Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 28, 1906, Page 1, Image 1

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Peopl Who Come and Go.
H B Carter, lone.
Carroll H Cinhman, Portland.
J N Woodruff, "
Ephrain DeVan, Louisville.
G P Terrell, Mehama.
Judge J E Howard, Portland.
. O M Scott, Portland.
S Schallman, Chicatto.
M S Woodward, Corvallis.
F E Flahertv, Philadelphia.
F T Thayer, Jordan.
E M Morris, Po-tland.
H M Worwick, Harrington.
E T Price, Portland.
H C McKoon, Cloverdale, Calif.
J E Sibley, Dallas.
C S McDevitt, "
D O Wentworth and wf, S F.
Aug A Poolman, Portland.
Hops Sold.
The hops on the new Anthony yard,
opened this year on the Oakville road,
! were so d today for 19 cents, the
; present price for Al hops. The crop
on this yard was a remarkably good
: one for the first season. The picking is
! not yet done, there being about two
' days more to do.
Oysters! Oysters!
First of the season at the Oregon j
i.Market. Both phones. 2d & Ferry.3
Sewing Machines
Buy at
and save agents
Burns Shoe Store
R Machines repaired & rented
Have You Seen the
cial sale on
S O AP this week
(310 West 1st Street, Albany, Oregon)
Offer interesting varieties for shoppers
desiring low prices and good goods
S ,
A first-class stock .of groceries, fruits and produce
Hardware and builders goods generally
: A fine line of stoves at cost, to close out
Stael Hammocks, the est made
i best guns in the ma -ket, including the
Vtachesc-i, L. C, Smith, Biker, Belgium,
' ti.v-,,e rifles, Davis and Par.;er, with the
powder and shells :o go with them
Reduced to
$1.00 per sack - $3.80 per barrel
Manufactured and Guaranteed.
tor sale at all Grocers.
cj -e-, s r o n t .
Dean tha ' ' ' ' OH Hw always 3om
T! Kind Von Hw Hlways J
Safe Blown Up. $100 in NicKles
Salem, Sept. 22. The store of J. J.
Ryan of Butteville was lobbed and the
safe blown up last night. $100 in dimes
and nickles is missing. The thief stole
a black mare of Ryan and escaped in
the direction of Aurora. There is no
clue now to the robber.
Cascade Locks, Sept. 22. Baddens
saloon was burglarized last night.
Some cigars, tobacco and liquor and $15
n cash was taken.
Drafting Pendleton Men.
Pendleton, Sept. 22. The city is
considering the drafting of every able
bodied voter to work repairing the
broken levee caused by the big flood.
No bids have been received for the con
tract and the city is unable to get vol
; untary workmen
l The Seattle Floated.
I Seattle, Sept. 22. The City of Se
' attle was floated safely at Trial Island
and has proceeded north uninjured.
Fatal Explosion,
Jellico, Tenn., Sept. 21. Twdve
, deaths, the injury of scores of others
and five hundred thousand dollars dam
age uu property waa uuuseu uere luuuy
by the explosion of a carload of 20,000
pounds of dynamite standir.g on a sid
ing near the Southern railroad station.
Olympic Pateni Hard Wh at Flour.
, the best, $1.30 asack at all the grocery
; stores.
I Special prices on stock and poultry
foods at Stewart & SoxHdw. Co
Tried and found reliable
V.oney to Loan.
Money to loan in sums of $500.00 up
to $10,003.00 on farm and city proper
erties in Linn County, at six per cent
102 E. First, St., Albany Oregon.
Albany Transfer Co.
We will keep on hand a supply of
dry block wood. Will also do your
hauling of any kind. House hold goods
a specialty. Office witn Howard, Rob
erts & Cooper. Phone Red 661; Resi
dence Phone Red 822. Prompt atten
tion paid to Phone orders
Howard & Masterson. Props.
A Mixture of Things and Thoughts
It would; mean something if Gould
got hold of the C. & E.
A Portland woman thinks she is a
kissing bug. She is due at Salem.
The argument that hits the mark is
worth a dozen that never touch it.
Rainer would hardly have been heard
of but for the bank robbery.
The management of the Philippines
is a graft affair from end to end and
back again.
The Portland collectorship continues
to hang fire. Can't Senator. Fulton,
make up his mind.
The gathering of ex-editors at the
Bay this week means something doing
in the newspaper world nereatter! !
Without Col. Hofer present the meet
ing of the state press association at
Newport this week will be a dry affair.
The biggest crop of grain in Benton
county was about 8,000 bushels, all sold
before the wheat was cut at an even 60
The Lebanon people are rustling for
a better train service. It would be
.pleasant all along the line to see the
train in on time.
Dr. G. S. Wright, dentist, a member
of the next state legislature, intends to
pull the following, if possible: a board
of control of all state educational insti
tutions, a chair of pedagogy for the
U. of O., a bill taxing lodge and church
property not used directly for benevo
lent purposes.
