P ; , '? For Infanta and Chudren. Lass -a iPaMswj.aiK h rasa i fill AYcgcfable I'rcparntionlbr As similating HicFoodandHcgula ling UieStoinaclis andBowcls or Promotes Digestion.CheerfuI nessandRest.Contains neillier Oiiium.Morpliine nor Mineral. ot "Narcotic. JlMpt ofOUDrSiMUELPlKJIEtt fltnythn Seed''' Aperfccl Remedy fdrConslipa rion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss of Sleep. FacSuiiitc Signature of NEW' YOHK. EXACT COPY OF WRARfiEH. mmmmmmmTmm Albany College. Founded and Owned by the Presbyterian Church in Oregon. Trains for Scholarship, Culture, Efficiency, Classical, Scientific, Normal and Commercial Courses with ample range. The spirit and teaching of the Institution are frankly and positively Christian. Prepare for special and technical education jy building first the MAN on Albany's broad and Htrong lines. There are eight years of solid work, four in the Academy, and four in the College. The Academy fits for the best Colleges. The Conservatory cf Music is equipped for the best work in voice, piano and violin. The Business Department is the equal of the best business college in the State, and yields first place to nono. Athletics are conducted on safe and sane methods. Quite a variety of liter ature waits your order. President H. M. CROOKS, Albany, Oregon ALBANY DRESSED BEEF CO. ... firm St.. opposite P. O, Choice Meats of all kind THE ALBANY BOX AND MANUFACTURING CO Have on hand a number ono sto;lt of Sash and Doors, Window and Door Frames. uet our prices before buying. 1182 Santiam Road. Phono lilack I(i3. J. II. KAUFFMAN, Manager. RlTERSIBEliTRMARB. PnrebrmlR.O. andH.O. While - Dome, White IM) month Rocks, ' ameye, 1'nkin duuksand O. I. (J. i..-r or sale. Eirus m Sanson . Leave orders a; K, M, rbompson'B poultry yard, AlOnuy, Or., or nail at the Riverside yard . Rd. cH mi., Prop Al vnrile. or ml reus at Albany ORDER OF I'ENDO.-M.ot.i fourth Akndiiy of month, in W. 0. W. bull. .1. 1,. Mux, Councilor. Elma A. Tuiinkk, Sec. i. ). U V Sitot.y i..iit,!c Ni.. l;t hi. '.'I ory Monday I'vmiinir t their luiU in A. U. U. W- 'IViiiple ou Vri mrfvt. Albany. SlrmineiB in tin- nit v nnd trkii.iout brethren cordially luvited to -ttend. V0)1MKM OF Ttth A'mKI.i.--a n iv I'nnip No ion P. J. H . w. ,n n..n i.-.,...... 111...,. .-... Ml- all Foster Ulock ivo. v ftiUj M iMHiiiU Clrclf iniHitu Ihi m.l Visittiiii iioinhborH wnlcouiod . J, K, 1avis, 0. C i, L. Swan, Clerk. 1'M'i K II T. M. ?ry Saturday tminlnu at K, 0, T, M nail Vlsltlnir KnUhtsl nvited, 0. N. Mi'KkB . ComniMn CMiHrnTcn-s cnqlibh mm K, Ai" ? Tr.itii.it l.iKllr. i" fim i IU:l U'l J.M r..n..ll. lt . "fj J tllh lint rln. I Mho flit ollirr. li.unn h j nrflU HuhnllulUmt mix) iinlln. 75f II..T... Uj of jnur i i.l .'. ... M Jf mm pi fur I'ftMlftilam. 'I't't hiv n'U Li n.l "lt1lr-f r.r I -1ic-."in I ' - rr. X7 tvrn Mali. l.ntnt I r.ili" .i.tti II; I t,ll tUi(itii, 4 liltitrr )it i .I. m! I n , hlr fai'ti UadUoM 54itar i'lln. I'.V. Bears tho ) VllJ JlwAlMfS C:t;M m The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TH oiHTAun sompanv. hcw vonx city. SOUTH and EAST VIA SOUTHERN" PACIFIC Shasta Route. lain leave Albany for Portland imo nay stations at 4:30 am, 7:28 s mi ad p. m, t.i-nve Po- tland 8:30 a m 8 , . Albany 12;28pm U:5?,j u Alve Ashland 12:65 am 12:36a xt " Sacramento.. 5:10 p m 6:00 a an " 8nn KniDClBCO. 7:4fi p m 8:4r ! v arriveOudon 4:E5ani 7:0lmn " Denver 9:30 a ra 9:lUi " KanmiB City . . , 7 :2fi a m 7 :2S a n 11 Ulnciitro 7:42am 8:30 am ArrlvrLos Angeles.. 2:00 D m 8:0fcnn " lilPnso :00pui 6:()(i ro ' Korl Wortn.. . 6:80a in 6 8 ro " City of Mexiaoll:30a m 1 1-30 an- " Houston 7:00a ui 7 :) u r " Now OrloaiiB.. (1:30 p m 6 30 po " WanhinKton .. 