Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 16, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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.... y J
( :
too. 7.
of the
Will take place THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Sept. 8, 9 and 10th.
A cordial invitation to all.
i '
O P. WOLCOTT, Prop. 331 1st St., Albany, Or.
Phone Blk. 841.
There's money in it! This expression
attracts every business man. Every
business man desires to make money.
He is naturally interested in any thing
if "There's money in it." That's why
the "wide awake" people are trading
with Burkhart & Lee. They save money
on almost every thing you buy in the
drug line. Burkhart & Lee.
Try our Stuffed Olives, 15c a bottle.
"C. E. Brownell.
The.Head of a Department of the
Whiskey Habit
Office of tha Public Printer.
Washington, I). C, April 18, 1901.
The Orrlne Company, Incorporated,
Washington, I). 0.
Gentleman : My attention wna recently, called to
one of the employes of thin office who had, through
habits of Intoxicating drink, become io inefficient
as to be on the verge of dinmlsRal. You will be In
terested to -know that in Rtx weeks not only the
appetite, but practically nil of the ordinary signs
of dissipation, disappeared, and I am assured by
those interested that to "Orrine" belongs the credit
for this excellent result. It la a pleasure to me to
acknowledge the value of a remedy which brings
xeaults ao beneficial. Yours very truly,
Public l'i iiuer.
Take Orrine quietly at home I
To cure without patient's knowledge, buy Orrine
No 1; for voluntary treatment, buy Orrine No. 2.
Price, $1.00 per Box.
Cure effected or money refunded.
Book on "Drunkenness" (sealed) free on request.
Orrine mailed (aealed) on receipt of 31.00 by
The Orrine Co., Inc., Washington, D. C.
Sold and recommended by
Fosnay & Ma? on.
The Comfort and
Satisfaction and
We can furnish you what you need
for the Children in the line of
Childs Iron and Wood Beds, Go
Carts, Baby Jumpers, Small
Chairs, Child's Rockers, and
High Chairs.
Look at our Show Window and then come in and ask about them.
, . :
The famous Webster "Star" Brand All colors for all
machines. Ask us about the Conklin
Self-filling Fountain Pen.
.The MissouriaiL.
C. C. PARKERProprietor.
McKanlass, the minstrel, who has
been in Albany several times with a
minstrel aggregation, is now in East
ern Oregon and will be in Prineville
September 17, with Lizzie Perry, the
Jewish Creole, with an unexcelled rep
ertoire of musical selection, songs,
dances and comedy stunts.
Guard: Geo. A. Waggoner and son,
Geo. E., owners of the Badger mining
property in the Blue River district, ar
rived from the mines this morning.
They state that they are busy pushing
development work at their mine and
will not be able to install their stamp
mill, which is now at Blue River, until
early next spring.
L. B. Gibson and Miss Bertha M.
Holcomb were married at the home of
her parents at Wendling Thursday.
The groom is a well known school teach
er, and will this year teach the Cress
well school. The bride is a sister of
Mrs. M. C. Davis, and is quite popular
in her community. Eugene Guard.
Prof. Gibson taught in this county for
a year, taking up a claim on the Mc
Kenzie and going to Lane County to
look after it and teach. .
When you want the Vienna Bakery
call Red 343. C. D. VanDyke, pra
prietor. Lemons 10c a dozen.
s C. E. Browell.
For thorough instructions you should
take the English course in the Eclectic
Business College. Teachers are N-.r-mal
trained. Term opens Sept. 12-13.
Contentment of
Rest for You.
: &
The Doings of" the World
After Frightful Fxpsrienees.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 10. It seems
to be established definitely that Field
MarsBall Oyama's tired troops on Wed
nesday abandoned the attempt to head
on uenerai lUiropatKin, wnose army
arrived safely at Mukden, after fright,
ful experiences, floundering in the mud
and mire over the Manchunan roads.
Descriptions of the scenes along the
line or retreat are almost incredible.
They tell how men lay down in the mud
and slept in a drenching rain.
It is evident that the last determined
effort of the Japanese to bring Kuro
patkin to bay was made on Tuesday.
A Mukden Rain
Mukden, Sept. 9. This evening
around Mukden has occurred the great
est downponr of rain of the whole cam
paign, and with it a terrifying accom
paniment of thunder and lightning.
There has been the greatest difficulty
in preventing the cavalry horses stam
peding and all the horselines have been
tied. The men are scarcely able to
keep their feet among the moving
Russian Uprising.
