'mmm I A&&e table PrepatationforAs similating IheFoodandBegula ling Uie Stomachs andBoweis of Promotes Dige9Uon.Chfrful nessandHest.Conlains neither Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral HOT MARC OTIC . Itc ofOUJrSiMUELPIKHUl flmpii. Seal JhcSmtut ft MWUVC.KipV ApcifeclRemedv-fnr Worms .Convulsions.Fcverish- ncss and Los9 of Sleep. Facsimile Signature op. JNEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRABfiER. MONARCH CODGE NO. 18.-Indo-li pendent Order of Lions meets every Saturday evo. in W. O. W. Hall. Vis iting members cordially invited jL M. Sears, G. H. Argetsinger, Sec. ' Pres. ORDER OF PENDO. Meets fourth MonJay of month, in W. O. W. hall. J. L. Hill, Conncilor. Elma A. Turner, Sec. l.,0. 0. V Sila'.y todge No. 13 meet overy Monday etwning at their ball in A. -O. U; W. Temple on Frt street. Albany. 8trungers in the nity and irnnjlout brcthroa oordially, Invited to -Uend. JODilKS OF THR WORLD. Mb ny Oamp No. 1L3 P. J. W. W. mseti jHall Poster Block every Vrilaj jonlna . . JftnsanUa Circle, meets 1st md 3ri Mondays . Visiting neighbors welcomed . Glum VI Jonkin, 0. 0. L L. SwN, Clerk. , Him R 1 1 'I'. M . Tory Saturday evening at K. 0. T. M ' rail Vlsltinir K.nigncBt nvneo. J.Hamill,. , Commander OOtJR f LIBERTY, No. 25, ForeBtere o America, mets at Maccaboe hall every Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Vlel'lvg hrothers nnntially invited to attend. C. B. Davis, Chief Banner, f, J. DuBiiuiLLit, b'manuiaHecreUiy. Corvailis & Eastern Railroafl riMECARU So. 29 So. 2 For Yaqnina: Train leaves Albany... ' " OorvalUa.. " arrives Yaquina. No. 1 Retnrnicg : Leaves Yaquina . OorvalliB Arrives Mbanv ..12:46 n. m , , 1 :45 p. m .. 5 45 p. ni . . 7 :1 R a. m ,.11:30 a. m. ..12 lie p. m Ho. 8 Foi a.many-ueiroii: Leave Atbanv for Detroit 7 30 a. m Arti't'S Detroit ...,12:3.) p. m Bo. 4 from Detroit Leaver Detroit 1 31 m Arrives Albany 6:J0 p m Uo. 5 lor .b.in : Leavoi Co vallls 6 3 a. m Arrives Albany 7:10 a.m. JSo l ir l "irvaiiK; Leaves Mnny Atrtvot Oitvall s. No. 7 l"r A li.ui) : Loaves Ooivulln.. Arriv Alhti.y .. 11 t..r MnrVrtlllC : 2:t0 p 3 :20 p in 0:00 p. in tl :4i p. in Lvans Albany 9:16 o . . 'A-aillla O .r.fi . In . m. Trains No. larrlvrf in Albany in time to connect with tie 8 P aoutb bound train. Train No 2 connactB with the B I trains al Oorvalltf and Albany gi?. It gdlrocl service to Newport aod Ad ii cent beaches. Train So. 3 leaves Albany (or Detroit at7:'W i. in., arriving there in ample time t.i etch the Breltenbush hot spring Hi" lime day. Train N' 4 between Albany and De troil connects with the Kiigmie local at .,, .i.. i,.. n.,..n.. Ainanv, m-w .u ....... Train No. 5 levo OonvUis at 6:30 a m.,arrlv-a at Vlb'nv 7:lt) a, rn in-imei to ca'cli Kuiiene local lo Portland and train to Detroit. ! Train Nn. 8 'eaves Albtnv (r Co-vallis . t 2:40 p. ill., alter the arrival of S. P. nort'iboti-tl "ve-laaii. Train No. ' leaves Corvallis at 6:00 p. i m., arrive tn A r nv at 6:10 p m., in ; time to n.innect nitli the local for Eu I gone and way nn lit". yNrain No. 0 leaves Albany f r for ralll) 9:15 D in . after ilie arrival ol tnj S I". ii cil fr in I'o-tUti'l For furlliJr I'tfnriiiaMon apply to i T. " M'' no, Ac Ing Manauer. T. Cil 'KKKKI.L. Agrt, Albany. " H. H,CSONi-E. AvHiit. Cirvslllr-. 1 3 J. 4 -JL- - j.. . . Burs ths ) Kiml Yati Ham Ulnars Boi'jlJ m 2m$BBt j For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BUSINESS r. O.W ill for jewelry. F. M. French, Itweler. Raaora honed and set 25 8Ui Bathe. Viereck'e Eibilirunt Hair Tonic re. stores nnir to its original color. Viereci Ezema and Dandrnff Onre or money re nnded. 