MONDAY. TheW. G. M. S. Emma Dean Anderson, a missionary in inuia ior twenty-iour years, one of tne most prominent missionaries of the United Presbyterian church, spoke last night to a large audience. The picture she presented of India's degredation, with its false worship of all manner of uiiiiijs. iw miamous licentiousness, polygamy, farce of. a divorce law, etc. show the need of Christian teaching. Even now India is in the rut of centur ies ago with its wooden plows, and ox threshing, with no hopes of redemption except through Christianity. The work being done by the missionaries was comprehensively portrayed. This afternoon a reception was being tendered the delegates and those en tertaining them at the home of Rev. White. Tonight the convention proper will begin at 7:30 o'clock, opening with a prayer service, lead by Miss Elizabeth Irvine, first vice president, the oppor tunity of the age. The president, Mrs. A. N. Porter, will aneak nn thn rn- sponsibility of opportunity. The officers ! COURT HOUSE NEWS. "Deeds rarnrHnn. Chas Findlev to G B Millnuann wf 7 acres. Mill Citv 'm .To- l?lk:. 4- niVf.nVn'"". ww- uiaiuo w J IN Bill DrOS & UOI- lagnara u, a perpetual right for a water course through the lands Of tha trrnntnr Williard Elkins'to'O'Nei'li BrasA Collaghan Co, perpetual right for water course throush Dronertv nf grantor ..... j Mortgages for $750, $20. Satisfaction for $600. Circuit court: New cases: K Li babin agt Walker & Snvder. To recover money, $541.15 on account. Hewitt & Sox attorneys. Isie A Piatt agt Geo W Piatt. Suit ior divorce. Married in June 1900. Cruel and inhuman treatment charged. Hewitt & Sox attorneys. .?,r?b.a'e: In estate of Lavina S ChiIds,eo S Cnilds appointed adminis trator. Value of property $1000. Hewitt & box attorneys. in estate of S J Sparks, personal win oe presented, committees appoint- property ordered sold. ea ana a social nour had. The work of i The habeas cornus case of FhVnhnth nd JohrgngW saecuref jSS SdSlfeSS. ?sfoW'iriaa.Warnerfr0raJohn Wamer' topics, to which all are invited. I .- . ' Another crowd nf riaWntan om'mj this noon, and most of those heretofore given are nnnr in thn nit,, - ! The Democrat will eive a port of the convention. full The Western Women. TUESDAY. THE W. 0. M. S. Of the United Presbyterian Church of North America. A RECEPTION. ' Last evening from three to five o'clock, a reception was held at the pastor's home, in honor of the delegates, the ladies of the conirre?atinn ami tha hostesses from the other Albany congre gations. ' The belated trunks must have all ar rived, judging from the very handsome gowns and bonnets which were in evidence at this reception. Promptly at 3 p. m. the guests began to arrive. The first comers staved to the last, so that there must have been over two hundred ladies in the spacious mums l one lime. Amid the chorus of voices. intrniiin-l- ion would have been hard to criva. hut as each lady came her name clearly written on a card, and the card pinned work for the treasurer as well as mat iinn. Jl ir v lae --lanes of m s sionaries on time. . Mrs- H-C. Campbell followed with a -fJLr ,' , wuiraitiee. H5. em' by wh,ch needy congrega tions can Bernrn n lno . terest than it wnnM h :i,i .r at a hanlr fmm 4U 4. . .i ,i ." ".'0 lu"as oi tne uen oral Missionary annint,, tu j-. nn 1 - r iitturesio -.. ...cob .uaiu is used tor running ex penses of the society of the Coard. Of PortTflnH tnU .ui. j.t m 1 aliAMn a "J ' wimi, tne irav- ellers Aid nnmmlH u. v w At tne Sliep0'e.q-,inn nf fha Ds.r.:,Ji. was decided to have a memorial service wJaZZa. alra-- u- Keil at 9:15 - wtsouBjf morning. to her dress, no introduction was need ed. Nearly every state had its renre sentative and Colorado shook hands This afternoon's nnvniin. .nt - Dear blinnnv.,,, r The program toniuht will n o a One. Mra Mr.