Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 14, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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NO. 11.
Having decided to move to Portland
hy November 1st, we offer for sale our
entire stock of music, small instruments,
sewing machines, in fact our entire line
of goods in bulk or singly. We are
are cutting out profits as we do not
want to ship more than is necessary; so
for the next two weeks is the time of
your life to save money.
We are sacrificing 20 "New Home
sewing machines; new drop head ma
chine for $15; Violins, $2; Mandolins,
$2.25; 50c muics folios for 30e, sheet
music selling heretofore for 25c for 5c
to 20c. E. U. WILL.
The season has now begun, and we
are still at the same place. Have them
always fresh, opened every day, served
any style. Open in the evening till 11
"Albany's Leading Restaurant,"
Oysters, Oysters, Oysters.
Fresh, and .
Served in any style, or sold
in bulk at Turner's Oyster
When you by a pocket
knife you want a good one for little
money don't you? Well that's the
kind we sell; a knife that is made in
our own country and guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction in every way. We
have lots of them.
Burkhart & Lee.
Do not fail to see our new line of
iardinieres, which will arrive about
September 28th; they are beauties and
cheap. C. E. Browell.
Look over our table of bargains in
rhina and glassware.
C. E. Brownell.
The best cheese in the market at
C. E. Brownells,
Corner of Ferry and Second.
Poker etching, art work of all kinds.
Instruction given. Orders taken
Josephine Armstrong.
Will be given you by
The House Furnishing Co.,
With every purchase of $2.50 or more.
We still have some bargains in Lace
12 pr. Nottingham Lace,
is " " "
G " Ruffled "
" Ruffled
1 " Fine Arabian
1 " " , "
i. f
6 " Irish Point
12 " Ecru
Call and see us before the Curtain
sale is over.
Don't forget the present.
College Students
others are requested
Evangelical Church, cor. 4th and Ly
on streets. Sunday school 10 a. m.
Preaching every Sunday at 11 a. m.
and at 7:30 p. m.. Prayer meeting ev-
. ery Thursday evenmg 7:dO. X. w. pa
lmar, pastor. j
Baptist church. Services at the us
ual hours, preaching by the pastor, I
Kev. S. A. Uouglas. saDDatn scnooi at
' close of morning service. B. Y.. P. S.
' Ht fi:d5. Midweek oraver service Thus-
day 7:45 p. m. All are invited to be
present at these services.
Firs Presbyterian cbarch.cor. Droad
albiD and Fittb streets. Public worship
and preacbiog si 10 :30 a. m. and 7 :S0 p.
m. 8unday tcnool t 11 :45 a. m. Y, P.
8.0. K. 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeiiDg
Thursday evening 7:30. An ara cord
ially invited to the services.
Preaching at th Onmberiand Preuby
fnnftn nhnrnh mornlniz and evening bV
1 rh. n..ln, Ruv Wllrnr.
ft Mary's Cathoilc Ohorch. Very
Rev Lonia Metayer Rector and DeBii.
Sunday High Maes and Sermon at 10:30
am. Sunday 8cbool at the Academy t
S p m Vespiri and evening pravera
Benediction at 7 :30. Daily Service Low
Maee 7am every morning.
Christian and missionary alliance
meeting everr Kabbarh afternoon at 3
m. attbe W. 0. T. V. ball. All ate
St. Peters Euiecopal church ccraer7'.h
anil Lyon Sta : Services on gutiday at
.11 a. ni. and 7:30 p. m.
M. E. otaurch South Rev. C. W.
Pogue, pa.tor. , Preacniog at 11 a. m.
and 7-30 p. m. 8. 8. at 10 . m. Ep
wortu League at 7 p. in. Weekly prajer
meeilai Ti.arody tweatng.
TJ. P. church : PrnacLing by the pas
tor Rev. White at 10:30 and 7:30. Sab
bath school 11:45, Junior Enflayor,
3:30, Senior Endeavor o:30.
Two Hours Pleasure
Next Tuesday evening, Oct. 11, at
opera house by the Taylor juvenile
Concert Company. Admission only 15,
25 and 35 cents.
Some endorsements:
Oregonian: Four of the best vocal
ists that ever went into vaudeville.
Herbert J. Glover, of Spokane: In
twenty year's training of voices I have
never met their equal.
Fred Harrison, of Calispel, Mon: A
drawing card and the best attraction I
have booked during the season.
W. E. Yates, O. A. C. regent: I
heartily endorse the Taylor Juveniles.
Clean and worthy performance.
value $ .50, sell $ .43
" .70 " .50
" 1.50 " 1.10
in. Stenography and
to call and get terms.
The Doings of the World
A Ship Cat lured.
Shanghai, Oct. 7. - Thd British
steamer Sishan, from Hong Kong, has
been seized by the Japanese off Niu
Chwang. The Shishan carried a cargo
of cattle and flour intended for Port
Some Republican Harmony.
