Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 17, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    f lie iSmmWL
Entered it the past office, Albany, Or
i econd class mail matter.
Terms of Democrat.
Dallv. Bv earrier 10 cents a week
Bv trail 30 cents per month, nnieae pal
in advance at zfin. Man aonecripunn
are aiwdfaoavahle at the office.
Weekly, $1.25 in advance: 2Bo a year
added np toiz.uuii j-eimiiieo tornn
rrniTMn TTmirpll. owner mav' have
the same by calling at the General
Delivery window, Albany Poat Office
and describing it.
FOR SALE. 2 double set of harness,
i 7nrlr nnrl th other bucBV harnesB,
nlsn 8-4 Bain wagon. Inquire at
Vierlck's barber shop.
FOR SALE. A light two horse wagon,
Inquire at Schultz Bros. Market.
FOR SALE. A good Jersey cow, with
calf, one mile south of S. P. depot.
Call upon Mrs. M. Brannon.
FOR SALE. -A good farmot lU acres
?I'05TiVffi'nXlbanv'. Ore-
First National Bank,
FOR SALE. -A driving horse buggy,
1 -iLr.ri v,0nnlH o-nnrla of different
kinds. Call upon L. W. Ross at 639
W 6th street.
FOR SALE. A gdf esh c VKl
old Call upon or addresB C. R. Kenel
R. D. 1.
. ...r.i.
ORCHAKUUKAr imu ... -
ing grafting done may receive gu
sevr ce by calling up - "
J. W. Halton, AlOany.
an teed.
FOR RENT A Beven room house at E
7th and Montgomery streets, 'nqui
of Mrs. E. E. Davis at the address
given. ' -
FOR SALE: 2 cows and a good buggy.
Apply Combination barber Bhop.
cutting fitting and designing quickly
by latest and best system. .Fu
nnme with system included . Special
price to advertise $5,00. Also in
structions in up-to-date dress making.
202 Ferry and Second bt.
lndv wishes to
w.Vr";Sntabfe lady who
can teach shorthand. Address
Miss Mable Vanalstyn,
Blodgett, Oregon.
sale cheap a lot of patent and home
made se?t?s and dests with all furni
ture used in SodavilleHCoHege.NT
LOST. A gold nugget ecarf pin, be
tween the Presbyterian church and
Fifth and Montgomery. Return to
the Democrat office.
FOR SALE. Some hop land, Albany
city lots. On easy terms. Call upon
H. Bryant.
A GOOD HOUSE with barn to rent.
7t H- Bryant.
WOOD FOR SALE:-Dry, apply
Daniirht Rroa. 1st and '. Pine. Phone
black 874.
FOR SALE: Wood saw,
ness and wagon. Call
team, har-
Call upon P. O.
WOOD.-Some little fir, at $3.25 de
livered. Leave order at Btore of C.
Meyer or address A. B. Miller R. F.
D. 4, Albany. ,
VIC will Continue
To Shine at the Star Shops,
Office hours, 7 to 9 a. m.
And from 4 p. m.
HOUSE MOVING, house raising and
handliug all klnos heavy machinery,
oarelully atteaded to by Petr Buet
ser Phone red 161, Albany. ..
i 4ll,n..v Soli, ntti
nna meilioine, Chineae rics, ChiMMr ta
and nut on.
Star Baths.
Shaving and Hair-Cutting Parlors.,
4 chairs. Porcelloe Tuba, Flrit Clam
boot Hlank stand,
llroadalbin St. between 1st and Ind,
Maple Ridge and Jersey
Phone Red 444.
After October 1, 1904 the tieket sys
tem and the following prices:
Jersey milk by pint per month $1.15,
by qt. $1.75, by gal. in can 25c, single
pint 6c, single qt. 10c.
Pure a ream one pint 16e, qt. 25c, gal
lon $1. . , , t
Speotal prices in can Iota.
Will Do Your Painting
And Paper Hanging,
In Firat-Class Style.
Pendleton Letter'
Pendleton, Or., Feb. 12, '05.
Editor Democrat:
Since the Rooster gent in his last
letter several great events have tran
spired. Among them are the I ollowing :
A great national election, a regular
democratic blizzard, the fall of Port
Arthur, and the indictment iff Mitchell,
nermann, Williamson, an j other prom
insnt republican politicians andconspir-
ltjrs in the great land frauds, and an
attempt blackmail U. S. District
Attorney! Heney who is trying to do his
d jty in bringing to justice one of the
most gigantic crowds of land manipu
lators that ever infested the state of
Oregon. These and other events mark
the closing of the old and . the opening
up of theJNew Year.
