Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 19, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    A Modern Politician.
The Hermann case is about ended.
Aibufiy, Uf
The Democrat.
The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a
week; in advance for one year, $4.50.
By mail, in advance for one year t'i, at
end of vcar $;1.50.
The Weekly Advance per year $1.25.
At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at
FOR SALE. 50 goats, seme milk cows
and a separator, i. iummings.
Home 3405. 16t.
WANTED. A girl at Mrs. Bilyeus,
Second street.
HAY FOR SALE. Some slightly dam
aged, for sale cheap, by J. A. How-
ard. .
vnv TR A DR. Town DroDertv in Tu-
ff.nired iijthe post uitiud.
i (reiiond clbfld mail mutter.
lare, Calif., for town or country men wn0 should be kept out of public ' ships and dangers in order to learn the1
C limair TularT 'Salif Alio ffi. yet who get into office ' secrets land portray the life of these1
farm property in Oklahoma for sale through their understanding of men birds that nest far from the eyes of -or
trade for Oregon property. Ad- and the pulling of the wires political, j man. I
dress Chas. Schulze, R. F. D. 2, Al- Even should Mr. Hermann be ac-1 Perhaps the most important work 1
bany, Or. quitted he certainly can never secure these two naturalists have done is the'
PASTURE. Stock taken to pasture, anything more from the people, and securing of a large series of photo-1
lem road. 26t the verdict one 01 the other wi" graphs of lhe California Condor, one of j
. , . not change the opinion of most Ore- the rarest and largest birds that flies.
JUllSlll. UOSUIIIIO UtlUUl.ll OU lb
1 mill .Ant an to 40 neon e. 10
H. P. Hubbard engine. In good con-
dition, full cabin, would be a money
maker on a regular run. Any reason
able offer .takes it. For further in
formation call at the officejof Burk
hart & Pyeatt. Cor. of 1st) and Lyon
Sts., Albany, Ore.
FOR SALE. Good 6 room dwelling,
with barn and 3 lots, for $750, paya
ble on installments of $10 monthly.
Also lots in Wrights addition on same
plan. Apply to G. W. Wright, attor
ney, Albany.
FOR SALE. An eleven room house,
fullv furnished. Three sets of house
keeping rooms already occupied by
good tenants, besides four nice rooms
Lot 66x1111-2 as many small institutions as possi
feet. The property pays a good in- ble' those capable of growing. It is
terest on the price asked. Also a six
room house lor rent. All centrally
located and in good repair. A Dar
gain for the right party. Apply on
the promiees 306 E 4th St.
H. Barnes.
WANTED. A second hand bureau
costing about $2. Address Mrs.
Davey, 128 W. Sth street.
MONEY Tu LOAN. Apply to Geo. W
Wright, Attornev at
FOUND. A watch fob, made of Mex
ican money. Can be had at the
Democrat office.
FOR SALE. A farm of 333acros, cri
sisting of 200 acres good farm land,
the balance pasture land. A good
house and 2 large barns, 3 good orch
ards, runninc water the year round.
Situated 2 1-2 miles south east of the
flourishing town of Harrisburg, at a
bargain if taken at once. Inquire of
P. W. Snink Albany, or A. C. Stell-
macher. Hnrrisbnrg.
FOR EXCHANGE. 13 1-2 lots in
Bryant's Addition, for equal valuo in
City or uounty ot L,os Angeles, uiut.
Address, L. 3. Bailey, Owner, 205
Mercantile Place, Los Angeles, Calif.
registered; sired by Baron Duke
72nd 83653. Also some choice seed
oats Call on or address
A. F. Zimmerman,
R. F. D. 2, Albany, Oregon.
lot Phor
ne Paranoia 37 " i Co.
A PURELY MUTUAL fire insurance
company. The O. F. R. A. John G.
Bryant, Agent.
WANTED Bright, energetic young
men, Men of ubili:y and push, to
sell Ke-t (imwii Miisery nine,
on the Pacific coast. A lino oppor
tunity for college students during va
cation. Money for expenses advanced
weekly. Write us, or call at our of
fice, 310 West 2nd St, full particulars.
A1.HANY NuitSKltlliS, (Incorporated)
Alhany, Oreuon.
