THURSDAY. A Big Swimmer in Town. John Leeland Henderson, of Hood River, was in the city this afternoon on his way home from Newport, where he has been for a several days - outing. Mr. Henderson is the man who has a race with Byrne, the Oaks trainer and bathing master, from Oregon City to , the Oaks, a distance of ten miles, on Saturday, August 25, which he expects to win. He has swam long races in the gulf of Mexico and many other promin ent bodies of water, among others took a twenty two mile svrinin the Columbia a year or two ago. ' Pretty good for a man flftv-flve vearsof acre. But swim ming is his forte. fie uses the sailor stroke and keeps at it, making mojnre tense to swiftness. It was 34 years since Mr. Henderson war in Albany, then coming here after a marriage license, uniting his, fortunes with Miss Humphrey, or rtamsnurg. CITATION. In the County Court of Linn County Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Adam -ettlemter, deceased. To Thomas J. Settlemier, Lulu 8 Wataon, Anna L. Curl, Litlte M. Settle 'mier, Ciurence B, SetGlemier, Clara . Sett eniier, Bessie P. Settlemier, Victur E. S.tlieoiior, Floy M. Settlmier. Claude "O. Se.tlemier. Melvio Settlemier, Lil Prushaw, heirs ac law, next -.or km and devisees ol Adam et lemier, deceased, and to all others unknown, if any there be or nonreEident: In the name of the'&tate of Oregon: Yon and each of yoa are Hereby cited and required to tte -end appear in the County Uou t of LnnCoui.ty.Oregoo.oo the 4th day of beptember, 1906, in the city of Albany, Lion 0 untv, Oregon, aud at th9 Court Eouse in said City, at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day to tben and there shew causa, if auy exist, why an order eliould not be .nade by said court, or me Judge thereof, directing and licensing toe ad ministrator de bonis non of said estate to sell all the rieht, title and interest of said Adam 8etttetnier, at the time of hid death, both in 4aw and equity, in and to the real property hereiiiaf'er'de Bctibed, as prayed for by Clarence B. Settlemier adminiatrtor de noma non of eaid estate, wtiicu petition is no onrCle in the office ot tbejCouoty Clerk Linn of County, Oregon, and which said real estate is described as follows, to-wit: Lot Nam bor Two in Block Number 17 in the City of Albanv. Linn County, Oregon, and also Lot Number Seven in Section Thirty-six in Township Eleven Booth Range Four West of the Will amette Meridan, in l.inn County, "Or egon, ontiuimtig 12. Si acres, more or less. Wi m-ss my hand and the seal of sai I pourt'thiu the 3lat day of Ifuiy, I J.W.MILLER, L. S j Omanty Olerfc. tBv w. L. Mark, Deputy. FIRST IK3TICE TO CflfflJTflBS In theCounn Court of Ibe State nf Oregon lor the Councv o' Linn, in tb mailer of the estate of Hans Woafcli, deceased:: Notice is hereby given that thu underoigned has been appointed Eserutrix I 'h lane will and testd mht nnn -t-tH of the above men t .IrI )H v c.t 1 1 1 i by t&e Oouxty (J un i n -it for Linn Oourty, Oregon. All peisuns havi.g cla'me 'g&inet aid estate rire-hereby not tied to present the Bn'U.e tome at my leeide&utt n.&r foitirV ' . Linn County, Oregon .-or at the law olliee of Cba. J. Scbnabel, 012-IS Cham er nf Commerce Buiii PornU ii Oregon, with proper vouchers ami duly verified, oe later tbn B'x inutiius from the aate hereof. D.t-d rui.-Sird day of Ju'y. 1990. Anna W-oecli, Executric of the last will ana feeta meni pi Han- Wodtli, deceased. OtlAS. J. SoaSABK . Attoro"V for Executrix. EXESUTJS'S NOTICE T wham hvma concern: Xttt.ce is ii-rt b mven tbat tnesoder fiuued li.s tC:-a hiB final account in the enmity .ouurt of Lion C.ttotv Or.g'm. in Ftt.8 matter of the -psraie ni BhZiUBtb B ain, aerea.d, ad ti atea'd vourt hat fixed Monday :10th day of Safftember, 19U6, atihetiour ol one o'clook p. m. of said day e thf time 'or the heariuu and settltnv of Jtll objections 'to -acid account; tt.ertlore. all persons anv objeolian to mid . account are beTaby notified 10 appear . and file tbe -acme it. raid court mi .nil matter on -or before said Inet tioued date. Dated this -Join-day ol A nuns', 1906 L, K. Bi.ain. - -E-xecuto? of sad mate. ADMIKlSlRAIOr.S KOTIC No ice iB hereby given that tt. ui.. deraigned admieisttator of the etH' ol Mel.ina