As the OregonLegislature has seen
fit to pass a resolution endorsing Mitch
ell's course and believing in his inno
cence TheJRooster makes a motion that
Linn county endorses poor Binger Her
mann as they seemed to think so much
' of him when he was elected to Congress
a short time ago, and the Legislature
clear lorgot poor Binger.
Thejwinter here until the 10th has
been all an Eastern Oregon farmer or
stockman could ask. But on the night
of the 9th the taillend of the eastern
! blizzardJswitched over the Rockies and
struck us. Today the mercury is at
zero. The plumbers will have a har-
'vnaf In vona trlnrr motw 'nimui fnf amr.
! fl.f-.
to find thei
The farmers are expecting
their wheat all froze out when
iw 'comes. And the Rooster's
the thaw comes. And the Rooster's
wood pile and coal bin seem to be going
with the tide.
The Rooster has just returned from a
two week'sCstay at Heppner. He
found Heppner to be quite dull. It
1 a -i j. a
the flood very-slowly. I find lone is
! quite
' Hl"l a MTCI llbblC UiaUO 1IIC UllV IB ,
i;..n1.. 1U1 1 rnu in
iiuw putting in wacerworKS ana an
lecme iignt piant.
The .farmers around Heppner and
lone are improving their farms with
new residences and land up there is!
doubling in value.
the '
The Roaster was in Helix
blizzard started in, but caught the first
train for Pendleton to avoid being
snowed in. Today has been the coldest
for two years and it makes the Rooster
wish he was a little rose bud in the
Willamette Valley.
The Rooster will try and be at the
Lewis and Clark , Expositon and will
probably be found in the Klamath
county collection. The Rooster will
always be looking around for a all kinds
of freaks of nature and will no doubt
see Little Rose Bud. ,
About 4 miles from Athena there was ,
born a pig with four well developed
human hands, one on each leg instead
of a hoof, and one well developed, arm.
It died. If it had livad it would have
been seen at the Lewis and Clark Ex
position with the collection from Mud
dy. I dont know whether it would
have lived on prunes and catfish or not.
The Rooster never could figure out
how old Linn county came to be a re
publican county until the U. S. Grand
Jury investigated matters up there,
and from the findings of the jury it
seems to the Rooster that the republi
can populatian is very large from Port
land via Clackamas to Roseburg, and
from Albany via of Sweet Home, and
Township No. 11 to Washington D. C.
Pendleton has been quite lively dur
ing the fall and winter and trade has
been good. A great many, new bricks
are under construction, but the blizzard
his stopped all building temporarily.
Tho Monterastille Bros., granite and
stone dealers here, have a contract for
20 car loads of chiseled stone for the
govornmont barracks at Walla Walla
as soon as the tilizzard is over. -
While at Heppnor a little incident
happened at a danca about a mile from
Heppner. A young man while under
the influence of red fire flourished his
rovolvcr in the room. It was discharged
and the result was a little girl 7 years
old was killed. Every man in the
house made a break for tho door and
left on a dead run. One man about 45
years old took down a trail and over
took a jackrabbit. Ho tried to dodge
by the jack and finally kicked it out of
the triiil, saying at tho time to the jack
to got out of the way and give the
trail to some one who could run. This
is told on a Heppner man.
$100 Kcwnrd $100.
Tho readars of ibis paper will be
,tl-att'.l to learn that ttiare ia at loaBtone
trtad(d iliiea.o tltat leieuca 1-aa baan
uiio lo carp in all iia ataiiva, and that ia
Ja anli. HaU'a Catarrh Cnra ia taa
nlv toeitive cira dot knowa to the
iriwlioil Iratornitv. Oatarrti t.aiir a
Mii.ntutional diaaaif, requ'trea a annaii
u ionttMraataiaf t. hall'a Ontarrh 6ur
v'.ki-n imarna'ly, asMnp diraatlj upon
tin bl oil and miK-oiia surfaaaa ol the
vstnu.'.the aby dMtrorlntha fouaila
ron nl tha diana.v, and xlvintf lha naiiant
itranttlh by building np tha toaanautiea
nd aaaiatiag na'UM in ain ita work.
I lit. propriatora have ao mnch laiih in
la enrativa nnwar. ihat thay offer Oaa l D.illara lor anv Maa that It
.da to cure . Bead lor liatot iailimoaiala :
K. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O.
Sild Iit Dini:iiat, 76c
Take I'Uil'a Familr I'l l" 'or aonitipa-
Pure maple syrup in bulk atC. E.
