Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 05, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Branching Out.
St. Johns Review:
President I. E. Richardson of the
Eclectic Business University was in the
city Wednesday in the interest of the.
Night School to be conducted in St. 1
Johns this winter. He desires to meet
the young people on Thursday after
noon and evening of next week 4 to 9
p. m. President Richardson is a man
of much experience, and requires the
highest standard of work. He places
his students in the best positions. He
will be assisted by Prof. A. A. Welch.
His Portland office is 435 Worcester
building. The people of St. Johns
should take much interest in this school.
' Those interested should write Presi
dent Richardson at once, and be sure to
meet him next week when he comes to
r city.
Died in Portland
Mrs. Junkin, known as Grandma!
Junkin, died in Portland yesterday at '
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ollie today.
Jackson Stevens, at the age of 82 years. S. N. Steele went to the Bay this af
She was a pioneer, a resident of Linn i ternoon.
county for many years, residing near , carl Hodes, of Portland, has been in
Tangenc. Her husband died many tne cjty on a vja;t-
yean MSi riS-Jkln'tht cftv a' Ed- Zey. carpenter at the asylum,
a son, and Glen Junkin, of this city, a . . . "1 H '
grandson. She was beloved by all we"1 10 ne y today.
.Vimwimr her. The remains were Mrs. Rev. Pratt and child left this
brought up this noon and taken to Tan
gent tor Burial.
H. Vollstedt will have a public sale
at the Dr. Hill place, one mile west
of Sodaville, on Friday, Sept. 28, at 10
a. m. at which time he will dispose of
oil hia t ilnh pnm hm-spa. hnp-s. Tou-
lou geese, farming machinery, cheat
hay, white Russian side oats, cream
separator, Babcoek milk tester, and
many other articles too numerous to
mention. ' I
In th Circuit Cart of tbe State of
Oregon f r Lpm County :
tt. C. Marjjaaou and Mary J. Mima-
eon, tie wile, Eva Diet, Jetlio Dick am
Esttier Dim'. Dl-luu"B. vb. E. B. Ken
dall and B ssie Kendall, his wle, Htllard
V. Kendall, iNortnan B. Kendall, Lnov II
D-uial, nuna Skipwortn, Fanny
Priveit sod John Priveit, ber bu8bnd.
Kliza Wi'lutt. Mary E. bouraides. ana
Cba.les Bi-urgardes, her husband, De
fendants. To E. B. Kendall and Bessie Kendall,
his wife, aod Chailes Bouardes, the
above named defendants.
In the name of ibe State of Oregon,
You are hereby required to appear and
anBwer tbe complaint of tbe atovp
named plaintift?, in the above eotiiltd
court, now on file with tbe chrk
ol said court, on or before tbe 29tb day.
of October, lt)C6, and jou are hereby
notibed that it jou fail . to appear aud
ananer said e raplatnt aa hereby re-
4UUCU, iuo piniuuuB win nppiy 10 int
b.uikiui viid iv.ioi udujiuucu lu lueir
cuDnplaiut, to-wit : for a decree correL-t-
20th davol
i.. Rf cord n
lit nicora OI
in&; deeu lua-.e cn t lie
4eedB. volume 4i), on pate 635 thereof
on tbe'sOib day of Jaiy 1.91 eo ibat
the des-ritition of the land ifcere.n shall
' .ww.w ... ... vmi u ui
land, to-wu, the Houth-"f tbe toutu
west and lot 8 in ate inn 31. int. -wo-
ship 1- b utb, range 3 west, n.e nonu'
and Iota 1 and 2 oi seotiuu U, iu to-
ship 13 aouih, raDge 3 ves:. in ibe d a
irictol land auojct. lo 1.1. a: Uieguii
City, Oregon, the esnje beiiiir ton dot a
tion una olaim oi William Bei.uen ami
wiffl. nniifinatiun No. 69HS. .h
, ----
excepting, however, the f.iloiuu tracts
oi land umutoioie boiq, to wi , cexi li
ning at the northcest corot-r or 'be K.
natiou laud olnim uf, B.uuoii,
notification N). 6998. lu toniioi.ipj U
and. 13 sjuth, tange 3 west, thenc-i bou.t.
