Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 10, 1905, Page 1, Image 1

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    y; ... L. ' .
7 '
ro, 1905. : : ' '
W. B. Stevens & Co.,
Alban j, Oregon.
Notice This:
What One of Portland's Leading Dry
Goods Houses Says of Our Expert
Cutters, 4 Miller & Miller
, PORTLAND, OREGON, January 26th, 1902.
W. B. Stevens & Cc, Albany, Oregon.
In reply to your inquiry of the 25th, will say that we can ex
press our satisfaction with Miller & Miller by stating that the proof
?f i,th ePSddme is in the eatin of it- We are so well satisfied with
Miller & Miller that we are going to make arrangements to have
them return here in May. They understand their business, are
clever people, and we have yet to hear of a single complaint. You
have, no doubt, been in the dry goods business long enough to know
. that there are any complaints, the ladies are not backward in com
ing forward with them. Not only have there been no complaints,
but their business has constantly increased, and the only reason we
do not keep them any longer is because your contract begins Janu-
Uarv 30th nnri ve hart tn rtiannnt in,,.. WkM ' . i : it
in, and we are in shape agam to take advantage of Miller & Miiler's
services, we shall have them again. They are certainly an aid and a
Portland. Eeb. 4.
A. H. Tanner, law
Mitchell was again before the Federal
Grand Jury all this morning. The jury
adjourned until Monday morning.
The Lewis and Clark Strike.
Portland. Feb. i. Snn-ini Thn
Antim fnnu f f 1. j l
vi iivo i.uiiuxeu men em- county court is on the riirht
ployed on the government building of in the matter of improvement of
the Lewis and Clark exposition it is re- highways. improvement or
Dorteri will
. nuiunUl
A Mixture of Things and Thoughts
Jht a"nUaI d!gein P for will
Sweet TT
. M 8iu in evidence oe-
-" srana jury at Portland.
The Linn county court is on the right
... J uv.iitwB uvlllKIlb, .111
ruarda nrnunrf tho hi-M;n , ,.,
aer seventy five.
A Big Attraction.
Portland. Or. Fh a s.v Tk,.
Linton will visit tho T
fair and the cities of the Pacific Coast
thfi rnminrr mamma. 0,,U : iL.
6 Mtnoi. uutu ia tiiu ail'
nnimnamanr mnn U.. T .1
SDGCia AmAriKan nrranf nf Ua k.,..'.
rr . u6vim ui bim uuauieaa
interests of Lipton's corporation, who
hoe Kaan 'i "Dl 1 f i . ,
vcai 114 i vrnunu iur tne last ween.
More 1 rouble Promised
T,nwnrM a tl- nj
spondent of the London Daily Mail
An?"ey?fPe'w'?to Heney and
Roosevelt- 01 016111 ia Resident
which led to the, burning of s weral
uunuings or tne Admirality yards there
have been condemned to death, and
that as a result a renewal of the mu
tiny is threatened.
Important Move.
W A OUTMf rtVI TTU o mi
....... . i cu. o. i.iie repuDii-
onnn nf tka Uaum r ifii
, J.unau UA iVVprt!3eill,ablVeS
in conference this afternoon adopted
as a Dartv measnra thn hill ov'nj;
ratemaking powers to the Interstate
Commerce Commission, as agreed on
by the committee on interstate and for
eign commerce and known as the Esch
Townsend bill.
viuaose new years.
S"e ZUZ$& er to break
WA me.
The Jayne bill
erendum r'l."?Y?y whak the ref-
o" awtU,
It took tho A IV, t , .
tj. j w acaiu me
wura umu ao or tne aevastopol sailors I w aoing consider-
WHO U 1. t able tnllfmn. frt- ...
-cw in nits icueiit outoreaK T. . . --""'(s .wi a man in hir nna f nn
i i ne naa bHttoi. foi, t, ,-""
Mava " leal' w,tn Senator
hicr nil) tn calling rrnnAo
Die. I; N. L. Yours truly,
Owing: to Demand on their Serv
ices Miller & Miller will remain
with us another week, beginning
Jbebruary, 6th.
More of Puter
Salem. Fh a s a n t...
victed of conspiracy to defraud the
Government in timber-land cases, and
uuuer inuictmenc on lurther charges,
Was Caucht tnrinv in an oftAmn4- x
cuae title to 3200 acres of state iwhiv1
land m violation of law, and the State
1 Land Knnrri hao ionnn i
money and evidence sufficient to show
wio nauuuient nature ol the transac
The mercury is above zero in Oregon
east &Sam.?a? !t is belw in the
SMoJ weather has not
Ten million dollars was embezzled in
Mmte? Stes last year. Evidrn,.
iL lot 0Ia8:als sneaking around for
the amount will no doubt g9 duphcated
They are quarreling back east about
the matter of precedence at a white
house reception. Precedence if a reUc
arelrua!mn0t0fdem0c- e
A Frtrmer'- int
Forest flnnvw Ph q oi j .av
Sudden seized insanity, John Bernard.
