Si u Democrat VOL. XL. ALBANY, OREGON FRIDAY. FEBRUARY U, 1905 NO. 30. RELIGIOUS First Christian church: Bible school at 10 a. m. Morning worship including fine musical features, the. communion, and a sermon by the pastor on ' What Do We More Than Others" at II $0 a. m. Junior C. E. at 3:00 p. m., Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p. m. Evening wor spip with sermon on "Christianity's Claim to the Sincere Soul" 7:S0 p. m. Congregational church, cor 4th and Ferryf Rev.. G. W. Nelson pastor. Preaching services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school 11:45 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. 6:45 p. m. Midweek prayer and praise service Thursday 7:30 p. m. All invited and welcome. M. E. church: Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor Rev. J. W. McDougall. Sunday school 11:45 a. m., Epworth League and Intermed iate League :30 p. m All are welcme. Special music will be rendered by a large chorus choir under the leadership of Mrs. R. L. Burkhart. Evangelical Church, cor. 4th and Ly on streets. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m. iUIUilb I .OU p. 111.. iiojc ..wv...& j ery Thursday evening 7:30. F. W. La-, mar, pastor. Baptist church. Services at the us ual hours, preaching by the pastor, Rev. S. A. Douglas. Sabbath school at close of morning service. B. Y. P. S. at 6:45. Midweek prayer service Thus ilsv i-Af, n. m. All are invited to be present at these services. St Mary's Cathcllo Oburch. Very Rev Louie Metayer Rector and Dean. Sunday Hitch Mass and Sermon at 10:30 am. Bunday ttabool at the Academy at 3pm Vuspers nod evaninfc prayers Benediction at 7 :30. Daily Hetvice Low Mats 7am every morniDK. Christian and missionary alliance -meeting ever ttsbbar.h afternoon At 3 p. m. t the W. O. T. U. dall. All are invited TJ. P. church : Preaching by the pas tor Rev. U' liite at 10 :30 and 7 :30. Sab bath ec.'iooi 11:45, Junior Eneayor, S :30, Senior Endeavor (J :30. Ci.n. Da.nk t.H.n .hll.nh HAP TlmaH-. albin and Filth streets. Publio worBhip j and preaching ac 10:30 a. m. and 7:80 p 1 m. Sunday tmool ( 11:45 a. m. X, P. j n w. k?:lrt n. tn. Pntver meetlnv Tboreday eveuinc 7:30. All era cord ially inyiied io the services. M. E ohnrch South. Rev. Wright, pa.tor. Preaching at 11 a, m. and 7'30 i. m. S. 8. at 10 a. m. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Weekly prayer meet ing i'uarsday evemnx. N AND AROUND ALBANY. The annual report of the city treasurer ol Brownsville snows over $4UU in tne treasury and not a cent of indebtness. The Willamette basket ball players returned home this noon from Corvallis, where the girls were defeated last night a to b and tne Doys zz to 3. Mrs. F. M. Westfall yesterday after noon was paid $2,000 on account of the beneficiary certificate of her late hus- oana in tne A o u w. The securing of an oratorio chorus for the Lewis and Clark exposition has been given up in tUis city, but those desiring to sing on the opening day with the big Portland chorus, receiving free admission to the grounds, can do so by informing President Lee. Members of the Alco Club should re member the bowling contest tonight between the married men and the single men. There will be some fun. The lunch afterwards will be a good one. Joe Weichman and Geo. Miller, of Ludwig's plumbing establishment went to Tangent yesterday on their bicycles, leaving here at 8:30 a. m. and return ing at 6:30, putting on a roof three and half squares of tin and twenty feet of gutter, a good job for a couple of boys. Mr. Cecil, of Harney county who recently purchased the fine $1500 stallion of Zimmerman Brothers iast evening left for home. Dr. Wells in a week or two will deliver the animal at his place in that county. Mr. Cecil is a former neighbor of Mr. W. H. Hogan, of this city. . The commercial students of the college last night entertained all the students of the college in one of the livest social Catherine's of the vear. Senators. A. C. L. S. men and other students mixed in fellowship for several hours, enjoying games and a fine lunch, leaving with cneers tor every Doay. New House Furnishing Goods. OVER SERGIUS. St. Petersburg, Feb. 18. (Special) Memorial services for Duke