-., .i-i . 6 ... uj. il . S'.) rorter win K3LBAthuft ?e,rm? serY?ce .and Miss oXT j XT- inl"a. win deliver an address, and there will J song service. r ".b CONVENTION ITEMS. ThiS iS the msa mnuantU. The number of hosts whn think tho are entertaining the pick of the def- COURT.HOUSENEWS. Bond for A rfaarl ftlnA - . r. iJnveu tn Cnwin J? fi,. o ity , g25Q Mortgage for $100; Circuit court: NeW CBSA' A T j PamrA.i (L -A a. 1j. and Kosa Huerhes. To iiiuiiev wirn nrrnchmanf A . $67.80 and internal-- M M Mo... i.' ----j . County court: 1 he Warner hnhona b-vu nuu nuuiiuttea. Probate r Louis Zuhlsdorf p. o, 7 "ci ma imusuon. i r yal.uo "i1 property 2,000. r li-Vi P estate oi Mrs. Dr. m och ior juiy 8. Li!.n?.ea3iss?e'3.forthe marriag u huliw and viola K.elly. anu uutuiauu auuuik nanus An-afua i , , f"-" wl wio UCI- with Pennsylvania and California greet- jfr, 1 13 0P'V A6?3, than the number of ed Iowa and sn nn. till oro HanS-tinn- Peleeates who think thev have thn n - . ---- . - - npsf nf hrtoto " A Case of Forget fulness. The Democrat Saturday evening told of the theft of a pan of several article left bv J. R. McWnrlonJ !- H. - , i w3 ware- house of S, E. Young & Son. Not find- The June edition of this magazine !,nS,.theln Mr. McParland purchased pubHshed at Portland, just out, will be CnTtf Tt of particular interest to Albany people, learned that Mr. McParland !had him. Among the many articles in this special self taken the thing i from the ware number several are by or about Albany house, brought them around on Setfond people Mrs. Abigai Scott Duniway street and left them in a whedtarrow 'Afe'nt' ife J-,A- tenAS.f.theof the sTiwart& - ivuio .ica,- kJVA. xiaiuware uo. ana cone off tn - ander wves a sketch of her father an tend to some other businf ss, f orgettinV early Albany physician. Mrs. L. A. the fact. ' lorSenS Nash tells about the women workers of the EoiseoDal church, anrt Mi- Wah ! . has a development article, Mrs. Hen- j rietta Brown write3 about her friend Mrs. Narcissa White Kinney, and Mrs. I m. ax. vviiaun or cne n pq an ooriv i mi.. n ... Albany teacher tells an incident oc-' . "EM0CRAT informed ma letter curnngona trip to Yamhill county, recelved irom lacoma that John L. 1 left the room, miten irom an old diary. , ouuivan will appear in Albany in the luure, rie nas a monologue. Hniv fha AtU T - . . ' --" w.c Aiiianv .junior nnlf at na bmall boy-"Aw these deleeates don't n ' nn r. il l . . John L. Sullivan Coming. Grocery Store Attached. ed time came, all were friends. The beauty of the floral decorations was a ' cuiismni: Kiinrirn nT rpmapg . . ;n. x .t. n..t , . .. ' Know nnrhin'. nnc rtp i peciuny irom tne eastern delegation, of . j v- : "l "rem was looKing whom the roses of Oreu-on r a dandelion and she said, 'aint that revelation. i a 1t.j...l.j:...i: ' n At the onenincr muninn --11 11 uiiuci bucuu trctiuu ui ivi-s. ur. neers, j M1 !vii van i.i. ,1 i.i- .. .. ' snowed lfld rfalon-afAo Ani.:,inj ovine ui uie Aiuany laaies togetner u 1 ""i w vote, with thB onioato nf tho r..Mnno V.J lne largest number ever rnnm-ten ot tno been busy all forenoon, and the result ffi'l18 session of a General Missionary of their labors was eminently satis- i?.? - - . . factory - -' tu lf-,jmm? uean Anderson addressed rne panor was given over to pink "A ; j;"'u" 01 lae puonc schools roses and vines; the music-room looked ?? to"J 'hem about the children of cool and inviting with its white roses - -ne 80 aroused their