mf Albany, Thursday, August 23 SUNDAY EXCURSION! On the Corvallis & Railroad. Eastern rfS 23 I ttf'o 1 ' Ann Tnilf ENORMOUS SHOWS UNITED ABSOLUTELY THE BIGGEST SHOW IN THE WORLD, TO WHICH IS NOW ADDED THE THRILL ING 1000-CHARACTER SPECTACLE, . FIGHTING THE FLAMES. . i Scenery Representing A Whole City Stage Bigger than 100 Theatres Superb Costumes Magnificent Electrical Effects MOST GIGANTIC AMUSEMENT FEATURE EVER DEVISED. BIGGEST MENAGERIE ON EARTH, Tallest Giraffe Alive Huge Hippopotamus Only Rhinoceros in Captivity Den of Giant Polar Bears A Whole Caravan of Camels Three Herds of Elephants, and the Biggest Collection of Caged Ani mals in the World. 1 SUPERB SFOLD CIRCUS. J IiEW SENSATIONAL FEATURES MOST ASTOUNDING OF ALL, SALVO'S FEARFUL TRIP TO THE MOON, THE MOST HAZARDOUS FEAT OF ALL. ; The Greatest Acrobats, the Foremost Riders, Incomparable Aerial Displays, Athletic and Gymuic Stars Supreme, Groupes and Companies of Trained and Acting Animals Gigantic Company cf Funny Clowns. Three Rings, three Stages, Hippodrome Concourse and Aerial Enclave filled with TUB WORLD'S FOREMOST ARENIO - STARS. I To Newport and return will run every Sunday, rain or sh'no. Leaving Albany at 7.0 a. m., Cor vallis 8:0j a. m , nr:iv::,j la Newport at noon. Returning leaving Newport at 5:40 p. m. giving 5 1-2 hours of fun and pleasure at the beach. Fare for the round trip Albany Cor vallis or Philomath $1.50. Numerous attractions are being ar ranged for entertaining the excursion ists, including band concerts, life sav ing drills, serf bathing contests, boat ing, fishing, crossing the bar, etc. Notice to Shippers. In accordance with instructions of L. E. Fields, superintendent, duly ap proved by M. J. Buckley, General Su perintendent. So. Pac. Co., the Car Ser vice Rules of the Pacific Northwest Car Service Association become effective Junce 1st, 1906. i These rules apply on car load ship ments, and provide for the assessment and collection Car Service. (Demur- rare), charges when there is failure on , part ot consignors or consignees to . mad and unload cars wiihin a reason-1 Qn an(j after June 8, 1906 the South- able time following arrival ot cars at Ps,ifi ,- .n.nn w;th t-.h Clnr- valhs & Eastern railroad, will have on 1 sale nund trip tickets from points on I their lines to Newport, Yaquina and I Detroit at very low rates, good for re I turn until October 10, 1906. 1 Three day tickets to Newport and be Yaquina, good going Saturdays and ye- The ingredients cf v.liich S. S. S. is composed, and the method of com biiiir." a::d preparing them so that they gently and pleasantly build up ana Stici-'rt'.vjii t-verv mit of the body, make it the ide::l tonic for a disordered conuilicn of the system. Every one feels the need of a tonic sometimes. The .'.v: tern sssms to get "out of ear " the appetite becomes fickle, we entr-Ics are depressed, sieeo is net restful or refreshing, and the entire body liar, a liurvmi:), 'worn-out feeling. When the system is in this depleted, run down condition it must be aided by a tonfe, and S. S. S. is recognized every-i where as the standard. Ueing made entirely of roots, herbs and barks selected for their gentle action as well as their invigorating effect on tne ...utv.ii, it .t.;ii ant fUc-io-roMM-u- i(T-f anv ri the delicate members or tissues' as do most of the so-called tonics on the nrr.rket wkiich contain potash or some other harmful mineral ingredient. 