50c per bottlo OASVORI ' Bears tie Tin Kind Voii Haia siwys BaiigH DR. RAMSEY, . OSTEOPATH Olficc: 226 Broadalbin Street. Phone, Black 482. Hours, 9-12; 1-5. Graduate Pacific College, Los An geles, Cal., Post graduate American School, Kirksvillo, Mo, BUFF LEGHORNS. Good Ones loo The fancier loves the feathnrn. hut. the farmer loves the egg basket. Buy Simpson & Fisher's Buffs and got your egg basket full; write them for their catalogue and prices. olMPSON & FISHER, Albany, Oregon. Pigs for Sale. Large English Berkshires. Our found ation stock comes from best herds in the United States and stock for sale is registered and as good as can be had anywhere. We also have a fino yearl ing, registered shorthorn bull, we will sell reasonable. Call on or writo Pacific Nursery Co., Tangent, Ore. J. M. Ralston, iN-intlASOU AND MONEY BHOKEB Fire tnanrance, Written, City, Conn rv ami i:hool. tVarrautt houKht. Ool. ectlo ie ma. le. Notes ooiurht. Hmall oans mt'c on personal or chattel ee mm? Have itenty of Munev to Loan on zooil (arm e at 6 per oen t Interest, ws,p - - Oregon Notice. If you need milk and want first-class Jersey milk clenn and pure put up in clerin bottles and cans cheap just phone Red 4 U and your order will be accepted. Prices beginning April 1, 1905: Pt. per month j qq Qt. per month j I tmilfn unntinl l crenin is also handled on my wneons vy.iM i,u iui yuiirSCII HOW WO IllindlC and enro for our milk, our plucois open to visitors at nil hours. Yours to Please. Maple Uidge nnd Jersey Dairy, E. C. Smith, Prof. Star Baths. Suvinii and Hair-Cntling Parlors., 4 c iai'. Porcellne Tubs. First Class btt Bl ck aloud. U-in,llbin St. between 1st and 2nd. H. F. Herrill rtHURA"'" AND LOAN AUENT. j 1 City and Oonuty Warrants bought and . oil. Lollectlous promptly K'tended to, CorresDondencesoiitited, pearsthe Signature A J) I n ia , . MW, H a- I n a V J IT For Over I Thirty Years ra ti ii emrfii man i iiiMiiiuniHj THI OINTAUR MMMNV. NEW VORH OtTT. j Reduced Excursion Rates. On and after June 1, 1905, the South ern Pacific, in connection with the Cor vallis & Eastern railroad will have on lalround trip tickets from points on i heir lines to Newport) Yaquina and j Detroit at very low rates, good for return until October 10. 1905. Three day tickets to Newport and ; xaquuiu, guuu going oaiuraays ana re- i turning Mondays are also on sale from 1 oi.la nninfa 1.....1 t C o.uw yvinM9 ivibiauu w Dugeue incru- sive, and from all west side points. Season tickets from all east side points Portland to Eugene inclusive and from all west side points are also on sale to Detroit at very low rate with stop over privileges. Three day tickets will be good going Saturdays and returning Mondayaoniy. Tickets from Portland and vicinity will be good for return via the east or west side at option of passenger. Tickets from Eugene and vicinity will be good oing via ine xieoanon-springneia vanph if rl iviir) I S. P. trains connect with the C. & E. jar, Aioany ana vervains tor xaquina uuu ituwpori.. rawB on me (J. 6c j for Detroit will leave Albany at 7:30 a. rn. Rate from Albany to Newport $4.00. Rate from Albany to Yaquina $3.50. Rate from Albany to Detroit $3.00. Three-day rate from Albany to Ya vuina or Newport $2.00. Portland and Return. The Southern Pacific is now eelling round trip tickets to Portland and re turn fott3 00. vood enini; Satnrdav D.m. or.any train ol Sunday r-torning Bun- anil Mot.day (living all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. 