6:42 a in S:41'an " New York. ...12:10 p m I2:10p m Pnlluiaii and J ouriBth curb on uii i truiriB. Chair cars Mncrainonto to 0t:'i and 101 Pao,and tourist cars to ouioujn St Louis, Now Orlfnim and Washiiitftoi' ConnectinK at Sun c raiiriuco with -.o-eralatiiiioiflhip linos for Honolulu , .1 ro China, Philippines, Central and Son' l ALioricn. SofO. IC. Kkosk nuontnt Albany u Honor addronf A. Ii. CKA1G ,U. V. A Dirl'nrd, Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE 'orlntUmmntlon orCnlarrhof no iiinil.li'rnutl Itn.mtl ma .'), MO CURE WO PAY, t'llt PS nitkljr nil toi nmiifiitly die ornl rnii'B of Umiorrhocn ml 4JlM't. no ni(tt-r vt tuw nti stftudhm. A LsnlHtoly T-f'-.M. H.il.1 liv .lru.-jfif I'rU-o fl.oo. or hy nihil, poat- THE SANTAL-PEPSIIt CO. UIMontln, Ohio. For sale by Hnrkhart A I.ee. j'irst National UaijH, illiany, (Ireson rroaident K W. LAN'tiDON Vire-l'ri'Bideut n. K. YUN(i Cillior. A, O.S0I1MI1T 1r...i "."knit! bllainos: ACC'MIII Ti IlCt tO ClHVK. Sinht ixi'r.uni;e ami teloiiraphi;1 trai s'.j oldon Niw York, Sau l-'raneiiu'o.OliU'iw ami Portland, (IOI.I.K M'lONS MA OK '.on lavoral.l. lerniB. DitBtrroiis: S K. Yo'imi. IC. W. liANonoN A.'Ioodiiin,; A. O. Sciimiit, C. .4. Fuss. MM DBf 0 & w DOING THEIR DUTY. To filter Ibeb'ood la the kidney' dutr. When they fail to do this the kidueys are sick. liaukacheany many kidney ills folio ; Urinary trouble, diabetes. Doati'6 Kidney Pills cure them all Georijj Kutter, who is f mployeil with the Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., and resides at i91 Kecond Blreet, Port la d, Oruit., eavs. "Ihadmoreor less rouble with my kidneys tor a year or more. My r.sck botberrd me ilh eort, irriiatiug pain. Doan's Kidnej P'lls wefe recommended to me and I tot box. I commenced to ute them as dir ected and to mv surpriee when I had taken about baif the box the pain left my back. Every kidney sufferer sbcnl i know about Doan's Kidney Pills." Ienty moieprool like this from Alb any people. Hall at Foe hay & Mason's drug store and ask what their customers report. For Bale by all dealer 8. 50 cents per box. FoBtr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. sole aiients for the U. S . Remember the name Doans and take no other. I Gives Health, Viaor and Tone. fierblne ie a boon for sufferer) ir m aneamia. By its use the biocd i? quick ly egenerated ana the color becomes cormal. the drooping strength is re vived. The languor ib diminished. Health, viir and lone predominate. New life and happy activity icbii ts, Mrs. Belle H. bhriel, MiddleBborough, III. writes: I have been troubled with liver complaint and poor blood, and have foun i nothing to benefit me lite Her bine. I bava wit lied that I bad known of it In mv husbard's life time. 60c. Foshay & 51 aeon. The in-ip "Before we can Bjmpatlilza wit otberB. we must hnve Buffered onr Belvea." No one can realize the Buffer ing attendant upon an attaik of the grip, unless be has bad the actual ex perience. There ia probably no diaenee i that causes so mucb pnysical ana mental I aeony, or which bo successfully defies i o.fldical aid. all danjier Irnm the crip. towever, may be avoided by me prompt ue oi (Jlitmberlain'B uouizn,'ttemeuy j AraonK the tens oi thousands ttbo baijfe uwd thie reiurdv, not one case haVtover been reported that nas resulted in pneu monia or that baB no1: recovered. For sle by Foehav A Mason. Kcv. Cul ll.slo V. K. Murilo, L.. L,. V. ItchingPiles. If v'.u are acauainted with anyone who is doubled witb this distressing ailment you can do him no greater fa vor than to tell tira to try Chamber lain's Salve. It gives ii.stant reliof This aalvealso cures sore nipples tett'-r and (alt rheuM. Price 25 centu. For sale by Fosbny & Maan. Invaluable fin- khoiiniatis n. I have been suffering for the paet few years with a severo aaok rf rheuma tism and found that Bailard'i Snow Liniment was the only t liinic that gave me satisfaction and tended to aieviate mv pains. March 24, '02 : John 0. Deit nan. Kinsman, Ills. 25c, 50a and 1 00 Kosha; & Mason. The Best Cough oyrup O rT Innl. o-Prnh.ta .hiilffn. Of- t..u.Afrrn ITan'aao wrilna "Thia 14 Ifl Bay that I have med Ballard's Horn- bound Syrup for yeara, and mat 1 ao not hesitate to reccommend it as tn beet couiib syrupt I have ever used." 25c, 53c and $1 00. Fosbay & Mason. SUMMONS To the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Linn County, Department Ko. I. Maud V. Hutson, plaintiff, vs. Willia P. Hutson, delendant. To Willia r. HiKBon.theatovennini-d iloferdaiit: lu the name "i th Stte (f Ortg n, vou a a lierbt , olilied and rcqoired to be and upiear in eaul court in nid Bin. and anawertlie complaint ol the plul tiff tll dtliBteln, on or neioro ine z n oay , of April, 190(1, and you are ln.reoy ; ruriubr noiiueu inai n tou " i prar and BiiBwer sail conipl int as Hforesaid, lor want uiereoi tuh pimi-iu vi;l ml-u a decree sttsiost you for the reli t payed lor in said camp'uint, to wit: A decree of sail Court dissolving Hi' bonds ol matrimony now i-xi-mn; b)-. tween y. u nd laid plaintiff. j This siimmoi.B is sotved upon oi bv putilication lor six coosicuiive w ks prior to the Bid 28th dy oi Aoril.l'.iO'l, in the Albany Democrat newspaper I published in Albany, Linn County, Oreiton, and of venoral circU'Minn -ai kly in Baid countv, by order ol the Hon. Williim Galloway, Jud.'e ol Hi abovo mamed court. wii;ch said oider was made Mi-rrh Oih, 10M And :bat the .iid Wiilinm Galb way, judye cl 'lie , above nnmed oouit, in said order for Ihe I publication rl this BuininnnB upon mn, s prescribed said 28tb day of An il.' 190G, a the time on or bttore wh cb you shall appear an I answer the said coin plhlnt in Buid suit. Ttio il i'o of the first pnblicstio i t ibis ntnM:niin in said newBpap.r is March lOUi.lOOO. W. S RtSLKY Attorney 'or l'lnimiff. xvxv-x-vnxxxxsxnv.xxxsxxx (AUKSS a woman's age if you have tlie J temerity, and feel like taking the con sequences; guess about the weather, the crops, your neighbor's debts, whether to pay that insurance premium that is due, or wait till your house burns; guess the right bottle when you get up in the night to give the baby Nastoria; guess . . . well, regard ing any old thing except voitr printing. Afakc sure vou get the best bv patronizing MASTON PRINTING COMPANY Successors R. A. Brcdle ALBANY, OREGON ' ' , ' ' ' ' .xxxxxsxxxvx PROCLAMATION. I i .....r..-, . r. .i. o . . . p c,a,. i VHEREAS the Secretary of Sta e of the State o Oreson has n une me in writing that W' Jo theP' 's; i if'ns,of a"Ac e"" f0 a. h,m effective the Initiative an 1 referen lun , provisions of Sec Ion 1 of Art c I of the Constitiit o of the St-o of ; Oregon, and regu lating elec ins the e-, under and provi. ing pera ies for mo- lations of provisions th-s Act, ap-1 proved February Ptto mi, he Brewers and V. iioiesale Liquor Deal-1 ers' Association o Oregon duly filed in his omce on January 22nd 1906 an initiative petition containing 8301 1 signatures properly attached to a copy , of said measure, cert fled in accord-1 ance with law demanding that a pro- posed law the title tenor and effect of wh eh is hereina ter particu arly set forth, shall be submitted to the egal voters of the State of Oregon for their approval or rejec on at the general tCCtlHu l, P h?.n i ' ltS the 4th day of June being the first "Now,' Therefore, I, deo. E. Chamber-' lain