Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 12, 1906, Page 1, Image 1

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    ".' V f ' .", ..V-" v. . : i'', " - -
NO 10
Peopl Who Come and Go.
F 0 Miller, Portland.
Mrs C L Johnson Coevallis.
S D Allan, Eugene.
G H Cooper, Boston.
Al D Wilson, Marshfield.
H C Burns, Roseburg.
F H Coffin, Portland.
A S Wheeler and wf, Seattle.
F R Reeves, Portland. V
C F Abell, Denver.
C L Fitchard, Independence.
C L Fish, Toledo.
J Schmidt, S F.
A C Baker, Seattle.
J McWilliams, Halsey.
T Wigman, Portland.
R L Whitehead, Corvallis.
A Cyclone.
New Orleans, Oct. 5. -This region
was today the the center of cyclonic
disturbances. At least three of which
were tornadoes and caused a loss of six
lives with nine persons fatally injured.
Money to Loan.
Money to loan in sums of $.100.00 up
to $10,000.00 on farm and city proper
erties in Linn County, at six per cent
interest. ,
102 E. First, St., Albany Oregon.
Killed by anAngry Bull.
Martinsburg, W. V., Oct. 6. :
Angry at the bright red dress worn by
a bride a bull killed a woman and her .
husband Frederick Cowan yesterday
evening. Cowan fought desperately to
protect his 17 year old wife, but was
tossed and tramped to death. The ,
woman paralyzed with fright was
tossed high in the air over a fence and I
died. The couple was returning from
a sensational elopement.
A Mixture of Things and Thoughts
Yum, yum, pheasant meat is all right.
New York, Oct. 6. The latest in
dicates an armistice declared in the
Piatt family, but it is not nearer re
conciliation. Friends say ,the senator
will not contest a divorce but is willing
to pay a liberal alimony.
San Francisco Insurance Matters.
San Francisco, Oct. 6.- More than
two hundred policy holders of the Fire
man's Fund, and Home Marine com
paniestand Pacific Underwriters have
agreed to accept half cash and half
stock in the reorganized Firemans Fund
Co., in payment of losses. The gross
losses of the companies is estimated at
more than $11,000,000.
Merchants generally report a splen
did fall trade.
The papers are all helping to adver
tise Puter's book, free.
Albany college on a solid financial
foundation will be a credit to Albany.
Funny, but th e more the papers and
the college professors kick against haz
ing the more the hazing done.
Candidate Hearst is defying
bosses in New York state. No strings
on Hearst. He may get beaten, but he
will make it hot for the ringsters and
tricksters, whatever he is himself. ,
poet, died 14 years
got into a
up all the
A band of elk recently
garden at Yachats and ate
truck therein. The man says they
hive got to leave him alone or he will
kill them, that's all, if it is against the
Tennyson, the
ago today.
Another slugging match: Portland
12, Los Angeles 6, yesterday.
Eight people were killed yesterday in
a subway explosion accident in Phil
adelphia. Senator Joseph W. Baily, the leading
democratic senator of the U. S. ci
Texas,, is 48 years of age today.
During the past eight months there
have been 70 convictior.s by the state
game warden and his deputies, with a
total of $2841.10 in fines.
Governor Fletcher and family have
moved from Jefferson to St. Johns to
reside. The Governor is an old news
Daner man and a versatile falL-nr nnH
will be missed from this neck of the
all the . woods.
There were twenty competitors for
eight vacant positions on the U. of O.
Glee Club, and Prof. Glen will name
the men later. The members of last
years club, now in the university, will
remain. The Club will make its an
nual trip during the Christmas season.
The Pacific Northwest, of Portland,
Phil Bates publisher, proposes to send
a young lady to the Jamestown exposi
tion from every county in Oregon.
Miss Gladys Shaw, daughter of C. L.
Shaw, has been selected as the Linn
county representative to help boom
Oregon at the exposition and through
the east.
A College Reception.
