Hike fluorat. Entered at the poet office, Albany Or As gecond class mail matter. F P NUTTING OUR WANTS Timber for Sale. Fine oak, in tree, on my place on Brian Creek. A. VANDERPOOL. t5 FOUND, A pair of eye glasses, be had at this office. Can wjNTF.n -.Hl cards of bisr Oak wood. Bticka must be at least 4 inches in jiomcinr also 50 cords of body fir, big chunks. Tho wood may be either in 2 or 4 foot lengths, but must be FULL MEASURE. Bids for furnishing oil nr a nart will be received up to I. ..... ... r and the people have suffered enough reality without having to suffer from false reports. Having been in this vicinity and knowing the facts and having been an eye witness to two water spouts when life seemed to hang by a brittle chread and helping for two days to, gather up the dead, I know the truth is bad enough. The writer will always try and give the Democrat readers as correct a re- A'ound Heppner. ; , Heppner, Or., June 4, '05. No doubt you have read the account of the water spout which struck near Rhea Creek about 10 - miles from Heppner, on the Hardman stage road May 30, in which four persons lost their lives and were buried here on June l.gAbout 1:80 o'clock when the citizens of Heppner were forming co marchjto the cemetery to hold Decora- port of any water spout in or near tion services, a threatening cloud was here, should any more swing around gathering to the south and was closely ( this way but hopes he may never have watched bv the neonla of Hennner. : another occasion to witness one or ever and as it seemed to be moving slowly toward Heppner from the same direc tion that the cloud of two years ago did, the people hesitated in prepara tions for marching t J the cemetery, and continued to watch the approach ing cloud, when it divided and went hear ot one. During the last two weeks there have been 8 or 10 train loads of sheep shipped from Heppner tj Wyoming and Montana. They build dipping vats here. They are about 60 feet long and just wide enough for a sheep to pass through and deep enough to swim to the East and West of Heppner and them. They drive them in at ope end only rained a little, not enough to lay and they swim the length of the vat 'ioLs T Millar A lhan v Iron the'tlust. but enough to stoD all nannr- and men stand on each side and with Works, or by A. C. Schmitt, First ation exerciseg- A few minutes iater ' capping hooks dufcks them 3 or 4 times Nat'l Bank. . , - . hr,ht, . ! before they get out on a standing floor ' . 7 1, . " , ".'.to drain the dipping fluid off of them RECIPES for Kaw strawremes ana r i v. : atm it flows back into the vat. The jellies maae ior ojrHw a water spout or cioua fluid ia neated to a cerfcain degree and SSrSrri JSS No coSf burst near there in Caison Canyon, the kept that way. They dip about 6000 . nothing used but sugar and fruit, rain and hail being several feet deep, I day at 3 cts per head. All sheep are Price 25c each. Address 128 W. 6th I and the drowning of Mr8 Nimimaker 1 required to be dipped before they are Theater Baths'! C' bmner' j and two daughters and a daughter of allowed in the stock yards or loaded on ' ;T Mr. Cox. In a few minutes Heppner the cars. There have be3n sixty or DRESSMAKING. By Mrs. J. L. Uoin, 0f."ereat excitement and seventy thousand dipped up to this t,k u! h irer nrrRKL. I llJ U . V I Oan villi. j Miss Emma D. Anderson wa3 with us last Sabbath and gave a lecture on Foreign Missions. j The base ball players played in the j afternoon last Sabbath. Some of our people went to the San- ' turn strawberry fields and some went to Portland to see the fair ODen. Noth- ' iug of great importance can bo done ' without a representative from Oak ville. j A man from California passed through here last Friday with a large wagon an i team. He was going to the Lewis and Clark fair. A new town site will soon be laid out. It is located near the present I twn of Peoria and it is rumored that a capitalist of Peoria and a capitalist residing near by are the sole owners of the new" town site, and we further learned that the town will be divided by the Willamette river and is in two counties. A railroad is now talked' of which will go through Willamette ' avenue and connect wit hKemp's steam- boat line on Muddy. All trains will be run by the Independent telephone. I Some of our people will attend the , Womens Missionary Convention this week. Little Rose Bud. SPECIAL SALE OF time. The ware houses here are all chuck full of wool which is being Bhipped out as fast as they can bale it and load it on the cars. Four, six and eight horse team3 can be seen all day passing along " .ii nnwimnrrtAf f a tainvailrhA rnitna Mi-v.