Promptly and efficiently at
tended to by Ben (lozelle. Order per-
.,llv m- lied 1:11.
experienced compounder of Chinese
medicines, successor of the late Hong
Wo Tung, is now prepared to furnish
Chinese medicines to all. The under
signed recommends him and guaran
tees satisfaction, t'a.l or write him
at No. 110 West Seci nd St., Albany,
Or Jim Westkau.. 6-lt.
FOR SALE. A typewriter, only
used a few times. Half price. Call
at the Democrat ollice
FOR RENT Ono set of Housekeeping
Rooms at 30G-E -lth St. H. Haunks.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between R.
K. Oliling and E. B Penland, under tho
firm name of Uhling & Penland has
been dissolved, E. B. 1'enlnnd retiring.
All debts will be paid liy the new firm
Ohling & Taylor, with whom all ac
counts should be settled.
Albany, Or., April 1, 1907. tl
Board, Feed and Sale Stables
Corner SECOND and BAKER Street
First-clnss livery at reasonable rates
Specialty of boarding by day or
week. Usual rates to farmers
Call Phone Ked 1863 for choice Jersey
milk and cream.
Proprietor of the Golden Rule Dairy.
All the testimony is in and the case
will soon go to the jury. The jury is
! as liable to disagree as anything. In a
j long drawn out case of this character
' men are not apt to be a unit in their
consideration of its merits. It is easy
to see how some might look upon Her
mann as guilty, while others would take
the other side, viewing it from an im
partial standpoint. Oregonians famil.
iar with his record at home may look
at thejmatter through uilleior.t eyes
4 mm those nf the inrv at Washington
The ODinion of the -Democrat is that
I Mr. Hermann is guilty ot a good dea1
more than will ever be brought out
a court of justice. Regardless of poli
tics he has always seemed to be a good
deal of a political demagogue, a man in
office to make all he could out of it,
serving the people with that in view
more than from the standpoint of as
sistance to others, and yet always ac
and courteous in the
' treatment of his constituents. His ca-!
reer indicates that he is of that kind of
who differ materially in refer-
ence to Mr. Hermann.
Hustle for Albany.
Albany people have been wanting a
saw mill for some time. They are now
about to have one, and they should be
just as jubilant over getting one as it
it was the biggest one on the coast.
Big factories grow out of small con
cerns, and the spirit of the day should
be one in favor of building up rather
than getting more than can be handled.
Let the slogan of Albany be to rustle
what makes a town.
there are already some good indus-
trips hprp. nnnrpniotprt Yit nvai.iinrl..
except the professional knocker. Rut
tv.o flnii ; Kin. f. iiBn
....... ... Jui ,.,uio. ,,,ui our
splendid shipping facilities this should
become the manufacturing and whole
sale center of Western Oregon. Let
everybody talk and rustle to make it
I anient.
' From present appearances the long
looked for spring has finally arrived,
and farmers and gardeners will begin
preparing the soil for their spring
rail grain of all kinds with the ex
ception of oats stood the winter well.
and in the last few days has been won-
derful!y revived
by the pleasant sun-
r arm help is scarce and few have
been able to secure the assistance they
need in the fields. '
nany cnernes, plums prunes and
peaches have been in full bloom for the
last two weeks, but theirprogress has
been much retarded by the cold wea
ther. G. C. Simon who formerly lived near
here, but who now lives in Arizona, '
was visiting friends and relatives lately.
Mrs. Vernn Sharp, of Corvallis, who
was visiting around this part of the
country has returned homo.
4: iss Cory Scott has gono to Benton
county on an extended visit with rela-.
tiues and friends.
Tangent now has two blacksmith
shops, itKd neither of them belong to
the trust. One of them expects to
, , " , "f"
run a repair shop in connection with
L. F. Smith has sold his town prop
erty and moved to his farm. He will
continue to deliver mail on route No. 1.
W. O. Hudson is putting up a tower
for a wind mill and tank, and is extend
ing his facilities for raising line blood
ed chickens and borkshire hogs.
Mrs. Morgan, of Albany, bought 103
acres of land which belonged to the
Vance estate, paying $15 per acre for
Stock has passed through the winter
in good condition. Stock buyers are
continually scouring the country over
looking for beef, milch cows, mutton
sheep and fat hogs, for which they pay
gO;id prices.
