adies ReadyToWear Garments (ew Eton Suits in Grev Panama Grey Suiting Tan Suiting $18.00 and $2C00 12.00. 12.50. . New Covert Coats Special Value at $5.00 Extra Quality, $10.00 Wash Goods, Ribbons Novelty ribbons in Flowered Pri War and Brocaded effectsPlain ors, pure silk. .i wi$ses And Printed Goods for early summer wear in new dainty patterns, 12 l-2c to 50 cents. few Art. Draperies at 15 cents. ooi Challies two grades at 40c and 50 cents. S. E. Young & Son SPECIAL Si ll for PIT!) mnrrno Cal! and investigate our Easter Specials, priced at a great saving to you. L E, &H, J. i &5,ooo ROLLS - 15000 WALL PAPER Positively the largest, the best and most up-to-date line of Wall Paper ever shown in the city of Albauy 200 designs to select from Prices right Coma in and we will help you select the proper pattern for your room. BUBKHAPT & LEE 5,000 - - ROLLS - 15,000 olid old teains IN Jewelery, Watches Clocks Silverware, Cut Glass Hand Painted "Ware and a fine assort ment of Novelties to select from. AT F. G. WILL'S Albany Planing Mill and Sash and Door Factory At foot of Lyon atrest, Albnny.C WSCAR9, Proprietor tt loll itock ol Ooorl, Window, tln ud mi kiirit ol buiidlDp ir.iterir T re prepared to All ft I otderi promtl? tod Mtii'stiorl'r ai oocat jr.c NINE COOPERS. A Big Family Reunion-Birthdays. Two E. W. Cojper and J. E. Cooper, of thi3 city, twins, were born 54 years ago to-lay. In honor of their birthday a family reunion was held at the home of E. W. Cooper this afternoon, the large crowd of brothers and sisters sitting down to a splendid repast at 1 :30 o'clock. The father and mother, residents of Salem for a number of years after 1863, are both dead. Of ten children all are alive but on daughter, and nearly all were present at the reunion. Following is the list, a notable comp any of prominent Oregonians: W. H. Cooper, merchant. Rtavton. D. J. Cooper, stockman, The Dalles. Hon. J. S. Cooper, banker, Independ ence. J. C. Cooper, architect, McMinnville. R. D. Cooper, hop raiser. Independ ence. J. E. Cooper, hop raiser, Albany. E. V . Cooper, real estate, Albany. Mrs. Gidlow, Silverton. Miss N. P. Cooper, Portland. SOCIAL AND PRSONAL. Dr. I. D. Driver benin the city. H. W. Locke has returned from a trip to Seattle. O. P. Wolcott last evenipg returned from a trip to Portland. 0. P. Coshow, of Brownsville is in the city today. , Miss Bena Snelling went to Lebanon last evening to assist S. M. Garland in his law office during his illness. W. J. Clarke, republican candidate for state printer, one of the valley's best country editors, has been in the city today. Miss Cecil Rampy of Harrisburg, was in the city last '.'veiling. Miss Rampy and Geo. I. Whillhelm, of Junction are to be married en April 18. Dr. C. W. Lowe and three Other Eu gene men went to Salem this morning to attend a session of the Grand Coun cil A. F. & A. M. tonight. Frank Hampton and wife, of Eugene, arrived this morning to attend the funeral of the former's father, A. B. Culver upon the arrival of the body here from Palouse. Mr Fred Arnold, wife and two daughters, arrived last night from Minnesota and expect to make Albany their home. Mrs. Arnold is a sister of Mrs. Chas. Bruce. Rev. McCaustland, presiding elder of the M. E. Church South, of Corvallis, left this morning for Birmingham, Ala., to attend the annual general confer ence of the church. Miss Beryl Turner last evening en tertained eight of her girl friends in a pleasant formal social gathering. A delicious lunch of onions, lettuce, sand wiches, etc:, was served. Hon. P. R. Kelley and J. R. Wvatt went to Portland this morning to con duct the case of the plaintiff in H. W. Davis against thd St. Charles of Port land, to recover $450 deposited in the hotel and not returned when called for. The U. P. Presbytery. Tin state assembly of the United Presbyterian church closed last night. At yesterdays session $5,000 was order ed appropriated for the missionary work in Oregon. The following commissioners were elected to the general assembly: Rev. G. W. Morrison, of Ontario, Rev. W. P. White, of Albany, J. E. Hamilton, of Oakville, and an elder to be named from Albany. Rev. ''White was re elected superintendent of missions and J. C. Irvine treasurer. At the meeting of the woman's missionary society Mrs. H. C. Marshall of Oakville was elected Dresident. Mrs. E. F. Sox vice president, Mrs. Gaff secretary, Mrs. s. Hi. loung treasurer. The secretary was instructed to name delegates to the national meeting of the missionary board at Desmoines. Mrs. White is president and with