Washington, Oct. 7. A special to
the Washington Post from Madison,
Wis., says:
The action of the "stalwart" faction
in substituting ex-Governor Scofield on
the ticket for S. A. Cook, withdrawn,
has led to the threat of LaFollette Re
publicans that they will put it up to
Chairman Cortelyou of the National
Committee, to call the ticket off, or
they may turn the state over to Park
More of It.
New York, Oct. "7. A Washington
dispatch to the Times says:
It is reported here that the President
has decided to appoint Timothy L.
Woodruff of New York as Postmaster
General. No confirmation of this re
port can be obtained here. The ap
pointment of Woodruff was determined
upon in order to placate the Piatt fol
lowing in New York.
The Nebraska Afloat.
Seattle. Oct. 7. The battleship
Nebraska, dtstined to be one of the
finest fighting machines afloat and al
ready showing in every detail that she
will come up to expectations, slid
gracefully into the water promptly at
A Mine on Fire
f reat Beaver Hill coal mine is afire
rom top to bottom, and it is doubtful
1 ..I..' I L C . J.n.nk
u anytnuig uiiuii. ul lulu ucauuuiiuii
can be averted, One million dollars . is
at stake.
At 7 o clock vesterdav morning there
was a 'slight explosion caused by an
electric sparic oi a moter on me sixun
level. The motorman and bucker were
slightly burned. Several sets of tim
bers quickly caught fire as the result of
the explosion.
A ttutte Suicide.
Butte, Mont., Oct. 7. A speeial to
the Miler from Harlem, Mont., says:
Dr. C. A. McNulty. a well known
physician of this city, committed sui
cide by shooting himself in' his room
in the New Eneland Hotel Wed
nesday night. He fired. a . bullet
through his heart. It is not known
iust when the deed was committed, as
the doctor's death was not discovered
until thi3 morning.
Hear Col. John Sobrieski the noted
speaker at the Baptist Church tonight
at 7:30 and tomorrow at 10:30 o'clock
a. m. Admission free. All invited.
Tin. ...... u Tr:Ann T-.n.
lieu yuu VYCU1U mo V lemui uanci y
call Red 343. C. D. VanDyke, pro-
Several show cases.
Old buggy.
Good light hack. . .
Store stove.
Sheet iron stove.
Second hand organs for $10, $15, $20
an! $25
$140 Packard organ for $60, very
elaborate case.
New organs $50 and $60.
Every article in the music line very
ah ;ap two weeks only.
Ay ew Bargains
at Howard & Scott's
60 acres 5 miles north of Lebanon, 30
acres in cultivation, balance irood Mat
ure, 8 head Jersey cows, cream seper-
aior ana irun, aryer, new DUUUings.
All for $3000, half cash, balance time
6 per cent.
927 acres well fenced, good 7 room
house, 4 barns, 1-4 mile to school, 4
miles to station, about 300 acres farm
lnnH hnlnnpnn.QHira anrl timha. oUn..t
350 head sheep, 60 head cattle,7 horses,
16 head of hogs, 7 stand bees. All for
73 acre farmll-4 mile from good station
70 in cultivation, good house, and barn,
all kinds of fruit, fine bottom land, good
for potatoes or hops. Price, $4000, one
third cash, time on balance.
Several small tracts at bargains.
35 acres cood land 3-4 miles from
town.. Good house and barn plenty of
fruit. $2,400, $500 cash, balance time
at 6 per cent.
Two 44 acre tracts 3 miles from town.
Price, $1,650.
Two houses and lots on Sixth street.
Price, $1200. Are paying 11 per cent
on investment. '
House and four lots in east end at
House and lot on. Main street cheap
at $1,250. 1
Two houses and lot 4th street. Price
each, $1,000.
A good two-story 7-room and 2 lots
house on Madison St. Barn and city
water. $1650.
H ouse and two good lots on 7th St.
A Mixture of Things and Thoughts
There is song in life full of peace and
The country is in the grip of the foot
ball man today.
The direct primary law evidently al
ready has the gout.
Carrie Nation is in iail ae-ain. What
she needs is a balance wheel.
A Paris man hasftramAfltffnrhriffiincr
old age. He evidently has bugs in his
Speaking of Albany: people who
want a good home with splendid educa
tional advantages.
The President says: "Wehavenoth
ing to conceal," but all the heads of
different departments have been in
structed to give out no information.
The Albany Methodists very properly
ow(n their own church and it is all paid
for. The church is progressive and
prosperous and will continue to thrive
under the new pastor yet to be named.
A Benton county man asked the board
of equalization for a small reduction of
$25 on his assessment, and got it, but it
lead to investigation and his assessment
was raised $1200 on property he was
trying to cover up.