Wagons from the different eream
ories traveling over the country collect
ing cream, seem to be doing quite a
business, ns they go by well loaded.
The dairy business is on the increase
in this part of the country.
WANTED: Person to travel in home
territory; salary $3.50 per day and
expenses. Aouress j. a. Alexander,
125 Plymoth Place, Chicago, III.
holders 40 cts nr bushel 2 miles S.
E. of Ablany on Brownsville road.2tit
DO YOU WANT to buy or sell a farm?
Do you want to buy or Bell city prop
erty? Call on us or write to us. The
golden rule, always on tne square.
Success stimulates ambition.
7t Sl'ARKMAN & Co.,
Real EsttitePromoters
Corvallis, Oregon.
Tne Birds.
The illustrated lecture in this city on
April 26th on The Home Life of Wild
Birds deserves special mention in the
interest of our feathered friends, whom
all good people love.
These naturalists have had remark
able succcess in photographing and
studying birds in the tree tops. A ser
ies of Red-tailed Hawk photographs
that will be shown, were taken near
the top of a tall cotton-wood where they
found the nest . 120 feet from the
ground. On seven different occasions
they climbed to the topmost branche3
to get pictures of this family and to
take photographs showing how the
feat was accomplished.
On another occasion these two nat
uralists SDent two difffi rent filimmprq
among the rocky islands off the Oregon '
coast. They had to take equipment'
and provisions in a small row boat,
launch it in the surf and set out alone
on the sea. They climbed the ledges !
and hauled the boat above the beating I
waves. On a narrow shelf thev camDed i
for five davs and nitrhts. endurinc hnivl-
The work was accomplished only after
eight long mountain trips of thirty-fivo
mile3 each, covering a period of four
Mr. Finlty has gathered many im
portant facts in the economic value of
bird life to man, and has reasons to
give why our native birds should
more carefully prbtected.
$100 Reward, $100.
Tne readers of (bin pnper wU he'
please! to learn that there is nt lean!
oiie draaded diaeaso time science bat
been able to cure in all its Biases, ami
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur-
fi .!4ni -V,P?8,!'T, (!,UrenOW knT-
the medial fraternity. Oata-rn beii
a constitutional disrate, requires a on-
sntutional treatment. Hall's Cam ri.
tllrn in inlnrnillv. .o-ini. rlim .tit,
upon tne blood and nucoiis surfaces of
tuB sjatem, ibereny deetiorinir the
innnHailnni.l th rii-a
patient e.rength br tmiHiiw up the
tne c;nmtut'on and assisting nature in '
dolne In doiuiz its woik. The prorri
etor have sc much faiib in its curative i
powers that thev offr One Hundred
dollars lo. any caee that it fain to cure.
Send for Mat of tPS'iraoniala
Addresa F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O
Sold by all Drunisto. 75c.
'lake-Hall's Family Pills for conati
Baby Buggies.
Fifty IU07 Heywood carts for babie
at the Fortmiller Furniture Co's.
Carts lagre enough and springy enough
to be comtortable for the smallest
baby. Also all the regular folding
carts and the new stvles that fold up
small enougn to go in a vanse.
Just drop in
and let us show you something now in
Wall Paper. Thousands of rolls to
select from. New stock just arrived,
Will do our best to please you.
Buhkhart & L EE.
KEEP an EYfc, on tne Vienna Bakery
for good things to EAT. Second street
between Ellsworth and '.von streets.
Special prices on stock and poultr
goods at Stewart & SoxHdw. Co
Waa Ferfcctly Bold 'When lie Started
to Vae Newbro's llerpldd.
Frederick Manuell, Mnryland block,
Butto. Montana, bought a bottle of New
bro's HiTPlclde. April 6, '119, and began to
use It for entire baldness. The hair fol
licles In his scalp wero not dead and in
20 days ho had hair all over his head.
On July 2 ho writes, "and today my hair
Is as thick and luxuriant ns any ono
could wish." Nowbro's Hcrplcldo works
on an old principle and with a new dis
coverydestroy the cause and you re
movo the effect. Herpleide destroys tho
perm that causes dandruff, falling hair,
and finally baldness, so that with tho
rnuso pone the effect cannot remain.