Governor ol the : State , :o gon. In obedience to the provisions of said Act herein before mentioned do here- by make and issue this Proclamation to the people of the State of Oregon :w?,UnC1,ng '!attheLLll. I Wholesale Liquor Dea ers Associa- itlon has filed said initiative petition jwith the requisite number of signa- ures thereto attached, demand ng ; hat there shall he submitted to the ,lega electors of the State of Oregon ;for their approval or rejection at the Regular election to be he d on the 4th day of June, 1900 said day being the ! ?in i n iB-m ? , ' t til ed A bill to propose by in.t at.ve .petition a. law to amend Section 1 and to repeal Sections 2 i. 4, o G . J, . 9, 10, 1 12, 1.1 14, lo, 10, 17 and 18 and adding sections to be lesiRna.od ; as Sections 2 J, 4, o G 7, 8 9, 10, 11 ar ,12'0?',aIaf nenaCtCd bfthe H 0 ;of the State of Oregon, under an inltia- ; 1,1 ve petition by vote and election held ;at the general election in June, 1904, i""" entitled. "A bill to propose, by initial ve pe- tition, a law providing for elections ir. any county or any precinct therein or . , , ; , any subdivision of a county, consisting ,of any number of entire and contigu- ,ou3 precincts of such county, to de- , ermine whether the sale of ntox.eat- .ingl quors shall be prohibited in such county or subdivision thereof or in such precinct; providing for the fll ng of petitions for such elections and the form and effect thereof and for notices of such elections and for the time and manner of holding and donduoting the same, dec aring what shall const.tute a subdivision of the county within the meaning of this law; declaring what acts shall and what shall not const!- hue a violation of this law declaring the qualifications of petitioners and of electors at such e ections; applying to fe' c"0" th,e0 Prioof ico ?Qn- Tfnr f,7 i4 iqnq Zi JSn' ; n??' 19,i'07; n ?r' , r ?'iJ ' 1912 and 1975 of Bellinger and Cotton s Annotated Codes and Statutes of Ore- got,; provld ng for printing and dis- trlbuting ballots for such elections ; ; prescribing the dut es of public officers iioiH'l0",6!61?,! I relation to the enforcement of the pro- : visions of this law; provKang for the issuance by the county court of orders prohibiting the sa e of intoxicating , liquors within certain limits and de- ; daring the duties of such courts in ret- orence thereto ;i limiting the itimo within which the question of prohibit- (lng such sale of Intoxicating liquors iiiaj ihoiu ni. ' .'" the same district; providing penalties county and punishment for the violation of state of Oregon any of the provisions of this law; pro- w h undersignea respectfully viding for the return to any liquor deal- esent that we are qualified elec er or other person of a proportionate torg of ...precinct, In the amount of any license fee which he collnty, Qf may have paid, whenever the district and gtBte- of oVegon,' 'and 'that ' w in which he shall be engaged in bus - hereb est to order an elec- ness shall he declared 10 bo prohib 1- tifm , netermine wnether or not the tion territory; and applying to all saIe of lntoxicating liquor as a bev eloct ons held under the provisions of cra Bh prohlblted In sald pre. ,1111s law, me uiuy iuo ol LUO fu i., election laws o tne state, ann uectar- Ing certain rules of evidence appli- cable to prosecutions under this act. nnd des gnatmg the precincts to which th s act applies and providing lhat this act shal not apply to the nianii- facture or sale of iquors at wholesale by brewers distillers, vintners, or wholesale liquor dea ers. The tenor and effect of the said pro- posed bill is to so amend the said ex- .istlng law that It