Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 30, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    inn wjy v v--
NO. 3'.
WONDER Adv. on the 4th page.
College pins at French's Jewelry
French's Jewelry Store for Holiday
Pure maple syrup in bulk at C. E.
Get that Xmas rocker at the House
Furnishing Co.
Bargains in toys at L. L. Pott's 316
W. Secona street.
Get your pictures framed at The(
House Furn. Co.
The best thing yet, a roller bearing
wash board. Order one of Conrad,
Biggest line of rockers in the city at
Pratt's Furniture Store, Baltimore
Bicycle tires from $2.50 up at the
Baltimore Gun and Bicycle Works,
Second street.
Mrs. E. Williams desires to do fancy
' work for Christmas. Address at Alb
any post office.
Do you want a nice diamond ring or
shirt stud. French, the jeweler has
some bargains.
Fresh oysters, Olympia and Yaquina,
served in any style or sold in bulk, at
the Albany Lunch Counters, 2nd and
Prices reduced on meats at the Alb
any Dressed Beef Co.'s. . Tweedale
Block: boils only 4 cents per pound, 3
pounds of steak for 25c.
G Co. of Albany, and Monmouth, in
basket ball at the armory, Albany,
Monday evening, Dec. 26. Admission
25 cents. See some first-class basket
Foshay & Mason have on hand for the
Holidays an unusual select line of Hol
iday Gift Books to select from. We
solicit your patronage. Come in and
look them over.
If you want a first class job of pic
ture framing take your work to Geo.
Boom at Pratt's Furniture Store. He
has all the new things in picture mould
ings. All work guaranteed.
Thos. Brink has just received a fine
assortment of very nice Rockers for the
Holliday trade and other fine Furniture,
so if you want something nice he has
the goods and they are cheap.
Scads of candy at the Elite.
Making candy every minute now at
the Elite.
Chrif tmas dinner at Simpson's Gill
will be right. Served at 5 p. m.
Take your Christmas dinner at Simp
ion's Grill. Served at 5 p. m.
If you want a good home-made cake
go to E. R. Huston's store on Christmas
We have the largest assortment of
picture frames and mat board in the
city. The House Fnrn. Co.
A Lincoln county real estate sale is
Chas. H. Burggraf to Cora J. Connolly,
lot in Nye and Thompson's addition.
Consideration ifiiou.
At Revere Sunday 6 to 7:30 p. m.
Cream Oysters, Consomme,
Chicken En Mayonaise
Chicken Saute on Toast.
Turkey with Dressing, Canberry Sauce
Chicken Giblets, Gravy
Whole Pig Apple Sauce
Prime Ribs of Beef Brown Gravy
Veal Dressing Pan Gravy
Leg of Lamb Mint Sauce
Chicken Fricassee!
Sweet Potatoes Mashed Potatoes
Asparagus tips Butter Sauce
French. Green Peas
Vanilla Ice Cream Lady Fingers
Cocoanut Kisses Main
Nut Cake Chocolate Cake
Plum Pudding with Hard Sauce.
Pumpkin Mince Apple
Nuts, Stuffed Dates, Blanched Almonds.
"Music while you eat" by Fechter's
Wny experiment with new brands of
Coffee when we can supply you with
that which has stood the test of years.
A cup for breakfast will make you
happy alll day long.
vvl C. E. Brownell.
Christmas Greetings.
A Call to Christmas Buyers
our line of
isopen to your inspection.
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry,
Cut Glass, Solid Silver,
and Silver Novelties.
F. M. FRENCH, The Jeweler
That a good Rocker is the most suita
able Christmas Gift you can possibly
bestow on any of your friends.
Our Xmas Rockers are beauties and
we have a selection of over a hundred
different kinds, styles and sizes to pick
lrom. Don't wait till the lat but come
now and gst the pick of the bunch.
. Our Warehouse is capacious and we
will store them for you until Xmas.
We will be open evnings until' after
the Holidays.
Adjourned Until Tuesday.
Portland, Dec. 24. - (Special) Fed
eral Grand Jury adjourned at noon to
day, with no further indictments this
morning. Hermann appeared and was
told he would i be given a hearing
Tuesday when the jury reconvenes.
Mitchell is in the city but did not ap
pear. Mayor Davis the Albany witness be
fore the jury this morning is involved
through correspondence with Hermann.
The Government it is reported expects
to get an indictment against Davis
AB1 Fire.
