Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, May 26, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    Etit. red i ibe post office,, Albany, Or
i tind class mail matter
A wnrri to the wise is sfficient. If you
are weak and delicate or in need of a
tonic for your various organs try Hos-
O. U Tj:4-nu
of women all over the world acknowl-
edire it to be the best woman' medicine 1
a-he. Cramns. Dizziness, Fainting
Snollc SlppnlpRsnpss. Costiveness. In
digestion, Dyspepsia or Kidney Troubles.
At Tom Cum -
tit Ttci rtrv ounrtT
mings, 1 1-2 miles south of Albany on
Tangent road, on Tuesday, May 30,
at 1 o clock.
FOUND. -In the First ward, a pair of
gold rimmed spectacles. Can be had
at this office. . .
.unp SAT.R Fine folding bed. man
tel style; quarter-sawed oak; spring
and mattress, as goou us
best care of 60 Linn county people,
daily during the fair. Good rooms
and beds 60c. to $1.00 per day. Two
street car lines, only 2 blocks away,
10 minutes ride or 25 minute walk to.
orounds. Write me at once for m-
f'nrmntion and aDDroximate dates you
will be here and I will reserve rooms
for vou. Geo.
D. Barton, 480 Hall
St. Portland.
TrtT T) T7,"VTrP -fnam .atml vaaiAannn
Walnut street. .Call upon nowara a
inwvy Y ! . toi.
at. Craft Kl ilerrv b meat mantel,, lot
"iZL, nTvable to
Owen Beam at store of Beam-Shaw
Co., First and Feuy Sts. 16t
WOOD FOR SALE.-Gcod dry wood,
Phone 614. Mishler Bros. :
MRSALEOrie"'32ic52 in Advance
'SeDarator with wind stacker and
feeder for. sale at a bargain. Call on I
or address L. B. Lupeh, Tangent,' Or.
Inauire o:
first-clabs, in good location.
Inquire of . W.i E. Kelly,
404 East I
First street, Albany.
TO 'SUBSCRIBERS. -Daily subscrib
ers miBsing papers will please call up
same evening: Black 1921 if west of
Broadalbin street;Black252 if between
Broadalbin and Montgomery streets,
and Black 824 if east of Montgomery
Btreet and the carrier will deliver the
missing paper.
WOOD FOR SALE. 600 cords of
second growth fir for this summer's
delivery. Leave orders with Lasselle
Brothers. '
COWS FOR SALE. Fresh milk, Jer
seys andDurhams, first-class, at Mrs.
L. J. Houcks, 1 1-2 miles south of
Tanirent. til
H!.v.oit rr.or.itnt nripnnnirl fnf .
wool by H. C. Chamberlain. 20t
at? a 13 r i Pltf w
F sLator,2l48rwndsS
iB iL fc n.,11
SOU ieeuc-r,ui. icaaunuuiu
nnon D' Brodio, route 1. M20 I
PASTURE, for stock, fresh water and
fine grass, on the J. O. Fry place,
Fry Station. William Holloway.
coming to Lebanon Btop nt the St.
Charles, the leading hotel of the own.
White help emoloyed only. Fine airy
rooms, kind treatment to all and the
best the markets affords.
and any old thing.
Second St. opp. Stewart & Ecx Co'
"w. F. MILLS
Will Do Your Painting
And Paper Hanging,
In First-Class Style.
535 W 4th St.
Pnone 573 Red.
UtMi WAII I ON. CO.. bwooa S
nnur Lyon iilreel, Altmny. Sella Obi
nMH meilifiinp, Ohioeae ric. Cbine.'ta
and naroil.l
A 2nd nt)d
Broad a) hi r
ntreet wn
lwa?i bare nn hpnd the best of ever
thin in the meat Una choice lard etc.
Give tbem ciii
I'rxnii itly buinnl, or FCK RETURNED.
THK LOWttT. Ht-nil niMlvl, photo ur ki-uh fur
eip-rt Mrrh and fm rvport on patentability.
INPRINOSMKNT ult comlurted twforo nil
ourt. l'Ktrnt obuUnml through nn, AOVCW-
Opposite U. 8. Pntent Ofnoev
'1 he Op rung !Jay. I
Portland, May 24. President H.
W. Goode has authorized the publica
tion of a program of the opening cere
monies of the Lewis and Clark Expo
sition, June 1, which is as follows:
Overture, "Festival" (Weber) Innes'
band. Assemblage .called to order by
the president of the exposition at 12
o'clock noon.