Uree, deceased, has filed t ie final Bccoont ir said estate with the county clerk ol Mnn Uounty, u-t-iioo, and tbe connty judee has set ibe I Dili day ol September, 1908, at Ihe hour ol one o clock p. m.ano tue couniy ' unit ironm bb the time and place .or heririt obje tlons lo said float account, and lbs eeltleuient tieteol. J. R. CRRvVS. JL. L SWAN, Adminielraior. Attorney for AdmiuiBtratcr. EXECUTRIX NOTICE NtXice ia hereby ei 'l' H e nn dersi;ned ha bee., duly inipomt. d b the County Court o. Linn Connty, Otepoo. fxecut. ix of the estate cf II. M, f nax, deraaeec. All penonf havin c'ain against said eHate arr .hereby nquired to pretent rtmt to me at the office of L. Swan, Firet N i- iun.l Baok Building, Albany, O.cvoi , prpr vonclien a? by law re quired, i'.i in six month from tbedott of tui- not c. K.tfl June 28 b, 19 '-6. iL. h B-L" TiDAX A.v.rucf kr Eiecutrix. xeca:rix. ( USED A RAZOR To End His Life. Sent to the Asylum. Jos. Attig, residing with his father, George Attig, four miles from Halsey, yesterday tried to end his life by cut ting his throat with a razor. He made the slash too high and lot deep enough, rutting from side to side, but not even going into the windpipe and failing t hit the jugular vein at all. A second cut was made but it was reak. He bled profusely. Sheriff Smith was no- tined ana Lleputy Sheriff Stellmacher went to Halsey last evening and brought Attig to Albany. He-was ex amined by Dr. Davis and Justice L. L. Swan in the absence of judge Stewa-t and committed to the asylum. An at tendant came up this neon after him. Attig has a good education and a few years ago lectured through the country on several'ls said delivering a bright discourse. The record showed the following: Jos. Attig. Born in Illinois, laborer, 5 feet 8 inches tall, weight 140 pounds, 34 years of aere. common school educa tion, religion none, single, habits tem perate, nrst attacic, lasting a weeK, hereditary, cause unknown, has had de lusions of Dersecutions bv some one. drinks periodically, uses tobacco mod erately. The circus one week from today. Aire. Beeson and son went to the Bay this afternoon. Mrs. E. R. Bryson, of Corvallis, wati in: the city this noon. Miss Marie Loner returned this noon from her Newport outing. Miss Ethel Redfield returned this noon from her Newport outing. Banke J. S. Cooper, of Independ ence, was in the city this afternoon, g W. M. Parker and familv are at the Say for their annual outing. Dr. and Mrs. Stark are at Newport on a four or five days outing. L. H. Rice, the artist, of Tangent, returned this noon from a trip down the road. County Clerk Ira Wade, of IToledo was in the city this afternoon -on his way to Portland. Mrs. J. F. Robinson and daughter Helene, of Eugene, arrived this after noon on u visit at Dr. Littler's. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hamilton reach ed home last evening from Newport, being a day and a half on the way. William Frazier. the bie horse buver. of Portland, was looking after good animals around Albany cms torenoon. Denutv Game Warden Billv Mack, a former Albany barber, is busy these days catching violators of the law in Multnomah county Mrs. H. G. Fleischhear returned yes terday afternoon from a visit with her brother Chas. Welch, in Eugene. Misses Anna an' Kate Althause went to the Bay this afternoon and will be at the Merrill cottage .for a week or two. Two Portland men ro here putting up the new fire escape on the Hotel Revere, Albany's first modern fire es cape. F. M. French daughters and Mrs, Nuttine went to CorvaHis this after noon to attend the fanerittl f Johnny uatney. Carl SchifiW. who has ben working in a tailor shop 'in Seattle bhep i.-.t year arrived l.i-.u evning on a visit with his mother and ;i.