Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, June 09, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Formally Ordained.
Rev. Geo. T. Pratt, who has already
shown much fitness for his life's mis.
sion, last evening at the Presbyterian
church was ordained to preach the gos
pel to his fellow meii, the Presbytery
of the ' Willamette conducting the
services. Rev. L G. Knotts preside J.
Rev. Louis Anderson of Woodburn, a
former Albany College student preach
ed an able ordination sermon, Rev T.
B. Griswold made the ordination prayer,
and Dr. E. J. Thompson, of Independ
ence made an impressive charge full of
excellent advice.
Rev. Pratt preferred to begin his
work in Oregon and so accepted the
call to the Glendale church, among
several made, and will begin his work
there this month. -
Went to the Fair.
1 A small crowd of Albany people left
this morning for Portland to join sev
eral others already there, to witness
the opening exercises of the great fair,
about which the columns of Oregon pa
pers have been filled for several months.
Those gomg this morning were: Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Graham, W. 0. McCann,
Judge C. H. Stewart, Recorder Van
Winkle, Postmaster Train, Judge Brink,
. F. J. Devine, J. L. Irvine, Prank Lines,
Cha les and Lillian Cleek. the Misses
French, Miss Belle Ward, the Misses
Craft, and Miss Mayme Stevens.
A New Residence. .
H.!F. Mcllwain has begun arrange
ments for the building of a neat, mod
ern, eight room residence on the vacant
lot formerly Used by Mr. Hastings as a
celery garden. The contract for the
masonrv work has been let to .T. R.
Wilson. The other work will be by day
unaer me supervision oi nar. fticuwain
A Dog Accident.
The small and innocent dog of Oper
ator Neil, of the S. P. this forenoon
attempted to cross the track at the
Wrong time and was run over, his head
being severed from his body by the fast
devolving wheels of the train. The
ailroad men united in words of sym
pathy and general sorrow prevailed for
Good Cement Walks.
The new cement walk on two sides
of the Baptist church property, has
Deen completed Dy tne contractor, J.
H. Wilson and hi, efficient corps of
workmen, an insurance of a food 10b.
Another well put up cemerft walk is the
one in rront ot tne woivenssn property
ereccea Dy Mr. wnson.
' Married.
D. L. Hensley and JS'3 Mary Dow
were united in marriage yesterday af
ternoon by Rev. J. W. McDougall, the
ceremony Daine performed at the M. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Hensley will reside near
Mrs. W. H. Parker, of Salem, is
the city. .
J esse Galbraith retained to Portland
this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Shaw went to
Mill City this morning.
u. Hi. banders, tne merchant, is in
Spokane on a business trip.
E. C. Heckman left this afternoon on
a West Side commercial trip.
F. B. Ketehum paid a musical trip
wt iiarnsourg tnis aixernoon.
Robert Framra has succeeded Win.
Koyce as w. E. messenger.
J. R. Gentry went to Corvallis this
afternoon on Maecabee business.
Mrs. Mary McWiUiaras, of Halsey
went to me isaues tnis.aiternoon.
0. P. Woleott went to Portland this
morning on a few days business trip.
Mrs. M. E. Harris and Mr. KA
Mosier went to Portland ihis afternoon.
Rev. G. T. Pratt and Miss Lucia
Cochrane went to Portland (this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. MeConnell returned
this noon from their first trip to the
Miss Lillian Farrell returned to Port
land ths arternoon Rafter a (risit at F,
M. Redfieilds.
W. E. Coman and Harry Loansbury
were in the city this afternoon on Al-
oany Dusiness.
Rev. S. A. Douglas is in Eugepe at a
session of the district association of
the Baptist church.
Deputy Postmaster Frank Powell got
an early start for Portland this morning
going on the 4:2a train.
Mri. R. L. Weatherford, and chil
dren, of Harnaburg, returned home this
afternoon from a Corvallis trip.
Mrs. S. P. Bach, and daughter, one
of the accomplished pianists . in Miss
.Sox's class, were in the oity last even
ing. .
Mrs. J. J. Houser went, to Tangent
oaay and tomorrow will leave for San
Francisco to join her husband of the
Union Iron Works.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Wigman have moved
to Portland for the summer, . where
Mr. Wigman will make his headquarters
at least during the fair.
The Misses Clemens, of Halsey, after
acouple of weeks at the home of Mn,
Olin. wilj leave in the morninj for
their home. .
