IJistar.ee Le -ds fc'cluintment. Freimeu Thoughts. Graft. Entured H the poet office, Albany, Or 3 eecund claea mail matter. F P NUTTING- The Democrat. The Daily Delivered, 10 cents a week; in advance for one year, $1.50. By mail, in advance for one year $3, at end of year $H. 50. The Weekly-Advance per year $1.25. At end of year $1.50. After 3 years at 2. OUll WANTS This is a restless world. There is a class of people Vfar.tiii-; "to make a fci tune in short order who are ever n the go after the delusive dollar, chang- in dark With Tom Lawson an one side and ( Hot air cuts n0 ice Missouri on the other, Air. Rockefeller A cheerful face castg ligh musi, leei sujuewiiat surrounueu. places. Tom Lawson makes so many predic-, It is easy to make excuses for those ing locations continually. It is easy to tiona nowadays, that it would be lm- we love. see twenty dollar gold pieces across the possible for some of them not to come j Flattery is the food that fools fatten state, but as a rule when one gets true. upon. there they have to be rustled for just st Petersburg society has been en- Municipal reform comes only after as hard as at home. A man with a joying a cycle of Wagner operas, thus individual reform. fortune already in his hands can go into drowning out the noise of the revolu- A starving man finds little of inter- a big city like Portland and get oppor- tionary bombs. Remember tumties for increasing it he cannot se cure in a place like Albany, but the poor man plods along just the same, and for the average citizen there is just as much if not more in Albany, with excellent prospects ahead. This is I est in a tract. J. THAT AT LASER'S Thus far the nearest the Senate has ' Tho benefil t a good word depend . come to making the dirt fly at Panama, : uPon the ay " 13 said' I is making the fur fly in tho Senate1 Parental precepts look small by the j committee room. i slde of Parental example. ... . .. . .. . , .... I Most of us are always quite willing We supposed that the pure food bill . ,. t. . - J1 . HORSE FOR SALE:-Perfcctly sound, Sr zwHszl. Fume & Fret are always trying to! will work anywhere, color nay, r"" '" y m ut, , . . ., " . : oorrow money oi U) sc uig. weight about 1-100 lbs. Inquire of W. gradually increasing until it reaches an ensic stab, said that it was a matter Tomorrow's tasks look easy U. Mitchell, saiem roau. importance which shall establish it in a lul 3l'"-u """. ule compared with those of today ' position where it can snap its fingers, thing had to be put in an ambulance, The man who wagtes tjm; taMng WANTED. -Girl to do general house. I uut mere is more tnan money maKing ""J " " about his ancestors work. Call at residence of M- in this world, things worth striving ueKn nu'lru lrum pride for his posterity. benders, tix w oin sireou atter more, and it pays to look above Many ftussian ijinerais nave no con- The conscience of some men never just mere money advantage, and at fidence in tho douma. They fear that gets in good work until after their sins least navo other things in mind with tho Czar will have no difficulty in mak- have been found out. ing it turn handsprings and loop the Some men make such a big fuss You will find NO CHEAP GROCERIES but the very BEST GOODS obtainable at prices paid elsewhere for inferior goods. when A full line of Preferred Stock and Monopole Goods a specialty. Absolutely the best grades of Coffees And Teas to be found in Albany. not building up Phone, Black 212 128 West 1st Street POTATOES FOR SALE. About 100 : bushels, in any quantity, at 2o centa it. nw bushel. Call at residence of M. per bushel. Hyd' It lias Knocked 1 he Houses. Plymouth Rock i Call unon Mrs. R,,m f , ,,n f: .hh'1. y . "n . - I ' w.. v.. v. WUV.ia tt'UUYIlIj FrankKitchen, at the nncK yaiu, o.u .omake thu im , ag . . . . so generous. uy hjiujmivh, . ........ EGGS: -Ture bred eggs tor seuing. 