It transpires that subordinates in the
Milwaukee avenue Bank for a long time
knew that the president and cashier
were looting the bank, and kept still.
Now thev are eoiner to tell all about it
when it is too late to do any good to the
poor depositors. It s a mignty small
man who won't stop a thief.
S. B. Hansard Released.
This afternoon S. B. Hansard paid
Sheriff; Smith $162 for 81 days impris
onment remaining against him and he
was released, leaving the jail a free
man. He was imprisoned for six
months for violation of the local option
law, and had until December to serve.
Homer Davenport's Horses.
Homer Davenport has been heard from.
He has been in Arabia, and writes his
father that he. had been successful in
securing twenty-one genuine Arabian
horses, a difficult thing to do, as they
do not as a rule allow them to be taken
out of that country, but Homer had a
letter from President Roosevelt, and
that was an open sesame and he got
the horses and a present of another one.
He was treated royally. When he ar
rives in New York, which will be soon,
he will be it in horse circles.
Hai vey and Rjalto Back.
J. H. Roberts, train dispatcher, and
Rialto Weatherford, the Harrisburg
farmer returned yesterday from their
trip across the mountains. A large
crop of whiskers indicated that they had
been gone for some time. They went
by the middle folk of the Santiam and
came back by the Santiam route, !
getting some genuine rough ex- j
periences. They were not disturbed by
deer or cougars. Thev went into Prine-,
ville, the metropolis of the county, and !
report a pleasant experience.
Headquarters for Bicycles.
We are headquarters for Bicycles.
We have the celebrated Pierce with or
without cushion frames and spring
The world renown Nationals and Stan
ards. These are about the only wheels
thatare not made by the trust.
We also have the Ramblers. Giveus
a call.
Baltimore Cvi Bicycle Works
OpposUo Oemocrat Office.
Half Fare to Spokane.
The remarkably low rate of $13,65,
half fare, will be made from Albany to
and from Spokane, to the Pacific North
west Commercial Bodies convention,
September 23. Selling dates, Sept. 23
and 24. Limit Oct. 7. Good on O. R.
& N. or Northern Pacific beyond Port
land. You arc respectfully invited td cal
at our office for the purpose of examin
ing Bamples and taking prices of En
Braved Calling Cards, Invitations, etc.
Our work the bent, styles the latest
and prices the lowest. Rawlings, 13
groacialUr St.
- . J- X .
f 5ta MYm Have um BougM
A false alarm this afternoon while
the system was being repaired.
A Benton county sale: R. C. Baugh-
man to c. omau, z acres near Albany
Jim Jeffries and nartv arrived in Eu
gene yesterday from their mountain
hunt. They killed twenty-one deer and
one cougar and had a great time. They
declared it the best place to hunt in the
Mrs. J. K. Berrv. of Cnrvallis tried
to commit suicide thi3 weeK. Family
troubles, perhaps a little Holy Roller
ism in it. Now the husband nnd wifn
are said to have made up and agreed to
ave togetner.
Negotiations for the sale of the elec
tric light and water plant of Roseburg
to the Willamette Valley Co. failed.
Instead the plant has been sold to G.
G. Majors of New York, a competitor
for it, who will take personal charge of
Religious Services.
M. E. Church South: Services next
Sunday as follows: 10 a. m. Sunday
school; 11 a. m. preaching; 8 p. m,
preaching. This will be the last ap
pointment for thU conference year of
the present pastor and all the members
are urged to be present at one or both
services. The quarterly meeting will
be held at Tangent on Oct. 2nd at
which time Bishop Atkins will preach
at s p. m. a. a. Jones, pastor.
The United Presbvterian Church:
The subject of the morning sermon will
be, The Divine Substitute; of the even
ing sermon, rast r eeling.
M. E. Church:-Last Sabbath of the
conference year, In the morning com
munion and reception service and in the
evening Rev. J. L. Beattv of Marshfield.
Oregon, will preach. The new Hymnals
will be used bmorrow. All will be
made welcome. ;
Christian. Bible school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ir.
Morning theme, ,-An Indifferent
Church '; evening, "Lisson from Three
Crosses." The junior Endeavors will
begin their work at 3 p, m. under the
direction of Miss Erma Livingston. Y.
P. S. C. E. will meet at 6:30. A cor
dial invitation to all.
Congregational Church. Kev. G. W.
Nelson pastor:-Service3 Sunday at 10
', a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; preaching by the
vtaotn,. Mnpnlnr. Lk.nnl- .'TkA FW...
uuLfuuiLiiie.iLa ui une: evening Limine.
"The Blessedness of -Living." Miss
Hit III ii - c - i -ii
ivierrui, recently oi mmnigan, win ren
der a violin sold It the evening service.
Sunday school t 11:45. A seat and
welcome ior an ,
i Evangelical iliurch. Kev. R. F.