John Sijsj his roturned f.-jm Givjnts
V133, wnere- n ha been several
ninths, and has assumed a position
with the Corvallis & Eastern.
Mi-. Frank Power with Woodward &
CUrk, druggists, of Portland, is in the
city for a fe days, called here by the
illn;i3qf bis father, W. M. Powers.
Mr.t. Anna Houk Shearer, of Portland
after an Albany visit, went to Corva li i
th-.s afternoon for a visit with he
sistof Mrs. Geo. Waggoner, and wj I
rerv.rq homs by the west side.
Miss Sox's Recital.
The first program of the commence
ment season of Albany College was
presented at the United Presbyterian
church last evening in the presence of
a 1 irge audience by the pupils of Miss
Emma Sox in piano culture. Miss Sox
has demonstrated in a marked manner
her talent as a teacher of music and the
first program under her instructions
spoke for the splendid work done by the
pupils. All did remarkably well, offer
ing no occasion for distinctions and there
was general praise and compliments.
The program consisted of Schubert's
Ballet Musick by Misses Lillian Cleek,
Kate Lee, Elsie Francis and Mayme
Stevens on two niano: Griee's Butter
fly by Bertha Lee; Englemann's Garotte
Dy Maggie Stevens; a vocai soio -my
Star," by Mre.-Nutting; Rubenstein's
Kammenoi Ostrow, by Lillian Cleek;
RummeU's March, by Isabelle Young;
Englemann's "Over Hill and Dale," by
Vera Wood worth, Edna Acheson; Bertha
Lee and Kate Stewart on two cianos; a
voca solo, "The Nightingale's Song,"
by Mrs. P. A. Young; Liszt's Rhapso
die Hougroin II, by Margaret Bowers;
Grier's To Spring, and Haydn's Alle
gretto, by Vera Woodworth; JChopin
solos by Bessie Bach.of Lebanon;a vocal
solo, "Daddy, by Miss Evan Jbrencn;
Norwegian Pastorale, by E.sie Francis;
Helmud's Dance by Kate Lee
and Wollenhaufl's March, with eighth
hands, by Lillian Cleek, Kate Lee,
Elsie Francis and Mayme Stevens.
The progress being made speaks for
some accomplished pianists m the fu
ture. The Harrisburg School House.
The Harrisburg school board last
evening opened the bids for the new
building to be erected at that city,
for which $10,000 in bonds were voted,
The bids were as follows:
W. O. Heckert, Eugene... ? 9,700
I. F. Conn. Albany 10,175
J. A. McChesney, Albany 10,300
Eley, Salem 11,250
The above was for a six room build
ing. Bids were also opened for a four
room structure, I. F. Conn being the
lowest at $8,025 andW. O. Heckert
next at $8,100.
The bids were taken under consider
ation and will be acted upon next week.
Attractive Medals.
Two college medals may be seen in
the show window of the F. M. French
jewelry store. One is the Dr. J. P.
Wallace medal for the best junior
oration, to be awarded after the con
test at the U. P. church on the evening
of June 12. The other i3 the J. F.
Miller medal, to be' awarded at the
commencement exercises at the U. P.
church on the morning of June 14, for
the highest average of the graduates.
The medals are sujgestive in their
makeup, pretty affairs that will be
greatly prized by the recipients.
On Top Mary's. Peak.
, )
Erb Shultz, Charle3 Cleek, Ernest
Howard and cossin returned last even
ing from their trip to Mary's Peak.
They ascended the rugged side to the
apex, where tfcey saw about the finest
view the eye ever witnessed, the
beautiful valley with its thrifty cities
and down the Yaquina to the ocean,
obscured by a dense fog. They did not
get lost and caught a few fish.
The annual election of officers of
Engine Co'. No. I will occur this 'even
ing, followeS by a banquet. .
The government weather predicition
is: tonight partly cloudy, Friday fair
and warmer. The river is 3 feet and
A box of strawberries from die
gardens of W. E. Rddgers.of Benton
county, contains only sixteen berries,
a well rounded product.
License has been issued for the mar
riage of Ellzy Lowey and Mary J.
Riges, of Brownsville. The ceremony
was to take jplace this afternoon.
F. K. Churchill has just gotten oat a
very neat post card, with a picture -of
Albany on the interior, and one side
for correspondence. It ought to sell.
