Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, June 09, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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Wants Big Damages.
A'cgelable Preparationfor As
similating UieFoodandBegula
ling UieStoinactas aiuLBowcis of
Promotes DigestionCheerFur
1 ness andRest.Conlains neither
Opium.Morphine norlinexal.
nr Seal-
A perfect Remedy forConstipa
rion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature of
NEW vonK.
pendent Order of Lions meets every
Saturday eve. in W. O. W. Hall. Vis
iting members cordially invited.
A M. Sears, G. H. Abgbtsinoer,
Sec. Pres.
ORDER OF PENDO. Meets fourth
Monday of month, in W. O. W. hall.
J. L. Hill, Conncilor.
Elma A. Tubner, Sec.
i. ). a. V 3 ife.r Lodge No. 13 meet
.every Monday evening at their hall in
A O. U. W. Temple on Firat street,
Albany. Strangers in the olty and
transient brethren cordially invited to
ny Oamp No. 1L3 p. J. W. W. mseti
1 Hall Foster Block every Friday
jlaniaoita Olrole meets lm ma 3rd
VlBiting neighbors welcomed .
Glim M Jdhkin, 0. 0.
L i. Bt-, Clerk.
TUB K. O. T. M.
very Saturday evening at K. 0, T, Bl ,
ail) Visiting nnigntiinvitea,
J.Hamill, .Commander
tjuTtJRT LIBERTY, No. 26, ForeBters o
America, meets at Maccabee hall every
Tuesday svenlnu at 8 o'clock. Vislilng
brothers cordially invited to attend.
0, B, Davis, Oblef Ranger,
1. J. Ddbruillk , financial Secret uy .
Corvailis & Eastt3rn " Railroad
No. 2 ForYaqumat
Train leaves Albany...,
' arrives Yaquins.
No. 1 Returning :
Leaves Yaqulns
Arrives Albany.........
.12:46 p.
, 1:45 p.
. 6 :45 p,
. 7:15 .
,11:80 s.
,12:16 p. m
K, a Foi albany-ueiroii:
Leaves Albany for Detroit 7 30 a. m,
Arrives Detroit .12:30 p. m
k. 4 from Detroit .
I.ves Detroit 1 :30 p m.
Arrives Albany 0:30 p m
Nn 5 fur Alban, : .'
Leaves Co.v.IHb ..6 80 a. m.
Arrives Albany 7;10 a. m.
N. 8 for "Joivanu:
i...,. I btm 2:40 p. r,
Airive. O'MVall'S 3:20 p in.
No 7 t'-r A tat3 :
ruawC...valliB.... . .. 8--"P."'
Arriv e Albany !' '
i..r rtoivunis:
L aves Albany 0:15 p.m.
. ..i0. nnrval lis 0:55 p. in.
Trains No, larrlveBln Albaoy in time
In connect wuu i"
''Train No 2 oonneotB with the B I
tiaina at Oorvallir and Albany gi
if g direct service to Newport and A.I
1 I.BI illAI
Tiain No. 3 leavea Albany lor Detroit
at7:S0a. m., striving thrre In ample
tune lo .each tbe Breltetibu.h Lot
niings Ilia me day. .
Ttain No 4 between Albany and De
troll connects with the hugone Iocs! at
Aihsnv. al-o with lo.l from OommII .
Train Nn. 6 leavot Convllisai 0:30
ni.,airivis at Ub.ny 7 :10 . tn In ime
to ca cli Kuueno 11 1 Portland and
train to Detroit..
Truii N '.8 'eves Albny for CoivalliB
at 2 :40 p. tii., alter tbe arrival of 8. P.
nott boird nveilann. ,
Train No. 7 leavi-B Corvallia at 0:00 p.
ni arrlveon Altxnv si 0:40 p in., in ,
lime to connect with the local lor bu
gene and way po lit-.
Nrain No. 0 ! Albany for Tor
vailiB a 0:15 u m . after the snlval ol
the S. P. kcaI Ir m Portland
For lurther Information apply to
T H CURTIS, Acting Manauer.
T, CO0KERELL, Agent, Albany,
li. U. CUON18E, Aeit. Onrvallif.
""Phone Red 083 will call up tho Golden
Rule Dairy. II. M. Palmer proprietor,
for orders for tho best milk or cream.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Years
TM oiMTAun OMMirr. new van eirr.
r. O.Will for jewelry.
