Albany Democrat VOL. XL. ALBANY, OBEGON FRIDAY. APRIL 14, 1905. Millinery Bargains. Millinery Bargains are alive at our store and it makes it more interesting when you know they are all new . goods. We are cutting prices and right when you can use them. Every day it is something different. Come in, look over goods and keep posted, THE LEADER MILLINERY 337 West 1st St Albany, Oregon Carpets-Mattings-Rugs Newest designs in Carpets; Choice seleation of Rugs; some NEW and elegant Portierres and pretty Lace Curtains. Pratt's Furniture Store, BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, Oregon FOUR Bia LEADERS FOR 1905. MARS AJAX MITCHELL SNELL HONEST WHEELS AT HONEST PRICES Have stood the test for years, are guaranteed, not for 30 days like most wheels, but to I 'nuary 1, 1906. Also a large stock of truns, Ammuni tion. Fishing Tackle, Sporting goods and Bicycle Supplies. Practical gun- :.L 1 UT 1 : KTI A n.nmnfl,r attnnrfori MANY INDICTMENTS MISFITS. By the U. S, Grand Jury. jA Mixture of Things and Thoughts Vv I Portland, April 8. -(Special) -The Federal Grand Jury this afternoon re turned the following indictments: Against State Senater Robert A. Booth, James H. Booth, L. E. Single ton, John Doe, Richard Roe, William Roe, Thomas Roe, officials of the Booth Kelly Lumber Company, charging con spiracy with I. Thomas Agee to de fraud the U. S. but of public lands. Against Frank Alley, A. R. Downs, Stephen W. Purnell, and John Doe, charging conspiracy with John W. Gardners and others to defraud the government out of public lands. Against Williard N. Jones. Thaddeus S. Potter, H. L. Sissler, Daniel Clark, ! also xor conspiracy. Against James H. Booth for fur nishing F. A. Kribs advance informa tion to aid him in scripping operations while Booth wa"s official in Koseburg land office. , Against C. D. Bernard, Clarence D. Hachery and Charles A. Watson for perjury. John Cordano, ex-district Attorney John Hall, Major Harry L. Rees, A. Taylor, J. H. Hitchings, John Northup, C. Lord, are reported as having con spired to retard justice, though no in dictments are returned against them. to. smith and bicycle repairer. A. SCHMIDT, Albany, Oregon. ROYAL RESTAURANT. McKillop & DeVaney, Proprietors. Id Elegant New Quarters in the Strahan Block, two floors. Board and lodging by the day or week. Meals on European plan. First clas meals. Pleasant sleeping rooms, Drop a Postal Card to GEO. C. WILL, Salem, Or. If in need of a Piano, Organ, or Sewing Machine, Edison, Victor or Colum ' bia Granophone and their records. Piano Studies and the latest Sheet Music. Genuine Needles or parts for any new or old Sewing Machine. . It Moans a Naval Fight. Singapore, April 8. The belief- is general here that a desperate engage ment for the control of the seas is im minent off here between the Japanese defensive fleet, under the csmmand of Admiral Togo, and the Russian fleet commanded by Vice-Admiral Rojesc vensky. The two fleets are rapidly ap proaching each other. . Body Identified. San Francisco, April 7. Positive identification was given the dismem bered body found Wednesday night at Vallejo and Powell streets, yesterday afternoon, off Meiggs' wharf, when Peter Antonio Crespano Concelio called at the morgue tonight and declared the mutilated body to be that of his half brother, Biaggio Villardo, an Italian' laborer. . , Lawn mowers are in big demand. The new moon indicates dry weather. The most uneasy head in the world r the czar's. Workmen continue to be busy on the big steel bridge. Will the woolen mill be rebuilt con tinues to be a ? mark. There is a base ball club in Albany on nearly every comer. Another big railroad trust is hatch ing right in the face, of presidential threats. Mr. Heney's grand jury will go out ot Business tonight after the most eventful career of any grand jury in the history of the state. An eastern lady stenographer has been making $500 a week, but she stole it ftom her employer, and the final balance may not come out right. . RELIGIOUS At the U. P. church E. L. Jones of the college wjll preach in the morning, and in the evening children's exercises will form the program. M. E, church: Preaching at 10:3ft a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor Rev. J. W. McDougall. Sunday school' 11:46 a. m., Epworth League and Intermed iate League 6:80p. m All are weleme. Special music will be rendered by a large chorus choir under the leadership of Mrs.'S. L. Burkhart. Congregational church, cor 4th and Ferry, Rev. G, W. Nelson pastor. Preaching services 10:30 a, m. and ,7:30 p. m. Sunday school 11:45 a. m. Y. P. S, C. E. 6:45 p. m. Midweek prayer and praise service Thursday 7:30 p. m. All invited and welcome. Scio. J Evangelical Church, cor. 4th and Ly- uii duccm. ouuutty bujiuui au a. ill. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. The News: Joe Young started for and at 7:30 p. m.. . Prayer meeting ev Nebraska, Friday, for the puroose of ery Thursday evening 7:30. F. W. La buying and bringing to Scio"a fine mar, pastor, i Percheon stallion. He expects to re- Baptist church. Services at the as turn by the 10th of the month. . , lualhours. nreaehinsr bv the uastor. H. D. Landon, one of the practical! Rev. S. A.Douglas. Sabbath school at lumbermen of Salem, has moved to ourf close of morning service. B. Y. P. S. city and will become a permanent res-st 8:45. Midweek prayer service Thus- dent. He has a fine mill property ud m Bilpeu, which he will at once place in operation. For the past year the Scio railroad has not been operated and during the winter the engine was taken to Port land. Now, we understand, the road is to be placed in condition again and the present season promises to be quite a busy one from a freight viewpoint The Hall Lumber Co. have a contract for two million feet of brides timhur nnrf 50,000 ties for the S. P. company, John Cyrus a contract for 50.000 ties, the Miifer company for another 25.000 and several other smaller lots. Pigs for Sale. T .Ante English Berkshires. Our found ation stock comes from best herds in il.. TT-:.,1 Cfafaa and stnptc for Sale IS me unii-cu " , j registered and as good as can be had anvwhere. We also have a fine yearl- J t iU kllli TTTrt -mill inff, registered snun-iivm uu, t w sell reasonaoie. au u vi Pacific Nursery Co., Tangent, Ore. Garden Seeds. Our new crop of Garden Seeds in bulk have arrived. When in need of the best and freshest seeds, you will find them at our store. All pur old seeds have been destroyed, no old stock on hand. Prices on new seeds the same as vou have been paying for old. Also a full line of farm seeds, the most com plete stock in Albany, at lowest prices. SENDERS FEED STORE, 122 Ferry Stree:. DR. J. MYERS, Physician and Surgeon Office in Tweedale Block. Phone: Office Main Red 41; residence. Black 543. Buff Leghorn Eggs From well bred stock. 50 cents a setting, at my place across the Will amette. Phone Farmers 41. Call up pon or address C. R. Widmer, R. D. 4 Albany. Bargains ftl Farm T Anda Tlmhnv F.anH. ..j OitrJPropertT cailon or write Albany! $100 Reward $100 The readers oi thin pleased to lest n that theru in at nu dreaded disease iht science baa been able to cure in all its stages, and that i Oatarrb. ll.ll'g Catarrh Onre ia the onlv positive' cure no-v known to the medical fraternity. Oatgrrh bain a constitutional diaeaie, requires a consti. tmionol Irealmer t. Hah'a nurnrrh r,,r. is teken inieron'ly, acting directly upon the blond and mucous surfftcaa nf tha syatem.Jthe'eby destroying the founda tion oi c.u.'an.'uee, una giving the natieut strength by bufldfnic up the constitution and assisting na'ujn in doing its work. The proprietors have so much hiih in its curative nowern .iiat they offer One Hundrid Dollars for an ca that It fails lo cure. Send for list jf testimonials Adilri-ep : F. J. OBENEY & Co., Tcledo, O. Bold by DnjgsistB, 76o Take Hall's Family Piila for cone'Ipa-tion. day 7:45 p.. iflf. All are invited to' be present at tWcse services. . . - Bt Mary's . Ualbolle Unorch. Verv Rav Louia Metayer Rector and Dean. Sunday Hiatt Maaa and Sermon at 10:30 am. Sunday School at the Academy at 3 pm. Veapera aad evening pnyere Benediction at 7 :30. Daily Service Low Mast i m every morning, . Cbrietlaa , and missionary alliance meeting every fiabbath afternoon at 3 a. m. at the Vv. O. T, V. Hall, All are invited ' first Pr(bterian chnroh.cor. Broad albia and Fifth streets, Publie worship bod prsaoniDg at iu;su a. m. ana i :m p m. Sunday snos! t 11 :45 . m. V , P. 8. O. H. H:30 D. m. Prarer meeting Thprsday eveolng 7:30. An ar5 cord ially inyited to the services, M. E. church South. Rev. Wright, paMor. Preacnloar at 11 a, m. and 7-30 p, m, 8. 