appetite and green ferns. In the hall were the i?fo?1J?S10naTy,new8,that they sent for beautiful veriegated branches of the 2ra D'ey this morning, to tell elderberry and peeping from among the about pBypt- - them the snow-white blossoms of the r. j excursion to the Pacific ocean .on Dentzia, while the newel post was sur- being discussed, mounted by a basket of white roses. ,N0 "jnorellas are needed this morn- In the dining room where dainty ' 'JJF and the sun : is making such gallant refreshments were served, a jardinier, Z 'dispel the clouds that wp filled with magnificient cloth of gold op? -tnat. th,e ,onlv thinS which caUs for roses adorned the center of the table, ?ntl"3m n Albany, the weather, is go while white carnations tied with tinv s faU lnto llne and s'e upon the i.nH ;kks j .u. e 1 convention. which were pinned on the ladies as they Ime very attractive and suggestive left the room. J exhibits are made by Mrs. R. A. F.llint of work and pictures from fifteen f reed men schools; by Emma Dean Anderson of articles showing the wearing apparel THE CONVENTION. nrhinh ; j i u. . the 1 wentv-second Annual flnnvori. ihn. nt : ".u" r18?. 10 tion of the Women's GeneralMiTnn w 1, : "f"r ? m Sulhvan can talk. A boxine- matah 525L??It United-Presbyterian and by Misa Armstrong of work from 1 1 . iuiiuux iiuiLii iiitii ii'H wjiu nriunofi or rn vu om unwnn 1 . i ' a The store of Walker & .Svnder. on wrth hi. .Tim a-.,b BSffJnaS5 church of North America was ooenedai the Warm finr Main street, was attsched this morning to be a comer, is a feature. At one' Vrr iAZ'1 . " gyonerin: wnite in the suit of R. L. most taiKea or pugiilist in the EUzabeth Irvine first vin innT Vif 10". the printer, went to Sabin. representing Portland ,.r-nitn,. world a grert many w be curious, to S.a?r.c?!.1vln,e',nrs.t. V1?e president, Dallas todav. J .' - 0 . . - . , W1LI1 mUSIC lean nV T.nP laTCra nhnmh - NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Jer.iKoed ! administrator o the estate n .JflnSiW- Pub' ,d"-"J. has filed Ms final acpount in the matter of said Mondav,the 7thdavof July, 1905. at bearing.obj-ctiona, il any, to said final IWUestteQd f0' 6nal 8ettlemen' 0' t n nJi 4--Pt,QH- amlnlstrato'. J 0. OnmsTr & J. N. Duncan, Attorneys for Administrator. wrtk. Oregon Sh outline awU1VI0NP4CIFIC M.' W. Jury List. Drawn to-day for Circuit Court tn convene Junn 2fi- WApaS?;n"M-AcheS?nS,WalterChance, DVHCacSan0her' fe Penland' D' Lebanon. J t? Tn. t Burkhart. uu"alnn bhelburn.-John Sanders. Crabtree. W. J. Turnidge. Jordan. -N. S. MorrUon. Crawrnrrfavilla MorrisonV jrPhilpr -. Rilui, ...wiaiuauii, U60. ivacomb. J. P. Garland. mi man. . . h iMh,. j n Shedd. Oscar Dillev. Harrisburg.-E. E. Upmeyer. Sweet Home. S. V. Barr Halsey.-H. Cummings.. " Santiam.R a c? 1 Miller. . "WRer' Brownsville. - J . A. Simons. Center. Jas. Nichols. Tangent. D. S. Smith. Price. -R. E. Huston. V. s ner. Rock Creek. E. Henness. Hood River wenfdi-y bv 40 vote. Several Orponninn the city. r in Last night at the home of Mr. Nelson lances. Kntf Vara V J a jT , ' : 1 1 cow mm nueie held a weemner nartv nv ih. . ure of Miss Adele for Hood River. Some additions to the Linn county exhibit are some immense Logan ber ries raised by Dr. Starr and some r.aised by Robert Douglas, which is 6 feet 9 inches tall, higher than Mr. Douglas. H. A. Wicks, nf the rv. residing on Baker street, was awarded ifVl V. ""9 county com mittee for a trm tft tl-.r t j Clai-k fair, for the best cabbage pre sented for the display. 