1 he same arran aement applies irnm fortiana mvlng roi-t ids peo,. a en.rjc. .a v.sii, varey Doiuts at greatly reduced rates. w. k. Com an, Gen ral PaeBenger Ag About RhematUm, There are few dresses tht more torture than rbfumatim aud there h probablv no disuee lor whiuh.such a varied and useless lot ol rdrnecies have been suggested. To say that it can be cured lb, thHn Kre, a bold statement to make, but Chamberlain's Pain Ba m, . whch enjoys an extensive sa e, has met with great eu cas ia the treatment of tbiB disease. One applies' Ion of Pain; Balm will relieve the pain, and bun- dieds of tufferaiB have ie6tified to per- manent cures by its use. Why suffer when Pain Balm affords such Quick re lief and coats bus a trifle? For sale bv , FoBbay & .Mason. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Best and Most Lfifcctive. "M ithers buy H for croupv children, railroad men by it for severe coughs acd eldarly people bny it for Is grippe,'" aaya Moore Bros, JSI.l. n, Iowa. "We sell more of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy than any other kind. It aroma to ; have taken the lead ov.r several o'hei good brands " There is no -question I hut this medicine is the best that can be procured foi coughs and colds, j whet ler it be a child or an adult that is i efllcted. It al aya cures and cures quickly. Sold by Poaay & Mason. Chamberlain's Cough Reme Jy the Mother's Favorite. The so thing and healing properties of this remedy, Its pleasant tarte and prompt and permanent cures have msde it a favorite with people everywhere. It is eapeivaily p ited by mothers of small children, for olds, crouo and whooping cough, as It always ttlords nuick relief, and at it contains no opi um or orthar harmful rirutf, it may br given as co. fhlrntly to a bany as to r.n at a t. For sale by Foshay & Ma on. Diphtheria, Bore throat, croup, I', stent ret'el, p;rmanent iu e. Dr. Thomas' Ecleotio Oil, At any drug store. "Now sood digestiou waits tn appe tite and health on D tb " If it doesn't. ' try Burdock Blood Bitters. "Cur 'he cotw. and aive the Ufa." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures eon. lis and oils, down to the very v rge of consumption. n a. ssi m r a B..r.th. TheKmd You Havs Always Bocgil B.an tha Kind Yoj Haw Always I Oon't Accept a Substitute When you ask for Cascarets b lure you get 'he genuine Cascarets Candy '"Wiiiarticl Don't accep'i rruu'kiint substitutes, imitations or Ci'liiterfcits! Genuine tablets stamp ed C. C. C. Never sold in bulk A.11 rlt-imrneta. lofi. - " - 00--. t . . ; , UlUDblllS" TeriTlS " v M m albanyDemocratand Examiner $2.56. Albany Democrat and:Oregonlani2.26. llluna namnupa ami Rannhll.'ll Albany Democrat and Oommoner $2.00. Damocratand Homsslead, $2.00. Printing Cheap, not Cheap Printing 'Phone Red 761. Bargains In Carm Undi, Timber Lands and (J.tvJPropertr call ah or write 9 S .STEELE A CO. Albany PROVE IT ANYTIME By the Evidence of Albany Evidence People. The daily evidence titzene right here at home supply Ii proof eufflo ect to satisfy tha great .keltic. No batter Pr f can bo had. Her- id a e.e. M- M. Cuter. residing at 635 W. Duuinil W. . . - ' . . . ,, "D uu , oyi i in h result of Colo Bomeame last Fall my back hecime o lame that I coul t hi-il v gut ab.u'at In the morn'n J :Bk aor and l-me and mr night'a rest was broken by too freauaot ai Ion of the kidneys, A box o D au'e Kidney Piila was pro cured for me t Fomay & Msin' drug 6lor6 I noticed their good effects after taking a f -w dues and ia a abort time I was eared. Vheo I fi id a remedy that does all that is ulaimed forit I arn only P'eaaed to mak known toothers. I ;uuoiuer ulbu' i.iuaey ruia ne DcSL kiflnntf p.ma i. in 1 H. u nuul Kor sale by alldw.ii'. 