1 j tjr? Alb Democrat any VOL. XL. ALBANY, OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL ?, 1905. THE LEADEE MILLINERY STORE Is prepared to keep up its practice of selling you Millinery below old time custom prices. For a starter we will place to-morrow morning 50 hand-made tailored pattern hats, prices ranging up to $7.00 for the low price of (SO OK To appreciate a bargain yo must see these. $t.tt- THE LEADER M ULINERY 337 West 1st St Albany, Oregon Carpets-Mattings-Rugs Newest designs in Carpets; Choice selection of Rugs; some NEW and elegant Portierres and pretty Lace Curtains. Pratt's Furniture Store, BALTIMORE BLOCK, Albany, 3 regon FOUR BIG- LEADERS FOR 1905. HONEST WHEELS AT HONEST PRICES Have stood the test for years, are guaranteed, not for 30 days like most wheels, but to J-nuary 1, 1906. Also a large stock of Guns, Ammuni tion, Fishing Tackle, Sporting goods and Bicycle Supplies. Practical gun smith and bicycle repairer. Mail orders promptly attended to. A. SCHMIDT, Albany, Oregon. ROYAL RESTAURANT. McKiJIop & DeVaney, Proprietors. In Elegant New Quarters in the Strahan Block, two floors. Board and lodging by the day or week. Meals on European plan. First class; meals. Pleasant sleeping rooms, Drop a Postal Card to GEO. C. WILL, Salem, Or. If in need of a Piano, Organ, or Sewing Machine, Edison, Victor or Colum bia Granophone and their records. Piano Studies and the latest Sheet Music. Genuine Needles or parts for any new or old Sewing Machine. Pigs for Sale. Large English Berkshires. Our found. ation stock comes from best herds in the United States and stock for sale is registered and as good as can be had anywhere, we also nave a nne yean ing, registered shorthorn bull, 'we will sell reasonable. Call on or write Pacific Nursery Co., Tangent, Ore. Garden Seeds. Our new crop of Garden Seeds in bulk have arrived. When in need of the best and freshest seeds, you will find them at our store. All our old seeds have been destroyed, no old stock on hand. .Prices on new seeds thesame as you have been paying for old. Also a full line of farm seeds, the most com plete stock in Albanv, at lowest prices. SENDERS FEED STORE, 122 Ferry Stree:. DR. J. MYERS, Physician and Surgeon Office in Tweedale Block. Phone: OfSc Main Red 41; residence. Black 643. MARS AJAX MITCHELL SNELL Buff Leghorn Eggs From well bred stock. 60 cents a setting, at my place across the Will amette. Phone Farmers 41. Call up pon or address C. R. WlDMER, R. D. 4 Albany. Bargains In Farm Land-, Timber Lands and QitriPropertrr call on or write 9 N..SFEELE AGO. Albany W. F. MILLS Will Do Your Painting And Paper Hanging, . In First-Class Style. 535 W 4th St. Pnone 573 Red. on"t Accept a Substitute t When you ask for Cascarets bt mr vnH ovf li a An,.;na Candy '"Vunarticl Don't scccd-. jau'it.l'mt substitute ImWatlm,. : Coacerfeitst Genuine f.ihlfa stamn. cd C. C C. Never sold in bulk ' A NEW CHAIRMAN. Washington, April i.-(Speciai)- mi in J ml 1 iDe rresiaenr, toaay namea ineuuure Shonts as chairman of the canal com mission and he has accepted. Sailed for Manila. Portland, April 1. (Special) The Transport Buford sailed at noon today for Manila with the Nineteenth infantry- No Pence Prospects Paris, Mar. 31. Whatever ; hopeful ness the peace situation may have had some days ago, the situation has now completely changed, and there is every prospect that the war will drag oa again. Consequently dispatches appear ing in America saying that Foreign Minister Delcasse and Dr. Motono, the Japanese Minister to France, have been, conferring at the former's house rela tive to peace are inaccurate. Japs Advancing, " ' St. Petersburg, Mar. 31. Thessews from the front today indicates; that Field Marshal Oyama has begun, a gen uine advance of his main, army, with wings far extended. Heavy reconnais- sances are Deing made against, trie kus sian center, with the object of envel oping the Russian position.. ' ! COURT HOUSE NEWS. Circuit Court: New case: M. Griggs agt. Frank Griggs, suit for divorce. Cause, de sertion. W. R. Bilyeu, attorney. V Department No. 2,, Win, Galloway, judge, will convene Monday with 29 cases on the docket. Clerks fees for March, $248,75,' 250 referendum names on petitions were filed today by Hon. M. A. Miller, . making about 500 now filed.. . .. Probate: Final account in estate of J. Harvey Caldwell approved. :.. In estate of O G. Ackley, May 6 set for hearing. Matter of removal of administrator in estate of Martha Nixon taken under advisement, after a hearing. . . 