-ira . . i t . . - t r,,,t Hniiw For interview Aaaress '' '"""-i'"."' a- tne streets to me ware nouse3 loaaea B. 206 Ferry St. . Phone wasreceived at Heppner to wit w00i and returnin? to the interior send a load or snoveis, picks and axes, loaded with FOR SALE At a bargain, a portame j,, ofjjthe bodies were found that every team andlsaddle horse that could ; POSITION WANTED. A thoroughly be secured wasjsoon on the road to the ' onKretaagemeUnt for eitherpart ' scene of the disaster. In a short time or whole timer. Refer.by.permisslon, at least 200;people had arrived at the to Rev. J. W. McDougall, Rev. W. ! moutn 0f the canyon, and a search V. wnite, or in" ' ":Ta "I c mi.ed 'torecoverlthe bodies. Soon Baker's oven, used only one on' evening three miles below the canyon WSS LkS and theext morning the other two B- No- 630 El 4th bt' ware found:?near where the others CHEAP FAIR RATES.-I can take were- Somcjof the bodies were cov best care of 50 Linnj county people ered in tnree;0r fourlfeet of hail, the .naVds'oc8 t.o7perGd0ay.rTwo hail beinrffrom three to six feet deep street car lines, only 2 blocks away, in places. 10 minutes ride or 25 minute walk to ( The Nimimakerjiome is located at grounds. Write me at once for ln- mouth ( Caigon c and naar formation and approximate dates you ... ? , wiT be here and I will reserve rooms the bridge that crosses Rhea Creek, for you. Geo. D. Barton, 480 Hall Just above the house the canyon forms St. Portland. ' ' two channels, one running on each side NOTICE. All accounts owed A. O. of the house. The family was watch Beam are now due and payable to mg the canyon from their parlor, with Owen Beam at store of Beam-Shaw their wrap3 aomo 12 persona and Co., Firstjinderry bts. xot when they.8aw the terrible waye g or wbODFOR'SALE.'-Good dry wood. 12 feet high they made a rush for the Phone 614. Mishler Bros., hill, but in order to reach the bridge . WOOD FOR SALE. 600 ' cords of between them and the hill they were second growth fir for this summer's 0bliged;to;cross in front of the wave, delivery. Leave orderB withLasselle Some.of.them reached the bridge, while Brothers. . 1 Bevren;or eight of them were caught by WOOL. Highest market price paid for the water. Four ailed to get out. wool by H. C. Chamberlain. 20t The othersjwere badly bruised before PASTURE, for stock, fresh water and getting out. It looked to them while fine grasB, on the J. O. Fry place, on the porch that the wave would sure: Fry Station. William Holloway. ly atriko thelhouse,, which caused them ST, CHARLES OF LEBANON. - When t ) make a dash for the Mils, but it di- coming to jjeoanun vided.before reaching tne house and r.harlna.the leading hotel of the own, White help emoloyed only. Fine airy rooms, kind treatment to all and the best the markets affords. BERT DAVIS -REPAIRS- . BICYCLES, UMBRELLAS, and any old thing. Second St. opp. Stewart & Sex Co' W. F. MILLS Will Do Your Painting And Paper Hanging, In First-Class Style. 535 W 4th St. 1 Pnone 673 Red. freight for the interior towns. Hoping to meet you all on the Trail I will choke off. Rooster. Tainted Tim:s. HJNG WAH IOMJ t.O., bnuno 8 v . near Lyon atreet, Albany. Sella Obi naae medicine, Chinese rico, Chine.? le and nntoil.l CRAFTS BERRY j A 2diI and Broad nl bin atrret trill always have on hand the heat of every thinn In the meat line, choice Inrd ate. Give tliem a cail. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hetoliy jlven :o all wham It may concern Hint the undeiolgm-ri fx eciUorol the lui will and .Mnmnnt of Anne Job in, doceased, has filed with tho ol rk of tho ounly Oiurt lor Linn Ojunty, Offgio, hla final ao'ouut and the Hon. Judiie of eald court has eet Mondav, Ju'y 8, 1005, at the hour of One o'clock p. m. to hoar oj-o iona, II any, to said aocount and to eo'.tlu caul Thia June 2 .il, 100S. Thcmas Johns, Executor of the ealaia of iun Juh.i, dflcea vd, Weitii HFonn A Wt.it , Alto neya for Exoenr. wnt on each side of it and did not strike the house at all. If they had Btayed in the house they would all have b ;cn saved. But no one can tell where these terrible spouts are going to strike. I . On the same evening a small spout strjek black Horse Canyon about six miles