50 ceota per roinr-Miimnp i;n , jsatlalo, JN, T. sole fluent fur the u. t Remeiiibei the nuii-e ramus' and take no other. For a Weak Digestion No medicine can replace fooif but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver fab lets will belp joa to diuet your fool. It ia not the quantity of fooa taken that gives st-BDKtb aod vigor to ih evati m, but the amount digested and assim ilated. If troubled with a week diges tion, don't fail to give these Tab'nu a trial. Thousands have been benefitted br ibtir use. Tbey only cost a quarter. For sale by Foshav & Mason. . ...... . . Rheumatic Haius Quickly Relieved Th ornUr,n.. in. ....,.:.i- of rheumatism ar.d ematira are ouicklv relieved by apolyiog Chamberiain'i Pain Balm. The great pain relieving power of the liniment baa teen th" enr- pritie and drlight of thousands of suf ferers. The quiet relief from pain vhich , it aff ird's is al one wnrtt many times Its i nntct C0Bt- gor lltie by Ft8bftT 4 Maaon Ssars the KiRO Vo Ha HffiafS A. STARK, M. D PSY8I01AN AND SbRGEON Oregon Bank Bldg, Albany DR. J. L. HILL, Physician and Burgeon Hill Block - -' - Albany, Or. &. J. HODGES L. D. S, DENTIST OaVi Fellows Temple, Albany, Ore. EL A. LEIN1NGEE Dentist Crawford Blook, Albany, Ot, Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation or Catarrh of the Bladder and Diseased Kid iicyu. HO CURB MO PAT. Co rear Hitckly and permanently th worst crsm of (jiinnrrhnM - nod Sleet, no matter of hoj long standing.. A bBolatetjt barm less. Bold by droggistt. 1 Prlco $1.00, or by mail, poeU. paid, 91.00,8 bozos, 2.75. THE SANTAL-PEPSIH CO. , Bellelontalne, Quo. For sale by Burkhart & Lee. ; RIVERSIDE PflOLTRl YARD. PnrebredR.O. andS.Q. White s horns. White Plymouth Rocks, M ;nrkevs, Pekin d nek sand 0, 1.C. h -e (or sale. Egirfin season. Leave orders a,' F SL.JA "I'SLIJJ. J11 ""'"Coicaso I nu. aoHOBL, rrop stysras, or ad re3s at Albany. SUMMONS ' In the Oiicuit C .urt of the State o Orc;on tor L nn Oonnty. , Juhn Cummings, plaintiff; vs.. Eliz nbfh Oummings, defendant. : To Eiizil'otli Cummings, the above . unuiru uoicuum 1 , aI ll,..ll.nt r i .-m.ivmg.iD, you ",e here5y "raoedandr,qaiied .tpsp oears ind anawer the complaint of tit n n ..nlifl In l,o at n.a nnlil nJ -. ths Dla ui iff in the al ove entitled ranrr. on or belore the lust d-yof the time 1 pretcribed in the order for ptibllcation . Ul UID D'llilUlUUB 1U.UD IfV iutj tjuuoiy 1 JaJ9 of Linn coun'y, state ol Oregm, ! Koi .w. tha ..nnln 1 a ,. . " ' tilled suit la pending in th. circuit curt of taid c urt of aaid county and state) which said order 1 hereinaft r referred to, to-w it, on or before six weeks from1 the dav ol fir t publication hereof; and you are ten by nrtified that if ynu fail so toap;ear and answer the aid com- nlaint Ba herein rrnntrpd. fnr nnl herein rrqu'red, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entltlede cmrt for the relief prayed for I. his said romplaint, name ly for a dec ee of the abeve entitled cir circuit couri forever dta olving the mr riage routrai-t existing between tbe plaintiff and said defenHa t; and for, sveu luruier ann umereni rei.n as 10. (lie raiu uuiirv um.v ecvill pnipsr. This summons l published in the Albany Democrat resusper tor six Biices.'ive a d couseoulive weeks begin niou wi'h the iscue nf Jure 20. b, 1905, and ending with the issue of Auntist 8th, 1905,under and io pursuance cf the , directions containid in 'o order made by the tlnn. J. II. ot-wart, county judge ni I, nn c umy, u egou, aateu June 20. UKto. Date of first pub icat'on ia June 20 h, 1905. W IATI1GRFORD & WyATT. Attorneys for Plaintiff. SCROFULA The tainted Wood of ancestors spring: ttatold sufferin? bv itransmittin? to them, through the blood, that blighting disease. Scrofula; for in nearly every instance the disease can be craceu to scrae family clood trouble, orblood-kin marriage wuicu is contrary to the laws' of nature. Swelling, ulcerating glands of the neck, catarrh, wcnlc eye1? ,5(?s sljsctsscs Skin CTupUoiiS, white swell! &ofula appeared on tie head of my little, i,,-, ...4 ,n. grandchild when only 15 months old, and spread! ing. hip u,.,er. and otiier pidf, over her bodyf TBo disease next attacked uoTOiiBi. wim a v.abimg the e ot the natural sti'fiitrth and it was then that we decided W try S. S. S. That vitality , are some of the ways medicine-at once made a speedy and eompletei this miserable disease' man- cure. Sh is now a young loufy,. aud la never ifests itself. The poison had a transmitted throutrh the '5 S. blood pollutes and wea&ens thathealth-stratainins' fluid and iM' nl'ace of itsl nutritive qualities fills 2he circulation deposits, olten resulting-in consumption. A disease which hat-Been in thw family blood for generations, perhaps, or a-least since the birtSto-T the: Suf. pjoves, the symptoms all pass away, there is a sore return to health, tlie dis--ease is cured permanently while posterity is protected; Book on the- Blood! Uto any advice wished, furniished by our physicians, without charge. TH SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. Publicly fitdowed hy tlio Superlatettdert'of the great PEOPLE'S MISSION, mho. says it CURES INTEiPEBAffEE; PEOPLE'S MISSION. . . WhfllHnirton, D. O., February 2;,1SK. TirtOrrlnoCTo.. Ltt WaBlnnritoij, !).:. aontlomen It ia vory grntifymf-indoctl (br ma to-report to yoa Hint Ornno Un.n jirovcu to my entire Batisfaction tliaBitla rtupociMn for drunken ness. A Pfttiient who ItaU' been dnnkinr; about n nint of Whthkoy a-Uay for ffreC many yciirn van aoni pletelycurod within ten days from tliotinio lie tot.fc the flMtilose of Ormno-, and lie new rcHtoreJ to perfpr-t unliriet jr. Bflmt! I r. ti l-;iv.. yen refer any i-uraim rn niefora TeriHeutinn , fi ' statement. I am eonvincoil Ornno Its n euro fort' u-rnblo din. aaae, druukennesri. WtHlilufryyu gret fiuccodn, lam. Vourcery tmly. ' W. C. McWlCHAFLr Su-pennteudfiiiC rooplo'a iliBBion, ASIHFLE ffOME TRrATKENTr S I DOrf?'0' ,ltre without nnioufs kmm-t-n hcdW. fctiy Orriue Ko. 1; for voftiu. BOX. IHary trcatmcul, buy Orrlne No- CURE EFFECTED 0B K0NEY REFUNDED Book nn "rfrnnfr(m.w" (soatod) freo on reauast. Orriaom.iil,d.(Bealiton reooipt orei.OU by The Orriire-er., Inc.. Washington, Hi C. Sold aD&recaouAcafca !-.- Foshay & Ma?oD. The New York Worfd ; Time "ae demonstraid that the Thrice-a-Wrek World BtandsaioniB ta olaee. Other papers have imitaeed its form but act Its guccead. This- is be cause it tells all the news all t& time and tella St impartially, whether that news be political or otherwise. H fa, is faot, almost a daily at the price of a : weekly sad yon cannot afford tjee with, out it, Repmbliesii and democrat alike can read tea Thrice-a-Week Woiid! with ab- i solute sonfidence in Ita truth, - (n addition to newa, it publishes first oiaas serial stories and other features saiteiffco the home and fireekte. I Tha Thrice-a- Veek Wbrld's regula subscription priee is only l.00 per yea an this pays fox, 