1 " i - i, ' ! Deeds recorded: r , O. L. Orwig to A. S. Graham et al 6 lots, Brownsville. -.- ... $ 300 John Hutchins to Royal A. Hutch- -: ins, 751.84 acres. ..... 3500 Cancellations, $650 and $335. Receipts of the recorder for March $301.85, for filing and recording 265 in struments, being 150 deeds 51 mortages, 47 cancellations and 17 miscellanous in struments. Mortagages $60,748.60, concellations $59,163, t ""religious k; At the United Presbyterian chdrch tomorrow morning the pastor will preach a special sermon to the old peo ple; and in the evening a special ser mon on "The Toiinl YmmB Womw" The large chorus choir is giving sjiien - did satisfaction. AH are invited. -, iungreationai cnurcn, cor t.1 ,ax.u Ferry, Rev. G. W. Nelson pastor. ' Preaching services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school 11:45 a. m. ( Y, P. S.'G. E. 6:45 p. m. Midweek prayer i and praise service Thursday 7:30 p. m. I All invited and welcome. ( Evamrelieal Church, cor. 4th and Ly-1 on streets. Sunday school 10 a; m. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. . m. and at 7:30 p.m.. Prayer meeting ev - ery Thursday evening 7:30. F. W? La- mar nastor Baotist church. Services at the us Muiiuo, uictttiiiiig uy i,ne paatur I Rev. S. A. Douglas. Sabbath school at j close of morning service. B. Y. P. S. v o:-3. iviiuweeK prayer service inus , day 7 :45 p. m. All are invited to be j present at these services. I St Mary's Catholic Church xry Dem. K4V LtutiiB Metavt-r Keutnr and Simdav Hixb Maes and Brrn.oa at 10:80 a m Sunday School at the Academy Sum. Vaapers and evening prayers B n-diction at 7:30. Daily Service Low ma i a m every morning. Christian and miss loLary alliance meeting ever Kabbaih afternoon at 3 l. m. at the W. O. T. V. Halt. All are invited Firs Pri-sb. terian chorch.cor, Broad albin and fifth streets. Public worship and preaching at 10:30 a, m. and 7:80 p m. Suoday ectool t 11:45 a, m, V, P. S. O. K. S:3Q p. m. Prayer meeting Tnnreday evenlne 7:30. An an cord ially invited to the services. M. E. church South. Rev. Wright, pa. lor. Preaching at 11 a, m. and 7-30 p. m. 8. 8. at 10 a. m. Epaortb League at 7 p. m. Weekly prayer aieet iaj I'Larsdey evening. MISFITS. 'A Mixture of Things and Thoughts I J - Money makes the war go. Portland is being well revived. Who is the biggest foal anyway. Will Mr. Heney fool any. one during the next few days. The evangelists thrive on the Ore gonians's attacks. ' Peace negotiations continue to be full of bullets. There'll be good crops. Anyway no one can help aif airs by worrying. Most people no longer pay any at tention to reports of peace arrange ments. Portland is yelling too soon over its base ball team. Better wait a few days before counting the chickens. One day in the year when people, can make fools of themselves without being talked about. How to retaliate the canal rtmnim? through Albany is being discussed gen erally Dy juoany people. , Brownsville. The city election wilt occur on Mon day. One ticket so far has been nom inated, the anti-saloon ticket with W. P. Elmore for mayor, J. W. Leham for recorder, J. W. Wolfe for marshal, W. B. Glass for treasurer and F. M. Brown, A. M. Templeton and W. J. Moore for councilmen. . . ' . ; .. Henry Bond died on Thursday at the age of 48 years, leaving a wife and several children. : . The publisher of the Lebanon Adver tiser is contemplating moving his news paper to Brownsville. - '. Clair Hume, has returned from Alb any, where he has been working for the Alb any Hardware Co. Rev. C. C. Sperry has accepted the pastorate ox the Baptist church at La conic .. .. Standard on 4alk. , New York, Mar. 31. -H. H. Rogers, vice-president and director of the Standard Oil Company, today made a statement as to the conduct of the standard Oil Company which Iwas evi