-:tfr. lie may-to Port land after awhile to work. Misses Murguret Monteith and Chris tine Pipes went to Corvallis this morn ing to attend the funeral of their cousin Johnny Cathev. Mr. Ed Hogu". of the Portland Jour nal, came up lst evening on a visit with his mother and tisters before they leave for their new home at Klamath Falls. M. J. Cameron returned last night from a trip up the Santiam as far as Niagara. He declares that consider able damage has been done to green timber in places. The revolutionists have begun a cren- eral attack on the police and troops at sc. retersnurg, Warsaw ana otner Russian citie. Policemen were shot down like rabbits, says a dispatch. Geo. W. Hallett, of the Bay View House, Newport, died this week. The remains were taken to Portland for bunal. He was formerly clerk in the St. Charles in that city. Mrs. Dr. Leininger and children, and Mrs. W. H. Warner and children, of this eity and Mrs. Moody, a couisin of Mrs. Leinineer's. and son. of Grecon City, returned this noon trom JNewport Miss Florance Thrall came up last evening from the Thrall resort on the Willamette. K. . u. z. ana will re turn tonight accompanied by Miss Margaret Monteith. Miss Thrall has been er.tertoining several of iher Albany girl friends down the river. E. E. Ruster. the fruit cannery pro moter, of Portland, spent awhile in the city yesterday, while here being shown tbe beauties ot the Willamette by sec retary Roberts of the Commercial Club. Mr. Buster expects to return to Albany next December ana neip Albany people secure the cannery. Reports of his work elsewhere snow that he is all right and may be depended upon to do what he promises. OASTOnlA. itm t'M ) l16 Kind You HawAlways Bouglit b Q:it?ro of ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE, No-ice if hereby given that tbe nn- deraignerl has filed her final account in the matter ol tbe eta'e of Mery i. Crhtrpp, deceased, in the Connty Court if Linn O. untv, Oieooo, and that said court baa fixed Monday, tbe 6th dny of august, 1800, at tbe bour or Una o'clock P. in. of eaid dar the time for tbe betr- and settling of all objection! to Bald Dual account: tnereiorc, an lertor.t hving obj'ctinna to aaid account ais herein notified and rinired to pnar .id a'.e the lame in writing i. aaid . urt on or before laid latt menu bed dnte. Diud Ibis 3.d dar Jaly, I0C6. Nkllic L. R cb, Administratrix ot aaid eatate, I COURT HOUSE NEWS. Circuit court: New case: Tualitin Academy and Pacific University agt. R. G. Keene et al. A suit to establish an undivided half interest of Robert McCullough to certain property of which he died possessed in this county in 1892, and for an accounting between the plaintiff and defendants, to establish how much to pay defendants if anything, and hich. McCullough left property to the University at Forest Grove, and the matter has long been in litigation. Milton W. Smith is attorney for plain tiff. The complaint is an elaborate and intricate one, and the case is said to be just as mixed. Licenses to marry have been granted I. H. Campbell, aged 4, a farmer of Sprinfield, and Miss Inez Shelton, aged 24, of Jordan F. E. Barber, of North Yakima and Miss Daisy D. Cammack, of Lebanon. Recorders office: Mortgage for $500. Relea efor 5148.40. Assignment for $1400. Hunters licenses granted W H Fisb burn, Harrisburg; J A Rowell, Sweet Home; F P Hartsinger, Halsey; B Cummings, C H Work, Mill City; A H Weber, Krownsville; Don McKnight, Scio; Emile Durrenberger, Albany; Aaron Morris, Sweet Home; John T Morris, Holley. Total issued S63. The Forest Fires. Reports last evening from the front by those coming down on the train were that the fire3 were about out, a good sized rain helping materially. One man who has been to the front several times declares that outside of the damage to settlers and the burning of Turnidpe's bark near Berry he does not believe $300 damage was done to the green timber, probably too low.but showing how the extent of the fire has been exaggerated. Considerable has been in burnt over districts and those logged, or were in the green timber along the underbrush. One man de clared that it did his place a good deal more good than harm, burning up all the brush. ' Several settlers were burned out, campers disturbed and such a big fire is altogether a menace and certainly undesirable, bad enough without the exaggeration given it. The New Time Table. The new time table mentioned yes terday, will go into effect next Satur day morning. The cards were received last evening. On the S. P. the only changes are No's 11 and 12. No. 11 southbound, will arrive at 11:41 and leave at 11:51. No. 12 will arrive at 3:37 and leave at 3:47 p. m., northbound. In order to connect with these trains