Swackhammer, a negro Holy Roller
evangelist, who was rotten egged at
Philomath last year, being in Albany
soon after, lis now in Eastern Oregon,
where he is provoking evangelistic
Mehlin & Son's pianos were used an
the recitals of Misses Felix and Sox.
The splendid tone and fine structure of
the pianos bane made them popular
among our musicians. Mr. W. O. Ni3
ley tendered the complimentary U3e of
the instruments.
Prof. J. W. Huff and wife, of
Lebanon, were ik the city last evening
on thair way to Portland. Prof. Huff
has several offersof positions in promin
ent schools, and fcas not yet decided
where he will teach next year.
Rsv. Hurd, pa3to.r of the Evangelical
church at Corvallis, wa3 in the city this
morning on his way to Salem to preach
a funeral sermon thit forenoon. He is
due to be in Corvallis tonight to take in
Uhe graduation exercises of the ninth
grade of the puDlic schools.
Father Levesque returned last even
ing from a trip to Woodburn, and will
leave on the overland tonight in com
pany with seven or eight others from
Portland and elsewhere, for Los Ang
eles, whore he will attend a convention
of the Koights of Columbus.
A. R. Biack.of Eugene, who is preDar-
in to erect a big reservoir up in the
nuuntains in tiane county, to reserve
.vatcr for the dry seasons, has been in
the citv. The nroiect seems odd to
some people in the valley, but there
are times even here when wafer is
wanted badly.
Bruce Shorts, coach of the Nevada
team last year, will coach the U. of O.
team this year, tie is a Michigan man.
All of last year's team will be in line ex
cept Joe Templeton, who will be suc
ceeded by perhaps a better man, Friz
zel. But they will ba needed when
they tackle the 0. A. C. team this sea
AFJJsitftt(2ir .
There is a quality in Royal
Baking Powder which makes
the food more digestible and
wholesome. This peculiarity
of Royal has been noted by
physicians, and they accord
ingly endorse and recom
mend it.
A Linn County Case.
The Telegram: That A. B. Hood and
wife "doped" Mary B. Hardman',. a
young woman who was living with them
until her mind became affected, and
threatened her until she "feared her
life," and then got away with about
$1200 of her money, is the claim of the
plaintiff in the case of D. L. Ambler
vs. A. B. Hood.'M. E. Hood and Alva
L. Hardman, on trial before Judge
Sears in State Circuit Court today,
Ambler is the guardian of Miss Hard-
man, and is sums for an accounting,
and an order forcing Hood to return
money he is alleged to have secured
from Miss Hardman. Hood claims that
the eirl- was vev ill. and that he
and his wife took care of her
because her relatives neglected her;
that all the medicine thev ever crave
her she was in need of, and that all the
money they received was - used in ca e
and attention of the girl h rself. I
The case was called for trial this
morning, and after several witnesses had
testified, on matters of minor import
ance, Miss Hardman took the stand and
gave sensational testimony. She stated
that Hoods gave her medicine -which
caused her to become weak minded and
have "dizzy spells" while she lived with
them, and that they threatened her life
twice and scared her until she feared
to resist them. She says they went to
her purse for money whenever they
wanted to buy anything for the house
or to eat. - She claims she Durchased
$208 worth of furniture for them when
they came to Portland to live, last Fall,
a A ?vT,.l . ... J,
PnrHanri rlnet niirht nn o fa, !,
at home,
:r," ""'''""l
j The Linn county exhibit will help to
giv thecounty a reputation. It has the
gooos to DacK it.
Fred Warner, a U. of O. student of
Engene, was fined $75 for the larceny
of some military property.
The banks did not celebrate Lewis
and Clark day, which is only a state
To Arrive Tonight.
' The eastern delegates and visitors to
the Womens's Missionary convention of
the United Presbyterian church, will
arrive on the overland tonight, remain
in their cars, take breakfast at the
depot hotel and then be assignediplaces.
Between 8 and 9 o'clock they will be
met by committees and taken to places
i assigned tor them. As many of those
who exnect to entnrtain nnuiMo
I should be present to receive them, at 8
buua rciiuenu me worK oi
, assignment easier.
" nenstot those who. have reported
. as delegates and visitors will ha fnnnri
on the editorial page, and it is expected
all named will be here.
Tn T3l w . ...
. C. Bloomer was a Engeme visitor
m, p.... .