Stops falling hair nt once nnd a new
prowth starts. Snld by lending
drueglsts. Send 10c. In stamps for eamplo
to Tho Hernlelile Co.. Detroit Mtrh.
Two sizes 50 cents ana $1.00.
Foshay & Mason agents.
7i, "3? O JPt x A ,
, ina m till
tta KiM 1m Haw Always
A sale of horses, cattle and machinery
will be cried nt the Central Feed Shed,
foot of Lyon street, on Saturday. April
27, beginning at 1 o'clock sharp, for all
desiring sales. Property listed up to
Saturday ivening April 20. Phone D.
Sterling, Pacific Black 5SU. or Home
1226, for information in reference to
terms of snle, etc.
J. MacHugh, Tailor, has moved
hin tn Cirrv St ittaf uxtk
I Oregon Market, where he will
' to. meet old and new customers.
M ?l US W H H I III t.i 1 CI . .;XtC:T9
Bin H H FS fl I II RH SA.
iv h m a J n in Mvti -r.
tm an a s til ni
hi u an ft n h m vm jm
AJOut tX2 only thing that will row
induce the President to run will be che
intimation that his feet were too cold
for a race with Mr. Bryan.
Hnrfirnlriiral nriprv
The regular monthly meeting of the
Linn County Horticultural Society will
be held at the Court House in Albany
onSatnrday, April 20th, commencing
at 1:S0. A full attendance is requested,
p m mt rrnirl r
' M" MU?L...
. eireLitiy.
Past experience has taught thousands
of persons that in all cases of stomach,
' Liver or Bowel disorders the Bitters
i can be relied on to give relief even when
I other medicines have failed.
1 should therefore be the first thought as
'. soon as you notice an attack of Sick
j Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Cost-
iveness, Heartburn, Malaria or Female
' Ills. It is absolutely pure.
J. lis
Successor to S. N. STEELE & CO.
Insurance agent and dealer in farm,
j riinber l?nds and city prop erty.
132 W First Street, Albany, Or.
I "A Hen That Lays la One That
It costs no more to keep the best than
common scrubs. Why not boom your
poultry business, and make it a success
, by purchasing the S. C. Balock Minor-
ca settings from prize winning pens,
Northrup strain, wnen you can get
for $1.00 for 15, balance of sea-
Lone Pine Tree Farm.
Home Phone 2S05.
Do You A-spire?
If you are looking for a bargain in
citv property or a nice farm in the
country call on J. V. PIPE, 203 West
2nd St., Albany, Oregon.
Robertlne gives what every woman
most tli'slres a porfect complexion.
It britiKa that soft, smooth, fresh,
clear tint to the cheek that denotes
Touthfulnes.. It ulll brlnff beauty
to thoso who lack It; it will retain
It for tho!o who already possess it;
it will onabto you to successfully
combat the ravages of weather and
tlm. ron't doubt don't ancue. Just
try Xobcrtine. Your druggist will
give you a free sample. All druje
elti keep Robrtlne.
To What
his' rVcfT mvkTfM
Just received two car loads
of the best line ever brought
to the city.
Runabouts,Surreys and Spring
Wagons, built to order.
Grocer ,
and; '
First class iroods in their season.
Phone Main 5S.
fill jylljB
Beware of Defective Titles
Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the
Z. il. RUDD, Manager .
Of the real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for 3
money loaned. J ..i
Established in 1S92, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience.
Office corner of 3rd and Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or.
Office 226 Broadalbin.
Phone Black 4S2.
I have money to loan in small and
large amounts. Notes and mortgages
bought. 1 will bond you. Property
1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ; . '
totbuy your meat where you have
to take chances where you must
be on the watch against "off color"
provisions, short weight or overcharg
ing. 'Tisn't pleasant, either, to take
things back to the store and make a
"fuss'' when you've been ill treated.
You can avoid even the shade of annoy
ance by dealing with this clean "on the
level" butcher store. Try just once
"that's all!"
is in the decoration the bare walls
and ceilings are like a skeleton with
out beauty, life and warmth.' Wall
paper and ceiling decorations transform
your rooms into a thing of beauty,
when you choose rich colorings and
handsome patterns from
Consultation free
Graduate DesMoines School
In Farm Unds, Timber Undi"and
aty .Property call on or writ