10 1-2 pound cabbages from December planting is pretty good. . s Enoch Buch- ovfabt raoii TIME 80HEDOI.E8 BOM PORTLAND, OR. ABgrfl K0M for $541.15. . Mr. Walker had just sold his interest in the store to Mrs. Siminson, an pld lady, who recently received some money on insurance, it is said under the state ment that there was nothing against the property. The property is valued at about $2,000. The case makes it un- ..iu.iaic lur rne present owners, en- see the bier fellow.' Sullivan will be here June 21. Promptly Paid. Mrs. Effle May Poindexter. desires to lYtPnrl ha. 4- 4-1 nrnn , . , . vT.i.u.o, t-ii . .. uiaiino kilts OUU IOr LHG tirely innocent and botn supposing all prompt payment of the policy held bv debts were paid. I her late husband, amounting 1m si naa mnoi'. U.. 41 1 .-- i t . ' nKnii. "f . U w. -:t. n 'v . ' Ur. L. W. T,llWn want In r- 11". vuu bhv. r raver was OlTerea u.- x-I ....w w vuivaui by Mrs. J. M. Marks, daughter of one thls afternoon. of Oregon's early missionaries. Miss Frank O'Neil returned from California Irvine spoke, of the wonderful oppor- this afternoon, tunities made possible by modern in- Rev. J. E. Snyder, of Brownsville nffnt,o!? nnd convenience. Prayer was went to Portland this afternoon. ?" ,"? . J- Wilson of Eu- Miss Bertha Wilkin.,, nf a,, n-. ft- - i J . .& W. 0. W- Decoration, to may ruinuexcer.aesii88 to'AnA . ,t iw x a.j i ii i , .. i o v ti. LJijaLiiuiiihr . intt r i i , "er '"anKS ro tne Z500 for the ' Seattle. Anthem bv the choir ouartet r ner nome at uandon, 'e i.L L'. u.1 .. .i T M1S9 Anna F inn ToW ......h, i,aw niio nuuii iur Q M v... v.ll& l,U ipj,UUO, A woman and 'seven children. Oldest about 7 arnuorl tk.-. their way from Toledo to Junction. the on The government weather nrori;n;i; IS? tnnio-lit anA T.. 1 .V. , v' SftKZ1 Vu!fi0' P-a"lv -C1?uay 4uc iiver m o.o ieet. The Ladies T.ouria anA rin-i. - ... . rr w.aia buuiirut- j.uree otners in tne city I c 'uuaJ amppea anotner fine assort- Inrn in 1 JT f I TTIPnt nf T.inn AA..4.. i ynv in viio luusunic . . : " .."i wuiiiv ruyHH tn cna pvnn. ti.. 1 Sltinn Notwithstanding a heavy rain the Woodmen of the World observed their decoration services yesterday according to nrosrram. Thn evr.: n,o- t.3 at the grave of Lake Dorris, the last w paaa away. cemetery and cemetery were decorated in the nrettv i sition. nowers or the season.. L. L. Swan Mrs. Plorella Turner has he.n ti,a made a short address in memory' of the .ivtuwwa nfiiu iHui U1CU. Senator Jones came over from Toledo today. J. A. Shaw left for Portland this af ternoon. Miss Minnie Merrill went to Portland this afternoon. Mrs. A. T. Riggs, of Dallas, returned home this aftenoon. L. E. Hamilton went to Portland this morning on a business trip. G. W. Wright went to Salem this anernoon on legal Business. Postmaster Stewart of Halsey went w iuiliuuu wiis aicernoon. Mr. timer C"nn, of Salem, returned nome toaay atter an Albany visit. ivirs. Maggie Shupe David left for ohaniko this afternoon on a few days .i.. Mayor Elmore, of Brownsville, was among the nmminnnt PR,na..;nA j'icre touay. Mrs. U. G. Havno itoria. arriverl thi nnnn nn a uioit n.!4l. jAlbany friends. Banker J. S. Cooper, of IndeDend- lence, was lookiner after hia Alhnno rroperty today. Dr. Davis, nf Pn,raii.-(, r Reading oyster raiser, was in the city iiis aiiuiiiuuil. Lawyer A. Tussino-. nf R rnnrn sir 1 1 1 a Is looking after the Warner habeas jurpus case tnis atternoon. Mrs. M. E. Rrinlr nf p-;mn,.;ii Joined her husband, Judge Brink, here r.u nuuii. xomorrow tney will leave or home. Mr. and Mra. W. C. Tu.u ' a B.- W. Bowersox went to Portland this nernoon to tne grand lodge I. O. O. erection of a reairianpo ariin.'n.'.. 