Shan Conser is now running on the
new Eueene local.
Ernest Howard and cousin left this
noon for Yamhill county.
Robert Douglas is homo from the fair
and says Linn county is it.
Floyd Bilyeu has returned from a
two weeks outing at Newport.
Prof. Ross went to Portland this
afternoon for a two day's stay.
Hon. M. A. Miller, of Lebanon. V79fl
in tne tii.jr buuay, on nis way to .Bgene.
Mrs. Anna Hawkins, of Toledo, re
turned home today after a Portland
Young, the lapidist, of Newport,
came over this forenoon on an Albany
Mrs. Fred Grimmer left this morning
for a two week's visit at Astoria with
her son Will.
Justice R. Shelton, of the supreme
court of Scio, was attending to busi
ness jo Albany today. I
in U t- 1 !! A -
John Foster left this week for Foster
to see his brother, recently seriouslv ,
iujuicu N ail HUCluent.
Dr. J. C. Littler left this afternoon
for Portland and thence east on a trip
to Indiana and Chicago.
Mr. Kola Iffeiss -went to Portland thi
morning to i)ok after the display of the
Albany Brewery at the fair. I
Governor U. E. Chamberlain i
pected UD on the Eua-ene Inrnl tn otto,i
the session of Elks tonight." I
f?in' ?f?' wlnt 10 Eugene this '
F VarnV ,, fr a jt '-'i I V"e
to look after the comnany s valley roal.
v.... ...-j ,...VIOJ1 oiiiun will
take a pronimsnt prt in a wedding on
th2 lUh- . (
Home from the Fair.
f. M. French, W. A. Eastburn, andF.
m. Brown and wife returned this noon
from Portland, where they have been
to assist in installing the Linn county
exhibit: They report great interest in
theexhibitof this county the best county
exliibit there by odds, covering a wide
field, splendidly gotten up and displayed,
and sufficiently full of novelties to
interest everybody. The attendance on
the opening day was 39,577 paid admis-
sions many of whom started in at once
to see the sights, some only listening
to the opening speeches. The fair
promises to be all that has been an-
ticipated and more,
, .
No. 1's New Officers.
Albany Engine Co. No. One last night
held its annual election of officers re-
suiting as iouows:
Jerome Williams, president.
C. M. McKee, financial secretary.
W. L. Marks, cor secretary.
O. P: Dannals, treasurer.
Fred Shultz, foreman. ' .
Herman Hoeflich. first assistant.
mini r i uJ-j
TiT T TU- 1 i.
Durrenberirer rem-esentatives to tha inS here tomorrow morning offers a people, and expected to make an ex
u ""I'i.Kf'j J?Efntatwes t0 tno l fine oDDortunitv for a day's outing up nibit at the Lewis and Clark fair, but
uiiaiii mi uic unwuica,
! delegate
. I
Travelled. Night and Day.
Rev. Ei A. Childs, of Eugene, was in
the city this morning on his way to So-
daVllle to attend the funeral Of his aced
- nil. i. JtJ .ni..-i... w 3
niVhr'Rev " fWlH, lZft
2iSir.4.RS" ..yV" La52
Falls at the time, and has travelled
since eight and day to be at the funeral
of his mother, which was postponed
that he might attend.
Jadge C. H.. Stewart left Portland
this morning for up the Colu mbia to
meet the eastern delegates to the Wo
men's Missionary Convention. ' .
Pair Cranal flanyrra Wi'lann Anl
ored gentleman, state missionary of
Washington, with, headquarters at
Everett, has been in the city.
Mrs. W. H. Parker returned to Salem
this morning. She had been to Junction
and Harrisburg to assist in the decora
tion of the. graves of relatives and
Bert Moe of the machine shon3 of
Portland, is spending the week in Al-
?nv: ,j T T3 cfleDrate1
fbJr'hday and today hla nextyunge'-
Miss May Jones was in the citv this
morning on her way to Jefferson from
.'" no. ccu
, teaching. She is a former teacher of
me Aioany scnoois.
I Fred Smith, of Knlam rirnwnpH in tkA
Skagit was a cousin of Rev. .Griswold
I of this city, who will attend his funeral
I oaiem uuon uie arrival ui uie uuuy,
perhaps tomorrow.
' Superintendent Jackson returned last
night from the exposition. He was
particularly pleased with the educa-
tional exhibit, in which Linn county
j makes a splendid showing.
