Albany Democrat VOL. SXXIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY7, 1904. no. r. Special Millinery BARGAINS for this Week. "THE LEADER MILLINERY." 0. P. WOLCOll, Successor to O'NeilV 831 W First St., Albany, Or. BUSINESS V. G.Will foi jewelry. F. M. French, Jeweler. R.uors boned and eet 25 Still Batln. 0. B. Cauthron. Dentist, offics over Cuaick'e Bank. ,, Viereck's Eihilirant Ilair Tonic re stores oair toils original color. Viereck Ezema and Dandruff Cure or money re unded. 50c per bottle. What aie They? Ghnniberlain's Stomach and Liver 'JWete, A new remedy for t(oniac) 'roubles, biliousness and constipation, and gojd one. Price 25 cents . For sale ITalf the ill that man is heir to come from indigestion. Burdock Blood Bitters strengthens and tones the stomach; makes the ihdigestiou impossible. "Little Colds," Thousands ol lives sacrifice! every year. Dr. Wood'BNor way Pine Byrup cures litt o colds too, donn to tbovery verge of consumption. Bare pop Popcorn ot.C. E. Rrovbll. Home made Mince Meat at U. tf. Bbowhell's. A. O. BEAM, Blumbers Block Groceries, Fruits, and Veg. etables, Breads, Cakes and Cookies. Everything the market af fords always on hand. Phone black 462. YO0 FOR SALE. Ooly c v ebed, b, bin fir, ineJi it 1 1 maple, delivered already 'H ' Leave orders at 0. E. Brownell 'e Howard & Price's. W. J. FisaKB. FOR SADs. Twenty-five city lots for Bile in tne uncmeuian beira let addi ' tion to Albany, which adjjlns Main street hiee blocks from the MadiBon Street School. For particulars inquire of the uudereigned T. P. Haclkeman,' D. D, Hackleman DR. 8 WAS '8 PAST.' L Ed, the well known remedy for the cure of female weakness and piles. Any one wishing it should call upon or write to Mrs. C. B. Hansard of Lebanon, the sole agent for Albany. FLOOR COVERINGS Carpets, Rugs, Mattings and linoleum. We carry the largest and most ) Our Goods are GOOD and We have a few remnants of Carpets and Linolium which we will close out at a very low figure. We also have a complete line of furniture. Don't forget THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO., Albany, Oregon. ..The JVLissourian.. C C. PARKER, Proprietor.' 1 5. 3 A GENERAL STORE. : RELIGIOUS Baptist church: Preaching services both morning and evening at the usual hours by Rev. Arthur B. Waltz of Brownsville, Oregon, other services as usual. Mid-week prayer service Thurs day evening, at close of which the sub ject of the calling of a pastor for the church will be considered. The subjects of the sermons tomorrow at the United Presbyterian church are: Morning, "Our Thoughts." Evening, 'Thy Heart is not Right in the Sight of God." (Illustrated.) Preaching at th Cumberland Presby terian church morning and evening by the pastor, Eev. Walker. " Kirat Prfstn (erian church, cor. Broad albin and Fifth streets. Public worship and preaching at 10:30 a. m. and7:S0 p. m. 8unday ccnool at 11 :45 a. m. Y, P. 8. O. li. ti:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:30. All arj cord ially invited to the servicee. M, E. church South Rev. C. W. Podiue, pattor. Preaching at 11 a. m. 8. 8. at 10 a.m. Ep worth Leogae at 7 p. m. Weekly prayer meeting Tnareday evening, Christian and missiotiary alliance meeting every Sabbath afternoon at 3 p. m. at the W. 0. T. TJ. Hall. All are invited St. PeterB Episcopal church corner 7th .and Lyon 81b: Services on Snnday at 11 a. m, and 7 :o0 r- m. St Mary's Catholic Church. Very Rev Louis Metayer Rector and Dean. Sunday High Maes and Sermon at 10:30 am. Sunday School at the Academy at 8 p m. Vespers and evening prayers Benediction at 7 :30. Daily Service Low Macs 7am every morning. M.E. church: Preaching by the pa;, tor at 10:30 a. m.,and 7:30 p. m. Sunday Bchool at 11:45, Epwortb and Intermed iate League at 6:30, class meeting 6:30. All will be welcome. Congregational church cor. Ferry and 4th ate: Services every Sunda- 1 10:30 a. m. and 7 :30.p. ni., pteg" ng by th pastor. Sunday 'School convenes at 12 a. in and the Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p, m. -Ml are invited to attend G. W, Nelson,' Pastor. Coughs and colds, down to the very borderlaod of consumption, yield to the soothing, healing inliueaces of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. FOR SALE. Some small