Sergius were held in Stasch Cathedral with a large attendance of many Grand Dukes andf other notables. The funeral of Sergius will be held several days hence at Kremlin. The Czar will be repre resented by Grand Duke Alexief . Beginning of War.. - Oon't Accept a Substitute? When you ask for Cascarets t8 sure you get lie. genuine Cascarets. Candy ""ktharticl Don't accep'i jraufrircnt substitutes, imitations or counterfeits! Genuine tablets stamp ed C. C. C. Never sold in bulk, &11 druggists, toe ' A car load of new house furnishing goods, consisting of the best in furni ture, carpets, etc., has been ordered by N. D. Pratt a Co.. to add to the al ready choice line of house furnishing goods. Besides up-to-date furniture and floor goods a fine line of picture frames will be kept and put up on snort orders, Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co. are agents for two lines of Incubators & Brooders and will be glad to explain the merits of their lines to any persons interested in raising poultry they also have a full line of poultry supplies and foods. Now iB the time to start your Incubators for early chickens. in4.A vjuuu, pure, utmuiuus, immie-tu:tiiiiig, cough-curing Hoarhound squares, at liio ijjMiu. fre indue uiciii, occi The best cheese in the market at C. E. Brownells, ROYAL RESTAURANT. McKiJlop & DeVaney, Proprietors. . In Elegant New Quarters in the . Stralian Block, two floors. Board and lodging by the day or week. Meals on European plan. First clas meals. Pleasant sleeping rooms, WE IKE IN THE MARKET For Chickens, Eggs, Butter and all kinds of Produce, at the highest market price Call and see us. CeVaiej&Mito, Grocers, BaltlmoreiBlock, Albany, )Or Garden Seeds. Our new crop of Garden Seeds in bulk have arrived. When in need of t.h VlPAt: find froakaaf aatAa ...ill i find them at our store. AU our old seeas nave Deen destroyed, no old Btock on hand. Prices on new seeds the same as you have been paying for old. Also a full line of farm seeds, the most com plete stock in Albany, at lowest prices. SENDERS FEED STORE, 122 Ferry Stree:. DR. J. MYERS, Physician and Surgeon Office in Tweedale Block. Phone: Office, Main Red 41: residenoe, Pigs for Sale. . Large English Berkshires. Our found ation stock comes from best herds in the United States and stock for sale is registered and as good as can be had anywhere. We also have a fine yearl ing, registered shorthorn bull, we will sell reasonable. Call on or write Pacific Nursery Co., Tangent, Ore. , ObESSA, Feb. 518, (Special.) Leaf lets have been circulated announcing the death of Sergius, concluding: "The event marks the beginning of war of reprisals forced on the people by the unbending stubbornness and intolerably oppressive rule of the present regime. . Mr. Heney's Position. Portland, Or., Feb. 18. -District Attorney Heney has general charge of the land fraud on the Paciffc Coast. Mr. Heney occupies, the position of federal district attorney of Oregon at the present time, but he is also special assistant to the attorney-general with general charge of land fraud investiga tions on the Pacific coast. Should any thing develop in Washinton indicating the need of his presence he will proceed north immediately following the com pletion of his work here. That the government is intent on re lentlessly following up and exposing the land swindles in Oregon is shown by the announcement made today that the force of secret service men will be immediately increased and new special agents appointed. Eli Dunne Identified. Portland, Or., Feb. 18. John Lewis, the pullman porter on the O. R. & N. train that was held up in the city limits on January 21, has identifid Eli Dunne, one of the Lebanon bank robbers, . as one of the highwaymen that held up the train. The four robbers who were returned from Albany to Portland yesterday are confined in the county jail. Caucasian Insurrection. Odessa, Feb. 18. Authentic reports state that the region of the Caucasus is in a state of insurrection. The mobs, are well armed with guns and dynamite and have complete control of the rail roads. Many trains have been stopped, arsenals have been looted and telegraph and telephone wires are being cut. Daily' Executions. Cracow, Galicia, Feb. 