8. at 10 a. m. Epsorth Leagoe at 7 p. m. Weekly prayer toeet ias i'bareday evening. HOME AND ABROAD, The salaries of all the county officials Or Rpnnnn ivtnntw Knf Via rnn,. were reduced by the last legislature and will be as follows af tar July 1, 1906: judge $720, sheriff $1,600, clerk $1,440, rwuruer msv, treasurer $tw, school superintendent $800, assessor $800. The ladies of the Catholic church of CorvAllin Will trivaa PaiVnovl- Wk.,M,n.. afternoon and evening April 13th to help raise funds for the building of a bell tower for the church. A magnifi cent line of rare Mexican drawn work, consisting of center pieces, doylies, table CRVAn ivtnlrina KandbavwvUiaC Tenerm csHars, silk shawls, etc. as wen as many nome made articles will be nnantn. n ,e i fit a i . v oaixj. itcirtsinmCTits win jseservea in the ewninff TSn nannla a ;wan,, are cordially inyitedwhether they buy In Its notice of the marriage! Harry Stanleton and Miaa fJttrHrto A'Rwcn at Roseburg, Thursday feve&mg, men- .tvcyicw a&ys. - air. otapjeion nas Deen viiu v iigv iiauuuai uoiia for the past three years and is a valued and trusted employe. His charming and popular young- bride was formerly in charge or the millinery department at .Insflnhflnna Mi anrl XTa bronInfn nave-commenced house-keeping in Dr. . t . auuvw a uui-tuge, near tne Christian church, on Pine street, where they are now at home to their: many -L.Li.euua PAINT TALK , , Are you aware of the fact thAf. Rnma rfanlora oaIIO naw fmseed oil for pure oil Graded leads for sr.ricr.Tv nnra InoHo? xrn : ,u , . ' J ! " .uuua. II . la Mlo time to buy your paint. We aeU only strictly pure guaranteed paint, BURKHART & IMS. Jap-a-Lac. Have you investigated Jap-a-lac as a covering for your floors? We can recommend it as the proper thing. We have a full line, oak, cherry, mahog ony, or natural wood. Call for color card. Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co. . F. B. KE1CHUM at the; NEW HDS1G STORE Cor. Second and Ellsworths Street, Albany, Oregon. A Fine Line o all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Including the . Aiien-GHbert-Ramaker & Los 1 'b.' of High jra e PIANOS . And Sheet Music. Mail Orders prompttv attended to. Selling Out. The entire line of m&chandise of the late Julius Gradwohl must be sold, con sisting of Crockery, Glassware, Dolls, Toys and Harware. Corner 2nd and Ferry Street, near the Democrat office. ST, CHARLES OF LEBANON. - When coming to Lebanon atop at the St. Gharle3,the leading hotel of the own. White help emoloyed only. Fine airy ' rooms, kind treatment to all and the best the markets affords. W. F. MILLS Will Do Your Painting And Paper Hanging, In First-Class Style. 535 W 4th St. Pnone 573 Red. NEW DESIGNS IN , Ladies Safety Chatelains, Shirt Waist Sets, Brooches and Hat Pins, F, M, FRENCH, The Jeweler. See the new Festoon Necklaces. "ALL IS NOT GOLD THAT GLITTERS" .Neither does it buy a cheap wheel be- ' ,i cause it b tempting in appearance., i It ia ! - not enough that it should look well; it must .. be made of firat-clasa material by good me chanics, in workmanship manner. The ' Hartford has all of the requirements that any high grade wheel has. Call in and look over our stock. We sell them on the install ment plan. Come and see us before buying. LASSELLE BR08.& CO. Albany, Oregon, won't Accept a Substitute j . When VOU ask for Paorarofn f.1 ', rure vou eer he renuine f!asrarc(c Candy "".tnarticl Don't accep'. j-au.W'snt substitutes, imitations or j c i'..,cerfcitsl Genuine tablets stamp ed CCC Never gold In bulk I MAKE YOUR HENS LAY MORE EGGS hiiIppoe2?irrergtb,fe?dii,';then INTERNATIONAL, REX feedf for 1 ?ent! 'OODS-they are inexpessive-50 Try a pkge. 25c. THEY BRING HESULTS THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. Fortmitter Bros., Managers. .1 ; Spring is here and that means that House Glean ing Time will soon arnye W CAN HIT THE NAIL THE HEAD When it cornea to Eurniture ond Car" pots. Wo carry the largest and moife complete stock in the city. Our price are right. Come andfaeefor yourself THE ROUSE CO., Albany, Oregcn: Sole Agents for the Celebrated Park Mills Carptb. Ml druggists, toe j Woodworth Drug Co., Agents