F. M. French, Jtweler.
Rors boned abd set. 25
Viereck'e Eihillrant Hair Tonic re
store! balr toils original color. Viereci
Esema and Dandruff Oureor money re
nnded. 60o per bottli
53 JZi
Sun tin I iU I ys I
in Kind foil Have Always
Office: 226 Broadalbin Street.
Phone, Black 482. Hours, 9-12; 1-6.
Graduate Pacific College. Los An-
gcles, Cal., Post graduate American
School, Kiritsville, Mo. I
Good Ones Too
The fancier loves the feathers, but
the farmer loves the egg basket. Buy
Simpson & Fisher's Buffs and get your
egg basket full; write them for their
catalogue and prices. ' I
Simpson & Fisher,
Albany, Oregon.
Pigs for Sale.
Large English Berkshircs. Our found
ation Btock comes from best herds in
the United States and stock for sale is
registered and as good as can be had
anywhere. We also have a fine yearl
ing, registered snortnorn bull, we will
sell reasonable. Call on or write I
Pacific Nursery Co., 1
Tangont, Oro.
J. M. Ralston,
Fire tnsnranoe, Wrlttes, Olty, Conn
ry and Hctiool. Warrants bought. . Col.
eotiona made. Notes bonirht. Small
oana mvfo on personal or chattel ee
Have plenty of Money to Loan on
good farms at 6 per cent Interest.
AiVrv - - Oregon
If you need milk and want first-class
Jersey milk clenn and pure put up in
elenn bottles and cans cheap just phono
Roil 444 and your order will be accepted.
Prices beginning April 1, 1U05:
Pt. per month $1 00
Qt. per month l 60
I mnko special prices in can lots,
cream is also handled on my wagons.
Call and see for yourself how we handle
and cure for our milk, our place is open
to visitors lit all hour.
Yours to 1'loaso.
Miiplo Ritlge and Jersey Dairy,
E. C. Smith, Prof.
Star Baths.
d living, and Hair-Culling Parlors,,
4 Cialra, Porcellne Tubs, First Class
hoi BUck aland.
U'oidalbin St. betweon lat and Snd.
li. F. Herrill
Lotty and Oonoty Warrants bought and
ild. Collections promptlvt tended to,
CorreSDondence solicited,
! Bears the
Signature A jl
wvjw an wss.s.ass
, r!,.n
The Senate
C Co of O lj G 774
Madison Sc'ho, 891
Socialist Club
Rathbone Sisters
The 2500
A. F. D.
United Artizans
Rebeccas ;
105 i
A. C. L. S
Albany College , 125'
A. O. U. W 64
I. O. O. F 52
G. A. R. 35 1
K. of P 35
Fraternal Union 28
St Johns Lodge 22
Maple School -. 20
Modern Woodmen 12
Post Office 10
Eastern Star 7
D. of H 7,
Eastern Star Grange . .... 4
W. C. T. U ' 6
Coupons at: I
Tomlinson & Holman. trroceries.
H. J. Jones, books and stationary.
M. Sternberg & Co., clothing. .
R. C. Churchill, the Elite. ' .
O. F. Wolcot, millinery-
Lasselle Bros,
groceries and hard-
F. G. Will, Jewelry.
Wagner & Ketchum, harness makers.
Stratton's Art Store and Studio.
The Albany Democrat.
Portland and Return.
The Southern Pacific is now Belling
round trip tickets to Portland aod re
turn for$3 00, good going Saturday p.m.
or;an7 train of Sunday returning tjun
and Monday aiving all day Suuday and
Monday ip Portland. The tarns arran
gement applies from Portland givlnu
Portland people a chance to viait valley
ooints at greatly reduced rates.
, W. E. Cohan,
General Passenger Ag
About Rhematlsm. - i
There are few diseases tntt inflict
more torture than rheumatism and there
is probably no disease for whicb such a
varied and useless lot of remedies bave
been suggested. To say that it can be
cured is, therefore, a bold statement to
make, but Cbamberlatu'e Pain Ba'm,
which enjoys an extensive sa'e, baB met
with great eu cess in the treatment of
thia disease, One application of Pain
Ralm will relieve tbe pain, and bun
UieUB oi aunerp.s nave lesuueu iu r-
manent cures by its use. Way sutler
when fain Kaim moras sucn quicx re
lief and costs but a trifle? For tale by
Foahay & .Mason.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the
Best and Most Effective.