Jameson, pastor. Sunday school at 10
, u. m. miss rjinma . cucKner, oupt.
I Preaching at 11 m. and 7:30 p. m.
; morning suDject.une Late tnat tells.
All are welcome. j
Fifty Yeaij Old Churth.
Dr. E. J. Thompson lef t this morningH
j-ui x ui iter, wnerq ntr win noia services
rian church four miles east of that
piace. ine event will oe an important
one there, being .the fiftieth anniver-
etiiy ui uie organization oi ine cnurcn,
one of the pioneers in the valley. An
elaborate program has been arranged
for this evening and all day tomorrow
in commemoration of the golden event.
Last Excursion.
Grand Final Harvest and Hoppicker's
Excursion, the last of the season, from
Detroit to Newport and return will be
run by the Corvallis and Eastern rail
road, Sunday, September 23, 1906.
Salmon fishing, boating, surf bathing
and the meeting of the Oregon Press
Association will wind up the season's
attractions. S. P. season or three day
tickets good on excursion.
Hand Loaded Mulls.
Those wishing any of P. J. Balti
more's celebrated hand loaded shells
for the 1st of Oct. should put in their
orders soon as he has to load them dur
ing his spare moments. They are just
the same as he loaded for himself in his
palmy days when at thi traps he killed
47 live pigeons straight and 39 China
pheasants straight in the field, and
making runs of 30 and over at different
times. He has always haned his own
shells since the Breech Loading shot
gu.i came to our coast. You will find
him opposite the Democrat office.
KEEP an liiM, on the Vienna Bakery
for good things to EAT. Second street
between Ellsworth and Lyon streets.
Kotic 1- hen bv iiiveo thitt 'he under
fl Kud r.dtmni'irftnx uf ibu tmate
ol Ct.rlio HlH-t r-r, defeated, in
furhiiHMR- at n nril r of the County
Out nl Linn C or.U, Oirnoo marie id
ihe m"vr ot iiib phIiI estBio on Augnst
13th, 19. 0, will 1 1 oin mid alter the 29th
ttay o 8-p etnif r, 19' 6 fell at private
iMle for rash In bain, all the it tore-1 of
tn id flee ae d in ai.d to the following
dt-erib'd reel propHrty, io-il :
Tn- West . all of lie North West
Qun'ter nl 8-ciion 14 in Town-hip 10,
b,.uih ot RaiiKR 1 Em oi ihn Willamette
Meridian, ar.d t"B t-cnth E"t Quarter
ol t ne North Kt Q iRi'er (nd Lot No.
) ol bectiun 10 iu Tunl Ip 10, t'outh of
RaiitM 1 E t: n' t' o M il amette Mer
idi .n In Linn Count, regon, con
tainir.s 140 tirrt
r'Tit puhl.iail.i-. Argosl Slat, 1906,
La. Sim-i 28.1.. 19 0
Lizz a HKiiAtiT, Adm nldratrlx,
H Ll.VAAT A bON .-ttM.
Is depending upon three things, name
ly: quality, knowledge and a suitable
vessel in which to prepare it.
The first is easily obtained by using
our Diamond Blend, 25c, Oc or 5c the
pound, while we explain any points to
you that you wish.
The third essential we have just been
able to obtain and that is an up-to-date
percolating coffee pot that every house
keeper should have. Now on exhibi
tion in our window.
. Commercial Coffee & Crockery Co.
Both Phones Main 53.
1 f &fBSSG$l&$2i
For the largest stock of Guns and Ammunition go to th ALBANY GUN
the best Shells on the market; not made by the Trusts; no old shells here;
all free from the Factory; clean and strong; just what you are looking for.
Call on me before you buy. It will pay you.
Mail Orders Promptly Attended To
Bloomer Safe and Lock Company
Only Safe with an Air Chamber
Inside cannot get hot
Grand Gold Medal
5c to $2 50 Roll
Woodworth Drug Co., Age
At Stetter's
J3arn Door .TIanscr
A great thing for barns.
The Handle Hinge Hasp,
Another splendid thing.
The f ilent Parlor Boor Bangers,
All steel, the best thing out.
At the
lbany Hardware Co.
Free Delivery.
St. Louis
Cash Store
.State Normal School
BEGINS its 25th year September 26,
19IW. Three full courses of study.
Higher course recognized in Washing
ton and other states. The best and
Bhortestway to a state and life paper.
Additional work in both general and
sp cial Methods; also, school manage
ment for graded and ungraded schools
will he givin this coming year.
Longer teims, higher wages and
better opportunities are open to Normal
graduates. School directors appreci
ate .he superior ability of Monmouth
graduates, and the demand far exceeds
the supply. Catalogue coi ta nine full
information will be sent on application. ,
Corrrespondence invited. Address,
J. B. V. BUTLEP, Registrar.