Ex-District Attorney J. N. Hart, of
Dallas, will leave tomorrow for Baker
City to go into partnership with Ex-
oeuabur oiiiim.
Robert G. Smith of Prineville. a
former Linn county man, is running a
restaurant in Bend, now a thriving and
Dustnng Dusiness center.
Tue population of Ashland has been
increasing so fast a special census of
the city will be taken this fall in order
to secure the exact figures. Ashland is
one of the most prosperous cities in the
Instead of foot ball over across the
mountains in Prineville two games of
base ball are being played today. Four
rrineville nunters recently killed
five bears in a hunt around the lava
beds of the Cascades.
Miss Bessie TUrrell died in San Fran
cisco on Sept. 26. She was a daughter
of Geo. Turrell and a sister of Walter
Turrell. formerly of Albanv. now of
Tacoma and Seattle, and resided in
Albany lor awhile, a woman oi splen
did character and attainments.
The City Park.
Editor Democrat:
It seems that the newspapers have
not thoroughly understood the recent
action of the County Court in relation
to the proposed city park. At our last
meeting a proposition was made asking
us to give our consent to the closing of
Ferry street, between Third and Fourth
streets, and also asking that the land in
the court house block, cast of the court
house"beused in connection therewith"
for a public park. It was provided in
the prposition that the county should1
reserve the right to use this land for
county buildings whenever necessary.
We had no objections totheclosingof
Ferry street, and gave our consent to
it, but when it came to turning over the
east side of the court house block to
some organization not yot named, and
losing entire jurisdiction over it except
for building purposes, we very natur
ally came to a halt. We do not object
to the improvement of this property,
and for its under certain limitations as a
park, but before the work is commenced
we would like to know wno is to have
charge of it, and would also like the
improvement plans submitted to us tor
our approval, promising that we shall
not be hard to please.
C. H. Stewart,
County Judge.
Made a Hit in San Jose.
ine opening oi tne new vauaevine i
theater Jose, in San Joso this week was
a big event in vaudeville, a paper re
ceived stating that the house was
packed. The principal performers were
Holmes and Holmes and Miss Holmes,
the latter being Mrs. Harry Holmes,
daughter of Mr. Harlan Hulburt of this
city, and one of the former her husband.
The Holmes did the Weary Willie act.
cuisine croat annlause and it savs of
I Mrs. Holmes whose singing name is
I Miss Holmes:
miss lioimes apjiem uuuo was uwuiu
ed by the entire throng and she was
greeted with hearty applause. She
sang the beautiful song, "Good Night,
Beloved, Good Night," a song that will
live forever and her beautiful rich
voice filled the auditorium. Beautiful
flowers were presented to the Jose night-in-gale
and she left the stage amidst a
storm of applause.
None should neglect to be present at
, the Christian church to night when
Emily Lindsay Spuicr, the proJigy child
I impesrsonator will give one of her
charming and delightful cntertain
!ments. Her elocutionary and imper-j
sonating work pleases everybody, and
she comes to us highly recommended.
After listening to her gifted, fascina
ting impersonations ana recitations the
wrinkle will have been shaken frjm
your disposition. Do not miss it. 1
Eor a limited time Ave wills sell
Byer's Best Flour
Winner ot the World's Fair medal, for
only $1.25 per sack. If you are lookr
ing for something good, a hard wheat"
flour, now is the time to buy before the
price advances. Every sack with a
positive guarantee to please.
The Albany Ladies Tailoring Parlors.
Are now open for business and will make such as ladies' tailored suits,
shirt waists, skirts, under skirts, wrappers, children's and infants'
ware. We will furnish you goods or you can bring your own goods and
we will make them for you at reasonable prices. Give us a call.
318.2nd st. opposite
"at corner of
Second & Montgomery Streets,
Albany, Oregon.
WE are prepared to furnish boxes
of all kinds at short notice, at
lowest prices.
Barn Door Hanger
A great thing for barns.
The Handle Hinge Hasp,
Another splendid thirg.
TliB SllBnt Parlor Boor Hangers,
All steel, the best thing out.
At the
Abatiy Hardware Co's..
Largest Display of Heating Stoves
Ever in the City
15-Distinct Lines-15
Call early and get your choice. Prices ranging from
$2 00 to $20 00
We have a few BASE HE4TERS at 1-2 price, a bar
gain for some one
Lasselle Bros. & Co.
Sole Agents.
Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co., Albany, Or.
Mr. Farmer?
Have you seen those
and remember those3" -iLlj ,
are the b st.
For Chickens, Eggs,
Butter and all kinds
of Produce, at the
highest market price
Call and see us.
BeVaney&Mnnlerj, Grocer?,
Baltimore Block, Albany, Or
Graduate Still College
At Dr. Ramsey's during her absence
in the East.
CHRONIC and NKRVOUS diseases a
Phone Black 482. Hours, 9 to 12; I to 6.
I .-
f '