Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, June 17, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Albany Deoioctm
Special Millinery
for this Week.
(O. P. WOLCOll, Successor to O'NellV.
831 W First St., Albany, Or.
r. (i.Will for jewelry.
F. M. French, Jtweler.
Honors honed slid 80 1 25
O. B. Cauthron, DentiBt, offic9 over
Ousick's Bank.
Viereck'e Eihilirant Hair Tonic re.
ntorea nair to He original color. Vierech
Ezema anil Datidru8 Oure or money ro
unded. 50c per bottle.
People Who Come and Go.
C. R. Stewart, S. F.
F, M. Elmendorf, S. F.
P. H. McDonald, Newport.
C. L. Dick, Portland.
W. A. Gilmore, "
E. Anderson, "
Don M. Morris, N. Y.
Cured His Mother of Rheumatism.
"My mother lias been 'a aufferer for
many years with rheumatism," Bays W.
U. Howard, of Husband, Pa. "At.
timea ah was unable to move at all, :
while at all times walking waa painful,
I presented her with a bottle of Cham-,
harlain'a Pain Ba'm and after a few ap
plication she decided it waa the most!
woiderlul pain reliever Bhe had ever ,
tried, in fact, she is never without it
now and ie at all times able to walk. An
occasional applicaticn of Pam Balm
keepa away the pain that she wan form
erly Inubled with." For Bale by Foshay
& Mason.
NOW THEN. We are rolling up our
sleeves for the biggest year's business
the store ever had, day by day our pre
scription trade increases. Pure fresh
drugs go to make up every prescription
we send out. Prices are right, right,
right. Burkhart & Lee.
Another Holy Roller Victim.
May Hurt, of Corvallis, another vic
tim of the infamous Holy Rollers, has
been ordered sent to the Boys and Girls
Home at Portland. Several more Holy
Rollers remain in Corvallis administer
ing the poison of their insane doctrine
whenever possible. Come to think of
it, those tar and feathers, ought to have
been glued upon Creffield.
$400 reward is now offered for Cref
field, the dirtiest scrub who ever men
aced the peace of a community.
All Kinds of Sprinklers.
At the Albany Hardware Co's from
25 cents ud.
The Blake, with its wide spread,
The Admiral Dewey for any place,
The C. B. G., cheap but effective,
The Oakland, which is all right,
Numerous nozzles etc.
Photographic Supplies
Finishing for Amateurs Instructions Free.
Portraits in every Style
First Street,
Albany, Oregon.
Carpets, Rugs, Mattings and
We carry the largest and most:omplete stock in the city.
Our Goods are GOOD and our prices are low.
We have a few remnants of Carpets and Linolium which we will close
out at a very low figure.
We also have a complete line of furniture.
Don't forget the place.
..The Missourian.
C, C. PARKER, Proprietor.
The Doings of the Entire World
After tre Cfcsu-.
St. Petfrsburg, June 11. Two in
fernal machines were found concealed
in tobacco boxeo in the Tsarskaye Selo
palace near thp city, where the Lzar
and his family reside. One of the box
es was found in the dining saloon, to
which room the imperial family were
shbrt'y to enter for the evening meal,
and the other in the audience chamber.
The machinery in both boxes was work
ing, and would have exploded them
within half an hour.
remo'nllzlna Business.
Odessa. June II. Reports from
most of the manufacturing district of
Russia state thst the output is much
limited. Factories are struggling along
on half time and the hands rre" being
discharged for lack of orders. Trade
of the leading Black Sea ports with
the Far East bv sea has been tempor
arily abandoned altogether by Russian
Chonte 'Wanted.
1H X LCBlUCIIb IWUCIbtb o ii.ov ........ -
Attorney-General to succeed Mr. Knox.
me rresmem suggesieo. mr. nuuu; s
name at the cabinet meeting today,
saving the Ambassador was the ideal
Dolotfnn nnrl AvnrpRsincr the helief
that he would accept.- k
Terrtrtins Union Men. j
Twnmnn Tnn. 10 Aoflno" nnrll.1" tllP
order of Adiutant-General Sherman M.
Bell, of the'State National Guard, a
special train was made up shortly after
i 1 tu. CT,nvh T.ino vnvila
uuuu luuav m wic uiwi, j... ....
here for the deportation of 76 union
AMixture of Things and Thoughts
The:ball ground is covered with goose
The Portland post office is next door
to chaos.
Sam Jones is headed towards Oregon,
with a load of epigrams..
Out of the high school into Albany
College should be the program.
The Albanies are having their off days
but the club has good, material and will
hold their own.
John Minto, always, after something,
has secured the Portland post office.
Of course a politician had to have it.
I An nrifhmntfninn haa fiornvot n In.otn
Colorado of $23,000,000 from strikes in
sixteen months. The situation is bad.
The public school children have made
a good impression. They have done
creoic to the week, to themselves and
the management of the schools.
A Corvallis boy ran away because he
had been reprimanded for not being
able to do a problem in arithmetic.
