Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 08, 1905, Page 1, Image 1

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Foot Ball Player Held Up.
Portland, Or. Dec. 2. As Charles
W. Evans, a former highschnol foot
ball star at Eugene, was going home
at 12 o'clock last night with the pro
ceeds of the Company C. Military ball,
about $35, he was held up by an un
masked man and ordered at the point
of a pistol to give up his money.
Evans had a Docket knife onen in his
hand and instead of complying with the
demands began slashing at the robber
cutting him on the wrist ana snouiaer.
The robber taken by surprise' fled pre
cipitately leaving a trail of blood.
Gin Poisoning
Portland", Or., Dec. 2. Within the
last two months Chinese gin has caused
the death of five men and numerous
. broken heads and bones have been suf-
fered by frequenters of Chinese dives
in this city.
1 James Biddel and Joe Messenger died
! vesterdav at St. Vincents HoSDital and
i William O'Neil is reported dying. The
deaths are traced directly to gin poisoning.
Killed in a Portland Salocn.
Portland, Or. Dec. 2. -Tom White
a bartender employed in. a North end
saloon yesterday during a quarrel struck
down and killed Edward Wheeler, aged
45, of the Dalles, who had been invited
into the saloon to take a drink. Every
effort was made to suppress the fact.
Mitchell's Case.
Portland, Or., Dec. 2. The United
States District Attorney's office has re
ceived word from District Attorney
! Heney from Washington, stating that
i the government will wait until Christ
i mas for Senator Mitchell to appear be
, fore the Supreme Court in person or by
; attorney in an effort to have his appli
cation tor a new trial advanced.
Three Appointments.
Washington, Dec, 1. The President
today made the following appointments
in Oregon:
United States District Attorney for
Oregon William C. Bristol, vice Fran
eia J. Heney, resigned.
Register" at Rosaburg Benjamin L.
Eddy, Tillamook, Or.
Receiver at Roseburg James M.
Lawrence of Bend, Or.
Will Ba MeClellan.
New York, Dec. 1. The canvass
has Droceeded far enough to indicate
' that George B. MeClellan will be seated
as Mayor, and the Municipal Owner
; ship League, flushed by its "almost
j victory, is already planning what it
will da next year.
Just received a car load of Wood
Fibre Plaster, also car Alsen Portland
Cement, the bt on the nuktt, t
Sender's Feed Store.
442 Washington St.,
Portland, Ore.
337 W 1st St.,
Albany Ore.
t a recent meeting of
the stockholders of The
House Furnishing Co., it was
decided to dissolve the cor
poration, and to make quick
work of it.
Great bargains will be
offered in the reduction of
the immense stock; in. clos
ing out the business of the
See the windows Get
dissolution prices
The House Furnishing Co.,
At Forest Grove. $6,000 Taken.
Forest Grove, Dec. 2. T're Farm
ers and Merchants Bank, run by R. M.
Dooley,' was burglarizee last night.
The safe was wrecked and the robbers
escaped with $6,000. No clues has yet
been secured to the burglars.
And Thirty-three Entombed.
Cheyenne, Dec 2. An explosion of
the mines of Diamondsville occured to
day, twenty one being killed, thirty
three entombed. The mine is afire with
little prospect of rescue of the men.
Report Reiterated.
Berlin, Dec. 2. The papers print
ing a report of thejattempted assassina
tion of the Czar reiterated the state
ment of yesterday. The claim is that
the would be assassin is a cousin of
Demetrius Constantonivitch.
John Sharp Williams, Leader.
Washington, Dec; 2. John Sharp
Williams was elected leader of the mi
nority in the democratic caucus today.
A Mixture of Things and Thoughts
Albany first.
Live and let live.
Have you finished the turkey
Albany is the car distributing noint
of the valley.
Can O. A. C. beat Multnomah, that
is the question.
The President will now recommend
for Congress to ignore.
Holiday goods are showing their faces
in all manner of shapes.
Be sure you are rie-ht and than' ?nst
your ballot on Monday.
A trolley line from Portland to Sa
lem within two years or $50,000 forfeit.
Then trot the trolley up to Albany.
One to two hundred thousand Amer
ican foot ball players, mashing into
each other, slugging, pushing, pound
ing each other into the mud singly and
in squads, battered and torn, shattered
and bruised, and only 22 deaths!
An Erroneous Impression
A report is being circulated to tile
effect that I was crowded off of the
democratic ticket in this coming city
This is a misrepresentation of the
facts, and I hereby wish to correct this
erroneous report.
T RnW fifr. tn tvitVlrlronr vi..
- - . vi iiijr unu ttu-
enrn. npt.inn. nn mu nmn iurln-mnn-
uninnuencedby any one.
Two Sales.