will, if said bill ls adopted, read as follows: I "Section 1. Whenever 30 per cent of the qualified electors of any precinct in bg sba thereupon see that it is en the State of Oregon shall petition the tered ,n , ,n the recordg of (ho county court of any county for the county court privilege to determine by ballot wheth- At ,east tw(mt ,,a provto.,a , rtny er the sale of intoxicating liquors as a ee(,ton hnrou-der t! co-tv e'erk beverage shall be prohibited within shall Oliver to the "sheriff 'of 'the the limits of such precinct such conn- count at ,eaat five n.lteg f tbe ty court shall order an election to bo election for ench election precinct In held thereon at the next regular bien- sai( comlty votjnf. on t!le .,p,tlon. nial general election In said county; gaid notjee shall be substant: illy in but such petition shall be filed with tne following form the clerk of said county court not less , L r Klec'tin Notice. than 45 days nor more than 90 days, Notlce ,s boreb ,ven Ulat on prior to such election. Such election; tbe d , OI slmll bo held at the usual place for ..... gd at the holding elections In said precinct. If . ' " ................ . . (here be such place, and if not. then p'recinct !!!!! '. ...... '. .'. . . at such place as the county court may ,n ,,. o0iintv at (S 'f 'f , direct within said precinct, and notice shall be given and the election con- ducted in the same manner as pro- vided by law for the election of general ()fflcci.s SQ f as ,d , be ducted by tho regular judges and clerks of election in all cases, and the wh,c such ' hereinafter provided. The ' anJ cler;s elec J r ag result , f other of- elec'tjon an elerk shall enter forthwith the i ( ,, lt f th eiection rrTof th? county cour" f county clerk, provided it majority of votes cast at ' precinct were intoxicating liquors as a beverage, shall be prima facie evidence thabt 'the seln 1 furnishing f hjmj of intoxicing liquors ese'uc0hr JZ! sold furnished or given away h. furnishing or giving & intoxicating liquors as a bev- ' where intoxicating liquors were sold, fur- or given away, occurred after entering the romUt ot such election), wes then and prohibited and unlawful. ,.Sec'tion 2 Tne ballots at an . elec. , , , ,on tion ls in addition to the ( offl(!ers' fl othe. matters h be ,nted with an af. firmalive and a negative statement, as ,The slo Qf ,ntoxicating beverage shall not be pro- 1 .Te sa,e of lntoxicatlng Rs 1)everaRe shall bo prohibit- J , , )ace on u ,cft sie f- h staterne , which to give each elector an opportunity to deslg- , , , , , 1 ' crosa lf the majority of tne V(tes cast a't sucn elec. ,)e ,n fayor of pron,b,tlng . . jntovlpatine- Honors as a bevera then f,.om and after 90 B m h , f enterIng the re. . ..,... soil ui soon toeuLiuu il biiuii ue unlaw- personally or by , ' h 'lt f sch cfnct; to sell, furnish or give away any , , t e d ' bevera e r to keep a place where ,f k ' ' , , m furnlshed for beverage es. 1 and any person who from a 1 f ; 90 , . f' he date f enterlng the result of such election in an maner tl Qr ilulirectly sell3 furnlshea or gives away, or otherwise d , , intoxicating liquors as a be keeps or lseg a place, gtrllctllre or vehlcle either permanent- , transient, for selling, furnishing ' , , y Qr , b, h or tm whfch intoxlclng iiqllors are sold, Biven away or furnished, or otherwise deaIt ln as aforesaid, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on con- victlon thereo b 'flned more than $20 h offens and ha f J Bllbsenuent offense be fined not moVe than '?5oo. ,.Soction A petltion or an elec- '"ier the provisions of this law sha be RnWicK if substantially as follows. .A tltlon to determine whether the sale of lntoxicating as beverage shall be pro- nibited in eclnct ot' the county of '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. 