Ei't.ireJ i me iut nH c vAil'r.y,.Ur etcind class mail umi'e- F P NUTTING- The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week ; in advance for one year, $4.50. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $X50. The Weekly Advance per year $1.25 A"t end of year $1.50. After 3 years at $2. ' OUR VVAJSTS TO RENT. 90 acres. 40 acres in culti vation; good seven room house; good barn. School close by. bituated 6 miles from Lebanon on the Lacomb road. To a reliable narty will rant for 1-3 of crou. Ann'lv to H. Flath- mann, Aurora, or to J. V. Pipe 203 1 YV eat Aim Ob. , ,o,m c l. u LOST. -Somewhere in the city on the wnv to denot. a ladv's eold watch. , Return to Wagner & Terhune's har ness shop. FOR SALE. 1 lot and residence, at 3rd and Montgomery streets, resi dence and lot at 8th and Madison streets, and two lots and residence at 2 es at office' of T Swan. 9-6t CIDER. Will make cider on the fol- total.rainiall was only about 65 inches, lowing dates: Friday. Oct. )2, 19, and'.during the year there were as 26 and Nov. 2. will also fill barrels manyjhoursjrf sunshine here as in New with sweet cider for 15 cents per v i . t L gallon? at my mill, 1 mile north of , York or 'Boat'n- In fa(t th "as Albany, R. F. D. 4. Homo Tel. K 1. just about enough rain, just about t8 C. R. Widmeh. enough sunshine and just about enough FOR RENT. Two furnished house- cloudyjweather for an ideal country, keeping rooms. Also two six room TheseHthings need to be properly di houses centra ly located and in good . , ... . , repair. Inquire at 306 east 4th street. , vided,and;this islabout the only coun 2t H. Barns. try where it is ideal in that respect. -In the eastern part of the city T.fiST. In iho pnRl.prn n: a girl's tan coat, 3-4 length. Please return to residence of O. A. Archi- bald. WANTED. - Horse, immediately, for Here it is not cold nor is it hnf , n marks were made in memory of the de delivery, at the Royal Bakery. Second "Gre J 13 " "J'," ceased by Revs. G. W. Nelson, S. A. and Ellsworth streets. doesn t ram to much nor too little. In - , . M T . p.,' and LOST.-Somewhere in Albany, two S !KtaT boys coats, nearly new, ages of boys about s nearly right as you can find it .. office, FOR RENT. Modern ten room house, now occupied by C.C.Hogue. Furnace heat. Call upon G. W, Simpson, or , phone red 1932. 9t ALL THE RAGE: Linen finished call ing cards. Rawlings has them, and the tvpe for the best effect. FOR RENT. The Egan . restaurant nronertv. . splendid location for restaurant br any business. Call up-' on Dr. A. Stark. for the worse and then made a death- vals throughout the day. WOOD. Parties who have agreed to bed trip across the country in grand-' Or account of an expected visit from onbrrfptnwillpleasrsonow! tyle. The old hypocrite should the Lecturer of f,e State Grange the FOR SALE -I have a young fresh have been by his son's bedside helping next place of nieeting will be fixed by cow and calf for sale on uth and Mad- to nurse him as soon as he was taken the president at some point convenient ison Streets, for $25. I also have ill, but'he thought more of business, for her to reach, two colts, one a filly out of John A. It is;a sample of the iceburg life of the A state deputy inspector will visit oSdneT tolh.S Iti Ch ke5 f .the 9 & county soon and all patrons should horse colt that will be 2 years old their trade, ignoring the common de- make it a point to meet with him. next April. I will sell either for $65, cencies of life and the things that count Some excellent suggestions were of cash down and no grumbling. I also for true manhood, as they race after fe;d Msrs. Shaw and Powell, will sell my littlo 15 acre farm near M The day was spent pleasantly by all town, if I cot mv price. , B Alvin J. Carotuers. FOR RENT. Furnished room and rooms for light house keeping. Mr3, Geo. i'rinzicr, iw a znu si. FOR SALE. -Good second hand gnso- 11I1U eilUlllU. VUll Ut UVIllUlUb UIUVO. ONIONS. Orccon