'i'Utse derange the stomach and rtiVestion. unfavorably affect the bowels- or atiicrwise damage tne neaiiu. cue t.n tin tVio otrmmcli anil rHo-ctinn . israroves true annetife. produces-. refreshing- sleeo. rids the bodv.of that tired, run-down feeling, and supplies! t ;.tn,o.ntiro Tr:T,.-e;t;il iishes tlie fcealthv circulation: of the blood, acts more promptly and gives better and more lasting rfsu,t than any other tonic, and because of its vegetable purity is an absolutely afe medicine for young or old. S. S. S. acts-admirably m cases oi oyspep a inriio-pstinn and other stomach troubles, and aiftt-r using- it that uncom fortable feeling of fullness, dizziness or drowsiuess, after eating, are no, longer felt. Not only is S. S. S. the greatest of al'.ttbnics but possesses pun-; lyin-r and alterative properties, and if there is a 3nt in ! the blood it will' promptly remove every traci and restore perfect health.-' In selecting your tonif for this year do not experiment bat gets. S. Si, tie-recognized stand--ard. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CTJ-r A TLAHTA, GA. Reduced Summer Excursion Rates station for the purpose of loading or un loading. C. K. Fronk, Agent. Reduced Telephone Rates tween Albany and Corvallis over the Wjy Mondays ale f rom- Pacific Sfcatea TeleDhoae and leleerraDn ,...' n wQOf c; Kent:, liiuiusive, emu xium irtai-uiuv- GORGEOUS FREE STREET PARADE, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. THE MOST ELABORATE, LARGEST PAGEANT TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY at 2 and 8 , OINE3 SO -CENT TICKET ADMITS TO A.L.L,. CHILDRUN UNDBM 13 VUAR8 O L, D , M A U P-P I ' T9 B. Reserved seats and admission tickets can be secured on show day a Burkhart & Lee'8 Drug Store ut the Bame prices charged o n the grou. Pacific States Telephone and Telegraph Co.'s lines will be 10 cents for one minute and 5 cents for .each additional minute. HEBB1NE "" i Renders ihn hi!n m -re flnt.l and Ihns . tieips the blood to flow; it affords prompt r-iiet (rofu biliougne-ti, indi gestion, sick and nervous h.idacbee, and over iodaltfent in fo'id and frink. G. U O i i vii. Agt. M. K. TiidT. R. R. Oheooth, Ind Ter., writes, April IS. 1903: "I sick for over two years wit enlargement of the liver and epleen. Thj doutora did lue no ood, and 1 had given up all hope of beintc curud, when mv drugKis advise! me to use Heroine. It hat male me sound and well." - 60i. Foehay & Maeom Cures Sciatica Rev. W. L. Riley, L L. D. Cuba, New York, writes: "After fi'teea daya-of exuiutiating pain from sciatic rheum atieiu, andei various treatments, I was induced 10 try Ballard's Snow Lioi mem ;; the first application giving my tirst relief and thn pecond ontire relief. I can nive it unqualified recommeDda tion, :'5c, 50c (1.00. Fosbay & Ma 60n. Harsn- physics react, weaken the bowels, cauee cbronie constipation. 26c. Ask your drugilat for them. ?oints, enabling pec9le to visit thetr amilies and spend Sunday ad the sea ide. . e Season tickets from all East Sid mints. Portland to Eueene. inclusive' and from all West Side points, are also on sale to Detroit at very low rates with stop-over privileges at Mill City or any point east, enabling tourists to visit the Santiam and Breitenbush- Hot Springs in the Cascade mountains, which can be reached in-one day. Season tickets will be good for re turn from all points October 10. Three-day tickets will be good gaing Saturdays and return monoays oniy. Baggage on JNewporc nonets cneuneu through to Newport; on Y'aquina tick ets to Yaquina only. Sunday excurs ions to Newport on the C. & E. will begin June 10th and 17th, leaving Alb any at 7:30 a. m.; ieave-uorvaiu o m. Full information upon request. Rates from Albany to Neiwort$4.C0;; to Yaqnina $3.50. Three day rates from Albany to-New- port $2.50. 