Albany C'tA VOL. XL ALBANY, OREGON FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1905. NO. t). l$emocrat ALBANY. People Who Come and Co. Max Wolf, Cincinnati. F. N. Libby, Portland. G. S. Wright. McMinnville. P. M. Scroggin, Lebanon. D. H. Looney and wf, Jefferson. A. 0. Johnsn, Portland. S. C. Vaught, Portland. . E. L. Payne, Gates. J. W. Holmes, Omaha. G. T. Averell, Medford. B. Searle, " ; Geo. McCurdy, Niagara. Clyde Rowell, Prinville. ' Grant Nicholls, Plainview. DON'T GO AWAY After Mandolin, Guitar or Violin strings; we sell them and good ones too. If we have'nt what you want in stock we will gladly order for you. Violins, Mandolins and Guitars, always in stock cheap. Burkhart & Lee. Wny experiment with new brands of Coffee when we can supply you with that which has stood the test of years. A cup for breakfast will make you happy alll day long. C. E. Brownell, Orecon's greatest mutual fire insurj knee company is the 0. F. E. A. C. C. Bryant agt. "NETTIE THE NEWS GIRL," A Sensational and Scenic Melodrama, from the pen of Lem B- Parker, the attraction at the Albany Opera House; Thursday, February 16, 1905. PRICES-50 and 25 cents. Seats on sale at Woodworth's. ROYAL f McKillop & DeVaney, Propietors. In Elegant New Quarters in the Strahan Block, two floors. Board and lodging by the day or week. Meals on European plan. First class meals. Pleasant sleeping rooms, WE ARE IB THE MARKET For Chickens, Eggs, Butter and all kinds of Produce, at the highest market price Call and see us. BsYafley & MQnte.Grocers, v ' BaltimoreiBlock, 'Albany ,',Or DR. J. MYERS, Physician and Surgeon Office in Tweedale Block. Phone: Office, Main Ked 41; residence, Black 543. , . MORE SENSATIONS. Portland, Feb. II. (Special) Im portant developments were made be fore the Federal Grand Jury today concerning the plot to blacken Federal District Attorney Heneys character. County District Attorney John Man ning, Patrolman Carlson and A. J. Van Dyne examined. Indictments for con spiracy to obstruct justice it is report ed were voted against ex-District At torney John Hall, Henry W. Ford, De tective J. H. Hitchings, lawyer and A. P. Caylor to be made public either this afternoon or Monday. A Northwest Storm. Portland, Feb. 11. -(Special) -The entire northwest is in the grip of the severest cold wave for years. Accom panied by a gale a blizzard raged throughout the eastern and central Ore on last night, with heavy snowfalls. Lowest temperature at Shaniko 15 be- Oats for Sale. 275 bushels spring oats for sale at 45 cents a bu., including sacks. C. B. Settlemier, 226 2nd. street, Albany, Or" ifS HETT1E THEEWS SIM.?": Garden Seeds. Our new crop of Garden Seeds in bulk Have arrived. When in need of the best and freshest seeds, you will find them at our store.- All our old seeds have been destroyed, no old stock on hand. Prices on new seeds the same as you have been paying for old. Also a full line of farm seeds, the most com plete stock in Albany, at lowest prices. SENDERS FEED STORE, 122 Ferry Stree:. Pigs for Sale. Large English Berkshires. Our found ation stock comes from best herds in the United State3 and stock for sale is registered and as good as can be had anywhere. We also have a fine yearl ing, registered shorthorn bull, we will sell reasonable. Call on or write Pacific Nursery Co., .Tangent, Ore. DR. RAMSEY, OSTEOPATH Office: 226 Broadalbin Street. Phone, Black 482. Hours, 9-12; 1-5. Graduate Pacific College, Los Ar geles, Cal., Post graduate Anuria n School, Clarksville, Mo. MORE SENSATIONS. JncUKANU JUlvT. , . AlfctiTS. RESTAURANT. Portland, Feb. 11, (SpeciaL)-The Federal Grand jury has voted indict ments against Congressman J. N. Williarafon, Dr. Van Gessner, William son's partner, Marion R. Biggs, U. S. Commissioner at Prineville, for con spiracy to defraud the government out of its pubiic lands. Indictments will be made public either this afternoon or Monday. Sensational developments are promised this afternoon. SENSATIONAL CONFESSION. Portland, Feb. 11.