61 loJa, thence e-st to tho ease ol
said .laiui. thence north on paid ert lir.u
to the south line of Mercer ThooipsoL'ii
donation land claim JNo. 47, uounciion
No. 2438, thence west "n t-aid souiu hoe
to tbe eoutbweet corner of taiu Thomp
son1 claim, tbence toitb lo the extreme
noitbt-aet corLtr of said VViM. m Ben
nett's donation laud cl-im, thence wtBt
to the place ol beginnlnir, tituaje and
being in Linn eunnty, Oregjn, and con
taining abou 80 aoreii ;txuepting also the
following dcBL-nbed piece cr tract of land
sold by toe aiimimetralrlx ot the estate
of W. L. Kendall, deceated, to tt. P.
Block at publto auction and conveyed by
deed December 9th, 1871, comuiebuiiig
13.42 chuius west of the aiitneat run.
er ot a parcel ot land uwneu i.. -.
Brock and rnuuiDg ibet c ea .3 ,2
cbains, tLei.ce uouti .126 u..,
tbeuca west 7 chains to iut .o...e. ul h
roaa leading to KenrlGil'a briuxr, emu
south bearing weet along tak t.a.i iol
the. plac cf beitinniu., t&ntaii.iiit 3i'
acigB, more or lest; exceptiu en ti e
following piece or j arcel ul iau.i eul.i u
a.oreeald, to-wit, comuiei-ciii a. .t.e
ouihweat lOrner of it:e d.uatmn lain
olaini of William Benneit a-u iuii-iii
tbecce north 43 chains, tiiem e -ae 8 4
chains, to center of railioau (u au.)
thence louth 48 chaios, tlienof am 8.-.0
chains to the place ot bi-giui in., con
taining 40 12 acres, all in ,owii8iiipB 12
and 13 Btvuth, range 3 weel, Wil auietic
Meridian, In Linn count , , 0.eon. ai.rt
aggregating 153.12 acra, mure ur .fa?,
and part ot donation laud claim I
William Bennttt, aud leaving 18.t.o
acrvs more or Ibpb, bs the amount con
vejed herein, laviug aod txue.tii.u a
small undivided interen then owrn-d b
Mary E. Bourgardrs and Cbarles B jur
gardeB, ber buaband; instead of tbe da
acription erroneously put iu tuerte rt
mentioned as beioii recorded the 30 h
day of July, 1891, and for sueb oicerai rl
farther order aa lo the con 't may m m
jubt and proper and according to equity.
This Bummona it served by piiulica
tion by the order of tbe Hun. William
Galloway, jndue of the bjv entiiled
conrt, dnly made on tbe 8tb da; o
Aoguat, 1906, which order prescribed
that tbe first publication thereof ehull
be mane on tbe 14 b day of September.
1906, and tbe laet publication thereof
abal: ba made on tbe 20th day of October,
1908, requiring tbe said defeudanta to
appear and answer tbe complaint of tbe
plaintiffs, -led in tbe above entitled
court, on or before tbe 29tn day of Oclo
ber. 1906.
Dated . .he I0t U' Sip-, ember,
Attorneya f r PlalntiSi.
A General AttacK on China.
This was the opening day for upland
birds, and the fields were full of hunt
ers from daylight, when the crack of
the Winchesters and Marlins and Stev
ens, etc., be?an. Hunters have done
well to get their limit, but there are
rumors of some far in excess of the
While a good many birds had been
killed before hand there were plenty
left, and great sport is reported.
Albanv sent out a crowd. Prominent
nimrods were also present from other
places. Portland sent up quite a dele-
Kuiiu'i, among mem Deuig wiua un
lock of the Telegram, N. F. Sargeant,
C. A. McCargar, L. E. Trent, H. D.
Sill, H. H. Fish, Geo. H. Jeffries and
J. R. Posson. E. D. Griggs and E. R.
Wheeler. Drominent Tacoma shots.
came over here to get a few birds and
I i! .1 Il . l
uejiu me nuust ui tne spun.
A tariff law went into effect in Japan
noon for their home at Glendale.
The National Association retail drug
gists convened in Atlanta, Ua. today.