Danvors and the Yel low Globe, for sale, will bo delivered anywhere in Albany. E. L. Mc Keever phone Farmers 2X1. U2-20. FOR SALE. Shoe Store, well stocked with clean goods; also 2 lots and chicken barn und fenco. CullonChas. Prochnow. A TURELY MUTUAL fire insurance . company. The O. F. R. A. John G. Bryunt, Agent. $50,000 TO LOAN on real and personal property. Cnll upon J. C. Christy Atty-at-law, Rooms 11 and 12, over I irst National Bank, Albany, Or. i Corn that will pop. Nebraska Kico pop corn in packages to suit; thoroughly clean, at Stewart & Sox Udw. Co, . , WANTED Briirht. energetic young men. Mnn of ahl i:v nnil DU8 1. to sell Best Grown m aery sine on the Pacific coast. A nno oppor tunity for college students during va cation. Money for expenses advanced weekly. Write us, or cnll at ourof flco, 310 West. 2nd St, full particulars. Albany Nurseries, (Incorporated) Albany, Oreuon, EGGS WANTED. fjr cash or trade nt C. U. Urownells Second St. the correct placo to buy your groceries. WOOD SAWING. Promptly and efficiently at tended to by Ben uozellc. Order per sonally or phono Black 1S41. CHINESE DOCTOR-J. Mon Foo, an experienced compounder of Chinese medicines, successor oi iuu nut? iuhik Wo Tong, is now prepared to furnish Chineso medicines to all. i lie under niimi'd recommends him and cuiiran- tees satisfaction. Ca.l or write him nt No. 110 West Sect ml at., Albany Or J'M West fall. 6-lt. FOR SALE. A Sv.t typewritter, only used a few limes, nan price, ntthe Democrat office. Call WIGWAM THE Board, Feed and Sale Stables Corner SECOND and BAKER Streets Specialty of boarding, by day or week. Usual ratisFb farmers HUGH CUMMINGS. Proprietor The Arcade Bruce, &. Huston Proprietors. SHAVING and BATH (PARLORS Opposite Post OKc The President on R. R. Ownership. The President has warned the rail- After a few months rest in the way roads that they had better keep their of grange work, another regular meet hands out of politics or the government ing of the Linn County Council was will get into the owhership of railroads, held in the hall of Grand Prairie Grange, Now, isn't this just about, what Mr. October;6th,il906. Bryan has been doing, and he hasn't The meeting was called to order by baen doing much more. The spirit of the president H. W. McEImurry, who the age is that the railroads will own asked the choir to favor the Council the government or the government will with a song, which it did, singing the have to own the roads, at least that the beautiful song entitled, My Dear Old inclination is that way, And that is Home. about the situation at the present time. Roll call founj eight granges with It has reached that point where the representatives in attendance, besides club needs to be held over the heads of a large number of visitors, the railroads. If the railroads would Notice was given that there would be keep out of politics and treat the memorial service in reference to the masses honestly and fairly the subject death of Mrs. Walker and the hour of of government ownership would not be 2 p. m. was fixed. A committeeof five made prominent now, but so long as consisting of J. H. Scott, C. L. Shaw, the railroads mix up in legislative af- and Sisters Mary E. Palmer, N. E. fairs and try to run the politics of the Olin and E. J. Philipps were appointed countrythe peopje do well to consider to draw up suitable resolutions, the best method for meeting them in A lengthy report was made by the battle, and just now this government ownership is about the best, and if the - ... . , roads won't come to time it may be .. f. . a necessity, that s all. Not Too-Much Rain. A few days ago a man from the east said he liked this country splendidly, ' wasjtoo much rain, Wouldn't that make afcloudburst. Last year the In the 80uth there. i3 too much sunshine. In the east there is too much snow in placejof the rain and too much cold in fhn uinfni anrl hnt- tha Di,m. He Waited Too Long Thos. F. Ryan, the