Fine Handkerchiefs Most of them our own importation. Ex cellent values and beautiiul goods. Fashionable Furs The kind that wears well and the style that is worn. $5.00 to $25.00. Umbrellas 50c to $7.00. Good covers and hand some handles, wear guarrnteed. Purses and Handbags The ne west shapes in .Leather Bags; Very attractive. Up to $5.00- Gloves Kid Gloves for dress and street wear. $1.00 to $2.00. Gloves for Children, all sizes.' Sweaters For boys. Fancy weaves and stripes, wool 75c to $1.00. Warm Shoes Ladies felt lined $1.50, Men's &2.75. Slippers Fur topped Juliets. Dainty Patent Turns Crocheted Slippers 75c. Men's kid Slip pers $1.00 to $3.00. Velvet Slippers 75c. Special Reduction disla. $6.00 grades $4.50, $lo.oo grades $7.9o. S. E. YOUNG & SON THE ASSESSMENT Of the Cities and Districts of County. the The segregation of the assessment of the citie3 and school districts of the county has been completed and the cities and districts are being notified preparatory to making the annual levy: CITIES. Albany $1,127,350 Lebanon 159,540 Brownsville 149,485 Scio 101,770 Harrisburg 97,415 Halsey 60,520 Shedd 20,070 Tangent 19,325 Sodaville 18,270 Waterloo 5,830 Sweet Home 5,360 --: School districts. u, Albany 1,287,275 106, near Holley 258,436 58, Cascadia 256,830 16, Lebanon W09.830 42, Harrisburg 180,690 . 52, N. Brownsville 162,895 95, Scio 160,040 . 41, Halsey . 163,660 25, McFarland 132,630 26, Tangent 115,380 37, Shedd 114,595 7, Tallman 113,965 104, near Holley 112,290 Albany Oregon THE BAZAAR Albany's leading Christmas Holiday All Overthe . 6 tore ' .. , . Toy, .Furs, Gloves, V Slippers, Handkerchiefs, Knit Shawls, Pin Cushions, Dolls, Pictures, Fancy Needle W ork, Neckwear. L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON Hurry Up No ..The Missounan C. C. PARKER, Proprietor. 74, S. Brownsville 19, Knox Butte 81, North of Lebanon. 29, Plamview 47, near Harrisburg..., 27, Churchill District.., 24, Riverside , 14, Grange N. 10 17, Spicer 18, East Knox Butte . . 32, Millers 55, Sweet Home 13. Sodaville 36, Oakville..... a, uates . 111,115 106,895 92, 725 92,255 88,450 .85,940 83,260 88,205 79,455 77.390 78,225 COURT H JUSE NEWS. Mrs. J. M. Miller Begins Sensa tional Divorce Suit. SILVER JUBILEE. Circuit Court: New case. Araminta Miller agt John M Miller, for divorce. Married Dec. 25. 1877. Have three children aged 15, 17 and 24 years. The complaint charges that the defendant elopea witn one Mrs. Allen, on Ueto ber 25, 1904, leaving his home at Hal sey, going by private conveyance to Millers' Station, there takins a train. on wnicn was tne Allen woman, mat ! i, the ast seen of them they were at Montreal. He has since built up' Ue H II Mill. UVIIIK U3 liuauaiiu ClliU ' tinnnf in hia Aknmh in I Imnnn wife, this about Nov. 1, siince which I outaida of Pja an ornament to the Yesterday was the twenty-fifth an niversary of Father Motayer's entry into the priesthood, an event which was celebrated at the church in high mass. Rev. Metayer told the story of his work in the church, one full of interest. A special hymn composed by Father Adelhelm, of Mt. Angel, was sung in honor of the event by the choir, com posed of Mrs. O'Neill, and Misses Jones, Barrett and Dorgan. Father Metayer came here a little less than twenty years- ago, from France, though graauatea irom tne seminary at time neither has been heard from. I That before leaving he gathered to-1 gether all the money possible about $1800, refused to pay his debts, put a mortgage of $1700 on his place, taking the proceeds of the farm for a year, leaving her withont anv thincr for her support except the land covered with tne mortgage ana her labor. Weath erford & Wyatt attorneys. John Spaniol, guardian of Ottomar Luettich vs Michael and F N Deutsch suit to recover $500, on note. Same agt Michael Deutsch alone tD recover $96 on note. Frank Holmes attorney m the two casas. Deeds recorded: A LeRoy to Francies King, 2 lots Lebanon $75 H Bryant to Wm J Crabtree 6 acres 50 city as well as a credit to his taste and judgment. He has the congratulations of a large circle of friends and the best wishes of all for another twenty-five years in his chosen calling. , Buy your presents now and tore them for you until House Furn. Co. we Xmas. wi The An entire line of Mortgage for $75. for $1500. Cancellation Declaration of intention to become citizen filed by Chas Lightener. 61.185 . . . . 70,170 ;y ... 70,580 The assessment of NO. 86 is only $60, the next smallest being No. 116 $225. . 