Sioux City, Dec. 23. A fire, which
resulted in the death of one man, a
monetary loss roughly estimated at $3,
000,000, and the destruction of nearly
two whole blocks, started in the base
ment of the Pelletier department store
in the Toy block, a six-story stone
building at 8 o'ciock tonight. The dis
trict burned over lies in the center of
the business portion of the city.
Will Fight I Hem.
London, Dec. 24. Telegraphing from
Tokio, the correspondent of the Daily
Express says that he learns, in the
event of Admiral Kamimura, who is
reported to have gone south with a
squadron of powerful cruisers, notify
ing it of the approach of the second
Russian Pacific squadron, the whole
Japanese fleet, which has been operat
ing at Port Arthur, will be ready to
Eroceed south on a day's notiee to give
Couldn't Agree.
New York, Dec. 23. The jury in the
case of Nan Patterson on trial for the
murder of Caesar Young, reported to
Justice Davis this morning that they
were unable to reach an agreement,
ana were discnarged. Six votes tor
cohviction stood as follows: One for
murder in the second degree, two for
manslaughter in the first degree and
three for manslaughter in the second
A Tribal War.
Victoria. B. C. Dec. 23.-H. M. S.
Mutine, which has returned to Australia
from a South Sea crnise, reported that
tribal wars were being carried on in the
JNew tieoriaes, ana many natives were
being killed especially on the Island of
Maiekuia. .
Fleet Wlihirawn.
Tokio. Dec. 24. Admiral Togo an
nounces the withdrawal of the majority
ot tne neet trom fort Arthur.
A Mixture of Things and Thoughts
Good evening, have you been rung in
to the land fraud case?
Britt and Multnomah will not be
beaten on their own grounds.
Oregon is being heard from pretty
thoroughly on the subject of timber
Now it will be known for certain
whether Santa Claus is a myth or a
Of course Geo. C. Brownell has to
have a hand in it some way, but it is
not likely to be very serious. It's the
fashion to be connected with celebrated
The Democrat has received a leather
post card from Los Angeles, which
reads: "Raising the (picture of the
devil) in Los Angeles." Must have
been sent by Mr. Charles Pfeiffer.
Superintendent Fields and other offic
ials of the S. P. were in the city this
week in their special car, and now the
depot may be expectep to take a move
and an electric light appear to dispel
the darkness. More or less.
Christmas coming on Sunday, Mon-
bay becomes the legal holiday. The
Democrat according to custom will not
appear Monday evening. The paper
observes three holidays in the year,
Christmas, 4th of July and Thanksgiving.
The Journal last evening published
the report that Nan Patterson had been
accquitted by the jury, which report
was untrue. The report was flashed to
us at press time, and was supposed to
he correct. Salem Journal. Tne DEM
OCRAT got caught the same way, and
appreciates naving company.
Knights Templar Christmas Ob
All Knights Templarrare cordially in
vited to attend and take part in the an
nual (jnnstmas oDservance, at our Asy
lum, Masonic Temple, Albany, Ure.,
Monday, Dec. 26, 1904 at 8:30 a. m.
The officers elect of thiscommandery
are notified to be present for instal la
tion at that time.
Edward Washburn,
Recorder, Temple Commandery, No.
3, K. T.
Remember the Basket Ball Game
At the armory Monday night, be
tween Albany and Monmouth, the best
of the season. -
Preceding the game there will be an
inspection of G. Co. by General Gan
tenbein of Portland, and the game will
begin at 8:45. The inspection will be
free, but an admission of 25 cents will
be charged to the frame.
Fine Organ for Sale
For the celebrated Miller Organ Co.,
polished piano case, 7 1-3 octaves, first
class, just received from the east.
Call upon Rev. W. W. Davis before
purchasing your Christmas present.
Also an Estey organ.
The smartest thing in visiting cards,
engraved and printed, in the proper
types on the right size and quality of
card, at the Maston Printing Co's,
formerly Brodie's. Just the thing for
Holiday gift.
"The Prodigal Son," HHall Caine's
latest sensation is now published in
book form. This, as well as may other
late books.on sale at Fosh.iy & Masons.
We gladly order books for you that we
do not carry in Btock.
HBuy your presents now and we wi
tore them for you until Xmas. The
House Furn. Co.
What society is
Going to win the
Silk Flag?
Get a Coupon with every ioc cash
purchase at
Grocery and Hardware Store.