1 in' 'the stkte of Oregon.' (pjate) .. 190... "To tho cniintv eourt of cinct 8al(, eIeotion to be held at the. time o the next bennial election In sald countv The county c,erk shal rceei t of such potltlon immeatotely file the sam6 and shal, thereupon compare the Blgnatures Qf tho electors signing the same with th(J,r signatHros 0n the registrlltlon books of the election thcn pending- or if none ponding, then wlth the R,Rlmtures on tho registration ,,,, ,, ii i i,i m... f 'h nret,p.ni. nnrni Gi0(.tin. If ,,, rniai, nn!i nf n,lniiR,.,i Tn,rQ ,,,, hnvo oi,i ti, no.iu.nn an election will be held to determine whether tile sale of Intoxicating liquors shall be prohibited in said pre- clnct, which said election will be held 1 at 8 o'clock In the morning and will i, continue until 7 in the afternoon of (. said day. Dated this day of 190.. f; County Clerk of County. Oregon. 4 It shall be the duty of the sheriff at least twelve days before any election hereunder to post said notices in pub lie places in the vicinity of the polling place or places. Thereupon the clerk nnd the sheriff shall each briefly enter of record their compliance with the provisions of this section, and such ' record shall be prima facie evidence ' that all the provisions of this section have been fully complied with. "Section 4. The phrase 'Intoxlcnt- lug liquors' as used in this act. shall be construed to mean any distilled. malt, vinous or intoxicating liquor by whatever name tho same may bo known, but nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the selling of Intoxicating liquor at retail by a regular druggist for exclusively medl cnial. pharmaceiiciial. scientific or sac ramental purposes, and when sold for medical purposes it shall be sold only ln good faith upon a written prescrip tion, issued, signed, and dated ill good faith by a reputable physician in ac tive practice, which prescription shall not be used but once; and nothing contained in any of tho sections of this act shall in any manner affect the right of any bona fide wholesale deal er, brewer, distiller or vintner in said precinct to sell or deliver intoxicating liquors at wholesale. The words "giving away" where they occur in this act shall not apply to the giving away of intoxicating liquors by a person in his private dwelling unless such private dwelling is a place of public resort. The word "precinct" as used herein shall be construed to mean a voting precinct as established in the several counties of the state. "Section 5. The following shall be deemed a sufficient entry and record as a result of an election held under the provisions of this act: State of Oregon, County of , ss. The election held on the day of 190. ., in Precinct, in the County of State of Oregon, under the precinct local option law resulted as follows: Whole number of vote3 against the sale of intoxicating liquors as a bev erage, Whole number of votes for the sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage: County Clerk. "Section 6. The territory enclosed by the boundaries of any precinct within which the sale of intoxicating liquors has been prohibited as provid ed in Section 1 of this act shall be controlled by the result of suc'i elec tion and the law shall remain in full force and effect in said territory for two years and thereafter and "until another petition is presented under the provisions of this act in said precinct for another election therein and the result thereof is against such prohibi tion. "Section 7. Whenever any person, firm or corporation