pieces of property, cheap curran & month rn. complete stock in the city. our prices are low. the place, TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. The Doings of the Entire World lis Japs Retreated. Niu Chwang, May 20. The stories of the Japs re:."at to Feng Wang Chen&r are officii, t confirmed. The Japanese numbering fO.OOO men, came upon 32,000 Russians . a strong posi- tion west of Feng Wan. Cheng. tu. aii,; u- . -i An unoflieial Russian" ithority says The Albanies were on a big strike a pitched battle was not fought, but yesterday. Eugene was the victim, rumor says there was considerable loss on both sides daring the clashes. j Manager Dugdale is going to dig the England's War. 1 f the hole into which Gyangtse, May 21. A party of mounted infantry, acting as escort with -mail the bags, was ambushed yesterday Never bet against your home team, two miles from here. The 18 members Stand by Albany. Encouragement is of the escort fought gallantly, but lost, sometimes half the little. - one' killed and two wounded, iweive to fifteen Thibetans were seen dead. A Jnp Victory. Tokio, May 20. A section of infant rv of the I.iao Tuner forces went in the direction of Shan Chusan to reconnoi ter and met two sections of Russian infantry. The Russians were repulsed ill OU minniea. Alie taauaiirea one omcer ana lour men Kineu aim one officer and eight men wounded. The Russian casualties were one officer and 40 to 50 men killed. Editors Coming. St. Louis, May - 20. The National Editorial Association will come to Port land during the 1905 Fair on an excursi on. This means ouu editors trom every state in the Union will visit the Fair. Big Cloudburst. rtF.WRn Mnv 20. A cloudburst at the head of the Cache la Poudre River caused that stream to overflow its banks,.and meager reports received here indicate that great damage has been caused by the flood and several lives , Big Reward. Salem. May 20. A reward of $2500 has been offered bv governor iname -berlain for the arrest and conviction the murderer of Creed Conn, of Lakf county, also $3000 for each man who participated in the killing of 2500 sheep in Lake county on April 28. Scj0 ( ...a viuic in mining- ana ais- i cussing politics, whittling drygoods From the News: ?Tes j1!3 savin &e Governmentof the Clyde Ashby, telephone lineman, was United States from ruin; that the only over from Albany yesterday putting necessity of life that he was willing to crossarms on the telephone poles, the Provide for plaintiff was "water" and increased business of the Scio office de- this marital duty he performed grudg manding room on the poles for more mSy, (us whole time being spent in wires. -preparing for a conflict with the red Commencement exerises will be held 5R, 2,kcJ?uPus a,nd other monsters at the Assembly hall, Public school vastart building, Friday evening, May 20, com- a thneJ P 'f "'"'T0 'r mencm! at 8 o'clock. There are five wri' " tK 3?d Was d to graduate, Clement Gough, Ernest fthGSnmPffJiE'? gear ,,f ardn0vaCgheeSterCirey' JblMSg. & ana savage. v.. tonv t: t ;ji j "Josiah's Courtship" was played to ia Eacked house by local talent in this city aturday evening of last week. The leaaing part was tanen oy jc. kj. reery who was Josiah Perkins and his ability in that line came as a surprise to his friends here. . Brownsville. From the Times: The Brownsville Woodmen of the next Tuesday night. World are arranging for a grand picnic : to be held at Coshow's Park, in this NOW THEN. -We are rolling up our city, on Satnrday, May 28. .'sleeves for the biggest year's business F. M. Jack . returned from Salem the store ever had, day by day our pre Tuesday. He reports that Mrs. Jack, scription trade increases. Pure fresh who recently underwent a severe sur- drugs go to make up every prescription gical operation at the Salem hospital, we send out. Prices are right, right, is still mending rapidly. J. F. Venner, president of the Orient al Mining company, expects to leave . y - . " ' , next week for the company's property in the Blue River district, where he will look after development work Rev. J. A. Crutchficld, . of Chicago, who is sojourning in the Willamette Valley.will preach at the M. E. Church, South, Sunday morning and evening, May 22. Mr. Crutchfield is an old friend