18. A very conservative local newspaper Saturday Srints a long dispatch from Warsaw, ussian Poland, stating that in that city hundreds of prisoners, mostly strikers and revolutionist', are daily executed. , Held Up by tha Frauds. Washington, Feb. 17. "No more Federal appointments in Oregon until after the trials. " This conclusion was reached last night by Secretary Hitchcock, Attorney-General Moody and Postmaster General Wynne, and applies to all aD- pointments coming under the jurisdic tion of their respective departments. Peace Talk. St. Petersburg. Feb. 17. The As sociated Press learns on excentional au thority that the question of peace was lormany considered - By Kmperor Nicholas and his Ministers at the con ference held at Tsarskoe-Selo yester day, jno particulars are obtainable. FOR SALE. Small house and two lots in east Albany cheap for cash, or will trade for lumber. For particulsrs ad dress Box 64, Sellwood, Ore. DR- RAMSEY,i OSTEOPATH Office: -226 Broadalbin Street. ' Phone, Black 482. Hours, 9-12; 1-5. flrflfluate Pnnifi C.nUacra T na A 1 rtl -i.vftv, MUD JT.ll- trftlpq. Cnl.. Post crrnritint-a Am acnooi, uarKsvuie, mo. MONEY FOR BOY 1cy ImM om t try wwn, lirgt i or man, m on wfii wnnur I urn MMwr, uti w M wiling THB DAlLV tM SUHDAV JOUR NAL. Mo rnomf to rtqvlr) m um Mrt, 44 oty it abilHy M-mdi ! mM T mt tor via inr iba eU w wfl m4 10 Mplaa W THE BUN DAY JOUBNAL. H U MM M I mm met. AiW tlut M puxn iw an m qoMlKI M Mhtt4 M Mb bjp IMU OT nrtm at wtalwlt pfic, an t b I com -hi rWdf4 mmnhi ukr Vh ma Mhi My Um, mM m UKCful 'lMmf THE IUHDAY JOURNAL, tfaM oAm cm to mm m far THJt Daily journal. THE SUNDAY JOUEMAL CMttfttm ALL TUB NEWt, m4 auxjr wwUl ! 4l im wiMra'a h Mt MrrM br 'Mf hM? mm vt ibt lOUDNAL ton m M O to II 1 WM IH Mil WWtM I tto BWthwwi Dm1! pm mm m vy taf 13) IK CASH m tra pMM, M to MM mMHfcfj. fn fttMrttoft W tto rtfvtw proAl. mm tto JOURNAL bor wh do tto but Wiuih wfco InerMM uU vrdm tto krf tst pmmttft. U tku wr ito ton n dx muUm pltM wil ton m Much Ch4MC M MTB tbtt (RTI MHt M thotf to to r mm, Q1 In THB JOUR NAL pmcMttMi THE JOURNAL b M4MW. THE JOURNAL, Portland, Ot. MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts The machine run things at Salem. Governor Chamberlain had the ma chine by the throttle. . Oregon has a weak sister for attorn ey general according to Salem reports. Chicago needs to curb its whlat gamblers, fellows that affect the entire country. Have there been anv crimes in Orecon the past year that will not be laid at meieec 01 meso Lebanon bank robbers. Senator Miller introduced 9 bills and 5 of them passed. It is doubtful if there is a better percentage record in the legislature. A very backwoodsy feeling comes over the Albany man upon seeing Salem people turn a crank to get a number on their telephone. With less than three feet of water in the river on the bars a rain will be as welcome as tne adjournment of the One week from todav the biff -Wood men's gathering will be held in Albany, the biggest fraternal roundup in the nisiory 01 me city. The man who would run his own hiiqi- ness the way Oregon's representatives run mo siuie legislature would be banK- rupmu in a montn. Bill 104 is one of the curses of the biennial session ot the state legislature. aciugo oaiuuu is mme oesioe it, and many members admit that for Ff11rtYX7ah!n'a OaVa hnn. 4?nn..n4-T.. u vuejr na,c xilUCJlLiy gone to excess, besides it is free. The state legislature played foot ball with the money of the people in the matter of appropriations for the normal schools and colletres. granting every thing asked from $5,000 for a stone testing plant already had in another school up. The.Tjormal schools get over $100,000, the O. JAvX,-$130,000 and the u. ot u. $16H,01W. DON'T GO AWAY -After Mandolin, Guitar or Violin strings: we sell them and good ones too. If we have'nt what you want in stock we will gladly order ioryou. vionns, mandolins and Uui tars, always in stock cheap. Burkhart & Lee, HOME AND ABROAD. E. B. U. stands for honestSadvertis ing. E. B. TJ. stands for Eclectic Business University. RllWQ af "TJ It." Hun un,l T...,.1 1irn.l.n Attend the Day or Night School "at the E. B. TJ.. and vou will be sura of success. TMvfv