engaged in any kind of liquor traffic has discontinued such traffic, by reason of an erection mereon witnin tne time specilied by Section 1 of this act, and has paid or has charged upon the tax or license roll with an assessment upon such tratllc, the county court (or city coun cil in incornornrprl nilipc whom ennh H cense or tax is paid to the city), upon ueing uiuy satisneu or sucn tact, shall IsSim tfl Rlloh nprsntl fil-n, nf nnnm.a. tion an order refunding the amount of sucn tax or license, proportionate to thp linpvnlrt.fi Hmo fni- wlilM, cnM sessment or license has been paid or cnargeti. "Section 8. The petition for an elec tion provided for herein shall be deemed sufficient when the petition Shall ho Kifrnprl hv nc mnnv miallflwl electors as is equal to 30 per cent of cne number or votes cast in said pre cinct at the Inst nrPfvprllnir oonorol elPPtinn fni l,lt:t,.0 nf tlio DOnAmn court. In complaints, information or inuicimenis ror tne violation of this act It shall not be necessary to set iortn tne tacts showing that the re QUired nilTnllPI nf nloflnra In ciinh r.a cinet petitioned for an election or that I'liG pl'pntirm wna lipM n- that tl,n Mn jority voted In favor of prohibiting the sale of Intnvtnntiiirr llminec ao VA.nln provided, but It shall be sufficient to siaie mat. rne act complained of was men and tnere prohibited and unlaw fill. "Section 9. At nnv Hmo nffp,. tn.J years from the date of an election held under the provisions thereof, but noil oerore, another election may be pe titioned for, and shall be ordered by me county court as provided for herein But nothing contained in- the provis ions- hereof shall nffprr ampn.i . repeal or alter in any way any otherl iaw. siauite, or ordinance which pro! hlblts throughout a municipality the Do.miB, iiiiiusiiiiig or giving away o8 intoxicating liquors, as a beverage, oi u.e Keeping oi a place where intoxi eating liquors are sold, furnished oJ given away as a beverage. Section 10. All money received from fines and forfeitnroa nnt,i under the provisions hereof shall bd pum into me treasury of the county iri cases wnere the precinct is wholl Olltside of an Incnrmroto,! lt' or town, and shall be paid into thi cry treasury in all cases where th precinct is within or partly withi sucn incorporated city or town. "Section 11. Any person being qualified elector of a precinct where! an election shall have been held a provided herein. validity of such election bv filing a pJ tition dulv verified In thn ,.. .J of the county in which such precinJ i oiiumeu wnnin ten dnvs after thi election, setting forth the'grounds foj cu. iebi. i ne comity judge slmll hav full and final inrlq,llr.ll,,n . , determine the merits of said proceeJ ...h .i,u iu omer respects in the pn cedure of such hearing he shall h governed by the law for the contestin an titcuon oi a county officer far as such law is applicable. Thi county court or judge thereof shall rj quire the person or persons contestin such election to furnish security fd costs berore such petition is fllei Any qualified elector of such preclni may appear in person or bv attornc in such contested election case in d fense of the validity of such election. Sect on 12. That Sections 12. 1 14 lo, 16, 17 and 18 of the law afor said and all acts, or parts of nets, i conlllct herewith be and the same ai hereby repealed." pirn "? Rt IIS Caiito1 at Salem. t Fifth day of February. A D 1900 (Signed) GEO. E. CHAMBERLAtf n,. ti, r. Governor.) By the Governor: j (Signed) F. I. DUNBAR, I (Seal) Secreary of State ! 3 PROCLAMATfON ......' W. F. MILLS Will Do Your Painting And Paper Hanging, In First-Class Style. 55 w 4th;st Pnone 573 Red.