Mr. White will leave for DesmoinesApril 27. Last evening Rev. DuBoise, of the Grand Avenue church, of Portland, de livered an able sermon, greatly appreci ated. The New Filter. The new filter for the Albany water works is attracting attention. It is a large cylinder through which the water passes. It requires two. the arrange ment being for one to be in operation while the other is being cleaned, done through a simple process that does not take long. The plant here promises to be one of the finest on the coast. The filter was three weeks in coming from Philadelphia here. Free Exhibition. Will Schmidt, of this city, will give a free exhibition tonight, April 11th, at the corner of 1st and Ellswonth Sts. at 7:30. Comic songs, latest jokes and slight of hand, will be the feature of the evening. Will has just return'--j from Portland. Everybody come earlv and spend an enjoyable evening. The Wonder Millinery Will treat all customers the same. Cne price to all. Try us and find we do as we advertise. Second and Ells worth streets. Mrs. Nichols. A NEW LINE of Steel Ranges at prices that will please you. STEWART & SOX HDW. CO. O i 'jL- iu Jt . X . jauitat y1h Kind You Haw Hlwani Bcip if FOR RENT. Nice residence, we 1 located, on Second street. Call up n W. H. Hogan. CITY COUNCIL. The O. C. & E. R. R. Co. To Build Along the Coast. Portland, Or. April 11. IN AND AROUND ALBANY. 1 After two of Present Mayor, recorder, chief en gineer, street superintendent, and Jouncilmen Pfeilfer, Tomlinson, De Vanev. Dawson. Brvant and Pni-kei- The following bills were ordered mid- years of preliminary work articles o. inurun, ?iu.zo; jonn Uatlin, 51.00; 0. Ferguson, $9.63; Willamette Valley Co., 1G0.33; John Livingston, 527.00; Mayor and council, $17.00; Stewart & Sox Co , $56.90; W. L. Thompson, $1.15; Imperial Restaurant, $3.42; D. L. But'.er & Co., $424.00; J. A. Nimmo, $1.60; F. K. Churchill, $7.50. Continued bill of Arthur Purdom, $; ucurge ounons, $3.UU. Butter Nut Bread, The best to be had, At Beam-Shaw Co's. M. Gleason mends shoes. Democrat Bide-. incorporation have been filed by the ; For Easter Novelties, call at the v. regon Coast and Eastern Railway . Elite. Company to construct 1200 miles of j Fresh every morning Krisp Kraix at railroad in Oregon. The capital stock the Elite. is placed at $10,000,000 and is fully 1 Most like home breaH Butternut. At subscribed by New York and St. Louis Beam-Shaw Co's. i-upnuusuj. ine ngnc 01 01 way nas j been secured throughout the distance ! of the proposed construction, 40 men having been at work securing it and work will begin within the next four proving new hose, after thorough test, lllt'U. R( quarte: Receipts: Cash on hand $ 1432.74 County treasurer 7003! 17 Street account 1078.35 Saloons 1000.00 General license 162.15 "ines 51x00 Recorders fees 46.00 Uog license 7,00 Supt. streets 00 Krisp Kraix the Puffed Rice Candy made at the Elite. Miss Kathryn Macneill, Trained Nurse, Phone farmers 137. Are you using Butternut bread. It's all right. Please the kids with something for ReDort of Chief Em-inwr Kirenh or,. ' months ! . . Tli. 1:.... .. :ti 1,.. ir inc iit. v.i.1 ue uunt iruiu lUliluuiUL Bay, California. ud the coast Reports of treasurer and recorder ror ft Jl1'"?,? line? c0"stru?Jte'l ! Easter at the Elite. larter snoweu the following: ;" r Vn,mf . i, St I Large and complete assortment of the coast line and probably connecting i Eastcr e"ds at the Elite, with the Moifatt road and the Chicago! Face and scalp treatment, shampoo and Northwestern. 1 in g and manicuring. Guarantee the cure The incorporators indude W. J. ! of.dandrutf in 10 flays or n.oney refund- U!lnn.. t D .1 1 T-l II T1JJ.. n,l .14-1. .,.,,1 c-HH o. tugene, William W. Gregory, of Port land, John H. Crabtree, St. Louis, John L. Stockwel1, J. S. Mclntyre, Floyd Shock, all of St. Louis, L. J. Simpson, Nor.h Bend, W. J. Patterson, Baker City. $10773.41 Disbursements: City officers 833.50 Fire department 493'41 Lights and sewers 425.50 John G. Wooley Tonight. Louis J. Beauchamp, the great en tertainer, at the M. E. church, Friday night. Invitations are out to the marriage of Mr. Wm. A. Rader and Miss Lillian Crawford, of this city on April 21, at 8 p. m. Rev. William M. Robinson, of Salem, has presented Albany Collego with 275 valuable books for the college library. The government weather prediction John G. Wooley, a former- candidate Streets 339.77 for president on the prohibition ticket sundries . . . .j ?72.69 wji speak at the onera house toniirht is fair tonight with light frost, Thurs- cona interest.... &0.00 under the auspices of the G rod Citizen-! l"y fa'1 and warmer. The river has "" ship League in the interest of local op j fallen and is 4.5 feet. . . 