"M ithers buy It for croupv children,
railroad men by it for severe couctha
' and elderly people biy it for la grippe,"
'"J" Uoore. S.r0 . E!11: -e
T'e 01 u Ti J i rt T
edy ban any other kind. J' ''
U,Vn 1D1BU i 1,11 .". u.i. uv.v.h. -
good brands mere is no quenuun
but this medicine is the beat that can
be procured (oi coughs and colds,
whet ler it be a child or an adult tbat is
afflicted. It al ays cures and cares
Sold by tfos"ay & mason.
Chamberlain's CoiiRh Remedy the
Mother's Fvorlte.
The soitning ana neaung pruuerueo
of this remedy, its pleasant taste and
' prompt and pe'manent rurae have mrde
i it a favorite with people everywhere.
It la especially prised by mothers oi
small children, for oolds, crouand
whooping cough, as it always ff tds
quick reliel, ana oi it uoniainn un upi
um or oriher harmful drug, it nay be
given as confidently tos baby as to an
acult. f or sale ny rosnay a .uason.
For a Weak Digestion
No medicine can replace food but
Ohamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets will help jou to digest your foo.'.
It is not the quntity of fooa taken that
gives st-ength and vigor to th svstim,
hut the amount digested and assim
ilat'd. If troubled with a week d'gee
tinn, don't fil to give these Tab 'H 8
Iriol. Thousands bave been bencfi'tfd
b ih"ir use. They only cost a q muter.
For sale by Foahay & Mason.
I .- "
I Diphtheria, sore throit, croup. In
'slant rel'el, permanent cue. Dr.
iThomaa' Eclectic Oil, At any drug
' Btoro.
"Now good digestion waits on appe
tite nml health on Dntb." It it doesn't,
try Uutdock Blood Bitters.
"Cure'the congr aid sive tbe lite."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures
concha and col Is, down to the very
v rge of conBUinption.
Printing Cheap, not Cheap Printing
'Phone Red 761
In Farm Lsndi, Timber Lands snd
ty;Propertr fall on or write
a ih..
High School
Sister's School
Grange No 10
Ladies of the Maccabees
Woodmen of the World. .
Former State Senator C. M. Brown',
of Marion county, Fla.. has filed notice
of a suit for $25,030 damages against
The Metropolis, an afternoon paper of
Jacksonville. The basis of the suit is
ii , I. L...L.1 .L i. .L
cnarge rnaue uy uiab paper uiai biiu
?ln5tor,,aJ!J)tfianJ,r! T "f,'1
UtlUGl 11lUia IS H IV .0 U
crime forsenatbrsor representatives to
accept or ride on free passes, and the
charge of the same is equivalent to the
charge of a crime. The declaration in
the case will be filed in June. Brown
was recently unseated in the Senate by
Hundreds of Albany Readers
Find It So.
Thi hustle and worry of business men,
' The hard wo k dnd stooping of work
men, "
The w ma .'
I nn ehold cares.
ITU on the kidne. 9.
tildcfie sideache
-8, urinary trouble! fol-
Arf 'oi srea
KUne, ;ro
' lows:
ainfB A. Tauner, iarmei, corner of
j 1 8th and Lewia streets, Sa'em, Oreu., I
says: . "So many Buffer frum kidney
comolalnt that for a time 1 was ala'med
J00"' rrjjelf for I was troubled wi'h my ,
I think it was caased firBt by a strain
from heavy lilting I did two years ago.
I kept getting worse instead of better
and finally consulted a dcotor. He told
me I bad Kali stone in tbe bludler bnt
trouble with tbe kidney Becretions ex -1
isted and their too frequent action die
turbed mv rest from 16 to 20 times a
night. Tbii was very annoying and I
wis in a bad way when I read of Doan a
K dney Pills and procured a box. To I
say thai, I was surprised at tbe speedy
effect- of their use iB putting: it mildly;
1 have recommended Doan's Kidne?
Pille to others and will always have a
no d word fo- them." . f
P entv more proof like this from Alh- '
any people. Oall at Foshay & Mason's
drug store and aBk what their customers
report. i
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents per
box. FosHr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. i
T. Bole agents for tbe U. 8. I
Remember the name Doans and take
no other. I
Lumber Cheap.