-) Special) -Judge Alfred H. Tanner, Mitchell's law part ner, made full confession in Judge Bellingers court this afternoon. Says Mitchell received moneys for all fees. Strike Fatalities. Berlip, Feb, 11. According to press dispatches from Kattowitz, Russian Poland, a collision occurred between 15,000 strikers and the military at the Russian station of Skarzysko, in which 24 strikers were killed and 40 wounded. The military, it is also reported, fired on strikers at Ostrowicz, out the cas ualties are not known. ;No Statehood. Washington, Feb. 10. Statehood for Oklahoma and New Mexico will not granted during this session of Congress unless it be on the lines provided in the House statehood bill. This was decided today at a conference of republican members of the House. Wiil Be Turned Down. Washington, Feb. 10. Senator El kins, chairman of the committee on in terstate commerce, called upon Presi dent Roosevelt this afternoon and in formed him that the Senate could not at this session of Congress give him the railroad legislation desired. Bad Weather. Butte. Mont.. Feb. 10. Traffic is delayed and passenger service is im peded by the storm now raging in Mon tana and North Dakota. All the trans continental trains from the Fast are from three to six hours late, being de layed by the snow and wind. RELIGIOUS At the Congregational Church to morrow the pastor will conduct services at 10:30 A.M., and7:30P.M. Sunday school and Y. P. S. C. E. at the usual hours. Everybody invited. RFirst Christian church: Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning munion and sermon 11:00 a. m., Junior Endeavor 3:00 p. m. Y. P. S C. E. 6:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. tne service will be in charge of the women of the C. W. B. M. Mrs. E. A. Child of Euorene will give the primcipal address. Special topics will be discussed by Mrs. rlla M. Erskine and Mrs. Adda Tharp. Some fine special music will be rendered. Every one is invited. M. E. church: Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. bvthenastor Rev. J. W. McDougall. Sunday school 11:45 a. m., jipwortn league and intermed iate Leaeue!6 :30 d. m . All are welcme. Special music will be rendered by a large chorus choir under the leadership or Mrs. it. u. ourKnart. Evangelical Church, cor. 4th and Ly on streets. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching every Sunday at 11 a- m. and at 7:30 p. m.. Prayer meeting ev ery Thursday evening 7:30. F. W. La mar, pastor. Baptist church. Services at the us ual hours, rjreachinff- hv the naator. Rev. S A. Douglas. SaDbath school at close ol morning service, a, Y. V. o. at 6:45. Midweek prayer service Thus day 7:45 p. m. All are invited to be present at these services. Bt Mary's (Jatnoilc Uhnrcb tery Kev Louta Metayer Kectnr and Dea Sunday Hieh Maes and Srrnion at 10:20 am. Sunday School at the Academy at 3 p m. Veanere Had eveoiriK pravera Benediction at 7:30. Daily Service Low Maaa 7am every morning. Obrietian and missionary alliance meetti'K every ftshbuth afternoon at 3 v. oi. at the W. O. T. U. Hall. All are invited V. P. church ! Preaching by the pas tor Rev. vyhite at 10:30 and 7:30. Sab bath school 11:45, Junior En'1 flay or, 3 :30, Senior Endeavor 6 :S0. r"irs Prtsb.terian ohu'ch.cor. Broad- altiin and Fifth stream. Publio worship and preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p m. Sunday .cnool i at 11 :45 a, m. Y, P. 8. C. E. tt:30 p, m. Prayer meeting Thursday eveolnu-7 :30. All ars cord ially invited to the services. M. E. church Sooth, Rev. Wriiiht, paior. Preacniov at 11 a. m. sod 7;i0 o. in. 8. 