The real DroDertv of the Nivnn put ntrt
of Harrisburg was sold this afternoon
at administrator's sale, in five tracts,.
as follows: 191. 90 nnraa fn W n
olson for $1665. 820 acres to W. A.
uiuwii, iwr 903ou, o acres to j. K.
Wyatt for $16, 8 acres to J. R. Wyatt
'for S2 and 200 nnrna tn Vvra Wlw. ..
'ihe home, property of the late Wm.
G. Amos, on Main ftreets, 4 'ots and a
:r, . , ' "r Bute, miu
bid m by Judge J. N. Duncan at $1310.
Is Probably Genuine.
M. E. Bilyeu, of the court house has
had his violin eighteen years instead of
two. as stated hv f.hp TlpMrtpo a p .,oo
terday. It is a 3-4 instrument, weighs
11 ounces, and an expert since yeste r
day declares it is probably a genuine
Antonius Straduaris Cremona violin of
1720 as indicated by the label insic.e.
We Want
NO 1 Apples Pa eked,
First-class Potatoes,
Chickens and Eggy,
Butter and other kind of Produce
An Up-to-date stock of Groceries, Fruits,
and Produce, Stoves and 'Hardware.
310 W. First St., Albany, Oregon.
That can fall in with your mood at
any minute, cheer, console, entertain,
delight, round out an evenings enter
tainment, or brighten a day s solitude!
A pianola will mai:e your piano sucn
a friend. It is not a music box or a
machine, but a delicate connecting
link between the music in your soul
and the voice in your piano.
The pleasure of music will all be
yours without the drudgery or prac
tice, if you have a pianola.
Or, if your piano is an old one of
cheaper grade, why not exchange it as
part payment on a pianola piano. A
pianola piano is a step beyond the
"separate pianola" idea and costs a
little more than the ordinary piano,
and a separate pianola, but it combines
the features of a piano and a, pianola
in one compact case and can be played
either by hand or by an inserted per-
Ioratea music roil. ou tnus nave two
ways of satisfying your scul-craving for
mraic, and two ways are better than one.
We have on display the best pianola
piano, the famous Steck. Its wonder
ful sweetness of tone and responsive
ness to every whim' of the performer,
will delight and surprise you.
Also on display, is an, the
latest creation in the pianola family.
It is a beautiful instrument cased in
oak and built to fit grands as well as
Everything we sell is for cash or a
little at a time as you prefer.
Opposite Stevens, J. M. Ward mana
ger; W. D. Knight, assistant manager;
Lillie Brenner, store assistant.
COME TO-DAY and lay it away
"One that puts off buying holiday gifts
till the last minute usually gets disap
pointed." We have sold many presents
Already and our large and elegant line is
now on display. Come! Examine
Burkhart & Lee.
Buy the boy in expros3 wagon, all
siees at Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co.
SILVER POLISH the finest made,
at French's Jewelry Store,
i '-
Corn that will pop. Nebraska Kice
pop corn in f ackages to suit; thoroughly
eleen, at Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co.
KEEP an EYE-on the Vienna Bakery
J for good things to EAT. Second street
ebtwean Ellsworth ana L.yon streets.
BRING IN your old sowing machine
head. We will either repair it or take
it as part payment on n new ino.
Stewart& Sox Hdw Co.
Business Talks.
My. large assortment of CHINA
and GLASSWARE. Never be
fore iu the history of Albany has
so large a -stock of goods in this
line been offered at cost. Early
buyers will reap a rich harvest.
I am going oat of this line of
business. v
' A generous assortment full of quality and merrit.
F. M.-F3ENCH, Tee Jkweier.
12I-4-VWW.: is!S bt "Albany Si. r. ..WTCSliS?1-withb0 &0reeJ.-
Hot Chicken Tamales,
Hot Chilli con came,
And Hot Drinks
At the Crest Confectionery Store.
Fresh Ovstpra rppoivoH Inili. at c:.K
son's Grill.
Hot chicken tomales all the time at !
the Royal Restaurant. j
Fresh oysters at retail and in bulk at '
the Royal Restaurant.
Ring Main 100 for messenger boy.
Delivery to any pari, of city for 10
cents. I
Glass, all sizes and kinds, for sale at
the Albany Planing Mill, cheaper than
anywhere else in Albany. Skilfully But
if desired. .
The Acme of
For Sale, by Beam-Shaw Co
Bread and Pastry.
I will hako bread, cakes. r.ies and
brown bread to order, will also mn!e
mince mt and plum puddings. Send
in vour orders for fruit cake, and plum
EuoVlingB for Xmas now, an thy we
etter 6 or 6 weeks old. fhone Red
164, or address 606 E second bt., Al-
At'Stetttir's Gash Store
1'iu. M. J A:;:1tjpac 1.3
All kinds cf STAPLE and FANCY
GROCERIES. Fruits in season.
Reasonable prices and quick delivery.
Phone Ataiii 73
CM A RLEY M ILLt R, IV anae r.