Divine invocation by vthe Rt. Rev.
David H. Moore, D.. D., S. S. D.,
bishop of the Methodist Episcopal
church, residing in Portland, Oregon.
March, Imperial Oregon," Innes.
(Dedicated to the memory of Captains
Lewis and Clark and inscribed
to the
paople of Oregon.)
Addressby H,W. Goode, president
. ot trie Lewis anq UarK centennial ,x-
Address by George E. Chamberlain,
governor of Oregon. '
Address by Jefferson Myers, president
La wis and Clark Centennial Exposition
commission for the state of Oregon.
Address by George H. 'Williams,
,m3yrof Portland.
Address by Clarence D. Clark, United
States Senator, representing the
United States Senate.
Address by , James A.Tawney, M.
C, representing the United
h:use of representatives".
( A(drega by H A TayIori first assigt.
ant secretary of the treasury and
ciairman United States Government
I Music.
I Address by Joseph Q. Cannon, speak-juDW
e: of the house of representatives of
the United States.
Address by Charles Warren Fairbanks
vice-president of the United States and
personal representative of the presi-
Presidential salute of 21 guns.
N"fi?a'ionfby wire to' President of
f in TTnil-nrt Sfnfpa nf fhft evr.ncnt.inn
management s reamness io receive sig.
nal to open the exposition-.
: President Roosevelt touches golden
key at the White House in Washington
transmitting electrical energy which
rings chimes in the United States gov-
eminent building and starts machinery
or the exposition.
President Goode then declares the
,wia and clark centennial Exposition
formally opened to the world,
' "The Star Spangled Banner" by the
massed bands, with artillery accompani
lTnnncnn nnti.aiHni
Divine benediction, by the Most Rev.
Alexander Christie, D. D., archbishop
of Oregon.", ; . .
The national anthem, Innes' band.
Centennial salute of 100 guns. ,
A tale is told of a Kansas minister, a
great precisionist in the use of words,
whose exactness sometimes destroyed
the force of what he was saying. On
one occasion, in the course of an elo
quent prayer, he pleaded:
"O Lord! waken Thy cause in the
nearts or tnis congregation and give
them new eyes to see and new impulse
to do. faenu down Any iev-er or lee-ver, j - cui.uuiB w .Tcuaiui a ur vYuiuoatHr a
j dictionary, whichever Thou usest, and
I nrv t.hnm Into npt.ivit.v
aicoruing to weDstor s or Worcester s
Selling Out.
The entire line of merchandise of the
late Julius Grndwohl must be sold, con
sisting ot Crockery, uiasBware, Dolls,
Toys and Harware.
Corner 2nd and Ferry Street, near
the Democrat ollice.
VIC will Continue
1 j Shine at the Star Shops,
Olli c hours, to ii a. m.
And ficm ' r m.
Phone Red 683 will call up the Golden
Rule Dairy, H M. Palmer proprietor,
for orders for the best milk or cream.
Hartford tires are the best.
The tainted Wood of ancestors lays upon the shoulders of innocent off
apring untold suffering by .transmitting to them, through the blood, that
blighting disease, Scrofula; for in nearly every instance the disease can be
traced to some family blood trouble, or blood-kin marriage which is contrary
to the laws of nature. Swelling, ulcerating glands of the neck, catarrlf,
wi'.ik eyes, sores, abscesses,
skin eruptions, white swell- . ScT,".l,a, appeared on the head of my little
nig. hip disease and other f'Thv '1 ' ! !'ly "","tl,s olll anif sPreod
deformities, with a wasting ' .h"J t:J '!e ,1,scsf next stacked
f t . . , lt,e c ft"" we learea she would losn hraipht
of the natural strength and U was !heii that we decided to try S S & That
vitality, nrr some of the ways medicine at once made a speedy and complete
this miserable lisense man- cure. She is now a voung lady, and has never
ifcst.1 itself. The poison had a sin of the disease to return,
transmitted through the '5 S. s'h St., Salina, Kan. JIrs. R. Bhrkuy. .
blood pollutes and weakens that health-sustaining fluid and in place of its
nutritive qualities fills the circulation with scrofulous matter andtube-cular
deposits often resulting in consumption. A disease which has been n the
family blood for generations, perhaps, or at least since the birth nf th, f.
pioves. the symptoms a 1 pass away, there is a sure return to health the dis
ease is cured permanently while posterity is protected. Book on the blood
Md auy wished, furnished by our phvsicians, without charge
Farmers have finished sowing their
spring crops and planting their gar
dens, and are now preparing for the'
summer's work which -will soon be
A light rain fell the first of the week
which will bring up all late sown grain
aid gardens, and have a refreshing
effect on all kinds of growing crops.