nafr ft nMn IT 3 Tires at the Baltimore Gun and Bicycle vruriia. . ujbho, ijnijta uuu xuquma, erred in any style or sold ia bulk, at the Albany Lunch Counters, 2nd and Ellsworth. ' Ironing boards, clothes racks and window seats, to order by E: B. David son, 739 E First street. Will also work gardens and attend to flowers. Recom mendations from best people of Albany. H. C. Clark, the man who was through the valley taking subscriptions for the Evening Post, and who duped a few Linn county people, was sentenced to a year in the penitentiary by Judge Lamilton at Roseburg this week. Coffee when we can supply you with that which has stood the test of years. A Clin fir hronlf fnai will mnlr. happy alll day long. U. JS. WROWNELL. Ordin.rV hntiaohnM .nnirfani. h a wa n a errors when there's a bottle o( Dr. inomas'e Kclectlo Uil in the medicine cneBt. iJealB burn8,cutB,bruiB8i,praln. insianc reuei. WANTFD. A position by a competent woman as a housekeeper, inquire at tne uemocrat omce. ALBANY OPEKA BOUSE Three nights Commencing MONDAY, Feb. 20, The Mystic Marvel Marguerite S oy , The Talk of the Country. A Positive sensation everywhere. See her unfold the Mysteries of the Mind m Somnolency. Wonder and Amazement Assisted by Prof. Geo. W. Payne. zu years among tne Hindoos. PRICES-25, 35 and 50c. MUST BE SOLD. 540 acres of land, of which 150 acres is in cultivation, the balance of land in saw timber and second growth fir, all level land but 70 acres, which lies on a hill-side, about ten acres of hops, two hop houses, very fair dwelling house, barns and other out-buildings, fine spring of water, which is piped to the house and barn, only 3 1-12 miles from a good little town, mail delivered to the house. If sold at once we can give purcahser the best bargain that has been offered for years. For informa t ion call upon S. N. Steele & Co. 17. FOR SALE Nice home in Albany consisting of 2 full lots (corner) With 16 fruit trees, garden spot, etc., fine well and city water, 7 room house and barn. A bargain, with terms to suit. Inquire at Democrat office. DO YEARS' ?f. t7vrjcrripfure 1 Trade Markc DESIGNS RnnvninuTR An. Anmna ttnnAlna Vtri nnrl rtosrrltitlon mnf quickly ascertain our opinion trco wfictlxtr mi ItiTfirttlon Is prohahly imtcrnnblo. rommiiiiifn llnnsfltrlctlyconfldentful. HANDBOOK on Piifnu Bont freo. Uldost nponcy for nocurtna pnt,'iit. 1'AtontM takon tnrouwh Munti A Co. rcule tpecial notice, without obarue, la tho Scientific Ern'mi A rinnfliomlf niantnitM wtmMf. Lnruent rtr OJilatloii ot any rclentltlo lournnl. Term. Z a yonr; four raontha, L Bold byall Tiewnrtpnlera. MUNN & Co.aeB""'New Yorlc Branch OflJoo, G& F BL. Waablogtoo, D. C Howard & Scott; IT Y PROPERTIES. Nice 33 acre ranch, good hop land. 2 1-2 miles from station. - R. F, D. Price ?1800. Well ImDroved 30 acre ranch 3 miles from Alany cheap. " House and barn on large lot near pub lic school, 1 760. 5 room cottage, chicken park, good location, $1350. List your property with us. Howard & Scott. NIGHT SCHOOL, Meets on Monday, Wednesday and Thureday evenings from 7 to 9:30. . Branches taught: Shorthand, Book keeping, English, Typewriting, PEN MANSHIP. If you wish the best at tend the ' ' ECLECTIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, Second and Broadalbin. OBTOIIIA, Bwrt the I M KiflflYou Haw nways Ngnatin of yftit Kind Vou Haw Hways Columbia . Bicycles. Hartford Bicycles. Having the Agency for the two makes of wheels mentioned above we in tend to push them to the front. None equal in con struction and durability. We also have the Im perial as a $25.00 seller and a number of cheaper makes. LASSELLE BR08.& CO. THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. Fortmiller feros., Managers. Have Your Pictures Framed Now . . . - '...' We Have 7,000 Feet of Moulding and 200 different varieties. Our assortment is large and complete. We have the only Oval Mat Cutting machine in town. Our stock of Mat Board is largo and In cludes all desirable colors. Wo absolutely guarantee our work to bo satisfactory or money refunded. . ' Bring your pictures with y&u and look over our stock and get prices. JHC HOUSE FURNISHING CO., Albany, Oregon Sole Agents for the Celebrated Park Mills Carpels.