156 papers. -Te offe this unequalled newspaper .and the Al bavt Dnir"OBT tocetcMr cjb vear fo 2S Oregon Union Pacific AMD OPPABT IBOK TIME SOHEDOLE8 raon PORTLAND, OR. Aaarvl BOM Portland Salt Lake. Denver. Ft. Special Worth. OmaLa. Kan. 4:30' '9:20a.m. sae, City, St. Louis P. M ,! via Hunt Ohicego and East. Ington, Atlantic Salt uaae, Denver, Ft Express Worth, Omaha, Kan 8;15pmsas City, St Loulu, 10:30 via nun t uileago ana h,ast, Ipgton .... . ... . oi. rsui waiia waiia.Lewtston, FaatMail Spokane, Wallace, 7:35 6:00pm Pullman.Minneapolia, a.m. ... -- - . . Ml. Paul. Duluth, Mil- r, rukee, Chicago and fast. ' i IV UVUA3 mt linrtrid Portland lo Chicago. No change ol oa-s. tickets East via ail rail or boat and rail via PORTLAND. ! " OCEAN AND RIVER SOHEDULB ("ROM PORTLAND AlljaillDg Dates subjoct toohange, , m. 4:30 For Ban Francleco. ' p.m Sails every 6 dayB Daily except COLUMBIA RIVER Sunday 8TEAMEU8. 4 p. to, except Sunda) 8 p. tn, To Astoria and Way. Saturday Landings, lOp.m. BO SASTTHROUfiH PORTLAND fSTcxne fia ttls route'on saie at 8 t depot . 6. RAWLINGS, Albany, Oregon. A. LttKAKi, j Agent,, Portland, O We Itfaztik lavs upon the shoulders of innocent off . aud we feared she would lose her sieht sijrn af the disease to retural 5th St., Salina, Kan. Mssi R-. fi'BiaKtV. with? scrofulous matter aaiftU.berculai( isrer, requires consatutional treatment. S: S.- is the remedy best Sited for this. It oTeanSes the blcibd of all scrofulous and tuberculous poisons; makes it rich and pure and under the tonic effects of Chis crreat blood medicine the cretieral lipnt'rli:i'nr. Terms ot Democrat Dally. By carrier 10 cen s jti-e Bv rrail 30 cants per month, nn a' li t' in advance at 25e. Mail n-i'.no mn arealwayepayshleattbe office; Weekly. $1.25 in advani-e: 2Se a tenr added up to $2.00 if permitteri rn .. Albany Market. WW 78 iaL. flftU 38, Egg 18 wots, iinttxr ii ant 25 st. : Potaloef.50 oent.. . trtf uis 14 teits, Sides tl ennts Shocldmr.8 3eot. Hop20cena. Pork, drwed, 6 cents Hay, 16 to ;7r baled. Flour t.Z5 w-r sack. Beef, (rross, 2o, Mutton, gross, 4o. Veal, gross 6c. wool" 25c. Mill fet-a, oran $19, shorti $22. Wd7do9' 1(oent,'"8 "0'Rli.. Prunes, dried, 4o. , . Apples, dried1, 5c. Apples, green, 40o, Remarkae Uubbin Offer. New subscribers to the Weekly Dumo- crat may have this paper and the St. Louis Republic, semi-wealiltr ' the best demMra,icmp,p?reilnlyt'heperhaPl! ' antrements with daiiy oriZV. PiPWalpills r anoautaUoa. ..wt i ' a Dnui. " V!:."?? u?it. siia S: Fit National Bank, dent Albany, Oregon ViM-PresideaV ; E-' t,A?GDON fishier.. ; a- nun0UN& Transacts a cenerai uankintr hn.in a-j d.-., . "'aDrancuco.nhi- and Portland, OOthEJriOJfS terms. MADK ton favorabU AooDCBTi 0. 3. FUNN. ' A-0'8CHMITT, HOUSE handling all u..', h 0 ra'8in8 S0lTHliTL4ST via SOUTHKRiV PACIFIC aliasta Route. Trains leave Albany for Pn.ti. j . way.taUon.at i p. m, Leave Per Hand . .. 8:30 Aioany am 8:; Arrive Aahlid." " ' 19. & P m " :S P .12:25 i p m arrive Ogdea... 4.-tT5 a m 9:30 a ra 7:25 a to 7:42am Denver , Kansas City. Chicago.... 7:00 am 9:15 am 7 :25 a is 4r,r?Te,5'10 Angeles. z:uup m :00 pm 8:06a a 6.-00 n m '' Fort Worth. iu. :aua m 6 !30 a m exiooll:80 an, n' 7:00. ;.aX- ? Now Orleans. Washington , New York. . . (ton 1"B 6:30 pm 6:30 pre 6:42 am 3.40!: 12:10 om IS in!? Pullman and T.,.i... trains. Chsir n.,. Z "" car" n botb and Kl Pao, and oat car'tn St Loni., Naw 0raan, ,?f' . ' -""'nytop Oonnectiatt af Snn g-.. ... J 77. steamship ,lneif0;- r Americ """P"'"' 0en'r' nd South W. 13. CQMAN.tr. p. a portland,0.