Legislative Doings. ,- j
The legislature is to be commended
for killing the graft bill providing for
the purchase of an old residence for
$14,500, which it is said could be bought
any time for $9,000, for a governor's
mansion. It came near getting
through. A good many other bills
which pressnt bigger grafts,
will be-
come laws, and the total is immense. '
The Democrat is glad to find even j
one thing to commend it for. t j
The normal school graft bill will
pass, pruviuiiig iui bvijf dmuwl in me
state. The governor in a . speech be-
fore the Willamette students last night' j
called it by the right name. He showed
how the normal schools had dominated
everything in the legislature, the fol
lowers of the different schools trading
on everything in order to secure an ap
propriation for the school. The word
mud pretty well fit the situation. The
Democrat is thoroughly in favor of
everything that shall advance the cause
of education in Oregon, but four schools
where two would serve the people bet-
. . ..
rer, presents nowiing in xavor at tne
movement roor scnoois qo not help a
state. Firstclass normal schools do.
strictly one school is enough for Ore-
gon, many much larger states have
only one, but on account of the divis-
ion of the state by the Cascades there
should probably be two. ' I
A good thing to be commended was
the slaughter of the railroad commis-I
aiun oiii, wmcn ominously dods up
every two years at the hands of, some 1
one wanting a few more offices for the :
: one wanting a few more offices for he
people to pay for without getting any
thing inreturn.
Not satiified with the salaries
were clad to ha pleated on men nil nvor '
! the siate have been working for bills
i. i. i i .
I ...v.ov ... wuuvm
graft measures have passed to add to j
kn t Ik. 1 .. 1 &
ine oiu maKing gamming a leiony
has passed the house and should go
through the senate.
A $30,000 Dortage graft ' bill has 1
passed the senate. 'Miller and Hobson
are entitled to credit for voting against
The railroads have not been disturbed
and the pass system will continue.
Some of the popular soda water from
the Geisendorfer springs, the best of
all, may be had at the livery barn of
Skipton and Tomlinson. $1.00 per doz.
30t v
"Itching hemorrhoids were the plagna
of mv life. Was almost wild. Demo's
or mv rue- tv aa biuiobi wno. juuu a
Ointment cured .me quickly and par-
manently. aftr doctors, had failed." 0,
F. Oornwell, Valley Street, Saugertiea,
N. Y.
' Look over our table of bargains in
china and glassware.
C. E. Brownell.
By Fitting Yourself for Better Work. The Business World is
Looking for
Young men and women, who can DO something; A little' time spent
in preparation NOW, will bring dollars later on. A course with us will
fit you for promotion. You can go day or evening.
Branches Taught.
Gregg Shorthand (acknowledged by those competent to judge as the
best, and awarded the prize at the St. Louis Fair) Touch Typewriting,
(the only up-to-date method) Practical Booking, Actual Office Practice;
Arithmetic, Penmanship, all the English branches, etc., etc. Night
School -Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Day-School Monday to Friday
inclusive. Same teachers. Lowest terms. Best equipment. . Posi
tions secured for the competent. Address, '
Principal of Commercial
Beware of Defective Titles.
' Have an Abstract of Title Prepared by the .
Z. H. RIDD, Manager ,
Of the real property you intend to purchase, or accept as security for
money loaned.
Established in 1892, our patrons receiving the benefit of our experience.
Office corner of 8rd and Broadalbin streets, Albany, Or.
Drop a Postal Card to
GEO. C. WILL, Salem, Or.
If in need of a Piano, Orgnn, or Sewing Machine, Edison,, Victor or Colum
bia Granophone and their records. Piano Studies and the latest Sheet
Music. Genuine Needles or parts for any new or old Sewing Machine.
E. U. Will's
, 350 Alder St. Potland, Oregon.
Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music,
"Cecilian" Self Playing Pianos.
Special attention
' An excursion that will doubtless -attract
great interest is one planned by
F. R. Drew of New York City. Hr.
Drew will conduct a train of prairie
schooners grom Portland, Me., to Port
land, Or., the latter part of the journey
being along the trail followed by Lewis
and Clark a century ago. The travel
ers expect to reach Portland in Octo-
ber, in time to attend
the Lewis and
Clark Exposition.
. U.WIII for jewelry.
F. M. French, Jaweler.
Rore honed and eet
Vie reek's Eibillrant Hair Tonio re.
storm nair ta its original color. ' Viereck
Ezemaand Dandruff Dure or money re
unded, 50c per bottle .
Selling Out.