Miss Tressie Edholm came up from
Portland this noon on a visit with her
folks. Some time ago she met with a
serious accident, from the effects of
whicn she is now recovered,
! Mr. Otto Kvaemer, a prominent
3 : i .1 , i
Portland lawyer, was in the city todav.
Mr. Kraemer was recently a leading
candidate for the nomination for
municipal judge, being defeated by
Judge Cameron by only 95 votes.
Dr. Withycombe and Professors Kent
and Cordley. of the O. A. C. went to
Milwaukee today to conduct a farmer's
institute. These institutes are proving
a great educational factor in the lives
of the farmers of Oregon.
Mrs. Jay W. Blain and children,
Leta , Rogers and Margaret and
Mrs. John Barrows, of Oakland, Calif,
arrived this afternoon on a few weeks
visit. Mrs. Blain is a daughter of Mrs.
S. G. Irvine and Mrs. Barrows a sister
.vj. mio. irmtci uiuiikeiMI.
J,Ir- an Mrs. William Fred Chapman,
! were in the citv today on their way
j from Mill City to Roseburg. Mr. Chap-
f- a. ? amnF. "oseourg o uggist ana
-'.s Allce. u Knerr' ?"?
mo3t charming youug ladu
""Jf,6."1 in mamaSe at C"
one of Mill
dies were
City thU
. ' . .. '
J"? 5"land lelegram announces an
dent Gatch, of the O. A. C, stating
The Toledo Reporter records the fact
ba b-
tween Newport and the Elephants of .
rieu iiwuienyru, ui unia uuy, piayeu
catcher, pitcher and first base for the
Newport. .
Deeds recorded:
Margaret Karstens to M E Cou-
gil, 95-100 acres $
' Story to T M Jackson, 320
Lous Zuhlsdorf to Martin M Bus-
sard, 290.85 acres 17,000
Audrey Weddle et al to Albert E
Randall, 320 acres, three deeds 1
Albert E Randall to B F Titus,
126.60 acres 1
Satisfaction for $550.
Receipts of Recorder for May $196.25
for 175 initni-nsnts. Mortgages $28.-
237.50; satisfactions $18,141.50. Num
ber of deeds 94, mortgages 40.
Receipts of Clerk for May $125.25.
Probate: In estate of J Gradwhol,
report of Judge Stewart filed, disal
lowing the claim of Chris Bender for
attending the deceased.
Another New Residence.
Some of Albany's most modern res
idences are those going up this year,
built in the latest designs of architect
ure, credits to the gem city of . the
valley. Another one to be under the
latest patterns is that of C. B. Winn,
of the W. F. office. J. R. Wilson has
Ireadv begun work on the foundation.
and the other work will be by day un
der the supervision of Mr. Winn. It is
to be eight room, two . story, and the
plans indicate something very pretty.
The residence will be on Mr.
Winn s
lot, on Fourth street, between
worth and Lyon.
Several other residences are in
The Harrisburg bank has put in a
burglar proof Manganese safe.
Portland won anothergame yesterday
beating Seattle 6 to 3. They have the . fra: J;, f miley and daughter Ma
hnbit now I De1, of Soa-ttle, arrived last night on a
habit now.
Oregon patents, James C. Boylefl
Portland, Amusement device; Clinton
J. Kurtz, Salem, Prune dipper and
The Leans of Harrisburg defeated
the Fats in a game of base ball 18 to 13.
It was a fast game on the side of the
The government weather predicition
. . o . , , , , , f .
is tonight and Saturday cloudy, and oc-
casional rain. The. river continues at
3 feet.
I The Union Pacific's gasoline motar
car made the trip from Portland 1 to
Woodburn, 36 miles in an hour and a
' The Grange excursion to Lyons leav-
Rev. J. E. Snyder was in the city
4-1.:.. nl-m.ftn en Uia muff in Ilia hnmA
at Brownsville from an evangelistic
trip up the Columbia.
The W. O. W. will have their memor-
ial day exercises, which will be devoted
nai-Hpnlarlv tn thn mnmnrv of the lt.R
r -"".. ... SI.; I"
5 J ramenDurg nexi
Sunday, . ,
C. H. Bureeraf has put a cement
cross walk in between his place and the
M. E. chnrch, crossing the alley. It is
a good proposition and it is 10 be hoped
;t becomes a common pactice. .