St. Petersburg, Sept. 10. Intense
activity is being displayed by some
Russophobic revolutionary organizations
abroad. It seems that they have unit
ed in an effort to appeal to all the dis
conted classes of the Russian popula
tion. Incendiary proclamations nave
been smuggled across the border and
distributed broadcast in the towhs and
cities, especially in Polish and Jewish
A Hiilsboro Burla y.
Hiixsboro, Sept. 9. Safeblowers
entered i h : Postomce in this city last
night and took $320 in money and be
$700 and $800 in 1-cent and 2-cent
stamps. The robbers entered tne oince
throueh a rear window by boring a hole
through the sash and unfastening the
safety lock. Then then drilled the safe
wmcn was a more or less antiquated ai
fair, being a plate depository, and blew
the door successfully.
A. Train Wrec.
Portsmouth, Va., Sept. 9. Four
persons were killed and 35 were injured
early today when a train on the Sea
Air Line railroad, consisting of an ex
press-car, mailcar, two day coaches and
a sieepmg-car was aeranea at a tresue
iust south of Catawba River, in South
Carolina, and was run into by a locomo
tive and caboose that loiiowed.
Ate Sirjch.iiiie.
Philomath, Or., Sept. 9. After eat
ing sugar-coated strychnine pills, the
3-vear-old child of Walter Howell, a la
borer at the Benton county sawmill, 7
miles west ot here, died last nignt al
ter intense suffering.
Fram the News:
P. B. Marshall, secretary and man
ager of the Albany Farmers warehouse
was on the streets today.
District Manager Merrill, of the Pa
cific States Telephone Co., made a brief
business call to this city Wednesday.
Tuesday morning Dr. Davis, of Alb
any came over and he and Dr. Prill
went up to the residence sf Wm. Pep
perling an old soldier, and performed
an operation upon him for a bladder
WANTED. A married man to work
on a ranch in Southern Oregon lor
one year. For particulars enquire of
S. N. Steele & Co. No. 132 First St.
Albany, Ore. 10.
FOR SALE! Having sold my home,
my piano is for sale cheap if sold at
once. Mrs. L. C. Rupert,
9t 720 W 4th St.
FOR RENT. Pleasant house keeping
rooms, at 231 Calapooia street, Al
bany. 9t.
FOR RENT.-Theresidenee1 of G. F.
Simpson, with furniture.J ready for
nouse Keeping, tjau upon J onn Kob'
son. . 9t
LOST. An Eastern Star pin. Return
. to Nellie Miller or leave at Demo
crat office.
WANTED -Girl to do general house
work. Call at residence of W. M.
TAKEN UP--left
An estray hog, white
ear cropped, baling
wire in nose. Call on E. L. McKeever
at John Robson's place.
BARN for sale or to rent. Inquire of
W. F. Hendricson, Broadalbin and
Sixth streets, Albany.
FOR SALE. -A $140.00 organ for$50.
Will be sold on installment plan if
desired. Call at Democrat office.
FOR SALE. Seven room house, and
one acre of ground, with a variety of
fruit, in Albany. Price $2000. Call
at 937 West Fifth street.
FOR SALE:-80 acres of good hop or
grain land, 2 1-2 miles from Albany,
food improvements. Easy tormB.
nquire of F. M. French the jeweler.
TO RENT: A barn near the Central'
School Building. Inquire at the DeM'
OCRAT office.
FOR SALE. Black Minorcas and
Knocie isiana Kea cockerels and pul-l
lets, by R. B. Vunk, Albany.
ALL KINDS of sewing' machines re-!
paired. Work guaranteed at .
Stbwabt & Sox Hdw. Co.
A Mixture of Things and Thoughts
Money counts even in strikes.
Will T. A. Wood be good now.
Down the home town knocker.
Look the world straight in the face.
The leaves seer and brown have be
gun to fall.
This has been a great outing year
even out into the hop yard.
Kuropatkin had better strategise to
Harbin or Kuroki will get the whole
Russian army.
Sir Thomas Lipton, a good American
at heart, will visit the world's fair, no
yacht race affair this time.
The limit has been reached. . A man
in Washington was mistaken for a
coyote and shot, fortunately not fatally.
The hops have been flying out on
Jackson avenue at the end of a thous
and fingers, and the work will soon be
A girl erambler won $1,800 at faro nt
Reno, Calif. Then she lost it all and
old story.