I- ..v...B ""so nines nortn 01
here, attempted to kill his wife and ,0,ioiuoy aiiernoon, DUt was
prevented from carrvinp- nut
Facts! 1 1
PntnrjwiB oca bti: t ?
40 cente for"shi;menl'n CUnty at
Another term of the
Vcjii ciosea. Mondava new to.
McKillop & DeVaney, Propietors.
Id Elegant New Quarters in the.
Strahan Block, two floors.
Board and lodging by the day or week.
Meals on European plan. First class
meals. Pleasant sleeping rooms,
TUlblia RfHnMa
nan nonn n inai ir j w v,a
wbepin with most of the Tstudents
i7iTB? m.omoers of the Salem lodiranf
tag in a bodv ' rW anerno0
. SnmA nna aAnA .
twk;;:, ; rr uvecora with Mr.
j v,yjiu3 une oi rne hotels tn.
day taking a good one for a poor one
not SatiBfnntnm, t l.l OI,e
J v llllll,
Tko r. i
tin. . . i. 6"jiiineni weather DrediVHnn
There is nn nnn tuin j i. IB tnniirkt ..j preuiction
. u.ivicamnuH an , ouuuay proDablv fair.
a r continues to fall and Is now
v.w auuvts iow water.
J?i E-.,Pme". the Portland Cor
setiere wili be at the Eeve uI;
eb- 9th and nth, where she will be
r.u lu personally nt her patrons
p;- , ",D iauies crowded to
Reeves' store last year before daylight
for embroideries Chambers and McCune
Mahara s minstrels drew a large and
SSSf . a"d,e?06 last nht- A clean
rrrrT"1 , e'ven with some
good numbers nil nlnno- n,
Slnu3treI VP have been
Sfa6! t,m:.. .Th Mature
nleasin;;...?:"! new an1
tfort-:,. v"" Fcwiue were at-
flPtWimapl9 syrup fa bulk at C. E.
Th. IWMt tKlnrv 1 - ,
n.h hnii uer. oanng
M-, ""'"r oo or Uonrad
Fradi ri 1 . w
- j , . yjuipm ana iaqaina.
BiworthT' " UounUr' and
-T .
o-j HfTatt, a former Albanv man
, m! SffiS.?2?JJr -t 10
moatnnthr-''Series for al-
iuu r ire oaie.
vr , ouu iucune.
KinS Tt ""siness of Elkins &
PUTS,, t OY,liB ana ret red. Mr
X'"8 .began business in PrineviUe
when a boy and iwm... L ..SYv!Me
Store carri o -ii. -i t ."IS
oWi;n. ul aoouc $40,000.
Selling Out
The entim linA ... "'."""anaise ol the
rt.3ViS?IluJ5rt be sold, con-
Toys and HarwarT U,aS3Ware' Dolls
hteox8 Senear
of ttdr lines to 6Xplaln l?e merits
te;Start IncubatorsFoT
Howard! & Scott.
Honse, barn and lot in nn in
... - a .waviuu,
ail In good shape. Price, $1160.
J? MS fol T6"' including stock,
tools andhousehold furniture. Calland
low figu-i?" 1,1 Eaat part of town' at a
HniiRA nf 11 i
turns7 Price; tm" w " n
Good hfiiiao urifri otv .
oation. ",",,0, KOOa 10
Howard & Scott.
Meets On Mnnriav lAf.I . .
-j. fKuuwuiijr ana
inureday evenings from 7 to 9:30.
Branphna ta,.n-K-. oi 1.1 . .
Imani- oT,' anurtnana, uooK
keep ng, English. Tvnnwritinii p.
uotunu ana croaaalbin.
Tti Ilcd You Han Wft BdmH
What society is
Going to win the
Silk Flag?
For Chickens, Eggs,
cutter and all kinds
rof Produce, at the
0 highest market price
kj-avy ana see us.
CeVaaey & Monfeers, Grocers,
Baltimore .Block.'Albany.IOr.
Physician and Surgeon"
Office in Tweedale Block.
Black 5.ffiCe' Mai" Red 41 : residence-
BEEF CO. . , . .
rlrat t., opp- .....