Dr. E. J. ThomDson went to
pendence and Corvallis this afternoon.
t,,j T3.,tt oi. ,- ; 4i,
city this afternoon on a visit with his
if,, 4-u; ,, ,,;';4. ;th u;
Jack Allen, in full dress suit, left
this noon for Philomath, on telephone
H. K. Jackson, a son of Minor Jack-
son, of Brownsville, was an Albany vis-
itor this afternoon.
Mrs. C. R. McHargue. of near Har-
risburg, returned this noon from a
Portland trip.
President Roosevelt returned to
Washington today after a long summer
at Oyster Bay.
The appointments of the M. E. con-
f erence in session at Portland will not
be announced until tonight.
loieoo .eaaer:-w. a. roterson,
assisant C. & E. agent at Albanv, visit-
ed his parerits-also her-in Tol6do last
Walter Bilyeu returned, to Portland
this morhiner to resume his dental
studies. He will graduate next spring,
A pleasant social event was a China
shower in honor of Miss Jessie Cox-who
next Wednesday will become Mrs.
Harry Loveall.
A sale of stuff on the poor farm has
been made and the farm will be rented
out, the lessee to board the inmates at
a price to oe agreed upon.
MaVOr OChmitZ OI ban f ranClSCO left
?day n . three months European trip,
Probaby to escape the awful political
tano- ff in Rnn Frnni- een
tnnirlp in Snn hranmai
Rev. and Mrs. Babcoek, of Salem,
were in the city this afternoon on their
way nome irom wewpori, wnere tney
Mrs. A. C. Westgate Saturday even-
ine entertained a number of vounir
people in a pleasant manner in honor of
her brother, of California, who is here
on a visit.
Miss' tioodin, one of the .eachers in
the Prineville schools, left this morning
for that citv. accompanied hv Helpn
'".V 'iVZ r -iiuiii-,t auei u vuit wua buuniv
Treasurer Elkins. 3
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Sloan will leave
tomorrow mornintr for Elbowwoods. N.
Dak., on a vUit with their son Burr
oioan, cne agency carpenter, expecting
. -OIW wttiecii, ui ..ue . ui uw.u jlci-
am. came ud Saturday evenintr. nnH
Kram. came up Saturday evening,
veHLernav cnnir n nein with niv w i.
v tir i ... ... BVVV.IU.U hi. na.iuiiai xi ligation jiciii uui--aiiiaii. mi. turn iuiei. i
Marks through the country. Mr. Haz- Congress at Boise, returned to Red- Olin Stelcnaker, of Albanv, spent Sun
en is not a hunter, except after news, mond Saturday bringing with him his day with Miss Bessie Frisby.
and did not go out today after birds. father and sister, who will visit there j John Butterworth came up this noon 1
R. G. Littler spent Sunday in Albany r a while. . to attend the regular Bession of the
vn guesr. or nis orotner ur. vard
Litt'er. He is a member of the West
Coast Engineer Co.. installers of tele-
phone systems and electric light plants,
which is doing a fine business.
Members of the M. E. conference
came up to Salem this forenoon to con-
duct the dedication services of the new
Kimball theological seminary, and will
return to Portland this evening to com
plete the work of the conference.
The Democrat recently run a want
aciv. i:r tpe (Jo-operative Land Co.
Anrirti Pnildinn- Minnoan-Ma Minr. i
is now lea n-d the government has Washington-J. T. Bibb, Tacoma v j ' eturn.a,d r. J,00" 0,.
dec Wth concern fraudulent, an in- seal lock; V. E. Campbell, Goldendale' ! ?ort'an-. , JeV- McDougall will be"
vostigati-n revealing its fake character, gas cut-off; J. Crawford, Seattle f uel-1 tonight.
William Sproule. who has been feeding apparatus; E. E. Johnston, I Louis Stimson, of Salem, Grand keep
freight traffic man -er of the Southern Lyle, kettef-cover; P. M. Lupton, Seat- ; er of th,e ,rec.9r?s, and ,eels ,for many
i ani ii-. mi mi c ii-!r. loaav Dee an
.-;.; ..: ...
working f..r the Gu.-i;enheimer Smelter
i rust at SuU.i'OO a year. Mr. Sproule
has been in Albany several times. He
is succeeded by H. A. Jones.
A dispatch from Scio to the Salem
Statesman savs an elpptrii? milcuov nitii
be built in the near future . connecting
jcio witn saiem, mat irom scio the
line will extend up Thomas creek and
Crabtree, tapping the fine belt of
timber there, of which heavy purchases
have been made the past month.