ThiB afternoon , at Corvallis, Miss
Helen Crawford's class in elocution
will produce Mid Summer Nights
Dream. It is to be given under the
ira wu me uuima wi. yan uiwii, tiaiw)
selected in keeping with the play.
Mayor Davis went to Portland this
Miss Retta Stuart left this afternoon
on a Portland trip.
Miss Vira Stuart has returned from
Portland to reside at home with her
W. D. Snow and family and J. P.
Elliff and family arrived this morning
from Texas and are looking for homes.
Charles Montgomery, a former Ben
ton County Celestial farmer, was in
the city this afternoon with his. Indian
wife and children, on their way from
xoieoo to oaiem.
To all whom it may eoncern-:
Notice U hereby given to all persons
whom it may concern, that ihe under
signed executrix oi Ihe estate of JulinB
Grid woh I, deceased, has fi id btr flual
account in said aetata in the county
court f Lini county, O eon, and that
the Judgi of said court h9 set the 10th
day of June. 1915, at ihe hour of 10
u'.l ick a. in ol mid day, He the time for
henrinn all objciiohn to raid filial ac
cou ,t and the ee t ing of ilieeame;
uiureiure, an prraong having any ob
!rc.t.i?DJt0..B,:id fi:?' ;cfount re
n. ,t itii d an I required to appear and fi e
lh H'me in a Id court on or before 10
n'c'.ii-k , in. on'the 10th day ol June,
l4el i li in :2ih day of Msv. 1005.
, Fannik Brkknkr,
Ext-cutrix of paid eetaie.
Notl'-e li li ray iiivn thit the nmter-
eiKiii-ii. lias una uav b-en apiioln'ed b
ihe O' un' O-.iflr of Linn Ci unty'. Orr-
uon,U'uiiiMirni,,r oi 'neonate ot Nettle
Karley, di-ceare'l, All i ergons having
c Him tfiviin.t said eatpto ai i erp.hy
required tn prreent them prop-rly ver-ill-d
aa by law rcqui'd), within ax
ui'irr li fro n the dale hervnf.
t .Dated tbia 22 bd day of Mar A. D..
W O. Fari-et, Administrator.
Wkatiuhkord A Wyait Attnrneve.
V lice la hereby given that the un-ii-r
igned has thia day been dulv ap
ni'nird hy the County Cjurt o Linn
Utmty, Oregon, executor nf the last
- It anil le tamtnl of l.ouia Meliytr,
I t.. f.lnn 0 "iniy, O eon. Ail per
e.ri.i.avin caitna t.gaiuai Biid istaie
ro hereby required to pr gent tbem .
"'"- ' I" ' tenure
w.i.n.. ix u.oniha f,',M. ,.ie. '
yuo. v. .vikter, Jtxecr.tor.
V-tuERroimA VVyatt,
Attornejg f.r Executor.
Eddis Merrill returned to Portland
this afternoon.
G. E. Sanders has returned from
Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Wilson, of Eu
gene are in the city.
Miss Lillian Robertson arrived this
ifternoon from Los Angeles.
Editor Dugger, of the Scio News,
was in the city today.
C. E. Hawkins, of Toledo; went to
Portland this afternoon.
Mack Acheson. of OnWvilln rohivnArf
this n ion from Portland. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Bvlanri wpnt tn
Portland this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Twoednla return.
ed this noon from the Bay.
Lulu Egan went to Gervais this af
ternoon on a two weeks visit.
Dr. and Mrs. Vard Littler went tn
Eugene this afternoon to snend Sun.
Mrs. R. E. Mason returned last
evening from a visit with Portland
Mrs. E. J. Seelov and children went.
to Portland this afternoon on a visit
with her sisters.
Rev. Green, recentlv of the I.fihnnnn
Presbyterian church, will locate at
Cottage Grove.
Kev. T. B. Griswold went to Salem
this morning to conduct the funeral of
the late Fred Smith, a cousin, who was
drowned in the Skagit recently.
Mrs. Nellie Ford, of Portland, went
to Brownsville this afternoon on a visit
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Geo. H. Graves' chaffeur mssed
through the citv this afternoon with the
Graves car, bound for Ergene, to join
Mr. Graves.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Nelson last even
ing entertained n number of friends in
a pleasant way in honor of the anniver
sary of their marriage.
visit with Albany friends and are the
guests of J. O. Lee and family.