3rd ORDER OP PEN DO. Meets fourth Monday of month, in W. O. W. hall. J. L. Hill, Conncilor. Elma A. Tukneb, Sec. 7o. 0 lV 9 ifotir join No. 13 moot1 9very Monday e-enlnu t their hall in A. O.U.W. ok on Firal street. I Albany. 8tr n in th(- nlty and tenlont brethn. irdially Invited to -ttend. r70 JI)MEN OP T . "VORU1.-Albany Camp No. 103 1 . . W. meeti m Hall Foeter UIook 'veiy Friday evsnlnn. Mmmmlta Circle meeti 1st an" Mondiiys. . Visiting nelghbornweloomod. J. K. Davis, 0. O. li.L. 8wi, Clerk. IHB K. O. T. M.- very Saturday evening at K. O. T. sail Vlsitlne Kniirhttlnvlted. O. N. McKkB .Oommandar sooitra EAST Via ROliTliERN" PACIFIC Shasta Houte. ! 2:i! . v., Hand 8 :30 a m 8 :80 p - " Vlnany .... . wive Ashland.... Sacfainonio Bargains In "arm lndi. Timber Lands and City PropertT csll on or write UN STEELE A 00. Albany C0ATES& JEWEL Successors to Henry Broders, Second and Ellsworth Sts., Albany, Doalers in choice meats of all kinds. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE nllRE Korlnflmminfttlon orOfttarrhqf , COda. tlm lilrtiMi'r mid l)lH'.miI Ktd iHvn. HO CURB HO FAT. Cures Imkkly nntl pornmiiontly tho worm runt'B ui uiul Gleet, no uikttor of now Ion ft Bt umliiiK- AbiolHtoly ImrniloM. Hold by druggist, l'rlro (1.(10, or by mtl, pot pultl, 11.00,8 boxes, VU&. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN Ct. BcllelonUlne, Ohio. For sale br Burkbart & Lee, RHEUM A11S VI When painB or irritation exiat on any part of the boly, the application of Ballurdls Snow Liniment gives prompt relief. E. W. Sullivan House, E. Rune, O. T , writes, June '.6, 1902: "1 tsks rdcaeuia in recommending Ballard's 8no' Liniment to all who are afflicted with i linumAr-iBm. It is tbe only rem edy I have found that gives immediate relief" 25c, 50c aod $L00. loshuy & Ma'on. Stop that Cough! Whan acounh, a tickling or an irrita tion in the throat makes you feel un comfortable take Billard'a Horehonnd SvniD. Don't wait until the disrast ha-i sone bevond control. Mr. and Mrs J. A. Anderson, 35-1 Wet Boh St. Sa t I.ftlc (I(tv. fJriih writer I ''We ihink Ballard's bforebonnd Svr- iin il.e best medMiie fir cousbs and We nave naeii it io- several years; U always Hived lmuieutate te- liel. ib Aerv oleas in and gives ner fct satislaetion . "23c, 50:, 1 00. Koeha; & Matron. -. 28 n m ll:B7p n ,1'2:B5 a m 12:fia ui . . 5:lo P m 5:00 a m a ir,aitlr,co.7:45p m 8:4DBm FIRST NATIONAL BANK .A-iLiBviLsr-sr - ArriveOnden 0:Cr?r i n,.. 9:30 a m , i :xn a iu 7 :42 a m Kanaaa City Chicago.... 7:00am 9 :15 am 7 OS a m 8:30 am ' hll dwo 6:00pm 8:0 pm ,orl Worm... 8:80 am :S am Oltvof Moiiooll:30a m 11 -SO am .. KoiiKUm 7:00, m 7:00 am S.-w Orleans. . 8:!W p m :30 p in i. Washmxton .. 