4614.87 tion and against the amendment. Ad- I A disnitch states that the new IT. P. Reportof marshal showed 83 arrests mission free. Mr. Wooley has spoken nine oriran was shinned from Chicaco during quarter. 10 for vrgrance, 2 dis- in Albany once o. twice before, prob oraeriy conduct, 4 lighting, 5 drunk and ably the ablest exponent of the tem disorderly, 3 simple drunk, 1 roaming perance cause in the United States. Street. 1 nmfnnP lnnnrlmnra 10 Innlraij Xta lioa ii.ef 4-..nm i up over night. 45 locked up and turned Australia. out at nignt. I A " Tl M Matter of sewer connections contin- " " Man. utd. 1 i An ordiuanee providing for payment j Robert Suitor, a successful saw mill of $424 for fire hose was passed. ' promoter, is in the city. He has been An orainance providing for proper ore several times latolv. looking read twice and lhe field with a view tn tnhlihin "'J"-?1"?" was reaa twice ;anu "he field with a view to establishing reierreo to me committee on ordin- mill here, if satisfactory arransements S;XLPrV'defl!r llpe f0r can be made and the proper Ss!tTse. buildings over two stories high, doors cured. Mr. Suitor has put in mills at opening outward, 4 foot ais lea etc. t, fi,. i . ' ? vi- I , - - unco piiitcn in Liie HLute, ae-, t act A oan rrancisco fire escane et.ter vc nn inM nnvinir nrn,unh'na nA luwoi, was read. derstands the business thoroughly. Al- Property in 3rd ward owned by Miss bany wants at least one saw mi1!, and Baltimore ordered connected with sew- rnore if possible. on the 7th, with a tracer, and hence is expected here the last of next week. It is announced that another China "doctor" will come to Albany to take the pla;e of Lim Tong and dispense Chinese drugs at 65 cents a dose, more or less. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cady, of thiscitv, died yesterday afternoon, aged ten days, and was buried today in the Palestine, Benton county, cemetery, Rev. Launer con ducting the services. Councilman Pfeiffer complained of the alley back of the C. & E. block as being a disgrace to the city and spoke to the point in favor of enforcing the city laws or taking them off the books. The alley was declared a nuisance and the recorder was ordered to notify the owners to abate nuisance within live days. jh Olympic Patent Hard Wheat Flour, the best, $1.25 a sack at all the grocery stores. , HOUSE FOR RENT. Go id location, bath, hot and cold water. Call at 732 cor. of 8th Broadalbin St. tl6 BICYCLETnearly new, cheap, at 226 W Second St. SWETLAND'S VANILLA ICE CREAM All the Time, at the Across the river, a ladv's small handbag, containing purse sind small amount ot money, Kid gloves and handkerchief. Please return to Mrs. S. P. Lawrensen. E A ST Is next Sunday, are you ready for it! if noi; let us show you some of the hew Easter iuits, Coats and Waists just received by express New Eton Suits New Pony !.uiis New Etui Bluuso New Sho t Conts New Silk Waists New Lawn Waists Suits -CREST CONFECTIONERY L. L. POTTS 3i6 W. 2nd Albany, Or. THE OREGON MARKET, Cor. 2nd and Ferry Sts. C.W.VUNK, Prop. Poultry, Eggs, Produce, Fish, Cheese of all kinds, Pickled, Salt, Smoked Fish, Lobsters, Clams, Crabs, Craw fish, Shrimp, etc. Poultry dressed to order. Telephone Blk 1791. Every new color and style in allover lace, lace boots embroideried and gauze lisle 11 Easter Hosiery Ejistcr Sun Shades and Parasols Beautiful assortment of White Embroidery, Silk Pongee, Plaids, Polka Dots and Colored silks of all kinds. Ladies Exclusive Store Chambers-McCune The Toggery Men's Exclusive Store Furnishings and Tailor Made Clothing wm jp'to Kind Vo GARDENING. Those wishing first- class gardening or flower beds taken care of and fixed up, shc.uld notify E. B. Davidson, 739 L First St. Your Price? About how much would you like to pay for a Spring & Sum mer Suit? Name your price and we'll show you a suit that will more than meet your expectations. Whether rigid economy compels you to make the most of a $7.00 Suit, or a handsome income justifies the wearing of a luxurious $20 00 outfit, we'll give yu the best money can buy. We iiure satisfaction at any price. Our Clothes are Models Our clothes show every mark of expert workmanship in all those little devices which cause garments to retain their stvle and to look well to the very last davs they are worn. The Blain Clothing Co. COrYHCHT 1905 Vt THE HOUSE Of IttmNHEMa E