42 uicnsc laaueu lur me marriage co oqn i "arry iieeiy auu jcuitn llODerts. Of SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Dr. Driver drove through Albany on t le noon train tor Eugene. Mr. George Geisendorf er, of Cascadia, is in the city on a business trip. Mr. Stanley Stewart, who has been in Portland several weeks, is home for the holidays. Joe Templeton left Eugene last night for New Urleans to attend a session ot the Sigma Nu. . Mr. Floyd Ramp, of the U. of O. was Indian candy Baskets also THE Complete assortment of LOWNEVS HOLIDAY BOXES. NO OL STOCK "Remember we make our Candy." "There are others" but few as good. A fact we want well under stood. t Coupons given on the.FLAG. THE ELITE, .233 First Street 223. and An appropriate box of engraved calling If you 'wish "to see our elegant line of Holiday Goods. Our line comprises an elegant and welL se lected line of Dress ing Cases,Toilet and Manicure Sets,Collar and Cuff boxes, Albums, Shaving Sets, Brass Toasts,and a beautiful line of framed pictures. Our goods are all marked to sell on small profit. You are cordially invited to visit our store. BURKHART & LEE. in the city today on his way to his home a choice menu in saiem to spena tne nonaays. J. R. Cartwrighh, of Harrisburg, Linn county's biggest hop raiser, was in the city yesterday afternoon. Mrs. C. E. Hawkins, of Toledo, has been in the city today on her way home from a trip to Southern Oregon. Miss Edna Hodson, of McMinnville, and Miss Myrtle Calavan, of Scio, are in the city the guests of Miss Nitia Chamberlain. W. F. Howard and family, of Spo kane, are in the city on a visit with the former's brother, J. A. Howard, and other relatives. Mr. J P. Galbraith came up from Portland last, night to attend the Ma sonic gathering last night. He will re main until Monday. . Mrs. Virgil Parker and children left this noon for Roseburg to spend the holidays at the home of the former's daughter Mrs. Alma Anderson. Mr. William Roles, state organizer of the Fraternal Tribunes, is in the city and tonight will meet with the mem bers in their regular meeting. ' Dr. Vard Littler last evening enter tained his Sabbath Bchool class in the early evening with a fine repast and a social gathering of a pleasant nature. - Lebanon E, A: E. M. F. Hughes be gan work yesterday as an express mess enger for Wells, Fargo & Co., running between San Erancisco and San Louis Obispo. ' ' . r At the Baltimore Gun and Bicycle works you can get tires at all prices. The old Prof, will shoot his celebrated hand loaded shells at the thrkey shoot next Friday. Others can have them if they wish. . Corvallis Gazette: -W. Lair Thomp son, of Albrny, and Count Villa, of Se attle, are to be officials in the Portland game. Both men are hii to Coach Steckle, and decisions are assured. The state agricultural board yester day elected W. H.' Downing president, Jasper Wilkins vice president," W. A. , Moores secretary and A. Bush treas urer. .A state fair will be held this year and it is proposed to make it the Dest yet neia. , Broder Brothers, of Eugene, formerly ' of this city, have just paid $4,000 to F. t). Dunn lor a lot isuxiw leet upon which they will erect a brick meat market. It will be two stories high. The location .is on West Eighth, next t the Ron'ey block. A Fine Horse. One of the finest horses to be seen anywhere is now at the Peacock stables, where Mr. Powers, representing Dun ham, Fletcher & Coleman, eastern dealers, is exhibiting him. He is a Percheron with a high class pedigree, in the pink of condition. Qdd chairs, exclusive styles in rock rs. ' Hare you Been our new chairs and rockers. . . Look over our table of bargains in hina and glassware. C. E. Browneix. FORMALLY UNITED. St. Johns and Corinthian Lodges were formally united last night in the election of the first officers under the new arrangement, as follows: F. F. Rice, W. M. R. K. Ohhng, S. W. Owen Beam, J. W. E. D. Cusick, treasurer. Ed. Washburn, secretary. . C. C. Bryant, S. D. J. H. Ralston, J. D. " Wm. Fortmiller, S. S. E. S. Crutchfield, J. S. W. E. Baker, tyler. The annual banauet followed, served in splendid style by F. H. Pfeiffer, with a cnoice menu or good things. Tne table's were arranged m the shape of a horse shoe with one hundred plates. Toasts were heard from Governor Cham berlain, Judge Wolverton.Nimrod Price the' only living charter member of Cor inthian lodge organized forty-eight years ago, and others. H. A. Nelson and Dr. Vard Littler were heard in a couple of songs and Fechter's orchestra furnished some Bplendid music during the evening. China Ware lighly acceptable fair, impartial HAVE YOU. SEEN ' The new things in Bamboo f urrfiture, side boards', china closets, book cases, writing desks, card tables and music racks at Pratt's Furniture Store? tofa gift There Is nothing more welcome lady or erantleman as a Holidav a: than a box of swell engraved visiting ards, such as you can order at the Maston Printing Co a., . formerly Bro die's. Christmas gift is a calling cards. The very latest at the Maston Printing Co's, lormerly crodie s. A BIG PIG ; ' Full of candy " At Turner's Oyster Parlors, Where the best Stock of Holiday Con-. fectionary in the city can be. selected, HINTS FOR At Cost also Useful Presents Cheap Store Open Urni! ? p; m. All This Week. REEVE'S " Albany's B usy Corner." CHRISTMAS GIFTS A GENERAL STORE. Xmas toys at cost at L. L. Pott's W Second Btreet. LOST. A pin, circle of leaves and pearls. Leave at jjemocrat omce, LOST. A package containing a pair of dress shields and some ribbon. Please leave at Democrat office, or return to Constance Alexander. ... : A GOOD' HOUSE with barn to rent. 7t H. Bryant. Things suitable for Gentlemen. Look at our Display in Smoking Jackets, Ho- . ?i siery, Cravats, Suspenders, Handker- v chiefs, Slippers, Gloves, Dress Shoes etc. What is nicer or better than a good suit or ovcrco it. Much the largest assort ment in Albany. Cheaper thanQ anybody when quality is ' considered. We are ' ; overstocked and are 1 giving bargains: ' : . : he Biain Clothing Go.