the Yaouina train, leaviner Yaauina at 6:55 will arrive at .11:40 and leave at 12:10. The Corvallis afternoon train will arrive at 2:10 and leave at 3:50. The Detroit train will arrive at 5:55 p. m. The pother trains will run as heretofore. Down from the Calapooia. Ike Butler, of the county bridge gang, arrived this morning by wayof Halsey ahead of the cane, which finished on the Blue river yesterday, when he tooK . . .. .. to nis bicycle and made quick time across country to Halsey. Judge Stew' art and party were on . the road, ex pecting to cross the divide into the mi crobe county and see the doings of the Calapooia mines, and as well draw a line where there should properly beone between Linn and Lane counties. The men are having an enjoyable time. The gang will arrive in Albany to morrow and go to work on the Cala pooia bridge a mile cr two up stream. They are through for the present up around the Brownsville country. Uncle Billy Wright, of horseradish fame, recently lost between $500 and $1000 in a Salem fire. His barn and horse were burned. John Paul Jones, the well known b. P. man, has been spending his vacation on his farm a few miles from Salem, helping to run the thresher. W, R. Hoover, of Portland, one of the owners of the Hoover saw mill at Detroit, spent last night in this city. The Hoover mill escaped the fire, and it is said was never in serious danger except in some of the Portland papers. Salem is having a tennis tournament. Yesterday Frank Willman, daddy of the game in Salem, won from Chester Cox 4-6, 6-4 and 6-2. Next week these men will play two Dallas men, to whom they recently lost. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. .Shea writing to their folks from the Breitenbush Hot Springs report that there has been no fire anywhere near there. A man came out from there and found the trail all right. Tillamook is to have a big carnival August 23-25. The Governor has issued his labor dav proclamation for September 3. Senator John M. Gearin has returned from his European trip and was in Washington yesterday. Judge Waldo and Hon. J, S. Down ing, of Salem, have gone to Anidcm, up the Santiam. A hoo contract was made in Salem yesterday at 15 cents. That isn't IV, as has been reported. Prices are reported to be soaring at the Bay, having jumped four or five hundred per cent during the past year, even more. Lots that sold for $50 or $75 a few years ago are said lo com mand $400 or $500 today. HarrisLurg Bulletin: Martin Ludwiir. of Albany, wnn hore looking aft r some work at the ne school house which he has contracted to Dut in. He is a splendid workman and we have r.o hesitency in saying urn ma woa win ue satisiacwry. Married. Mr. F. E, Barber a young farmer of North Yakima, Wash., and Miss Daisy D. Cammack, recently of Desmoisnes, Iowa, who has been at Lebanon for a while, were married in that citv last evening, and arrived this forenoon on their way to their new home in Wash ington. They are nice appearing young people, with prospects of happiness and prosperity. Jim Jeffries Coming to Oregon. Get on your mits. Jim Jeffries and a party from Los Angeles will arrive in Oregon about August 25, get off the cars at Eugene, and go up the zie on a hunting and fishing trip. Jeff ries got the idea into his head when passing through the valley a few years ago on his theatrical trip. Hurrah for North Fairview. Eugene Guard: Herbert Leigh today received further word from the North Fairview mine where a rich strike has recently been made. The foreman savs the ore is getting richer the further in the work men get and the gold can be seen in places with the naked eye. FRIDAY. Mrs. M. J. Cameron is at Cascadia for her summer's outing. Misses Willetta and Eulah Wright re turned this noon from the Bay. Mrs. Good Samaritan Brown went to Newport today for an outing. Mrs. David Link and son, of Eugene. returned home today from Newport. Lawyer J. R. Wyatt went to the Bay this afternoon for two or three days. D. P. Mason this forenoon came home from a stay at the Mason cottage, Nye Creek. Albro Dickinson and family, of Salem, returned home this morning after an Albany visit. J. S. Hughes, the Lebanon electric light man, was an Albany business vis itor today. Miss Vira Stewart returned this af- ternoon to Portland, after an outing at ' Eclectic Business University, has ac Albany and the Bav. cepted a position as stenographer in a Kecoraer w. L.air rnompson went r,o tne cav today ior a lew aays me on me edge of the ocean. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buhl, of Lebanon, were in the city this afternoon ot. their way home from the Bay. Judge and Mrs. Hewitt and Miss Maud Laughead returned this noon from a Newport outing. S. N. Steele and family and Gene McClennan arrived home this noon from a month's outing at Newport. Mrs. N. L. Lee, of Junction, left for j home last evening after a visit with her Mrs McCulloutrh of Halsev arrived this mornini? on a visit with her dauirhr.- er Mrs 3 'cTvineanT family - and tamily. The Misses Anna and Frances Mor- irtm nf flnfain flro viaiHntr nf. the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Acheson v . ' . . ta " Mrs. Tom Parker, of Cottage Grove, is in Benton county on a visit at the home of her father W. D. Prettyman. William Combs, a prominent Prine- ville man, who has been in the city went to Salem this morning for a day's triD Salem Journal went to the Bav this oaiem journal, weni u; DBJ " nl TJnfo,. fho vapaattloarlifnpnf fhn forenoon to join his tamily tor an out- Lawyer C. I. Leavengood and wife of 1AnU.,.. fnm.Arlw I. nn nnnnf,, were in Albany this afternoon on their way home. Earl Fronk, of the S. P., went to the Bay yesterday. During his absence Ti-lhorf WnrfnrH is officiating in Jiis place in the office. Mra. Stanlev Stewart and dauehter Marian returned home this noon from a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brandshagen. Miss- Helen Elkins returned home this noon from Portland, where she has been taking lessons in voice culture during the past month. A letter from Miss Fannie Concklinj 1 of Pacific Grove, Cilif., formerly of Albany, tells of the death there of her father a month or two ago. President Crnolfs and family lrt this ntrcm.ii.n for Philomath, where they will fpend a week on the farm of the Druihiv uf Mrs. Crooks Budge Stewart, of the ci.unty hri 1e gang, rode his bicycle fom Mn.wn.s ville to Albany this mornini; in about two hours, reaching here at 7 u'clock. Miss Agnes O'Keefe, superintendent-, of St. Mary's Hospital, returned 'u.i. evening from a trip to PortlanJ Salem after supplies for the hospital. Misses Grace Tillard and L.ur.i Thompson, prominent young ln.V: t.f The Dalles, were in the city this iif-e:--noon on their way home from the li. y. Mr. and Mrs. W, B. Peacuclt and youngest daughter, of Portland, went to the Bay this afternoon to join Miss Lora Vance and Elizabeth Peacock for an outing. John Paul Jones, a leading farmer of the Wnltlo Hills, passed through the city this noon on an S. P platform, with h ivseed flying from his blond ' -'. He has just been having a siege ih ihresher in the yellow grain. i -. nna Range, who recently left f'or I i- home in Canton. O.. after a n i.' . ' visit at the home of her father, vl rlvdc, was delayed awhile on her trip 'V being in the land aliJe neur Pendleton. tit if tt n ri tx..n.i.. ntu w.A j-ilWli, ?n bpp Rt-vor-A fast horses work out on tni oulltacr AnTong Vr. lsornhas a three year oiu nny which is expected to do a mile in 2.20. Miss ima neaneio retumea mis noon from Nye Creek, on the Pacific, ac- companied by Misses eniH miner, mm s. spent the past ten days p easantry at the Redfield cottage. Mr. Kedfield will be home tonnorro r. THROWN OUT In a Runaway on Second Street. Mr. Hi Richards and mothej, Mrs. Geo. Richards, residing south f Al bany, were starting for home 'this af ternoon, going west along Second street, when the team became fright ened at the Ludwig corner, Mr. Rich ards thought at a windmill, and ran away, going at a terrific speed, throw ing both out. Mr. Richards was unin jured, but Mrs. Richards struck on her head, receiving a bad wound, and was bruised some, her limbs being strained. She was taken into the home of Mrs. Margaret Blodgett. and Dr. Trimble attended her. She has been taken home, and will undoubtedly recover from the effects of the accident. The team was stopped near the cor ner of Ninth and Calapooia streets. Jones to be Married. , Invitations have