This entitles you to a vote for
your favorite soceity.
New commanding officers of Scio
lodges are: J. H. Holland, C. C. of the
Woodmen or. tne worm; u. i,. jacKson,
N. G. of the Odd Fellows; F. D, Peery
Commander of the Maccabees.
Oneoii"the most interesting games of
foot baltof the year will be that be
tween Multnomah and the O. A. C. at
Portland next Monday, which the
Democrat's foot ball crank expects to
witnessi The chances are in favor of
Multnomah, which has established a
rule of not allowing any college team
to defeat them on their own grounds.
The O. A. C. boys will let them know
they are in the game. .
Company G, Attention!
Company Order No. 12.
Armory Co. G. Third Infantry, O. N.JG.
Albany, Oregon, Dec. 22, 1904.
In accordancs with General Orders
No. 13, dated at Portland, Oregon,
December 19. 1904. all members of
Company G, Third Infantry, O. N. G.,
will assemble at their armory Monday
evening, December 26, 1904, at 7:45
o'clock, armed and equipped for in
spection and muster. Col. C. U. Gan
tenbein will inspect the company. The
Q. M. Sergeant will issue uniforms and
equipments from 6:30 to 7:30 on the
above named evening. By order of
C. W. Wallace,
Captain Commanding.
Cabinet NeedlesFree.
The Journal will send free to any
reader of this paper a cabinet of needles
..11 c'aaa onrl lrfnrla virhn rnmifcq HO r.onta
for the Daily and Sunday journal, for
one montn, or me cmnuay juunmi xur
four months, or the Semi-Weekly Jour
nal for five months, or the Weekly
Journal for six months.
Address The Journal, Portland, Ore
gon. To Book Lovers I
Our stock of Popular
Fiction consists of all the late successes
by our most popular authors. It is to
your interest to see our line before you
buy. ' Foshay & Mason.
Ours is the
only line In the city. Some pieces are
perfect beauties. Yours for Christmas
Fine Stock of Jewelrv
at F. G. WILL'S.
WatohM Cooks, Diamond goods, Rings. fin Silverware, Out Glass
and all tke laten noveltiet Id lewelrj, A obolce stock to sclent lrom
The Monarch
, Mailable Tron Ranges.
The Best by Test
Come in and Examine Then.
' Our Heater Line is Complete,
All kinds of Prices.
And has she a Sewing Machine? We are now sole agents for the Rotary
and Vibrator WHITE, the NEW HOME and the WHEELER and WILSON
sewing machines, also machines like those of the eastern mail order houses
which we will soli you for less money. We now have on hand about 25
acond hand machines, of all makes, which we will sell from $5.00 up. 1
Why not buy a machine from your home dealer and get a guarantee from
kin as well as from the Company making the machines. J
Sewing machines of all kinds repaired, by an expert at the business.
DON'T FORGET. Needles and supplies for all STANDARD MAKES of
machines, we have them. ,
Odd chairs, exclusive styles in rock
ers. Have you seen our new chairs and
Look over our table of bargains in
china and glassware.
C. E. Brownell.
Xmas toys at cost at L. L. Pott's W
Second street.
Candy canes and plenty of other fresh
candies at tne r.nie.
A diamond brooch or ear screws make
an acceptable Christmas gift. See them
at French's jewelry store.
Physician and Surgeon
I Office in Tweedale Block.
Phone: Office, Main Red 41: rasit'enoa,
1 black 543.
T. Brink
Has one of the nicest stocks
of Furniture in the city. If
you want to make your
friend a nice present, just
. give him a call and look
over his stock before you
Senders Feed Store
Stayton and Red Crown Flour.
Stock and Dairy Salt.
Oil Cake Meal.
Rolled Barley.
Poultry Supplies. ,
Alsen Cement.
Roach Harbor Lime.
And the most complete line of 'Feed
Seed in the city.;
Free delivery in city.
122 Ferry St. Phone Main 48.
and any old thing.
S ccr.d St. rrp. EtcTnit & S( Co'
Teacher of Violin
Fechter's Orchestra furnished for
music on all occasions. Room at 5th
and Ellsworth.
Bnto f TK Klod m Haw Hlup BMjftt
For Chickens, Eggs,
Butter ami alj kinds
oi Produce, at the
highest market price
Call and see us.
Maneyfc Monkey Grocerc,
Bltlmor Blojk. Albjny,;"-,
r "u