All kinds of fall grain is looking well
and a very large hay crop is expected.
A light crop of prune3 and plums is
reported and in many instances apples
will also be scarce.
Cherries will soon be ripe and all
kinds of berries are coming on nicely.1
' Sheep shearing is about done in this
part of the country and farmers gener
ally are satisfied with their crop of
wool, and the price received for it.
Mrs. Jane JSwank, who formerly
I'ved near Tangent has been visiting
with her brother-in-law, Mb. S. J.
Elmer Clem and family have gone to
Bellfountain, Benton county, on an ex
tended visit.
A. Blevins and wife and M. S. Dur-
bin and wife Ihave gone to Forest
Grove as representatives to the Oregon
State Grange, which meets on the 23rd
of May.
Miss Yacle, of JthelWaldo Hills, has
b ien visiting ;the Misses Stellmacher
for the last week. '
G. C. Stellmacher has been hauling
lumber for his new house. He intends
putting a cement foundation under it
which will be constructed ' by J. G.
rUke. rlolstein and Williamson are
' the contractors.
Tangent is beginning to loom up. It
has two stores and each of them
r jns a deliverywagon all over the sur
rounding country, and .. besides this
there will soon be six independent tele
phone lines centering here. The inde
pendent line from Shedd to Tangent is
well under way, the.'poles are on the
ground and by the last of the week it
is expected it will be finished that far.
Work is also progressing on the line
from Tangent to Albany. A commer
cial line will be put up . from Browns
ville via Shedd and Tangent to Albany.
ne Dei. company aiso nave a long dis- New 8nd improved machinery &t the
tance line and one farmers line at this Red Crown MiUs, guaranteeing the best
Place. flour in the valley.
Tangent Grange expects to have a ' Snow Flake, Oregon's most popular
phnic near Blavins' Bridge, sometime , brnf $1-15 J sack- f-40T?barr?'-T
T. s ' Patronize your home mill. It is sit-
in june. I ated to giva ' the best all around flour
Committees will meet at Tangent in the state,
grange hall next Saturday afternoon ' Bread is the staff of life, and Snow
t3 perfect the final arrangements. I Flake makes the best.
An invitation will be extended to, V """ '
other granges to take part in the ex-
ercises ' J
. . .. ,, . I
Our.road boss is doing some excellent I
work on the roads. He has' the best j
roids of any that I have seen in the
county and is making a success as a
road builder.
ine very oiggest tning in entertain-
ment in the world, the New York Hip- i
see the performance. The auditorium
seats 6,400 persons-more than any
other theater in the world. The spafe '
devoted to the stage is correspondingly have a full line, oak, cherry,- niahog
large. In front of the enormous pros-; ony, or natural wood. Call tor color
cenium - arch is a stage large enough
lor two circus rings, and this may be
juepressea, leaving a great tame or wa
ucpcaacu, leaving a great. vanK oi wa-
ter. Circus acts, vaudeville, and opera
beiran the nrno-rnm. wVnnh onorl nn'tVi
began the program, which ended with
"Andersonville," amelodrama in which
some 300 horses were employed? of
those some 16 plunge into the tank in
the midst of a great fight. It drove
the people quite wild with enthusiasm.
No description can give an adequate
ilea of the tremendous scale upon
which everything is conducted. Every
body s Magazine for June.
Teas and Coffees.
Our own importation.
A complete
fresh. Wil
sto:k of Goods alwavs
surely please you.
Phone Main 53. Free delivery,
every day at C. E.
A Disease
We Inherit
ferer, requires constitutional treatment. S. 8 S
is the remedy best fitted for this. It cleanses the
blood of all scrofulous and tuberculous poisons
makes it rich and pure and tinder the tonic effects
of this prent lil.-uvl tJ. ..;... i. . , t.i
Frenzied Thoughts.
Recalling his own experience as a
hunter, Geover Cleveland refuses to be
lieve a great deal of what he hears
about the President's western trip.