been received in Albany to the wedding of Horace T. Jones, the well-known timber inspect" or, and a prominent young lady, on the 29th of August. Mr. Jones spent sev eral weeks in Albany a year or two ago and will have the best wishes of many Albany people. In anticipation of the event the Journal last evening tolls an interesting joke on Mr. Jones, who ad vertised for furnished anartments. One answer gave a number which Jones answered, and after some parleying was tound to be the county jail. Almost an Alarm. A little boy down in the eastern part of the city yesterday set fire to some grass near the barn of A. M. Holt, and, becoming friirhtoned rushed into his home and told his mother he wanted to go to bed. She knew something was up and went out and put the fire, which had reached and was burning the barn, out.. In the meantime a little sister had gone to the firealarm box, broke the glass and tried to turn in an alarm, but failed. Position in Portland. I Miss Jessie Hyde, a graduate of the prominent office in Portland A num- oer ot stenographers had tried the place and failed. Miss Hyde was test-. the asylum has been seen this week be ed and accepted as stenographer. The tween Lacomb and Scio. An attend firm is well pleased with her work. 1 ant went out last evening to look for Miss Hyde was the valedictorian of him. the class of '06. She is Bn excell- The remains of Clark MunJv, who ent young lady, and she is sure to died at Corvallis this week, were taken win her way in her chosen profession. through Albany this morning for burial :- " i beside those of his father. They were The Log Drive. accompanied by siveral relatives. Remember the new time card tomor- , . ... The bow of C. K. Spaulding & Co.'a Dig log anve is passing Albany, me stern en(?.ls aD.ove p0. not haying reacnea mat city last nignt. adouc I twenty men and severa' teams are cleani(J the chdnnel near that cit It n,iii ho at : lonat wok hof. Alhon 1 i J . is ruuuiieu. 1 ,. . . .. . .... Nlghtwatchman White for Awhile, j Vv.surtir wut. i..i nSmVn kMn . .. .. . ., s . bu. to serve the city temporarily as night- watch, following the resignation of A. XVailiaev, KIIU Will Continue tO nil tnO Position until the city council makes an 0i0ti ,iht,n, if pT He'is" fi ing the position now as an accommodation, not hB;no. ti1Ii nr,io,i Today in History. 1534, Order.of the Jesuits founded at Paris. ' 1637' Ben Johnson, biographer of Shakespeare, died. 1769. Eugene Aram hanged at Ty- Durn. 1780, Battle of Camden, S. C, De nalb killed. 1825, Charles A. Pinckney, American statesman, died. Cool Enough for Anybody. The range of temperature yesterday was 47-80. Tr-e rivar remains at .9 of a foot. The prediction is fair tonight and Sat-ii.-.' .y. P. M. French displayman. Harrisburg. i.'ullotin: The big steel bridge above this city IurK nearing completion, . a ':...., a. ana the f. .-..-i ;;;'fij imvu una weeiv iniiuiieu ineir ,,.,.t( the work and are about ready to move to the next job which will be u. ome point in the Cow Creek canyon. Friday, last, just before noon, Robert Levnugn, who lived with his p rents on the J. F. Rice farm, about six miles nort he-it of town, died quite suddently while at work with a threshing c. w neiir his home. Fred Mendenhall, who has been work ing with the Willamette Valley Traction Co. at Wilsonville, had the misfortune to get his right foot badly bruised last I i iday morning, and came home in the evening, since which time he has been walking with the help of crutches. Hop pickers are beginning to arrive and io into camp at the different yards in this vicinity. Tht hop crop is going w outncwoui, ugiiii uiuu wui thrht rrliu: inthe sea8on- , A """nb' ' our young men about ----- r: r"""" u:L r"u. . ."u V ,f , 'V K"1, , u period- Tncy succeedcd inme of the bars in th biivii, in mw DMiq a uiiDvii ur u lonif in bendinir windows so mucn tnat B gma, man coJd t through by some assistance, but the nrinner decided not tn h nd to d (he officers who th- n,,. ttere thai .ntu tu aamat him to eacou ... . I COURT HOUSE NEWS. Deeds recorded: R H Britt to Robert Scbneibel, 160 acre I Samuel Thomas to C K Spaulding, IW acres Vi Hi I low Mortgage for $80. Release for $395 and $765. Hunters licenses granted F M