4.1...4. ? her home on Ferry street. It will Marvin Turner was at the school pic- . a. luuer oirne s urove Saturday with a fine stand of ice cream and other good thmgs to eat and did a good busi ness. Grandpa Crawford, the Apollo among the Albany barbers, went to Portland yesterday, and his fellow ar tiste report is expected home with a bride. Lowell Tweedale. fnrmsrli, nf ti..-- it :.l iSii.'m .-w "'" v.t,j,, wiui nine layior, the confec tioner, of Salem, and Miss Mabie Cal vert, a cleric in Taylor's store were married Friday evenitg. Mr. William Fortmiller returned Sat urday evening from his eastern trip. Besides attending the general assembly of the Presbyterian church at Win- j It v 'u 0 v,alL 10 me Atlantic cities and then was at his boyhood home at iiowam, IOr several days. W. W. Francis, Hon. J. K. Weather-&hE-,JnVnfe . Henry and H. C. Chamberlain left' today for ft'and to attend the grand lodge 1. U. O. F.. Which Will nnnvann in flfot vii-jr buiiiuiruw. Miaa Tnnna nnnt. .1 41... U!41. I- 1 1 , r . . ... Djwft. Ul 111U Uirtll Ut . me . 7 ...... v...o iiwil mi United- Presbyterian church" in Oregon mfaa to remain during commence and the fttness of the meseiit!mveftr,W: tion here. A letter was read from the.,,. ,Jel Huston, of Harrisburg, is vlsit- vnnnnracf nhilH nf tU... i-vi "mi.1 ...141. 1 n n. . tu wi w3 aasuuiubiuit, uk- v nlu io uroLner, rix-anernt lanoma, sending greetings. iluston. . The president of the association. Mra. N. H. WheeW nbj tn wj .oleSSL6,SS? sbuTcyasefrdayand didn'' XwTiLXX JfSi Co-a--. was in well in our own land, among the ! freed- portlknH mor"mK on nls way to men, the Indians of the agency and all j . , about us, was made plain, and woman's M"and Mrs. Orin Judd, of Detroit, resnonaihilitv in hrino-inrv ihnaA a i. were in the citv this mornincr nn thoir :;:".' I.T'? "i "a- I tn Pnntlon t 44J 4 4-. V. iicoo uub jiilu iigiit- was presented with ...i w oumhiu ui j.air. fnwiA -T'l T ' I : ri T1 m 1 - Dr. Tracev Parker, of Oreo, CMv returned home yesterday after a visit at the home of his father C. C. Parker. Mr. Ralph Robinson came down from iuuhiib una morning on a snort trip, w D : i . . it. u. uusun. nrrpp neniutini. places from the North Pole to Goldfield. Nev., has decided to settle in Salem. He has purchased the six chair shop of run, vyii vuilllllCIUIUI HLTOPF mill move with his family to that city to morrow to reside. A irnnrl hrW.j a i usbivr. Comoro, 2:11, said to be the best stallion on the coast, will pass through Albany tomorrow morning on the fast iioiBiii,, iur rortiano, wnere he will be tne coming season, rwo of Linn coun ty s best colts, owned by Dr. Hodges oi cms city and A. W. Blackburn of Lebanon, are Zombro's, and show their paLemiiy. A big picnic was held on Saturday at the Porter Slate Grove near Tangent Several attended from this city and re port a pleasant time. The Bell Plains school received the prize of $5 for the best drilled school. Klnssio Tb.nn... Messrs. Dalgleisch and Withers, of . received a prize of $2.50 for the best curtiiuii. nr imw rnia nnn tKAm thn ay where they had been to secure res- Rev. Bower went to Salem this nftnr. joon on a two days visit. He was ac jompanied by an - old eastern college nate, Kev. Adams, of Waitsburg. Jefferson Review: M.. McAlpin was OWn fmm Alhnntr irnafA., AJ ... . ..WUIIj juwm, ciiucavur- fig to secure a license to open a saloon i vina city, ences for the summer, Ml'S. Rnll nf Tl-Hfinn;ila j firough the city thi3 afternoon on her rty to jenerson, where her daughter, v.. 44. isUSICK, IS 111. Sirs. Aububrieht. of Halsev. rohi yme today from a trip to Corvallis. Irs. Aububnght is the mother of Mr. e Tyler, now of Salem. Miss May Pollock, of Dallas, arrived is noon to train the members of the