dently prompted by the criticism of the prudential committee ot the American eoara 01 roreign Missions tor accept, tag a gift of $100,000 from,. John D, Rockefeller.. j ... Wholesale SUIclda St. Petersburg, April L Fifty Jap anese prisoners of war, confined in the Navy-yard at Novgorod were found aeaa today Dy the Kussian guards. They had committed suicide. In . some Instances they had used arsenic, but 'others had committed hari-kari. - FLOUR NEWS. You Get the Best at Home Ml Your New and improved machinery at the Red Crown Mills, guaranteeing the best tft . ' B bii. , sEJ" . . v"2wZir.:' Oregon's most popular i UI2"U ""y a sbck, $i.4u aDarrel. ntpri tn ik.iw.n; j o...- , in tne state. Bread is the staff of life, and Snow Flake makes the best. Always First Beam-Shaw Co. offer the following j Vegetables and Fruits this week: New Potatoes, Cauliflower and New Cabbage. . Red Radishes and Onions. Bunch Asparagus, Rhubarb, Lettuce and Celery. Order by Phone-Main 51. ST, CHARLES OF LEBANON. - When" cominir to Lebanon rm nt tha a. Charles, the leading hotel 6t the town. White help emoloyed only. Fine airy rooms, kind treatment to alt and the best the markets affords. FOR RENT, A seven room TmT bath room, water tank etc. Walnut st. bet. 7th and 8th. Call upon M. G. POULTRY WAlDAiikiT& bnyder s Grocery store. Main street. Highest cash price or trade. NEW DESIGNS IN Ladies Safety Chatelains, Shirt Waist Sets, Brooches and Hat Pins, F. M. FRENCH, The Jeweler. ID ABROAD? y HOME AND Mr. Heney will pass through Albany next Monday. Governor Chamberlan has the grip, at his home in Portland. Thirty pair of brand new Hartford Tires at the Baltimore Gun and Bicycle Works. This VAnafakla' w'nJ -J : H.l! ...... .wuhuu.a vuiuu uuwii ui Cali fornia has invented a rhubarb plant crossing of the different plants. Bur bank is about the most remarkable man of the age. April Foo! Day Has been eonerallv obaerveil mmj naturedly in Albany.. There have been many urae pranics rrom -alt for suear up. . : . Some fine looking chocolate chips and caramels at Churchill's were greatly appreciated. An St. P man tama .Inn. J.n. t- i i andCalapooia to meet ayoung lady. He found a sign reading April Fool. Draying Free, was a sign on one of the drays today and theproprietor had his hanrfa full Affi;nn. nwv-.j uv..llll5 mm DUIUC Ul Ulll- mers who saw it before hand. Kick Me, appeared on an old gentle mans back. , The usual five cent piece bolted down was on hand, etc. etc. Selling Out. Thft anftP lino nf J." J 1 1 late JmiuA updHwaki mi,.i u u - tHiw, uo ouiu, con sisting of Crockery, Glassware, Dolls, . V o u.u llrtl Corner 2nd and Ferry Strei-'i near the DHirocRAT office. "ALL IS NOT GOLD THAT GLITTERS" Neither does it pay to buy a cheap wheel be cause it is tempting in appearance. It is not enough that it should look well: it must be made of first-class material, by good me chanics, .in . workmanship manner. The Hartford has all of the requirements that any high grade wheel has. Call in and look over our stock. We sell them on the install i ment plan. Come and see us before buying. LASSELLE Albany, THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. FortmiHer Bros., Managers. ' '.'t Spring :is here and that means that House Glean ing Time will soon arrive THE HOUSE FU?,ISiSfflNft CO., Albany, Oregon. Sole Agents for the Celebrated Park Mills Ccrpcts. Have Vjbu investierated JaD-a-!ac as a (5ou mvesi covering for your floors? We can recommend it as the proper thing. We have a full line, oak, cherry, mahog ony, or natural wood. Call for color card. Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co. F. B. KE1CHUM, at the NEMUS1G STORE Cor. Second and Ellsworths Streets, Albany, Oregon. A Fine Line of all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Including the Allen-Giibert-Ramaker & Co s t ;n- H h araoe PIANOS . A ia Sneet Music. Mail Ordera Brompttv attended to. BROS. & CO. Oregon. WE CAN HIT. THEJNAir OH THE HEAD When it comes to Eurniture and Carl pats. We carry the largest ar.d most complete stock injthecitv Our prices are right. Come and see for yourselff 2 All druggists, ioc . See the new Festoon Necklaces. ! I J