Mrs. Dr. Thomas, of Mollalla, re-
turned this morning from a visit with
Mrs. E. A. Parker, her sister, at Cot-1
tage rove, nno leic lor home this af-'
ternoon. Mrs. Thomas was one of the '
charter members of the Pleasant-.
Grove Presbyterian church organized '
fifty years ago, when she was fifteen
years of age. As she looks to ha nnlv
about forty five it is difficult to realize
State W. C. T. U.
Mrs. Henrietta Brown, Mrs. L. E.
Blain, Mrs. W. ' F. Garrett and Mrs.
Nutting left today for Newberg to at-
and it will last until Thursday after
tend the twenty-fourth annual meeting stock law was imposed on Saturday by
e6nresp!idin sfe "ft XX
etaoorate Droetam wi l be carrieri nut
On Saturday evening at the home of
the bride's father, Dr. J. L. Hill, Mr.
Fred Ward and Miss Emily Graham
Kill were united in marriage. Rev. S.
A. Douglas performing the ceremony
in the presence of a large number of
relatives and friends.
Miss Hill, wearing a pretty costume
of white net was accompanied by Miss
Pearl Savage as bride's maid the groom
by Mr. Vere Macduffe of Portland as
best man. Mendellsohn's wedding
march was played by Mrs. M. D.
Brandeberry. The surrounding decor
ations were very pretty.
Following congratulations a fine re
past was served by Misses Carrie Ward
and Cassie and Ruth Thompson in the
dining room.
Miss Mary Thompson was fortunate
in catching the bride's bouquet.
Both the groom and bride are natives
of Linn county, members of prominent
families, popular young people with a
a large circle of friends whose best
wishes they will have for happiness
and prosperity.
Mr. Winfield Scott Churchill ana
Miss Anna Rhoda Smith were united in
marriage Sunday. September 30th, at
10:01) a. m. at the Congregational
parsonage in the presence of a number
of relatives and intimate friends, by
Rev. G. W. Nelson. The young people
groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs., W. S.
. 4.m-.-..! - .-- -
uro uuwi imuve ureuunians. mo,
I np
....-..i.i, ui mmvww ami is a ,uu..s
man oi excellent Character ana in-
of excellent character ana in-
dustrious habits.
The bride, a daught-
er of Mr. and Mrs. W. .T. Smith, of
Tangent" k .mm Inrli nf handsome1.
bearing and real worth After a short
honeymoon spent among relatives and
friends the young couple will make
their home on a farm near Plainview,
Oregon, where they will be at home to
their many friends who wish them the
greatest happiness and highest pros-
Dnl Paris- in Tnun
Rev. Paul Rader, superintendent of
the Anti-Saloon League of Oregon,
spent yesterday in Albany, accompan- Mrs. Rader. He preached an able
. XT , , . . .
sermon at the u- p- church ln the fore-
noon on Christian Manhood, and deliy-
ered a pointed address in the afternoon
at the Christian church, emthasiz-
ing a pledge to read: "I will vote for
P man m whatever party who is known
p way to be favorable to the liquor
traffic," and giving a history of the
beinp-iau-- uiuvcjuciib Hum o.x,
when Dr. Benjamin Rush started a re-
torm against a haoit so.common all the
ministers drank and many became in-
toxicatea up to the present time. In
imu ramer ttiattnew swept ireiana
with his Lpmnrnnrn nlpriorA nnrl outyia
to the United States. In 1855 New York
State went dry and all New England,!
u. ikA.:..:i n.,:.u .4 t '
4U n,:.u !4
v ivt, wi wn,ii ils u-manu iur .
revenue came and the liquor tax made!
a new era. Mr. fiader stated that
uio uuiiu uikiu -vei-y ury county in me
n at?;v'gin.h? 8Poke ,a f?w min'
utes at the Presbyterian church.
Over the Hills.
Prineville Review and' Journal:
. ; .iee PA many, xacner ot
u A 1 It m . , .
lsom Uleek OI this Clace cama in nn
thi Tmornin'a -raP '
this morning's stage.