A Portland boy skipped with Ring
ling's circus and has bsen found at
Santa Rosa, Calif. Glaring, but the
life of a dog, is that of the circus fol
lower. The republican papers aleady have
tneir editorials written up praising
Pmootal fa nan. lnl-l-n.. C
about to be given the public in 12,000
WU1US. (
Statesman: The Albany Democrat
bodly asserts that Secretary Shaw
draws a salary which he never earns.
Gracious! With what an unfathomable
insight has an apparently partial Prov
idence endowed some men!
The whole city of Albany should be
sprinkled next year. It ' can be done
for not over $1,000 for the sprinkling
season of four months, after the sprink
lers have once been purchased. Three
sprinklers could cover the city. One
sonnkler now does splendid work in the
business part of the city and a few of
the residence streets. The value of a
well sprinkled residence street is shown
on Lyon and Kerry streets.
Rev. Arthur B. Waltz will preach at
me Baptist cnurcn tomorrow morning
and evening at the usual hours, he hav
ing arranged to exchange with pastor
M.E.cbarch: Preaching by the pas
tor at 10:S0 a. m..nd 7:30 p. m. Sunday
school at 11:45, Epworth and Intermed
iate League at 6:30, claaa meeting 6:80.
All will bu welcome.
St Mary's Cathoilc Church Very
Rev Louis Metayer Recinr and Dunn.
Bilndav Hititi Maes and Sermon nt 10:30
a m . Sunday School at tbe Academy ot
3pm Vespers and evning pravers
Beoeriictinn at 7:30. Dully Heivico Low
Mans 7am eyery tn. rning.
Preaching at th Cumberland Presby
ter'an chnri'h morning, and evening Of
tbe pastor, Rev. Walker.
Christian and miBaloi.nry alliance
meeting averr Sabbath afternoon at 3
'. m. at the W. 0. T. V. Hall. All are
Congregational church cor. Ferry atd
4th ste: Services every Sunday at 10:30
a. m. and 7:30 p. m., pieching by tbe
pastor, Sunday school convenes at 12
a. m. and the Christian Endeavor at
6:30 p. m. All are invited to attend
G. W Nelson, PaBtor.
St. raters Epiicopal church corner 7th
and Lyon Hi.: 'Services on buuuay at
11 a. ni, and 7:30 r. m.
M. E. chnrch. Hnulh Rev. C. W.
Pojup, pator. Preanning at 11 a. m.
anil 7-30 o. m. 8. S. at 10 a. m. Ep
worth Lengue at 7 p. m. Weekly prayer
mestiai Tnaredoy tveaing. ;
KEEP an EYE on the Vienna Bakery
for good things to EAT. Second street
betwean Ellsworth and Lyon streets.
"Peggy from Paris" purses, at
French's Jewelry store. They are the
GUN'S We have the largest variety in city.
SAVAlih Klfttj all sizes.
Watch this space
next week as we
have a special price
to make you on
Byer's Best Hard
Wheat Flour.
Lasselle Bros.
"The Up-to-date Grocers."
Attention Farmers.
I will pay the highest cash price for
Poultry, Veal and Mutton. Call on or
address William Holloway, Fry Station,
P. O. Address R. F. D. 6, Albany.
Albany Dye Works
Clothing cleaned, colored and re
paired. Faded c lothing restored to
original color.
W. B. REIS & CO.
Phone Black 591.
Barn Door Hanger
A great thingfor barns.
The Handle Hinge Hasp,
Another splendid thing.
The Silent Parlor Door Hangers,
All steel, the best thing out.
At the
Albany Hardware Co's.
Low rates if you enter now.
Day and night classes.
10 weeks for $5.
FOR SALE OR RENT, for a term of
years, 2 farms, one 180 acres well suit
ed for gain or dairy ranch. 170 acres
good wheat land, renter can purchase
20 head of choice dairy cows also 3 or
4 good farm teams with farming im
pliments must be sold or rented on
account of ill health. Address Farm
er or call at Democrat office.
FOR SALE. A seven room house and
lot 1105 East First. Cull upon.prem
ises. '
AMMUNITIONS all kinds.
mm mKScmt
Mr. Farmer?
Have you seen those
' and remember those
are the b st.
For Chickens, Eggs,
Butter and all kinds
of Produce, at the
highest market price
Call and see us.
DeTaiey & IVlQolcers, Grocers,
1 Baltimore Block, Albany, Or
Graduate Still College
At Dr. Ramsey's during her absence
in the East.
CHRONIC and NERVOUS diseases a
PhonelBlack 482. Hours, 9 to 12; I to 5.
Life Insurance Co.
Special Agent.
Huntin j Coats, Vests, Eelts,