6:42 a m V42a m u N-" York. ...12:10pm 12:10p m -TlmTL" and lourisii- oars on lion traa Chair ours Sncramonto toOgd.r ,d W" Paso, and tourist cars to Onlowo Bt Louis. New Orloaus and Washington Oonn.vliTu at sail ranmaco with so etaV.tH'nhip Moss for Honolulu, .lap-' Cilo I'hilipi'lm's. Central and Sou r Anv'rica , ,. S.0. K. K agontat Alb "i A. L. OBilQ f- "ortianyt OrruiiHS E W l.ANnlXlN, 1'n-ditloiit S K VdllNU VU-o-rrt'fltlont ACsciiMirr Canhior oREio-oisr DinncroHH S K Youmr 1' A Utiotlwin O J Sohmitt K W lAtiKilnii A 0 Sohtutu Transacts a gcnornl banking business. Accounts kept subject to check. Sight exchnngo nud telegraphic trans fer sold on Now York, San Francisco, Chicago and Portland, Collections mode on favorable terms. Jhanrth, ills Una You Have Always mm Albany Market. Wheal e0"at.. Oats as Eggs 20 enta. Batter IS and Si) jt Potatoes uenta. Sums 14 outs. Sums 11 cents Urjocl l!8 sents. Rop lb cnnuS. "orh.dr Jased, ft cents Hay. i6 to 7 baled. Flour lC5. r-".-sacii. Beet, gross, fc, Mutton, grOBB, 4o. Vei, tfrnss 6c. Wool " 24i. A. STARK, M. D PHYSICIAN1 AND SLBOEON Oregon Bank Bldg, . a twain' DR J. L. HILL, "ivsiclairawr 8nrgioi Hill Rloct - - - Albany, Or A, 3. Hodges, Wi. E. Blake;'. CASTOR I A for Infants and Childien; !ii8 Kind You Have Always Bought DENTISTS Odd Fellows Temple, AJbany, Oregon," H A.LEININGER, Dentist Orawfoid Block, Alban) Ot. H. F. rierrill IN9rJRA"EAND LOAM AUENT, City and Oonoty Warrant's bonht i ol uoliectioiiii promptlv Meda 1 Correooondence aolinited . Clubbing" Terms aioany Democratani Examioer 12.50, Albany Democrat andlOregonlan $2,25 Albany Damocrat and ReDnMia'$1.50 Alrxtav Democrat and Commoner I (2 00. lAjDWcatand Homestead, $2:00. Beara the Eigjmttu-o of 1 aS H. M. PALMER. PROP GOLDEN RULE DAIRY. Milk and Cream Furnished. Customery summer rates will prevail after March 1st on bottled milk. Phone Red 1863. 1'romiXlT obtnlmtl. or FEE tO YEARS EXPERIENCE. Our CHArtUC AHK tut lowest. Bonil itiotK-l. nhoto or aketch fr ciport Mwrvlt nml f roe riort on pntentnliilUy. INFR1NOEMENT miits conducted boforo all courtn. rntvntH obtained throutrh K AOVEH TI8E0 rvtiil SOLD, freo. TRADE-MARKS, PEM SIONS Aiitl COPYRIGHTS quickly otiUiinod. Opposite U. 8. Patent Offlooi WASHINGTON, D. O. C9Z9 1 II I r 1 LW MISHLER BROS., Proprietors of the Jersey Dairy, Bryant's Park. oice milk and cream promjtJjx da-j a. , Corvallis & Eastern Railroad TIME CARD No. Si. Trains From and to Yaquina. ... 7T-.0O a, m' ..12:16p. m . m. m. . m. iM))i"rthti, et. N ALL COUNTRIES. , I tuslnsss ."" wit ' ;hj;K i lime, monry it.iti t'tH i .. .:.V (. Patent ind Itiffingcr.rA 1'iactlce tKti-iilvcly. Wril.i .if fill 111 ti U M 013 Klatb Stmt, opp. UnlUA 8tU Ftiit Cic. WASH I N QTOri ti i n h t r KOTICEJJF REFEREE'S SALE Notice la hereby given, that, under and bv virtue of a decn of the Circuit U- urt of the S ate ol Oregon I r Linn ilv madn aud entered of record on the 10:li c'av of July, 19, In a cause then nenii-rju in mi l cour-, In which Clias. H. S-Hri. K izabeth Irvine, J, O. Irviiu and In Iiviue, hia wile were pUintiff and Enma A. Yr-nng an Hond YunnK, her huihand, Gnev'cvf Irvine an I Harriet were deten I ants, the undersigned will, at the front door of 'lie Courthouse in said county, on l lie S h J iv ot August, 19tfl, at the hour ol 1 o'clock in the afternoon of psi'1 d sell at pnbl c auction to the highest bidder, for cash in band, the W.'