Mnnv oIrI.t!m- iii K -t..j
hear fW J w n.,." T
Crook countv man", it T hale and heartv
and eniov nt? life in Albanv. Mr. nun-
-.-...-., , woj.
C. 1VT. PoHfiolH nftlin t j?, t nn
whr. .tf-mricH fi.n XTn.:ni t : .:
K. S. Price returned the first of the
week from Albany, where he has been
visiting his father, Nimrod Price, for
sometime. Mr. Price reports having
naa a pleasant visit, meeting while
there a brother whom he has not seen
lor eleven,
Northwestern Inventors.
Tile following Dntents wero issmprl
last week to North tvpntsm imrontn-o.
t K.n.j -.... I .
lJI cn;i uumuur; a. itiarcnana.
Buckingham, selector of lockout, for
party lines; T. j. McDonagh, Seattle,
ruK fastener; John Nash, N. Yakima,
dor securer; J. N. Noyer, Gould City,
J?r-1 escaPe; B- Parker, N. Yakima,
railway gate. a
h 8on J- W. Barnard, Joseph, I
T - -i-i?"" ' -.--. . iauur,
PtlcK dumping machine; G. Nettle, Lea-
S.u.rgUs?1atcn bkf.k: w H- Robinson,
, Yalle c,upLln?;
ldaho-C. Mead, Murray, mining ma-
c":e A" W balokar' ""ton, fly
The Scio Fair.
ti,- c! - i o .
The Scl0,fa'r last Saturday "as a
euc.ess. There was a large attendance
and a fine display of things and exhibit
an interesting character. Dr. Withv-'
combe was present ai.d delivered the
address of the day I
The First Fine.
run at large. The fine was $10. Should
there be second the fine will be
The first fine for violation of the
Recorder's office:
Assignment of mortgage for S2018.
Cancellation of mortgage for $300.
Receipts of County
September $205.25.
clerk for
Probate: Sale confirmed in estats of
Elizabeth Newman.
1060 hunter's licenses
100 short of last year.
issued, about
16 marriage
licenses issued doing
The County poor farm has been rent
ed to Ruel Hoeflich, who will take
charge of it Oct. 2 on a years lease.
Mr. Hoflich will keep the County poor
at a price to be agreed upon.
Tax receipts issued 6577.
The week beginning October 22 has
been set for the meeting of the board
of equalization.
Death of Harriet Hess.
Miss Harriet Hess died at the homa
of her mother, Mrs. Sarah A. Mont
gomery, Saturday evening, Sept. 29.
! SL-jfi?..?1 atX?ra- Me had always
I mv iiuo n iijiuciiii ui
Vu i!r me "I"1 y?ar
or two ago. when she moved with her
A n ... ...
4h- aJ . . u. - - :
" ","'".'""' T .
" napttst cnurcn oi mis
. "?. a nsuient Christian woman.
The remains were brought to Al-
ny i!? noon. when a short service
X?s ..-el' the old fami'y residence on
West Fifth street, followed by burial
In tha fanr'lly lot in ths city cemetery.
And Wholesale Business for
R. C, Churchill has rented the store
room of R. M. Crawford, at the corner
of First and Washington streets for a
candy factory and wholesale confec
tionary store. It is being neatly fitted
Up and a first-class plant will be mit in.
A force of two professional candy
makers and five girls will be employed
Bt the start. Mr. Churchill will put a
traveller on tne roaa ana ue in tne neia
for the business on a wholesale' scale.
He will continue to run his retail store,
a very popular place. Mr. Churchill
has already done considerable of a man-
ufacturmcr business, establishine- a
nnl.-n -An..4n4: . .nlrA
but it will be greatly enlarged. '
' B e"'arBeu-
E. F. Fenton went to Portland this
v. f. Wolcott is up from Portland.
looking after his Albany store.
I Miss Anna Flinn went to Portland
. this morning on a few days visit. I
I L. A. Newton, the telephone man. '
! has returned from a Portland trip. j
I Mrs. Z. B. Moss, of Brownsville, was
in the city today on a business trip.
P. J. -lAndross, the Eiler man, re
turned this noon from a Corvallis trip,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Armstrong, of Cor
vallis, were in the city this afternoon.
vallis, were in the city this afternoon,
I Dr. Hill this forenoon trave his
Dr. Hill this forenoon gave his
: reKular medical talk to the Willamette
l.'I.eSS "KUIS
-.w, "uwi.u w i.iwmiu tuna
Uo. otni-,-. . j
commandery of Knights Templars.