mors and seniors of the college for 2 commencement exercises. recital ion by a pupil under 12 and Mabel jri-inuaia ior in e best nvpr 19 i-r... -o nf an-A fl U7 1T l.Ji; , J . TTiiiib ueuverea an elo quent address. Tha Linn County Pioneer picnic will begin the annual programs on next Wednesday at 10 a. m., when the ad dress of welcome will be delivered bv Rev. Hollingsworth with a response bv C. E. Walker. The Philomath College quartet will be present all day Thursday and Friday. W. E. Yates will deliver the annual address. On Friday Hon Walter Tooze will speak. Every dav there will be contests of different kinis and band concerts. force. The closing motto: The wo men oi an lands lor (Jhrist. A song by the church chorus. The President intrnrtur-oH tha wnplun of the society present: Mrs. W. n SatCM!nson' Xem 0.,.senior editor of whfch will be appreciated by anothS the Missionary Maeaz ne. nreannt at j auuiner iiiutsiieeii oi tne conventions; Mrs. S. M.' p,-Di, m,,:4.- . j n r, Kelso, of Xenia. O.. .m nf thn mZI .B'sh?.P Christie and Father . Breusso, : . , 'n .e 01 rortianj returned hnma this nnnn 17&e"iraSTOr in the inte"res't "of vent on: Mrs. VnDoniM nf han.nh... "i mis city. home; Mrs. R. A. Elliott, the freed- . M5S- Al B- Slauson and two girls air men's secretary; Mrs. N. Wilev Steven- "ved this noon from Washington and son. editor nf tha .Tnnini. Mnnnn. expect to SDend the summer hern. Mr Mrs. J. B. Hill, the treasurer, of Pitts- s'auson w1" arrive in August and have burg, Penn. ; Mrs. Mary Clokey Portor charge of the exposition library until the friend of the boys and girls, who the clo3e of tne fair. always says give; Miss Elizabeth Mrs. E. E- Goff and childrenleft this Caughery, literature secretary, and afternoon for their new home at Hood Mrs. H. C. Campbell, secretary of the River, where Mr. Goff has been several Work anion? the Inrlinna All f.,11 f mnnhha Thnir now aalAann 41 bright thoughts. - not yet completed, but will be in a lhe rOU Was nnlleH ttnrt vaannnAnA 4 Wnplr nr tttn hH, 1. aZV-" ?" ------ Vh" tv3in, 'l:-44 - ' .M- "bby, one of the delegates to nnintnn. s w,",,u"' was ap- w. u. M. B. convention is accompaied pointed. -.. bv her son Mnf.Ban T.ihhv nf th Wooh. credentials: Mrs. H. C. Camnbell. h.nh.nn,.. Tk.n;;.: .,.. Chicago:- ' rortland Salt Lake, Denver Ft Special Worth. OmaLa, Kan." TiaHant Ohioago and East, ington. AHantio Bai4B.ienTer , Bxpre.. Wolh, Omaha, Ko. 8:15 p m tas Olty, St LoaU. lhfK,,?Ia ''-Lewlflton, f'oon." Wk"le VVallaoe.' 7.-85 6.00 p m Pullman Minneapoli.', "i. Panl.Dnlnth, Mil- T' r ' nkee, Ohioago and iast. 4:80 P. M 10:80 a, a. 70 HOURS Portland 'o oar., lickel. Ei.tvVa a IraiT o7bc. ftnd rail via DiDpr . ,B41 cai OCEAN AND RIVER nnui-mii L FROM PORILAND Allsailing Dates sabjeot lounange, 8 PiUI. ForSan Francieco. J, Balls every ffdavt Dally Meept COLUMBIA RIVER Sunday 8TEAMER8. 8 p. m. To Antnria anri or... Saturday Landings. tup.m. P. m. eicep ountiHi acknowledges a call from Mrs. Dillon,' if Coreopolis, Penn., whosj husband is a newspaper man. Mr. and Mrs. Greer and Mr. Keyes of Denver, have been in the city the guests of C. C. Parker and f;:mily, and inn, 1,1113 uiurning ior rortian-i ana tne Mrs. Eva Livingstone, Mrs. J. C. Low' Mrs. Laura Wilson, and Miss Minnie Quay: The session closed with benediction by Rev. T. J. Wilson. TUESDAY MORNING, " Aftnr mnminr nmwal.l led bv Mrs. n. V. whoiw nf d exposition before home. Mr. Presbvterial. and thn mnnrt T V.! Parker and Mr. Greer for severalyears credential committee, followed bv the w",e, ,fellow express conductors in the roll call Lthe forenoon'was taken by m!,,e .,. the readiner of