1P- about planning for big things that they The Now York surgeon who sewed overlook the necessity of attending to up a towel inside of a patient, did not the little details, include it in his bill. Some doctors are , as possible, and one might think from delivered some of the editorials that it was a regular Philade'phia ordinance that no one could understand without several codes and numerous other things at ones elbow. Of course it is not quite as bad as that, as intricate as it may WANTED. A dining room girl at tho be in some respects. But we need to St. Churles Hotel. give our brains exercise, and, by the PLANTS FOR SALE.-Loganberric's tim0 w0 hav0 6"en the law solidly in and Rhubarb 5 cents each, 50 cents our minds wo will have something in per dozen, $4.00 per hundred. Ad- our heads sufficient for any kind of ex dress I. C. Duedall, Albany, R. F. pansion theories. Back of all the red I). No. 1 Box 13, 1-2 mile bast ot there jg congidorab,e crcam fh Hacklcmans Grove. and ,t is probaUo when FOR SALE:-Small garden tracts, on the Iaw ia properiy doctored it will be a Suntiam. Easy terms. II. Bryant. thinE for th(j A BULLS FOR HAL,U. ( neaii oi B- the miserable boss system of the past Bcoten loppeu uuna, at a bargain. Come and see me a bout them, i miles west of Lebanon, wr to mo. Ueo. n.. iuciui, iniu HF.HI1Y PLANTS at 3 cts. each. Phono Farmers 6X. B. C. Wyatt. T.VH) R A T .R. An incubator and brood pr. used onlv three time . Call upon Mrs. M. P. Calkins, cor. lth and Vino. Although the first robin has been here for some time, standing around on one foot, for some unaccountable reason, the first straw hat has not seen fit to blow in. , fjti.'jS M fi r "iTA bad stomach I v .., -'i.3rsvis scon restored : "'-JZra '" to its normal Tho Captain Went Insane. condition when the BITTERS is used regular- ana Sttcii Dvsnensia. STOMACH & Colcfs, . npof" Kb Grippe. 1' r' ' has been pretty well slaughtered by it. When the French ship Crillon reached , WiffiM Ind?ffesUon. battled with raging gales and mount ainous seas for 11 months Captain Par- ado, master of the vessel was found to have lost his reason through tho heavy strain which he had been under. The skipper went insane while the Crillon was making an attempt to round Cape Horn. Here nearly all of her rigging I aA Adon j J.V. J or Lebanon, Or. tl A Ira Id of Ills Muiclow 203 W. 2nd St. BARGAINS was carried away and she began to drift. Half the time her decks were iinrlni" W!ilo,. ami flirt nvmw annrhf via- ! fugo in their quarters. The arms and In farm lands, stock ranches, fruit and No American citizen should be oblig- ,yaIs snapped and parts of them fell garden lands. Rents property on fay- wnon the storm died EGGS FOR SALE. Fine Burred Ply nv OUtn KOCKS.inorouKiiuiuu,.. . 7 . . .u. " ,n.' , nrahln terms. Tnanrnnpn written Call up Black 171 tor pnee. urae eu to go around with a body guard, and " - "- ' o tarftertAMretaurance promptly attended to. iyt none needs to do so if ho conducts him- down the 'ars nxed up an improvised Go's. Agent for the old reliable Phoe- FOR SALE. 150 bushels of Early self decently. John D. Rockefeller has rigging and then it was found that the nix Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Money makers potatoes. Order from an uneasy head, but ho has been the Captain had lost his mind. It required Hartford, Conn. J.R Douglas, l'armerSiA, or oi i. j. cause of it himself by his selfish course, constant vigilance on the part of the Anderson, grocer. Uul,vclea "Jtcuy- hiB system of robbing the people to pay other officers to keep him from de- . - Paul. He has become'a skulker, dodg- straying himselt and he was finally .