insurance million, aire, rode 137 miles in 137 minutes on a special train to be at the bedside of his dying son. He knew ho was sick for some time before, but waited, ab- sorbed in husmess affairs until the turn The sores are nil lieintr hpnlpd down in Cuba very fast. What will come out of the reppnt llnnlnnnnfnna will be watchcd for with interest. There is such a suspicion that Uncle Sam is after the Island that every move calls for comment and observation. LoyaUy to Albany coilege loyal.y to Albany. The city couldn't afford to lose this small but well conductej col- 'ge at any price, rniursi,,, )i. TiTicnr'T t n GRAPES by the BUSHEL at Owen Beam's poR RENT. Two six room cottages. Convenient and in irood reonir Chas. Pfeikfer. .WANTED. Men and teams to plow J at bo much an acre. Inquire at thi: ollice. ' 9t I . ... -y" '""'".""-"I'l .t mum 4 lots, fi house and bnrn und nrchat'd. Will take horse and buggy and cattle for pnrt pay. Inquiro nt Democrat ollice. ! LOST. Somewhere between the Ger man Lutheran church and the bridge, ' Probably on first street an overcoat. I lease notify H. H. Hanson, R. F. 1 D. 4. I POTATOES WANTED. For ment. Will pay highest market snip- pneo. U, D. Austin, AlcoClub, 5t Sewing Machines V II K K I. E K W I I. N G E R Buy nt Headquarters and save agents commissions Burns Shoe Store Machines repaired & rented i N H. B. CRAFT H'S laj have nn and the beat of every Ihrarra the meahitnei el.oire Itrd etc. Cllre olin a caii. DAIRY NOTICE. Cill Phone Red 18C3 for choice Jersey n il and cream. H. M. PALMER, Prop -ictor of the Gol' en Rule Dairy. Lion County Council. chairman of the committee on Educa- tion, followed by the introduction of a resolution favoring the passage of a , , u-i.ii.it , i law by which the state would furnish scnuui uuuks. xau resolution was re- ferred to the subordinate granges. A circular letter was read from the Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture, asking for the repeal of the free seed law; referred to committee on Legisla tion. At this time dinner was announced and without a dissenting voice a recess was taken for an hour. At the close of the recess hour we again assembled for business and on motion the afternoon was open for the public. The hour for the memorial service was then observed. The opening song was rendered in a very impressive manner by the grange choir, followed by prayer by Rev. G. W. Nelson. The resolutions were read and re- On fho nrlnntinn of fho roanlnfinri a rising vote was taken which was unan- Mr. Walker expressed his thanks for the kindness and expressions of sym pathy and help in his hour of need. Miss Gladys Shaw sang a beautiful solo, with second by Mr, Richards on his violin. Good music was furnished at inter- present and we hope to see a large ad dition to the order soon. Reporter. how's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cau not bt cared by Hall's Chatarrn Cure. F. J. Cuknney & Co.,Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known V. J, Cheney for the last IB vears. and believe him pi-rfectly hooorrble in all b.l tiob, ,d fi-y ; u , A aldino, Kinnan & Mawvin, Wholesale Doufiiieta, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure is tacen inter t nally, acting directly upon the blood D1 mucous surfaces of the system. Teslimonisls Bent free Price 75 cent nor bottle Sold by all Druueu-tp. Take Hall's Family Pills lor c jtui- pjlion BAYLOR & (310 West 1st Street, Albany, Oregon) Offer interesting varieties for shoppers desiring low prices and good goods first-class stock of groceries, f -uits and produce Hardware and builders.'goods generally A fine line.of stoves at cost, to close out Steel Hammocks, the oest made ''"h best guns.in the market, including the Winchester, L. C, Smith, Baker, Belgium, Savage rifles, Davis and Parker, with the powder and shells to go with them P URITAlN REPARED AINT The Fellow Wltli Nothing to Vo. What do you think f the man with nothing