Tne entire line of merchandise of the
'ate Julius Gradwohl must be sold, con-
S8tml!r 1 rockery, Wassware, Dolls,
Toys and Harware.
Corner 2nd and Ferry Street, near
the DEMOCRAT office. .
, , -" n- c- u
Fresh Columbia Kiver imelt
Every day at 6e a pound. C. Scheu-
bel's Fish Ma rkeLy on St. near Kuss
Wny experiment with new brands of
ffti nrrian vita ton oiinnlif irnn nrfta
mar, wmcn nao stood tne test oi years,
A euP for break:
naPPv alU day 'one-
breakiast will make you
0. E. Bbownell.
DON'T GO AWAY After Mandolin,
Uuitar or Violin strings; we sell them
and good ones too. If we have'nt what
You want in stock we will gladly order
iwryuu. v limns, ivituiuuiiiiB uxiu uuiwr,
always in stocK cneap.
Burkhart & Lee.
ine Dct ruysiu
when yoa waDt . phvBio tD8t ,B mild
aDd gentle, easy to take and certain to
art always use" Chamberlain's Stomach
nd Livet Tablets For sale by Foshay
oV Mason.
'It you desire a good complexion
useMokl Tea a pare barb drink. It
aot on the livar. and make, tha skin
emoolh and elf ar. Cures i ick headaches.
2-5 eft. and 50 eta Money relunriad if it
doea not aatufy you. Foshay fc Maaan.
Dt. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup laema
espacially adapted to the needa ol the
children. Pleasant to take; soothing
in iiB influenot; it ia the remedy of all
remedies lor every form of throat and
lu?t diaeaae. .
KEEP an EYE on the Vienna Bakery
-, :v. , p.m . c
for good things
A 2nd and
atreei will
always bare on blind the beBt of every
chine in the meat line, choice lard etc.
Give to em a call.'.
Department, ALBANY, COLLEGE.
Music Hous
to (Ml Order.
The Kind that Grows
All Fresh Seeds
Not 2 pkgs. for a Nickle.
We have them in Packages or in
- and
First class goods in their season.
Phone Main 56
While they are high by feeding then INTERNATIONAL, REX
or LEES POULTRY EGG FOODS-they are inexpensive-50
feeds for 1 cent.
Try a pkge. 25c. '
Woodworth Drug Co., Ag-ents
Albany Planing Mill and Sash and Door Factory
At foot of Lyon street, Albany, C W SUA RS, Proprietor
Carry a lull stock ol Doors, Windows, uIsbb and all kinde ol bulld'Lg materia
Thev are preparfrt to BP ll orrtpra prrmtlv and aatifaflorlW at ifa.rrab'e price
Barn Door Hanger
A great thing for barns.
The Handle Hinge Hasp;
Another splendid thing.
The 8ilent Parlor Door HaDgsrs,
All steel, the best thing out.
At the
Albany Hardware Co
Groceries ,
and Fruit.
' The ireebest, belt and largast variety
In the city, at
; A. n. BEAM'S.
Albany Dye Works
Clothing cleaned, colored and re
paired. Faded clothing restored to
original color.
W. B. RICE & CO.
Phone Black 591. . .
Printing Cheap, not Cheap Printing
Phone Bad 704.
H. F. Herrill
City andOooaty Warrantabooghtawl
old. ColleetionapronptlHenired to,
OotTMoondana. toliritad,
w. p. TECHIER,
Teacher of Violin .
Fechter's Orchestra furnished for
music on all occasions. Room at 5th
ana miswortn.
and any old thing.
Second St. opp. .Stewart & Sox Co'
BEEF CO. . , . .
first St., opp .uu
Choice Meats of all kinda.'1
Oregon Bank Bldg, . Albany
Physician and 8urgeon
Hill Block - i - Albany, Ot.
Goo. Oolllni D D 8
A. Jack Hodgea D D 8
Odd f ehow b x'empie. A.Dany, Of,
Crawford Block, Albany, Or,
J. M. Ralston,
Fir lnanrance, Written, City, Conn
ry and Hohooli Warrant boaitht. Ool
netlone made. No tea bonght. Small
out mad; on personal or chattel ae.
Have plenty of Money to Loan on
toad (arma at 6 per cent interest.
J""r - Oregon ,
PnrabredR.O.' ndS.O. White .PC
oorna. White Plj month Rocki, Ma a
laraewa.PekindnckaandO.I.C. hoa3
for al. vv
Etnimaiioi, Leave ordere i; F.
M. rbompaon'a poultry yard, Albany.
Ed. Boaon, Prop. Atyaidt. or ad '
rsst at Albany. J