Pom- eroy, Albany; Urant Pirtle, Browns ville; P G Mellevin, Prineville; H M Crooks, Albany, N P Morris, Albany; Jas H Scott, Albany; John J Minniece, Sweet Home; Gorden F Short, Foster; Robert Schroeder. Niacara: J KSchoe- der, Nirgara; J N Brandeberry, Albert Smith, Albany. Notice of claims in 13 E 2 by Maud E Bryant. Geo A Flowers. St Johns, John G Stuart and Jbrome O Heyt, Portland, 14 E 4. The sheriff was notified last evening of an insane woman at Jordan, prob ably too sick to be brought to Albany for examination and no formal com plaint has yet been filed. Harriman has bought the St. Paul, which he will add to his trust. Hod picking is to begin at the Boggs yard, Harrisburg, Aug. 23. Eastern Oregon is slow. No candi date for collector of customs. Governor Chamberlain visited the soldiers home at American Lake yes terday. Four or five valuable bird digs are reported to have been poisoned in the third ward. Woodburn and the Schillers will play next Sunday for the amateur cham piodship of the state. timer C. Senger, a member of the 2500, died at Newport this week at the age of 22 years. He was number 1161. Thomns M. Campbell, a native of Texas, has been nominated by the dem ocrats for Governor, and will of course be elected, Portland Dailv Abstractor: Hartman & Thompson, bankers, have just in stalled a Diebold Safe & Lock Co. Man ganese steel bank safe. Mr. Fields told Eugene people yester day that they must wait for their new depot until other improvements are at tended to. We will wait together. A crazy man has been reported in the neighborhood of Lacomb. The last seen of him he was marchine towards Scio. The women alone the wav are I reponea to oe irigntened. I A patient who escaned from row. fix the hours 11:41 anil 3-47 in your head for the s p and !;' . ana a:ou tor the Corvallis and Eastern. The Ltdies of the Christian Church i win nave a Saturday market ut W. E. Eastburn's atore to morrow af tern-ion. Ca ear,y if you wish b k f H,,nrio . . ' I a commercial traveller introduninir n. new salt today demonstrated its purity beside other salts in a manner to make it command a nrice nnnrlv Hnnhlp Af. least tnat was the program. Convinc- iner the nuhllc would n thn oovt . hinr i .. , , At Greenwood, S. C. yesterday Bob Davis, a negro who had assaulted Jen- , "a -ii uut unu UUUieu with bullets, almost under the noso of the Governor who who rlolvornir on nH. dress to the mob awing them to let the law take its course. Roseburg Plaindealor: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Aixen are home from their outing spent at Newport. Miss Aiken will visit Albany friends for a short time. mr. AiKen tells of a big rain JJla.JH L the P'eare ---"-""J .ju.iuhv. many ui mem were without umbrellas and their white shoes and dresses were a fright, after they had wandered around through the downpour. SATURDAY. THE HORTICULTURALISTS Meet und Talk Cannery and Prunes, The Linn County Horticultural So ciety mot this afternoon with a fair at tendance, good for tho busy season. ' A resolution was passed favoring 4 cents for picking prunes, 5 if the pick ers stay with the job. Judge Stewart, E. H. Rhodes, E. C Roberts, L. C. Stratton, Mr. Peebler and others snoko enthnninntinii,, ; e VOr Of the OronORed e .nnm-i. rru f ,,ne Pn?,of Pnes was discussed by t Jx - Vth ?xPre8sions in favor of a -"'"""""'" " aecure Detter prices. 11. Brvant nresidnil in th .....!, the president Jerome Lassselle. and F M. Mitchell the secrct-ry officiated. Home from the Calapooia. Judge Stewart returned last evening from his trip up the Calapooia to the end of work on the new Blue River road. Mr. Miller and Lawyer Tussing continumcd the trip into the mines where they were to be met by Hon. F. M Brown inr prtmnlnia tha :......: tion of the boundary question On account of the shortage' of help uniy u rnnaii iorce ot men are at tvnrtr rnethteheo-tehen wi lln,e the extension on the Lane county SS W! .ff m.H , I k.V . 7 ' Th lhri,T,, 3 V j , Ke- . r '"r- icmuieu mst even- '"K ana nis morning began work on tha Calapooia bridge over th slough, above thu city, about a ten days jo j. -tm Miss Ollie Baltimnri, ami m.. xi.. Williams will eo to Halsev t;t,f " -....ft..v W "pe.iu .miuuu .... ih. c of D. S, Mcwilliams