This month, for an advertisement,. jve
will sell rough lumber of all kinds at
, m tj,nl,,Bnj Bt ,.. mil nnBmil
Vu Vt ii
south of Jefferson.
Simpson & Nealy,
I R. F. D. No. 2, Albany, Or.
BEEF CO. . .
Krt St.. opposite P. O.
Choice Meats' of all kinds.
Oregon Bank Bldg, Albany
Physician and Burgeon
Hill Blook ... Albany, Oi.
Trnnnnci v.
D. S,
Odd Fellows Temple, Albany, Ore.
Crawford Block.
- Albany, Oi,
Clubbing Terms j
alDany Democrat and Examiner $2.56,
Albany Democrat aodjOregonlan $2.25, j
Albany Democrat and Rennblio'$l.fiOi
Albany Democrat and Commoner
Democratand Homestead, $2.00. i
Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules
For Inflammation or Catarrh of
tho D law a oil Kid
upyg. If p ODRB'BO FAT. Caret
ilt-kly and tvormanentir tns
jrnt rftsci of (.onorrhOM
and Gleet, no Diattcr of how
lotiR fltaDiltnti. A baolntely
harmleaa. Sold by drugglsU.
Fries 11.00. or br mall. Dot
paid. 1.0O,l boxes, i.7S.
BellefonUliw, Ohio.
For sale by Bnrkhart & Lre,
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice is hereby given that the
Annual Meeting of The Star Mill
' Flume Co. will be held in the office of
snid company, atLarwood, Linn County,
Oregon on the 14th day of June 19H5,
j at one o'clock p. m. of said day for the
j purpose of electing a President an
' a Secretary and 3 directors to serve for
! the term of one year and the transaction
' of such other business as may regularly
' come before the meeting.
I Done by the order of tho Board of
I T J' L- Da1
Crabtrec, Oregon, June 2nd 1903.
are prevented. Flooding, which so often occurs after
childbirth, is corrected when Wine of Cartlm is used during pregnancy.
Wine of Cardui babies are healthy babie3, because, during the
months of pregnancy, the mother is able to give them necessary vitality
and strength.
With these facts presented, to American women no expectant .
mother should be satisfied without the rc-inforcement that Wine of Cardui
will give her. Every mother should be able to treat herself in her home
with this valuable medici:ie.
Wine of Cardui can be secured from any druggist at 81.00 a bottle.
Polycarp, K. C, Jan. 11, 1902.
Iam the mother of seven children and while inpregnancy with the
firstsixsuffereduntoldmiseryuntil they were born. One month before the
seventh was born I began to take a bottle of Wine of Cardui,which gave mo
relief after taking throedoses. I used the remainder of the bottle until the
birth of the child, and was stouter in three days after the birth than I was in
a month after the birth of either of the first six. I am 29 years old. .
Albany College.
" , Founded and Owned by the Presbyterian Church in Oregon,
Train3 for Scholarship, Culture, Efficiency, Classical, Scientific, Normal and
Commercial Courses with ample range. The spirit and teaching of. the
Institution are frankly and positively Christian. Prepare for special
and technical education by building first the man on Albany's broad and
strong lines. . ' - .
There are eight years of solid work, four in the Academy, and four in the
College. The Academy fits for the best Colleges.
The Conservatory of Music is equipped for the be3t work in voice,
piano and violin.
The Business Department is the equal of the best business college in the
State, and yields first place to none.
Athletics are conducted ore safe and sane methods. Quite a variety of liter
ature waits, your order.
President W. H. LEE, Albany, Oregon
Has one of tbe
' that can be 'cm d in tbe city,
and he can suit you in quality and
price. Just give him a call and look
o vec hii Btock before you bay.
rhrnlelADS prnnounno dmnkonnenn a dlnenfls ot
thA nervous pyritem. Uowill poworncnn liaalttio
Htomncli moiiilirauos wliicli nave boea burned and
Beared by alcohol.
" OH ft INE " permanently removon the erarlng
for liquor by netlnp directly ou the airocted ncrvox,
restoring the Btomacb And digestive organs to
normal conditions, luipreviag tho appetite and
roatortng the health.
To cure without pAtiflnt'A knowledge, buy Orrlne
No. 1; Cor voluntary trommont, buy Orrino Ko. 3.