renorts'. Mra Mn.r Mrs. J. W. Fleu. wife of the suner- ald read the report of the Secretary of intendent of the money order depart- the Women's Board, Mrs. Samuel ,ment of the big Minneapolis nost office, Yourd, in which touching reference was . ? or Portland this morning after a made to the death nf Mra . n visit with her former Minnn:mnlia who had so long and faithfully api-vnn friends Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ho man. as foreign secretary. Miss Cauehev She is one of party of .eighteen do- WW. THROUGH PORTLANI d"i i """" T tt ,t!" rout'" aie Bf r capot 0. G. RAWLINGS, Albanv, Oregon, A. LORAIO. Agent,, Portland, 0 sou mi east Via SOUTHERN" PACIFIC Shasta .Route. trains leave Albanv for Pni-H.-n u WV tatiom at 4:25 a m, 7 :00 a m ind 4. .iw p. m. .. f ? 8 :0 a m 8 :80 p a . " Albany....... 12:25 p m 11:84 p n. Arrive Ashland 12:66 a m 12:86a m ,. Sacramento.. 6:lopm 6:00am ranoiBco. i lib p m 8:40 a a tne literature secretarv. fnl nu.ri ci; gave such a tempting list of the wares she has to offer for sale in the rear of the church, that surely her heart will be made triad durinir the many sales of the leaflots and mission ary books recommended by the Women's General Missionary Society. The treasurers report, always rather dreaded as a dry affair, was so grace t 'x P,rfaced y the secretary, Mrs. J. B. Hill, that she had the closest at tention of each member of the conven tion. Her remarks tnnk tha fnrm nf eulogy on her predecessor. Miss E. J Sloan who for 17 years had served the society as treasurer. The total receipts for the yea for all purposes together with the balance on hand from last year, am'ounts to $116 - 4iM.o-j. iiiB uisoursements $1U7,297.73 An interesting dinwainn fnii i this report as to the heat mnihnri nf sending in the monies to the general treasurer. The conclusion arrived at was that to send at atatnn lim.. . .-, monthly or quarterly, made the le3st ing the coast and the fair. EXECUIRXl'S HOTiC". T i (ill whom it may concern : N Hire i, hereby ill von to all p-rnnns liom it uiity concern, llmt , he undi-r-8ii;ntil eXPCntrlx n' the eiute of Juliuf Gf-mlwoiil, ueceased, baa (I fd tur final hccou it lo ei I eatntK in liie cminly cojrt f Lin 1 i nu ily, O e.on, ami thai ilia ) idg- of said rouit hm .! tlm 10th liny oi June, l'Kb. at I tie huur of 10 u'cl ick a. ui oi siiid day, hb thr t'mir for hvariiu all nlij-cllonn tn ra;d fi -ml au cm l ami lb ee t ing of ilieraoir: t'i. r-lnrc, all p-roDS hiving ai.y ib J-cilon to said final hccou nt aie l.rrpbi it it I'd an I r-qa:nd ti- am fi i tli-4 Hinm in paul court nn or Iig'o-r 11 n'c'ink m. un lh 10 h dny oi June 1 -0 1 -e ! llm !2ih n' vv 'P0. Ka.SMk BilSMB, Efcuirix of taid eetaie. Arrive Ogden 4:f5a rn " Denver 9:80 am " Kantan City... 7:26am ' Chicago 7:42 am 7:00s a 9:lf am 7:26 am o:30 n 4.I'.lTe,.0, AnK0'e.. 2:00 pm 8:06 a a ' f1?680 B:00pm 8:0Cpn fort Worth... 6:30am 6:31.. tt , ' V.Uy MexicolI:S0a m 11 -30 a n ' Houston 7:00 am 7:00 on " New Orleans.. 6:30 p m 6i80pn wal'i''K'on .. 6:42a m 5:41:aD " New York.. ..12:10pm I2.10nn Pallman and Touriati. cart on do traina. Chair curs Sucramiiutu to i IkU-i and Kl Paao, and touriat cara to Cnicag StLouli, New Orleans and Washington ' Conno:tlngat dan francieco with lev iralateamshlp llnea for Honolulu, Jap. China, Phi ippinca, Central and Sout mmica , Bee 0. K. Faoifa attentat Albanvito t'OBor addresa W. E. COMAN.O. I". A "ortland,!)- , SUMMONS n the Circuit Court nf tha .laia ni tegon foi Linn county. O. V. Littler, nluinlift B . Foater and Emily FjBter.' hl.'wlfa l" Foster. O. F. PowhIi md Mo. t Powell, hie wife, O. W. Fieeman and aiiiBi!, irieaian,biaile,dB.'ei:dnia. 10 K. A. f oster, Emilj Fo.