Most of the cities of Oregon are in
debt, as cities generally have to be
which do things and make extensive
improvements, but there are some that
have money in the treasury, as re-1
oorted by Commissioner Hoff. as fol-.
lows: Falls City $400, Pilot Rock $1100, 1 The first social 'function in the col
Shaniko $2,000 and Sumpter $2800. lege year was held at the main building
i last night with a good attendance of
An Albany man yesterday found a students, including a good many new fine
! whisky flask a third full of whiskey, broken bv the names of stnHfa hw
On it was the name ot the physician , pinned on the backg of h th 3
!XLn5uhe& fr on's own name, which
lining iv. .uoHjoumuuunncio a am? ....npH a CT,
with quinine, but the finder says there
was no quinine in it. It is plainly a
case of evasion of the law.
Some men's idea of economy is to spend
less money for some other necessity and,
more for clothes. .
Because of the methods, organization and
immensity of the tailor shops that the
clothes we measure men for come from
no stinting is necessary to obtain here a
suit or overcoat of as .good value as the
local tailor can give .you for 100,? more.
And every garment made strictly to each
man's measure to modify every abnor
mality to build up every shortcoming.
Fall line of cloths ready to show you.
Exclusive local Representative of Ed. Y. Price k Company, Merchant Tailors, Chicago
(310 West 1st Street, Albany, Oregon)
Offer interesting varieties for shoppers
desiring low prices and good goods
A first-class stock.ofjroceries,,f :uits and produce
Hardwire anJlbuildersgoods generally
AfcneJline,of stoves al cost, to close out
Steel Htmmocks, the oest made
i"h best guns in the market, including the
; ' .... ..... Winchester, L. C, Smith, Biker, Belgium,
'j , . Savage rfks, DavisJandJParier, with the
, .- powaerana sneiis to go witn tnem
REPARED Tried and f o -nd reiiablr
caused a general mixuD nd much
A pleasing program consisted of a
piano solo by Miss Emma Sox, an ad
dress oi welcome ov t red Weal, a re-
"The general report is birds-are scarce sponse by Miss McNair, a piano solo by
The immense i mlBS Ilnuua oiainaner, a vocal solo Dy
to hnd. says an ex,
string of the fallen beauties
I 1II1I11C11BG ' n j. g.
taken out Erof:j C:
nf Alhnnv on the ftara nlnnf. tn flav
nothing of those captured by home , SOm?'
the supply of birds altogether is sim
ply enormous. They nave become
scattered all over the valley from foot
hill to foothill.
H. Palmer, suggestions bv
President Crooks and some college
Foot Ball Benefit.
The program for Monday evening.
Gr, and hear it. It is a good one:
part 1
Overture- -Orchestra.
Instrumental Solo-Miss Emma Sox.
Vocal Solo-Miss Evah French.
Reading Mijs Ina Dow.
Solo Prof. Palmer.
Instrumental Solo Miss Evalina
Vocal Solo-George Rolfe.
Instrumental Duet Misses Stalnaker
and Acheson.
Vocal Solo-Miss Helen Elkins.
Male Quartet-Messrs. Nelson.Steele
Hammer and Irvine.
PART 11.
Overture Orchestra.
Reading Neil Murray.
Instrumental Solo-Vera Woodworth.
Male Quartet-Messrs. Nelson.Steele,
Hammer and Irvine.
Vocal Solo Lee Davis.
Instrumental Snln w-;i,i
Violin Solo-Miss Evelina Merrill.
Vocal Solo Professor Palmer.
Instrumental Solo Miss Emma Sox.
Trio The Misses Worrell.
Selection Orchestra.
Admission 25c.
Olvmnin Pat-pni HnrH wu.t ci
the best, $1.20 asack at all th
The Most Realistic Fire Scene Ever
Presented on the Stage. Watch
for the Fireman's Band.
PRICES 75c, 60c and 25e.
Curtain raises 8:15.