?,' I l.ota Kou- and Fiv and the Eat hall lTy 1 i. b iiimaauii oik in nil va x-iiry. vigiii IB tne cu oi AioaDy, in i.i..n County, Oregon, subject to tbe dower : lisht ol Margaret Irvine as the widow ' ol 8. O. Irviae, deceaard. I D. S. SMITH, I tlereo. IV !' re Red 444. Co YEARS' VTV ULUJL&KIULAlf ill an mm j. i ' w. THL BIG 4 Barn Door Hanger A great thing for barns. The Handle Hinge Hasp, Another splendidi thing. The Silent Parlor Eoor HangBrs, All steel, the best thing out. At the ibany Hardware Co. Ho. 1- aves Yaquina.. rive Albany ... Ro.Z ejavea a.iua.ny 1Z:40 p. Barwuorvniiia 1 :4o p. Arrives Yaquina 6-tGO p. Trains to aod From Detroit. No. 8 Leaves Albany..... 7-.30 a. m. Arrives at Detroit 123J0 a. m no 4- Leaves Detroit 1:90 p.m., Arrives at Albany 6:40 p. m. Trains tor Corvallis. Leaves Albany 7:55 a. rr. Amives at Oorvallis 3?25 a. m. Bo. 1 f. Liaves Albany 2:30 p. m Air lyre at Oorvallis 3 .-19 p. m No. 6 LeaveB Albany 7,:35 p, M Arrives at Oorvallis 8 :15 p. m. Trains tor Albany. No. ft . .... :30 a. m. 7 no a. m. ....12:40 p. m. 1 i2a p. m. r Trade: Marks ,(0 DesioNS H Copyrights Ac. AnfonesPnrtlnll asllich snd ttMCrlpllonrafl milckly ascortnln oni opinion Irtio wnenwr mi iivenllon l l'r''nblr pateiitr.'K Commnloii. Uotnnrlctlr.iiOilontfal. HANfiaOOK on I'stenla tent Iroo. OMast .wcr " erlnirtnl. litems tAkon tFintuah Mum A Co. Maelie tofridl notict, without chnrBB, In toe Scientific flmcricatte A hundsoniclr lllnstrstixl o-klr. I.rmt rtr. rnlailon of ny b.-wiiiio Ijurns . J" J" Spur: four months, L Sold by all ngwsdoakws. .UNNRCo.36""4"'-New York NOTCE OF FIHALSrTLEMET Xitica U hsrabv given that the un- de eignel a Imitiiatrat .r ol Hie estate of Mrs. Sirali; I'uga, aeceasea, n is men hie fl.ial aontnnt in th i matter of said natata, and fiat th i cjllrt has flxeil Mondi' the 3tkh d iy of Jul., 1906, at 1 o'clock p. m. nl aaiu day as the lime for hearing obiwton, if any. to nl Hnal account, and for the final saiile ment id esld 'S'a'e. Jobs 'V. rrn. JJ I. Ciikistv. AdmiiU All m. fx Kifc:e. The Riverside Farm El). SCHOF., Proprietor Breefler and Importer of O. I. C. Hogs, S. U. White ana Bun L.egnorns, . P. Rocks, Light Brahmas, R. C Rhode island Reds, White Cochin Bantams, M. B, Turkeys. WhiteEmb risn Geese, Pekin Ducks, Pearl Guineas Winner 0$ 17. prizes and 22 on. Poultry at the Lewis & Clark Fair. Eggs in. Season - Stock rbr Sale Phone. Farmers 95 - - - R. F. D. No. 3 Drs. AdanK, Dentists, Rooms 11 to 17 Lewis Bid., 350 1-2 Morrison St., Portland, Ur. Our sDecialtv. "The Painless Filling or Extracting o the Teeth." Our Motto: A pleased patient our best advertiser. Leaves Corvallis . . , Arrives at Albany. No.9 Leaves Corvallis... Ar'iys at Albany. No. 7 i i-i m- wnvm vurvaillB otWp.m, ArriyeB at Albany t:40 p. n Regular Sunday lralos No. 5- LeavesOoivallis S:30a.m Ai'ives at Albany 7;io a. m" No. II ' I Leaves Oorvallla.... . arrives at A.baay No 7 Leaves Oorvallis. . . .... Arrives at Albany..... No.8 Leaves Albany Arrives a Oorvalha,. , No. 13 Leaves Albany Arrive at Uorvais-. . No. 6 Leaves Albany Arrives at Comallia . ah oi tneaoove connent win. ....!.- ern taciflo company trains, both at Al bany and Corvallis, as wed -is train for Dti , giving direct imiim m .-.. I poit and .jtr-ent beaches, as well aa. I Uieiir, un. . tint SnrinirB. or 'n-'rr informatioo apply to J o. MYO, Gea. Pass. Agt. B. H BOLES. Agent. Albany. H. H CRON1SE, Ageot. OurvallU. 11:30 a. m. .33:15 p. m. . 6:00 p. m. 8:40 p. m. 7:55a. 8:35 a. 12:45 u. m. 1:33 p. m. . 7 :35 p. m. a o :iop. m. eA.avon.iA. Beantlie - 11ia Kind Vcb Haw Alwars Bat? CHHHfSTIH-8 KNOLISH & tf.MYKOYAL PILLS 1 9 a with btnarlhSnn T-. .V Lot MB 1 4. I Uomi. Baj of ynaj- Dm(r(il, n wbI 4 Jrf "Relief lYr I.allu,"t. Irlfav.b