Charles Warner, the Scio mill man.
has been in the city on a visit at
. home'of his father Geo. P. Warner.
I n. i- i4 4li.
morning for Atilia, Wash., where Bhe
will reside with her brother the coming
George Gourley, the Cottage Grove
photographer, returned home today
after a visit at the home of E. G.
Kev, Greggory, of the Lebanon M.
vpht-r nr rnp k nicrnra nr cvrnina utuj
r . : .z " . . - - j
in the citv today.
Dr. H. B. Stanley, of Shedd, was in
the city this afternoon on his way to
Buena Vista, where he will be for five
or six weeks. ,
J. J. Dicken, a popular yard engine
man, wil leave tonight for Los Angeles,
He has ,
wnere ne expects
to work.
been here four months.
S. E. Young returned last evening .
from Seattle, where he had been to I
look after his property there, twenty I
five acres in the northern suburbs.
Mrs. H. Leweaux and children left ;
this noon for Los Angeles where Mrs, I
Leweaux will study osteopathy with ,
the view of making it her prof ession.
Samuel K. Hartsock, the Corvallis
druggist, hunted past Wells yesterday,
spending last evening at the home of
f hifn
his father. He reported the fields full
.S-C. Caldwell, one of the Bend s
clty father3 formerly of this city, is In
Albany on a business trip Mrs. Cald-
vrcn ims ueeu visiting i mu iiumej ui.
her father J. W. Pugh, of Shedd, for
several weeks.
R. P. Habersham, of Astoria, was in
tne city last evening on nis way homo
from Newport, wW he has had
charge of the survey of tho Corvallis
and Eastern extension.
W. H, Bowman, who opened his new
room'm? huuse at the corner of Lvon
and Third streets recently already has
every room filled. With modern ccn-', nvatly furnished and well
located, it is greatly appreciated. J
$19,103.37 for Educational Pur
poses. Superintendent Jackson has com
pleted the apportionment of funds for
this , half of the year. It consists of
$1.70 per capita from the state, 20
cents from the county and $50for each
district, besides the institute fund of $5
per teacher for each- one reporting.
The leading districts will be paid as
Albany ' $2302.30
Lebanon 811.60
N. Brownsville 484.20
S. Brownsville 30b.30
Scio 260.20
Harrisburg 466.60
Halsey 302.00
SweetHome i... 246 90
Tangent 229.90
SheUd 213,90
Sodavillel 193.70
Crawfordsville 253.80
Waterloo 153.80
Knox's Butte 167.10
Crabtree. 152.60
Oakville 202.50
Mill City 189.90
Syracuse..,. 139i30
The following jury was drawn today I
for the term of court convening ,
October 22:
Albany. R E Crawford, J D Burk
hart, R K Ohling. R A Gordon.
Harriaburg E J Nixon. I
Halsey. Otis Taylor, J C Bramwell.
Center. I Wheafdon. i
Tangent. A Blevins, G W Cochran.
Lebanon. J Q Swink, J M Lettle, J
C Klum, E E Taylor.
Shelburn. E V Smith, RL DeVaney.
Jordan. S B Cole.
Sweet Home. John Wallace, A W
Stone, John Lawrence.
Brownsville. Geo Harrison, R E
Shedd.-W W Poland. Volney
Robinett, John Duncan.
Lacomb. W T Hassler.
Kingston. Chas F Schaeffer.
Orleans. J S Bell.
Santiam.M C Gaines. ;
Scio. Frank M Scio. I
Price. -C L Show, F M Smith. j
Deeds recorded: '
F E North to Oscar Whitman, 132
acres $ 179
Eugene Whitman to Oscar Whit
man, 132 acres 1
D H Hawley to Geo and Orin
Frum, 5.31 acres 1200
Mataz C Anfal to John V Svetecha,
240 acres tp 10 one west 7440
Chatel mortgages for $250 and $260.
Satisfactions for $400 and $600.
Circuit court; New caso: Anna L
Chamberlain agt Chas L Chamberlain.
Married Oct 12. 1899. Desertion since
March 1900. W R Bilyeu attorney.