That is getting complicated early in
Promising 8,000 majority against
local option in Portland, and delivering
only about 2,000 has given the Oregon
ian live explaining scenes behind the'
Sunday school and evening services
at the Congregational church tu-mnrrw
as usual but no preaching service in the
Evening service at the Bantist church
preaching by the pastor Rev. S. A.
Douglas. No service in the- morning.
Sabbath School at the usual liour.
At the United Presbyterian church
tomorrow morning the Baccalaurate
Sermon, will be preached by Rev. E. R.
Prichard. The Pastor will; preach in
the evening at 7:45. Subject "Ba
laam's. Desire. "
St, Peters EniecoDal church corner 7th
and Lyon ft: Services oa Sunday at
11 a. tu. and 7 :S0 r. m.
i Mary's Catboilo Church. . Terv
iter lyOUia metayer Kecinr and Dexn
M. T?. ohnrch Houih Rev. C.
Pome, pa.tor. Preaouinsr at 11 a. m.
and 7-30 o. m. 8. 8. at 10 a. m. Ep
worth League at 7 p. m. Weekly prayer
ineellnt Tunrsday evening.
Christian and missiotarv 'alliance
meeting evor Rabbath attarnoon at 3
v. m. at the W. 0. T. O; Hall. All are
M.E.ohurcb: Preaching by the pa
tor at 10:S0 a, m.,and 7 :30 p. m. 8unday
ichool at 11:45. Epwoith and Intermed
iate League at 6:30, claaB meeting 6:30.
All will bu welcome.
Trie Price School.
The Price school house, near this city,
was crowned last night on the occasion
of the closing exercises presented under
n,,mit o' Prof. CroBse. A
Sunday High Muss and Sermon at 10:30 fine program was Tendered by the stu
am. Sunday School at th Academv at i dents. Interspersed were a splendid
S p. m Vueneri and evoning nrvera reading by the popular elocutionist Miss
Bonediction at 7:30. Dily Seivico Low I Mary Starr of Albany, and snort au-
Mbbb 7 m every morning. I dresses by Superretendent JacKSon ami
Kev. Poguo.
. Congregational church cor. Ferry and
4th bib: Services'every Sunday at 10:30
a. in. and 7 :30 p. m., pieching by the
paBlor. Sunday school convenes at 12
a.m. and the Ohrictian Endeavor at
6:30 p. m. All are. invited in attend
G. W.Nslbos, PhBtor.
Prenohlng at. th' Cumberland Presby
terian churxh morning and evening by
the pastor, Rsv. Walaer.
Kira Prt90 terian chu'oh.cor. Eroad
albin and Filth streats. Publio worship
and preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m. ounaay tunool at ll:4a a. m. Y.r.
Mintotor M .
Washington, June 10. In the ap
pointment of a new Postmaster for
Portland todav, another big surprise
develooped. John W. Minto secures
aopointment, although not the first ,
choice of Senator Mitchell. The resig-:
nation of F. A. Bancroft will take place
June 20. I
Ex-State Senator J. E- Hunt, origin
ally selected by the senior Senator was
not acceptable to Postmaster-General
The Oregon Election.
Portland, June 10. Complete offi
cial returns ' received yesterday fi'om
Washington, Lake and Wasco counties
increase the republican plurality 514
votes. Supreme Judge Moore now has
a lead of 23,748 Aotes. The same re
turns cut down the local-ontion major
ity to 1560 against 1824 the previous
day. .
The Orogonian's style of calling peo
ple idiots and rascals who don't agree
with it has given its editorial utterances
a boomerang effect. If it wishes to
have influence it should learn to treat
its opponents fairly.
Corner Ellsworth and Sixth Streets.
W. B. Gilson, Proprietor
Horses anil team3 boarded and cared
f0TMms for-excavation, hauling wood
H. O. K. o:30 p. m. Prayer meeting etc.
Thursday evening 7 :34. Ail an cord- Terms reasonable. '
ial!y invited to the services.
Dyeing and Cleaning
Albany Dye Works.
201 E. First Street.
Dry Cleaning a Specialty. ' .
Goods called for and delivered without extra charge.
A million pounds of wool were sold at
Shaniko for prices ranging from 17 to
19 cents.
The Curtis Lumber Co. Mill City, has
just made a contract for 1,000,000 feet
of lumber to be used in Eastern Ore
gon in one of the irrigation projects,
and it will be gotten out at once.
From the E. A.:
Mrs. L. M. Jones went' to Scio yester
day to attend the funeral of her brother,
Fred Morris, who died in Alaska a few
weeks ago. The remains arrived at
Scio today, but the funeral may not
occur until Sunday. Dr. Jones will also
go over to the funeral.
There will be an excursion from Leb
anon to Albany Sunday, the 12th. on
account of baseball game between the
Albany and Salem league teams. Train
will leave Lebanon at 1 p. m. Return
ing, will leave Albany at 6 p. m. Fare
; for the round trip, 75 cents. As excur
sion trains will run into Albany from
all directions, there will be a large
crowd in the city.