and pastor of Mr. Miles Cary of his city. A son is employed at Cusick & Son s bank at Albany. Railroad Excursion to Salem. Sunday, June 5th, 1904. Sunset Lodge No. 130 Brotherhood of Railroad Train men will run their fourth annual ex cursion to Salem, Oregon, on Sunday, June 5th, 1904. Trains will be run from all accessible points in the Willamette Valley from Portland and from The Dalles to Salem. For the entertainment of the patrons of the excursion a first-class program of amusements will be given at the State Fair grounds consisting of base ball, bicycle races, bicycle trick riding and many other good attractions. The committee in charge are careful and experienced railroad men and no effort or expense will be spared to make this event an enjoyable one to all. No liquors will be allowed on trains or at the grounds and perfect order will be maintained. Come and bring your families, and friends, and we guarantee you a day of wholesome enjoyment. Bring your lunch baskets and have a genuine pic nic. Baggage cars 6n all trains for bicycles, etc. For those who do not wish to carry lunch baskets.lunchcs and refreshments can be procured at the grounds. Tickets for sale at all railroad ticket offices. Program of amusements will be distributed at a later date. For further information see posters or address C. C. Loucks, Secv. Com mittee, Room 11, 283 1-2 Washington St., Portland, Ore. MISFITS. . A Mixture of Things and Thoughts Brag never wins an election or base ball game. One little set back for the Japs. Don't make it a mountain. After this series of the professionals the amateurs will have five weeks in which to monopolise base ball in Albany. One might think from the repuplican accounts of their they were sweeping things, but it is JJiiutiptuiy uu paper. Every hotel room in Albany has been full this weak. Several drummers arriv mglate at night have been unable to se cure sleeping quarters. There is a big heart beat in Albany, as was manifested by the prompt man ner in which our people helped a fellow citizen out in his misfortune. After calling the populists all manner of names the republicans are now mat mg them a special issue in their at- tempts to secure their vote but they will be rare and scattering ' W. R. Hearst eight big papers. 1 all successful. He is 41 years of age, 6 fe?? 1 .mcn i talli we'Sh? 200 Pounds, has ; by"" "u, ui n very doubtful if he is ever President of tne unitea states. In a Salem divorce complaint : ' 'That for several years Dior to this. rlt a. j fondant became a frequenter of saloons pursuits of rustling provender for the family, larder." ,lt , .- - : , - " m une of the cleanest, brightest and fuuniest entertainments seen in a long time. The ; 'me l Jusc ,lne fluid and texture mat nane multitudes or lauehs and people would more readily be laughed out of their money than, they would be willing to have it enticed away by a frown or given up for a too serious drama. This furcial pfTneinn nnmno .right.. Burkhart & Lee. Active iiuucu tnat streets, either tied taken uu and nW. Take notice that all new stock on the reets. either tied or lnnsn mill v, taken up and placed in the city pound. John Catlin, Poundmaster. Contractor's Notice, Aldahy, Oiisoon, May 20th, 1904. Notice is hereby given the County Court, lor the county of Linn, State of Oregon, Kill on Friday the 3rd day of Jiinn, 1901, at the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon of snid day, consider sealed bids for the const'uciion ol a couiny bridge ocro?B the Oalapooia river j at luciveicner b mm, ' a?ctruing to Ip'an8 and specifications now on file in me oiuce ol uie uounty uioik of Linn County, Ore. on. liacli biddur will be required to deposit five percent, of his bid, which Bhall be forfeited to the county, in thecaee the award is made to him, and he fails, for a period of two days, to euter into con tract and file his bond to the satisfaction of the County Cjurt. Sid court re serves the right to reject any or all bids. By order ol court. U.M.Payne County Clerk. Bv F. O. Stellmactier, Deputy. "THE PRUDENTIAL" Life Insurance Co. F. E. ALLEN, Special Agent. CARTER'S SUGAR BOWL. Choice Ice Creim, . The Best Chocolates, Refreshing drinks. IN ALBANY. People Who Come and