Over 1100 hunters licenses issued.
Bil . . . , . ...
cent is added to all unpaid taxes.
.j.6........B , m ,
After Roseburg Franchise.
Lawyer C. L. McNary, of Salem,
nassed throue-h the citv vesterdav nn
his way home from Roseburg, where
ne naa oeen to secure a franchise for
fne wi amette valley up. the meet-
lnB lIie cny council Monday evening
w! S,".?. ,1.?,!7-f S
u;r V. CJ "71 "' "'". "? "en."
mattwasposlburuid h
irancmse will probably De r ranted
l.f. .
A Dollar for a Bottle.
uarunier, w. o. tjoraon; urants fass,
C. O. Beackman; Halsey and Harris
A Corvalln man put a friend onto burg, George Clark; Junction City, F.
how he could get a bottle of liquor for S. Clemo; Marshfield.W. R. F. Browne;
a dollar, an I in fact got it for him, re- Ai?Tt' Wl C,n Reulter:' yrtle Point,
ceiving tho dulUr. The man who was SL'J: RKer s! Roseburg, A. P. Boyd;
a farmer put it in the straw in the rear S 1 .'i 1 S .r"l5 e,dl W
of his w.i-on, but while he was hitch- MbErsk,nC.;r Wn''!)u& B- AV,Brlstoii, .
ing up the f fiend who had sold it to him 0T- ll xt Tumble, of Fresno, Cal.,
stole it. This made the fnrmer mad anu, Ur- L- Rockwell of Eugene will
and he complained to the properoflicials excnanee places,
and there was immediately an arrest i
and something,
The farmer con-
iinues to De thirsty,
Fine Crop of Prunes.
The prune crop has practically been
saved. Lasselb Bros, report verrv
little loss, no mora than usual. Tho
r-rnn nirnn-Arrtur m i i-ttrr enn nnrin n.n.i:-
to the vallev as a fruit trrowintrsentinn
uUlfi vimoimnticua
and shows what it can do in a good
year. It Is possible there may be yards
tl,at "ave not Deen properly attended
to that are short, but, as a whole the
crip is a nne one, and will put a good
deal of money in circulation in tho val-;
Prince Pointed for Them.
mong the Portland hunters who se
cured a few birds out in the fields a-
round Albany were Dr. Jos. D. Stern- and perhaps is getting ready to accent
berg, Lawyer Cbarles Sternberg, and another call. 1
Dr. Armstrong, a prominent physician, '
who got a string of seventeen birds a-1 he new Sodaville college began bus
bout evenly divided. Dr. Sternberg Iness this morning undlr resident
brought with him his blooded bird dog Geddes.
Prince, whose picture was shown in the . i-.,,ik r,4. itru-i . . ,
Sunday Oregonian, who did good work. ' ."pringle Sift
street Saturday afternoon a team at-
A peculiar case occurrced at Salem ?Kid"ate 11 bv '
this week. Sam Castro was arrested aH and I h?- il & bf8mfrigh en
on the charge of assulting U. A. Bar- ??A kJf' JD Vr1!-
rows at the fair ground a week or two lmB 5f an.ey8,0ne "orse had whirled a
ago. Tfawu21!FVu. round, twisted the. harness until the
rows did the aFsaultinrr. and Cantrowna
,n.-v,,rt j .,. .","j :.i
"ged and Barrows arrested and
fined $10.
Smn tlu The Kind Yoo Haw Alwart Bold!
BQ sojv)
Eruptions Appeared on. Chest, and
Face and Neck Were. All Broken
Out Scales and Crusts Formed -
Iowa Lady Has Great Faith
in Cuticura Remedies for Skin
"I had an eruption appear on my
cheat and body and extend upwards
arid downwards, so that my neck and.
face were all broken out; also my arms,
and the lower limbs as far as the knees
I at first thought it was prickly heat.
But soon scales or crusts formea where
the breaking out was. Instead of going
to a physician. I purchased a complete,
treatment of the Cuticura Remedies, in.
which I had great faith, and all was
satisfactory. A year or two later the
eruption appeared again, only a little
lower; but before it had time to Bpread
I procured another supply of the Cuti
cura Remedies, and continued their uso
until the cure was complete. It is now
five years, sinco the lost attack, and
have not seen any signs of a return. I
have taken about threo bottles of tha
Cuticura Resolvent, and do not know
how much of tho Soap or Ointment, aa
I always keep them with mo; probably
one half dozen of each.