I The farmer3of the Rock Hill neigh
borhood, who are putting up a telepome
line between Lebanon and Plainview,
have applied to our city council for a
franchise crrantine them the privilege
of running their line into town and es
tablishing a telephone exchange in this
Back from Blue R.iver.
Albany city lots for trade for fat
cattle. H. Bryant.
WANTED. -A good blacksmith helper
at Snyder & Bryants. Must have
had experience.
CHEAP COW FEED. -Having a great
. many seed potatoes left on nana, w
will sell them at 30 cts per sack. Call
on Devaney & Humphrey. .
WANTED. -A girfto do general'house
work. Call at the residence of D. P. I
Mason. - .. .
FOR SALE. -Four good lotsnearMad-'
ison street school. Call upon Mrs.
Thomas Thomas, 705 Montgomery st.
CARPENTRY. -E; Hartsock & Sons'
are prepared to dd carpentry work of
all kinds on satisfactory . terms. !
Many years experience. 4th and Vine 1
streets, Albany. '
From the Times: ' ,
J. F. Venner came down from the
Blue River mines Tuesday, where he
has a force of men doing development
work on the Oriental Mining Company's
property. Mr. Venner reports great
activity all over the district. He will
return soon to look after the work on
Oriental property. The new Lucky
Boy mill, which was forced to shut
down because some of the machinery
failed to work properly, started up
again Sunday and now works like a
The Flies Have Come,
And will be a nuisance unless yon
have some good screen doors. Lasselle
Bros, have the best. '
Cabbage and Tomato plants
Can be had of
C. E. Brownbll.
STRAYED : Two horses from the farm
of Henry Ohrt, near Shedd, one a i
sorrel pony six years of age, the oth- j
ei- a yeaning grey uaiu laced Colt.
Please report to Henry Ohrt, Shedd.
WANTED. 3 good cabinet makers and
1 first-class carriage painter at the
Union Carriage Factory.
PASTURING. Fine pasture half a
mil. mat ff . .1 1
....... m.n. ,uiu, tt neaa
per month. W. C. Mitchell.
PATERNS of all styles cut "to meas
ure, fit guaranteed. Mrs. Mackay,
130 E. 3rd street.
PLAIN WASHING and ironing and
DcnmK wain, ijeave oraers at L,a
selle Bros. Grocery. '
Baled Clover Hnu 3 on nm.
, J J. Wit. 11113
week, at our warehouse.
M. senders & Co.
HOU83 MOVLVti.-house "raising and
""" '""K " Miuo uravy machinery,
carefully attended to by Pet Ruet
ner Phone red 161, Albany.
WO"D. Seasoned alabwood, 12.50 "per
wiu, ii,,i,ti, HAH UONN,
Phone Red )22,
Groceries, .
and Fruit.
The Ireahoet, bast and largest variety
In the city, at
A. 0. BEAM'S.
Life Insurance Co.
Special Agent.
Some small pieces of
property, cheap
Telephone Black 591.
n j ji hi
By E. U, WILI,
We are going to demonstrate that the Piano niart, who is here to
stay, buys right and handles his business right and can sell at much
better advantage than the itinerant seller.
The Piano seller who jumps from town to town every few weeks
sets up a lot of Pianos he has been dragging over the country pro
ceeds to make a big noiBe to attract the attention of the unthinking.
Befor being "taken in" by his representations, REMEMBER it is
to the interests of the dealer who is permanently located among
' you-to sell you the best instruments possible for the price.
. We have our reputation for fair and square dealing to main
tain, or if we fail in this suffer the consequences.
The itinerant invariably has a lot of Pianos of questionable merit
to unload upon the community, soon "folds his tent like an Arab,
an(J silontly steals away." :
E. U. Will has been selling the very finest Pianos obtainable to
the people of this community for a great many years, among them
the famous "Chickering" of Boston, the Piano that for over 81 yrs.
has been the peerless representatives of all that is highest and best
in Piano making. The distinctive and rare toned Weber Pianos
whose friend every "artist" is; also the grent "Kimball" Piano,
Chicago's famous make, which now sells about 20,000 pianos every
year; the celebrated "Hobart M Cable" which has won its way into
high esteem of the most cultured people and best musicians; the
"Jacob Doll" of which about 60,000 are in use; the beautiful
"Bailey" renowned for sweet tone and attractive cases, and several
other well-known, reliable, pianos.
To demonstrate the difference between the Pianos we sell, at small
prices, and that of the itinerant salesman (who invaribly sells on a
commission, and will get all he can out of you) wo will hold a
D emon stration Sale
for about two weeks, so people from Brownsville, Lebanon, Scio,
and other towns can avail them selves of the opportunity to get a
Over a car load of beautiful Pianos have ju3t been received, not
"cheap" made but inexpensive in price.
Come in and see them and let us demonstrate to you the difference
between the two kinds of Pianos.
First Street
319--321 W. 2nd irt.
Albany, Oregon.