Wa will gladly fnralitt a treatment tree ofcoet to aoy
pbyslclan, to demooatrale that Orrloe la a positive
apeclllc lor drankeoneaa.
All correspondence confidential.
Cure effected or money refunded.
Book on " nrunkonnopR " (sonled) free on request.
Orrlne mailed (aealod) on receipt ot 81-00 by
The Orrine Co., Inc., Washington, D, C.
Sold and recommended by
Foshay & Maon.
PcrebredR.O. and 8.0. White ..
borne. White Ply month Rocks, Ma i'
iirkeys, Pekin dnckeand O. I.C. h -p
for sale.
Eggs in leaeon. Leave orders a; F,
M. rbompson'e poultry yard, Albany,
Or,, or oall at the Riverside yard .
Ed. Schobl, Prop . At yards. n)r ad
ress at Albany.
HOU8E MOVING!, house raising and
handling all kinds heavy machinery,
carefully attended to by Peter Ruet
ner. Phone red 161, Albanv.
The New York World
Time L".6 demonstra-d tbat the
Thriee-a-Wiek World atandealonein Its
olasB, Other papers have Imitated its
form bnt not Us auccesa. This is be
oanee it telle all the news all the time
and telle it impartially, whether that
news be political or otberwlse. It la, in
fact, almost s daily st the price of s
weekly snd yon cannot afford to be with,
Republicau snd democrat alike can
read the Thrice-s-Week World with sb
solute sonfidence in its truth.
In addition to newa, it publishes first
t.iSt serisl stories snd other featnret
suited to the home and li reside.
The Thrioe-a- Veek World's regula
subscription pries is only tl.00 per yea
1. n this pays for 158 papers. Te offe
this unequalled newspaper and the At
hat De"cbt together one vesr fo
2. P0
MOTHKRHOOD' is the reward nature
bestows upon healthy womanhood.
Women whose vital itynas been sapped
by disease cannot safely give birth to chil
dren. In pregnancy and in childbirth weak
ness of the mother is revealed in the pain
and aony she suffers.
This great medicine drives out every ves
tige of inflammation and. weakness, and
gives tone and ltrength to the delicate or
gans which mature the child. The pains of
pregnancy are banished by Wine of Cardui, and mis
carriages, which blast so mnnv fond mother's hoDes.
finest stocks of
Albany Market.
Wheal TfJenta.
Oats 38
Egga 17 won .
Butter 20 and 25 sta
Potatoes 50 centa.
Sams 14 Wjits,
Sides 11 centa
Ql 1.1 Q .
uuu.iuci.ovxiail, .
ork, dressed 6' cents
Hay, til to $15 baled.
Flour $1.24 per sack.
Beef, cross. 2c.
Mutton, gross, 4o.
Veal, grnas 6c,
Wool 25c. .
Mill fed, bran $19, shortc $22
Pnn'tl7-9. 10 cents live weigh,,
bard lOe.
Prunes, dried, 4e.
Apples, dried, Sc.
Apples, green,, 40c.
Terms ot Democrat,
Dally By carrier 10 cents a week
Remarkable Clubbing Offer.
New subscribers to ihn ..i,i t,...
.. vr.a.jr JufKmC
chat may have this paper and the St.
, f Mantra D.hU1I. ,
th.h...T ' .emi-weekly, perhaps
be beet demooranc paper in the U. B.,
scribers upon renewa , payine a vear in
i.dv.nce,for $1.60, thS
, Cer ever m.d here, (satisfactory at.
'aneementa with ,i.n. .-u " ' it 7 ar
f VAIArK. ilMjir, bl.. l.dl ...
5sa lvb?.?H?s; .uU,r L!S2
5 &J ri bl ribbon. Toko no other. Rpfb
-j Mail. 1 0,000 Testimonials floMh
First National Bank,
aiDany, Oregon
.... ".8. E. YOUNO
Transacts a ceneral uaaking business
Accounts kept eubjeot to cheek. '
Sitrht PIGtlAniA and ,alav..l.!..
-e." - t..u,utrKUSier
! sold on New York, San Francisco.Ohicsgo
l and Portland, B
OOLLE3riON3 MADE ton favorable
8. E. Yomno. E. W. Lahodoh,
r. . 'joonwiii, A, O, Bchmitt,
C. 3. Funk.