BRING IN your old sewintr machine
head. We will either repair it or take
t as part payment on a new one.
Stewart& Sox Hnw Co.
Religious Services.
service or refreshments was
greatly enjoyed. Partners were ob
tained from numbers, corresponding,
and each one was permitted to select
five things from a menu reading:
language, botony, mathematics, history
geology, chemistry and forestry. What
they got was: tongue, pickles, nuts,
sandwiches, rock candy, water and
licorice, borne cake and cocoa were
thrown in.
United Presbyterian church Morn
ing service at 10:30. Subject of ser
mon: The Wisest Man in the World. Qtol Pntntc
second sermon in the series on the Ten
Commandments. The theme will be: William Gladstone Steel.'of Portland
rrf sjksljs tho-occas lri p6bIiLT i
these services. - Splendid music! a sma11 magazine to be known as Steel
.!,,.:. wii rio f. i, u;ui Points. It is to be devoted to the
school ai 10 Wl dee al n 7 iTZtt
. i nn j ij ,i, rortiand number. .No on in Oregon is
nlUP ,TflH ttl TV n!Z" better qualified than Mr. Steel for the
Klhino. fp0 1? L' JtjS work. He has spent considerable of his
PrecmnTL?''l1.a- I"oai,!;?2 life climbing tfie mountains of the
nrt th Y P q r p .r fin ST Northwest as well as tramping over its
- n:,n.. E- 8t 6,3- Re" fields and wading through its rivers,
n . i ni if ! and 1,8 knows the country from fop to
wvlibi "..i ooctom, source to moutn.
usual hours. Sabbath school at 10 a. Mr. steel was once a resident of At
tn, sharp, rreacmng hy the pastoi at bany in early days, doing some news-
ji a. in. ouu i.oy u. in. uuuiuis ai. paper worK nere lor a year or two.
3:30 p. m. B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m. r J
Mid week prayer service. Thursday 1 Will fin tn Ariynna
tsveiniig ai. I .ovi. n. i:uruiui IIIVILULIUII
is extended to all to attend these services.
A $140 Colt.
Scio News:
C. S. Harnish came over from Albany
Thursday morning to settle up with the
parties that handled his prune crop,
Mr. and Mrs. Harnish are arranging to
leave, in a short time, for Arizona to
remain as much as two years and per
haps permanently. Thd change will be
made on account of Mrs. Harnish's
The Wonder Millinery.
Corvallis Times:
' The Times told the other day .of a
sale of two five months' old colts at a
nrice of S222 for the two. Here is an
other tiansaction of that character. health
Marion Wood, who used to be foreman
a t the college farm, but now a farmer
in Linn county near Tangent, sold a
two mnntha polt for SI 40. Thp hnvpr
was William Hogan of Albany. The Is now ready to show you all the new
colt was a bay Altamon t with Hogan's ideas in fall and winter millinery. Call
Progress for a sire. The mother of the 01 u ti,a. if- muck
colt is aUo the dam of George D. The pleasure for us to show you the new
saie was maaq ac iwo raonms. Decause afViea an it :s tnr vou t(1 1...1, at them.
ot tne wait tor weaning time. Mr. Mrs. G. E. Nichols. W
vvooa was in oorvaius yesieruay. 2nd and Elsworth Sts
I Engagem !
42 pieces, Decorated; Good Ware. Worth $6.
Special This Week
Commercial Coffee & Crockery Co.
223 W First St
Both Phones Main 53.
Free Delivery.
Unless You Try a Box
of Our
Oregon Favorite Hand Loaded Shells,
Albany Sporting Good House,
313 W. First Street.
atch this Space
?Z For the largest stock cf Guns and Ammunition go to the ALBANY GUN
the best Sheil3 on the market; not made by the Trusts; no old shells here;
all free from the Factory; chan and strong; just what you are looking for.
Call on me before you buy. It willpay you.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To
AtStetter's Cueh Stcic