8. at 10 a. m, Epwortb League at 7 p. m. Weekly prayer meet 1't.nrsday rvroing. Portland and Return. I The Southern Pacific is now telling I round trip ticketB to Portland and re- turn for$3 00, good going Saturday p.m. or, any train ot Suodny returning Bun- anrl Monday iriving all Hay Sunday and , Monday in Portland. 1 he same arran gement applies fruin Punland giving Portland people a chance to vieit valley ; poiuu at greatly reduced rates. . W. E. C'OMAN, I General Paisenger Ag OASTOniA. . Beam tha The Kind You Haw Always Butf A Mixture f Things and Thoughts Coldest morning of the year: 20 above zero. . ': The Machfae' Salem. 1 ' r is running things at It is too late to fix up the Jeff Davis epsiode. ! , Close-mou tli clean-out, clear-headed Cavender Stlem Journal. The stationary engine commission was knocked ait, a very good sign. Clean up the streets and yards of Albany and let all the houses be paint ed that need paint, ....... Who robbei the Lebanon bank will probably go, down in history with who struck Billy Patterson. The Portlani banks are all being pro-, tected against robberies. It is the small country banks that are in danger. The stories (barging Hoch with hav ing had thirty-five wives seem to have been base fabrications. Tho number was only thirteen. Senator Miller and Representative Cornett were given a quarter page picture in the Telegram last evening. The artist was alive at press time. A little dog is causing a dog-gone lot of trouble in Portland, one criminal suit already and a civil suit is to follow. Besides the dog has been illustrated in the papers. , An Albany man is said to have traded a dog for some mining stock three or iour years ago, and sold half of it for $600. That sounds good and the DEM OCRAT hopes it is true. The normal schools will all stay, not because of the popularity of education, wnicn wouiu 'e Detter ott with one or two first class schools, but because of tne popularity oi gratt in Oregon. The he passed between two men in the state capital yesterday and one was about to strike the other when Senator Wright stopped proceedings. This reminds the Democrat of a game of base ball in Albanv over twenty vears ago between Albany and Salem, when Wright, one of the Salem players, and the Albany pitcher, were attempting to mix up wnen jroppea Dy tne players, Morel'idictmertts, Winlock W. Steiwer, ex-State Sena tor. Hamilton H. Hendricks of E. O. Clarance B. Zachary, Adelbert C. Zachary, Charles A. Watson and Clyde E. Glass, of the Butte Creek Company. Binger Hermann. John H. Hall, ex-United States Dis trict Attorney. Edwin Mays, ex-Assistant United States Attorney. Franklin P. Mays, State Senator. Edward D. Stratford. Henry Meldrum, ex-Surveyor Gen eral. George E. Waggoner, ex-chief clerk in Meldrum's office. David W. Kinnaird, ex-examiner of surveys. Benjamin F. Minton and Gustave Klaetsch, land surveyors. George Sorenson, Livy Stipp . and Frank H. Duncan, notaries public. "Nettie the News Girl." ' """""""" As a writer of melodrama, Lem B. Parker has struck a popular chord. His latest triumph "Nettie the News Girl, " will be at the opera house Thurdsday evening Feb. 16. Apart from the story which ends somewhat out of the ordinary, the play has been given a most accurate and elaborate stage setting. Special peo ple are carried to look after and obtain the various electrical and mechanical effects with which tho play abounds. The heaviest indiviuuai tax payer in Lane county is T. G. Hendricks, who pays on $60,260. G. R. Chrisman is next, with $43,465, then F. W. Can field $33,165, L. Lefflngwell $30,160, F. L. Chamber $30,920, C. W. Washburn $30,070, A. D. Hyland $26,790, C. Y. Y.ung $25,405, S. H. Friendly $24,640, Emily Hovery $26,690, J. H. McClung $21,225, F. E. Dunn $21,425, O. W. Hurd $21,326, Jas. Sanford $21,230. Our fresh garden seeds are arriving from the east. We guarantee satisfact ion, and sell full size packets two for a ruckle. Fresh onion sets on hand. Send for ovr catalogue. Stewart & Sox Hd'w Co. SUFFERED 15 YtiARS WITH KVSPEPSIA. I have brn-n a uffrer (or the latt 15 J years with BvBiieusi and have IrUii everj remerl; available and alfo irnny doctor, h it found no relirl until I pm chaeed a 25 rent package ol Aci. er.