, but giving promise of a lower score later. The H. S. lineup was: McLenn n c, E. Doolev, G. Dooley ss, Carnegie, Beeson, Horskyonthe bases, Dunn, Engstrom, Powell in the field, j The College: Rogoway c, Birtchet p, I Tni-hot Whit's Moot Wilhnr l(a ' S N. Steele returned to tortland hnw. Hntrn HntLnH TnvWinlha fialil I this morning. Saturday evening at me , residence of D. P. Mason a reception . rj:. j was endercd him and family by the members of the church, a plessantj affair, in which general expression was ; Mr. John Ballard died at his home Marriage license: Arlo L. Crabtree, aged 23, and Elsie Harnisch, aged 18. ises to have a big run in that city of many O. A. C. students. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTiCS given to regrets at ineir nepanuic from Albany. t Mrs. Fankboner and Mrs. Tim Wnn- del came up frnm Portland Saturday near Tangent yesterday at the age of about fifty years. He had been a res ident of Linn county for a good many evening for a visit with Albany friends, years, ne was a orotner oi josn oai h,.inr? the truest of and Mrs. Vard , lard, of this city, and has a brother, a Notice is hereby iiiven, that ttv nn der-iitnrd has bet-n dnlr appiii'id adminulrstrix ol the estate of Lynmn B, Pnlmer, deceefed. Ifite o. Lion Conntv, Oregon. All persons havimr clainis BgJint said em ale are riquireii to preseu'. he same lo tne undersigned Kiver may to. at her residence at Ha'sey. Oregon, dul: , been announced, w"""'. i! j n-:i..i Littler. Mr. Wanui'l joined them here. reaiuer.i oi rurtmuu, vvno came up to Mrs. Fankhoner returned this morning .-' orouier, at; to Portland, where she is running a tennini to his funera expenses and Mrq. vvmiuei will o.b.L .i....j. uojihiu i had been unable to work forsome time, rooming house, but remain ior , . f ., ha(J befin , k d f fa . The state grange will meet at Hood ,,,. H ,if j ,i River Mav 28. The committees have F. M. Kizer and Mrs. He leaves a wife and four or five children. verified as bv law required months from tbti dale. D-ted tbil the 16tb day of Februsry, A. D. 190". NANCY E. PALMER. Ariministrattix. WEATUERFORD & VvYATT. Attorneys. thin six I. D. Driver, of thu county, are on tne i npanc.M committee. Mrs. Martna rnii' E. M. Croisan to Douglas Taylor, 199.78 acres $4750 Alvin J. Carothera to Louis Mont gomery, 160 acres 11 1 E 1 City Cemetry Assn. to Martha Wells. 1 lot 20 Frank N. Allen to Mamie Burkhart 6 1otsP'sad 10 M. J. Cameron to Lewis Mont gomery, 16 1.37acres 1 11 E ... 1 Peter Harget to W. L. Tyler, 114.27 acres W. V. Baltimore to C. V. Littler and wife, 100 acres J. O. Brown to Ephraim Ellis, 80 acres. v R. A. Booth to IBooth Kelly Co., 280 acres Ada L. Simpson to Albert Stern berg, 160 acres Theresa M. Jackson to J. F. Kelly 160 acres W. V. Baltimore to E. C. Roberts 41.64 acres Mazie R. Bates to Geo. L. Biggers 53 2-3 acres Patent Leon Jameson. The Alleyites at 5 o'clnck last even ing gave Mrs 3 N Steele a farewell dinner at the h ime of Mrs. J A. rihaw, a delightful nll'mr by very hospital peo ple, who know what a good time is. The decorations weru n-d and while i flowers tastily arranged. Toasts were heard from Mrs. 0. A Arcibald on 20 Alieyle.-i, Mrs. J. VV. Barton the part ing or" friend, i-nd Mrs. 1'uynu, who 10 pre-enttsd Mis. Siieule with a souvenir plate a:i a memento of the occasion. i ra. ijteele. responded. Others pres ent bes.tles these meiiti'-ned w.'re: Mrs. dZnn F. A. fllackburn. .Mrs J. D Trumbull, ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Notice it hereby given that the under pinned h bet-n hppointea ny me County Court ol Lion O only, Oregen, admin. strator of the esiale of F. 8. TomlinFon, deceaeeo. All persons hav ing claims snainst said estate ar- be-eby requind to preeem the ssme t J tbo un ders.aned a the offic ol L L. Sian in Firn National Bank Building, Albany, Oregon, with proper vouchers bv law rq'iireii. within tix uiootbe from tue da of this notice. Dated th:s SOth dnv of Fehrnr,1907. H. A. H tCKtR, Ado iuisliator. f L. S'VaS. At'on.ey lor Admmittr tor. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Henrv pot on good of the order, T. J. Philpot ' Langmack died at their home yesterday on dormant granges, F. M. Kizer on at the age of four days. Mr. and Mrs. the agricultural noliep-e. I u. uriver bangmack recently came here irom the on education. Mrs. rpnnpoton auocaio. .east. A renort cornea from Lebanon that a physician there regularly makes out prescriptions for 25c. for whiskey, for ills ot different kinds, that even a boy got one, and got gloriously drunk. The physician who malte3 cut a whiskey prescription makes a farce of his pro fession and should not be trusted by any one in a serious case. Business Change. The well established insurance and real estate business, of S. N Steele & Co., has been sold to J. J. Collins, who I has taken charge of the office and will ! remain at the old stand, pushing the I business of both departments of the office. He has some first-class com 'panies. ' 10 2000 1400 10 625 10 40 Mrs. L. O. Cimtes, Mrs. S. C. Worrell and Mis. J. N. Duncan. The Candles Went Out. Miss Flossie Knecht Saturday evening entertained ten of her young lady friends in honor of Miss Beryl Turner, the last of five very pleasant social functions. This was a hosierv shower. A fine repast was served. At the plate of each girl was a candle. The ar rangement was that the last candle to go out was to be that of the first girl to be married. Strange but Miss Turner's lasUd longest, with Miss Ima Kedlield a close second. Miss Bessie Cainert n's was first. William V1. Hcag airived from San Francisco this lifter men on an Albaiy visit. Mortgages, $2400, $200, $1750, $500. Satisfactions, $530. $600. Mayor Irvine's Address. inaugurl address of Brownsville, J. B. shortest on record, Following is the the new Mayor of Irvine, one of the but long enough: 1. A l ordinances oi tne city na i be enforced. 2. The expenses of the city shall be kept to the lowest point, consistant with good government. 3. The greatest good to the greatest number, is the pjlicy of his administrat ion. Jas. H. Eckels, ex-controller of the currency, died yesterday The Canoe Upset. Clay Watson, of Eugene, former'y of this city, was one of three boys who had a thrilling experience rectnily. They were shooting the rapids running from the Mill race into thu Willamette, in a canoe, when the boat was upset and the boys were in the threacherous waters, Clay being thrown away from the boat. He went down the third time, "and writes an Albany friend that he ha1 reached that experience in drowning when he didn't care what happened, when a companion grabbed him just in time, and got him to tho upturned boat, when they succeeded in reaching the shore, Ca d of Thanks. MARRIED Marks-Turner. Mr. Willnrd L. Marks and Miss Beryl F. Turner, of this city, were united in marriage at 11:30 o'clock, this forenoon, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Fluella Turner, on Ferry street Rev. W. P. White performing the ceremony. The wedding was private, only relatives being present. A wedding dinner fol lowed and Mr. and Mrs. Marks left by the West Side train for Portland, Seattl . Bellingham ai'd other North west cities, on their b.idal trip. The groom is the accomplished deputy county clerk, a former Portland Tele gram reporter, a graduate of Albany college, one of Albanys brighest young men. The bride is a splendid young lady, liked by all knowing her. They have the best wishes of all. Upon their return they will reside with Mrs. Turner. Died in Alaska. Word was received last evening by telegraph that Oscar H. Blount had died suddenly of heart trouble, at Fair banks, Alaska. He was the oldest son of Mrs. Clair issa Blount, of this city, and was about 45 years of age. Ho leaves a wife, who was with him. They had no child ren. He was educated in Albanv. where he went into business, going from here to Ashland, where he was in .u . i.:.lnn a nn.l Q;.l rl..Pin.r n.,H DUStness ior a numuer ui years, seven sympathy, kindne.s, anda.d during our . . We desire to extend our sincere thanks to our many friends for their acts of lute hereavment. Mus. Martha Wells. iJahnbt R. Wells. Returned to Albany. J. W. Bentley, the boot and shoe maker, after a icsidence of Beven years in Cottage Grove, has returned to Alb llev. D. E. Loveridgo, pastor of the any, his formor homo, to reside. He is Enifrcopal church at rJugeue ior eignteen a urai-um -v,m,... yenis, has resigned, and being 84 years upon a good business when he gets l i ef ige, will retire from active service, cated. ber of years being at Dawson, going from there a year or two ago to the prosperous mining town of Fairbanks. The remains will probably be buried there, as it will be a month oi two be fore boats begin running out from the Yukon. Clark amas has 2987 miles of public run:!, according to the government re port, the most of any county in tho Btnte. Marion and Li ne nre r.vxt witn 1800, then Linn with 2u00 and Duuglas wiih 2,000.