to do? The fellow without an I occupation, who sits aTound and spends mo uiue nuirctiiug ui, everytmng out himself. Just how much do you think he does for the city in which he resides. What would he be worth at auction? What would the world amount to if all were like him. Perhaps you have noticed him. He lives in every town in the country, and no matter how much help is wanted he doesn't want the job. He'B too busy knocking. Now, honest white man, what use have you got lor the fellow with nothing to do? HEALTH DEPENDS On the Stomach. When it is in bad shape the other organs are soon affect ed and your health is undermined. To keep it alwavs stroner and healthv vou on'y nee( an occasional dose of HOSTETTEft'S STOMACH BITTERS Something else won't do in its nlar. , petite. Flatulency. Heartburn. DvsDeD- ' sia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Female llls or Malaria, Fever and Ague. Money to Loan. Money to loan in sums of $500.00 up to $10,000.00 on farm and city proper erties in Linn County, at six per cent interest. BUBKHART & PYEATT, 102 E. First, St., Albany Oregon. TO KILL THE DANDRUFF GERM. la the Only Poaalble War of HaTlng An Effective Care It you see a woman or a man with lux uriant glossy hair, you may be sure nei ther has dandruff to amount to anything-. Jn nearly every case where women and men have thin brittle hair, they owe It to dandruff. There are hundreds of prep arations that "claim" to cure dandruff, hut not one but Newbro's Herplclde tells you that dandruff Is the result of a germ burrowing into the scalp, and that per manent cure of dandruff and Its conse- luent falling and boldness, can only be nod by killing the germ; and there Is no other preparation that will destroy that germ but Newbro's Homicide. "Destroy the cause, and you remove the effect." Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In Btamps for sample to The Herplclde Co.. Detroit. Mich.. Foshay & Maion agents. V MIL WAfYOlft HEART Owen Beam Co. THE ALBANY DYE AND CLEANING WORKS Wecan makeyourold suit look present- a-- - , eve wo 'guarantee satisfaction. Your straw i hat bleacht for 25c. 1S9 Rant: First St Phone Plaek B91. FOR RENT. Nice suburban home by the first of November, 7 room house, barn, chicken house and 100 fruit trees, one acre, at reasonable rent, ten minutes walk from depot. Apply to Albany Dye Works jELLER Tried and found rei'able i B mm IF" nil. H Ota V- COFFEES Walter Parker, Grocer and; Baker w P ennyroyaL pills 1MB IflAXUD UK ATT U. kuihi your UTufi t ki-k-tep Illk lr tad ilA mmnie ib Biuc KiDooB. i thenoi Bu tf your Dnjffxlil and DIAMOND BKAJfD 1MLLS, (x rem npiM U Bt. Sfl, Al-nri R1!M. SoJd br Drurrlttt rfrrhn. The Up-To-Date Grocery W. A. eastbUrn, prop. Staple and Fancy Groceries We make a specialty of Fresh Fruits, Melons tnd Vegetables of all kinds. Produce taken in exchange. 212 West 1st Both Phones 216 WEST FIRST 8TKEET,, ALBANY OREGON First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56 llamette Volley Bo; Electric lighting for residence and business at reason able prices. Power all day, all night.. Pure water filter ed through best filters manufactur ed. Electric fan mot ors, electric irons, all kinds of electric appliances for the . shop, store, home. A complete light ing, water and power plant. Office 225 W. 2nd St. rime Main 15,Albany WALL PAPER 600 STYLES TOSELECTJFROM 5c to $2.50 Rollj GREATEST VARIETY SOUTH OF PORTLAND. Woodworth Drug Co., Age Beware of Defective Titles. Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RUDD, Manager niSieyhloarneaPrOPerty 'ntend t0 Purchase' or accePt security for Established- in 1S92, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. W Oflice corner of 3rd and BroiUalbin streets, Albany, er,ence-W OSTEOPATHY FEMALE DISEASES Office 226 Broadalbin; Consultation free. J DR. MARY MARSHALL, Phone Black 482. Graduate DesMoines School ALBANY DRESSED BEEF CO. ... 'r ' "Pro.ite P f. Choice Meats of all kind