-1) pcpsla tablet, w:iich helue'i me im mediately anil two hnxes uiilirHiy cure I. Honing 1 may benefit aome oihur snff-r- er, I nk you to nulilinli this Tiiumas j 1. SMALWLobn, HO South Mechanic I Sorinalldid, UUio, Fur sale by Hoahay & Maaon f I end to W. H. HoouitR & Co.,nn(fal . N. Y., for a free trUilpackunt. (Notli ' lug Like l lieni.) ( HOME AND ABROAD. The Jayne bill will be the biggest issue in the legislature next week. The Salem Statesman has formally and emphatically called the Oregonian a liar. Choice of arms gentlemen. , Freeh oysters, Olympia and Yaquina, served in any style or sold in bulk, at the Albany Lunch CounWrs, 2nd and Ellsworth. Toledo has a fire department with E. J. Avery as chief engineer of the active part of the business and Editor Soule president of the government part. Portland is liable to lose its ablest minister. Dr. E. P. Hill has been of--fered the secretaryship of the board of missions and will go east to consider the matter. C. D. Montague's residence in Port land was robbed last Monday, and a watch, chain, revolver and two small checks were taken. The family were away from home. Mill Citv is RAirl to havn incranaerl in life. About . twenty hands have been added to the force in the mill. Work will begin on the eight mile logging roaVJ in a few days and a large force of men will be required. I The air isfullnffchenripsnl-tniif.TOhAVA the Lebanon bank rohhera wont the robbery. The Democrat is satisfied of the fact that they were prof essionsls and got into Portland as soon as possible, taking the money with them. In the basket ball field Inst niirht tlm fine Dallas team defeated the O. A. C. team 25 to 16 in a yery fast game. At Salem the Willamette girls defeated the Lebanon crirls in a orood irame 15 to 9. The Lebanon girls returned home this noon well pleased with the good record made in holding the Willamette team down so well. What society is Going to win the Silk Flag? Qit a Coupon with every ioc ca&h purchase aV ' '".','.vy, '-.'' ', :;lasselle.beor Grocery and Hardware Store. This entitles you to a vote for your favorite society. THE HOUSE FURNISHING COS ' Fortmiller Bros., Managers. Have Your Pictures Framed Now We Have 7,000 Feet of Moulding THE HOISE FURNISHING CO., Albany, Oregon Sole Agenb for the Celebrated Park Mills Carpels. Howard & Scott. CITY PROPERTIES. Nice 38 acre ranch, good hop land, 2 1-2 miles from station. R. F. D. Price ?1800. , i Well improved 30 acre ranch 3 miles from Alany cheap. House and barn on large lot near pub lic school, $750. 6 room cottage, chicken park, good location, $1350. . . i List your property with us; Howard & Scott. NIGHT SCHOOL, Meets on Monday, Wednesday and . Thursday evenings from 7 to 9:30. Branches taught: Shorthand, Book keeping, English, Typewriting, PEN MANSHIP. . If you wish the best at tend the ECLECTIC BUSINESS COLLEGE, Second and Broadalbin. O.BTOIltA. Bam the wltls Kind You Hare Always Bti Blgaatiro , of and 200 different varieties. Our assortment is large and complete. We have the only Oval Mat Cutting machine In town. Our stock of Mat Board is large and in cludes all desirable colors. We absolutely guarantee our work to ba satisfactory or money refunded. Bring your pictures with you and look over our stock and get prices.