Ohoioe Meats of all kinds.
systems of shorthand, and th
one is competent to judge one Bysteni
or shorthand as compared with all
others; and therefore the Gregg short-
--- wi. niviiuwieagea ov
those competent to judge as the best'
q J S.unjers!FRed haa tauSht Eclectic
I-j.-: .r:. . KP oiiuiumna (latest
editions of both in the same classes, to
pupils of equal ability, writing the same
irec amB same tlme and he writes
njnaug, xi e is, cneretore, a
compstent judge of the relative merits
of both systems. There is no question
as to the Eclectic being easier- to
write, ea.mnr tn raq ... . .
by 25to60wo7d;iminute."'Ure raPW
The undersigned reads the Gregg
Journal, and, so far has not seen any
claim made therein that the Gregg
Shorthand haa haan . P&
i ii. i al i . ". ""wueuine prize
at the at St. Louis Pair."
President Eclectic Business College.
To the trade.
We are nreDared tn fumiai,
huirh hoot XT 1 '
j manna paper
and butchers Manila rolls and flat-at
money-saving prices. We solicit your
orders for same. '
Foshat & Mason.
Fresh Columcia reiver Smelt
Office: 226 Broadalbin Street.
Phone, Black 482. Hours, 9-12-1-5
Graduate Pacific College, Los An-
and any old thing.
Second St. opp. Stewart & Sox Co'
Every day at 6c a nound. r. st,o,,
h Jhh Market Lyon St- near "uss
fin3.!?6 a"dDcomP'ete stock oMntema!
?i Jil .""d Pr"?s,an. Jtock Food on hand
in all sizes. Nnw ia ua i. ,
yourcattlei Prices are riX
Burkhart & Lee.
FRESH SnriA witid'
Some of the popular soda water from
the Gcisendorfer springs, the best of
aot Aum"nson. jpi.oo per doe.
Residence Burned.
Mr. Charles Cams, of Alapn .- ;n ,
CitV On n Vl'ai'f nt- tl... 1 . .
M,", iic i r " "B orn's sister,
Mrs. Al Saylor. Last Wednesday his
S .nSewas !?tlr?lv Rurnetl. He had
ernr.1? .1?'" lne . nen stove and
2tfW.n-8 SaT millVMrs- Cama ing
frnm fl h3' WJh.e" 0,8 n0U8e Ught
w flue "' and everything in it
took n Th.neighbors at once
th SP a subscPt'on for a new house,
the old one not being insured.
Oracrnn'a crraa
- r f- -""vv niubuai Hit? UlSUr
wicft company is the 0. F. R. A. C
C Bryant agt.
Ciat a Cuppn with every ioc cash
purchase at
Grocery and Hardware Store.
This entitles you to a vote for
your favorite society.
Teacher of Violin
Fechter'a nn.haat.n . , . .
iiirnisnea tor
aTdS,E.IsOworath1.OCCM,0nS- m at Cth
Nice home in Alhnnu ,
full lots (corner) with 16 fruit trees
garden spot, etc., fine well and Icitv
water, 7 room house and barn.
l A bargain, with terms to suit
Inquire at Democrat office.
orca Eggs.eithVrkind, S1.60 fo-in6
express arena H. rr 1 V u 10 '
i V. civ, Jfill'U.
Albany.fiOr.', R. F. VUNSf
640 acres of land, of which 150 acres
is in cultivation, the balance of land in
saw timber and second growth fir, all
level land hut in a.. ,k:.k n-I "
a k:fi ;jT T . . ""-" lira on
iiiu-aiuB, aDout ten acres of hops, two
hop houses, very fair dwelling house,
barns nnH nthoy nnf-k..:iri; a '
. UU.-UUllUlll)(llp lino
spring of water, which is piped to the
O trnr.A K..A i. 11 j i .
r in-tio luwu, man aeuverea to tne
house. If sold at once we caa give
purcahser the best bargain that has
been offered for years. For informa
tion call upon S. N. Steele & Co.17
Pigs for Sale, j
Large English Berkshires. Our found
ation stock comes from best herds in
the United States and stock for sale is '
registered and as good as can bo had
DnUmham Un nlan !... 1! i I
'j....c. c ai-T'i iiavv a mm yean I
ing, registered shorthorn bull, we will j
sell reasonable. Call on or write
i-Acinc inukhery t'o.,
Tangont, Ore. !
Fortmiller Bros , Managers.
Have Your Pictures
Framed-J"ow . . .
We Have 7,000 Feet of Moulding
, and 200 different varieties. Our assortment
is large.and complete. We have the only
Oval Mat Cutting machine In town.
Our stock of Mat Board is large and in
eludes all desirable colors.
We absolutely guarantee our work to bo
satisfactoryjor money refunded,
" Bring your pictures with you and look over
our stock and got prices.'
THE HOUSE FURNISH 1M CO., Albany, Oregon.
Sole Agents for the Celebrated PaikJ Mills Carpets.