-ler, J. W. F- Powe MK' 1- Poe. G. W. Freeman, and Mattie E. Free man, the above named defendants: Iu the name of tha Etate of O.eton: You and aacb of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff now oi file witn the Clara: of the above entitled U. urt within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this gammons: jnd you are further notified that il you luil to appear and answer said com plaint as hereby required, the plaintiff wilt apply to the court lor the relief ueuianded in bis said complaint, to-wlt : a deoree il the oourt adjudging tbe plaintiff to be the owner in lee limple of the East hall ol the WeBt hall oi Bluck No. 64 in tbe city of Albany.Liun Ooun j Oregon, the boundary lines o( the said premiaea being parallel with the opposite boundary linea of said b ot k. and a furthar that none of the defendants herein have any right, title or Interest in the said premises; and a further decree cancell. tn hat certain morivaoa mnniad April 6th. 1887. In Vnlnma S i87 of tbe Records of Mortgages for L'nn County. Opaivin anA fnM .i. othr order as to the court seems pioprr. . , Tbl enmmone la published in the wkly Dbuuckat once each week for six au i ce-alve weexs bt order of the fi H 8twa" County Judge of i.lnn CvUntr, Orenon, made at I'liaiL be s in lhe Oit- nf Alhanv " n.ann Ibe 25th day of April, 1905,and thdate ? ,' fl" Publ cation hereof is the 28 h dny il April, 1006 Hewitt 4 Pox, Attorney a for Plaintiff. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of tha Rial, nf Oreuoa tor tbe county of Linn. Fred Mcepel-, nlaintiff vj a.L. Rlah. ardcon, delenilant. Nntlce is hereby alven ihat by virtue ol an execution and orripr nf il.. i,.-,.h uui of the aboe umneil cjirs in be ab ive entitled suit I wi I on Siturdav, the 24tb day of June, 1006, at the iourt home Loor in the citv of Alhanv I.lnn rounty, Oreaon. at Iha liniii- nf , wa o'clock p. m. i f .ai. il y, cell at Dn' ll fcuotl, n fo' o sb in haiid, to the highest bidder, ibe real 'innnn in .taanriha.i i. saiit execution and order of ealo is fol lows, to-wit: Ml of the eaid defendant's rluht. Hi'a ana imerest in ai d to the following de- i rilieil prrmi 6. Ic Kit Tha Mntik bjM of the D mall n Land Claim of W. , it cnnasnn and wltr, Not No 13C8 n I'd. 10 8. It 1 Westnl tha vrin... a.,. Meridian in Llnu C untr.Ornion, con- ainina 100 atsr, al.o the N.i.t.h W.t qii.rtr ol Sec. 26 in aaid Town-hip end lUiu-e cnntaihinn 100 a ne; l o -ha .nun quart.r ol ilia io-ii at Quarter uf 8to. 27 in Townrbip and Range and conta-nlnn 40 iue nouiu nan ol me south West O' arter, the Son h hall nl il.. Noithlialf of the South West quarter, no o.iutu uui oi ine cnutn iast quar. r and lhe Sou h half nf iha lsfn. k Wee' quarter oi the South Eakt nn ji-l.. of H.-o 22 cootalnlnu 221 forea. nil in Township 10 8. K. 1 Vi eat 0f iha U'lll- i elte Meridian in Linn Countv. Oi-h- The north half nf thn rinnoiinn r .i Claim of W. W. Richardson and wife Not. 1308 in Tp 10 S. R. 1 west of the Willamette Meridian n I.lnn i-v,,..,... Oregon, containing leo acres. The proceeds arisimr from thn onto f said preimses to be applied: First, to tne payment of the costs and disburse mnnts of this suit taxed at J15 00 nnrl accruing costs; second, to the payment to the . plaintiff, Fred Mespelt, the sum of $85.48 with accruing interest thereon from the 8th day of April, 1905, at the rate of 6per centner " annum, and the further sum of S20 At torney's feeB; third, the overplus if any chere to to be paid to the defendant, A. L. Richardson. Dated this May 26th 1905. R. L. WHITE, bhcriff of Linn Counny, Oregon,