A. C. Mnrsters of the College was
accompanied homo last evening by
Oliver M. Hickey and E. L. Jones for
a Sunday visit. All ACLS men.
Dr. M. B. Marcollns stopped oft in
Albany last evening on his wav to Oak
land from Philadelphia. Dr. Marcellus
n : n AlU-.. r,, -4...J 4. 1
is n luinici xiiuany uuiiqku ai,uuciii,,tuiu
1 since graduating from a medical school
in Philadelphia has been practicing in a
suburb of that city; He expects to lo-
cated in Portland,
j. Bodenmann, of Chicago, was in
the citv todav on his wnv to Lebanon
on a visit witn an uneie. ivir. ooaen-
mann is a manufacturer employing
1 J L r iu.i. u
gave it up..
. Attar ?rt Yoarc
I AIler Z0 IearS'
i .
After being associated with J. M.
I lur years, io years as
for 26 years, 16
years aa
clerk, 5 being in Albany, and 10 years
I as partner, Mr. Thos. Callahan lias re-
tired from the firm of Nolan & Calla-
han, Corvallis, on account of a need of
recuperation. He will be succeeded by
Thomas Nolan, and the firm will be
, Nolan & Son. Their's is one of the
best established stores in the valley.
The government weather prediction
js: partly cloudy tonight, possibly
showers, Bunciay fair and warmer.
I The river is 3 feet.
In the OotiDty Court of the fctate of
Oregon, for Linn County.
In the matter of the esia e and guard,
ianship ol Benjamin Franklin Klnzer
and E Iward Klnzsr, lnesoe per bods.
To M. E Houston, A. G. HouBton,
0. A. Green, E. L. Moreland, R. B.
Durthick, L, M. Durthick, L. W, Kin
zer. Henry Klnzer, Nlia Rutaell, Minna
Darrah, Benjamin Franklin Kiczer and
Edward Kli zer, greeting.
In Ihe Dnnie of tbe slate of Oregon,
you am hereby cited and requited fo
upnear fn the County Court ot tbe state
of Oregon, for ihe couuty of Linn, at tbe
court room thereof, at Albany, in said
c-unty.on Monday, the 5th day of June,
1905, at 1 o'olock in the afternoon of
that day, then and there to slion cause,
if a y there be. hy an order Bhou:d
not be made, au horizing and directing
Henry C ru ne guardian of the pei song
and es ntesol fit-njamin Frunklin Klnzer
and KUhmI Kii zur.meane, to Bel i their
nndililn't In erect ir and to ihe follow
ing uv-c th d real prnparlv. I ho rams
bsl- iraii undivided 1 1 1 h inien ut each,
II... C 1 l.. n n
quarter of H e. 11 In ii li 8. R.
" eat ol the W lllhiuute Mb idln, heir g
a portion of 'he Donation L nd Claim
ni William A . Paul Not No. J1C3 In
Linn County, On goo, and nun 'a nlng
80 acres
Alao i lie N. E qimrtT of Sec 2 In
Two. II S. R 2 Weai of the W ll. M.r.
i Lion County, Oregon, and 0-n.taining
160 acn e. "
Ala ihu N. E, quarter of lh - 8. E.
qmrt-r of Sc, 2 I wp. 11 8. R 2 Wegt
of Willamette .Meridian in Lnn County.
Or goo, and Onlaluinn 40 . , rt
contilning in the aggregate 280 acree,
Witneai, the Hon O. H.
Stewart, Judge of i he Conn
Iv Court of the Slate of Or
egon. foi the O .Unto ft, T.lnn
wllh the eeal of gald Court fiixed, I hie
13th day of April, A. D. 1905
Attest: B. M. Paynb. Clerk.
Bv F C. 8'ellmaclnr Deputy,
Notloe I. harebv given that 'h un
lersigned his Deen du v apnmniwl a.i.
miniatrator of Hie eatun .1 u.i. m..
din, dnreaaod, by the (Jounty Court ol
ii nn uountv, Oregon. Al' j.e .or.a
having claim, againat taid en a e a.
verified, aa bf law ren Trerl i t. '
Z," !ni. a' hi. re'l . p 1 An""
O "g"n, wi h In .Tx months f,in T'
hereof nouiieu to prean t thtm, iln
April 28 h. 190).
- Chablks Midin,
T-8t'1;. , , , Admlniitrator.
Attorney for plaintiff.