below Heppner and came out into Willow Creek and washed out 17 rail longths of the R. R. and covered up quite a lot of track so we were cut off from train service for 48 hours. I Such reports as the Oregonian pub lished about the loss of stock and prop 1 erty on Rhea Creek should be sup pressed, as nothing was lost except j the four persons. Also a report in ' that paper that a spout had occured three miles above Hoppner and tho loss could not be obtained. Nothing of the kind happened. A man hero telephoned to Dallas where he used to live that there was a cloud burst in Hoppner but ho was saved. Yet it did not rain enough here to lay tho dust. The lady in the con tral phone office hero phoned to her folks in The Dalles that there had been a cloudburst and lots of people drowned. TTnnnnnr and vicinitv have had and Ex periences in tho lino of water spouts t Tainted money, ' ' Tainted stocks, Tainted ways of Getting rocks; Tainted garments, Tainted shoes, Tainted food -. And tainted booze. Tainted morals, Tainted sports; Tainted cases In the courts. Tainted votes And tainted tricks In the world Of politics. Tainted novels, Tainted plays, Occupy our Nights and days. Tainted husbands, , Tainted wives . , ; . Gee, but ours are , Tainted lives! Houston, Texas, Chronicle. Philadelphia Bulletin. Senator Dubois was lamenting the decay of oratory among American statesmen. - "With only a few exceptions," he said, "we have in Washington no ora tors worthy of the name. On this ac count I had to accept in silence during ' the last session an acid criticism from a clever woman. , " 'I attended a meeting of the Sen-' ate the other day, ' she said, 'and that night I had a terrible dream.' " 'What did you dream?' said I. "The lady smiled. ' " 'I dreamed,' she said, 'I went again.' " . Albany Woolen Mill STOCK PRICES CUT TO LESS Than Cost manufacturing. Good Clean Cloth at Damaged Prices, Hundreds of yards of Meltons Fancy Dress Goods, Suitings, Pants Cloth, Goods for Men's Suits, Felts, Flannels, etc. We are going to put about $5,000 worth of Our new Soring stock on sale along with the mill goods. A chance for the whole county to buy at great saving. SANDERS Albany, - - Oregon WHEN YOU WANT A Lswnmower, Screen Doors, Screen WindowsJ,Garden Hose, Lawn Sprink lers, better see OHLINC & HULBURT. FLOUR. NEWS. You Get the Best at Your Home Mill. New and improved machinery at the Red Crown MiUs, guaranteeing the best flour in the valley. . j Snow Flake, Oregon's most popular brand, only $1.15 a sack, $4.40 a barrel. Patronize your home mill. It is. sit- . ated to give the best all around flour ' in the state. I Bread is the staff' of life, and Snow Flake makes the best. , Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved : 1 The excruciating pains tharacterietio of rheumatism and eciatira are quickly . relieved by applying. Chamberlain's j Pain Balm.' The great pain relieving power of the liniment has lreeo the Btir (rie and delight of thousands of euf fertsra. The quiet relief from pain which it. afljrda is alone worth many times its cost, tot eale by Ftebay & Mason. . M. PARKER, Grocer and Baker m WEST FIEBT STUET,.ALBANY OREGON, First class goods in their season. Phone Main 56 Jap-a-Lac. $100 Reward $100. Tha readers of this paper will be pleaeed to learn that theru is at least one dreaded itiseuse that icieoce Las been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Oatarrb. Hall's Catarrh Onru ia the onlv poeitive cue no-v known to the medical fraternity. Uata'rn Leins a couatltutional diseaae, requires a cons'i tuilonal treatmert. nail's uatarrn wure iB taken interna1 ly, aciog directly upon the bl jod and mucous surfaces of the Bysteni, the eby destroying the founda tion of tb disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting naiu;e in auing its work. The proprietors have go much faith in its curative nowera that they offer One Hundr.d Dollars for any cue that it faila to cure . Send for liBtof testimonials Address : F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Diugaists, 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. RAZOR STRAPS . We want you to bear in mind that we carry tne most com' Dlete line of Razor Straus in the citv. eenuine horsehide straps with the very best of linen hose canvas. We have a new shipment just in that will please every one. Burhiiart & Lee, Have you investigated Jap-a-lac as a covering for your floors? We can recommend it as the proper thing. We have a full line, oak, cherry, mahog ony, or natural wood. Call lor color card. , . Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co. Selling Out, The entire line of merchandise of the late Julius Gradwohl must be sold, con sisting of Crockery, Glassware, Dolls, Toys and Harware. Corner 2nd and Ferry Street, near the Democrat office. KEEP tin EYE on the Vienna Bakery for pood thinps to EAT. Second street ebtwean Ellsworth and Lyon streets. CRO UL A Disease We Inherit I'roinplly oWWiiwI, or rCC RETURNED. 10 VKArtft'lXPKRIINOI. OHt OHAMOf AHI THK LOWEST. Bvitd lutli'l, photo or akololi for Mjicrt rvnrrh unit fif rvHrt on latent ttliltjf. INFRINGE MCNT "!' COixluc-tnt U-fom nil court. lMtfiitii oblHlnnl thrrniKh ADVIR TISIDnnrl SOLD, trv. TRADI-MARXS, PIN IONS Kiul COPYRIGHTS qilloklj oMaIiiuU. Opposlto U. 8. Pntont Officio, WASH NQTUN. U. V. The tainted Wood of ancestors lays upon the shoulders of innocent off' spring untold suffering by .transmitting to them, through the blood, that blighting disease, Scrofula; for in nearly every instance the disease can be traced to some family blood trouble, or blood-kin marriage which is contrary to the laws of nature. Swelling, ulcerating glands of the neck, catarrh, weak eves, sores, abscesses, , , , Skin eruptions, white swell- hcrofla appeared on the head of my little i,rir In-v dipin nnrl ntlior K""'Klnld when only t8 months old, and spread "?' "I? awn n-ul ,t."cr rapidly over her body: The disease next attacked deformities, with a wasting tll tj.m ,, wc fc-rc(1 8ic would lose her sisht. of the natural strength mid It was then that we decided to trv 8. S. S. That vitality, nrcsotne of the ways medicine nt once made a speedy and complete his miserable disease man- cure. She is now a young lndy, and has never ifer.ts itself. The poison had a sie,n of the disease to return. transmitted through the '5 S. 5th St., Salinn, Kan. Mrs. R. Berklv. blood pollutes and. weakens that health-sustaining fluid and in place of its nutritive qualities fills the circulation with scrofulous matter and tubercular deposits, often resulting in consumption. A disease which has been in the family blood for generations, perhaps, or at least since the birth of the suf ferer, requires constitutional treatment. S. S. S. is the remedy best fitted for this. It cleanses the blood of all scrofulous and tuberculous poisons, makes it rich and pure and under the tonic effect? of this trrent blond nipilirinp tho irAim1 l,..Hl, pioves, the symptoms all pass away, there i3 a sure return to health, the dis case is cured permanently while posterity is protected. Book on the blood ud any dvice wished, furnished by our physicians, without charge. THS SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. GUESS a woman's age if you have the temerity, and feel like taking the con sequences; guess about the weather, the crops, your neighbor's debts, whether to pay that insurance premium that is due, or wait till your house burns; guess the right bottle when you get up in the night to give the baby Nastoria; guess ... well, regard ing any old thing except your printing: Make sure you get the best by patronizing MASTON PRINTING COMPANY Successors R. A. Brcdie ALBANY, OREGON THL BIG 4 J3arn Door Hanger A great thing for barns. The Handle Hinge Hasp, Another splendid thirg. The Silent Tarlor Door Hangers, All steel, the best thing out At tho Albany Hardware Co Beware of Defective Titles. Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the LINN COUNTY ABSTRACT CO., Z. H. RIDD, Manager Of the real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for money loaned. ... Established in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience. Office corner of 3rd and Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or. E. U. Will's Music House REMOVFD TO- 350 Alder St. Potland, Uregon Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music. "Cecilian" Self Playing Pianos. Special attention to Mail Orders. Lumber Cheap. This month, for an advertisement, we will sell rough lumber of all kinds at $8.00 per thousand, at our mill one mile south of Jefferson. Simpson & Nbaly. R. F. D. Nc. 2, Albany, Or. MAKE YOUR HENS LAY MORE EGGS While they" are high by feeding then INTERNATIONAL, REX or LEES POULTRY EGG FOODS-they are inexpensive-50 -feeds for 1 cent , " THEY BRim RESULTS ' Try a pkge. 23c. Woodworfcli Drug O., Agents