An Iowa man abducted a neighbor's
wife and held her for a $50,000 ransom.
At least the estimate of her value was
flattering to her husband.
Kansas City women who are cam
paigning against "objectionable bill
boards" have made no outcry against '
the object on the springboards at the '
seashore resorts.
A grafter in Korea has been put out
oi ousiness oy tne united states gov
ernment. All grafters should live in '
Washington to be safe from harm.
It is - ari interesting fact that the
Russian soldiers have all been ready to
fight ever since Gen. Linevitch walked
down the line and kissed each of them. 1
They prefer fight to that kind of kiss- 1
iig. I
Pending his entrance into the Senate, '
Gov. LaFollette takes a fall out of the
railroads at intervals just to keep his '
hand in.
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this DaDer will be
plnaeed to learn tbat tbero is at least one i
dreaded disease that tcieuce I as beeo I
a tile to cure in all its siaxee, and tbat is
Oatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Gore is the
onlv iiositivH cue dot known to the
medical fraternity. . Oatarn being a
cimniltuUunal disease, requires a consli.j
tuiiouaitreaimert. hall's Ontarrh Cure
is taken iniarna'ly, aennp directly upon
the bl.od and mucous surface of tbe !
system, the eby destroying tbe founda-i
tioaof th dis-aeu, and givm? the natient 1
strength by building up the-constitution !
and assisting oa'um in doing its work.
Tbe proprietors bave so much taitu in
its curative Dowera Ibat thev offer Or.a
Hundred Dollars for anv cue that it
fails 10 cure . Send for listuf testimonials
F. J. CHEN BY & Co., Toledo, O.
' Suld by Druttuiste, 76c
Take Hall's Family Pills for coostipa
Get the Best
Home Mill.
at Your
Rheumatic Pains Quickly Relieved
',,..- ...
Tbe excruoiatintr pains characteristic
of rheumatism and eciatira are quickly
relieved , by applyiuc. Chamberlain's
Balm. . ,Th great pain relieving
Poweof the liniment has been the sor-
lerero. The qmcK relief from pain which
it aff ihla is alone worth many times its
r.nat tfni buIu ,' Vi a h a v Ar Mu.An '
: Jap-a-LaC.
TT , ,. , , T t
Have you. investigated Jap-a- ac as a
TZJ,l F?L 1" S? S2
' curu.
Stewart & Sox Hdw.. Co.
New stock of Refrigerators. Call and
sea them.- Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co.
Bsara tl The Kind You Have Always Bought
New Music Store,
Cor. Second and Ellsworth,
"The Syncopated Rags,"
for only 15 cents, and other late music.
A fine line of small musical in
struments and talking machines.
A special salesman will show the fine
line of Pianos for several weeks He
will help you make a selection.
Barn Door Hanaer
A great thing for barns.
The Handle Hinge Hasp,
Another splendid thing.
The Silent Parlor Door Hangers,
All steel, the best thing out
At the
Albany Hardware Co
Albany Woolen Mill
1 nan Cost Manufacturing. Good
Clean cloth at Damaged Prices,
Hundreds of yards of Meltons Fancy Dress Goods, Suitings, Pants
Cloth, Goods for Men's Suits, Felts, Flannels, etc.
We are going to put about $5,000 worth of our new Soring stock on
sale along with the mill goods. A chance for the whole county to
. buy at great saving. Began
. A Lg'wnmower, Screen Doors, Screen
WindowtJ,GaT(len Hose, Lawn Sprink
lers, better see
First class goods in their season.
Phone Main 56
GESS a woman's age if you have the
temerity, and feel like taking the con
sequences; guess about the weather, the
crops, your neighbor's debts, whether to
pay that insurance premium that is due, or
wait till your house burns; guess the right
bottle when you get up in the night to giVe
the baby Nastoria; guess . . . well, regard
ing any old thing except your printing:
Make sure you get the best by patronizing
Successors R. A. Brcdle ALBANY, OREGON
Beware of Defective Titles
Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the
Z. H. RUDD, Manager
Of the real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for
money loaned.
Established in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience
Office corner of 3rd and Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or.
E. U. Will's Music House
350 Alder St. Potland, Oregon.
Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music,
"Cecilian" Self Playing Pianos.
' Special attention to Mail Orders.
feeds for 1 cent.
Try a pkge. 25c.
Woodworth Drug Cc, Agents