Go. J. C. Murry, S. F. J. E. Kelloy, Portland. M. E. Dias, N. Y. Prof. L. R. Traver, Salem. Frank E. Hall, Corvallis. H. H. Hess, N. Y. A. L. Palmer, " Mrs. F. W. Benson, Roseburg. Prof. C. H. Jones, Salem. F. M. Brown, Salem. HOME AND ABROAD. The Eugene track team was slaught ered yesterday by Washington 84 to 34. The big mills of the Calipooia Lumber Co., near Crawfordsville, with a ca pacity of 60,000 feet a day, have begun running. A 175 horse power engine furnishes the power for the mill. Ira W. Cornett of Sweet Home has been arrested on the charge of forging the name of his brother-in-law, Mr. Jones, to a check for $12. which was casnedi Evidently a family affair. Saturday Night Pictures. Every Saturday night beginning at 8:30, during the summer Rev. W. P. White will throw some 18 foot pictures on a screen in front of his residence near the court house, covering a variety of snbjects, scenes, etc. The first en tertainment will be tonight, WANTED. - Position by first-class bookkeeper, with fifteen years mer cantile and manufacturing exper iences. Best references. C. W. Street, No. 87 E. 27th St., Portlaud, Ore. iriioi vjiwiNu. rine pasture nali a mile east of brick yard, $1 a head . per month. w. C. Mitchell. FEMALE HELP wanted at Magnolia oieum ijaunary. Apply at once, WANTED. -30 or 40 Inquire wether goats, H. Bryant. FOR SALE. A good second hand cook stove, uaii at on W. 2nd street. NOTICE is hereby given that my wife aa ieic me, inereiore all persons are forbidden trusting her on my account as I will pay no bills of her contract ing, u. w. DAVIS, Albarty, May 16, 1904. Bt SWELL AND RIDE A MITCHELL OR SNELL. TTP;T?"PATE.a,n.(J fu"y guaranteed At;pnces within the reach of all. ? A larce Stock of Gnna. Ammnm'fmn BicycTe supplies. Practical Gun and gJMail Orders promptly attended to. A. GET THE BEST at Carter & Robson's North Broadulbin Street. The finest cream separ ator made, The Iowa, A car load of salt, A car load of shingles, 4 car load of shakes, Fine assortment of bug gies and hacks, All kinds of seeds, Woven wire fence, etc. OUIt WANTS FOR SALE. Eight room house and corner lot with orchard and out build ings. Price $2000. One lot with orchard and out build ings. Fine location. Price, $700. John Brush. No. 3414th and R. R. St. 6.28 FOR SALF-Cidar mill, bathtub, fami ly fruit dryer, 200 gallons of cidar vinegar with casks at 12 cts per gal lon, house plants etc. No 341 E. 4th and R. R. St. John Brush. 6 9. TAKE NOTICE.-My wife having left me without just cause or provocation notice is hereby given forbidding any one trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contract ing. D. W. McKinney. Albany, May 6, 1904. KEYS.-A bunch of five found in Al- bany can be had at this office. FOR RENT. -Furnished rooms, down stairs, two good rooms. Call at 218 W. 2nd street. FOR SALE. A handsome surry, as good as new. Cheap. Call upon has. Pfeiffor. NEW DRESSMAKING PARLORS at cor. E. 4th and Railroad Ste. Shirt waist and shirt waist suits a speoialty. Terms reeonable. Oall and see us. LOST. A Maccance pin, somewhere on tbe streets of Albany, S, A. Willia on bar. Return to Q. W. Willie. . HOUSE MOVIN J, house raising and haudtiug all kiiios heavy machinery, cirefully attended to b Peter Ruet ner Phone red 161, Albany. EQUSFOR HAT041NQ. Black Min oroae. W. E. Bakor, cor. ol Ferry and 7th street. WOOD. Seasoned alabwood, $2.50 per cord, Delivered. Sam Conn, Phone Red 322. HOGS FOR 8 ALE Large English Berk' ehl'ts. Onr foundation stock comeB from best herds in the United States and stock for sale is registeied and aa good at oan be bad anywheie. We also havo a fine yearling, registered shorthorn boll, wo will sell reasonable, Call on or write 1 Pacific Nursery Co., 'langent, Ore. IT WILL PAY YOU to Investigate our course ol Shorthand by mail. It will increase your earning oapacity. We'll help you to a position too. Write us. Albany Collugk, wheoh;lhave stood the test of years ' U' "Tnl.l o l: Bicycle Repairer." Schmidt, Albany. WE HAVE SHAVED OUR PRJCES So Carpenters' and Machiiista' tools down to a very fine poi its and havo alto Bawed big reductions lu bulMerB hard ware. So don't slip up on thiaoppor (unity. Like many such chances it don't come often. Our stock of tools ia tbe ilneat in tbe city, fee window display. 0I1LING & 1IULBURT.