" I decided to give the Cuticura Rem
edies a trial after I had seen tho results
of their treatment of eczema on an
infant belonging to one of our neigh
bors. Tho parent took the child to tho
nearest physician, but his treatment did
no good. So they procured tho Cuticura
Remedies and cured hor with them.
When they began using Cuticura Rem
edies her faco was terribly disfigured
with sores, but she was entirely cured,
for I saw the same ohild at the ago of
five years, and her mother told mo the
eczema had never broken out sinco. I
have more faith in Cuticura Remedies
for skin diseases than anything I know
of. I am, respectfully yours, Emma E.
Wilson, Liscomb, Iowa, Oct. 1, 1905."
Complete Exlemel end Intertill Treetment lor Everr
Ilumur, from I'lmi.Ipi to Scrorule, from lnfency to Ape,
coneletlnK ol Culkur. Soep, c, OIntiiient, H., ""ol'T
eiit.Wc.finlorm ol chocoleto Coeteil Pi le,. 25e. per vUl
ol ), mil- be hid ol ill drugltl.le. A elittle eel alien cUNfc
l'ollei 'nriijt Chen.. Corp.Solo J'-.J1"I 'JfS, e.
M.Dougall Remains at
. East Portland District- -B. F. ' Row
land, presiding elder, Portland. Alb
any, J. W. McDougal ; Corvallis, G.H.
Frese; Jefferson, G. O. Oliver; Leb
anon, J. C. Gregory; Lincoln, C. W.
Pogue; Pleasant Home, C. E. Crandall:
ouieiu, r irsi, cnurcn, w. n. seiucK;
Leslie church, E. Gittins; Siletz Indian
Mission, r. J. Khinehart; Silverton,
44U.'.., -t V. .tlllllGllll OllVVl Lull,
Thomas Maxwell; Turner, J. H. Fowler:
lri.i 1 I ti . . ii r 1 1 . . . '
viuiu, u. raiwn; vvoouourn, u, u.
' West Portland District W. B. Hol-
lingshead, presiding elder; Amity, A.
J. Hollingsworth; Carlton, J. V. Park
ah. r,i:.. t tit -n t-.,,- a
-4, uiiioiius, el. yr. 4un: uauas, A.
C. Brackenbury; Dayton, M. P. Dixon;
Falls City. George F. Round: Inde
pendence. W. J. Doue-lflfl.i: Mr-Minn-
ville, J. K. Hawkins; Newberg, C. K.
Hamilton; North Yamhill and Dilley,
C. A. Stockwell; Sheridan, R. ft.
vv rutins.
Eucene District M. C, Wii-o nrir1,
J. H Sa-idmore: Conuille and Bandon.
George Ellis; Cottage Grove, J. L.
Beatty; Creswell, J. L. Strattford;
Drain, H. J. Van Fossen; Elkton, W.
B. PelTer; Eugene, D. H. Trimble;
Never Missed a Shot.
H. W. Mver, a leading young Salem
merchant hunted around Albany yester-
day under the guidance i
i of M. Winter.
1 hey got their limit by 1 o'clock. Mr.
""7ar naa new oui)ie barreled gun.
" ' "cvei iiiissku a hiiul, in iact Mr.
,v'lnter. ae;lares that he killed three
,.nnt...A-. . a. u '
". thipS5 H!i Lt!l,4?0od
8part and tne,r doS8 dld Srea' work.
H.nnu Hlw, r o,.
""rrJ "'h wniniij a-i.
I Happy McMainea.who obtained great
notoriety in Corvallis on account of his
violation of the focal option law, who
has been in the east making money
with his long hair, has written Corval
lis friends that he will return to Cor
vallis with hair cut off and his character
rnfnrmpd Hnnnv vae nnnn n 1
otner norse was. thrown and. wound
wareiy in the straps, break ng the
brggy tongue off short and creStud Ttt
general panic among the bystanders.
r Following an earnest request that
there should be no hazing the studet ti
of the U. of O. began business at once,
the sophomores hazing several fre-r-
I men Saturday evening. They will do.