&TM in? Ma --s, fearful lest his Ufe be locked in the cabin. I , Ut r.Illfpn nr lio ahull hn Uirlminnil 1 nt lilu Studobaker WagoDS. " Bike Wagons. " Buggies and Carriages. Canton Clipper Plows. Plant Jr. Garden Tools. Garden Seed and Spray Material, OIlLINCB & PENLAND, THE HARDWARE MEN. Roxbury House. FOR SALE. A nice live-room house and lot with woodshed anex. Sowers and city water. Situated in east end of town. Price, $000. See J. V. Pipe about it. money. This should not be in free America, and would not be if the man had lived as he should have lived. , "ev Telephone Arrangement. FOR "SALE. 30 acres just outside city limits, fifteen minute walk from the Court House, one nan in cuiuvuuimi He Can Be Trusted I ThoWorld:- ! The telephone in ordinary use today Phone Re is tho same as the telephone of a cen- at least so far as its outward HELLO Albany Transfer Company, Formerly with S. N. Steele & Co, now moved to office of Howard, Rob erts & Cooper next door to Post office. it you wisn anytning done in tne line ot light or heavy nauling call us up at our new ollice, pnnne Ked obi, or residence, ALBANY TRANSFER CO. tury ago, Every democrat in this judicial district appearances go and its results on short will have a young man to vote for for distance transmission. Now a New most all of the balance can bo culti v- congressman, who if elected will be a Yorker, S. P. Levenburg, has invented credit to ihe state, a broad-minded an instrument of an entirely new de man, one of vour Folk'stvle of follows. siKn. and that Uoes away with some of ated, just the finest kind of rich gar en ot potato land. This is the best bargain ever offered. For price ami particulars see J. V. I'll'! I A young man of absolute integrity the inconveniences of the present tele- T.'liKKII COLUMBIA RIVER SMELT, everyday, is cents a pounci, ai. . auuiiy lor representing tne people well Chas. V. Galloway also possesses tho Pnono- 1,10 transmitter and receiver CALIFORNIA PROPERTY: For sale at about half price, G5 acres in olive trees, 14 years old, 14 acres in Zenfe deil grapes 5 years old with complete and valuable plant, consisting of two engines' etc. Price $20,000. See or address Cal Stewart, R. D. 4, box 44 who will bo in Albany every Tues day and Friday. 315t Schuebels, Lyon street, near tho But better than all he has tho qualifica KusH II,)U ' tion just now needed, he can bo trust- WOOD FOli SALE. -Second growth cJ fir. Leave orders at Lassello Bros. I rt P. F. Ai.tkhmatt. J 31)0,000 for Portland TO SUBSCRIHKRS-Tlioso not rcceiv ing the Daily by 11 o'clock evenings ...Hi ..1. 1 ,,,, l;.,,l on'iir wkhI of llroadhlbin street. Red 10:! 'aim a cny 01 juu.uuo people within a 1 no dkmockat expects to see l'ort does away with tho tiresome experi ence of holding tho receiver to the ear between Erwumimn and Montgomery tow years, doubling its prescat popula- while waiting for the despatch, streets, and Black 1SK! east of Mont tion. There are many things to indi- gomery street. The receiver is provided with a horn BLAC KS.Yl ITHING. fixed m tho proper position for the ear when tho mouth is near the transmitter Having opened a blacksmith shop at mu i.u 1 1 1 n. r the corner of Main street and the opening. Thus the hands are left free Sslt;m road 1 am ,,repal.ed to do black- for taking notes or jotting down mem- smithing in a skillful manner in all lines oranda. . of the work. Wagon work and horse I This feature of the instrument also fhoei"K a specialty. Everything neat- J .....(..jw uu.., WOOD SAWING, Proinptiv and ellieiontly at tended to by Ben Uozello. Order per sonally or phone Hindi 1S-11. A PURELY MUTUAL fire insurance company. TheO. F. It. A. John G. Bryant, Agent. mmSm cate this. The prrsent dcvelojiment along industrial lines makes it plain that much may be expected. Some times it looks as If there was simply a boom on, but undoubtedly it means a good deal moro than that, and has a permanent character to it. THE. BIG 4 Barn Door Haimer A great thing for barns. The Handle Hinge Hasp, Another splendid thirg. Tho Silont Parlor Door Bargers, All steel, the best thing out. At tho Albany Hardware Co JI. II. CRAFT At i'ntl m,(l Hn uiliill" ' Mreer will klw.jra Ii.vp on nl the bcM o' ff)i thing in the met' liue,,choi''f) Inrd eir Give film osil. U)( Reward 100 Thi roHders ol ii,,d paper will be ,tlfiMU'l t: lentil UiHt tlitroiHrtt leas'j'tne il'ciultd lUxeuM iliat tcienuu I t beun ,t' lt 10 cure in nil lis slimes, mid thai is I'u'urtli. Hall's Cniarrh Cure is tbn miiv I'ovitivu c ire no v knowu lo the int'iliciil Irttlernity. CHlatrii l.uin a .'oiiiillii'.ijnnl tnsimpt', trquircs a cnnssl tu ionnl tri'HIinei t. hall's Oitlarrh Cure is 'eki'll inurnti'ly, nctiliK (lincfly upon Ihe blnod mid inn -our surface of tho syaleiu, tho eby ilestroying Uik fotinda tion of thvtliwate, and -ivnikf tho nntient BtriMintli by huildii.it up the conslitutiOH iml aeiMsiinu uaiuri1 ill iloint its work. I he proprit-ior bavo so imicli fait li in it. curative ttower. vltat they offer One lliiiulrvd Dollars for any cavi that, it fulls to cure . Scud lor tisuf testimonials Address : V. 1. OMEXKY A Co.. Toledo, O. Sold by Pitwuists, 76c. Take Hall's Family I'illslor constipation. Business Talks. Hot Chicken Tamales, Hot Chilli con came, And Hot Drinks At the Crest Confectionery Store. Hot chicken tomales all tho time at the Royal Restaurant. Fresh oysters at retail and in bulk at the Royal Restaurant. King Main 100 for messenger boy. Delivery to any pari, of city for 10 cents. Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than any where 'else i Albany. Skilfully set if desired. B. F. MASON. COfflOV gBB CHAOS 1 COFFEES i ma Mjwawt For The Central Feed Sheds. J. II. Kelley has purchased the Cen tral Feed Sheds, near tho Russ House, and is prepared to serve the public in this line, curing for tho horses in a careful and and neat manner. Give him a call. tti. SWETLAND'S VANILLA ICE CREAM The Best I'liyaic. When yon tint n physic I liat in tri d and Keatit. easv to tfitf nud peasant in ffee , lake Oliainberla.ti'i. Stt macli and ! I.iv r 'r..t.lt. Price L'o I'cntf. Every' ; thix watranlptl tiet a trm unlp'eat' nrv .nurrTiMicriv re and irr V"l WJINrcv. I Ivm-iV"" All the Time, at the Koshay t h tn. A Matoii's drtiii (tore 1 L. L. TOTTS Sit! W. 2nd Albany, Or. USE STOCK FOOD If you wish to make your stock look fine, use Mock Food. Wo have a complete line of Prussian and International Stock Foods. also their poulty food, lice killer, horse powders ami g.ll cures. ilUHKtiAKT & LKG. The Arcade Rolfe & Bruce, - Proprietors. SHAVING and BATH TARI-OKS Opposite Post Office ffART Sale by Beam-Shaw Co C0ATES & JEWELL, Successors to Henry Brodcrs, Second and Ellsworth Sts., Albany, Dealers in choice meats of all kinds. THE HOTEL REVERE j Under New Management, i Fiist class table board at reasonable J rates, by day, week or month. II. M. PALMER, PROP GOLDEN RULE DAIRY. j Milk and Cream Furnished. Cnstomerv summer rates will prevail after March 1st on bottled mil:;. Phone Red 1SG3. MISHLERBROS., Proprietors of the Jersey Dairy, Bryant's Park. I Choice milk and cream promptly de ivored. I Phone Red 444. Walter Parker, Grocer and Baker 216 WKKT 8TKEETALB ANY OUEHOM First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56 xSargains! argains Having sold our nursery business, possession to" be 1 S'ven May 1st., and having on hand a large amouk f 1 V ' , 1 , "ovu,B u" "aim " iiuge amoUW r-... . otticauic awtn wnicn was not included in the sale, we will make gieatly reducded prices for viujci w tiuae il out. it. will pay you to get our prices whether vou intend planting a single rose bush or a lurge orchard. Don't miss tkfe opportunity. - ALBERT BROWNELL Phone Red 621 Albany, Ore WA PAPER BOO STYLES TOSELECT FROM 5c to $2.50 Roll GREATEST VARIETY SOUTH OF PORTLAND. Woodworth Drug Co., Agents Beware of Defective Titles. Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. II. RUDD, Manager monfey loarneadPrOPertV int6nd l PUrchaSe' 0r acceP' 83 security fer Established in 1S92, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience Ollice corner of 3rd and Bro.Walbin streets, Albany, Or. OSTEOPATHY FEMALE DISEASES Office 226 Broadalbin. DR. MARY MARSHALL, Graduate DeMoines School. Phone BUtelt 4S2. Consultation free DR. C. J. RAMSEY Gd"ate. Pacific and kirksville Schools.